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51 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:


Type I diabetes has nothing to do with weight. I'm not sure we really know what causes it. People are usually diagnosed in childhood though it can be diagnosed in adults. Most times, folks with Type I diabetes are insulin dependent. 

Type II diabetes is associated with being overweight. Sometimes losing weight helps; other times the person can lose weight, which can improve overall health, but he/she may remain diabetic. People with Type II diabetes may or may not use insulin. There are other drugs that also help treat Type II diabetes that are not insulin - I see them advertised on television (Trulicity is one...)

Not all diabetics end up with kidney problems but it is definitely a common complication.

Not all people with kidney problems have diabetes. Kidneys can lose function for a number of reasons, including other illnesses and genetic conditions and injury. I had a friend who was born with only one functioning kidney; the other was present but atrophied and never really worked. 

I read online today that 85 percent of diabetics are overweight but maybe it was referring to just Type II.  I guess I was just wondering why Billy who is a dancer and a normal BMI would have total kidney failure.  Maybe like the liver it can be affected by substance abuse.

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The scene at the restaurant with Yara and her "refugee" friend was just so....cringe. First, they were rude AF to sit there and speak Ukrainian in front of Jovi and his friend, knowing they don't speak a word of it and after Jovi politely asked them to please remember to speak English. THen to bring up the whole "I want to stay here" BS AGAIN in front of the group rather than discuss it in private was beyond the beyond. And finally, her mother. JFC, I guess we see where Yara gets her entitled attitude. Jovi is not selfish; he is realistic. This is something he feels Yara is completely blindsiding him with on this trip so he has said no, and let's go home and maybe discuss you spending more time with your mom now that you have your green card, etc. Yara is the selfish one, throwing tantrums and shade at Louisiana and her life there. If she despises Jovi's drinking (and at this point, I don't fault the guy for having that beer at breakfast, having dealt with her and her mother's BS for how  many days non stop?), hates where he lives, hates that he leaves to go earn $$$ and has this great support system and career in Europe, then GO bitch! Don't let the door hit ya. Yes, there is Myla to consider and I am sure that is the ONLY reason Jovi hasn't kicked her to the curb already. My guess is after a few months iwth her baby in Europe, Babushka would get tired of non stop babysitting while her daughter parties and Myla would be shipped back to Miss Gwenn. 

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I wish when that lunch with Yara, Mother Yara and Friend Yara and Silent Bob (Friend Jovi), was over and the check came Jovi should have handed it to Yara The Grown Ass Woman to pay the tab.  

Jovi is being taken for a ride.

I can't be mad at Mother Yara for throwing in an English word here and there, I do the same with whatever language in foreign country I am in to be polite, I try and learn hello, goodbye, thank you, (how much, because shopping happens), etc...so maybe Mother Yara learned a little English, I don't like her manipulative ways but at least she tried to communicate with Jovi Jovi.

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12 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

I read online today that 85 percent of diabetics are overweight but maybe it was referring to just Type II.  I guess I was just wondering why Billy who is a dancer and a normal BMI would have total kidney failure.  Maybe like the liver it can be affected by substance abuse.

There are many types of kidney diseases - I don't think that he has said which one he has. He could also have had some sort of injury or a congenital condition. 

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18 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

What ever happened to Angela's friend who traveled with her to Nigeria with her?

Angela stabbed her.

Kyle and Noon should have never allowed filming.  I remember that.  The mom did not seem altered to me, but her brain was a wet brain.  Kinda like Rev Jim from Taxi.

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6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I wish when that lunch with Yara, Mother Yara and Friend Yara and Silent Bob (Friend Jovi), was over and the check came Jovi should have handed it to Yara The Grown Ass Woman to pay the tab.  

That would have been hysterical! 

I know it has been thrown around on these forums (in the original season esp) that Jovi is an alcoholic. I disagree----he is able to go weeks at a time without taking a drink (when he is working). Does he have a drinking problem? Yes, I think he very well may have one and is on his way to being a full blown alcoholic. Just at least in my mind, having experience with a functional alcoholic, i think the term gets tossed around a LOT and when you see how much drinking controls the day to day life of an addict, it really is drastically different from someone who knocks back one too many on the weekends. Just sayin'. I think he ordered that breakfast beer just to piss Yara off and push her buttons because she has been doing the same with the "I wanna stay and help my people" bullshit

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17 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

That would have been hysterical! 

I know it has been thrown around on these forums (in the original season esp) that Jovi is an alcoholic. I disagree----he is able to go weeks at a time without taking a drink (when he is working). Does he have a drinking problem? Yes, I think he very well may have one and is on his way to being a full blown alcoholic. Just at least in my mind, having experience with a functional alcoholic, i think the term gets tossed around a LOT and when you see how much drinking controls the day to day life of an addict, it really is drastically different from someone who knocks back one too many on the weekends. Just sayin'. I think he ordered that breakfast beer just to piss Yara off and push her buttons because she has been doing the same with the "I wanna stay and help my people" bullshit

How do we know he doesn’t drink at work? He could bring alcohol with him or it might be available there, same as food.

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21 minutes ago, Welshman in Ca said:

Pretty sure it's not allowed anywhere near an oil rig or wherever it is he works.

It's not an oil rig - it's some sort of underwater photography/mapping sort of thing... I would be surprised if alcohol was allowed down there since I think they are underwater for like three weeks at a time, but I'm just guessing.

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53 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

It's not an oil rig - it's some sort of underwater photography/mapping sort of thing... I would be surprised if alcohol was allowed down there since I think they are underwater for like three weeks at a time, but I'm just guessing.

Lots of people in Louisiana and Texas work in the offshore drilling industry.  I could have sworn Jovi mentioned something to that affect when he was introduced. 

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3 hours ago, Stuckathome said:


I know it has been thrown around on these forums (in the original season esp) that Jovi is an alcoholic. I disagree----he is able to go weeks at a time without taking a drink (when he is working). Does he have a drinking problem? Yes, I think he very well may have one and is on his way to being a full blown alcoholic. Just at least in my mind, having experience with a functional alcoholic, i think the term gets tossed around a LOT and when you see how much drinking controls the day to day life of an addict, it really is drastically different from someone who knocks back one too many on the weekends. Just sayin'. I think he ordered that breakfast beer just to piss Yara off and push her buttons because she has been doing the same with the "I wanna stay and help my people" bullshit

Of course Jovi isn't an alcoholic.  Alcoholics go to meetings.  Jovi is a part-time drunk.  When he's not at work he's making up for lost time.

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Obviously Yara didn’t find it too inappropriate to have beer for breakfast as she and her friend ordered aperol spritzes, which are likely stronger than a beer.  And I think the waitress was acting if she wants us to believe no one in Germany drinks beer before noon.  In the US mimosas and Bloody Marys are common at brunch.  What were they eating?  

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On 11/28/2022 at 3:17 AM, kirklandia said:

I'm still trying to wrap my head around this adopt-the-nephew plan. Does the child have a mother? Is she married to Usman's brother? Does she have any say in the matter?

I think that Usman is intent on moving to the US and, now that Plan A (a second wife to produce kids) has gone down the crapper, he needed to think outside the box and came up with Plan B (using his brother’s kid to secure the green card). He NEEDS that green card. Get that and then he’ll worry about the next step. The entire family will do what it has to do to keep the long con alive.

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8 hours ago, anoninrva said:

it's certainly related to offshore drilling.

Yeah that is what I recall as well. And someone at the time mentioned (someone on a forum here) that people working those jobs have to stay dry while on the job. No one wants the liability of someone impaired around very expensive heavy equipment, which is part of the reason they go on benders when they first get home---they let loose now that they can do so. Reminds me of what my husband says his time in the Navy was like. While on a deployment at sea, no alcohol allowed. If they were at sea for more than a month straight, no port stops, they got one beer day on the ship. And that meant 1 beer, so of course the non drinkers sold their for a premium lol. And when they hit a port, look out. 

Edited by Stuckathome
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21 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

I think he ordered that breakfast beer just to piss Yara off and push her buttons because she has been doing the same with the "I wanna stay and help my people" bullshit

And he wanted to maintain his coolness in front of his friend, T, and prove he wasn't "whipped." 

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23 hours ago, Welshman in Ca said:

WTF ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I was joking - Angela is so abusive, nothing surprises me at this point.  Probably like Sissy - got sick of her crap and left.  Never to be heard from again!

1 hour ago, magemaud said:

And he wanted to maintain his coolness in front of his friend, T, and prove he wasn't "whipped." 

What a lovely dynamic between spouses.

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2 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I was joking - Angela is so abusive, nothing surprises me at this point.  Probably like Sissy - got sick of her crap and left.  Never to be heard from again!

What a lovely dynamic between spouses.

I think Angela dumped Sissy because Sissy became friends with Debbie of Colt and Debbie.

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The LAST thing I would want if I were a terminally or chronically ill male, is a woman who reeks of cigarettes sleeping in my guest bedroom, coughing her ass off, screaming on the phone at her husband all night long while I’m trying to rest, bringing me a McDouble, large fry, & Coke for breakfast, lunch, and dinner despite the danger of all that sodium on my fragile kidneys because she has no clue how to make healthy food, having to hear her do that insanely obnoxious cackle every time she thinks she’s funny, and suffering through gross sex joke after gross sex joke because she’s trying to gauge if I’m into her or not…

Michael got a lot of shit for calling someone “my person” but Billy can call Angela “angel” all he wants? If Billy had any sense he’d tell Angela to listen to her husband because it’s fucking weird and inappropriate. I couldn’t believe Angela said “I will never leave your side” to Billy. Unbelievable.

Angela, the best thing you can do for Billy is leave him alone. Same with Michael. And us, actually. Leave us all alone until you take some human decency/anger management classes. I fully, genuinely, wholeheartedly hate her with every fiber of my being. I hope someone will punch her one day.

If Jovi thinks that having another baby will strengthen their relationship and their family, it will only make things harder. He works three of four weeks of a month. You’re telling me that you leaving Yara home with a toddler and a newborn is a grand idea? So that Yara can go home to Europe and run to her mom who will take the kids 24/7 while she does God knows what? Jovi, shut the fuck up and keep your dick in your pants.

This season feels like it is never going to end!

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Don't forget Angela's job, before she became a reality STAR, was working in some kind of nursing home/hospice setting. She's probably familiar with home dialysis machines and other medical procedures/equipment. 

I, too, wondered about what happened to New Bestie Rene while Angela and Michael rekindled their romance in Nigeria but couldn't find anything. I guess she was just sitting in the hotel room or out on the balcony smoking. Anyway, I did find that in August of 2021, Angela was in NYC with Rene who is now working as her "personal assistant." Oh, and Rene is a beautician and does nails, so she can assure that Angela is always camera ready plus she can dispense the kind of relationship advice that you get in a salon. 

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Rene is a beautician

Would you really want Angela to be a walking billboard for your "beauty" services?


Don't forget Angela's job, before she became a reality STAR, was working in some kind of nursing home/hospice setting. She's probably familiar with home dialysis machines and other medical procedures/equipment. 

She was a nurse's aide in a hospice, which is hard, hard work. But it's pretty non-technical. She can take vital signs but she wouldn't be operating other equipment like an IV or a dialysis machine. She would have spent a lot of time feeding patients, bathing them, changing their beds, helping them walk or move from bed to chair and back again, etc. 

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Wow, Angela really is trying to make everyone believe she is going to Canada because she is such a kind, caring person. Very ballsy of her.

Yara is on a mission to help others in need. What is she going to do, give people makeovers? She just wants to hang out and shop or something. 

Jenny you are retired; Sumbitch is not. If he actually wants to work you should encourage him to get off his ass and do so!


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2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Would you really want Angela to be a walking billboard for your "beauty" services?

Rene's Female Klingon wig isn't exactly the best advertising, either. 

I think Angela can operate a home dialysis machine since the patient or a caregiver is trained how to do that at night, but you're right about her other hospice skills which could probably help with taking care of Billy if he was that incapacitated. 

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17 hours ago, magemaud said:

On rewatching, the building where Ed and Liz have their second engagement party is NOT Drumborg Castle, it’s just a vacant, not very attractive McMansion. 

1A2270AD-DE89-44FA-9E38-9A400464F51D.jpegOne of Ed’s family members is probably hoping the exposure will help them get the listing sold!

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