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S07.E11: Meet Me Halfway

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At least Rene has been added into the two-person storyline of just Michael and Angela. I hope Michael and Rene realize they have a deep passion for each other and Angela can  go cry herself a river of pity and drown in her perceived life of hard knocks. If only.

I turned off the TV after 30 minutes; sounds like they shoved an episode of the Culpos down our throats - yes? Thankfully I wasn't around because I have zero intention of ever tuning into it.

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14 hours ago, Rebky said:

Boy, Wrinkles really loves to accuse Michael for the same thing she is doing. Why is her talking to that dude ON CAMERA not being brought up?

It’s always been that way with her. The Canadian guy is just the latest we’ve seen her “flirtin’” with but unlike every doctor, lawyer, waiter   person with a penis we’ve seen her interact with, this guy appears to flirt back. 

Meanwhile, Michael can’t work, go on SM or even be on the same boat ride as another woman without getting in trouble with her. 

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Wrinkles' voice is just about gone.  I am a vocalist and I know how the vocal cords work. So, I know exactly how much she must have screamed and yelled to have lost her voice. Unfortunately, it's not yet gone completely but she can barely talk. What an appalling human being she is.

She needs to take some vocal lesson so that she can do all that yelling and screaming the right way so she can do it longer!

Edited by Kid
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10 minutes ago, Kid said:

Wrinkles' voice is just about gone.  I am a vocalist and I know how the vocal cords work. So, I know exactly how much she must have screamed and yelled to have lost her voice. Unfortunately, it's not yet gone completely but she can barely talk. What an appalling human being she is.

She needs to take some vocal lesson so that she can do all that yelling and screaming the right way so she can do it longer!

Dont give her any ideas.

And I love the name Wrinkles. LOL

1 hour ago, magemaud said:

It’s always been that way with her. The Canadian guy is just the latest we’ve seen her “flirtin’” with but unlike every doctor, lawyer, waiter   person with a penis we’ve seen her interact with, this guy appears to flirt back. 

He's Greek and a former stripper. Yeah he would flirt back. It's in his nature regardless if he's interested or not. Plus he gets his 15 mins.

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17 hours ago, Rebky said:

Boy, Wrinkles really loves to accuse Michael for the same thing she is doing. Why is her talking to that dude ON CAMERA not being brought up? She can do whatever the hell she wants, but he has to toe the line? Pahleese - get off my screen!! 

Chelsea Peretti Eye Roll GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Oh but she was only doing that to get Michael’s attention.  So no matter what she will twist things around to blame him.  Another sure sign of an abusive person.

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1 hour ago, Kid said:

I ask all of you do you see Wrinkle's pain???!!!!!  Do you???!!!!!  LMAO!!!

I do see Angela’s pain.  I do.  I don’t see that her pain gives her a free pass to lash out verbally and physically.  I also see a person who has never learned how to self-regulate.  She’s throwing temper tantrums like a young child.  A lot of people deal with a lot of emotional pain that doesn’t excuse her behaviour.

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9 hours ago, procrasstinator said:
10 hours ago, Kid said:

I ask all of you do you see Wrinkle's pain???!!!!!  Do you???!!!!!  LMAO!!!

I do see Angela’s pain.

Oh, NO, Procrasstinator!  Say it ain't so!! I see Angela's giving an ALMOST Emmy-award performance every time her rugged mug is on my poor suffering television.  She's 100% fake ... and with teeth to match.  (P.S.  Love the "crass" in your moniker.)

9 hours ago, procrasstinator said:

 I also see a person who has never learned how to self-regulate.  

Angela is the EPITOME of self-regulation.  Every cunning emotion she presents on the air is calculated to get the results she requires at the time.  I'm sure she has used these tactics on friends, family, husband(s)?, patients, and employers for decades.  She can turn it off and on with the snap of those false nails.

9 hours ago, procrasstinator said:

She’s throwing temper tantrums like a young child.

She probably found out how successful her tantrums were AS a child and she continued them as s profession.

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12 hours ago, magemaud said:

Meanwhile, Michael can’t work, go on SM or even be on the same boat ride as another woman without getting in trouble with her.

IF...IF Michael is ever allowed to move to the United States--or even visit here with Angela, how many weeks do you think he will remain alive?  His surprising death would be under suspicious circumstances, but would it be at his own hand (because he realizes there's no way out)...or someone else's?

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On 11/5/2022 at 5:35 PM, Rebky said:

Why is her talking to that dude ON CAMERA not being brought up?

The same reason she's allowed to YELL/SCREAM/SCREECH at him...on the phone and up close to his face.  The same reason she's allowed to physically abuse him (I might as well include his having sex with her as abuse).  AND the same reason she's allowed to damage his car without consequence.  What would happen to him in HIS country if he did those things to her?  What would happen in OUR country?

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Libby and Andrei's signs were really sad. I get they were trying to send the message with all three of them, but to use three different poster boards made it hard to read and understand how to read. 

I think Andrei's dad was quiet because he had no idea what was happening.

Michael dresses like Jon Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. I'm not sure he is playing with a full deck. He acts like a little boy, dresses like a square dancer, and doesn't seem to have much going on. He doesn't seem at all motivated to move the US. I have no idea what he is thinking.

How does Yara think she is going to buy real estate anywhere? Jovi has the money. And if they got divorced, she would have to split it with him. This doesn't make a lot of sense. I'm not sure about the chances of Jovi and Yara working long term.

Kim and Usman are ridiculous. And Jibral, her son, needs to put up some boundaries. And Kim's black man fetish is gross. Her desperate need to be the bottom bitch at all costs and direct the harem reads like a BBD porn script. 

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17 minutes ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

I am perplexed by Kimbally’s fear that Usman will meet someone younger than her or prettier than her. If Wife #2 can’t be younger or prettier, who exactly does that leave for him to marry? Round 2 with Baby Girl Lisa?

Usman would be very unlikely to sugar momma to support him, his wives, and kids period. It's Kim or bust.

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9 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

An editorial comment: The dates below are all in November 2022, or as I would write the last two:  11/06/22:   

Despite the variety of date formats used around world, the US is the only country to insist on using mm-dd-yyyy.

Canada and Belize also use that format and the UK used to which is where the US copied it from.

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Would someone explain to me who the Culpo sisters are and why they are filling my screen?  It was instant dislike.  I know, I'll film myself and get a reality show!  Y'all can watch me eat fruit snacks and write my NaNoWriMo novel (7,000 words, folks).  At least I might be more entertaining, especially if i make dinner.  Whoo!

Let me start off with the traditional fuck you, Bilal.  Although he isn't totally wrong in that growing a business is more than renting some space and hanging up your shingle, he's such a jerk.  I hate mansplaining with a passion.  Shaeeda isn't dumb (well, I might take that back; she married this jerk).  He doesn't have to address her like an infant, as she said.

And there we have it, Kimbally is going to be #2 wife, if wife at all.  After all, she can't stay in Nigeria forever.  Watch when she goes home, Usman marries #1 wife and Kim is none the wiser.  How can someone who made it through the Army and fought for our country be so damn dumb?  We see it, Jamal sees it, why is she so blind to what's right in front of her?

Rene reminds me of Iyanla VanZant on the Starting Over show of the early 2000's (yikes), including the namby-pamby woo-woo advice..  Angela must really trust her friend to have drinks with Mikul, but he can't even work because he might have to deal with a woman?  Please.  Angela wouldn't like me.  I'd tell Mykul "Grow a pair, tell her to pound sand, and walk out.  The green card is not worth it".  Then I'd tell Angela, "You are being an abrasive, abusive bitch and we are going to the airport right now".

I am not liking Yara.  All Jovi hears in the car is "blah blah blah Jovi blah blah".  She was so going to buy an apartment if it was good enough.  I'm all for having my own means, but all that blather about Jovi leaving her destitute was BS.  She'd get 50% of their things, half the money, probably alimony and child support, not to mention he has excellent life insurance, I assume.  She finds a way to support herself, then she and Myla are out of there.  This isn't to say that Jovi doesn't have faults, including being a functional alcoholic like the one I was married to.  I can feel for him because his wife has one foot out the door.

I ff through the rest of it.  I cannot watch Libby's mouth and I certainly can't bear Ed's back.  

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8 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

An editorial comment: The dates below are all in November 2022, or as I would write the last two:  11/06/22:   

Despite the variety of date formats used around world, the US is the only country to insist on using mm-dd-yyyy.

Are we actually going to have a discussion on the date format?  I use a template that I have in word doc and then copy and paste it in a topic forum. It's easier to change the date when it's in the beginning (hence 06/11/22) than in the middle (11/06/22).  Since most of the time I am doing this on Friday morning at 7 am, easier is better.

Edited by greekmom
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Father Libby's fake reaction to those oh so very sad and confusing signs was really bad.  Father Andreiiii acted like he did not know what was going on and I totally believed it.

Angela is out of her ever lovin' mind.  She is all hung up on some random happy birthday text but has no idea what Michael is saying on the phone to whoever, that thought has not even crossed her mind, how did she get screen shots of Michael's conversations anyway?  Michael's shirts look like 7-11 uniforms thru the ages.  If it was a constant screaming match from day one why get married?

Usman is already married to wife number 1, Kim knows it, Mother Usman just gave Usman an opportunity to visit with her while Kim is in town.  The candles in front of the photos of K&U gave it a memorial like effect, I won't knock her decorating and trying to make it a romantic proposal, (better than the one I said yes too, curbside in Ocean City Maryland in front of the 42nd St. Dough Roller in the glow of the sign, 9:30pm after an after dinner walk...but I digress), but what is the difference whether she proposed or not, they were asking for Mother U's blessing, it mattered not whether Kim gave Usman a ring in a room decorated with fake candles and mylar (not Mylah) streamers.  He knows you want to marry him, that is not the issue! Also, she is so stupid.Jovi and Yara should make a post nup, it would spell out how assets would be divided, maybe that would make her feel more secure.  I know an apartment in Prague would not help a marriage I really do not think she feels insecure about finances I really think she wants to be set up financially and then leave Jovi.  Jovi could have met her in the middle and said she could rent an Airbnb for a month while he is working.  What is her mother doing for money in Prague?

Does anyone else see the grandmother from that sitcom Dinasaurs when they look at Angela?

I FF'd thru Ed and that unfortunate girl he is engaged to.

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Oh, Jovi, Jovi, Jovi...I sort of felt bad for him again. Yara's mother really was getting on my last nerve, shopping around with Jovi's money yet trash talking him at the same time, in front of his face because dumbass never learned any Ukrainian. If Yara is such an independent woman with her own money, why didn't she ALREADY own some property SOMEWHERE in Europe when she met Jovi? Oh, that is right, because she was a sugar baby looking for her meal ticket. And then when he said he was going to the bar and she made her snarky comment about of course you are, I wanted him to say well, what TF else am I supposed to do? Sit in a hotel room and listen to you two bitch about me in Ukrainian?? I can understand wanting to not be destitute if her marriage doesn't work out, but that just means you need to find your own income stream and build yourself up, not sit around being a kept woman. I am sure Yara has a nice little nest egg squirreled away from the $$ he sends her to take care of expenses. Anyone ever watch Boardwalk Empire? The main character's wife, when he would give her wads of cash to pay staff, buy stuff for the house, etc, she would skim some off the top and stash it. I am sure Yara is doing the same and Jovi is none the wiser. 

Ed and Liz are disgusting. That poor cameraman or woman who had to see Ed nude. I am shocked they didn't drop the camera and run off to throw up. 

Kim and Usman---that was the most pathetic and cringe scene in recent memory (her proposal). WTF is her issue? Her poor son. 

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9 minutes ago, Meh said:

Has anyone actually married Angelia in the past? Usman better be careful  whom he chooses to marry, since Kimberly has the money in that relationship. She tells her son it is okay for him to have two wives because it is his culture. Wait until she has to support both families.

Honestly, the second wife thing is no different than if Usman was in the US married to Kim and has a girlfriend on the side because you know, it's his culture. Kim would not stand for Usman embracing his culture in the US but will put up with him marrying another woman in his country...Kim is an idiot in any country.

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10 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

The same reason she's allowed to YELL/SCREAM/SCREECH at him...on the phone and up close to his face.  The same reason she's allowed to physically abuse him (I might as well include his having sex with her as abuse).  AND the same reason she's allowed to damage his car without consequence.  What would happen to him in HIS country if he did those things to her?  What would happen in OUR country?

I doubt anything would happen in his country.

And in the US they would end up on Judge Judy with him suing her for damages to his car & her counter suing him for emotional distress and without any evidence (usually) both cases would be dismissed but Angela would get to be on tv.

So the short answer is nothing would happen.

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11 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

Angela is the EPITOME of self-regulation.  Every cunning emotion she presents on the air is calculated to get the results she requires at the time.  I'm sure she has used these tactics on friends, family, husband(s)?, patients, and employers for decades.  She can turn it off and on with the snap of those false nails.

She probably found out how successful her tantrums were AS a child and she continued them as s profession.

Is it possible that Angela is following a script in order to grab her "fifteen minutes of fame".  Sure, of course that's a possibility.  Are her tantrums really getting her what she wants in the real world?  I would imagine most sensible people would distance themselves from a grown woman ranting and raving like Angela.  Gullible and naive although I may be I do think that Angela really does feel unloved and maybe unlovable. 

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Oh, and I forgot---Yara's mom gleefully stating they need a 3 bedroom so that she has one and can move in with them. Yara didn't directly translate that little detail, did she? lol Her mom was screwed over in her divorce and is now projecting her baggage onto her daughter. She plays the adorable "babushka" but really, can't hate on this one enough.....she is Trish level in my eyes, lol

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21 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

Oh, and I forgot---Yara's mom gleefully stating they need a 3 bedroom so that she has one and can move in with them. Yara didn't directly translate that little detail, did she? lol Her mom was screwed over in her divorce and is now projecting her baggage onto her daughter. She plays the adorable "babushka" but really, can't hate on this one enough.....she is Trish level in my eyes, lol

Maybe it's because I don't know who Trish is, but I don't see anything necessarily wrong with Yara's mother wanting a bedroom in Yara's European apartment.  This is Yara's mother's first time seeing her granddaughter and of course she would want to spend time with Mylah as much as she could.  I have a friend from Holland who has a house here in Canada and also an apartment in Holland.  Every April my friend goes to spend about two months in Europe and then comes back to Canada.  It seems like Yara is wanting to do a similar thing.  Think how great that would be for Mylah being able to spend time with both grandparents and to be exposed to a different continent.

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28 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

Her mom was screwed over in her divorce and is now projecting her baggage onto her daughter.

Didn’t Natalie’s dad abandon the family too?  Maybe that’s why these two are so anxious.  They had childhoods of privation in a fairly grim time for that region and now are obsessed with finding men whom they can lock down and who will provide for them.

3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

how did she get screen shots of Michael's conversations anyway?

They were public comments.  She is blocked but she said that she called a friend who was able to see and screen shot them and then send them to her.

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Yara’s mom is either not smart or very manipulative or both.  She’s acting like it’s just Yara and Mylah and herself…whose fault is that?   Does Yara only tell her mom the bad things?  Or does the mom blindly think this is real?   I feel like they are mean-girling all over the place. Mom is not coming across in a favorable light.  At all. 

Edited by Meowwww
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2 hours ago, procrasstinator said:

Gullible and naive although I may be I do think that Angela really does feel unloved and maybe unlovable. 

I agree (strongly) that she is unlovable.  She probably started out being loved as a child...then perhaps was mistreated or abused into her teens.  The only choice in her mind was/is to strike BEFORE anyone strikes her.  She has gone OVERBOARD!  I don't think there's enough therapy to fix that miserable woman.

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1 hour ago, Stuckathome said:

Oh, and I forgot---Yara's mom gleefully stating they need a 3 bedroom so that she has one and can move in with them. Yara didn't directly translate that little detail, did she? lol Her mom was screwed over in her divorce and is now projecting her baggage onto her daughter. She plays the adorable "babushka" but really, can't hate on this one enough.....she is Trish level in my eyes, lol

Yara's mom is deplorable. Putting thoughts of failure in Yara's head because she wants control of Yara and the baby and wants to push Jovi out. I can't believe Yara is so stupid to listen to her. Or maybe it's all for the show? I think Yara thought apt. prices in Prague would be equal to prices in Ukraine. Surprise, Yara! Ukraine is not a popular vacation destination. Prague is, hence the outrageous prices for a dump. 

I have no doubt that Angela physically abuses and slaps Mikull around when the camera's are down. Mikull is never coming to the US because his Visa was denied. We never did get the true story on that. He must have done something pretty bad. As far as Angela flirting (maybe cheating) she said Mikull stopped telling her he loves her, didn't tell her she looked beautiful after all the surgeries and stopped calling every 5 minutes in a day. So for her she is justified. Wrinkles is crazy. Keep smoking and yelling, Wrinkles. Pretty soon she will lose her voice then we won't have to hear her anymore. 

If Kimbally thinks Usman will ever move the US she is crazy. Once he has wife #2, 3 and however many more he isn't going to leave all his kids to go live with Kimbally. Or would he? 

Libby and Andreii had to go all the way to Arizona to announce she was pregnant? It was baby #2 for them and there are already plenty of other grandchildren in the family. It's not that big a deal. 

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14 hours ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

If Wife #2 can’t be younger or prettier, who exactly does that leave for him to marry?

I thought Wife #2 could be younger and prettier as long as Kim is the undisputed #1 Wife and Usman doesn't fall in love with his baby mama but just uses her to procreate. But you know he's not going to be happy with just one kid, didn't he say he wanted TEN, possibly with three more wives? 

57 minutes ago, Meowwww said:

Yara’s mom is either not smart or very manipulative or both.  She’s acting like it’s just Yara and Mylah and herself

Can you imagine what would have happened if Yara had gone to Prague without Jovi as she originally planned? I bet she and Mylah would have gone apartment hunting and stayed there with Babushka without giving Jovi a minute's thought. 

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4 hours ago, Meh said:

Has anyone actually married Angelia in the past?


Yes, she admits she was married before to her two daughters' father, but there are rumors there was another husband after that. Pictures surfaced online of her with daughter Skyla and a Black man who appeared to be wearing prison uniform and was referred to as "Skyla's step-dad." Whether she was legally married to this guy isn't confirmed, but she obviously had a relationship with him. 

Edited by magemaud
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