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Fandom and Viewer Issues: "Fan" Is Short for "Fanatic"


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Sometimes I feel like I would rather bash my head into a wall multiple times then talk to a SQ shipper/Anti Hook fan.


Because apparently they still think all Hook does for Emma is to get into her pants or for when he wants something.

When the  funny thing the show has shown us instances where he's been confronted with this exact crap and everytime he's been like nope not gonna happen.


Charming in 4x02 says "Emma's not just some conquest" and he said "I wouldn't risk my life for someone I see as loot. Whatever we become it's as much up to her as it is me"

Hook in 5x02 when Emma basically says so lets have sex, Sorry Swan not interested.

Edited by Hookian

Just ignore them. When you realize most of those kinds of fans are probably young and not mature enough to realize the nonsense that comes out of their mouths, their arguments become white noise.


However, I did have to laugh at a post I happened to stumble upon while catching up on OUAT news. It was some SQ fan complaining about how they were this close to giving up on the pairing because they—literally just now—finally realized Emma and Hook might be end game. Apparently, if Emma succeeds in saving Hook from the Underworld, that is the nail in the coffin.


Really? That's the nail in the coffin? Not the dozens of makeout sessions? Not the numerous times Emma has told Hook "I love you"? Not the fact that Emma moved into the house that Hook picked out for her? Not the fact that Hook admitted she was his happy ending? Not the blatant foreshadowing of Hook handing a ring to Emma? 


Sometimes, you have to wonder...

The denial is certainly robust (most polite word I could think of). Saw this gem on Tumblr recently:

Their PR is solely focused on making C$’ers happy and keeping C$’ers interested. Is it not warranted to question if C$’ers are actually the ones being baited?
We have on the show: C$ breaking up 3? times (without getting back together in between), they were broken up for 8 episodes, he endangered her son the very first episode this season, he was yelling at her for 11 episodes in a row, then he tried to kill her entire family - including Emma’s son, and then he died.
We have on the show: Emma trusting Regina with her life. Regina working every single episode to help Emma. Regina believing in Emma. Regina protecting Emma. Regina sharing a painful memory with Emma. Them comforting their son. Emma willing to sacrifice her life for Regina’s happiness, Regina willing to go to hell for Emma’s happiness.


The two parts I bolded are an especially amazing in how distorted and selective they are. In fact, flip the names on some of these and you might have something resembling a half-accurate summary of 5a.


And FYI this was written by someone claiming to be 27 years old.


I'll be honest, I do feel a little bit sorry for them (against my better judgement). But sometimes it's like watching someone set themselves up for the biggest fall. I want to laugh but all I can think of is the mess they're going to make when they hit the ground. Or 'if they hit the ground', gotta remember that deep, deep denial. This show could end with CS married and Emma pregnant with Killian's kid and there'd still be swen preaching SwanQueen. I think it'd go a little something like: "Don't you understand? This show went against modern fairytale tropes by having an unhappy, tragic ending! Emma is trapped in a loveless marriage just like when she was pregnant and trapped behind bars! If we'd had one more season then Regina would've saved her and we'd have had SQ!"

Edited by october
  • Love 5

One of the most interesting things I've noticed from many SQ fans is that they openly admit to skipping all CS scenes and/or only watching the Swan Mills Family moments, but then they feel they are experts in how "abusive" and terrible the CS relationship is. Put all that into the SQ echo-chamber and it just snowballs from there.


I have to admit that I don't feel sorry for them at all b/c I think they are blatantly ignoring what's being shown and in many cases they make efforts to ruin other people's enjoyment of the show.

That's one of my pet peeves with fandom. Go ahead and hate a character or plot line all you want, but don't go judging it unless you've actually seen all of the scenes. If you only want to watch the show for your favorite moments, fine. Go ahead and do that. (It would probably save a lot of us time.) But if you want to actually have an analytical conversation about the show where you have to weigh both sides of an argument, then you better force yourself to sit through all the scenes. I might have despised 4B, but I still sat through a lot of agonizing scenes just so I could hold my own if I ever needed to discuss it online.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 6

Eh, I don't watch much anymore but I still shoot my mouth off here. My text off here. My typing fingers off? Whatever. I mean, I'll tune in if the story sounds like it's getting good (spoilers for Nimue got my interest peaked), or to see Ruby again, or if Hook's doing something interesting. But if I missed out on Snowing being terrible, terrible, terrible parents, or Rumbelle We-ee Are Never Ever Getting Back Together and by that we mean we totally are, or Woegina...then I'll trust these forums to tell me when those stop happening and not that it's just full of people with a very specific tint in their lenses.


Sometimes I feel like I would rather bash my head into a wall multiple times than talk to a SQ shipper/Anti Hook fan.

For me it depends on how rabid they are. On a scale of 1-11, most of them are 11, they've got seething hatred for our Cap'n just steaming and piping out of their pores. If one can state their perspective without trying to manipulate someone else's opinion into their One True Interpretation (because someone else is allowed to have a different opinion, why does that even need reminding) then yes it's totally okay to keep calling out what's uncomfortable or a bad example, and it can even be helpful to have that reminder. But yeah, there's too much chaff and just noise to sift through before you can find such a creature.


Just ignore them. When you realize most of those kinds of fans are probably young and not mature enough to realize the nonsense that comes out of their mouths, their arguments become white noise.

Staying out of those spaces is healthier. To try to rescue someone from an echo chamber they willfully entered, constructed, and reinforced isn't a worthwhile goal.


But I never let anyone slide just because they're young, because I never did even when I was young myself. Words mean things. If you're old enough to even form the words to dish anything out, then you're bloody well old enough to take the consequences, lose gracefully, learn and live and grow the hell up.


However, I did have to laugh at a post I happened to stumble upon while catching up on OUAT news. It was some SQ fan complaining about how they were this close to giving up on the pairing because they—literally just now—finally realized Emma and Hook might be end game. Apparently, if Emma succeeds in saving Hook from the Underworld, that is the nail in the coffin.

Really? That's the nail in the coffin? (...) Sometimes, you have to wonder...

I want to start a Contented Midshippers Club.

Their PR is solely focused on making C$’ers happy and keeping C$’ers interested. Is it not warranted to question if C$’ers are actually the ones being baited?
This show could end with CS married and Emma pregnant with Killian's kid and there'd still be swen preaching SwanQueen. I think it'd go a little something like: "Don't you understand? This show went against modern fairytale tropes by having an unhappy, tragic ending! Emma is trapped in a loveless marriage just like when she was pregnant and trapped behind bars! If we'd had one more season then Regina would've saved her and we'd have had SQ!"

Swancash, I was baited: I thought that Hook would continue to be a complex, dynamic, compelling character! Seriously, though, if there are social issues in the tropes, I'm more inclined to object to the writers or the issue itself instead of hailing the writers as brilliant and subversive because the scope is still fixed in what's going to happen in fiction...but, hey, as long as Swancash is preaching to the choir then meta and let meta.


October, I think that's exactly how it would go for half the Swen Extremists who aren't insisting that their ship already is canon but are just waiting for it to happen already. (Wow, #SwanQueenBelongsToSwen either didn't catch on or didn't last or nobody got it.) I guess with that sort of logic, viewers can take satisfaction in some other shipper faction's disappointment they imagined, while protecting themselves from the same?

Eh, I don't watch much anymore but I still shoot my mouth off here. My text off here. My typing fingers off? Whatever. I mean, I'll tune in if the story sounds like it's getting good (spoilers for Nimue got my interest peaked), or to see Ruby again, or if Hook's doing something interesting. But if I missed out on Snowing being terrible, terrible, terrible parents, or Rumbelle We-ee Are Never Ever Getting Back Together and by that we mean we totally are, or Woegina...then I'll trust these forums to tell me when those stop happening and not that it's just full of people with a very specific tint in their lenses.

Oh, trust me Faemonic, you weren't my target audience. ;) I was talking about fans who pretend to know everything about the show and proclaim things as absolute fact, even though they openly admit to skipping scenes or entire episodes. Anyone is more than welcome to talk about the show and their favorite aspects of it, but if someone is going to get into a nitty gritty in-depth meta conversation about a specific character or episode, their analysis might be skewed if they haven't watched certain scenes. For example, I've seen a fan state as fact that Hook forced Henry into Operation Light Swan, Henry didn't even want to go along with the plan because he doesn't think Emma and Hook should live together, and that Henry doesn't even like Hook. I'll give them a pass on being confused about Hook and Henry's relationship because all of it tends to happen off screen, but in the very next sentence, they openly admitted to only watching Regina scenes and they only hear about the other parts of the episode from other Evil Regals. Of course those other fans are going to skew those kinds of scenes when they describe them on their blogs because they're already predisposed to hating the scene before they watch it. The show takes on a very rose-tinted glasses view when you do that.

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Is it just me or does it feel as if Lana has some weird competition with JMO. This morning Jen started posting some gifts that she has gotten from fans and then Lana started doing the same. This is not the first time that she has done it. I mean Lana thanks her fans for gifts all the time at random times but I've notice a couple of times that she does specifically after Jen does it and uses almost the same hashtag that uses.

  • Love 2

Fandom and society in general have also gotten extremely PC over time since 2012. I miss the good ol' days where Ginny could say that it would be gross if Emma and her step-grandmother were together, or when that one dwarf made a comment about how SQ is never going to happen and the cast makes fun of it, or when Adam & Eddie were still allowed to say flat-out nope, ain't gonna happen. Now, it's like some public relations person came on the scene and told everyone, "You can't say that! You'll hurt their precious wittle feelings!" Jennifer can't even call out wanting to punch Neal in the face anymore. I'm tired of this "all ships have hope/we don't write ships, fans just perceive it that way!" PC crap.

Edited by Curio
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I find it interesting how it's open game for Ginny to make fun of the Emma/Hook/Milah situation, but it's a big no-no for Ginny to make fun of the Emma/Snow/Regina dynamic. 

I don't know, man. Different people, different strokes? People don't remember that this is a TV show? We're talking about true loves kisses, a guy who lived in Neverland, a super sweet woman who is married to a super evil dude, the Evil Queen is mayor of the town, and her sister needs an exorcist.


Everyone just needs to find their chill. It's not like A&E are reinventing the wheel. Once is a soap where characters have magic. And that's about the only difference. 

Well Ginny probably doesn't get death threats when she does it and it doesn't seem to be awkward with the cast either because unlike SQ Milah/Hook did happen and he is now with Emma. Most Hook and Emma fans doesn't take that to heart.

Mean while you can't even call Emma and Regina friends or sisters because these people lost their god damn minds the moment Emma and Hook first kissed. Emma finally letting her walls down made it worse but if she saves Hook from the Underworld...lets just say Im buying popcorn for that night. Its bad enough that Jen does not give a single fuck what they think.

Is it just me or does it feel as if Lana has some weird competition with JMO. This morning Jen started posting some gifts that she has gotten from fans and then Lana started doing the same. This is not the first time that she has done it. I mean Lana thanks her fans for gifts all the time at random times but I've notice a couple of times that she does specifically after Jen does it and uses almost the same hashtag that uses.

No it's not just you I was thinking the exact same thing!    

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I don't know, man. Different people, different strokes? People don't remember that this is a TV show?


Fandoms are crazy everywhere. I was reading a story the other day that was talking about Clinton supporters claiming Sanders supporters called Bernie Bros (See! They even give them fan names.) are a sexist mob and are mean to them online. The story itself was written by someone outside the fray basically debunking that anyone's fans are worse than anyone else's. The upshot was that everyone has their share of bad apple supporters. As I read it, I was thinking about the Once fandom and realized that you could remove the names Clinton & Sanders and replace them with Once fandoms and the story remains the same.


What I thought was interesting was how the story framed how things spiraled in some cases because the individual journalists (or bloggers in the TV fandom world) live in an echo chamber of their own bias.  This tends to be the problem with fandoms. Evil Regals read other Evil Regals and reblog their tales, Hook fans hang out with other Hook fans and reblog them and things go crazy from there. In the case of the article I was reading, they traced a particular bad apple fan story through a chain of four journalists each citing the previous writer and at the end, it turned out that the original source had erroneously attributed a quote to a Bernie supporter that was actually from a random internet troll who'd created a character based off of The Dukes of Hazzard's Boss Hogg. The whole thing just shows the craziness of fandoms be they of fictional stories or political heroes or whatever thing it is that people may choose to support/discuss.

As I read it, I was thinking about the Once fandom and realized that you could remove the names Clinton & Sanders and replace them with Once fandoms and the story remains the same.


Let me take a stab at that...


"If you don't like Hillary Regina, you're sexist and perpetuating toxic values like the patriarchy."

"No, we just happen to like Bernie Hook better because we agree with a lot of his ideas."

"No! You're all sexist pigs."

"Well, Hillary Regina has done some pretty shady stuff in her past. If it weren't for her high ranking position, she would probably be in jail."

"You're just saying that because you hate women."

"No, we're saying that because we don't like her as a person."


Yep, seems to work perfectly.

  • Love 5

Fandom and society in general have also gotten extremely PC over time since 2012. I miss the good ol' days where Ginny could say that it would be gross if Emma and her step-grandmother were together, or when that one dwarf made a comment about how SQ is never going to happen and the cast makes fun of it, or when Adam & Eddie were still allowed to say flat-out nope, ain't gonna happen. Now, it's like some public relations person came on the scene and told everyone, "You can't say that! You'll hurt their precious wittle feelings!" Jennifer can't even call out wanting to punch Neal in the face anymore. I'm tired of this "all ships have hope/we don't write ships, fans just perceive it that way!" PC crap.

I think it was a PR failure to make Ginny delete Once Upon A Time In My Pants, and to change A&E's Nope to a Maybe If Esperson Or Nimerfro Really Fights For It. It's not just "You can't say that, save the precious wittle feelings!" But, "You can't say that because some random person on the internet claimed you can't say that without waking up a horde of mobbers that respond to trendy buzzwords."


Because political so-called correctness can be politically incorrect. For one example, there are ~*~feminists~*~ out there who hate on transsexuals because female-bodied men who make the transition are "just making a grab for male privilege" and male-bodied women who make the transition "are appropriating the feminine experience". Take note of how savvy they are with the language of identity politics and systemic oppression. Now notice how flat-out wrong they are to claim that cisgendered women are the most oppressed demographic in the whole wide world especially next to transgendered people.


That's similar to what I find whenever the bad apples demand that Lana or Jen come out of the closet already so that there can be more representation, or claims to hating on Hook for Greater Feminism but then turning around and making misogynistic speculations about JMo's sex life. That's not political correctness, that's political haphazard approximation. It's the irresponsible vitriol of viewers with inflated self-importance. It's. Just. Noise.


Why. Do. They. Conform. To. Noise. Is that an industry standard thing? Uncle Walt and his precious Balanced Target Demographic Studies? Because industry standards are all well and good for funding, but substance is another matter entirely. (And they totally write canon ships.)


Ginny still loves talking about the whole Milah/Hook in relation to Emma, and I find it pretty hilarious. 

I find it interesting how it's open game for Ginny to make fun of the Emma/Hook/Milah situation, but it's a big no-no for Ginny to make fun of the Emma/Snow/Regina dynamic. 

Apparently, incest is Ginny's squick. She should have been allowed to say so for any pairing that comes even close to incest, but it's too much trouble to argue with All That Noise that says that same action for this other pairing is discriminatory-by-vacuum (that is, by saying that the squick is not about the lesbian but the incest, it's ignoring how squicky and deviant lesbianism is already treated; in my opinion, a fair argument but a bad context to apply it to, ship and let ship, squick and let squick: it's Nancy.) And I'll admit it's very possible that Captain Swan can take the jab precisely because they're an established straight pairing...but also because, I hope, shippers don't take it all with such grave seriousness. If there's ever a hashtag tweet campaign against Ginny to stop her making fun of Killian making it with his prospective stepson's babymomma, I quit.

How people will call Hook abusive then turn around and ship Swan Queen is beyond me. Hook isn't perfect, but at least he never tried to kill Emma... three times. The double standards are real, folks.


This when you know people don't necessarily know what feminism, misandry, and misogyny means.


Personally, I'm having a lot of trouble coming to terms with a woman not being called out on her behavior where a man would be. Women can also be physically violent, verbally abusive (and I think we have cornered the market on this one), and they can also be rapists. I'm thinking that if a man says no, it still means no, it doesn't mean he secretly wants it.


Emma and Regina should be together in the name of feminism! Hell fucking no!

Emma and Regina should be together because Hook is abusive. Have you been watching the show?



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These same people claim Hooks been screaming at Emma for 11 episodes and Reginas been the one supporting Emma. They really have selective memories on that front or refuse to accept what's actually on their screens.

I love their go to "If Regina was a man people would be shipping Swan Queen." Nah if Reggie did the exact same thing Regina did/does she'd be dead by now. The writers would call Reggie a rapist so fast because Graham as Glenda would be seen as a rape victim. Then again I haven't seen anyone make think pieces on why Arthur using magic to keep Guinevere isn't rape either so what do I know.

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Adam went on Twitter yesterday with three main messages:

1) Reserve judgement.  There are 12 episodes left!  Love them all!

2) ALL the characters are his babies.  Love them all!

3) He talks to ALL fans.  Love them all!  


He might as well get a robot to put out the messages.  What a waste of time all-round.

Usually, I gave Adam benefit of the doubt but Adam know the competiveness between the faction inside the fandom. Mostly Rumbelle, SQ and Cs

So why replicate to such thing,if not to provoque drama. Probably just addind to the Jen never take selfie with Lana and everything is so unfair to SQ fans.

When the BA forget that CS is canon and the actual storyline in the show.

This simple fact should be enough to understand that CS and SQ will never have egal traitement in promotion stuff and convention event. CS should be like OQ, Rumbelle... and SQ should be like any important relationship( Snow and Regina...)

Sure, we can add for Jen behavior that I am now certain that Jen and Lana are friendly co worker and not as close than her and Colin same.

So that can definilely be a factor in the way Jen interact with both actors on sm but it is just the hasard at play here. something actors cannot stand each others like B. Willis and cybill .S. something they are good friend it is not something the production can make happen.

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Man, I can’t even escape reality without having to hear about Hillary “Ima take credit for all Obama’s accomplishments” Clinton and Bernie “You POC don’t know what’s good for you, he marched with MLK!” Sanders.


It seems to me Adam is stirring the pot on purpose. And then he adds he doesn't look at "ships" when he replies to tweets. Gimme a break. He is throwing JMo under the bus.



Most definitely.  I feel sorry for JMo.  I don't think she gets as much shine from Adam and Eddy as Lana does.  It seems to me that Lana gets to dictate Regina's storyline and JMo has to play what's given her (like the ridiculous friendship with the bitch that tried to kill her) and that's really shitty and unfair. 


And I'm basing this on the fact that I've read quotes from Lana where she says she's asked for things and haven't heard about JMo doing the same. 

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But Adam and Eddy tends to use JMo for the promotion. Lets be honest turning Emma into the Dark One was them needing people to talk. Turning Regina wouldn't have given as much because we've seen her as the evil queen. Nothing would be different and boy it got the fandom talking. Hook, Snowing and Regina fans wondering who is going to save Emma from this when in the end it was the Ugly Ducklings who won because Emma saved herself.

Regarding the tweet, I wonder if Adam is just a victim of not checking the date stamp. There's a con coming up in Vancouver next month for the show and he probably searched for Once and con and pulled up that post not realizing it's from last year. I highly doubt he was following that drama on Twitter last year when the show was on hiatus and the writers were busy writing scripts. I blame Adam, sure, but I blame him for being a Twitter moron sometimes, not for being a shit stirrer -- at least not in this particular case.


As for what the actors have said in the media, I take that with a grain of salt too. Robert has repeatedly said that he likes playing the villain and how many times has that not happened to Rumple/Gold. I feel like Lana was probably saying she advocated for something knowing that the particular storyline was already set by the writers. I'm sure there are many things the actors advocate for their characters that do or do not get pulled in to the storylines, but how they express that in the media later on varies.

Edited by sharky

Regarding the tweet, I wonder if Adam is just a victim of not checking the date stamp. There's a con coming up in Vancouver next month for the show and he probably searched for Once and con and pulled up that post not realizing it's from last year. I highly doubt he was following that drama on Twitter last year when the show was on hiatus and the writers were busy writing scripts. I blame Adam, sure, but I blame him for being a Twitter moron sometimes, not for being a shit stirrer -- at least not in this particular case.


Adam's reply is actually part of an ongoing conversation he had with the tweeter in May of last year. He must have been looking far back at his own tweets to poke that particular sleeping dog. His reply was basically, "If it had been me who organized the event, I might have been able to do something about it." 


It's ridiculous that fans keep going to Adam to "tell on" actors, as though he was their parent or something. I just can't with this childish mindset! lol 

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That behavior is so immature!

I am not convinced that Lana has some special relation with A. E.

And, I do believe Jen is fairly love by them.

I believe Lana is really good at promoting herself with this kind of thing.

Henry and Regina evolving relation was probably on the writers radar anyways!

Jen as spoken how she prepared D.Swan with them (A, E) and how she likes to give her view on Emma' dress for special occasions. But I believe she for the most part agree with her storyline and the writers vision about Emma.

When she does have something to say she said it even when she knew it will give her some hate. last year with the" ..Emma,saves everyone and not just Regina..."or her comment about her father should"... had pushed Neal..."

They let her kept the souvenir from Graham too.

The only thing I will love for her to advocate more is to have a FB about Emma becomes a bailbond person.

Such a turning point in Emma life!

Such a shame that we will never going to see it!

I will add more Snowing and Emma relationship too.

Honestly, Emma still the most realistic.

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Something funny happened to me ( as I am not fan of Sean M or OQ) but with the rumor of Sean M. leaving and the new pic from him of Colin and Jen he took and all posted yesterday.

I kind of felt sorry for him, because it seems that Lana stopped somewhere in season 3, at least too publicly, support him and OQ.

I know Lana and him are good friend, but cannot help to think he most sometime feel OQ (promo relationship) his solely on his shoulders and that everyone know that the largest of Regina fans will be dancing if he really is leaving.

That makes me realyze how we (as CS fans and Colin himself) are lucky that Jen dosen't let somes Bad Apple dictate her behavior.


I kind of felt sorry for him, because it seems that Lana stopped somewhere in season 3, at least too publicly, support him and OQ.

I really don't have that impression to be honest. I just did a quick scroll through her Instagram and Twitter posts and it seems like she's not one two tweet a lot of pics from set anymore to begin with, but if she does they're pics from her trailer with fan gifts and letters to thank them. A few of the crew here and there and filming locations, one with Victoria Smurfit and then the other most recent pic I found is actually one of her and Sean. She's also been involved in helping him and his wife with a charity project they've been working on it, it seems, and some of her more recent OUAT related RTs are in fact about OQ.


It's true that she's not hammering it home that it's OQ or nothing for her, but to be honest I don't think that's an approach I blame her for. I get that this board tends to be very anti SQ and I have my problems with the vocal parts of their fanbase too, but I'd still find it a lot weirder for actors to ignore or outright reject parts of their fanbase merely based on who they ship, insisting that it's canon or nothing, basically. Parrilla has been very vocal about supporting everything that makes her fans happy and I find that believable and understandable.


But she and Maguire have also, reportedly, talked about the abuse they've been getting by some of the nastier sides of the OUAT fandom on social media and how they've taken steps back from it in general at a meet and greet with fans of the show last year. They both certainly used to be a lot more active than they are now. Ginnifer Goodwin supposedly left Twitter because of the nasty crap she's been getting too and I feel like other parts of the OUAT cast/crew have become a lot more careful about what they post as well. I wouldn't read that as a lack of support though.


I understand the line of thinking that by taking those steps back and trying not to cause any more drama you're giving the haters more room to feel like they've "won" than they deserve, but at the same time... I honestly don't know what I would do if I were in their position. The overall fandom for this show has become incredibly unpleasant and while I respect that some are able to ignore that and do their thing, I also can't exactly blame those who don't have the energy or whatever to deal with it more than they absolutely have to.

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I totally understand what you are saying.

I guess the fact that I do not follow any of them (even Adam, Jen or Colin) on sm can make me miss a lot of their activities even more so when it is about some of them I radomly follow like Sean.

I am sure Lana is a very good friend with Sean she has spoken about it. maybe I should have been clair.

I felt a little bad for Sean because of the hate he got and the fact that a minority really wants him to lose his job at the end of this season.

I knew about the fact that Lana and Sean has spoken about getting hate when they do stuff together and felt sorry for both of them.

But still I do really believe CS fans are bless with Jen and Colin. Their friendship with Sean make me give another chance at OQ.

I think Lana is aware that many of her very vocal fans aren't particularly supportive of Outlaw Queen and she does the bare minimum of promotion for it so as not to alienate them and I think to spare herself the hate. Smart plan. It's a delicate balance for her because she does need to support the show and her character's storyline. However, she is less particular about randomly throwing out a bunch of Swan Queen love and basking in the glow of adoration those fans give back to her for it. Check out some of her comments/actions about Swan Queen at fan conventions and you'll see quite a bit of pandering. She knows it's never going to happen. She'll even acknowledge it in interviews (sometimes with a wistful sigh), but that doesn't mean she's not free to support the idea of it and say that she's all for it if only the writers didn't have a different plan for Regina. It's that kind of thing that upsets the balance because she's perceived as pretty openly supportive of Swan Queen and less so of Outlaw Queen. This may not be the actual truth, but it's seen that way because she's more careful to protect the feelings of her fans. This then spews back on Jen, Adam and Sean because it's perceived that they are the ones stopping that particular ship from sailing. 

I think the reason why Jen can deal with whatever is going on Twitter because it seems she mostly does her social media in other platforms. That might be the best thing for anyone to do in this cast. She probably doesn't have Twitter as a notification and the only time she ever comes on is when she does those asks.


Every ship has bad apples. I don't know how the cast deals with it honestly.

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I think the reason why Jen can deal with whatever is going on Twitter because it seems she mostly does her social media in other platforms. That might be the best thing for anyone to do in this cast. She probably doesn't have Twitter as a notification and the only time she ever comes on is when she does those asks.

Yeah seems like she's done with Twitter for now. Everything comes from Instagram, Facebook, or that Rex thing. We'll see if she live tweets the 100th episode. I'm betting on Instagram photos. Edited by Stuffy
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If Sean is leaving by the end of S5, then I'll still admire his fortitude. It would be two and a half seasons of putting up with All That Noise and vitriol, and he's open and willing to engage. (Or thin-skinned. Either way, nooo man don't do it, do not engage the enraged.)


I remember when he, and I think Lana, thanked some cinnamon roll SQ shippers who voiced their support of OQ, the good apples probably having noticed that the bad apples were often way out of line, and attacking Sean as a person rather than the character or the story they're so disappointed and frustrated by. And the bad apples made it out like it's a Stand and Burn sort of thing (poem by Claudia Boleyn: " 'Don't fight fire with fire' / What they mean is: Don't fight fire with anything. / Do not fight fire with water. / Do not evacuate the people. / Do not barricade the door with damp towels. / Do not shed a tear for your lover trapped behind a wall of flame. / Do not ask why the fire fighters are not coming. / When they say: Don't fight fire with fire. What they mean is: Stand and burn.")


But like I keep saying, there are no movement rights that violate individual rights. So when Sean tweets support for NoH8 and gets called a hypocrite because he's lucky enough to have landed a job in his chosen profession playing a straight person who wrecks their fictional ship, I say that movement has lost all moral high ground they'll ever have, and made it clear that it's just reactionary fanaticism disguised as justice. That's finding a fire well-confined to the fireplace but it's a warm summer day, and "fighting" that fire with sulphuric acid and snarky comments to police someone else's wardrobe and sex life...which is opposite helpful!


Was it on these forums that someone mentioned being bulled by bad apple SQers for being an Evil Regal, and therefore shipping both SQ and OQ because both those ships had Regina in it? Like, standing in line at a convention with an OQ promo photo to get autographed...and other people waiting in line then pushed in just to bully. Fandom suuucks.

Edited by Faemonic

I think Lana is aware that many of her very vocal fans aren't particularly supportive of Outlaw Queen and she does the bare minimum of promotion for it so as not to alienate them and I think to spare herself the hate. Smart plan. It's a delicate balance for her because she does need to support the show and her character's storyline. However, she is less particular about randomly throwing out a bunch of Swan Queen love and basking in the glow of adoration those fans give back to her for it. Check out some of her comments/actions about Swan Queen at fan conventions and you'll see quite a bit of pandering. She knows it's never going to happen. She'll even acknowledge it in interviews (sometimes with a wistful sigh), but that doesn't mean she's not free to support the idea of it and say that she's all for it if only the writers didn't have a different plan for Regina. It's that kind of thing that upsets the balance because she's perceived as pretty openly supportive of Swan Queen and less so of Outlaw Queen. This may not be the actual truth, but it's seen that way because she's more careful to protect the feelings of her fans. This then spews back on Jen, Adam and Sean because it's perceived that they are the ones stopping that particular ship from sailing. 

Yes, because SQ fans have selective memory and forgot about the time she was clamoring for a love interest for Regina and said he should be "manly". 

But yeah, she knows OQ fans won't attack her if she posts SQ, while SQ will if she posts OQ, so I don't blame her for doing that. It was just a while ago that the SQers blew up at her, wasn't it? I forgot what she did...

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