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Fandom and Viewer Issues: "Fan" Is Short for "Fanatic"

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I never thought there was a difference either. I could see the / leaning towards platonic (so that's probably what upset them).

All in all, it's dumb, and they shouldn't get upset. I wonder if the writer would have gotten more flack if he had used SaviorQueen instead.

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Wait, are you saying there's a difference in meaning between Name/Name, NamexName, and Name&Name? I mean, I totally believe it, I just never knew about it.

I tend to think that Name&Name indicates a platonic relationship. So Emma&Snow is about the Emma and Snow friendship/platonic relationship. Emma&Hook is Emma and Hook as friends but not romantic partners. Etc.


Name/Name and Name x Name both indicate romantic relationships.

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All in all, it's dumb, and they shouldn't get upset. I wonder if the writer would have gotten more flack if he had used SaviorQueen instead.


JMo got a lot of flack for saying "Savior Queen team" in a tweet. She didn't even use it as a ship name. She just used them as character titles. The BA SQs immediately jumped on her as anti-SQ and homophobic because according to them, homophobic CS fans (read people who don't ship SQ) use Savior Queen as a tag for the Regina/Emma friendship.

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And now that Adam has posted a script tease hinting at Mulan/Ruby, the SQ fans are all ganging up and bashing him for it because it's not the LGBT story that they wanted, not the one with "5 years of build up".  I can't with these ass-clowns.

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So I've been saying Hook/Emma, Killian/Emma all wrong this whole time? I hate using the ship name so I tend to say their names or use the first letter of their names. These people are so fucking weird. 


I can't wait to see what Mulan and Ruby can give us since they are the only reason why I'm even remotely interested in the Merida stuff...also for petty reasons. lol

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In all my shipping years, I've never known / to mean anything different than &.

I believe the tags on Archive Of Our Own (which is a relatively recent website) differentiate them. / is for romantic, & is for platonic.

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Wait, are you saying there's a difference in meaning between Name/Name, NamexName, and Name&Name? I mean, I totally believe it, I just never knew about it.


As far as I know, there's no widespread fandom "rule" about / vs. & vs. + so I wouldn't worry about it.


I believe the tags on Archive Of Our Own (which is a relatively recent website) differentiate them. / is for romantic, & is for platonic.


The only difference really is the punctuation. But same-sex romantic pairings (back in my day, I say over my knitting needles) were called "slash fiction" even though the / (punctuation called slash or backslash in American) was also used to indicate straight romantic pairings. It, haha, just bugs me to see an X where I'm used to seeing / but the convention never made sense in the first place ( / usually meant "or") so I've just got to get with the times...


Then again, in this fandom, where everyone has an alter ego in the source material, I also instinctively used Killian Jones / Captain Hook to mean "also they're the same person." But I trust that anybody who's reading it would be able to figure out that I didn't mean to advertise a fanfic where Killian Jones dates himself...and then not deliver.


So I've been saying Hook/Emma, Killian/Emma all wrong this whole time? I hate using the ship name so I tend to say their names or use the first letter of their names. These people are so fucking weird.

 Apparently Captain Swan people just have low standards: we'd find fellowship with you shady slashers! Or you have low standards for sharing positivity with cutesy pairing name bubbleheads like us. What ever shall we do?! Don't tell me that we'll actually enjoy the characters, as if we have similar interests! Clutch the pearls, you have attacked my precious ship name and all the reflections of my identity by daring to voice your personal preferences, and I will have vengeance!!!!! all the vengeances...

Edited by Faemonic
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I just can't believe they managed to start two *different* wanks about ship names. First "Savior Queen" and then this. When both people clearly meant no harm by it (one of them is a gay journalist who regularly writes about gay issues and characters in television, for god's sake).

But when they start talking about "SwanTown" with the intent of bashing an actress, that's just normal and people shouldn't be offended by it, of course.


BTW, can we start a wank against people calling Red/Mulan "Red Warrior"? I feel like they're oppressing me by being so uncreative and not recognizing "Mulan Rouge" is so much better.

Edited by Serena
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I know we've hashed it around before, but I'm still trying to figure out how someone can type "Captain Swan is rape culture!  Give us Swan Queen because Emma shouldn't be with the one-handed rape culture avatar!" with sincerity?  How?

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Humm I want my favorite with either a man who used inappropriate jokes to get a rise out of me or a woman who enjoys taking peoples free will especially during Sex. Humm. I choose the drunk one handed pirate whose been nothing but loyal to me since rescuing my son.

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I don't agree that Hook is rapey, but I'd at least understand that opinion and logic from fans who wanted Emma to be single, and focused on Henry and/or the Charmings, or wanted Emma to be paired with the Hatter, Augustoccio, or Nealfire. There's one or two in there I might side-eye a little, but there's some logic and consistency in that.

But, when the character you're presenting as a better, more reasonable, and less sexually creepy spent thirtyish years forcing someone to have sex with her? How do you expect to be taken seriously?

Because "actual rape treated like a joke" should trump "occasionally makes offensive comments" on the rape culture scale, even if only one of them has a penis.

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Is it bad that I'm looking forward to how all the haters react to the new sneak peek? I can't wait to cackle over them claiming that Emma's character has been assassinated because of it and how she's not a strong icon and how anti-feminist A&E are.

Won't go into specifics, because it deals with a sneak peek...so spoilery?

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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BTW, can we start a wank against people calling Red/Mulan "Red Warrior"? I feel like they're oppressing me by being so uncreative and not recognizing "Mulan Rouge" is so much better.


Thank you! I keep seeing "Red Warrior" as the most popular name for those two on Tumblr right now, and I just don't get it. Why use such a boring name when "Mulan Rouge" is approximately a billion times better? It's like, you guys were gifted the coolest shipper name on a silver platter, and you refuse to use it because...why?


It's bizarre to me that the Once fandom has all these rules about what names are associated with each character ship. Apparently, Mulan always has to be "Warrior." Emma has to be "Swan." Regina has to be "Queen." Hook has to be "Captain." Ruby has to be "Red." Belle has to be "Beauty" unless she's with Rumple, in which case it's "Rumbelle." Can't the fandom think outside the box a bit more?


(And, you know, I may or may not just want to drop the mic here and take partial credit for coming up with the "Mulan Rouge" name based on this Previously article...)

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Wasn't their also Frozen Hook? And I think Emma and Merida is called Brave Savior. lol This fandom is nuts.


People are currently losing their damn minds because their delusional bubble is being burst each episode that's been aired. lol

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Rabid SQers and in the recent past, the Worshippers of St Vapid Neal have always been more immaturely concerned with thuggishly GETTING THEIR WAY than making any sense.


It will forever be so, and as with all childish killjoys, it will forever not mean a fucking thing.

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Isn't there a Grumpy/Rumple ship too?

Oh yeah. Their crackship name is Grumpkestiltskin. It's funny, but I blacklisted it when manips began to appear on my dash. :-p

Sleeping Hook was a romantic ship at one point. Hooked Queen had some traction in S2 as well.

Some people shipped Hook and Belle after their scene at the Diner (and in S4A). There's even a Belle/Grumpy crackship (Bumpy). It's really exasperating that people can't even be in a scene together without being shipped!!!

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LOL...ABC...troll on, troll on.

There's Hookriel too!! That's one of the only ships in Once that involves name splicing, along with Philora.

I feel like our ship listing is getting a bit off-topic though.

I love ABC; I feel 70% sure that they are actually subtly trolling the Bad Apples. And it's sweeps so yeah, they are going to promote what sells best. They have actually been posting quite a bit of CS this past season.

It's funny, because I feel like ABC kind of trolled the Bad Apples before, involving CS. Remember when the BA's were trending that Once Upon a Hook nonsense, and ABC turned that right around and several "Reasons why we love Hook" articles popped up on some sites. I feel like that wasn't a coincidence. ABC literally is a CS shipper.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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It's funny, because I feel like ABC kind of trolled the Bad Apples before, involving CS. Remember when the BA's were trending that Once Upon a Hook nonsense, and ABC turned that right around and several "Reasons why we love Hook" articles popped up on some sites. I feel like that wasn't a coincidence. ABC literally is a CS shipper.

Between that and being the home of The Muppets, ABC owns me right now.

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It's really exasperating that people can't even be in a scene together without being shipped!!!

Eh, I think that's natural. If it happened in-show that the bad thing was always a curse for which the solution was always romantic True Love's Kiss, then I'd get bored and stop watching. But when it comes to the fandom, every individual viewer is going to have their own take on the thing, and someone is going to board a crack ship. That might make it look like people are some monolithic organization of oversexed matchmakers, but there are probably as many starboarders and gen-fans that we just don't notice as much because we don't do a double-take or ayebrow-raising at those. Otherwise, shipping seems to me to just be a statistic inevitability.


Regina George, anyone? (Regina and King George. Also for fans of the Mean Girls movie.)

Edited by Faemonic
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So this exchange is pretty great:

DailyJmo ‏@JmoSwen
@leanneaguilera we know you're in love with cs but they're are other fans of the show. Just maybe a bit of professionalism would be nice


Leanne Aguilera
@JmoSwen You know what? I even asked about #SwanQueen so how about you calm down and stop pre-judging before I even release my article?

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I love that person in the replies going "She just assumed you were a Swan Queen shipper!" when that person's Twitter name was JMoSwen. Yeah, Leanne took a huuuuuuge leap there. And why are they always threatening to block people? Last time with Jim, now Leanne? None of those people will ever tweet them unless they're tweeted first, so what does that accomplish?


But some OQers are being ridiculous (some spoilers there) too, claiming to be stabbed in the back because they had apparently asked the writers to give OQ a baby girl named Hope (which, way to steal your fanfiction from the Originals) and the show decided not to take story ideas from fanfiction? 

Edited by Serena
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I can't take anyone seriously who calls a shipper group as priveleged. If I as a woman of color is only priveleged because of shipping a fictional couple and does nothing for me as a person of color than no thanks.

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What's with the logic that a baby by itself isn't really a betrayal of the fans, but because Zelena's baby

is apparently a girl

, it's an extra betrayal?  If the baby hadn't been, it would've been better?  How?  What?  It's pretty common.  Lots of babies are.  


I think it's possible our fandom might have more need of therapy than other fandoms.

Edited by Mari
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Regina can't have babies. I know it's this show, and they will probably find a way to reverse that, like have drink water from the well, or something, but right now, Regina is barren. They should take that into consideration.

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