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S04.E10 I Wasn't Invited

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17 minutes ago, Notabug said:

Even if Kim had noticed that Ethan had an interest and aptitude for repairing old cars; she still had a responsibility to arm him with basic life tools to help him achieve his goals.  If he liked engines, then get him reading books about them, have him learn math by calculating horsepower, have him write essays describing various repairs or the history of a car he liked.  There were ways to incorporate his interests into the curriculum to help him become well rounded.  As it is, he knows how to fix cars.  He seemingly doesn't feel he has the reading or writing or math skills to actually start his own business fixing cars. Kim was too lazy to bother helping him find ways turn his interest into a career.

One thing she could have taught Ethan was some basic cooking. He could not make a pancake to save himself. I just sayin it would be a useful skill

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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

I don't play close attention, but what happened with Lydia's "special friend" that she got in trouble for communicating with? 

I was wondering the same thing. Either the "relationship" fizzled out or Lydia didn't want to discuss it on air anymore. Or production felt the potential divorce story line was much more interesting.

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4 hours ago, Notabug said:

Even if Kim had noticed that Ethan had an interest and aptitude for repairing old cars; she still had a responsibility to arm him with basic life tools to help him achieve his goals.  If he liked engines, then get him reading books about them, have him learn math by calculating horsepower, have him write essays describing various repairs or the history of a car he liked.  There were ways to incorporate his interests into the curriculum to help him become well rounded.  As it is, he knows how to fix cars.  He seemingly doesn't feel he has the reading or writing or math skills to actually start his own business fixing cars. Kim was too lazy to bother helping him find ways turn his interest into a career.

This is excellent...if we believe her current "excuse" for how and why she "educated" her children.  Did Kim pull the wool over TLC's eyes in the first seasons...or did they ALL try to make fools of us?

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High schools in my New Jersey county have several vocational training programs open to county residents including auto repair, but the training doesn't begin until Junior year of high school at which time the students have already had ten years of formal education. Half the day they are in the specialized training program and the other half they still continue with their regular core classes. They are expected to pass certification or licensing tests in their chosen field. I realize Ethan was home schooled but I doubt if he had a basic foundation in high school level classes before he was allowed to go out and tinker around with car engines. I think that Kim just let him hang out in the garage all day instead of any formal instruction and considered that fulfilling his high school curriculum requirements. 

Edited by magemaud
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25 minutes ago, magemaud said:

High schools in my New Jersey county have several vocational training programs open to county residents including auto repair, but the training doesn't begin until Junior year of high school at which time the students have already had ten years of formal education. Half the day they are in the specialized training program and the other half they still continue with their regular core classes. They are expected to pass certification or licensing tests in their chosen field. I realize Ethan was home schooled but I doubt if he had a basic foundation in high school level classes before he was allowed to go out and tinker around with car engines. I think that Kim just let him hang out in the garage all day instead of any formal instruction and considered that fulfilling his high school curriculum requirements. 

Agreed. Kim unschooled her kids. She claimed that she wanted to foster her kids' interests, but she did so at the expense of education. Remember when Kim and Moriah toured the college? Who thought that Moriah would actually attend there? It was painfully obvious that she was in over her head. 

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8 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Agreed. Kim unschooled her kids. She claimed that she wanted to foster her kids' interests, but she did so at the expense of education. Remember when Kim and Moriah toured the college? Who thought that Moriah would actually attend there? It was painfully obvious that she was in over her head. 

Kim didn't really want to foster her children's interests or she would've put some work into actually doing it.  Letting Ethan hang out in the barn working on old cars was not 'fostering his interest' in cars, it was avoiding actually providing him with a practical education to prepare him for the real world.  Kim, and Barry, were lazy.

I know of parents who 'unschool' and, when done right, it is very labor intensive for the parents to help the child pursue their interests and to use those interests to spur the child into higher learning.  There are plenty of unschooled kids who've gone on to Ivy League schools and excelled.  Kim didn't unschool, she didn't school at all.

Edited by Notabug
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I'm concerned about Lydia. She doesn't so much love Christ as she seems to be "in love" with Christ. That is really the only relationship she is allowed and she jumped in completely.  

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5 hours ago, Morgalisa said:

I'm concerned about Lydia. She doesn't so much love Christ as she seems to be "in love" with Christ. That is really the only relationship she is allowed and she jumped in completely.  

Lydia would make a great nun!

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If I remember correctly, Kim bragged that Hosanna turned down a college scholarship. Prepare yourself if you want to take a trip down the rabbit hole of white American Christian fundamentalism:

Hosanna is “best friends” with Nurie Rodrigues. Nurie is the daughter of David and Jill Rodrigues. The Rodrigueses are batshit crazy grifters with even more kids than the Plaths except the Rodrigues kids all look extremely gaunt and unhealthy and are dressed in second thousand hand clothing. Nurie is now married to Nathan Keller. Nathan is the younger brother of Anna Duggar who of course is married to Josh “Sex Pest” Duggar. The Plaths and the Rodrigueses are friendly towards each other. Jill has posted pictures of the Plaths at her home. Nurie and Hosanna were in each other’s weddings and Aunt Lydia keeps in touch with them as well. The tea that Ethan spilled was that prior to his marriage, Jill tried to get him to court her daughter, Nurie. With the Plath’s pending divorce and Kim’s newfound love of jeggings, I highly doubt the families are on such friendly terms anymore.

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I noticed that when the group got together Lydia always rode with Barry. It’s like she’s trying to take Kim’s place. The more I watch her the stranger I think she is.

I don’t understand the big deal about Olivia going to the grave.  It would only be stressful when the focus should be on Joshua, who she of course never knew.  She should have just quietly stayed back so the Plaths could be together.  She and Ethan were both over the top about it.

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On 7/27/2022 at 6:53 AM, Notabug said:

I don't think Kim ever really 'homeschooled' her kids in that she seemingly didn't care if they ever learned anything or not. 

She literally said that her kids didn’t need “head learning” in the first season when I think she was talking about the kids going to college.  

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Wait. According to Olivia, Kim used a 20 yr old Ethan’s credit card to buy things for herself and also managed the passwords? What.the.hell?!! If this is true, and a “small” example (per Olivia), no wonder she wants absolutely nothing to do with Kim!!

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On 7/27/2022 at 2:10 PM, applewood said:

One thing she could have taught Ethan was some basic cooking. He could not make a pancake to save himself. I just sayin it would be a useful skill

Kim was still operating under the "man's work, woman's work" principle.

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