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1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:

We can ruin his life for throwing away his game to play kissy-face with Alyssa, but I don't think he's racist.

I am also giving the benefit of the doubt for now. I get the optics, but this is not the usual “other”ing that we typically see at the start of the season. This particular division seems to be based on hierarchy, not race. The ones who are discussing a break seem to be further from the center than, say, Monte or Joseph. (I’d throw Turner in there, too.) Kyle wants Alyssa because he wants to roll around under the blankets with her, not because she’s the white girl from the other side. And I do think they expect Taylor to go with them.

I reserve the right to change my opinion.

If Turner and Joseph really want to hobble any opposition, they need to throw suspicion on Indy, Alyssa or Daniel as the perpetrator of Muffingate. That should put the end to any burgeoning counteroffensive.

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Ok I am getting a bit soft-hearted but I feel bad for Alyssa right now:

Indy keeps saying that Alyssa should be able to convince Kyle to evict Taylor because they're fucking of their friendship. Alyssa is very quiet because she seems to know on some level that Kyle doesn't trust her that way. And with all that she's said on the feeds about how her mother basically withholds affection, blames Alyssa for a divorce, and so on, I just think it can only end in tears for Alyssa.

Kyle is horny. Alyssa is in love.

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12 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Sucks to suck lol.

Yeah, although I have compassion for someone in those financial straits (I’ve been there), it does not make you more deserving to win a game show. He’s made this comment before, and it annoys me. If you want to beat the rich people, play better than them.

1 minute ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Kyle is horny. Alyssa is in love. hornier.


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Alyssa seems like the type to confuse lust and physical attraction with warm, gooey feelings of the heart. The problem is that she's young and Kyle is... young-minded? Stunted? And is faced with a girl who's willing to give it her all - like all of her all.

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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh, this is hilarious. She never said anything bad about or to Taylor.  And people need to play the game with grace and humility…..like her?    She is going to fall hard when she gets out of the bubble and realizes how hated she is.  

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1 minute ago, DEL901 said:

Oh, this is hilarious. She never said anything bad about or to Taylor.  And people need to play the game with grace and humility…..like her?    She is going to fall hard when she gets out of the bubble and realizes how hated she is.  

Nah - they typically just double down and use the "but you don't see everything" line. Ameerah, a few days outside of the house, is one of the rare few who realized how she looked and has been accepting her lumps - so long as people have been respectful about calling her out (which is totally fair). Nicole's like Arbor Day - always right, even when she's wrong.

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3 hours ago, Slider said:

Let's be clear it's not a "white people alliance" in the sense that Kyle/Michael/Britt were saying they only wanted white people in it, and were refusing access to POC.  I can understand the optics, but honestly to me it doesn't look like ill intent.  Michael and Britt have made it clear that they want Taylor there in the long run

I just wanted to emphasize that I don't see Brittany doing anything at this point without Taylor. She's been pretty clear on that with Taylor in their many talks. I know Brittany apologized to Taylor for how the first week or so went with the other women. There's nothing that Brittany could have done to stop it, but I do believe Brittany was disappointed with herself over it.  Anyway, I'd totally argue that Brittany is closer to Taylor now than Michael.


I don’t see Alyssa as in love at all. She just wants to fuck Kyle lol.

Sigh. I'm not convinced at all that Alyssa would understand the difference.   

Edited by vb68
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11 minutes ago, Welshman in Ca said:

It's going to take more than just clippers to fix the inside.

Yes, it will.  I hope Julie quashes any hope she has of coming back into the house.  Please let this be true.  

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22 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

Yes, it will.  I hope Julie quashes any hope she has of coming back into the house.  Please let this be true.  

Don’t hold your breath. Reality tv has a trend of calling back past villains for a redemption arc and also fan faves to kill their reputation. Who knows whether they bring it on themselves or it’s all producer driven but that’s just the way it is. Nicole is a prime example of what not to do and they’ll bring her back to show she “learned from her mistakes”😏

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Not this season, though. As long as Covid variants/Monkeypox are still out there I doubt there will be battle backs. And I doubt Nicole will return for another season unless her apology tour as of tonight is a rip-roaring triumph.

Edited by TimWil
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35 minutes ago, TimWil said:

And I doubt Nicole will return for another season unless her apology tour as of tonight is a rip-roaring triumph.

Seems highly unlikely.

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34 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Even with their feelings toward Michael and Brittany, Daniel would probably go after Monte and Joseph and would try and steer Indy, Alyssa, and Jasmine that way, too.  All have agreed that they're most likely running the Leftovers (which they are).

The Leftovers would vote off Terrance.

Indy, Alyssa, Jasmine hate Brittany, who had turned on the Girls Alliance.

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13 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Even with their feelings toward Michael and Brittany, Daniel would probably go after Monte and Joseph and would try and steer Indy, Alyssa, and Jasmine that way, too.  All have agreed that they're most likely running the Leftovers (which they are).

I like Joseph, but I’m down for this. If these two are targeted it breaks up the potential bro down. But who knows if the likes of Michael, Brittany, Taylor etc would see the benefit in getting rid of one of them rather than Terrance? I would hope so.

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And they should get rid of Terrance. He’s made it pretty clear to them that not only can he not be trusted but that he’d be a liability for them in every conceivable scenario. He was embarrassing during that PoV comp shown last night.

Edited by TimWil
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Jasmine is now interrogating each house guest, demanding, "Where were you between 4:00 am and 8:00 am this morning?" She asked Joseph, Brittany, and suddenly the moving finger of suspicion pointed at Alyssa. Someone asked, "Who was the most excited about the orange chocolate muffins?" Everyone yells, "Alyssa!" Now Kyle is accusing Alyssa because she brought Kyle a half muffin. Kyle says, "I'm not going down for this!" Now Michael is being accused. Daniel? No, Jasmine says, he didn't even eat a muffin when they came out of the oven.

The kitchen is the courtroom. Well, they're all laughing about it. Jasmine laughs about Alyssa eating Triscuits and the crumbs go all down her shirt. Here comes Turner (the actual culprit).

Michael says, "Jasmine! You're destroying the evidence!" as Jasmine eats a muffin. "No," she says, "I'm eating the big one."

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7 minutes ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

I'm not watching the feeds, but someone on twitter posted a picture of Jasmine hiding as part of her investigation into muffingate:

Holy delicious baked goods Batman, Jasmine is more into this investigation than she has been the game at any point this season so far.

I do feel bad for her. I thought for sure that she would know the Muffin Man by now.

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Daniel's doing a pity complaint to Joseph and Michael. Nicole's going home today. Everybody's just handing the check to Monte and Michael. Everyone's a liar.

But Daniel, who used the Power of Veto on Alyssa and Indy?

By the way, this morning, Nicole absolved Daniel of his stupidity in using the veto. She says something about having to play the game with risks and she's not mad at him. He says he's so relieved to hear her say that.

Now Joseph says Michael's winning the game! Indy says, "Congrats!" and they both shake Michael's hand.

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I wonder where Taylor is in all this. I hope she's not still up in the pool table nook.

Here she is, in the bathroom, working on her hair.

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Daniel says I know Nicole's going home! We've known that eight, nine days! (That's why you used the POV three days ago?) Monte and Joseph are the head of the snake and everyone is playing for them. They're just a bunch of sheep! 

Kyle's earning his Emmy being the earnest, kind of embarrassed, apologetic young man. He says, the game's not over! You never know what's going to happen each week. Let's keep fighting!

Edited by Lamb18
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I hope that tonight's episode shows all of the hubris from Daniel and Nicole (not the "we knew the whole time" story they seem to now be telling) and that Julie asks Nicole about not believing Monte's warning to her and why she was initially so excited to be on the block.

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Taylor looks so different with her hair puffed all around her face. I was wondering who that was while thinking that has to be her! She tells Joseph she's going to go savage in her speech. She sings, "You look so dumb right now" (meaning Daniel).

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Turner's all hippied up. From top to bottom: a yellow-orange headband around the top of his head, made from a pillowcase; round wire-rim John Lennon sunglasses; pale pink shirt with a twigs and leaves pattern, then kind of ochre color pants with small peace signs on them.

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5 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

I hope that tonight's episode shows all of the hubris from Daniel and Nicole (not the "we knew the whole time" story they seem to now be telling) and that Julie asks Nicole about not believing Monte's warning to her and why she was initially so excited to be on the block.

I'm hoping that Julie shows her Taylor asking Monte to pray for Nicole and her mother. 

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Oh, and Daniel is wearing sandals with his crew tube socks. The pants bottoms are rolled up part way so you have several inches of leg between the top of the socks and the bottom of the pants.

Taylor says, "At least I'm not the only one yelled at by Daniel." Turner says the peace sign pants are Michael's.

I wish there would be a live audience tonight.

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6 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Turner's all hippied up. From top to bottom: a yellow-orange headband around the top of his head, made from a pillowcase; round wire-rim John Lennon sunglasses; pale pink shirt with a twigs and leaves pattern, then kind of ochre color pants with small peace signs on them.

I like Turner a lot but he's definitely I think one of those people who uses clothing to affect a more bohemian, quirky personality than he actually has. He presents socially as a fairly normal, well-adjusted Gen Z young man. He wants to always dress very quirky, but it's like he's not that eccentric.

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17 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Taylor looks so different with her hair puffed all around her face. I was wondering who that was while thinking that has to be her! She tells Joseph she's going to go savage in her speech. She sings, "You look so dumb right now" (meaning Daniel).

My concern (and I certainly hope I have no reason to be concerned) is that if Taylor goes too savage someone could end up changing their vote and then Taylor would leave and be the one that looks dumb.  Still have to play the game and strategy until after the votes.  Don't give someone a reason to change their mind or commitment.

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9 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

I like Turner a lot but he's definitely I think one of those people who uses clothing to affect a more bohemian, quirky personality than he actually has. He presents socially as a fairly normal, well-adjusted Gen Z young man. He wants to always dress very quirky, but it's like he's not that eccentric.

I think he's said that everything he brought came from his store. So I agree with you that he's using his clothing choices to consciously present himself for the audience. 

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1 minute ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

I think he's said that everything he brought came from his store. So I agree with you that he's using his clothing choices to consciously present himself for the audience. 

Including the audience in the house.  If they think he is harmless, they are less likely to target him.   

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Shortly before they went to kittens Taylor said to Brittany and Joseph that she has no choice but to “go savage” in her eviction speech.

Get the popcorn popped.

Edited by TimWil
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13 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Including the audience in the house.  If they think he is harmless, they are less likely to target him.   

Yeah, I think he's trying to give the impression of being like a totally cool and rad dude, with a hippie and bohemian vibe. But really, he's just a very normal person. Take away the hippie clothes and he might be the most normal person in the house. He's also (I think) using the clothes to hide the fact that he's actually pretty rich. He has his own business at age 23.

Don't get me wrong I love his sense of humor and agreeable personality, but his clothing and persona are definitely sort of poseurish.

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