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53 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

It's hard to believe this is only the third week. I feel like I've been watching these guys forever.

And only 2 of them are out so far with only 1 of them actually evicted by the others. We have only seen one "vote to evict." LOL

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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Grain of salt and all:

This seems too stupid to be possible. But I mean the twists are always bad so I could believe it lol.

It being too stupid to be possible means it's all but assured for this show.

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Looking forward to Blindside: Part 2 tomorrow night!  Ameerah and Alyssa talking and they both seem extremely confident that pretty much everyone is going to vote out Terrence.  And that everyone will want to backdoor Turner because he's such a wild card.  Can't WAIT for Julie to announce that vote!

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Indie, Michael and Taylor talking - they are going to ask production for a pet as well as condensed milk and powdered chocolate (for a cake).

I suppose they could have pet ants.

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Monte told Kyle and Joseph that Nicole came up to him last night and asked who he was going to vote for, saying she was conflicted about which person to vote for. She's in Po's pack with Ameerah but she's friends with Terrance. Monte said he was going to vote to evict Terrance. Then he went and told Ameerah what Nicole said. 

The three guys want it to be a close vote.

Monte and Taylor are putting up an act that they aren't cool with each other.

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Ameerah said to Alyssa she was afraid of Terrance being kept in the house and not her because it could be like Derek F being kept in the house until the very end. Uh huh. The Cookout certainly did that.

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I think this is different than the usual telling the victim their fate before the vote.  Half the house is going to be blindsided - Monte is already working on plans on how to blame the votes to evict her on other people.  You can't tell Ameerah she doesn't have the votes without telling her alliance they don't have the votes, and the Leftovers certainly don't want that.  

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6 hours ago, ilovebeaarthur said:

This was a sprain, right? She should be able to walk on that by now. I had a clean break in my left foot last summer, and I was up and walking with a boot by the second day. It drove me nuts, but it was better than making my husband and daughter get everything for me. She's just lazy as hell.

I agree. Generally with a sprain you are supposed to do exercises to increase your flexibility and the blood circulation.  If you don't move it takes longer for the muscles, ligaments,  muscles, to heal.  Jasmine is being lazy, and LOVES the attention she gets from her injury.

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6 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

I think it kind of makes them look like dicks that they're basically about to crush someone's spirit, especially given that Ameerah's probably the least or second-least offensive of those on that side.

I disagree. Ameerah deserves what she’ll be getting. She was still actively plotting to rid the house of Taylor. The Leftovers’ justification for ridding the house of Ameerah is totally understandable-she’s a strong competitor and a very intelligent strategist. Besides they’re obviously not showing glee about getting rid of her from a personal aspect. Nicole and Daniel could be another story.

Edited by TimWil
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12 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

I think it kind of makes them look like dicks that they're basically about to crush someone's spirit, especially given that Ameerah's probably the least or second-least offensive of those on that side.

Huh?  It's called good game play.  This IS Big Brother.  Ameerah is a huge threat.  She would have done exactly the same thing to the them.  People on-line can't wait to see her get blind sighted and out the door.

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4 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

I don't mind that they're targeting her as a threat.  I mind that they seem to enjoy how much it's going to crush her.  Just shut up and play the game, not relish in the emotional aspects of it.

Trust me, if it was the other side, they would be a lot more vicious.   Time and time again, Ameerah, Daniel, Nicole, Jasmine have shown how down right mean they can be.

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What I like about this show is how it's all on the fly. Eviction is less than 24 hours away and no one knows for sure who is going home, either Ameerah and Terrence. Also no one knows who the next head of household unless will be either. 

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Jasmine, Ameerah, Alyssa and Indy are having so much fun reminiscing about when they first met: flattering each other about all the positive first impressions they made, combined with bashing Taylor and how you could tell she was a stuck up bitch from the start. It’s their two favorite sports, combined!

Alyssa very shyly confesses, through her giggles, how Kyle told her “you’re going to make me fall in love with you, aren’t you?” on night one. Cue a chorus of “awwwww….”s.

It’s like they know she’s leaving and are having one last slumber party, except they don’t know she’s leaving and are just feeding their own hubris. Tomorrow is going to be so delicious.

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2 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

This has to be the biggest blindside since Austin was sent packing barefoot.

Ameerah, please stand around and beg for them to change their votes before finally leaving. Pleasepleaseplease.

I still can't believe they never showed us that.

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Nicole is a little nervous about how calm Ameerah is. Daniel is feeling weird vibes and doesn’t know why people aren’t checking in. Nicole is just pissed that nobody is talking to her.

Nicole doesn’t trust Kyle or Monte. And Alyssa has a big mouth. Just this morning, she told Terrance she was going to miss him! She can’t trust Alyssa, either.

Alyssa is going to fuck this up, isn’t she?

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Nicole is now being snowed majorly by Kyle and Michael. They are talking about how they "need" to tell Terrance that he's going because it's going to be a huge vote against him.

Nicole wants to give Terrance a "pity" non-eviction vote, with the idea that all those votes are there for Ameerah to stay, but decided against it and is going to tell Terrance tonight that the votes are not there.
Nicole says she doesn't know how Joseph is voting but "it doesn't matter."
Michael is pretty ice-cold when he wants to be.

Edited by Lady Whistleup
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Kyle is calming Nicole down by assuring her what she wants is going to happen: Daniel will stay off the block, and Taylor’s the next target.

Oh, and it’s totes cool for her to throw a vote for Terrance, her very best friend in the house. In fact, if a few people want to throw him some votes, to make him feel better, that would be fine.

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LOLOLOL if they accidentally make it a unanimous vote to evict Ameerah because they wanted Terrance to have a pity vote or nine.

I mean, it'll never happen but it's fucking hilarious to think about.

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Nicole to Daniel: I’m going to throw Terrance a pity vote. Or maybe I’ll talk to Terrance first and ask him if he wants me to do that, even though it might fuck up my game. Let’s see what he says before doing anything rash. 

Daniel just talked to Monte and is still getting weird vibes. They’ve had such a good bond over mutual Taylor hate, and now Monte seems a little distant. Or maybe Daniel’s just being paranoid. Yeah, that must be it.

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Nicole asks Monte if she can please be the one to break the news to Terrance. And would he mind if she gave Terrance a sympathy vote?

Guess what? Monte’s fine with it too. These boys, they’re so accommodating.

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The Girls Girls are crying in front of Taylor about having to evict poor Terrance. Taylor has a good poker face.

ETA: Nicole crying as he tells Terrance this is his last night in the house.

Edited by Lady Whistleup
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21 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

LOLOLOL if they accidentally make it a unanimous vote to evict Ameerah because they wanted Terrance to have a pity vote or nine.

I mean, it'll never happen but it's fucking hilarious to think about.

It'll be like the time in Survivor Nicaragua when something like four separate jurors took it upon themselves to throw Chase a vote to win out of pity. Technically, they didn't mess anything up but they came super close to changing the entire thing.

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Nicole weeps while Terrance comforts her, because one of them has class and one only thinks about themselves. Wait, he’s her “soulmate” in the game? What about Daniel?

Nicole wishes they had made their alliance bigger. (It’s ok, someone else did that while others were holed up in their bedroom listing the reasons they hate Taylor.)

I’m feeling really bad for Terrance right now, even though I know he’s staying. He just looks so sad. He says how much he enjoyed playing the game, and he respects Ameerah for her gameplay.

As a parting gift, Nicole shares some info: she used to be a cop! Instead of responding with the appropriate “so what?”, Terrance acts impressed. He is sure her cop skills are serving her well in the game, because she knows how to see through the bullshit. (Oh, so that’s the secret— she was a terrible cop.)

She shares more inside intel: Joseph is definitely a paramedic, because who else would come to the aid of an injured woman? (Um, maybe a caring person?)

Wait, now Nicole is saying she tried to protect Taylor since day one? Terrance advises her to team up with Brittany, but she can’t. She just can’t. She feels she has a very good relationship with Ameerah, though, so that might get her far.

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Heh- Nicole is going to keep Turner around because he has nobody right now. She will rope him in and he will be so loyal. She would love to play with Kyle, too, but he’s too girl crazy. He can’t get his head in the game.

Terrance is still hoping for a last minute surprise, that maybe things are not what they seem. But his bags are packed.

Turner comes in. Nicole breaks the bad news that the votes are not there to keep Terrance. Turner is very disappointed to hear that. He doesn’t know what to say. (I bet.) He gets her take on the house. She believes they are all voting for Ameerah, including Joseph, who is playing a very stupid game. She doesn’t know how Brittany and Taylor are voting, because she can’t read them.

Turner asks if Nicole is close with Ameerah? She gives an emphatic yes, but says she would like to work with him. He is glad to hear that. She knows she is not in good with the women, except for Ameerah, but at least she has Taylor as a shield. That will keep her safe. “For sure,” Taylor says.

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Nicole leaves and holy shit, Turner is telling Terrance he has the votes to stay. He swears him to secrecy, he can’t tell anyone, not even Nicole.

That’s fine with Terrance, because he is irritated by the way Nicole and Daniel are trying to get him to a place of acceptance, so he’ll just shuffle out without a fight. He says she showed her cards earlier when she said Ameerah was his number two, not him. He also doesn’t believe she really wants him, if she won’t even vote for him.

He thinks Nicole is in tight with the girls, and their alliance is very strong.

Turner warns him not to pull a Pooch, just chill and everything will be fine. And please don’t tell anyone, it will fuck me. Terrance swears, and pledges unwavering loyalty. Turner is Terrance’s new #2.

Terrance says Ameerah has been way too confident. Earlier, she asked him if he was all packed up. “Damn,” Turner says. “Is she packed up?”

Terrance is so excited he’s giddy. Please let him keep it under control.

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Brittany and Michael whispering in the storeroom: Nicole is digging herself a deep hole. All this crying over Terrance is going to come back and bite her.

They think Joseph may get the majority of the women’s wrath. Ameerah really likes him, they’re snuggling together right now, and all the women think there’s a showmance brewing.

Oh, and Kyle wants Alyssa out next.

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5 hours ago, Lucas Rowan said:

I don't mind that they're targeting her as a threat.  I mind that they seem to enjoy how much it's going to crush her.  Just shut up and play the game, not relish in the emotional aspects of it.

They're mostly a bunch of big BB fans, they know that this will be a HUGE BB moment if they pull it off. I imagine that's what their glee is coming from, not anything specifically about crushing Ameerah. 

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I heard that Jasmine complimented the fries that Indy made (from scratch?) and I had to turn on the feeds to double check. And instead of an impossible thing, I saw watermelon on the counter and had a Moment. So I still don't believe Jasmine said something nice about food that was made for her and now I'm having some PTSD style flashbacks. Thanks, BB!

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Jasmine is already mad at Nicole. She sees Nicole positioning herself as someone who wanted to save Terrance, but couldn’t because everyone else was against him. Making it everybody else’s fault. That is some shady shit, she says before doubling down on some chips. The CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH of frustration.

Ameerah tells Terrance he’s getting sympathy votes from Nicole and Daniel. He says he doesn’t care. His bags are packed. Mine too, she says unconvincingly.

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Daniel pulled Terrance aside to let him know that he'll be casting a sympathy vote for Terrance but he still knows that Terrance is going to same place as Paloma, to run through the endless green fields, catching mice and birds and never being cold or hungry or sad again.

Daniel to Terrance who is playing him like a fiddle: "You get to drink tomorrow night. You get to draaank. If I'm crying, it's because I'm jealous."

Bringing Terrance in on the plan is like the best fucking thing they could have done. At first I was horrified, thinking that the blindside was going down the drain but Terrance suddenly woke up and is now working towards winning the Outstanding Achievements in Acting Like A Dead Man Walking award.

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Terrance suddenly woke up and is now working towards winning the Outstanding Achievements in Acting Like A Dead Man Walking award.

Terrance is having the most fun he’s had so far. I am loving laughing-on-the-inside, crying-on-the-outside Terrance.

12 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Because if you eat in bed, the next logical step is flossing your teeth in bed. I give it three days before she has a bedpan.

Well, she did already ask for a pee cup…

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Jasmine is now sitting next to Alyssa, who is feasting on her no-longer-Have-Not dinner, giving her the big sad eyes like my cat does when he wants to have some of my ice cream. But it turns out that it's not because she wants more fries - it's because the earlier flossing was because she broke a tooth eating the fries and she wanted to warn Alyssa. Alyssa sympathizes with her by shoving more fries (covered in a metric fuckton of salt) and ketchup into her mouth.

Jasmine to Alyssa's plate: "🥺🥺🥺."

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The girls are now so fixated on Nicole’s betrayal that the thought of anything going wrong tomorrow isn’t even entering their minds. Nicole is like the bright red laser beam dot that can keep the kitties occupied for hours.

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Ameerah to Alyssa: "But I want to wait a few days to tell Monte [about Nicole throwing him under the bus]."

SMASH CUT TO Jasmine telling Monte about Nicole throwing him under the bus.

That's why we keep getting so much wheel squeaking - they barely have to edit this shit.

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Daniel, playing checkers with Nicole at the dining room table: "This is hard. Fuck chess!"
Kyle, dressed like Audrey: "Are you playing where you have to make a move?"
After a moment of confusion over what "make a move means", Nicole: "Oh, he means where if you have a move to take a chip, you have to do it." Turns to Blanket!Kyle. "No! Why would you play a game where you have to make a move?"
Daniel: "Welcome to Big Brother."


Edited by Callaphera
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Jasmine to Indy, after Indy telling her about her lucky earrings: "I had a pair of star earrings that I loved and guess what? I lost 'em."

Well, it's no "fell of the homecoming parade float and my dad drug me through the mud and oh, that was the night we became homeless" but they can't all be winners.

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Jasmine, earlier tonight: “If my husband were playing, he’d be playing the exact same game I am. We’re like the same person.” 
Then: “If my husband were playing, he’d be just like Joseph and Kyle.”
Then: “I wish my husband were playing. He’d be so much better than me.”

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Latest HG theory on the fate of the non-evicted bestie:

First person in each pair to get evicted goes home, and the remaining person has a guaranteed jury spot. Too sleepy to think how that would work, but it sounds interesting.

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