Trini May 2, 2022 Share May 2, 2022 (edited) Team Flash is under attack, and each must fight to save not only themselves but each other. Chris Peppe directed the episode with the story by Sam Chalsen and teleplay by Joshua V. Gilbert. Airdate: 5/4/2022 Edited May 4, 2022 by Trini Link to comment
Trini May 4, 2022 Author Share May 4, 2022 Preview clip: Link to comment
Primal Slayer May 5, 2022 Share May 5, 2022 I'm exhausted by this season. How do we still have 7 episodes left???? I feel like its been airing for an entire year. Killing off shocking. What a better way to have your cake and eat it to? Keep a cast member, they get to cut down their screen time with only playing 1 character again, get to save on CGI budget now that there's only 2 physical metas left on the team. But I felt next to nothing seeing her die. They've run that character into the ground and de-clawed her to the point where she wasnt even fun anymore. 1 9 Link to comment
Frozendiva May 5, 2022 Share May 5, 2022 The show is getting tired. This season too has felt very long. I won’t miss Frost much except for her lip colors. 1 Link to comment
Trini May 5, 2022 Author Share May 5, 2022 Well that was an instant delete -- which I normally don't do even for bad episodes of this show. But there was nothing here I needed to see again. Wow, they really only had Cecile here to just tell people their feelings. ugh So Frost is dead, but it looks like Chillame will take her place on Team Flash. But it was nice to see Robbie Amell and Rick Cosnett on the show again for a bit. 4 Link to comment
cambridgeguy May 5, 2022 Share May 5, 2022 So is someone on the writer's staff a huge Deanna Troi fan? Cecile sensing everyone's emotions and narrating is grating, although there is a sort of morbid humor if you interpret her not sensing anything from Barry and Caitlin when Frost died as proof they weren't really that broken up about it. It makes me wonder how long Sue is sticking around since she seems to be ready to slide into the snarky quipster role. Oh, and is Iris supposed to be isolating herself or not? If she is then she shouldn't have been in the big group scene at the end (insert joke about how she probably isn't overly sad at Frost dying anyway). 3 Link to comment
Quark May 5, 2022 Share May 5, 2022 I thought this was a really good episode. It was great seeing Rick Cosnett and Robbie Amell again. Can't say I care that Frost is dead, her character didn't do anything for me. Really wouldn't mind seeing Sue become a permanent member of the team. I think she is great. 1 Link to comment
thuganomics85 May 5, 2022 Share May 5, 2022 Can we find a way to keep Rick Cosnett around as some kind of villain? He was pretty awesome as the evil variation of Eddie and I would so watch a seasonal arc of him sneering and preening for the camera. He struck the right balance of underplaying some aspects but devouring the scenery when the time called for it too. Making me wish they didn't write him out as early as they did. I know I was suppose to feel emotionally broken about Frost's death, but all I could think of was "Well, I guess Danielle Panabaker was tired of playing two different characters and either she rather not have to deal with the wig and make-up anymore or the show itself was finding a way to cut back on the CGI budget" with her exit. It just felt strangely per-functionary and despite the cast trying to sell that final scene, it just left me cold (err, pun not attended, I swear.) It just kind of felt like they didn't know what else to do with her at this point, since her main purposes seem to be making snarky comments and then being the first offense against a baddie and mainly get knocked down and thrown around until Flash/Barry shows up. At the risk of sounding heartless, from a show standpoint, nothing is really going to be lost here outside how it effects the other characters going forward. That said, I will definitely miss her if this means freaking Chillblaine sticks around. Really hope him finding out that Barry is The Flash (seriously?! Who in Central City doesn't know by now?!) doesn't mean he's actually going to join Team Flash. Especially when they've got a perfectly good Sue here who really should have joined up a few seasons ago, honestly. At least the Deathstorm arc was a fun way to bring back Cosnett and Robbie Amell again. Also fun seeing Michelle Harrison get to be evil again as well. 4 Link to comment
shantown May 5, 2022 Share May 5, 2022 I don't care a bit that Killer HellFrost is dead - was she even actually a character? This episode even made a point of saying she was a clone with no conscious, and she's only been a stand-in when Caitlin was injured to "protect" her. And we're still stuck with Caitlin so the whole thing was a bit of a cop-out anyway. I do hope that Caitlin sees this as the need for a major life change, and departs this season. She can take Frost Guy (I honestly can't remember his name) with her. Quote At the risk of sounding heartless, from a show standpoint, nothing is really going to be lost here outside how it effects the other characters going forward. Is it really going to effect any of them besides Caitlin? I don't think the show has lost anything here. If we need to replace the departed Frosts I would love to see Sue stick around as part of the team. She gets along well with Barry and Iris, is quick thinking and good at the legwork of solving cases, is not afraid to stand up to grief monsters, and is good for some one-liners. The Flash needs more humor, I miss the early seasons where they still had some fun on the team. 6 Link to comment
rmontro May 5, 2022 Share May 5, 2022 Looks like I am the only one here that is sorry to see Killer Frost go. She was one of the few characters on here I liked. Oh well, comic book characters never really die, especially with the metaverse around. 2 Link to comment
Cthulhudrew May 6, 2022 Share May 6, 2022 That headstone is going to look like a grammatical error. "Here lies Frost Snow." 2 Link to comment
Lantern7 May 6, 2022 Share May 6, 2022 Meh. Like I said in other forums, it's a shame The Flash is dragging, especially after we lost two series that were more fun to watch this season. Sooooooo . . . Iris is still "time sick"? Not "time sick"? Still not getting it. Is it weird that I'd figure the funk Allegra and Chester would give off would kill them before the excessive heat? Eddie did have a point, even if he was some sort of evil phantom or whatever . . . killing himself to negate Thrawne's existence did not work out at all. I guess that's one of the things Team Flash will never talk about . . .like whatever happened to Ralph. I had to think of him when Frost brought up life coaches. I guess her Dib-polma will go to waste now. Imagining the cast taking a group photo after wrapping up the episode. "One . . . two . . three . . . UGLY CRY!!!!!" Oh, and Blaine is still there. Yaaaaaay. Ugh, he's a waste. Link to comment
tennisgurl May 9, 2022 Share May 9, 2022 (edited) Oh no, not Frosty! Who will get tons of unearned accolades about being the most awesome hero ever while being coddled endlessly and go on to bang her asshole boyfriend at major events in the future? Talk about having your cake and eating it too, the show can wring drama out of a major character death without having to actually fire someone, plus give us a billion tedious speeches about how Frost is the best hero ever while Danielle overacts. Seriously, I don't know what's happened to her in the last few seasons, but she has gotten so hammy, I cant tell if its her or the direction she's getting, but its weird. I have never cared about Frost and this didn't make me start, I'm sorry. The show has never really known what to do with her, despite how much the writers clearly like her, I cant say the show has lost a lot with her being gone. It sucks that the gang has to deal with even more death, especially Barry and his never ending guilt complex, but I cant say I'll miss her. Not even the characters seemed to care that much except for Caitlin. She hasn't been useful or interesting in years. Hopefully Chillame leaves with her, but we probably aren't that lucky. Can we have Sue instead? This episode seemed to be good on paper, but it really struck me how little I care. Its variations on the same things we have seen over and over, the idea of a being from before the big bang just wanting a wifey is lame, I am increasingly uninterested in Allegra and Chester, this episode should have been an emotional powerhouse, but it felt so by the numbers. The only parts that did make me feel something were Barry having to flashback to Oliver's death, and not Eddie saying how his sacrifice was useless. I have always found that to be a really sad and frustrating aspect of Thawne showing up again and again, poor Eddie really did die for nothing. It was nice seeing some of the old actors and they all did a good job, at least, that was something. Thank you for your brilliant empathetic observations, Cecile. Next time someone is sobbing hysterically and I need to know if they're upset, I'll give you a call. Edited May 9, 2022 by tennisgurl 5 Link to comment
Chick2Chic May 11, 2022 Share May 11, 2022 (edited) My eyes were as dry over Frost's death as the remaining characters' eyes. I don't think Frost added much to the show so I won't miss her and I hope the lack of stretching with two characters will improve DP's delivery. Edited May 11, 2022 by Chick2Chic fixed something. 2 Link to comment
bettername2come May 20, 2022 Share May 20, 2022 On 5/5/2022 at 6:09 PM, shantown said: This episode even made a point of saying she was a clone with no conscious, and she's only been a stand-in when Caitlin was injured to "protect" her. Exactly! I don't like agreeing with the villains, but I was on his side. This is not a real person, even by TV standards. And I'm not entirely sure that she and/or Deathstorm won't be back. Why did Frost's hair change when she became Hell Frost, but her eyebrows stayed pale? It was unflattering and illogical. C'mon, makeup department, sneak out there with some brown eyebrow gel! Villains obsessed with Caitlin is still old. Like, Zoom was enough, and much better played since there was a real relationship as the basis for it. Also, I'm tired of Allegra's dead cousin. I like Chester and Allegra just fine but like - just let them date, don't act like this is some big will they or won't they. There's nothing stopping them, just go for it with double the relationship and 50% the screen time. Okay, things I liked: It's nice to see Rick Cosnett again and I've enjoyed Robbie Amell getting to return. I loved Joe referring to Eddie as "Detective Pretty Boy." I also liked that Joe's grief was over Chyre who we really haven't heard about since he died in the pilot. Nice continuity there. I also liked that Barry admitted he'd worked through his mom's death but then got hit by all the other deaths, including Oliver's (though I wish there were Stephen Amell footage). That rang 100% true. I thought Danielle Panabaker did a good job in that last scene where she just broke down crying, and I was glad Cecile went over to hug her, delayed reaction though it seemed to be. Like, "oh, her oldest friend still in town's not gonna do it? or the sister's boyfriend? ok, guess it's on me, even though all non-sociopaths can feel these emotions off her." Link to comment
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