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S03.E12: The Witch Tree Symbol

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HEXED – Nancy (Kennedy McMann) searches for a missing person targeted by Temperance (guest star Olivia Taylor Dudley), who has also placed a fatal hex on the kids of the Youth Center. With the solution to the Frozen Hearts mystery almost in their grasp, a shocking reversal puts the Drew Crew (Kennedy McMann, Leah Lewis, Maddison Jaizani, Tunji Kasim, Alex Saxon), in the crosshairs. 
Original Airdate:  1/21/2022   (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET)    The CW  

(Next Week is the SEASON FINALE)

First reply, huh? I knew I was right. Ace has the last piece of Charity's soul. Ace is not Thom's oldest child, so it's on his mother's side. But IIRC, His grandparents were Holocaust survivors? Was Rebecca adopted? I believe there are plot holes involved. I knew that last piece wasn't going to be a random one off character. And a lot has happened to Ace this season. One Of You Will Lose Your Heart. So, Park is not evil. He was a walking red herring this episode. I never liked this placeholder character, so if he's not in the season finale. I will not care. Nancy chose Ace in this episode. We already knew this, but I'm glad it wasn't dragged out any longer. There was no way TPTB were going to let Nace have happiness. Of course, she chose Ace. Of course, he now has a price on his head/chest. Of course, it's life or death for them in the season finale. Star Crossed Lovers tired trope. Nick needs therapy, his mama and a vacation.  He has a savior complex. Let him accept that he's not a God. Just a man and they make mistakes. That heart collecting scene was creepy. The Fernwood Orphanage has to be located outside of Horseshoe Bay. Temperance was locked out of Horseshoe Bay, Maine for centuries. R.I.P. Lev. I liked you. Darlene better make it. I guess all four pieces were men because women didn't fight in the war. Random CarMax paid promotion. 

  • Love 5

Even if it almost backfired on them at first, it's pretty impressive that Bess somehow took what was suppose to a near impossible hex to figure out and narrowed it all the way down to four.  Give her a few more years and Bess might be the most powerful witch ever (certainly the most fabulous one no matter what)!

Looks like Ace taking that risk might have paid off as Nancy has now given the Park the classic "I care about you still, but I don't think we're destined to be more than that brief fling" speech.  I think it makes sense: while that attraction was always there, Nancy and Park really didn't start acting on that until recently and I don't see it being enough for Nancy to commit to it: especially since her feelings for Ace have been around much longer (and stronger, IMO.)  Glad that Park seemed to understand and, in general, I'm glad this was handled in a more mature way compared to most love triangles on television.  Of course, I hope they don't take the cheap route and kill Park off in order to cause drama/guilt.

George telling her sisters about her and Nick breaking up was well-acted by everyone involved, but it's still frustrating that the reasons for the break-up in the first place are so flimsy.  No one seems happier because of it, so I don't see why George and Nick feel like they need to do this.

Nick really does need some kind of therapy or someone to tell him that he can't blame himself for every bad thing that happens.  It wasn't his fault the kids were hexed and almost died: that's all on Charity.

Loved that not only did Carson easily figured out that Nancy had sent George to distract him and Ryan, but was chill about it because at this point he knows he can't stop Nancy being Nancy and just has to trust her to come out ahead.  Plus, it led to free pie!  I also liked the George/Ryan scene: it's been a while since they've ever had an individual conversation and it makes for an interesting dynamic due to their history.

So, poor Lev gets his heart ripped out and now that just leaves one final victim: none other than Ace himself!  I kind of love that in typical Ace fashion, he still was chill about that dream.  Less "OMG, I'm next in line!" and more "Well, crap!  This is kind of a bummer!" about it.  Really, the entire Drew Crew is just always waiting for the other shoe to drop in these scenarios.  It's just better to always assume you're going to be in mortal danger at all times in Horseshoe Bay!

  • Love 8

Fairly strong episode, but I can still see/feel Covid causing some strains here, and not just because of the use of some archival footage. 

1. There are ways to integrate Carmax seamlessly into any given episode, and then there was this.

2. "What are the odds this whole New Genesis thing is actually delightful?" Well, it's probably going to be delightful for the bad guys, Ace. Also, good to see you joking again! I guess confessing your feelings really did help out your soul.

3. But the real question is, Ace, what are the odds that the same woman who told Nancy about the whole community liaison position would later end up on a jury with Nick and end up as a Translator of Odd Things with the show carefully trying not to make a thing of this? I realize, of course, that this was mostly a combination of Covid protocols and the notorious bare bones budget of all CW shows, but if you're going to repeat this sort of thing next season, show, can I beg you to at least get someone a little less immediately recognizable?  

4. Despite frequently not feeling like part of the main plot, Tunji Kasim is just having another amazing season as an actor, isn't he? And the one silver lining of the George/Nick breakup - a delightful Nick/Bess teamup. Definitely more of that once Nick gets his act together and realizes that he's not a complete failure at life. Come on, dude! Look what you did once you got a youth center!

5. I'll be honest; I get that the whole Copperhead and Temperance scene was supposed to be shocking/terrifying whatever, but it's not just that I have no real grasp about what they want/are planning to do, but I also, at this point, can't really bring myself to care about either one.

This is, I think, party a matter of recasting Temperance mid-season for....whatever reason. Since then, the character has never felt quite right - not because of any problems with the new actress, who is fine, but because of the convoluted story needed to explain the casting - a story that also completely halted the "is Temperance evil/grey/good/complicated" story that we were getting for....this. And the weird thing is that  I expect most of this - the Civil War stuff, the bits of Charity's soul, and so on - were planned right from the beginning, with the idea that they would be doled out bit by bit by bit until, finally, we could put all of it together, instead of having most of that shoved at us mid season and never quite making sense.

But also, recasting the actress and changing the character has made me a lot less emotionally invested in her - not that you'd know, given that I'm writing paragraphs about her.

6. George's C plot felt, well, off. Partly because of the overall episode - I mean, yes, I get that someone other than the extras in the back and George's sister kinda needed to stay at the Claw and keep an eye on Carson/Ryan, but given that the rest of the Drew Crew were running around trying to prevent a murder/save kids under a curse, it felt, well, odd to have George back at the Claw worrying about telling her sisters about her breakup. 

Beyond that, I think that once again, the decision to try to avoid filming anything related to Covid, and thus, try to squeeze all of season 3 into the last few weeks of 2019 is doing no favors to any of the characters here - and not just because I still don't see a single Xmas/holiday/New Year's decoration even though the winter solstice/darkest night of the year like, JUST HAPPENED the day before so we should be just a couple of days before Xmas. (It probably would have been better to leave any mention of the solstice out, but, here we are.) This also means that, in the show's timeline, this episode is happening only a couple of months after George/Nick got engaged and a couple of days after George/Nick broke up. Which is to say, in the show, George's sisters have only known Nick a couple of months. 

Now, sure, they might still be upset about the breakup - but they reacted as if Nick and George have been a thing for much longer. The same reaction they had during the proposal/engagement, to be fair.  Both scenes would have worked much better in the context of a two to three year relationship - which I suspect was the original plan pre-Covid.  

And speaking of this C-plot and the overall timing, in the show timeline, George and Ryan were sleeping together less than a year ago. Now, yeah, that conversation was great character growth for both of them, and nicely set up Ryan's possible/probable near death experience next episode (the anvils are flying), but again, was the sort of conversation that could happen a couple of years after the painful breakup.

I'm leaning on this because I think it's been a real problem for this season, which is trying to have it both ways - that is, trying to squeeze everything in to a pre-Covid period to avoid showing Covid on the show, while simultaneously portraying the in-show relationships as if three years have passed. It's not just George and her sisters, either, or George and Nick; it's the rapid construction of the youth center; Bess apparently already mostly over the Marvin betrayal; and Nancy and Park - a plot line/scenes that, again, would have landed much better and had more of an emotional impact had that been either Nancy and Tamura, or if Nancy and Park had met more than a couple of weeks ago in the show's timeline. 

It's not all bad - the compressed timeline means that yes, it's very realistic that Nancy's Two Dads are still preparing for Everett's trial; explains why social services hasn't shown up given that George's mother hasn't been gone all that long; and if the show wants to bring Tamura back, they easily can since in show time he hasn't been gone all that long. And the timeline is about right for Nancy and Ace to fall for each other - especially since they presumably were at least vaguely aware of each other while they were growing up, even if Ace is a few years older.

Anyway, just one more episode for this season - and maybe season four will start correcting some of the timeline problems. 

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, quarks said:


5. I'll be honest; I get that the whole Copperhead and Temperance scene was supposed to be shocking/terrifying whatever, but it's not just that I have no real grasp about what they want/are planning to do, but I also, at this point, can't really bring myself to care about either one.

This is, I think, party a matter of recasting Temperance mid-season for....whatever reason. Since then, the character has never felt quite right - not because of any problems with the new actress, who is fine, but because of the convoluted story needed to explain the casting - a story that also completely halted the "is Temperance evil/grey/good/complicated" story that we were getting for....this. And the weird thingdoes not careLolis thdoes not careect most of this - the Civil War stuff, the bits of Charity's soul, and so on - were planned right from the beginning, with the idea that they would be doled out bit by bit by bit until, finally, we could put all of it together, instead of having most of that shoved at us mid season and never quite making sense.

But also, recasting the actress and changing the character has made me a lot less emotionally invested in her - not that you'd know, given that I'm writing paragraphs about her. 

I have given up on this arc. lol Also the FBI do not care. This is not the X-Files. Once Troot died, the case is closed. Resources are pulled. Park returns to Boston. The HBPD would be in charge of these supernatural killings. Also the local police would be in the know about this case given it's happening in their town. It seems like S1 and S2 actually involved local police because Nancy and the Drew Crew are not legal investigators. Nancy does their for them because she's the title character and ND, but they were involved. She's not even a legal P. I. The series desperately needs a time jump.

Edited by Simba122504
Added something.
9 hours ago, quarks said:

I'm leaning on this because I think it's been a real problem for this season, which is trying to have it both ways - that is, trying to squeeze everything in to a pre-Covid period to avoid showing Covid on the show, while simultaneously portraying the in-show relationships as if three years have passed. It's not just George and her sisters, either, or George and Nick; it's the rapid construction of the youth center; Bess apparently already mostly over the Marvin betrayal; and Nancy and Park - a plot line/scenes that, again, would have landed much better and had more of an emotional impact had that been either Nancy and Tamura, or if Nancy and Park had met more than a couple of weeks ago in the show's timeline. 

I mean, there's really a very simple solution to all of this, especially in a supernatural world: just don't include COVID in it at all. Seriously, ND is definitely not in our universe because they're literally encountering ghosts and other supernatural beings. They don't need to squeeze COVID in because they don't need to have COVID in this universe. I don't know why they think that they do. 

Hence, why I do hope we're getting a time jump because the show clearly needs it. Having these three seasons take place within six months of each other isn't working. Relationships are sped up (Nick/George, I love you but I'm looking at you), events are happening at super fast speed that should have been spread out over the course of months, and characters are coming and going like a revolving door. 

As much as I want to care about the Temperance/Copperhead stuff, it just hasn't been working for me. I think both actresses did a great job with what they were given, but Temperance hasn't been an interesting enough villain. And, yeah, the recast without an explanation didn't help. 

So, George has now been separated from the Drew Crew for....reasons, I guess? Last episode, she was on her own solo mission for Carson and only showed up briefly for the midnight protection for Lev. And then this episode, she was stuck at the Claw, worrying about her sisters and also distracting Carson and Ryan. 

And now Nick might also be leaving? There's just a lot going on, and I'm also sad that George's story this season has been about Nick and her treatment of him hasn't been that great, either. 

It's just been a bizarre season. Season 2 and the beginning of season 3 was so strong, as well. Remember the prophecy stuff that Temperance uttered to the Drew Crew? I thought we'd get way more of that, even discussed in the show, but everyone has seemed to forget about it and I don't even know how many prophecies were fulfilled.

And of course Ace is the final victim for the Copperhead. Because the show has finally ramped up to Ace/Nancy and they of course have to make him in danger for the dramatic relationship stuff. I honestly thought it was going to be Ryan, especially after him talking about how he was prophesized by his uncle to die early and violently. Plus, Ryan is the most expendable person on this show who I believe WOULD be killed off (the only other one is probably Carson). Ace isn't going anywhere. If he dies, he'll be brought back. Ryan, on the other hand, could be killed off and then not really appear again. So Ace being in danger does lower the stakes of the finale for me. 

I just had such high hopes for season 3 after an amazing season 2. But it's been a let-down. I guess I miss the show genuinely surprising me. There were some genuinely shocking moments in season 2 and some amazing character moments as well. This season? It's more tired tropes and weird and boring episodes. I'm really hoping the finale gives me something to look forward to for season 4.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I mean, there's really a very simple solution to all of this, especially in a supernatural world: just don't include COVID in it at all. Seriously, ND is definitely not in our universe because they're literally encountering ghosts and other supernatural beings. They don't need to squeeze COVID in because they don't need to have COVID in this universe. I don't know why they think that they do. 

Hence, why I do hope we're getting a time jump because the show clearly needs it. Having these three seasons take place within six months of each other isn't working. Relationships are sped up (Nick/George, I love you but I'm looking at you), events are happening at super fast speed that should have been spread out over the course of months, and characters are coming and going like a revolving door. 

As much as I want to care about the Temperance/Copperhead stuff, it just hasn't been working for me. I think both actresses did a great job with what they were given, but Temperance hasn't been an interesting enough villain. And, yeah, the recast without an explanation didn't help. 

So, George has now been separated from the Drew Crew for....reasons, I guess? Last episode, she was on her own solo mission for Carson and only showed up briefly for the midnight protection for Lev. And then this episode, she was stuck at the Claw, worrying about her sisters and also distracting Carson and Ryan. 

And now Nick might also be leaving? There's just a lot going on, and I'm also sad that George's story this season has been about Nick and her treatment of him hasn't been that great, either. 

It's just been a bizarre season. Season 2 and the beginning of season 3 was so strong, as well. Remember the prophecy stuff that Temperance uttered to the Drew Crew? I thought we'd get way more of that, even discussed in the show, but everyone has seemed to forget about it and I don't even know how many prophecies were fulfilled.

And of course Ace is the final victim for the Copperhead. Because the show has finally ramped up to Ace/Nancy and they of course have to make him in danger for the dramatic relationship stuff. I honestly thought it was going to be Ryan, especially after him talking about how he was prophesized by his uncle to die early and violently. Plus, Ryan is the most expendable person on this show who I believe WOULD be killed off (the only other one is probably Carson). Ace isn't going anywhere. If he dies, he'll be brought back. Ryan, on the other hand, could be killed off and then not really appear again. So Ace being in danger does lower the stakes of the finale for me. 

I just had such high hopes for season 3 after an amazing season 2. But it's been a let-down. I guess I miss the show genuinely surprising me. There were some genuinely shocking moments in season 2 and some amazing character moments as well. This season? It's more tired tropes and weird and boring episodes. I'm really hoping the finale gives me something to look forward to for season 4.

Maybe they're all stuck in a time loop and it will be revealed in the series finale. 🤣

  • LOL 2
8 hours ago, Simba122504 said:

 Also the FBI do not care. This is not the X-Files. Once Troot died, the case is closed. Resources are pulled. Park returns to Boston. The HBPD would be in charge of these supernatural killings. 

This is true, but - not to sound like a complete broken record here - hi, Covid! Pre-Covid, it would have been possible for Ryan-James Hatanaka, Tamura's actor, to film both Nancy Drew and The Fairly OddParents at the same time. Several CW actors did something similar - mostly, granted, the ones on WB productions, but it would/should have been possible for CBS Studios to arrange something. Tricky, and Tamura probably wouldn't have been in every episode, but they could have managed something. That would have allowed the show to continue with what seems to have been the original plan - Tamura as a genuine competition to Ace.

Instead, we have Park, and while the chemistry between Park and Nancy is fine, and Park is a 100% improvement over Gil Bobbsey (to be fair, virtually anyone would be a 100% improvement over Gil Bobbsey), it's not just that not only did this relationship move far too quickly to be meaningful, it also, as you note, makes no sense since Park shouldn't be continuing to investigate any of this. Help with the investigation, sure, but as the constant mention of "Boston field office" reminds us, he's not based in this location and has other things to do. Ideally, the Park/FBI character should have popped up for about three episodes at the request of Tamura, and been impressed enough by/attracted enough to Nancy to get both Tamura and Ace thinking - and then taking off.

3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I mean, there's really a very simple solution to all of this, especially in a supernatural world: just don't include COVID in it at all. Seriously, ND is definitely not in our universe because they're literally encountering ghosts and other supernatural beings. They don't need to squeeze COVID in because they don't need to have COVID in this universe. I don't know why they think that they do. 

Yeah, this. I get that they are sorta trying for a "grounded" show, but...once ghosts are introduced, that ship has sailed. 

Or alternatively, they could have just skipped 2000 completely and started up the show in 2021 or even a couple of years later, with Covid as a thing, but largely as a background thing, not as a "everyone remains in complete isolation" thing. Bonus: this would have allowed them to avoid needing to show most crowd things, eliminating most of the issues I assume they are currently having with extras. And it could even have been worked into the plot of an episode or two - if, say, a ghost or serial killer decided to take advantage of the fact that Nancy was exposed to Covid and thus needing to self-isolated, forcing the Drew Crew to do all the investigations. And it would have worked with the fact that the youngest Fan sister has definitely aged more than a few months since we first saw her back in season 1. 

Or alternatively, have character development/plots that are realistic for a three to four week period - though admittedly, that can be tricky in season three of a show when you have fans going, so, why aren't Nick/George married yet? But I don't think it would have felt as, well, off as the scenes with George and her sisters did. 

I'm not saying that any of these solutions would have been ideal, but I think either one would have been better than what we have - where we have three years of character development supposedly taking place over just a few months - and this season, what feels like months of character development squeezed into a much shorter period.

And, not to focus on the Xmas part of this, but it genuinely feels weird that a town that is so focused on celebrating the same rituals every single year - something established in the first two seasons - has zero Xmas decorations up during the winter solstice. It's also fairly weird that hey, this is the winter solstice, in Maine, and....zero snow. I get that they are filming in the Vancouver area and didn't have access to snow, but it's just making the entire show feel as if it takes place in another universe - a universe that, hi, might be a Covid-free one!


  • Love 2

And I'll just add - the other weirdness about all of this is that season two ended at a good place for a time skip, what with Ace driving off, and Nancy, George and Nick all getting ready to make long term plans. And yet....the show decided not to do that. 

I do get probably wanting to get Everett's trial in there somehow, but....honestly, it would realistically take a good year or so for Everett's trial to start anyway (most murder trials go through numerous delays), and since that's a plot line that has been largely ignored this season anyway, they possibly could have handled the murder trial completely offscreen, and reintroduced a convicted Everett, in jail, post the time jump.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, quarks said:

This is true, but - not to sound like a complete broken record here - hi, Covid! Pre-Covid, it would have been possible for Ryan-James Hatanaka, Tamura's actor, to film both Nancy Drew and The Fairly OddParents at the same time. Several CW actors did something similar - mostly, granted, the ones on WB productions, but it would/should have been possible for CBS Studios to arrange something. Tricky, and Tamura probably wouldn't have been in every episode, but they could have managed something. That would have allowed the show to continue with what seems to have been the original plan - Tamura as a genuine competition to Ace.

Instead, we have Park, and while the chemistry between Park and Nancy is fine, and Park is a 100% improvement over Gil Bobbsey (to be fair, virtually anyone would be a 100% improvement over Gil Bobbsey), it's not just that not only did this relationship move far too quickly to be meaningful, it also, as you note, makes no sense since Park shouldn't be continuing to investigate any of this. Help with the investigation, sure, but as the constant mention of "Boston field office" reminds us, he's not based in this location and has other things to do. Ideally, the Park/FBI character should have popped up for about three episodes at the request of Tamura, and been impressed enough by/attracted enough to Nancy to get both Tamura and Ace thinking - and then taking off.

Yeah, this. I get that they are sorta trying for a "grounded" show, but...once ghosts are introduced, that ship has sailed. 

Or alternatively, they could have just skipped 2000 completely and started up the show in 2021 or even a couple of years later, with Covid as a thing, but largely as a background thing, not as a "everyone remains in complete isolation" thing. Bonus: this would have allowed them to avoid needing to show most crowd things, eliminating most of the issues I assume they are currently having with extras. And it could even have been worked into the plot of an episode or two - if, say, a ghost or serial killer decided to take advantage of the fact that Nancy was exposed to Covid and thus needing to self-isolated, forcing the Drew Crew to do all the investigations. And it would have worked with the fact that the youngest Fan sister has definitely aged more than a few months since we first saw her back in season 1. 

Or alternatively, have character development/plots that are realistic for a three to four week period - though admittedly, that can be tricky in season three of a show when you have fans going, so, why aren't Nick/George married yet? But I don't think it would have felt as, well, off as the scenes with George and her sisters did. 

I'm not saying that any of these solutions would have been ideal, but I think either one would have been better than what we have - where we have three years of character development supposedly taking place over just a few months - and this season, what feels like months of character development squeezed into a much shorter period.

And, not to focus on the Xmas part of this, but it genuinely feels weird that a town that is so focused on celebrating the same rituals every single year - something established in the first two seasons - has zero Xmas decorations up during the winter solstice. It's also fairly weird that hey, this is the winter solstice, in Maine, and....zero snow. I get that thRecasty are filming in the VancouRecastd didn't have access to snow, but it's just making the entire show feel as if it takes place in another universe - a universe that, hi, might be a Covid-free one!


RJ who played Tamura wanted out because COVID made it hard for him to visit his family in LA. But it's clear they wanted him to stay which why his Fed rip off is in S3. To be honest,  they should have brought back Nancy's high school boyfriend.  Use him as a place holder. It didn't have to be a the same actor. Recast the role. I'm going to sound like a broken record, but this series needs a time jump badly. 

1 hour ago, Simba122504 said:

RJ who played Tamura wanted out because COVID made it hard for him to visit his family in LA. But it's clear they wanted him to stay which why his Fed rip off is in S3. To be honest,  they should have brought back Nancy's high school boyfriend.  Use him as a place holder. It didn't have to be a the same actor. Recast the role. I'm going to sound like a broken record, but this series needs a time jump badly. 

(nods) And that's the thing - although I completely agree with the actor's decision, without Covid, that actor would have been around for season 3, and also, would have been working with Nancy for a couple of years by this point. Which would have given their relationship a depth that the Nancy/Park relationship just doesn't have, and made her choice of Ace all that much more meaningful.

(And yeah, based on the second half of season one, and all of season two, I have no doubt that Nancy would have chosen Ace and that Tamura would have accepted her choice, and that her choice of Ace would have led to her decision to work independently instead of deciding to work for the police/FBI/insert law enforcement agency here, with Tamura remaining as a semi-antagonist.)

Since I've been so critical, though, I do want to note one narrative choice I did agree with: ensuring that Nancy broke up with Park before confessing any feelings to Ace, and before any reveal that Park is secretly evil/working with the Road Back. 


11 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I mean, there's really a very simple solution to all of this, especially in a supernatural world: just don't include COVID in it at all. Seriously, ND is definitely not in our universe because they're literally encountering ghosts and other supernatural beings. They don't need to squeeze COVID in because they don't need to have COVID in this universe. I don't know why they think that they do.

I completely agree. However, if COVID does factor in to the Nancy Drew universe, they could have it be due to some supernatural curse.

I think the Temperance re-cast is what really is dragging this season down for me, as well as something else I can't quite put my finger on.

Of course it's Ace. Maybe we will finally get to know his last name.

On 1/23/2022 at 12:06 AM, quarks said:

5. I'll be honest; I get that the whole Copperhead and Temperance scene was supposed to be shocking/terrifying whatever, but it's not just that I have no real grasp about what they want/are planning to do, but I also, at this point, can't really bring myself to care about either one.

This is, I think, party a matter of recasting Temperance mid-season for....whatever reason. Since then, the character has never felt quite right - not because of any problems with the new actress, who is fine, but because of the convoluted story needed to explain the casting - a story that also completely halted the "is Temperance evil/grey/good/complicated" story that we were getting for....this. And the weird thing is that  I expect most of this - the Civil War stuff, the bits of Charity's soul, and so on - were planned right from the beginning, with the idea that they would be doled out bit by bit by bit until, finally, we could put all of it together, instead of having most of that shoved at us mid season and never quite making sense.

But also, recasting the actress and changing the character has made me a lot less emotionally invested in her - not that you'd know, given that I'm writing paragraphs about her.

I'm glad you said this. Granted, I had this on as background noise while working this morning but I'm usually able to follow. This Temperance/Copperhead thing, I rewound twice to see what I had missed. This season has been a bit confusing. 

It hasn't been a terrible season all together, but I do think on rewatch it will be the weak link. A time jump probably would have helped, even if it was only a year into the future. 

Its not cool of George's sisters to be pissed at her about the break up, but I am kind of with them on being annoyed and confused. I don't get why George and Nick are even broken up, its not like either of them are interested in dating anyone else or are off to go on a walk about, everyone seems miserable about the break up, including them, so what is even the point? Them not wanting to get married is understandable, why cant they go back to the original plan of just dating without a ring? 

I am pleasantly surprised that the Park/Nancy/Ace love triangle has seemingly resolved with so little drama. No one is the bad guy, everyone is being honest, and Park took getting the "I care about you as a friend" speech with class, even encouraging her to get together with Ace when it became clear where her feelings really were at. Of course, nothing can be that easy, and Ace is the last part of the soul that Constance needs for her evil plan. They have has gone really hard on the Nance/Ace this season, which I mostly enjoy, but its also led to a whole lot of angst for them, especially poor Ace, who is seems like cant avoid supernatural peril. 

I honestly keep forgetting how little time has passed in the show, its sort of nuts how much insane stuff has happened just within a few months. That tends to be something that strikes me a lot with shows where the heroes fight tons of bad guys one right after the other, have all of these really dramatic huge things happen to them all of the time, and have adventure after adventure, but while there are breaks in the shows schedule in the real world, in the shows universe its a really short amount of time that has actually passed. I always end up feeling concerned, I cant imagine how physically and emotionally exhausting this must all be, do these people have time to sleep?  Other then have scary dreams of past lives and prophesies. I do love how, even when he finds out that he is possibly doomed to have his heart ripped out by his almost girlfriends evil ancestor, is a typical chill Ace "oh man, bummer" sort of reaction.  

I think its been awhile since we saw one on one scene between Ryan and George, their talk was really interesting given their history. I really loved when Carson said that Ryan and Nancy both proved that there was good in the Hudson line, Ryan was so touched. I also liked Ryan and Carson's reactions to Nancy getting George to keep them distracted while she's sleuthing, Carson is just "Nancy gonna Nancy" while Ryan is just glad that this sounds safer then that time she ran into a building rigged to explode. 

Poor Lev, I was really hoping they would find him in time, I liked him. That opening with the kids in the 70s was the creepiest part of the episode. 

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Jenniferbug said:

I'm glad you said this. Granted, I had this on as background noise while working this morning but I'm usually able to follow. This Temperance/Copperhead thing, I rewound twice to see what I had missed. This season has been a bit confusing. 

It hasn't been a terrible season all together, but I do think on rewatch it will be the weak link. A time jump probably would have helped, even if it was only a year into the future. 

I thought the season started out well, especially with the tarot cards and the HELLO DOOM DOOM DOOM feeling. And I think the last two episodes have been an improvement.

But the middle was, shall we say, a muddle that hasn't exactly been cleared up yet.

On 1/24/2022 at 5:58 PM, tennisgurl said:

That opening with the kids in the 70s was the creepiest part of the episode. 

Are the kids still stuck in the liminal space? Ace, Hannah, and poor Lev were able to exit later so, theoretically, the orphans and their horrible guardian (why on earth would you let a random crazy person talk to your charges that way? She was so creepy and threatening) should have spent the last 50 years watching time pass. Which sounds like torture so maybe it's best to believe they died?


On 2/10/2022 at 5:54 PM, akg said:

Are the kids still stuck in the liminal space? Ace, Hannah, and poor Lev were able to exit later

Could be wrong, but I think Hannah said that if they didn't leave the liminal space before the full moon, they would be stuck there forever.  It may have been a specific full moon, like the blood moon or the worm moon, but I'm pretty sure it would have occurred sometime else in the last 50ish years.

  • Useful 2
5 hours ago, jelaine said:

Could be wrong, but I think Hannah said that if they didn't leave the liminal space before the full moon, they would be stuck there forever.  It may have been a specific full moon, like the blood moon or the worm moon, but I'm pretty sure it would have occurred sometime else in the last 50ish years.

I think you're right. I'd forgotten that. Those poor kids. 

I can't believe that George didn't tell her sisters she broke up with Nick. I mean, I can, because it's messed up and so is George. I appreciated that she was keeping it from them because she and Nick are the first healthy relationship they've seen, but it's important for them to know a relationship can be healthy but still end. It was nice to see Ryan and George talking and encouraging her to tell the truth. He's improved so much since season 1. I like how Jesse took the breakup news well and understood. 

Yes, Nancy, you really shouldn't have trusted the 200-year-old blood-thieving witch. 

I was so worried for Darlene. I'm glad Park said she'd be okay. Poor Lev. I liked him. Well, I don't believe for a second they'd kill off Ace, so at least that won't stress me out. 

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