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S01.E10: Snow Globe


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Rocker-verse Jenny did a big turnaround with meeting Zeke, but I guess it was necessary to keep the kid in that storyline. I find it hard to believe Joe's son would be such a perfect kid in every single universe though. Joe did not have to lie to him to imply he was involved in the decision to give him up for adoption. I was happy Amy was supportive of Joe meeting him, but she could have just been doing that because she's pregnant with Bobby's kid. And if they really didn't have sex since her miscarriage, I guess it really must be Bobby's baby?

I was pleased Cop Joe told Amy right away when he found out he had a kid, but then was disappointed he wasn't going to tell his mother. Then annoyed he was telling her five minutes before her big event. But she handled it well. I thought Joe would have been entitled to be angry with Jenny and her husband for keeping a secret and only telling him about Lucas when they needed his blood. Obviously he had to agree to donate blood, but he didn't have to be so nice.

I am pretty sure in the Nurse story both Joe and Jenny are going to have affairs. Also, Jenny had no idea that different states had different rules about filing deadlines? Really? I have done no years of law school and that doesn't surprise me.

It was nice to see Joe's mom get recognition (and a date) in all three universes.

  • Love 6

I felt underwhelmed considering the month long hiatus.  We got cheated out of seeing Cop Joe save a life but get to see him after the fact with a bandaged arm?  

24 minutes ago, brokenwing29 said:

Lucas could not have been given blood from a blood bank if he needed more than Jenny could give? I have no medical knowledge, so that might be the case, but it seemed too much like a plot point to force Jenny to tell Joe the truth. 

I thought the same but there could be issues considering the kid's condition in which blood from a biological parent would be safer and best match.  I also wondered why is it this condition was only brought up in Cop Joe timeline when theoretically it would be an issue in all three?

I was bored by the Gwen romance subplots - wasn't buying it either.

I kind of felt bad for Darren (Jenny's husband in Rocker timeline).  Yes, it sucks she didn't tell you but it was before she met you and some people prefer to literally lock unpleasant parts of their pasts in a box rather than discuss them.  Since "Zeke" wasn't your son and he was conceived before meeting you, Jenny had a right to keep his existence/adoption in the past.  Of course with so many adoptees seeking out their biological parents these days, situations like this come out more and more.

The episode only cements how unlikeable Jenny really is and that Joe should have kept his pants zipped in all three timelines.

2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I am pretty sure in the Nurse story both Joe and Jenny are going to have affairs. Also, Jenny had no idea that different states had different rules about filing deadlines? Really? I have done no years of law school and that doesn't surprise me.

Ditto to all this!  The nurse Joe hired for Chris is extremely likeable and a much better match (unless they're planning to make her too good to be true!), and Jenny is definitely getting too close to her co-worker in Atlanta.

It's interesting that the nurse suggested making custom zippered pants for the disabled.  Could end up being a money maker for Nurse Joe by creating a line of clothing.  

Amy, did you really expect the podcast host to go easy on you?  You were outed as having been involved with a married politician currently in a scandal.  You shouldn't expect softballs.  Also, as someone who works in media, it was a mistake having the podcaster say definitively that Bobby had stolen the money.  Unless we know (via trial conviction) if he did, officially we have to say, "accused".  Strange that we don't have anything further on that front - the mystery of the dead girl and if Bobby's case is going to trail or not.  We haven't seen anything on that front one way or the other since his arrest in Cop Joe timeline.  My money's still on the wife behind it all (the power behind the throne decides to take the throne for herself).

  • Love 5

Hoping Rocker Joe dumps wife Amy, and stat.

Joe's mom is now my favorite character in all timelines. Hope she and that fellow get together for real.

Still irritating that the son is Little Mister Perfect in all timelines. So not like a real life kid. Or real life adult. I question inviting him and his parents to Mom's recital for their very first meeting. Poor planning, anyone? The kid also appears to be clairvoyant "knowing" Rocker Joe was his real dad because he posted a song on his SM account.

I'm confused that Nurse Joe and wife were separated and estranged at the beginning of the season but now that she's moved away they're all "I can't live without you." What's that about?

  • Love 4

The one question I do have for Rocker Amy is why, out of all the pregnancies that she's gone through, that she feels like THIS one, with Bobby, is the one that will last. Wouldn't she be more hesitant on it possibly being another miscarriage situation? She seemed so worried about telling Joe that she never brought up the fact that this pregnancy might not carry through to term, either. 

Which, as much as that would suck, would almost be my preference, because I don't really care for Rocker Amy carrying Bobby's baby and having to deal with Bobby's pissed off wife. 

On 1/4/2022 at 2:27 AM, magicdog said:

Ditto to all this!  The nurse Joe hired for Chris is extremely likeable and a much better match (unless they're planning to make her too good to be true!), and Jenny is definitely getting too close to her co-worker in Atlanta.

I honestly think that Kinsley is too good to be true. She does and says all these things and we're supposed to like her, I guess, but I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Either with her, or Nurse Jenny's guy (whose name I don't know). 

So, we're bringing the kid into all three storylines, finally. We've had him in bits of the Rocker one, and only a little less in the Cop one, but it seems like he'll become more of a presence in those ones for the rest of the season. Which...eh. He's fine in the Nurse one, and I get him being a presence in the Cop one as long as Jenny's part of it, but I do think he needs to be dropped in the Rocker one. He fulfilled his role there with him meeting Joe/Jenny, he doesn't need to be seen further. 

I do like Cop Jenny's husband a little more than Rocker Jenny's husband, so I want more of Cop Jenny than Rocker Jenny. Especially since, in Nurse Joe's timeline, Amy is not that much of a presence there so I'm fine if Rocker Jenny is barely a presence. 

Joe's mom is great in all timelines.

  • Love 3
On 1/4/2022 at 1:47 AM, brokenwing29 said:

Lucas could not have been given blood from a blood bank if he needed more than Jenny could give? I have no medical knowledge, so that might be the case, but it seemed too much like a plot point to force Jenny to tell Joe the truth. 

I don't know why they tried to sell that bio parents are the best matches. There's no guarantee without testing that either parent is even the same type as the child, let alone a good match. I'm AB+ and one of my parents is A and one B. Neither has my blood type. I learned blood typing (just the basic concepts) in seventh grade science; these writers don't know anything about it?


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Cop Joe really is a great guy, he handled Cop Amy keeping this huge secret from him while raising a kid she knows is his with a lot of class, and I am really glad he told Any right away and she convinced him to tell his mom. Amy is right about secrets ruining relationships, especially on television. Although if Amy wants to get into politics, she really needs to be prepared for hardballs, she is always going to have this affair hanging over her now and she needs to have answers prepared when people bring it up. 

Joe's mom is great in every timeline, I hope that she makes it work with the guy she met again. We also get to know Zeke in the Rockstar timeline, and he is still the perfect kid no matter who raises him. He's just so ridiculously wonderful, you almost expect him to be given the keys to the city at any point, no kid has ever been this charming and perfect. Not to be insensitive, but why does Rockstar Amy think that this baby is going to be the one that she finally brings to term after so many miscarriages? Does she think it was Joe's fault? 

 None of the Jenny's are particularly likable, and it seems inevitable that Nurse Jenny and Joe are going to have affairs, maybe that marriage should have ended when they had the chance? So then no Joe is stuck with Jenny.

  • Love 2
On 1/4/2022 at 1:47 AM, brokenwing29 said:

Lucas could not have been given blood from a blood bank if he needed more than Jenny could give? I have no medical knowledge, so that might be the case, but it seemed too much like a plot point to force Jenny to tell Joe the truth. 

I watched less than half of the episode and was so bored. The blood donor thing is ridiculous. Blood banks don't match people exactly and, while families of people who need blood should be encouraged to donate, just as a matter of helping humanity, a surgery like that would not need parents to be donors. What if one of them is AB, and the kid is not? AB type can only donate to AB. The writers are lazy or ignorant, or both.

This show is ridiculous. Everyone is just an alter ego of a real human, some ideal of a person. They don't have human reactions to anything, and when they do have reactions, they are more like an extreme reaction that resemble that of a angst teenager. 

Rocker Amy had the very bad idea of have a dinner with people she doesn't know just so they can gang up on a guy who just found out that his wife had another kid. Why do they have to convince anyone to accept the new situation? These people are so full of themselves.

I edited the comment because I finished watching it and seriously, the writers just ignore historical facts. The air in places near ground zero were full of contaminants for years after the towers fell. People are sick because NY city lied about the safety. If young Joe was there and his mother started working in the place, she probably has health issues. They could at least address that, instead of "never forget" us.

I hate the kid. He is too perfect, too precocious, which makes him annoying and unreal. I hate Amy too, the only timeline she is worthy anything is the nurse Joe timeline because she is barely seen. And I hate Joe in all timelines. The rest of the cast I just try to ignore. 

Will/was this train wreck renewed? I don't see how this show can attract too many people. I only hate watch while doing my exercises in the morning, and with the sound off, only captions running. 

Edited by circumvent
  • Love 2

As someone who has gotten around ~10 units of blood in the last year, I do not understand why they went with that stupid plot. I mean I know that for medicare (or some insurance my dad was looking at) - you got the first two or three units free, then if you had family that could donate, they had to donate a bag so you could get a bag (even if it was blood from the blood bank) without paying.


On 1/4/2022 at 1:47 AM, brokenwing29 said:

Lucas could not have been given blood from a blood bank if he needed more than Jenny could give? I have no medical knowledge, so that might be the case, but it seemed too much like a plot point to force Jenny to tell Joe the truth. 

Yuuup. Unless they have realllly rare bloodtypes, which I think they would ahve mentioned

On 1/4/2022 at 2:27 AM, magicdog said:

I thought the same but there could be issues considering the kid's condition in which blood from a biological parent would be safer and best match.  I also wondered why is it this condition was only brought up in Cop Joe timeline when theoretically it would be an issue in all three?

I was bored by the Gwen romance subplots - wasn't buying it either.

I kind of felt bad for Darren (Jenny's husband in Rocker timeline).  Yes, it sucks she didn't tell you but it was before she met you and some people prefer to literally lock unpleasant parts of their pasts in a box rather than discuss them.  Since "Zeke" wasn't your son and he was conceived before meeting you, Jenny had a right to keep his existence/adoption in the past.  Of course with so many adoptees seeking out their biological parents these days, situations like this come out more and more.

The episode only cements how unlikeable Jenny really is and that Joe should have kept his pants zipped in all three timelines.

Ditto to all this!  The nurse Joe hired for Chris is extremely likeable and a much better match (unless they're planning to make her too good to be true!), and Jenny is definitely getting too close to her co-worker in Atlanta.

It's interesting that the nurse suggested making custom zippered pants for the disabled.  Could end up being a money maker for Nurse Joe by creating a line of clothing.  

Amy, did you really expect the podcast host to go easy on you?  You were outed as having been involved with a married politician currently in a scandal.  You shouldn't expect softballs.  Also, as someone who works in media, it was a mistake having the podcaster say definitively that Bobby had stolen the money.  Unless we know (via trial conviction) if he did, officially we have to say, "accused".  Strange that we don't have anything further on that front - the mystery of the dead girl and if Bobby's case is going to trail or not.  We haven't seen anything on that front one way or the other since his arrest in Cop Joe timeline.  My money's still on the wife behind it all (the power behind the throne decides to take the throne for herself).

The kid has been treated differently in each timeline - so his spine is at a different angle in each.

I also felt bad for Jenny's husband in Rocker Time - like holy crap, she should've told him at least around Thanksgiving!

I want to like Jenny, I really do, but holy crap they are trying hard to make her unlikeable.

When they mentioned the adaptive clothing, all I could think of was when that happened in Speechless. The kid is right - adaptive clothing is ugly. I just have my parents dress me when I need to wear formal clothes - $15-$20 dress shirt versus $80-$100 magnetic dress shirt? Hell yeah. I'd rather not spend around 15-20% of a monthly SSI check on one article of clothing.

I know podcast guy was saying something like "well now we know Diaz cannot be in politics for a few years" which to me sounded like "worlds quickest conviction" but it could have also been "he's politically radioactive so nobody will touch him"

  • Love 3

I'm glad the secrets are coming out more quickly, since people keeping secrets had been a common occurrence so far and it has been frustrating to watch.

Speaking of frustrating, I'm not liking the set-ups for potential cheating with the Nurse Joe storylines, what with the caregiver accidentally seeing Joe coming out of the shower or Nurse Jenny going drinking with her co-worker.  Shouldn't she be calling her family, since she complains she never gets a chance to do that?  Or watch the celebration for her mother-in-law online?  

Having the Rocker universe's kid suddenly ask to meet his birthparent and that falling on the same time as Cop universe's kid needing a donor was stretching it.  It was nice to see Nurse Joe singing for once, though.  I wonder why the mom only sang in the Rocker timeline.  

Cop Joe had zero anger towards Jenny for not telling him about the baby and adjusted amazingly well.  If she tried calling months afterwards, why didn't she just find him in person?  The premise still makes no sense.  

I guess in none of the universes did Joe truly want to go to music school despite his mom's hope.

Edited by Camera One

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