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Saving Hope - General Discussion

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So, I've kind of missed a few episodes so I'm just now catching up. This episode was good. I liked the Charlie/Alex case. The girl was cute, and so was her brother and his new boyfriend.


Maggie getting kissed by Katz was kind of a surprise, but also kind of predictable.


I also like when Joel's at the clinic so his story was interesting as well. I do like Celina and I wouldn't mind her and Joel getting together soon...ish.

Well, I never truly knew the meaning of 'puppy dog eyes' until I saw Joel staring at Charlie when he received news of Selena's husband's death. I may not be loving Joel this season as much as I have the last two seasons, but damn if Daniel Gillies didn't make me really feel for him. The guy was beating on Joel for seemingly no reason anyway and it was an accident, so hopefully nothing really bad happens to him. Hopefully he doesn't stay in jail for long.


Poor patient of the week. I felt for him and I liked his scenes with Charlie. I also liked Alex standing up to McCloud, and Maggie telling Dana about the pills. It was out of line for Dana to tell Maggie all that stuff, defending her daughter or not. I'm glad Maggie told her that she was out of line.


I'm glad Alex is kind of remembering her out of body experience and I do like her and Charlie together. 

But...it's never Lupus! 


Alex being mediator between Dana and Molly worked well. Alex didn't take one side or the other and she managed to help mend their relationship. And Alex told Dana about her pregnancy! But...still not exactly sure on who the father is. But hey, Charlie knows! So that's a plus! So, can we assume that it's Joel's then? I guess it could go either way. I have a feeling it's Charlie's, though.


The cases were kind of boring, overall. Definitely not my favourite episode.

Dr. Alex Reid (Erica Durance) steps away from the hospital for a hike in the woods, but can’t get away from medicine when she finds a trapped teenager in a dire situation. Dr. Charlie Harris (Michael Shanks) needs Dr. Joel Goran’s (Daniel Gillies) help when a woman from the clinic won’t be seen by anyone else, and Dr. Zach Miller (Ben Ayres) has his hands full when an exotic dancer comes into the ER.



You know, the one thing I like about this show is that the love triangle is filled with so little angst, it's spectacular. Alex is choosing to become a single parent (for now, anyway) and wants Shahir, not Charlie or Joel, to help her out. And Charlie and Joel are not fighting about stupid stuff like they usually do, and they're just still good friends helping each other out. The only times they've fought this season are for humour purposes. So, thank you show for not being so typical.


I felt for Zach and actually laughed when he was half naked in front of Melanda. I'm glad he's ok, and I'm glad Joel's ok too. See? Happy endings and less drama are good! I do worry a bit about Alex's baby, and the weird close up shots of the tumour had me freaked out but things seem to be doing ok.


The cases were really good this week. I liked Sam and Alex together, and the stripper looks awfully familiar. 


I'm glad Joel finally got to witness the weirdness that was Charlie and his 'talking to himself' problem. Overall, good episode, much more interesting than the last one.

Dr. Alex Reid (Erica Durance) and Dr. Maggie Lin (Julia Taylor Ross) find themselves in over their head while trying to save an unborn child with a complicated condition. With the Jewish‐Orthodox Dr. Sydney Katz (Stacey Farber) sidelined at the request of the lesbian parents, there’s only so much they can do without Hope Zion Hospital’s leading OB/GYN.

Dr. Joel Goran (Daniel Gillies) struggles to find common ground with his father when he arrives in town to receive an award, and gets some help from Alex while writing a speech for the ceremony. When the senior Goran’s health begins to falter, Joel realizes that his father’s research might be closer to home than he had imagined.

Dr. Charlie Harris (Michael Shanks) gets a weird feeling when his patient’s 20‐year‐old grandson begins to act out and enlists Dr. James Dey (Mac Fyfe) to help determine a root cause. While helping a young Spirit come to terms with what happened to him – Charlie helps shed some light on the lives of a few patients at the hospital.



Well, that was a very interesting episode indeed.


I think my favourite plot was Charlie and Henry's 'hide and seek' to find his body. Although it ended not so great for Henry, he managed to make the last scene bittersweet with the other kids. 


The elder abuse storyline was very well done because it wasn't black and white. 


Joel's dad is certainly a handful, but I see how him and Joel are similar. And I love how he ended up taking the money and donating it for the street clinic. Clever. 


I see Alex may be starting to lean toward Charlie, with her watching him with the kids. I think Joel pushing to be there may not be the best thing, but we'll see. 


Sydney and Maggie! Woo! That storyline worked well for me. 


Damn, Gregory Smith always gets me with his directorial episodes. 

So I'm not the only one on previously.tv watching this show!

...I see Alex may be starting to lean toward Charlie, with her watching him with the kids. I think Joel pushing to be there may not be the best thing, but we'll see....

Because of the soap opera nature of the relationships on this show, I saw this episode as telegraphing that the baby is Joel's, but Charlie's going to be Dad. But like you posted: We shall see.

Assuming the transplant boy plot was supposed to have symbolic significance to the Alex pregnancy arc, maybe it was supposed to indicate that Joel has donated his sperm to many women who are now happy to have kids???

There are lots of possible parallels between the other Pregnancy Of The Week and Alex's, but sometimes a baby is just a baby. I guess even hetero couples don't hand out cigars anymore. </end snark>

Hey, I snark because I love. I even shed a tear or two.

Michael Shanks is either really great with kids, or he is great at acting like he is.

ETA, best line [about Dr. Katz]: She is a mystery wrapped in a long dowdy skirt.

Edited by shapeshifter

I liked this one as well. The ending of the Alex/Teacher storyline was fairly predictable, but still played well. Charlie having to explain his doing Charlie things made for some good moments. That said, Alex getting future glimpses would be... interesting? Not one of the usual pregnancy symptoms you hear about. Although I guess if she is carrying Charlie's baby, maybe ghost vision/second sight is genetic?

...Although I guess if she is carrying Charlie's baby, maybe ghost vision/second sight is genetic?

That could be true, but it doesn't really explain a vision of future Charlie with future baby, since Charlie doesn't see the future. Alex had her own coma walk-about too. Maybe the hospital has a spirit that talks to and through Charlie and now Alex. IDK, and I don't really need a complete explanation of how it all works.

I liked Maggie and the shrink including Sydney on their not-quite-date with Sydney's not-quite-gift card. Maybe he can help Sydney figure out how to deal with her family issues in a way that doesn't get her declared dead and doesn't include and unhappy marriage.

Finally sat down and watched the episode. The whole Charlie plotline was...entertaining, to say the least. I enjoy when Charlie has to try and talk his way out of his unique skills and this one didn't disappoint. I enjoy that Jackson and Maggie saved Charlie's secret unintentionally in the end. But still, I really would love for Charlie to actually tell someone, maybe Joel, about his ability to talk to ghosts. I liked that it was the patient (who looked awfully familiar, actually....) that helped him realize that he was pushing people away and he had to change that. 


The Alex/Teacher plot certainly was predictable but it was also sort of sweet. And Alex catching a glimpse into the future? I guess it could be a sign that it's Charlie's baby, unless they decide to make it Joel's and have Alex's almost death as an 'awakening' of her future seeing abilities. 

I personally think the baby is Charlie's, but they could pull a switch and make it Joel's.


I do like that they're not making Joel a jerk, even though it's clear Alex and Charlie will get back together. They're making it an even triangle, at least, so...plus? I still hate the triangle, though. Let Joel be happy with someone else.

I completely agree. Joel has actually shone throughout this storyline. He's making it a tough decision. But, I don't love the idea of him proposing to Alex. And, I also don't see how Shahir is going to keep that little secret. 


But, all those premonitions(?) are great big blinking arrows pointing at Charlie and blaring out "HE'S THE DADDY". I'll be pretty annoyed if it turns out to be Joel now.

I've been assuming that it was Joel's baby but that Charlie would be the daddy.

I still think that, but now that Joel is being a good guy, he might have to die. But they wouldn't do that, would they?

I LOL'd when Sydney went ballistic on Herschel for eating Brussel sprouts with bacon. Somehow the Brussel sprouts made it funny.

People with thyroid disease typically exhibit mood swings, so I was expecting the mean mother to turn into a nice mother after the surgery, but they never even discussed that possible cause and effect.

Ok.....so in lieu of the season 3 finale, here's an interview done by DG about it.


I appreciate that he doesn't give the typical 'interview' answers like most actors and actresses do, and he actually looks at the show from the point of view of an actor as well as a fan. There are some things I may not personally agree with, but I appreciate that he gives his opinion. I respect him all the more for giving an honest interview that doesn't feel fake in any way.


Other than that....still processing that finale. So...yeah, spoilers to those who haven't seen it.

I had a feeling something like this was coming ever since the pregnancy happened. I thought the episode where he "disappeared" to the clinic after breaking up with Alex was going to be the episode he died though. I don't know how Daniel managed to balance 2 shows for as long as he did, I commend him. I will miss Joel terribly though, I think I am one of the few who wanted Joel and Alex to end up together.


I do think Alex/Charlie are and were always clearly endgame. I wonder now if they'll make the baby Joel's as a way to leave a part of him behind, or have it be Charlie's and cut all ties to Joel at all. I guess we'll see.

Edited by mybabyaidan

I will miss Joel terribly though, I think I am one of the few who wanted Joel and Alex to end up together.


I do think Alex/Charlie are and were always clearly endgame.

I preferred Joel and Alex, too. Better chemistry. But I knew that she was always going to end up with Charlie. 


I think the baby will be Joel's. They need some drama now the triangle has been settled.

Edited by retrograde
  • Love 1

Maggie passing her boards into a cell phone was enough tears for me in one episode--did not need Joel to explode too. Couldn't he have just gone to be a jungle doctor somewhere?

So did the pounding of the horse's hooves detonate the device even though Joel hammering right next to it didn't???? Or was there never really a horse?

For once the character saying "I'm sorry" for another character's death really wasn't at fault.

Was the frozen guy saying at least he had 3 fingers [on his right hand] being corrected by Dawn that he only had 2 supposed to be symbolic of the loss of Joel being that much greater? I mean, usually the parallel stories relate to each other. I wonder if Charlie's almost mock ceremony for the guy's fingers was similar to something the writers said to each other for the character of Joel when they agreed to kill him.

Anyway, if the coin toss had gone the other way, would Charlie have died? Guess it doesn't matter.

The horse was an omen of impending death.  The use of a white, grey, or very light dun horse to show death coming is based on Revelations's verse stating that Death rides a pale horse.  So, no hoofbeats to set off the detonator.  Just bad luck for Joel (who had just given away his good luck) and good luck for the Sergeant.


I am very sad.  Joel was top of my favourite characters list. :(


If Charlie had lost the coin toss, perhaps they would all have survived or all have died. But, as Charlie said, it was his lucky day. 

Edited by Infie
  • Love 1

...Was the frozen guy saying at least he had 3 fingers [on his right hand] being corrected by Dawn that he only had 2 supposed to be symbolic of the loss of Joel being that much greater? I mean, usually the parallel stories relate to each other...

I've decided that Joel is represented by the third finger that is gone, and the amputee guy still playing nice music on the guitar is to say that the show will go on, but they will miss Joel. Edited by shapeshifter

So is that last scene with the Coma Convict appearing by unusually-awake-at-that-hour Luke's crib supposed to imply that Luke is Charlie's bio baby, and that Little Luke has the I See Dead People gene too? But, if so, then why cast a kid with such deep brown eyes (like Joel's)? I guess they want to keep us guessing a little while longer.

As someone who's been pro-Alex/Charlie from the start, I'm really enjoying this season. I love how their relationship is mutually supportive.


I also really liked Alex's storyline in this episode, and her standing up to Dr. Lavine. 


And I never thought I'd say this in the beginning, but a dose of Dawn is always welcome.


I'm a bit confused: Is Maggie really leaving Hope Zion?

I'm definitely still watching, and I've actually enjoyed the last five episodes a lot. I find it interesting that they always seem to be threatening to remove Maggie from the show, first with the job offer and now with her life seemingly in danger in the two-parter. 


Enjoying Dawn and Dana's storylines. The newbies are just okay. I thought it was weird how Dr. Curtis suddenly disappeared and now we have Dr. Bishop in his place. 


I've always been Team Charlie, so I'm relieved that Charlie/Alex seems to be going strong. They're such a solid family with Luke that I was actually taken aback when Alex referred to herself as Charlie's girlfriend a couple episodes back. I'm glad Alex's reluctance to deal with Charlie's taxes hasn't been a huge source of angst (thus far?). 

I am so happy that I found a place to watch this show online, since the tv execs here in the US have no clue about what good television is, and cancelled this wonderful show after the first season.  It's one of my favorite shows!  I just finished watching the Christmas episode, and yeah, it touched me in the heart and the tear ducts. 

I've been very impressed by this show lately.  They did the "is it Munchauesen's by proxy?" story line better than Chicago Med, and did the testicle torsion 100x better than Code Black.  I even like Dawn's new romance.


I guess that taking the triangle off the table really did open up room for new and better stories.

Doesn't Maggie remember that she saw Charlie when she was dead-ish? I find it strange that Maggie has not brought it up to Alex or Charlie since the whole life in danger two parter.


As much as I liked Joel I am glad that he is gone, because I have enjoyed this season thus far.


I still am not feeling any of the newbies.

I think they sometimes indicate that someone might remember Charlie, but it's never paid off till the end of the finale. 


Speaking of the finale, I was kind of confused about the abrupt shift from Alex promising to stay away from Charlie if he would just live, to their appearing to just continue living as a family with Luke in the flashforward.  I wonder if we'll see that addressed in S5. 


In any case, I really enjoyed S4. It made me more invested not only in Charlie, Alex and their family, but also in Dana, Dawn and Maggie. Looking forward to more of this show, for sure. 

  • Love 4
Speaking of the finale, I was kind of confused about the abrupt shift from Alex promising to stay away from Charlie if he would just live, to their appearing to just continue living as a family with Luke in the flashforward. 

Alex would not be the first person to promise something to the universe/God at the time of need and then forget about it later. 


I wonder if we'll see that addressed in S5.

I think that's what the shooter is for.


In any case, I really enjoyed S4. It made me more invested not only in Charlie, Alex and their family, but also in Dana, Dawn and Maggie. Looking forward to more of this show, for sure.

I agree. I could do without the newbies, because none of them really interest me. So I hope that Charlie, Alex, Maggie, Dana, Dawn, and the others make it out alive with the whole shooter thing. Though wouldn't it be Charlie, Alex, and possibly Maggie in the way of the shooter? 

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