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Season 3 Discussion

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33 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

People kvetch about Laura being elitist not realizing she's without a doubt one of the most accomplished person to ever set foot on the PR set

Whatever she's done doesn't change my opinion that she's an elitist snob and a one-note designer whose best attribute is knowing how to sew.  She had plenty of time to dabble in design and whatever else tickled her fancy because she married a rich guy so good for her for doing things with her time.    As I said, I know it is an unpopular opinion and I don't expect to change anyone's minds, as I know no one will change mine.

10 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

The first few seasons were SO GOOD.  Sigh.  I miss it being good.

So true.  I haven't watched in years because of what Tim Gunn called "crack smoking judges" and the ridiculous wins that were granted.  The early seasons were the best; the models had personalities; the designers for the most part were creative; the challenges were challenging and interesting and Tim Gunn wasn't a caricature of himself.  The show hasn't aged gracefully.

Though I think Uli should have won, as awful as Jeff Sebelia was, I can at least say he made a good collection; I can't say that for some subsequent seasons.

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2 hours ago, raven said:
3 hours ago, Fiero425 said:

People kvetch about Laura being elitist not realizing she's without a doubt one of the most accomplished person to ever set foot on the PR set

Whatever she's done doesn't change my opinion that she's an elitist snob and a one-note designer whose best attribute is knowing how to sew.  She had plenty of time to dabble in design and whatever else tickled her fancy because she married a rich guy so good for her for doing things with her time.    As I said, I know it is an unpopular opinion and I don't expect to change anyone's minds, as I know no one will change mine.

How about specifying at what time in her life she became your "elitist snob"?

Was it when she was growing up in Metarie Louisiana and her mother worked in one of the local fabric stores?  Or was it when she had her daughter and was raising her as a single mother?  Too elitist for you?  

When she decided to move to New York on her own?  (Still didn't have the rich husband?) When she went to a cocktail party in NYC and was so different from the other people there that she caught the interest of her second husband?  How did being an elitist-your words- help her do that?  

Then she had children with him....so many that their house wasn't elitist elegant, but functional for children.

 Angry little peanut hated her.  And alp did have the mentorship of his friend Santino Rice from season 2 to help him before the season started just in describing the different kinds of dresses he'd be expected to make.  An advantage no one else had.  

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17 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Laura's husband died of cancer in 2012 (I think 2012), and a few years later she took up archery on the tournament circuit.    I didn't know she was originally an architect also. 

Here's an article that's a few years old about her:


I forgot how much I loved this season until I saw the reruns today.     I still can't stand Jeffrey.    


Fun fact:  Laura actually lives in my hometown, over...there, as the crow flies...::waves hand in general direction::  Her husband was the grandson of a silk mill owner who built a beautiful estate on the (then) outskirts of town.  When Peter Shelton died, Laura inherited the estate and moved here with the boys.  She apparently practices her indoor archery in a long hall leading to the dining room!  I keep hoping to run into her at the grocery store or something, but I think we may run in slightly different circles ;)  I *do* have a friend who teaches archery, though...  hmmmm.  Frankly, I was always impressed by her seemingly effortless chic, and the fact that despite having a pack of kids, they weren't the be-all and end-all of her life.  She seemed to balance motherhood with all of her varied interests without breaking a sweat, which, being an anxious little puppy myself, I found intriguing.  [And yes, I do recognize that she has resources at her disposal that can make that balancing act somewhat easier...]. 

On PR, she was one of my favorites of S3.  I'll go for classic silhouettes and finishings over "fashion-forward" wickety-whack (TM...Santino?) every time.  I did some poking around on the interwebs last week when I saw this season was airing, and found out that Laura recently won a gold medal in the Masters World Championships in archery (or something like that)...while wearing a "squiver," a self-designed skirt with a built in quiver for her arrows.  Still fabulous!

Edited by Lovecat
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On 8/26/2014 at 2:32 PM, Indy said:


I truly forgot how creepy Vincent was.  I said this on another thread but seriously, he was like call Human Resources creepy with his "it gets me off" talk.  I feel sorry for the models that had to work with him, that had to be super uncomfortable. And his freak-out about the laundry was like a tantrum straight out of the madness that was Season 12.  

I happened upon a PR Season 3 marathon on Labor Day, and I was sooooo happy! 

I saw that clip during the reunion show. They played it for laughs, but I felt bad for the production assistant who was subjected to such a meltdown. I was surprised he wasn't removed for that. 

On 9/17/2014 at 10:16 PM, KFC said:


I agree, not one of my favorite seasons either. Vincent was a terrible designer and a creep. Keith won the first unconventional materials challenge using FABRIC! I enjoyed Laura but her design repertoire was pretty one-note. That woman was a smart cookie, but her designs were always one sequin short of a bedazzler. Even Uli, whom I loved, grew a bit tiresome with her flowy print (albeit beautifully made) maxi dresses. Jeffrey's final collection was pretty underwhelming to me (although I did enjoy his couture challenge piece). 


I just rewatched the pageant episode and was reminded of how awful Angela was. From bothering Kayne during the sketching session to throwing the one-on-one with Miss USA, there was something so bottom-feeder about Angela. I've always disliked the contestants who play-not-to-get-eliminated rather than playing to win. See S2 Marla.

I noticed Jeffrey took jabs at Laura for being one-note, but he didn't seem to dare come for Ulli though. If he's going to criticize Laura for doing variations of the same thing, he should have called out Ulli for that in the same breath. 

On 10/3/2014 at 12:24 PM, kaydub said:


wow, really?! i'd never heard that! was it a rumor, or did it ever get confirmed as truth? i liked his model marilinda, i thought she was really pretty. they had some pretty good models on this season.

I thought that name sounded familiar...

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4 minutes ago, discoprincess said:

I noticed Jeffrey took jabs at Laura for being one-note, but he didn't seem to dare come for Ulli though. If he's going to criticize Laura for doing variations of the same thing, he should have called out Ulli for that in the same breath. 

He might have and the editors chose not to use it. The talking heads producers might have asked his opinion on every designer. It was pretty established that Laura and Michael were friends and Uli and Jeffrey were friends. And that Laura and Jeffrey were not. They edited everything to show that. 

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Season 3 will always be my second favorite season, except I won't watch the making outfits for Mom episode since I hate Jeffrey Sebellia.  I realized why--he looks like my alcoholic brother who would get in my face and shout "I hate you."  I adore Robert Best and think he and Kanye could do a great tv show.  Mychael's death still saddens me. 

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Another marathon today on New Years Day. Thanks Bravo! I loved this season’s designers, even if some only nostalgically. 

I want to sew more this year so this is inspiring.

This season was still in the still early days of competition reality and the “not here to make friends” ppl like Jeff weren’t characters yet. Like it wasn’t a strategy to get IG followers he was just an asshole. 

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He was horrible to Angela's mom.  I just missed the reunion  (the dog needs to be walked) so I have no idea if Jeffrey showed any remorse at all.  The anger and dismissive attitude he had with the "client" was appalling.  I don't think I would ever buy a thing from him.  Even if I had liked his designs.

Now Uli on the other hand....I would live in her designs.  Once I moved to the Carribean! 

But Anthony?  If I ever win the lottery, I'm hiring him as my glam squad.  Done.  I know he's not season 3, but I lurve him.

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I love this Project Runway marathon and I hope it inspires The Powers That Be to return the show to its former glory.


Edited to Add: Though I can do without the shots of Harvey Weinstein.

Edited by nb360
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17 minutes ago, nb360 said:

I love this Project Runway marathon and I hope it inspires The Powers That Be to return the show to its former glory.


Edited to Add: Though I can do without the shots of Harvey Weinstein.

Right!  I am not even watching the runway because I was trying to see who Harvey Weinstein was sitting next to.  It was Michael Kors mother on the one side.

And yes, I hoped the revamped PR show on Bravo will be better than it was on Lifetime.

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3 hours ago, dosodog said:

I just missed the reunion  (the dog needs to be walked) so I have no idea if Jeffrey showed any remorse at all.  The anger and dismissive attitude he had with the "client" was appalling.

Not much remorse. The closest he got was that he said he didn't intend to make her cry. I think Tim also asked if he had the chance to apologize and he said he didn't but Angela said he did have a chance right before the runway show. Not intending to make someone cry is the same as "i'm sorry you were offended" non-apology bs vs. a proper apology which is phrased as " i'm sorry i offended you".

I liked Michaels more now 12 years later than I did when it aired. I think the white and animal prints are so not my style but now I can appreciate other styles better. What a lovely man he was though. So much trash talking from everyone else and he didn't go there.

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I watched a lot of the season 3 marathon yesterday.  Yes, I still hate Jeffrey.  He is a petulant child who immediately attacks whenever someone doesn't tell him he is the greatest.  Early in this thread someone stated he is dry but not sober.  Nailed it!  He treats people horribly.  

I always think the smart contestants on any of the reality shows in which you are showing your work-related skills view it as a long job interview.  While there haven't been a ton of fashion stars from PR, there have been plenty of contestants who have secured a place in a highly competitive industry.  Being someone that others would like to work with is important.  Kors, Posen et al repeatedly point out that much of fashion work is collaboration.  Who would want to try to collaborate with pouty man child Jeffrey?  I would suspect he did more harm than good to his brand with his behavior. Being openly cruel to a client doesn't exactly get people lining up to work with you.  

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Who would want to try to collaborate with pouty man child Jeffrey?  I would suspect he did more harm than good to his brand with his behavior. Being openly cruel to a client doesn't exactly get people lining up to work with you.  

Since he works in the music industry with prima donas, his inability to work with fat midlife ladies is of no consequence. 

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