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The Human Beings Known as the Arnold-Klein Family

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Now we're assuming that Jen is not great to work with because we didn't see any of her co-workers at the bell ringing.  Why must we always go around and around in circles on the topic of Jen?  


The bell ringing was dismal but that press conference quietly spoke for itself.


Imagine working with a prima donna, the teacher's pet who likely gets preferred shifts due to filming and instead of Jen working to the hospital's schedule they work to hers.    

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 1

The bell ringing was dismal but that press conference quietly spoke for itself.

Imagine working with a prima donna, the teacher's pet who likely gets preferred shifts due to filming and instead of Jen working to the hospital's schedule they work to hers.

Wow. How did Jen become a prima Donna and teacher's pet? I think she's a skilled and compassionate doctor and I can't say I've seen anything on screen that would negate that image.

  • Love 13

Wow. How did Jen become a prima Donna and teacher's pet? I think she's a skilled and compassionate doctor and I can't say I've seen anything on screen that would negate that image.


If I worked with her I would be quietly thinking she gets preference thus the labels like we used to apply to other kids in our class who the teacher clearly favored.  It has nothing to do with her being a doctor it has to do with what her peers think of her as a person.  I have no doubt there is favoritism toward Jen and this possibly rankles her peers so bell ringing, press conference...sorry I am "busy."

This poster who worked at TCH said that people said that Jen was nice. They didn't say she was a great worker, or a great person to work with, or great at her job. Then no one showed up at ringing the bell. Something about Jen's coworkers opinion is questionable.



The bell ringing was dismal but that press conference quietly spoke for itself.


Imagine working with a prima donna, the teacher's pet who likely gets preferred shifts due to filming and instead of Jen working to the hospital's schedule they work to hers.    

From all the hospitals and doctor's office I've been to people working there are generally busy and to ask them to take 15-20 min out of their time is usually asking a lot.  So no I don't find it weird that people did not show up for either of those events.  I'm sure Jen didn't find it weird either.  


Especially since I think it was discussed that the press conference was likely just for a tv set up. 


And *gasp* maybe the bell ringing was done a second time for filming purposes and the first time her co-workers did show up OR people didn't want to be filmed. 


Who knows really, but point being - I think saying she is not liked or respected amongst her co-workers is probably a far stretch.

Edited by gunderda
  • Love 16

We don't know if her colleagues were even invited to the bell ringing.  Because they weren't there, and they said she was nice but "didn't" say she was great, she is perceived by some as being a prima donna and a preferred and much hated teacher's pet?  Well, they didn't say she was an ax murderer, should we notify the police? If I could roll my eyes any farther, they'd be on the ceiling.

  • Love 17

Sometimes this thread twists my head around a few times.

Press conferences generally ONLY have the press there. That would be the local channels, the local paper and maybe the hospital PR Director. Not fans or the community.

The bell ringing is for the patient, her Dr's and family. What would happen if they announced on the intercom for all staff to abandon their posts to watch Jen ring a bell? Chaos. I have NEVER seen quiet time in a hospital. There is no such thing as a lull in a nurse or doctor's day. I know, because I have spent many weeks in the hospital ICU watching my dad and daughter die.

If the staff ran off to watch a bell-ringing ceremony, I'd run after them and bitch at them till they got back to ICU.

Would you want them to leave your family's bedside???

  • Love 19

More importantly, if Jen was a bitchy beast to be around like say, Matt Roloff, there would be a few people popping out of the wood work to say so at this point.


I mean don't get me wrong, she could be a raving monster in real life but much the way someone calling her "nice" isn't a ringing endorsement, someone calling her nice and no one else who has met her saying anything negative at all all is not really a huge indicator she's an awful awful person.


Foghorn - do you think she's a favored teacher's pet because she is little?

Edited by ZoloftBlob
  • Love 7

I think the only thing people could hate about Jen is her nervous laugh.  She's obviously not a monster because if she was then she wouldn't have that nervous laugh that so many people find irritating.  


And she seems to hold a lot of titles of responsibility.  Seems like someone would get that over being respected, not favored. 

Because if someone is favored and given the responsibility and aren't up to par they're going to make the company look far far worse. I especially don't think a hospital is going to chance that. 

  • Love 7

Wow. How did Jen become a prima Donna and teacher's pet? I think she's a skilled and compassionate doctor and I can't say I've seen anything on screen that would negate that image.


No kidding - I completely agree. I am not one of those people who think that Bill and Jen walk on water, but I see zero evidence or indication of any type of prima donna/diva behavior on Jen's part. She's not constantly concerned with only herself. She doesn't go around screaming and stamping her foot, making unreasonable demands. She adopted two foreign children with significant issues of their own within a very short period of time. Then - on top of all that - she had the misfortune of getting a cancer diagnosis and all that brings. Of course she has her own opinions and likes things in her home to be her own way. We all do. At her age, with her income, and after studying and working very hard for years, she deserves to have it so. I'd be doing exactly the same if I could. Other than having a premium-quality home and customized vehicles - a good deal of which Bill was also heavily involved with - I don't see an ounce of "diva" here.  

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 14

They definitely know how to make the most of the their time in the spotlight. Jen had at least one other lobbying boondoggle on behalf of Texas Childrens Hospital, where she works, back in 2011. Texas Childrens Hospital has a website for donations to fight cancer IN HONOR OF DR. ARNOLD, so TCH is definitely making the most of their mutual admiration society. And you can read online, that Bill went into business with the guy who was putting in their pool, a company called Swimnow, and then they had a grand opening filmed by TLC with Bill and Jen signing autographs. Bill is no longer a Director with Swimnow but im sure he got his pool for next to nothing in exchange for free publicity via TLC. There is probably a similar story with the house. Both he and Jen own two other companies, CANDU and Flying Lions and Friends. Not sure what these companies actually do but its a great way to write things off as business expenses.

  • Love 2

I don't remember when Jen and Bill said they weren't trying to make money. Isn't it just really common for people to say "I have taken this job because I can do some good," and people naturally understand they also expect to be paid and prefer to be paid well?

Edited by mbutterfly
  • Love 8

Being a "businessman,"  I completely expect Bill to capitalize on any opportunity that comes his way.  I know I would.  I'm glad they are branching out and building more businesses, creating more jobs, paying more taxes, etc. etc. etc.--the good 'ol American way!  Or they could be sitting around, whining about how unfair society is to them while they buy cigarettes with their disability money and drive around with their handicapped placard hanging for the rear view mirror of their custom cars.  And good for TCH for taking donations to fight cancer IN HONOR OR DR. ARNOLD!  That can only end up helping others.  


I hope Bill and Jen are laughing all the way to the bank!  

  • Love 12

Are Will and Zoey laughing all the way to the bank? While other children were trick or treating like normal kids, Will and Zoey did it with lights and a camera crew following them. Nice, compassionate, good, selfless people. I don't think so.

I'm not sure if they know, yet, what a bank is. But I'm pretty sure they are happy to be living in a big, warm, safe home with two loving parents and tons of grands, aunts and uncles. They have access to the best doctors available, healthy food to eat (as well as some unhealthy food to eat!) lots of opportunities to meet and play with other children (at school, gym, etc.), as well as a swimming pool, a nearby beach, and local attractions - farms, playgrounds, pony rides, etc.


Yes, I believe we have seen each child smiling a time or two. 

  • Love 10

I hope that Will and Zoey are getting a piece of the pie. I honestly hope that they have their own trust accounts. However, most children share in their parents success without doing the work themselves. In most families, the parents do the work and the kids benefit. I have rarely seen the kids get used to make money for the family.



Then you haven't watched the Duggars.

  • Love 3

Yep. They have all the things that other American children have. Only most American children don't have to work for their family.

Um no.  IMO most American children don't have anywhere near the benefits that the Klein-Arnold children have.  And, if what they're doing is considered "working", I will take that kind of work any day.

  • Love 12

I am confident that Jen and Bill have financial advisors and attorneys who have provided guidance on how to set up money for the kids' care. Especially since Jen and Bill themselves have ongoing health issues which, in the worst case scenario, could affect their abilities to care for the kids. Watching the episodes, it seems like Will and Zoey do not have much interaction with other kids outside of "school." The parties we saw seemed staged and at Will's, I do not recall seeing him interact with ANY of the kids there. One would think TLC would share those moments as well. I wonder if they get invited to birthday parties for other kids and have their friends over to play with.. They sure have plenty of toys to share.. Anyway, I hope so.

  • Love 2

Count me in, I want to go on fun trips and adventures and have it be called worked. 

It would be a charmed life if it didnt involve hours and hours of setting up a scene that lasts for a few minutes with hot lights installed in your home, cameras in your face, producers "suggesting'' what to say and do and people staring at you because you have been roped off like a zoo exhibit.  Bodyguards, endless waiting. 

 No thanks, I will take the a life without cameras, mountains of toys and endless staged events.   

  • Love 1

I recently read an article citing effects of putting small children on reality tv. It said that cameras, lights, crew, etc disrupt the normalcy of a household and the kids can have trouble establishing good relationships with their parents. The kids often develop attachments to the crew and gravitate toward them. I imagine this would be even more likely with two orphans taken away from where they grew up and all the people they interacted with there. Further, when the cameras and crew go away for good, Will and Zoey could experience yet another sense of loss by losing THOSE people too.

Edited by Snow8585
  • Love 3

There was a time when children beyond the age of toddler-hood worked with the family business - whether farm or mom and pop stores or you name it. That was typical for families. Many have asserted that was the most wholesome climate for families. I spent my youngest years living in residence at a large psychiatric hospital where my dad was chief of staff.  When I was in grade school,  I rode my horse or my bike around the grounds past residential cottages. Some people might frown at my childhood but it seemed nearly idyllic to me. 

Edited by mbutterfly
  • Love 3

I think that most doctor's children, whether naturally born or adopted, have the same lifestyle as the Klein children. I think that I agree with the people who don't think it's right that those children are under lights and followed by a film crew. I don't think that the parents need the money. It seems a little greedy and selfish to make their children perform on television.

I wonder just how many hours we are talking about. This show seems to have a very short season, and most of the children's episodes revolved around special events. They are not on camera 24/7, they are not being forced into unnatural situations, they are having fun while maybe being inconvenienced slightly by having to wait. (Most little kids hate waiting, anyway, but they often have to do it for reasons that they will never understand.) 


We don't see them at school, which is good, I don't think the general public even knows where they go to school, unlike the Gosselins, Duggars, and Roloffs. (And if you do know, I don't want to know.) 


I wonder what the reaction will be to the new "little family" on TLC? Will they be accused of exploiting their children for the sake of a TV show, or will they get a pass because they're not rich and famous? 

  • Love 5

I wonder what the reaction will be to the new "little family" on TLC? Will they be accused of exploiting their children for the sake of a TV show, or will they get a pass because they're not rich and famous?


If the show lasts more than a few episodes and gets renewed, the new family will absolutely see similar complaints and if they aren't rich and famous before.... watch to see how their not so rich lifestyle expands in season two

  • Love 1

Yes the kids are creating memories like the Gosselin kids!!




I can't think of any two kids further removed from those kids than Zoey and Will, imo. They aren't being raised by the same types of parents first of all, which to me is where the biggest divide begins.


I'll never forget Shirley Temple's parents and how when her star began to decline instead of being desperate show parents who would force her to still perform wherever and however she could, taking on roles she shouldn't or making appearances just for the money, they were levelheaded and loving enough to take her out of the limelight and just let her grow up.


She went to school, graduated college, made a respectable name for herself outside of the Hollywood lights. Instead of just becoming another former Hollywood baby who was sucked dry by the machine, she became her own woman with a real life.


Her parents were still the same people who allowed her to perform and film as a little girl, but they made it clear that she wasn't some performing monkey they made money from, she was their daughter first and they always looked out for her on stage and off.


To me Jen and Bill are just as loving and thoughtful about their children and their well beings.


Will and Zoey are filmed eating lunch, running in a park, going on a vacation or two, and maybe, just maybe, swimming. They aren't doing anything special or unique or really all that exciting to be honest, heh, but they're cute enough for me to still enjoy watching them explore their world.


I've yet to see them really do anything that they would never do regularly as little kids whether or not they had cameras on them, which would be to eat, play, nap, disregard their parents half the time, heh, and repeat.


I know of many "normal" parents who stick their kids in pageants solely because they want to. These people have never been and rarely will ever be on camera a day in their very shallow, and imo empty, lives and yet they still force their children, sons and daughters, to prance about a stage, shaking curves they haven't yet developed, wearing enough makeup to make a Vegas Showgirl blush, and cheap and often sleazy outfits just to win a tawdry crown and a bit of pocket change if they're lucky enough to be 'Miss Sparkle and Shine Princess Cupcake Jamboree Sweetie Pie Super Grand Supreme'.


I've seen many "normal" parents push their kids into competitive sports without any regards to the little one/s's actual feelings or well being. I've seen them cursed at and belittled and humiliated because Mommy or Daddy didn't think they "tried" hard enough.  And these aren't people trying to capture the perfect sound bite on film, this is just the sort of people and parents that they are. They aren't making their kids "work" for them to make money but the abuse and mistreatment to me is far worse.


Being a "normal kid" isn't what it's always cracked up to be, imho.


First and foremost a child should always have love and understanding, and as far as I've seen that's what the camera has always captured on The Little Couple, which to me is what makes them far better parents than what the "norm" can at times offer.

  • Love 16

Being a normal kid also means you have friends and get invited to their parties and share toys. The only interaction of note was Will running over to the boys on the playground, not interacting, taking his scooter or whatever it was and going to Bill. Bill thought it was really funny. TLC has the authority to edit footage to display the kids however they want. They are choosing to show these kids as spoiled brats, Especially Will. I really hope there is another side to these kids beside not listening to their parents and stuffing their faces.

  • Love 2

Being a normal kid also means you have friends and get invited to their parties and share toys. The only interaction of note was Will running over to the boys on the playground, not interacting, taking his scooter or whatever it was and going to Bill. Bill thought it was really funny. TLC has the authority to edit footage to display the kids however they want. They are choosing to show these kids as spoiled brats, Especially Will. I really hope there is another side to these kids beside not listening to their parents and stuffing their faces.



Those boys were complete strangers, Will didn't know them and reacted strongly because he saw two kids he didn't know touching his stuff. Bill wasn't the only one who thought it was funny either, and frankly I didn't think anything of it and still don't. It was a short moment in time at the park, as soon as it was over it was as if it'd never happened.


I'm nearly 70 years old and I don't appreciate people just touching my things without permission, though admittedly I wouldn't scream at them, at least right away, heh. 


We have seen Will interacting with kids he does know at parties before and he has never shown any such behaviour towards them, and he very well could have.


Personally my feelings are that a single moment out of a four year old's life does not a little monster make, not even close. Especially when I've seen Will share, and be considerate, and be understanding of someone else's needs far more times.


I completely disagree that Zoey and Will are being painted as "spoiled brats". There's been nothing I've seen depicted on the show, so far, that gives me that impression at all.


And after decades of dealing with kids and those I would call "truly spoiled and entitled brats", Will and Zoey are actually fairly easy going.


To me all this show has ever shown them to be are kids. They're just kids, they have good days and bad days, same as adults, same as anyone. 


What I have seen from these kids is overwhelmingly positive, imho, not negative. They aren't perfect kids but then again no one ever is. What I do think is that they're very special kids who make me almost wish I was still young enough to have a couple just like them. 

  • Love 10

It doesnt matter if they are strangers, plenty of kids are happy to find other kids on a playground to interact with. Not Will apparently. Bill even yelled BE NICE, Bill could have gotten involved, gone over and introduced Will to those kids and who knows, maybe Will would have made friends. He seemed to have more positive interaction with other kids in New Day than over here.

Edited by Snow8585
  • Love 1

And after decades of dealing with kids and those I would call "truly spoiled and entitled brats", Will and Zoey are actually fairly easy going.


To me all this show has ever shown them to be are kids. They're just kids, they have good days and bad days, same as adults, same as anyone. 



I think you're beating a dead horse. Some just want to see things the way they want to see them and in this case it's a negative way.  Keep watching the show for the positive  and be happy, like I am :)

Edited by KarmaG
  • Love 13

It doesnt matter if they are strangers, plenty of kids are happy to find other kids on a playground to interact with. Not Will apparently. Bill even yelled BE NICE, Bill could have gotten involved, gone over and introduced Will to those kids and who knows, maybe Will would have made friends. He seemed to have more positive interaction with other kids in New Day than over here.



No two kids are completely alike, not even identical twins. How many more kids react and act just like he did in the same situation?


Just recalling from my own personal experiences what Will did is not in any way, shape or form abnormal or really all that impacting on a kid's future unless it's a continuous behaviour they never grow out of.


Yes the situation could have been handled differently, but to me it just isn't that important of a thing to really make a fuss over.


These two boys aren't the only two kids he's ever met on the playground, I would imagine, and certainly Will has and will have plenty of other opportunities to meet kids and bond and become friends with them. Will can make friends at any time, anywhere, he has the personality to be well liked by many I think. Those two kids were strangers and they stayed strangers and the world didn't end, not a big deal.


Not liking two strange boys doesn't suddenly make Will a social outcast in the local kiddie circle to me, but YMMV of course.


Plus I can recall times on the show where Will's had a good time around other kids and they have had fun with him as well, such as at his birthday party where he was surrounded by kids and had a blast. At least all the smiling and giggling and laughing and running around he did gave me that impression.




who are never shown interacting with anyone other than adults




But they have shown that.


What they don't show, however, are scenes with the kids going to school or gym class or over friends' houses, which very well could be to protect the the privacy of their friends' homes and certain addresses and locations in town, which to me is actually a good thing.


I don't need to see Will and Zoey playing with kids every other episode to know they do in fact interact with them, that much is clearly implied and proven such as when they have quite a number of little bodies running around during their birthday parties that aren't just relatives or the "desperate to be on TV" neighbours from down the street. 

  • Love 9

To say that someone is beating a dead horse is not conducive to discussion or sharing views. I am sharing what i see and I think that TLC could do a better job of showing the different sides of these kids who are never shown interacting with anyone other than adults. Its sad.

Perhaps because permission would need to be given, and it hasn't been? Just a guess.

  • Love 2

To say that someone is beating a dead horse is not conducive to discussion or sharing views. 


It IS beating a dead horse when it's been repeated several times. I am new to the thread and even I see it being repeated which is why I said what I did. You and CP were simply repeating yourselves, not really stating anything new. You weren't changing each other's mind, nothing will so yes, that is beating a dead horse.

  • Love 3

I wonder just how many hours we are talking about. This show seems to have a very short season, and most of the children's episodes revolved around special events. They are not on camera 24/7, they are not being forced into unnatural situations, they are having fun while maybe being inconvenienced slightly by having to wait. (Most little kids hate waiting, anyway, but they often have to do it for reasons that they will never understand.) 


We don't see them at school, which is good, I don't think the general public even knows where they go to school, unlike the Gosselins, Duggars, and Roloffs. (And if you do know, I don't want to know.) 


I wonder what the reaction will be to the new "little family" on TLC? Will they be accused of exploiting their children for the sake of a TV show, or will they get a pass because they're not rich and famous? 

I am against any and all children being on reality tv shows.  Posters are very vocal about this on other forums where especially TLC programs are discussed.

        I am not and never have singled out Jen and Bill, because they are doing exactly what all the rest of the families are doing by allowing their children to become performers on tv.   

          When they saw and met Will for the first time, I was shocked that such a precious and sacred moment would be filmed.   That is when I lost any respect I had for them.  They even showed in a later episode how they had to wait in the hallway while the scene was set up. Who does that?   Here they are, meeting their son and they are waiting for lights, cameras and action.  

 Jen said herself that they turned TLC down originally, then said yes, but their wedding could not be filmed because it was too personal.  What is an adoption?  I guess its a huge media event and ratings booster.

           So, no the new family doesnt get a pass.  It doesnt matter who they are or how much money they have, where they live or what they do.   I do see that one of their sons has taken over the "all aboard" and the parents are already doing the rose petals and celebration routine.  

  • Love 1

I think you're beating a dead horse. Some just want to see things the way they want to see them and in this case it's a negative way.  Keep watching the show for the positive  and be happy, like I am :)

A dead horse is right.  Will and Jen could be shown volunteering at a soup kitchen every hour of the day, and people would complain that Jen wasn't able to lift the huge soup pots by herself, and that Will wasn't socializing with every person who walked in the door.

  • Love 13

I don't remember seeing Will interacting with the other children at either his, or Zoey's birthday party. He also said he hadn't made any friends at school. I don't know what happens off camera, but I haven't seen any evidence of Will playing with other kids on the show.

I truly think permission and TLC practices factor in here. It is rare on any of the family shows that you see a significant interaction with other people's children. A recent example where was shown was the friend of Maddie and Cara on Kate Plus Eight, but these girls are teenagers -- the age of the other person's child may have been the difference. 

  • Love 6

To say that someone is beating a dead horse is not conducive to discussion or sharing views. I am sharing what i see and I think that TLC could do a better job of showing the different sides of these kids who are never shown interacting with anyone other than adults. Its sad.


The likely reason is because people have to sign contracts/waivers if they plan to be filmed.  A person can not be filmed without permission. 

Therefore it's likely just easier to not film them interacting with other people.  Maybe other parents don't want their kids filmed. 


But no... they obviously have no interaction with other kids..... 


And it is kind of a dead horse because the people who post negative things are only basing their facts on what we see which is only a teensy tiny bit of their actual lives. 

  • Love 4

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