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S03.E13: Purple Rain


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Not terrible,  hoping that somehow Barbara sticks around,  same for Donna. 

Batman is back in Gotham and I know the majority of the viewers are glad we're leaving Gotham but the al ghul/ argus hints we'll be back. 

I like that they only semi redeemed Jason,  he still did what he did. 

I fucking love Vee, she's like a more sparky on the side of the angels Amanda waller 

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That was lackluster for a finale, but that is par for the course with this show. They spend all season in set up, then rush through the ending. 

Overusing the Lazarus Pit makes it less special. Now most of the city was brought back by it. I guess they are not going with the LP makes people crazy. Also no one had any questions as to how Donna and Tim came back without the LP? 

Crane was such a waste of a character. What was the point if he never even put on the Scarecrow mask. The showrunner should take the hint that he can't use the BatFam characters and move on and focus on the characters he can use. 

So they lost Blackfire and Donna, which won't make much of a difference since they were barely part of the Titans. Then they added Tim. So the cast is still big. I know Tim is a Robin, but I think I would've rather he stick with Donna. He can still be a boy wonder with Wonder Girl. 

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Did anyone else feel like there were pieces missing from the episode? Like when Donna said to Tim "Wow how'd you learn to do that?" when all he did was kick a guy two feet away. I had to rewatch that to make sure I didn't miss him doing something special. There were a few other parts where I was like how did we get here or how did somebody know something.

The scientist guy recreating Blackfire's ship is so dumb. Unless Superboy somehow knew how the inside of the ship worked too, recreating the body of the ship doesn't do any good if you don't have the stuff that actually makes it fly (electronics/engines). I at least hope they were making fun of that a bit themselves when they had him say he'd just 3d print parts for an alien spaceship.

I thought it took balls to have Batman try to kill himself earlier in the season and then never reference it again. Along those lines, did I miss what happened to Lady Vic?

Barbara being more concerned with how Dick and the Titans felt about Jason than she was about letting the murderous terrorist go free was kind of wtf but on par for this show. Jason felt bad about it so I guess it's okay he's not in jail. Vee was actually a good character. It did feel like she was the one actually in command when we saw her before so it wasn't really a surprise.

The last scene was quite special. It proves Dick is a villain. He commands a child to torture someone who was already in prison, restrained, and in solitary confinement. I don't think Rachel had ever even seen Scarecrow before then, had she? If Dick was worried about Scarecrow getting out again, maybe he could ask his billionaire friend to pay for some security upgrades instead?


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46 minutes ago, Nellise said:

The last scene was quite special. It proves Dick is a villain. He commands a child to torture someone who was already in prison, restrained, and in solitary confinement. I don't think Rachel had ever even seen Scarecrow before then, had she? If Dick was worried about Scarecrow getting out again, maybe he could ask his billionaire friend to pay for some security upgrades instead?


Rachel sucked out all the "evil" from the Lazarus pit so when the people got rained on by it they would just come alive again and not be tortured. Its not like she wanted to carry that around forever and why not give it to the shithead who brought it to Gotham and doesn't care about the untold people he killed.

I hate it when criminals kill tons of people and just end up in an institution where you know they will just escape again and do it all over. At least the joker ended up getting his brains beat out for killing Robin 2.0.

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Flawed season, flawed finale, partly because I am sure scenes were cut for time or something (would love to see what they first had).

I'll preface the rest by saying I'm not all up on the Canon and what is or is not in the comic books.  Ie I have no skin in the game- I just enjoy it for what it is. so my thoughts..

I loved the scene between Bruce and Jason.  Loved the scene he had with Dick.  I wish I could have seen a scene between Bruce and Tim.

I don't consider Rachel to be a child at all- being whathisname's daughter and her time on the very emotionally /Terse Themiscara.  And what she did to the scarecrow was more than justified, given that he was a mass murderer.  

like that Jason wasn't entirely forgiven, but glad he seems to be on the better side of things.  I'd watch a limited show of Red Hood.

I'm glad for the road trip to san francisco.  

I want Donna to come back.  Dawn, please stay away.  If it were up to me, next season would focus ONLY on the OG crowd:  Dick, Donna, Kory, Gar and Rachel.  That way production would save money and increase characters' screen time.

  • Love 6

Award for most useless season (yet again) goes to!

Lets kill off everyone in Gotham only to use a lazarus pit storm to bring everyone back!

The Titans reunite and hey Starfire got some new powers but no one even notices or says anything about it.

Jason is forgiven as if nothing happened.

Tim just ups and leaves with the team without consulting his parents who apparently dont care about their child fighting crime.

Donna lassos lightning and just stands there enjoying it because lightning dont effect her no more and leaves the Titans yet again.

Rachel throws up all of her nightmares into Scarecrows mouth.

Barbara is cool working with Oracle again who has been given a male persona even though....she was every part of Oracle in the comics.

How do any of these people bts have a job?

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I wish they'd let the characters actually talk to each other, instead having them exposition that they did. That doesn't feel real at all. Donna was dead for 6 months and came back without magic and no one has questions, Donna saved Batman from killing himself and they are not telling anyone that. Kory get new powers and no one cares, but we can get a bunch of scenes of the Batfam forgiving Jason, who brutally murdered one of their team. 

It shows how much this showrunner doesn't care about the rest of the Titans, they make storylines for them that go nowhere and only care about tying up the Batfam drama. The only point of the other Titans storylines were to take them out of the Batfam drama. 

  • Love 3

If you watched all three season, then you know San Francisco is the Titans home base. The team went to Gotham to save it. With that mission over, their headed back home. Dick’s team has essentially swapped Tim for Jason, and even Jason knew he has a karmic burden to work off on his own. Donna may be taking a trip to see Dove and deliver Hawk’s message, but what we were shown in that earlier episode suggest they have a plot device to bring Hawk back when Alan’s schedule permits or if the new gig doesn’t work out. I suspect Donna will show up next season with the Titans. I’m glad Connor Kent quickly became so useful and resourceful as a half-Kryptonian/half-Earthling and somehow able to ignore the two genetic ghosts that reside in his head. Bruce, ah Bruce. Boy, the show doesn’t really like Bruce, do they?

I suspect the road trip home on the special RV, will lead to next season’s major plot line before they can get back to San Francisco.

Edited by theschnauzers
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It's not a good sign for me and my loyalty to this show if the season finale comes and my first thought after it is done is relief that I won't have to watch anymore.  This season was abysmal.

Crane hid 10 bombs around the city and gave riddles/clues as to each one.  Why couldn't Connor and Donna each take half and zip around to all the possible locations?  There was a throwaway line from Connor that "the bombs might be encased in lead" but they still could have at least searched the locations.

Instead, one bomb goes off and the green gas kills people.  The other bombs cannot be set off because Gar and Dick and Barbara took control of the Batcave computer and Crane got locked out of the system.  Um, ok.

It was really all not that interesting to watch.

So it looks like Jason is gone for sure.  Donna is joining ARGUS but she might still pop up on the show sometimes?  Blackfire is leaving for Tamaran.  Connor says he can visit her, which implies he is staying with the team.

Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham but the Titans are leaving Gotham.  I hope this means that we don't have to see Bruce next season, or that there is less focus on Batfamily.  But the fact that "Selina Kyle" was Bruce's password makes me think that Catwoman is going to show up next season and we will be sucked into Bat issues again.  If Bruce is 60 years old, then Catwoman is at least in her 50s?   I truly hope this is the last we have seen of Crane.  Vincent Kartheiser completely ruined this season for me.  If there was a Razzies equivalent for TV shows, he would be far and away my winner.  It's sad that I'm sure he thinks his performance was Emmy worthy.

On 10/21/2021 at 8:32 AM, Nellise said:

The last scene was quite special. It proves Dick is a villain. He commands a child to torture someone who was already in prison, restrained, and in solitary confinement. I don't think Rachel had ever even seen Scarecrow before then, had she? If Dick was worried about Scarecrow getting out again, maybe he could ask his billionaire friend to pay for some security upgrades instead?

I don't think Dick is a villain.  Crane got out once and Dick wanted to help keep him there.  Crane's methods have always been about his fear toxin, so Dick and Rachel took all that fear from the Pit and poured it into him, so Crane will forever hopefully be feeling the fear that he always enjoyed inflicting on others.

21 hours ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

I want Donna to come back.  Dawn, please stay away.  If it were up to me, next season would focus ONLY on the OG crowd:  Dick, Donna, Kory, Gar and Rachel.  That way production would save money and increase characters' screen time.

If you're talking OG in the sense of this show, then Donna isn't OG - this team on this show started with only four members.  Dick and Kory were the "older parents" shepherding their young charges Rachel and Gar.  Hank, Dawn and Donna kind of reluctantly returned and re-joined the team towards the end of the first season.  I would not be surprised if Donna does come back.  I just wish they use her more properly.  She is strong and fast, although perhaps not as strong and fast as Connor, but she has her lasso.

18 hours ago, theschnauzers said:

If you watched all three season, then you know San Francisco is the Titans home base. The team went to Gotham to save it. With that mission over, their headed back home. Dick’s team has essentially swapped Tim for Jason, and even Jason knew he has a karmic burden to work off on his own. Donna may be taking a trip to see Dove and deliver Hawk’s message, but what we were shown in that earlier episode suggest they have a plot device to bring Hawk back when Alan’s schedule permits or if the new gig doesn’t work out. I suspect Donna will show up next season with the Titans. I’m glad Connor Kent quickly became so useful and resourceful as a half-Kryptonian/half-Earthling and somehow able to ignore the two genetic ghosts that reside in his head. Bruce, ah Bruce. Boy, the show doesn’t really like Bruce, do they?

I suspect the road trip home on the special RV, will lead to next season’s major plot line before they can get back to San Francisco.

I hope Dawn and Hank stay away.  The actors are terrible.  The characters added absolutely nothing to this show, apart from the fact that the showrunners seemed to like them because they have NO POWERS and don't cost any dollars for CGI.  So stupid.  Why showcase these two twirling around with kicks and punches and elbows when Connor or Donna can end a fight in 30 seconds?

I hope Bruce stays away too.  I loathe Iain Glen and especially his horrible accent.  Plenty of English actors are able to do an American accent so well that you wouldn't even know they weren't American.  That's part of their job.  Why cast a guy who is so bad at it?  Why not get him lessons or dub his lines?

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That was a lackluster finale to a crappy season, which I guess is something of an improvement. This wasn't terrible, at least most of the plot threads have been wrapped up, things ended on a more upbeat note, and they seemed to have swerved from making Conner a villain, but it was mostly just boring. This season has been an absolute mess, too many characters too many useless subplots, and WAY too much focus on the Batfam at the expense of the other Titans. They should have just called the show "Batfam and also some other people plus a dog" instead of Titans. 

I am glad that Jason is going to try and atone for what he did, but its really going to take a lot of time for him to make up for what he did. I cant be mad about the way they took Crane out, that piece of crap brought this on himself and its a better plan then just sending him back to a jail he will inevitably escape from. This version of Crane has been such a disappointment, Scarecrow is one of my favorite Batman rogues and this version has been painfully lame. 

We lose Blackfire and Donna, no big losses there. I like Donna but she has hardly been around and Blackfire has just been a total mess of a character in one of the shows most boring subplots.

I just want this show to be better then it is, I keep hoping its going to get better but I feel like this season was the worst one yet. Every season has ridiculous amounts of padding only to frantically rush to the end in the last episode or two. 

Good riddance to Scarecrow and this season of Gotham-lite.

Otherwise was good that most of the Titans had something to do this episode. Starfire's white light powers seem odd on her.

I'm sure Donna will be back with ARGUS getting a bigger role next season (Roy Harper gets a mention). If they cast him then, of the original Titans, the only one missing from this show would be Wally West.

Edited by Wonderlad71
On 10/21/2021 at 10:25 AM, UnknownK said:

I hate it when criminals kill tons of people and just end up in an institution where you know they will just escape again and do it all over. At least the joker ended up getting his brains beat out for killing Robin 2.0.

Living with the constraints of justice are part of the burden of being Batman.   The real Batman would never have beaten the Joker to death, no matter what the Joker did, no matter how much Batman might want to.   That strength, that ability to overcome his worst impulses, is part of what makes Batman a hero.

This show has shit all over Batman.   It turned him into a murderer.   It sickeningly showed him bonding with a multiple murderer, Jason Todd, casually forgiving himself and Todd for taking lives.   Dick also shrugs off Jason's heinous deeds.

The show turned Dick Grayson into a sadistic, vindictive torturer, as Nellise wrote above.   Batman has always been about rehabilitating damaged minds whenever possible.   In the comics, he went to great lengths in his attempts to rehabilitate Harvey Dent (Two Face).  Even Adam West's Batman took an interest in the rehabilitation of his foes.  Some part of Batman always pitied these felons.  He would never sanction any action that would make their psychopathology worse.   He would have passed these values on to Dick.

The show exposed Batman's secret identity to the world, with Gotham Police hanging around in the Batcave (oh, that's right, Jason killed them all, so no worries, none of them would have told anyone else during all that time they were down there, none of them would have texted or tweeted or Instagrammed selfies in the Batcave, so it's all good), then lacked the courtesy to fix it or show how Batman can continue in light of it.

This show destroyed and defiled Batman more effectively than Jonathan Crane ever could.




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I thought this was a very lackluster finale. When it comes round again I will probably watch it again, but I don't feel any frustration at having to wait.

Thoughts in no particular order:

ARGUS apparently is a 'new 52' thing. I stopped reading DC specifically because of the new 52, so I have no preconceived notions. I doubt she will play a huge part in the Titans going forward, but I'm sure she'll turn up for an episode, maybe two. I wonder if she will end up being part of a this universe Birds of Prey? Which would also leave a place for Dawn, being a bird person and all.

Dick says he can't fight two wars at once. I think Dick plans on trying to draw Jason in if the opportunity presents itself. This may or may not manifest in the show.

Dick's emergence as the mentor/trainer of young heroes is kind of earned over the three seasons and pretty nicely done. 

I'm not hugely libertarian but I do think that if you can't let someone go free, ever, and you can't keep them from freeing themselves, you kill them. I'm not hugely fond of capital punishment, but if you can't keep people safe from them, make an exception. The torture option is not a good one for anyone. If Crane ever escapes again he will be EVEN WORSE and you know, he is going to escape. Arkham has many back doors. When he does escape he'll have the lazarus pit serpent of horror as a new weapon!  Dick should have thought this through.

I also think Oracle is an immoral idea and hard on Barbara in a power corrupts kind of way. Instead of doing her thing she will be trying to restrain it.

I wonder if Raven had any other options?

I thought Bruce saying 'goodbye, son." was genuinely moving. That bit was good acting and good writing. Jason kept on asking if Dick would take him back but didn't appreciate what he had in Bruce, except for the killing part, which was pretty harsh.

The loneliness is heartbreaking but I think when Tim is trained up he will come back to work with Batman. He'll be okay because Dick will see to the actual mentoring.

Edited by Affogato
8 hours ago, millennium said:

Living with the constraints of justice are part of the burden of being Batman.   The real Batman would never have beaten the Joker to death, no matter what the Joker did, no matter how much Batman might want to.   That strength, that ability to overcome his worst impulses, is part of what makes Batman a hero.

This show has shit all over Batman.   It turned him into a murderer.   It sickeningly showed him bonding with a multiple murderer, Jason Todd, casually forgiving himself and Todd for taking lives.   Dick also shrugs off Jason's heinous deeds.





Um either batman will forgive and rehabilitate people who have done bad things or he won’t. Jason has done bad things, yes, and he is willing to give him another chance. Batman also gives himself another chance. Fully in sync with your premise.  

You know batman undoubtedly maimed and probably caused the death of hundreds over the course of his career. Because beatings. All the batmen. What makes that heroic?

2 minutes ago, Affogato said:

Um either batman will forgive and rehabilitate people who have done bad things or he won’t. Jason has done bad things, yes, and he is willing to give him another chance. Batman also gives himself another chance. Fully in sync with your premise.  

I don't think forgiveness/rehabilitation of murderers is an "either he will or he won't" proposition.    It  involves more than sorries.

2 hours ago, Affogato said:

ARGUS apparently is a 'new 52' thing. I stopped reading DC specifically because of the new 52, so I have no preconceived notions. I doubt she will play a huge part in the Titans going forward, but I'm sure she'll turn up for an episode, maybe two. I wonder if she will end up being part of a this universe Birds of Prey? Which would also leave a place for Dawn, being a bird person and all.


ARGUS is basically SHIELD, right?   And Vee is that Amanda Waller character?   I can't with any of that.  

That was painful to watch.  By episode 8 we were just determined to finish the season, though any hope of it getting any better was gone.
Normally, I would not rag on a show aimed at a younger audience .. but this show dropped the F-bomb about every five minutes, so I don't consider it young-adult and therefore it's fair game.

The levels of ridiculousness is so high that it would be a lost cause to start the climb.  I'll just point out some things to remind me why I shouldn't bother with another season of this:

  • All it took to defeat Scarecrow was showing up in the same room and letting Tim Drake punch him.
  • Tim Drake, with no exceptional qualities whatsoever, decides he is going to be a Robin and yet has no interaction with Batman.
  • Dick Grayson gets airlifted, by bats, into the Lazarus Pit with a Nightwing uniform, but comes out with street clothes.
  • Starfire carrying the ball of the vaporized Lazarus Pit around like a sack of potatoes. 
  • The city of Gotham decided to mount a giant-sized monitor on the side of building in the 'ghetto' so people could watch the news.
  • The streets of Gotham are almost always deserted, except for the times when a few extras pop up to shoot Dick or stand in line at a convenience store. 
  • That nerd tech guy from the underground supe laboratory/prison... He is *always* the only person there - and he is never not there.  And,  at the end, he manages to show up on that one spot in Gotham where everything happens to be filmed.  And he takes a selfie with the Titans...
  • Scarecrow/Crane sucking up what felt like half of every episode - - and trying to make *everything* be about fear with never-ending monologues. 

Starfire's storyline through the season was a complete acid trip:  At the start, she was regularly phoning a psychiatrist in SF -- then nothing.. 
Then she found Blackfire, who, in the last season, murdered Starfire's parents, her bodyguard, and several other people. But with a few lines of dialogue, Blackfire blames everything on their parents, without any proof, and is forgiven and joins the group. 
Then Starfire loses her powers to Blackfire - only to later meet some random, magical(?) woman and child who has been the source of her previous blackouts/visions(?!), with the ultimate vision revealing that her parents were power-swapping assholes. 
Then, Starfire and Blackfire have new powers and instantly know how to use and control them. Blackfire has a spaceship, loses the spaceship, then gets a new spaceship because it can be rebuilt with a 3-D printer. 
Based solely on Starfire's visions, Blackstar decides she is entitled to be, and wants to be, the queen of a planet that hates her.  And Starfire, the only person who can 'prove' Starfire's claim to the throne, decides to stay on Earth,  because ...?  

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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On 10/28/2021 at 2:05 PM, Affogato said:

Um either batman will forgive and rehabilitate people who have done bad things or he won’t. Jason has done bad things, yes, and he is willing to give him another chance. Batman also gives himself another chance. Fully in sync with your premise.  

You know batman undoubtedly maimed and probably caused the death of hundreds over the course of his career. Because beatings. All the batmen. What makes that heroic?

There has never been a mainstream, not-a-dream, not-an-imaginary story version of Batman that would kill someone in cold blood as it seems this Batman did to Joker. IIRC, this Joker was locked up in Arkham and Batman broke in and killed him. I don't think that there has been a Batman who would knowingly let a murderer of innocent people go free, let alone apologize to that murderer.

Until now. 

Batman certainly has attacked criminals and done things to them in the comics and movies to kill them. In Batman Begins, him setting fire to the League of Shadows' HQ almost certainly resulted in a bunch of deaths, for example. In Batman Returns, he strapped a bomb to a bad guy and it blew up. But there's a difference between killing people actively trying to kill him or someone else, and killing innocent people like Jason did. What Jason did is beyond forgiveness. At least the show got that much right that it didn't completely finish the redemption arc for him. 

16 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

There has never been a mainstream, not-a-dream, not-an-imaginary story version of Batman that would kill someone in cold blood as it seems this Batman did to Joker. IIRC, this Joker was locked up in Arkham and Batman broke in and killed him. I don't think that there has been a Batman who would knowingly let a murderer of innocent people go free, let alone apologize to that murderer.

Until now. 

Batman certainly has attacked criminals and done things to them in the comics and movies to kill them. In Batman Begins, him setting fire to the League of Shadows' HQ almost certainly resulted in a bunch of deaths, for example. In Batman Returns, he strapped a bomb to a bad guy and it blew up. But there's a difference between killing people actively trying to kill him or someone else, and killing innocent people like Jason did. What Jason did is beyond forgiveness. At least the show got that much right that it didn't completely finish the redemption arc for him. 


in this story Batman either kills the Joker because  the Joker killed Jason or to stop a codependent cycle of behavior that was tearing the city apart. Probably both.

Hell, it may not have been done before but it is interesting and does seem to continue some of the points raised in The Killing Joke. 

Jason did things under the influence of drugs, trauma and a manipulative and controlling man. And he  has walked free. Some redemptive support and counseling could make a difference in what he does next.  Locking him up wouldn’t. Arkham has many back doors. So yes. Maybe Dick or Bruce will lend him a hand so be doesn’t continue to be a villain.  The alternative would be to kill him. 


So later it occurred to me that this is like the real world issue. Do we give life imprisonment to someone who kills at 16. I mean Jason did go on a spree, but the reasons were as extreme as his actions. There is more than one side to this debate, of course.

Edited by Affogato

I want to know about Dick's Lazarus Pit visions/dreams.  They did not address or resolve this at all in the season finale.  We saw a little black girl who addressed him as "Daddy".  Are we to assume this is his child with Kory?  In Season 2 (I think?), Dick and Kory seemed to be regularly sleeping together.  It was never mentioned again, and I chalked this up to a dropped plot line.  In Season 3 it seems he has turned his attentions onto Barbara.  But then they introduce this dream child.  Starfire never said anything about being pregnant, but I guess we could handwave that and chalk that up to her Tamaran biology.  Is she in fact pregnant now with just a very long Tamaran gestational period?  Or was that child just a possible future?

It would have been nice to have had Dick and Kory have a conversation about this, but maybe it will be addressed in Season 4?

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5 hours ago, blackwing said:

I want to know about Dick's Lazarus Pit visions/dreams.  They did not address or resolve this at all in the season finale.  We saw a little black girl who addressed him as "Daddy".  Are we to assume this is his child with Kory?  In Season 2 (I think?), Dick and Kory seemed to be regularly sleeping together.  It was never mentioned again, and I chalked this up to a dropped plot line.  In Season 3 it seems he has turned his attentions onto Barbara.  But then they introduce this dream child.  Starfire never said anything about being pregnant, but I guess we could handwave that and chalk that up to her Tamaran biology.  Is she in fact pregnant now with just a very long Tamaran gestational period?  Or was that child just a possible future?

It would have been nice to have had Dick and Kory have a conversation about this, but maybe it will be addressed in Season 4?

It could just be a sign of hi h m taking the father role now. Mentoring the others. 

I think it hints at him having a relationship with kory. Possibly subconscious interest. We know a relationship with kory will happen at some point so it isn’t a surprise. 

I don’t think there is any reason to think she is pregnant now. 

Edited by Affogato
On 10/21/2021 at 1:24 PM, Primal Slayer said:

Barbara is cool working with Oracle again who has been given a male persona even though....she was every part of Oracle in the comics.

This actually checks out comics wise,  Babs has mentioned several times that she let's people assume she's a guy or and AI because there would be less attention on her.   Especially after she was abducted by a us senator. 

5 hours ago, Delphi said:

This actually checks out comics wise,  Babs has mentioned several times that she let's people assume she's a guy or and AI because there would be less attention on her.   Especially after she was abducted by a us senator. 

But it was Barabra talking through it. This is a super computer that can go all OMAC whenever most likely.

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