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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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Just now, sainte-chapelle said:

Darcey drunk crawling around the bushes….more innocent times

They say that when the moon and stars are properly aligned, you can hear the cry of "You never loved me!" echoing over the polder.

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These two need to break up. They have different life goals and expectations. Kenny wants to go full metal old man, play golf, wear cardigans and Birkenstocks, have coffee with other old guys and if he's feeling really wild go take in a movie after 7 PM. Armando is a young man with a young daughter. He'll be going to school plays and doing social events with other young parents. Plus Kenny is so selfish and self centered he can't think of anyone else's needs but his. Go back to Florida, Kenny. Lap up the never ending attention of your whiny, needy adult children. Admit that you have nothing to bring to a relationship. 

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1 minute ago, Bees52 said:

Guess I forgot they met up on a site for fathers who lost children. 😔

I didn't know that Armando's wife was 8 months pregnant when she died! Gadzooks, that's horrible! I wonder how her family is doing. 
How old was Hannah? 

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2 minutes ago, LEILANI2 said:

What is the deal with this TEMU Angelina Jolie.  Does she have children, she's a damn near 50 year old woman.  All this drama isn't necessary.

Temu Angelina Jolie…this is top tier snark! Kudos!

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2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Mama Holly looks ROUGH. She's seen some shit. 

And done some shit. 

I am beginning to use the word *that* when speaking of Holly. Like when did she last wash *that* hair? 

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