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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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On 8/10/2021 at 9:17 AM, Yogisbooboo64 said:

Regarding Claire’s Wildcard win….

I’m confused; so, does her win mean that she becomes the first jury member? 

Claire is the first person guaranteed to make jury, but she is not necessarily the first juror – not unless she screws up and gets evicted at the earliest opportunity.


11 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Tiffany does prefer to have relationships in the house where she is the one in control.

If by that you mean Tiffany flakes whenever another HG demonstrates a degree of independent thought not 100% in line with her own plans, then I agree completely.


8 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Christian says he is resigned to going home to see his puppy.

Alyssa says, "and watch me on TV."

He dutifully repeats, "And watch you on TV."

Alyssa tells Xavier she and Christian are going to have a date tonight. He's going to pick her up at midnight, they'll go to his place to see his jet ski . . .

BUBBLES while Xavier rips a big one that "wrecks his asshole" according to Alyssa and Christian who are laughing.

Props to X for some AMAZINGLY timed editorial commentary.  

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13 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Welp. Tiffany just said she's not flipping. Womp womp womp.

Tiffany, probably: "If we can just get The Six back together..."

Oh, she's 51% vote out Christian, 49% vote out SB. And there's still time! But no. But maybe if Britini had come to her earlier? But no. Though there is time. And there would need to be some damage control done. But no. But maybe? She's gonna think on it.

Well, no, it's not that Britini didn't come to her, it's that Deref and Azah came WITH her and Tiff didn't want to talk to Brit with the rest of the Jokers there to prevent any vote-flipping.  And Tiff feels badly that she didn't handle approaching Brit better earlier in the day, but it wasn't just the Jokers that screwed this up but also ChrisAlys as soon as Tiff hinted that she was considering a flip went to retrieve Brit to get her on board with the plan.  But, now that the others know she was trying to flip the vote, Tiff realizes that it screws all of their games to go against Derex's HOH wishes because it makes them targets for that half of the house.  

Ultimately, though, even though they're both going to think on it some more and there's still plenty of time between now and tomorrow, it's a "no" to Christian.  And Tiff is out and back in the wave room talking to the camera. "I had a good strategy, I was gonna flip this house.  Don't you wanna see the house flip?!"  And Claire enters. 

14 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

Well, no, it's not that Britini didn't come to her, it's that Deref and Azah came WITH her and Tiff didn't want to talk to Brit with the rest of the Jokers there to prevent any vote-flipping.  And Tiff feels badly that she didn't handle approaching Brit better earlier in the day, but it wasn't just the Jokers that screwed this up but also ChrisAlys as soon as Tiff hinted that she was considering a flip went to retrieve Brit to get her on board with the plan.  But, now that the others know she was trying to flip the vote, Tiff realizes that it screws all of their games to go against Derex's HOH wishes because it makes them targets for that half of the house.  

We know that and Tiff knows that. But I think she was trying to fuck with Britini a bit when she told her "If you would have come to me a couple hours earlier today..." about the possibility of the vote flip. Because see, it's not Tiffany's fault the flip isn't happening now, it's Britini's fault because her timing was off. Obviously it all turned into a shit show and it really doesn't matter if Britini had come to her earlier or not and Britini may even know that. But there's a good chance that thought is going to rattle around in Britini's brain. "If you had gone to Tiffany earlier, you could have saved him!" If that little bit sticks (50/50, really), that shit is going to eat away at Britini any time Christian comes up in conversation. I think it was brilliant and a little devious because Tiff barely tolerates Britini at this point and I may be giving Tiffany too much credit. But if that little seed germinates? Brava, Tiff.

And this is why Tiffany is Vanessa 2.0 and everyone is going to hate her this season and through next season and then when, like, BB26 is on, everyone is going to be praising Tiffany's game play like they were a fan of hers all along.

Edited by Callaphera
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3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

We know that and Tiff knows that. But I think she was trying to fuck with Britini a bit when she told her "If you would have come to me a couple hours earlier today..." about the possibility of the vote flip. Because see, it's not Tiffany's fault the flip isn't happening now, it's Britini's fault because her timing was off. Obviously it all turned into a shit show and it really doesn't matter if Britini had come to her earlier or not and Britini may even know that. But there's a good chance that thought is going to rattle around in Britini's brain. "If you had gone to Tiffany earlier, you could have saved him!" If that little bit sticks (50/50, really), that shit is going to eat away at Britini any time Christian comes up in conversation. I think it was brilliant and a little devious because Tiff barely tolerates Britini at this point and I may be giving Tiffany too much credit. But if that little seed germinates? Brava, Tiff.

And this is why Tiffany is Vanessa 2.0 and everyone is going to hate her this season and through next season and then when, like, BB26 is on, everyone is going to be praising Tiffany's game play like they were a fan of hers all along.

Oh, I agree.  Tiff is definitely selling Britini a load of horse manure.  What I thought was extra brilliant was her subtle dig at the other Jokers not trusting Britini enough to let her develop other relationships in the house but that's not the kind of game Tiff is playing.  No, sirree, Brit, Tiff trusts you to play your own game and stand on your own.

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I just have to say, I really do love Tiffany, as a player.  She's got to be a feedster, as pressed as she is about the flip she was trying to engineer failing.  But, I also loved Vanessa during her season in all of her "blood on my hands" crazy paranoia.

And now, X is totally flirting with Azah.  So, I switched to camera 3 where Claire & Christian are talking in the reef room.  Seems like she's trying to break it to him that the flip isn't happening.  He really is dense.  Like, he cannot seem to grasp that none of the three (TCB) are willing to commit to flipping and therefore the flip ain't happening.  Hope springs eternal, I guess.

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LOL - ChrisAlys don't understand why "they" are voting to keep the "powerful three" instead of them.  Except that ChrisAlys+X = another powerful three.  

Ooooooooooo...  Christian has just picked up on the fact that all of the white men will be gone and the first five out were white people.  "Very diverse season."  Eeek...  Alyssa warns him that Ky heard him say that.  So, maybe he's not as dumb as I thought, if he's the first white person in that house to vocalize what has happened so far this season.  I mean, I don't feel that badly for him because DudeBros have had it way too easy to win pretty much every season in the past, but, he's not wrong.

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Christian: "Every single white dude is gone. The first five people who leave are white. There will be three white people left."
Alyssa: "Mmhmm."
Christian: "No white males. Very diverse season."
Alyssa: "Mmhmm."
Christian: "Which I'm sure is being received very well."
Alyssa: "Mmhmm."
Christian: "Which is good."

Just now, HighQueenEB said:

Eeek...  Alyssa warns him that Ky heard him say that. 

I thought that was about Christian, after DX walked by and told Alyssa she gets one of his beer, saying "I can give you a big smooch, guess it doesn't matter now."

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Christian: "Every single white dude is gone. The first five people who leave are white. There will be three white people left."
Alyssa: "Mmhmm."
Christian: "No white males. Very diverse season."
Alyssa: "Mmhmm."
Christian: "Which I'm sure is being received very well."
Alyssa: "Mmhmm."
Christian: "Which is good."

I thought that was about Christian, after DX walked by and told Alyssa she gets one of his beer, saying "I can give you a big smooch, guess it doesn't matter now."

You could be right about who overheard him saying that.  I wasn't looking at the screen, just listening and assumed it was Ky who was working in the kitchen.  It's not like Christian was talking all that softly when he was saying that to Alyssa.  

Christian on the VERY EDGE of uncovering the CO but not quite. He notes that all the white males are gone… everyone voted out has been white… only 3 white people left… 

…and then he starts talking about giving Alyssa smooches.

It will be hilarious if Christian, of all people, blows up the CO on his way out.

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3 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

I think what I picked up on with Christian's comments was a definite layer of sarcasm.  Others might want to replay the conversation and may have a different take but I don't think there was any level of sincerity in his "which I'm sure is being well received" or "which is good" comments to Alyssa's "mmhmmmmm"s.

I heard it. I also heard all the attitude Alyssa managed to pack into a single "Mmhmm".

It's killing me that Xavier is on the couch with them and they might be talking about this but fuck it, let's watch Hannah clean the kitchen?

For everyone else:


Edited by Callaphera
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1 minute ago, HighQueenEB said:

I don't think there was any level of sincerity in his "which I'm sure is being well received" or "which is good" comments to Alyssa's "mmhmmmmm"s.

I don’t claim to have any insight into Christian’s creaky thought processes, but I took it as sad resignation. As in, America probably thinks this is great, but sucks for me. 

And all I can say to that is, Yes we do! And, yes it does!

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I heard it. I also heard all the attitude Alyssa managed to pack into a single "Mmhmm".

It's killing me that Xavier is on the couch with them and they might be talking about this but fuck it, let's watch Hannah clean the kitchen?

And Deref watch her alone at the table while she cleans the kitchen!  And awkward convo between Claire, Brit, SB and Azah in the upstairs lounge.  

So, Button Boy comes to our rescue with BUBBLES!  Except, yeah, I'd rather be listening to the ChrisAlyX convo in the living room.

Oh, God.  Christian just isn't accepting his fate and rolling over and dying.  One last plan!!!!!

Tonight, he wants to call a house meeting.  He wants to practice the speech with X and Alyssa.  X warns him that house meetings NEVER help.  SHUT UP, XAVIER!  The Feedsters WANT, no, we NEED a house meeting!  Tonight would be fabulous!

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Mom (Hannah) and Dad (Xavier) are shaking their heads over the burden of dealing with these crazy kids. “We’re the youngest; how are we the most rational?” X says. Tiff, Ky, Azah and Deref: they’re all being too emotional right now and need to get a grip. We can start coming after each other when we’re at 6.

Parenthood is hard.

  • LOL 6

Christian is willing to fully burn the SB bridge. I didn't realize there was a bridge there? If there is, Kyland is already storming down it, trying to hee-haw his way into her heart.

He keeps asking Xavier for his opinion on his super awesome, made it himself to make Mom Alyssa proud of him plan. Xavier: "Uhhh..."

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Christian is willing to fully burn the SB bridge. I didn't realize there was a bridge there? If there is, Kyland is already storming down it, trying to hee-haw his way into her heart.

He keeps asking Xavier for his opinion on his super awesome, made it himself to make Mom Alyssa proud of him plan. Xavier: "Uhhh..."

Hell, even Mom Alyssa isn't too keen on this plan.  X flat out says "you're putting my game in jeopardy".  Both of them think they can still repair the relationship with SB once Christian is gone.  

And, now, X has point blank told Christian that everyone has been lying to his face about wanting to vote to keep him because they like him.  He points out that Baby D wouldn't have made this move to backdoor Christian unless he was confident he had the majority support.  He would have just put up another Joker in Britini's place.  X is not wrong.  And he's going to totes talk Christian out of calling the house meeting tonight.  I'm not sure that he will be able to prevent Christian from calling one tomorrow though.  

LOL.  Christian declares "I accept my fate."

Please.  Christian will wake up in the morning with one last plan!

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

X also thinks that Dan’s Funeral-type moves would backfire.

Oh, come ON, X. I would kill to see whatever lame Christian’s Funeral plan he would come up with.


Well, the longer he stays in the HN room with ChrisAlys, the more of a mess he is starting to make in this whole "we can repair our relationship with SB" angle because now Alyssa is questioning why SB thinks she didn't have her back before/during the veto.  Keep talking, X, and you're going to have Alyssa gunning for SB instead of stronger targets.

ETA - well, you didn't get your wish quite right.  The DR just called CHRISTIAN in there.

Edited by HighQueenEB

Xavier's game today is straight out of Derrick's playbook. Shutting down the chaos and his alliance imploding, shutting down the house meeting, and increasing his own stranglehold in the house. I always wanted to know what Derrick versus Vanessa would look like (calculated shutdown unemotional game versus responding to and creating chaos while still steering the ship emotional game) but I didn't want it to be like this.

Big Brother: "Christian! Please go to the diary room downstairs."
Christian: "Bro. Gonna kick me while I'm down."

  • Love 4

Oh, FFS, Button Boy!  I switched to the reef room because the X & Alyssa conversation was boring.  I did not want to get switched to the HN room where X was saying goodnight to ChrisAlys or their cuddle hairflipping nomance.  And BUBBLES to save us.  And back to the HN room where, again, Christian really has NOT accepted his fate.  Okay, camera switched to the kitchen where Deref, Azah and X are talking.  That's better.  I guess.

Christian doesn't care about the money! Production, you can take his stipend back! Just let him stay!

Christian: "I'm hoping there's some twist. This has been the first week where there hasn't been a twist."
Alyssa, out loud: "Mmhmm."
Alyssa, in her head: "There better fucking not be, I've been ready to cut your ass for awhile now. Stop dragging this out, it's embarrassing."

It's okay! They're still on for their sexing date tonight! Yay...?

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7 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Alyssa is helping Christian to fill the empty hours without her:  He can post on social media! He can watch her on feeds! He can watch her and X cuddle, Ky/SB style! (That last one wasn’t mentioned, but wouldn’t it be AWESOME.) He can make a screen saver of her for his computer!

Christian, basically: "I can help your dad post about you on social media! Because he's old and doesn't understand it like us young kids do."
Alyssa, basically: "Please don't do that - I'm ditching your ass as soon as I can."

Just remember, guys. This is the last time we have to stomach the 24/7 Alyssa and Christian giggle nomance hair flip hork camera. After tonight, we'll get a 24/7 Kyland and Sarah Beth HEE-haw nomance cuddle cringe camera. I think we still lose, unfortunately.

Edited by Callaphera
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Christian is entering the 5th stage of grief: acceptance. He praises Derex for outplaying him. One-on-one goodbyes tomorrow.

Alyssa is entering the first stage of moving on: She’ll take a picture from him, sure! The one of his puppy! (Ok, I think Christian is in the picture, too. But she only seemed excited about the puppy part.)

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I love how this season, even the button intern is over Have Nots and doesn't bother showing us when they finally get to eat at midnight. Literally no one cares about the weekly gorgefest in the kitchen right now.

Instead we get four feeds of Tiffany talking to Eeyore and SB's comp bruises:

Isn't that Bottom and Titania from A Midsummer Night's Dream?

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In case you wanted to know, Christian and Alyssa haven't danced the horizontal polka in the house. Yet. Also Derex was kind enough to offer the HoH room for a little mattress mambo.

Also Christian totally wants to make Alyssa his girlfriend. Alyssa does not seem keen on the idea. She's just not that into you, dude. 

Christian: "I like you a lot."
Alyssa: *silent*
Christian: "And we have a lot of fun together!"
Alyssa: *giggle*

Alyssa, fake giggling: "It would be so funny if you came back!" She totally doesn't believe that. This is so super painfully cringe that I'm now invested. Dump his ass, Alyssa! Xavier's right there and ready to comfort you!

Edited by Callaphera
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Derex offered to lend the HoH room to the tragic couple for their farewell boink. Christian clearly wanted to accept, but Alyssa said no. “It would be awwwkward.” “So do you want to go?” “No.. it would be so obbbvious.” “But do you want to go?”

Having lost that battle, he turned his sights to another type of public pronouncement. No, he’s not pulling a Swaggy, but he wants to ask her to go steady. “Let’s waaait”, Alyssa says. “After the show.”

Ok, but he’s definitely going to kiss her on his way out.

(And she’s definitely turning her head.)

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Man, Christian is getting the backdoor from the house and from his giggle nomance hair flip. This is so embarrassing.

The sheet goes up over their heads. Kissy noises for a few minutes.

Alyssa, out of nowhere: "Two months is a loooong time." When you interrupt your makeout sesh to break up with him...

Alyssa, talking about how she likes Christian's hair: "You think I'm biased?"
Christian: "Well, you're my lady-thing. I don't know what to call you."

I think Alyssa successfully negotiated to go from "giggle Christian's lady-thing hair flip" to "giggle Christian's girly-girl hair flip". Hork. Because she won't let him ask her to be his girlfriend because she doesn't want to have to say no.

And then they swapped over to Azah and Deref talking about Phaedra versus Kandi from Real Housewives of Atlanta and honestly? I much prefer that. Azah's Housewives reads are way better than her Big Brother reads.

  • LOL 2

Having spent 10 minutes discussing what makes Alyssa awkward and how her awkwardness manifests and if she is or is not a professionally awkward person, they spent another 10 minutes talking about their ability/ inability to flirt. 

Then several minutes practicing slurpy kissy sounds that they think might make Julie drop her mic. (And nearly made me bring up my last glass of wine.)

Now they are deciding what he should call her. She’s not feeling his first attempt, “My lady thing.”

And this is clearly not the bow-chicka-wow-wow that production was expecting, because they change feeds to Deref and Azah. Good call.

Edited by 30 Helens
7 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

X is the second youngest?!? He seems like the second oldest to me! Seriously, in my mind he's walking around with his pipe and cardigan. How old is he? Are you talking about Derek X or Xavier? 

Within the Cookout, Xavier's the second youngest. Azah and Kyland are both 30, Deref is 29, Tiffany is 22 41. Xavier at 27 and Hannah at 21 are the youngest members. Hannah and Xavier were joking about how they were the youngest but least emotional players in the Cookout and then joked about how their backs hurt, carrying the team. Xavier in particular felt like Dora the Explorer and he said his backpack is full.

You're right, though. Within the house, Derex is younger than Xavier but older than Christian - who is younger than his giggle lady-thing hair flip. Also Sarah Beth is older than Xavier (only by a year but it seems like it should be the opposite). This is starting to sound like a math logic puzzle. How many apples are left if the train gets to the weak-ass city of Detroit in an hour going 45?

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6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Christian is entering the 5th stage of grief: acceptance. He praises Derex for outplaying him. One-on-one goodbyes tomorrow.

Alyssa is entering the first stage of moving on: She’ll take a picture from him, sure! The one of his puppy! (Ok, I think Christian is in the picture, too. But she only seemed excited about the puppy part.)

I won't believe Christian has accepted his fate until he is walking out that door to meet Julie.  Last night, I thought he had accepted his fate after meeting with Claire in the reef room only to have him go out to living room and talk about his umpteenth million plan to save himself.  And after Alyssa gently talked him out of that, I thought, once more, he had accepted his fate only to see him show up in the HN room with his next plan to save himself and stupid X talked him off the ledge of a late night house meeting, and once again he seemed to accept his fate.  I firmly believe he will wake up this morning, refreshed and well-rested after a no-nooky night with his "lady-thing", unaccepting of his fate on his final day. 

Hope springs eternal for BB feedsters as long as he is in the house that we will get our glorious house meeting where he calls out all the people who want him to stay but are scared to go against the house for being a bunch of pussies.  And, afterward, X will make the rounds, firmly distancing himself from Christian, just as he was already doing last night during his convo with Britini, and Alyssa will wish that she could do the same as she soothes a disconsolate Christian who cannot understand how his brilliant plan went over like a lead balloon, looking for the first opportunity to slip away from him so that she can begin salvaging her own game with the other HGs and trying to figure out who her target should be if she wins HOH next week - probably Hannah and Ky/SB. 

I'd laugh for days and days if she noms two members of the CO because Christian nearly clocking the CO last night clicked something inside her into recognizing that particular alliance is actually a thing and she and Derex aren't a part of it.  And now that I've put that out in the universe, it will never happen because BB feedsters never get nice things.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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And this is why Tiffany is Vanessa 2.0 and everyone is going to hate her this season and through next season and then when, like, BB26 is on, everyone is going to be praising Tiffany's game play like they were a fan of hers all along.

Nah I fucking loved Vanessa her whole season and I still love Tiff. The receipts are in a BB17  Live  Feed thread somewhere. 

  • Love 2

OK.   I have a theory.

After watching the Wednesday episode, I think--and this is nothing but speculation, based on nothing--maybe Sarah Beth made such a big deal about keeping the money in order to make it look even more like she thought she was going home, and wanted that one last prize.  Heck, maybe in that moment, in the let-down after going out so early in the VETO comp she really believed it.  And maybe....just maybe....Derex also thought that letting her keep it might make it look less obvious she's a pawn.  Or maybe in that moment he also thought "hell, poor kid might actually go home anyhow, might as well let her have one nice thing."  Dunno.  Just a theory.

It was a straw I might grasp at if I were in such a position. 

Not that I would be in such a position, I have exactly less than zero plans to apply for any reality TV show, anywhere.  Including putting my smarty-pants self on Jeopardy.


I posted this in the episode thread, but it bears repeating here:  Happiness is a good look on Britini.  She just glowed last night, and that was good to see.

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Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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