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S22.E13: Trick-Rolled At The Moulin (1)

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I don’t have high expectations for this one either - personal stuff for 2 characters is a turn off for me, plus another crossover with OC which probably means a lot of awkward Benson/Stabler scenes, OC is better without Benson’s involvement, it seems to me like the writers are pandering to the fans who want a romantic relationship between Benson/Stabler.

The start of season 22 was really solid, but the quality of SVU has dropped off in the second half of the season, of the last 5 episodes, I’ve only really liked the Pedo Motel episode.

Only thing I look forward to about this episode is that Warner is back, I look forward to seeing her again.

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the title alone makes me dread the episode, like rickroll was a thing way back in the late 2000s


wow they need to stop trying to be up to date with todays lingo and things, the show is not about memes or fads or whatever, it's about solving sex crimes, their attempts to try and be relevant and hip are just pathetic, i have seen different trying to be relevant and hip from justin bieber, taylor swift and kanye west that weren't as pathetic(which is really saying something)


and their fake ass poser attempts to put covid and blm into the show is beyond pathetic, like it's clear they don't care about blm and are just trying to get brownie points, why ice t has not left is beyond me


sums up the patheticness of svu in a nutshell


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1 hour ago, balmz said:

the title alone makes me dread the episode, like rickroll was a thing way back in the late 2000s


wow they need to stop trying to be up to date with todays lingo and things, the show is not about memes or fads or whatever, it's about solving sex crimes, their attempts to try and be relevant and hip are just pathetic, i have seen different trying to be relevant and hip from justin bieber, taylor swift and kanye west that weren't as pathetic(which is really saying something)


and their fake ass poser attempts to put covid and blm into the show is beyond pathetic, like it's clear they don't care about blm and are just trying to get brownie points, why ice t has not left is beyond me


sums up the patheticness of svu in a nutshell


Good rant. I’m especially sick of the stupid episode titles with the number of letters matching the season. And I’m sick of how SVU tries to be trendy and appeal to a certain young crowd I guess which they fail miserably at.

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On 5/7/2021 at 9:57 PM, WendyCR72 said:

The SVU search for three women suspected of drugging and robbing wealthy men. The case leads to personal connections for both Benson and Kat.


On 5/7/2021 at 10:29 PM, Gigi43 said:

They could have had my interest with "women suspects" but I know better from the commercial  let alone the second part.. A Kat personal connection too? Could it be the rich guy her cousin accused? Not that I care.

The connection to Tamin maybe that rich guy (Davies) who killed Beca's friend Dakota. I wonder if these women are friends of Beca (& Dekota) and they are out for payback against rich guys?

On 5/7/2021 at 9:29 PM, Gigi43 said:

They could have had my interest with "women suspects" but I know better from the commercial  let alone the second part.. A Kat personal connection too? Could it be the rich guy her cousin accused? Not that I care.


What are the odds that all of the rich guys are all secretly abusers and rapists (wearing suites of course) and the women are a gang of heroic robin hoods striking back at the patriarchy and giving the goods to the women the evil men in suites abused? 

Like a really annoying version of that good one they had with that sociopathic woman who was drugging successful men to steal their sperm to create a designer baby's to sell to rich people, back when women were allowed to be be villains sometimes. 

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I'm going to be honest here, I missed the first 50 minutes of this episode, but I still thought I should make this comment concerning this episode any way. IMO, they should have delayed this episode, because of the numerous hate crimes that have been perpetrated against Asians and Asian-Americans in NYC. I hope this episode doesn't inspire more idiots to commit hate crimes against Asians.


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The Good:
Warner. Always good to see Tamara Tunie.
The COTW was actually pretty good except for the Simon stuff. Nothing too outrageous and everything flowed pretty well.
Stabler. Meloni still makes every scene he's in better and elevates the other actors. He has slipped back into the character and it seems to reinvigorate Ice-T and Mariska as well.
The guest cast. Some nice performances that elevated the material.

The Bad:
Another poorly edited musical montage opening trying to create atmosphere rather than giving us actual dialogue and characterization. And with the usual odd sound mix and beating us over the head with heavy handed music cues. Almost as heavy handed as the -
Unneeded and intrusive Stabler references. They came up with an actual plausible connection between OCCB and an SVU case and we all so the promos. Nobody is going to forget that it's a crossover! No need to keep mention Stabler without actually giving us more Meloni!
Too much soapy family BS when I wanted more of the investigation. (TM Warren Leight)
St. Benson worshi[. It is even worse with Stabler back because he is flawed and fallible yet far more likeable than Liv so it should be obvious to everyone involved that it's not necessary and it makes it look even worse.
Not enough of Carisi or the rest of the squad. Didn't miss Rollins, but really could have used more of the rest of the cast.

Overall this was decent but pretty meh. Didn't go off the rails, but nothing special particularly for a big sweeps crossover event. Better than last week, but other than that pretty much par for the course since Stabler's return so nothing much new to say. It was a really good idea with competent, but not great execution that reminded me of the best of SVU without quite getting to that level - which seems like a good summary of the whole season.

Edited by wknt3
revised and extended my remarks
  • Love 8

This was a decent episode with a good idea behind it, but it was dragged down by forcing the crossover element into it and with unnecessary personal stuff.

I liked the case, although I hated the opening with the music montage again that showed us what was going on, I wish the episode had started with the discovery of the body. The case was interesting and I liked that we had female villains again and the investigation was pretty good. I didn’t like that they made one of the victims Kat’s cousins boyfriend/rapist, that felt tacked on just to add more personal drama to an episode that already had too much of it.

Fin was really good in this episode, he always is but he had some really good scenes and did a good job. Carisi was good as well but didn’t have nearly enough screentime, and I would’ve liked more of a resolution to the cases, instead we didn’t know what sentence the female perps got because it went all into the OC stuff. Kat wasn’t annoying and did a good job which was nice.

Always a great pleasure to see Warner, I liked that they went to visit her and got her expertise on the situation, that added a lot to the episode.

Stabler’s appearances felt somewhat forced, as did the whole crossover element really. And there was no need to bring back Simon’s death, I guess it was done just to give Benson more drama but there was just too much personal stuff.

I didn’t miss Rollins at all.

Overall this was decent but didn’t quite live up to its potential, the personal stuff and the crossover elements were forced and sort of dragged the episode down. If this had just been a standalone hour devoted to the women drugging the johns case, it would’ve been a strong episode.

Edited by Xeliou66
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The episode was better than I had expected. But still meh. Gotta admit the old nostalgia factor got to me. It was cool seeing Warner and then Finn/Stabler/Benson at a crime scene together. I still do not care about Simon's death. I thought Wheatley was going to be directly responsible, so it being a knock-off of Purple Magic was a good change up.


I'm glad the women were willingly pieces of shit who were in it for money and weren't forced into it (like Cardi B during her time of drugging of robbing men, only with zero consequences and gets celebrated.)


It was a small moment but I liked the legal aid lawyer, when Benson told Jade "I don't know what your lawyer told you but you're not getting out of here" and he was all "that's exactly what I've been telling her!" amused me. 


I saw SVUxOC was the #4 Twitter trend last night. I hope that won't encourage more crossovers but we'll see what the ratings have to say if that's the majority view or just a very vocal minority view. Like with the CPD crossovers they're annoying to watch in reruns because they don't air both shows in the marathon, or list the corresponding ep on Hulu and I was watching OC anyway but it sucks for people who usually don't watch both. Though Stabler fits in better on SVU for obvious reasons, Benson on OC is just there as if the show can't stand on it's own without a St. Benson appearance and drags it down. 


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This one was hard for me to watch because I lost a friend to heroin laced with fentanyl, but I appreciate the acknowledgement that the ones who die, even if they aren't "important" or famous (as Simon was not) are still important and family to someone. 

It was nice to see Stabler just...get to be a detective, without so much of the Kathy cloud. And it was nice to see Warner, and the mention that she had tried to reach out to Stabler after Kathy died (because it's still weird no one mentioned Cragen or Munch, who also worked with him for so many years).


  • Love 9
13 hours ago, Neiman said:

So....Stabler wasn’t allowed to question anyone in connection to the death of his wife, but it’s perfectly fine if Olivia wants to take the lead on investigations into her brother’s death? Whatever. 🙄

My thought exactly, especially after Finn warned her to stay away.  I was hoping that she would be put in her place over her double standard.  It would have been great to have gotten a reprimand from Stabler over this after she preached to him, while on her high horse.

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Can't believe I sat through four episodes of OC to be "caught up" for this crossover. I was so pissed they killed off Kathy I didn't watch that first crossover. OC is not at all what I thought it would be. I guess I was never a Stabler fan so I probably shouldn't have gotten my hopes up for OC. 

Fin was the only good thing about SVU this week. Without Rollins I lose interest quickly, I like dysfunction what can I say (weird I don't like Stabler actually). I guess with a short season like this there are less chances of hit episodes but man has this season dragged. Probably my least favorite SVU.02 season.

Got hopes for ep14, Ethan Cutkosky was such a brilliant, creepy little psycopath. I remember Ethan replied to a tweet of mine back then where I praised his acting. That kitchen scene with Rollins is still etched in to my mind. I'm hoping for a repeat of that scene with the two of them. Here's to hoping, we got (at least) two more seasons to "look forward to" so yeah I'm really hoping it will stop dragging, as long as Kelli is on this show I won't be able to drop it. C'est la vie. 

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I hate that they are basically trying to force us to watch Organized Crime, its so annoying when shows do that with their spin-offs. You have to watch one show if you want to see how the story you started watching is going to end and they spend all of this time with characters and events from the other show instead of the show your actually watching, its just so obnoxious it makes me not want to watch the other show just out of spite, even though I mostly like Organized Crime. I like a good crossover, but I prefer when shows limit it to one or two big events per season, it keeps it special, doesn't end up clogging the episode up with spin-off stuff, and doesn't require you to watch both shows. 

The case itself was pretty decent, I am glad that I was wrong about them being some group of avengers going after predators, while the guys they were drugging were a bit sketch, none of them sounded like they were predators (except for Javi) and the women weren't sympathetic at all. I liked having some female villains again who Olivia doesn't try to make victims. Even when she started on the condescending victim voice with Jade, she wasn't having it and it was pretty great. I actually wanted more of the actual case, but it was bogged down by boring family drama and It Being Personal and needing to tie everything into Organized Crime, even when it really wasn't necessary. It all got so bogged down that it hurt what could have been a pretty good episode. I liked seeing Warner, who is always a breath of fresh air, and getting some follow up with Kat's cousin, who wasn't very interesting but it did allow for some continuity. Its actually kind of weird that they brought her and Javi and Kat's cousin back if they weren't going to do anything with them, I was expecting some follow up. I guess that's what happens when you have to fit in Olivia's family drama as well as Stabler and the crossover, the actual plot gets shoved to the side. 

Wow, you mean the random guy with one line who the camera lingered on was in on the crime? Shocking, really, please look at my shocked face. I also really need them to stop with these terrible music video opening scenes, they try to set a mood but they're just embarrassing in how they cool are trying to be and failing. 

This is why cops really shouldn't investigate their relatives murders, please explain to me why Olivia can investigate her brothers death but Stabler investigating Kathy's death is wrong? Hasn't Olivia lectured Stabler on that about forty times already? I guess its different when its St. Olivia, of course she can Make It Personal and its just fine, with only Finn, the voice of reason as always, saying that Olivia investigating her brothers death is a bad idea. 

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On 5/13/2021 at 9:12 PM, dttruman said:

I'm going to be honest here, I missed the first 50 minutes of this episode, but I still thought I should make this comment concerning this episode any way. IMO, they should have delayed this episode, because of the numerous hate crimes that have been perpetrated against Asians and Asian-Americans in NYC. I hope this episode doesn't inspire more idiots to commit hate crimes against Asians.


I did appreciate that Fin knew better than to assume the perp was Chinese even though the other detective said it. 

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