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S02.E13: Houses Of The Holy

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Sam and Dean investigate the murders of several people by individuals who claim they were visited by an angel and were carrying out God's will.




I hate to keep harping on the Sera Gamble preachy factor, so I won't, because I think the writing in this episode hits a nice balance. It's a good discussion about faith rather than someone telling me how to feel about it and I find Sam's need to have faith just as compelling as Dean's lack of it.  I think it also hits a nice balance of fun and heavy. I love the bits of Dean and the magic fingers and his getting stir crazy in that room; his jokes about unicorns and taking down your Christmas decorations or you might get filleted by a hooker from God and such. They are nicely balanced when he drops the jokes and gets serious. I also think it was a nice touch that after all that time they spend together, there's still things that they can learn about each other. But Sam needing to have faith in something and needing to think there was something bigger than him that could save him is really what holds this episode together for me.


A couple of nit picks...I don't know if it was an editing choice or what, but I don't really care for the way they cut some of the dialogue scenes. They frame them so beautifully and then chopped them up a bit more than I like. I also don't know who picked music for this episode, but that ditty dit dit dit music, that plays over Dean following that guy who tries to rape that woman, just doesn't work for me. I also think there are probably 20 other Dylan songs other than Knockin' On Heaven's Door that haven't been so over-used and would have worked here--Slow Train Coming, to name one. But I'm not one to lament over the use of a Bob Dylan song, so I won't worry about it. I feel I should add that when I do hear Knockin' On Heaven's Door, I do think of Supernatural, just not this episode.


Back to the good. Kim Manners set up some really beautiful angles and made the most out of that church. I love the shots of Sam and Dean looking at the priest's tombstone and of them sitting in the church talking about how Mary had faith too and the shots of them on the steps of the church--really nicely done Mr. Manners. 


Anyway, this is a solid episode, not probably on my a top 10 or even 20 list, but solid none-the-less.

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I just re-watched this one for the first time in years. There is a reason for that but I won't say until later. It's the one of season 2 that I always skip.


It's so much better than I remembered it. A bit maudlin' but overall it ties in nicely with Sam meeting the angels and being so terribly disappointed in season 4. Funny how their rejection of him actually helps with explaining his descent a bit considering his final speech.


Sam: I wanted to believe ... so badly, ah ... It's so damn hard to do this, what we do. You're all alone, you know? And ... there's so much evil out there in the world, Dean, I feel like I could drown in it. And when I think about my destiny, when I think about how I could end up.

DEAN: Yeah, well, don't worry about that. All right? I'm watching out for you.

SAM: Yeah, I know you are. But you're just one person, Dean. And I needed to think that there was something else, watching too, you know? Some higher power. Some greater good. And that maybe . . .

DEAN: Maybe what?

SAM: Maybe I could be saved.


Funny how wrong Dean turns out to be. There are angels and we have seen a unicorn farting rainbows......;-)

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I just re-watched this one for the first time in years. There is a reason for that but I won't say until later. It's the one of season 2 that I always skip.


And...you didn't say.


I too think this episode rises because of what happens with the angels. I don't think I thought as highly of it til after that Halloween episode where Sam meets the angels and realizes he's been praying to a bunch of dicks to save him all these years. It's rather bittersweet.

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Ok, now I can say since it's been solved. I looked at the "Guess the episode" thread and I actually figured out that it was Houses of the Holy despite the fact I hadn't seen it in years.


So, I had to rewatch, obviously.


I think it was the mixture of resignation and forced smile that gave it away. Apart from the washed out aesthetic and Sam's hair that helped pin the season down. I am terrible with screenshots and picture posting, so I only lurk there.

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Like any of the rest of us are so great at it. Did you notice that I generally need to be lead to the answer and then still have it circled and pointed to repeatedly until I figure it out. You should play anyway, it's more fun when there's more of us shooting in the dark. Actually, that sounds kinda dangerous, now that I think about it. ;)

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Thanks for the invite! No, seriously, it will take me half an hour to find a screenshot and figure out to post it in the right size. Never used imgur or whatever it's called.


I don't have that much time and I already spent too much time here as it is.


But you guys go ahead, have fun! I'll just keep quietly lurking and patting myself on the shoulder when I'm faster.


Back on topic: I did find it funny when the priest called upon "the archangel Raphael, master of the air...to make open the way".


The bastard certainly wanted to do that even after the apocalypse was averted.

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You should play anyway, it's more fun when there's more of us shooting in the dark. Actually, that sounds kinda dangerous, now that I think about it. ;)

But that's totally us... well that and kinda crazy.


And besides who says you have to post a picture after you guess it right - Rules what rules? - just "tag you're it" somebody - ; ) Chaos can be fun!


Fortunately for me, I had an old photobucket account where I can stick my photos. Yay for being behind the times!


:: Sneaks away smiling evilly at potentially creating chaos ::

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I love this episode, it's one of my favorites.


It's maybe a little maudlin, but I also watch it when I'm feeling maudlin, so as far as I'm concerned, that's a good thing.


The aesthetic of the whole episode is fantastic, imo, I love how relentlessly grey and cold everything looks. Even when the "angel" shows up at the homes of his victims/soldiers, their homes look so dark and cold, and his light is so bright and cold, too. The painting of Michael in the church really pops and seems so warm and full of color in comparison, and the language that the priest uses to describe him is so warm and colorful, too -- the contrast is so stark that it really makes it easy to *feel* that need for faith/hope/warmth, given the world they're in, and understand how appealing any hint of it might be.


Something that always gets to me is how humanely Sam and the priest treat Father Gregory's spirit when they finally do summon him. I liked how Father Gregory's insistence that he was an angel honestly didn't (imo) seem deluded or sad, it felt to me like Father Gregory had a genuinely good heart and he couldn't stand that he couldn't make the world a better place, that it destroyed him and he didn't even leave a good mark on it (since then he became a spirit driving vulnerable people to murder).


And I also liked that Father Gregory was killed for no reason really, "for" his car keys, and that it was ambiguous whether *he* was being smited or if he was being used as a tool of God or if his death was just one of those chaotic, horrible things that happens for no reason. Once they found out that Father Gregory was just a spirit, and not an angel, suddenly killing all those people became murder and not the wrath of God, and so they had to destroy him -- but this is one of episodes where the line between "monster" and "human" has felt very thin and blurry, imo. I felt like this was a really organic and interesting use of that theme, it didn't feel forced to me at all.


I guess because the theme of this episode wasn't just about how monsters "could" be good, it was about whether "good" actually even exists in the world. Imo this episode is more about nihilism than about morality. It seemed to paint humanity as so fragile and useless, and not inherently good. It was also sad how Sam felt doomed and Father Gregory was doomed, even though they cared a lot about being "good," and were much "better" than most anybody is, anyway. And all that supports nihilism as "truer" than faith or hope, I guess, but...I think the episode also made a good case for why faith or hope are necessary *especially* if life/suffering is meaningless.


It made me wonder about Dean saying that Mary must have been wrong that angels were watching over them, because then later on in the series it turns out (to my dismay, personally)

that she had actually been right, but that the angels mostly just saw them as tools to be used, not people to help or save.

It just throws a kind of strange light on everything, that in a way, Dean was being naive even while he was trying to sound cynical, in that he was assuming that if angels existed and paying attention to them, that they would be on their side.


In general, I liked how neither Sam's nor Dean's mind seemed changed completely -- they both just felt a little less sure of how much they knew about the world. I like that there was a lot of mystery to this episode, and it stayed through the end.


The conversation at the end always makes me cry. I love Sam trying to believe that he can be saved and not really being able to, and I love that Dean wants to reassure him but can't really do that, either. It's so sweet and always gets me. They seem like children, but in a good way. You can just see how they've both always been this way and this is how they'll both always be? There's just something very human to me about how they both are right then.


And yeah, I like the fun stuff -- Dean going insane in that room, begging Sam for quarters, that Sam came in while Dean was rocking out and using the "magic fingers," so Sam hit Dean's boots to get his attention but then immediately went to wash his hands, the ugly Christmas decoration-cum-sign-from-above. And I liked that everything looked like it was on location in Chicago or something. That chase was legitimately scary, I thought (there was so much tension once the the guy started turning on the woman in his car and talking about how he had "never done this before," and she began panicking). The "bad guys" in general were legitimately scary, without the show going overboard or making the stakes too "epic" to be effective. Everything (including the stakes) stayed "human-sized."


I basically like everything about this one, so enough babbling about it, I guess! I even like "Knocking on Heaven's Door," even though it was a little heavy-handed. But I'm not a big Dylan fan, so it doesn't seem overplayed to me. YMMV.

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That final scene reminded me a lot of The Omen, especially where the priest gets speared after warning Thorn, lol.


The car chase leading up to it made me cringe, because ever since the Chevy got totalled at the end of season one and completely rebuilt, I fear for it getting smashed again!


I thought the episode did a good job of balancing the brothers' differences of opinion over faith and belief.  I liked when Dean learned that Sam prayed every day, and the look on his face as he realized how much about his brother he didn't know.  And it stands out for having an interesting "villain" that wasn't the usual cliche with the usual "we must kill it" solution.


Since the episode was called 'Houses of the Holy', I wouldn't have minded hearing 'The Rain Song' at the end, lol.

Edited by Dobian
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I like this one more on rewatch than I did the first time around. I still think it's one of the weaker episodes of season 2. Like, how does the priest not know humans can't become angels? How?!

I love Dean breaking the window and hitting the would-be rapist in the face, especially because Sam also does the same thing in 2x05, and I like the symmetry. Good Dean moment, trusting Sam enough to go after the guy but not to let Sam go after him. 

That shot of Sam in the light is just so pretty.

I'd forgotten this gem of a line: "You're like a rat that keeps hitting the pleasure button instead of the food button until it dies." "What are you talking about? I eat."

I always enjoy the good ghosts getting something better than the salt and burn method, so I like that. 

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I couldn't remember much about this one, so even on rewatch, I thought it was really suspenseful: was the guy Dean chasing really going to do something bad or not? (don't laugh!  I really didn't remember!)  Although the chase scene itself special-effects-wise was pretty cheesy.

When Sam told Dean that he prayed every day, I did remember (I think - the glass or three of wine might be making my brain a little fuzzy) that this was one of the things that really made me like Sam.  It was just that quiet, unassuming way that he told Dean that he did pray, every day - opening himself up to Dean's possible ridicule - and Dean never knew, and we never saw it onscreen.  

Really interesting watching all the 


pre-Cas et. al

angel stuff.  

On 5/23/2017 at 4:56 PM, bettername2come said:

Like, how does the priest not know humans can't become angels? How?!

Eh - he was young.  Seminary's like college - they don't (can't possibly) teach you everything about everything.  Maybe he never took any angel lore classes beyond the require basics?  Plus, I think he just wanted to believe that he was an angel, maybe because of the way he died, so didn't examine it too much.  The older one knew.  

On 7/27/2014 at 11:29 AM, DittyDotDot said:

I also don't know who picked music for this episode, but that ditty dit dit dit music, that plays over Dean following that guy who tries to rape that woman, just doesn't work for me.

Lol!  I can't stop smiling about this.  'Cause you know - your screen name's Dittydotdot.  (It's the wine!  I swear!)  :D

Also agree with your assessment of the balance of discussion of faith without being too preachy.  

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3 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

I couldn't remember much about this one, so even on rewatch, I thought it was really suspenseful: was the guy Dean chasing really going to do something bad or not? (don't laugh!  I really didn't remember!)  Although the chase scene itself special-effects-wise was pretty cheesy.

I remember the guy punching his date in the face and then pulling out a box cutter so I'm pretty sure murder was on his mind :(

3 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

(I think - the glass or three of wine might be making my brain a little fuzzy)

I'm on glass number 2 contemplating glass number 3; long holiday weekends are awesome!

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2 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

I'm on glass number 2 contemplating glass number 3; long holiday weekends are awesome!

Damn, I still have to go to work tomorrow!  But you - stop contemplating!  Go for it!

2 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

I remember the guy punching his date in the face and then pulling out a box cutter so I'm pretty sure murder was on his mind :(

Well, yeah then...lol.  I meant during the actual car chase scene before the guy had done anything ostensibly (thank Chuck for spell check, right?) bad and all we'd seen of him was giving the girl flowers and driving off with her in the car.  

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3 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Damn, I still have to go to work tomorrow!  But you - stop contemplating!  Go for it!

I went for it - you twisted my arm!

3 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Well, yeah then...lol.  I meant during the actual car chase scene before the guy had done anything ostensibly (thank Chuck for spell check, right?) bad and all we'd seen of him was giving the girl flowers and driving off with her in the car.  

Oh, ok. I figured that Dean didn't believe that the people in question were seeing angels but that they were seeing something to let them in on the bad deeds of the murder victims. When he realized that Sam had been given a vision I always thought that he just trusted that he was a bad guy based on the prior cases and that he was gonna trail him and stop whatever he was up to.

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26 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

I went for it - you twisted my arm!

Me too!  Lol!  

26 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

Oh, ok. I figured that Dean didn't believe that the people in question were seeing angels but that they were seeing something to let them in on the bad deeds of the murder victims. When he realized that Sam had been given a vision I always thought that he just trusted that he was a bad guy based on the prior cases and that he was gonna trail him and stop whatever he was up to.

Huh.  Interesting.  I don't know that I even thought about it that much.  I mean, from Dean's perspective.  Agree that he didn't believe people were seeing angels.  I guess I just figured he was trusting Sam - and as you said the others turned out to be 'justified' - so he was following the guy 'just in case' (versus stopping whatever he was up to - since Dean - er me - wasn't sure that he was up to anything at that point.)  And it was that 'just in case' that had me on the edge of my seat.  I mean, it still could have (for me, at that point) turned out that nothing happened.  This time around, I was actually kind of surprised that the guy did turn out to be bad, given that Sam is the one who'd had the vision about him (and how many times does Sam get to be right about something/someone?) and that the Father Gregory wasn't really an angel.  Until the guy (yes, like I said, I didn't remember!) slapped the girl I sort of thought that they would show that they were wrong about this guy - because of the not-an-angel thing.  

I'm not sure I'm explaining it well.  But the more I read over your response, the more I think we are actually seeing this pretty closely.  Just a little different nuance, you know?

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3 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Me too!  Lol!  

Huh.  Interesting.  I don't know that I even thought about it that much.  I mean, from Dean's perspective.  Agree that he didn't believe people were seeing angels.  I guess I just figured he was trusting Sam - and as you said the others turned out to be 'justified' - so he was following the guy 'just in case' (versus stopping whatever he was up to - since Dean - er me - wasn't sure that he was up to anything at that point.)  And it was that 'just in case' that had me on the edge of my seat.  I mean, it still could have (for me, at that point) turned out that nothing happened.  This time around, I was actually kind of surprised that the guy did turn out to be bad, given that Sam is the one who'd had the vision about him (and how many times does Sam get to be right about something/someone?) and that the Father Gregory wasn't really an angel.  Until the guy (yes, like I said, I didn't remember!) slapped the girl I sort of thought that they would show that they were wrong about this guy - because of the not-an-angel thing.  

I'm not sure I'm explaining it well.  But the more I read over your response, the more I think we are actually seeing this pretty closely.  Just a little different nuance, you know?

Thanks for the arm twist; the 3rd glass was delightful and I'm glad that I dragged you down with me :)

I think that from the point when Dean says "I mean, sure, some spirits are out for vengeance, but this one's almost like a do-gooder, you know? Like, like a --" and Sam says "Avenging angel?" (thanks Superwiki!) it shows that Dean is certain that even if he doesn't believe in angels that there is definitely something going on. When Sam is visited by the same entity is what solidifies his instinct to check it out; even more so when Sam is on the verge of following the guy from his vision. In regards to the bolded statement I do agree but in season 2 ( my fav by the way!) Sam's visions were a big deal and Dean knew to put stock in what may come out of them. Now that I'm thinking about it this wasn't necessarily a stand out episode but I just loved season 2 so much it holds a soft spot for me as does many other eps from this season :)


I'm not sure I'm explaining it well.  But the more I read over your response, the more I think we are actually seeing this pretty closely.  Just a little different nuance, you know?

I totally get where you're coming from; it sounds like we're pretty much on the same page!

Edited by DeeDee79
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3 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

In regards to the bolded statement I do agree but in season 2 ( my fav by the way!) Sam's visions were a big deal and Dean knew to put stock in what may come out of them.

Ah!  You are right about Sam's S2 visions!  I'd forgotten.  So, with respect to that, it makes much more sense.  My fault was, I'd just been reading the Bitch/Jerk thread earlier and, I think, that had tainted my memory/viewing.  :/

Agree about it not being a standout episode overall ( like I said, I couldn't even remember the actual plot!) but I did remember liking it, and the reasons for liking it, upon rewatch.  (in spite of the wine lol.)  

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3 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Ah!  You are right about Sam's S2 visions!  I'd forgotten.  So, with respect to that, it makes much more sense.  My fault was, I'd just been reading the Bitch/Jerk thread earlier and, I think, that had tainted my memory/viewing.  :/

Agree about it not being a standout episode overall ( like I said, I couldn't even remember the actual plot!) but I did remember liking it, and the reasons for liking it, upon rewatch.  (in spite of the wine lol.)  

I glanced into the Bitch/Jerk thread earlier also; very heated discussions tonight! But I thought the visions were interesting; I was disappointed to read that they did away with that storyline because Kripke wanted to go in another direction ( did I read that here?? )

There were some gems in this ep: I really liked the older priest that they spoke with and the Sam/Dean banter over the magic fingers was entertaining as well. Then again it could always be the wine ( mine was Ruby Port - yum! )

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16 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

But I thought the visions were interesting; I was disappointed to read that they did away with that storyline because Kripke wanted to go in another direction ( did I read that here?? )

Huh - interesting! I didn't know that - if it's true?  The problem for me is that I've read so much revisionist history already (and I haven't even really read that much!) that I just don't believe anything I read/see about the show any more.  

16 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

I really liked the older priest that they spoke with and the Sam/Dean banter over the magic fingers was entertaining as well. Then again it could always be the wine ( mine was Ruby Port - yum! )

The older priest was great!  And especially after he witnessed the ghost and gave it "last rites" I think he could have been a nice recurring resource for the guys.  Okay, now I might have to headcannon that he was!  lol.  

The wine, yes.  Ruby Port - fancy!  Mine's plain Merlot.  Three glasses of Port, and I'd be on the floor!  :)

On another note, I used to think that JP had really 'changed' from when he was younger.  But rewatching some of these earlier eps, I still see a lot of him (the younger him) in the newer episodes as well (in his facial expressions).  Of course JA is a vampire and doesn't age at all... ;)

Edited by RulerofallIsurvey
ist. Ist. It's a BallRoom Blitz!
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3 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Huh - interesting! I didn't know that - if it's true?  The problem for me is that I've read so much revision history already (and I haven't even really read that much!) that I just don't believe anything I read/see about the show any more.  

I honestly can't remember if I read this online or heard it on one of the episode commentaries; I'm going to see if I can find the source. My mother was particularly annoyed when I informed her; she always wanted to see where they would go with that storyline!

3 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

The wine, yes.  Ruby Port - fancy!  Mine's plain Merlot.  Three glasses of Port, and I'd be on the floor!  :)

I'm usually a Pinot Noir girl but I had a rough week...and I'm very drowsy at the moment so I suppose I was a little too eager to celebrate the long weekend!

3 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

On another note, I used to think that JP had really 'changed' from when he was younger.  But rewatching some of these earlier eps, I still see a lot of him (the younger him) in the newer episodes as well (in his facial expressions).  Of course JA is a vampire and doesn't age at all... ;)

This is one of the reasons why I have such fondness for the earlier seasons. They're so hardened and cynical now; before there was more lightheartedness and hope that what they were doing would make everything better. Now it seems as though they're just doing the best that they can before they're taken out on the job. And yes, Jensen's ever youthful appearance is remarkable but I love his adorable crows feet!

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I like this story-- the brothers having different views on faith, and despite Dean's skepticism and largely unchanged views, his general deference to Sam's belief. His willingness to pursue the would-be rapist/murderer on Sam's vision is cool. And ultimately, in the face of Sam's fearful, almost self recrimination over his beliefs, Dean gently gives him "the will of God." Great scene and excellent work by both actors.  Really tugs at the heartstrings.

Sam's unicorn line got another chuckle out of me.

My favorite line of the whole episode is that you should take down your xmas decorations or you'll "get filleted by a hooker from God." 

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There were some things I liked in this ep, most especially what Dean tells Sam when they're sitting in the church.  It's dark and it's sad and it tells you a lot about how Dean's viewpoint has become much more nihilistic:

Well, what's to tell? She was wrong. There was nothing protecting her. There's no higher power, there's no God. I mean, there's just chaos, and violence, and random unpredictable evil that comes out of nowhere, and rips you to shreds."


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1 hour ago, Lemuria said:

There were some things I liked in this ep, most especially what Dean tells Sam when they're sitting in the church.  It's dark and it's sad and it tells you a lot about how Dean's viewpoint has become much more nihilistic:

Well, what's to tell? She was wrong. There was nothing protecting her. There's no higher power, there's no God. I mean, there's just chaos, and violence, and random unpredictable evil that comes out of nowhere, and rips you to shreds."



I also loved Dean's reaction when the priest told them about Michael; and so was born my intense desire to see Jensen play the archangel Michael. ;-) The description was Amazing. 

As was the invocation the priest used to put the younger priest's soul to rest. 

I really liked the character of the older priest and I've always felt that here was yet another character from those early seasons whom the brothers could have called on again in a time of need.

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14 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

I also loved Dean's reaction when the priest told them about Michael; and so was born my intense desire to see Jensen play the archangel Michael. ;-) The description was Amazing. 

I forgot to mention that.  Loved it!

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12 hours ago, Lemuria said:

here were some things I liked in this ep, most especially what Dean tells Sam when they're sitting in the church.  It's dark and it's sad and it tells you a lot about how Dean's viewpoint has become much more nihilistic:

Well, what's to tell? She was wrong. There was nothing protecting her. There's no higher power, there's no God. I mean, there's just chaos, and violence, and random unpredictable evil that comes out of nowhere, and rips you to shreds."


I agree.  I really liked this scene.  I think it's one of Jensen's more underrated performances.   Dean is trying to tell Sam matter of factly but you can hear the underlying emotion in Dean's voice and see it on his face.  Jensen is soo soo good in these scene. 

11 hours ago, Myrelle said:

I also loved Dean's reaction when the priest told them about Michael; and so was born my intense desire to see Jensen play the archangel Michael. ;-) The description was Amazing. 

I agree so much with this. 

That's right. The archangel Michael, with the flaming sword. The fighter of demons. Holy force against evil.

This fits Dean to a tee and reminds me of when'   (sorry for the quote box.  I hit it instead of spoiler , and know how to delete it.


God tells Dean he's the fire wall between light and dark. 



Edited by ILoveReading
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I loved the rest of it, too 

That archangels were fierce and vigilant and that they appeared to people and the glory of the lord shone down upon them-and they were Terrified-or something like that. And then he quotes the scripture and Dean just nods. :-D

Edited by Myrelle
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7 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

I loved the rest of it, too 

That archangels were fierce and vigilant and that they appeared to people and the glory of the lord shone down upon them-and they were Terrified-or something like that. And then he quotes the scripture and Dean just nods. :-D

That whole scene was gold

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On 9/9/2018 at 8:20 PM, Lemuria said:

There were some things I liked in this ep, most especially what Dean tells Sam when they're sitting in the church.  It's dark and it's sad and it tells you a lot about how Dean's viewpoint has become much more nihilistic:

Well, what's to tell? She was wrong. There was nothing protecting her. There's no higher power, there's no God. I mean, there's just chaos, and violence, and random unpredictable evil that comes out of nowhere, and rips you to shreds."


I am rewatching and this struck such a chord with me, as well. My husband and I literally had a conversation about a week ago and he asked me if I remembered the moment I’d lost faith in God - it was when my older sister was killed in a car accident and I had a very similar revelation. My heart kinda skipped a beat when Dean said that.

I really liked Sam being so vulnerable and Dean resistant, only to have a tiny crack open in the end. Good stuff.


On 5/23/2017 at 4:56 PM, bettername2come said:

Like, how does the priest not know humans can't become angels? How?!

My reaction to this wasn’t that he didn’t know this, but that in death things get distorted. Spirits don’t always remember, or don’t want to remember. A few episodes back we had a helpful spirit writing “Dana Shulps” over and over and they said often spirits get things jumbled and eventually figured out it was an anagram for something else. I felt like this priest was confused, thus why he would think he was an angel and he would be instructing humans to take vengeance on other humans - also not something a devout priest would ever do.  

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I liked this one. It was heartbreaking to see the young priest realize he isn't an angel. I loved the resolution. To have the older priest give him last rites.

The contrast between Sam's faith and Dean's skepticism was amazing to watch and heartbreaking. I think both reactions are so understandable. Do you see all this evil and come to the conclusion that there is no good, or does it give you faith that there is a.whole fight you can't see? 

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