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S01.E10: The Worst Betrayal Since Jordyn and Kylie

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On 3/27/2021 at 8:08 PM, deaja said:

maybe Zion.

Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but I kind of actually didn't care much for Zion. Sure he was hot but he came off very pretentious and kind of a dick in the flashbacks. He didn't even try to hide his bitterness and disdain over having to work some "stuffy" job to care for the child he made with the underage girl. 

Poor little entitled rich boy. Knocks up a girl he probably shouldn't have been having sex with and Mommy and Daddy are there to give him a cushy job to properly take care of said child and mother but he's an artist dammit, a "free spirit". And in the present day, I hated how he walked away after all his bullshit promises, leaving Ginny with the assumption that Georgia somehow messed things up. 

When instead it was him choosing to leave based on some bullshit "doing it for her" crap. Sure he told Ginny don't blame her mom but he knows that's exactly what she would think and do and he never just fucking came straight out and said, "no, I decided that I wasn't being fair to your mom and the life she's built here and so I decided it's best for me to walk away and let her have that life". I mean he's a writer supposedly. He could have come up with something clearer than the vague crap he told Ginny. 


On 3/28/2021 at 11:41 PM, SallyAlbright said:

I started out liking Ginny when she was new and awkward and kind of shy and ended up really disliking her. She's just not a very nice person to anyone and while I understand teenage angst, I don't think her life is all that bad except for some of the dumb decisions she makes. All her friends are annoying, Max especially. The girl who plays Abby is good, wouldn't mind seeing more of her. 

I found Ginny very frustrating and annoying, particularly in the latter part of the season. And I wanted to slap her plenty. And yes, I wanted the show to avoid the cliché of girl falls for faux bad boy douchebag over the good guy. But frankly, and I wholly admit to this being shallow, I found Hunter so dull and not attractive that I was Team No One by the end, when it came to who Ginny should be with. 

That said, despite how frustrated and annoyed I'd been with her in a number of episodes, I completely swung to her side when she was essentially being dragged by these petty bitches. And I felt bad for Hunter, but something didn't sit completely right with my spirit when he was all on about how he treated Ginny like a Queen. I don't know, something about it felt very, "you should have been grateful I was so perfect and amazing to you". Of course this may be an unfair assessment on account of my just thinking Hunter is so incredibly dull. 

I just think as I noted elsewhere, as I'm long past my teen years and closer to Georgia's age, my patience for the teen stuff is really low. And to me all the dramatics over Ginny sleeping with Marcus was whatever. She fucked up but geez, who cares? I just found Max and her sycophants' reactions ridiculous and frankly wanted Ginny to tell them to go fuck themselves with all their judgements. 

Marcus may be a tool of the highest order but the one truly wise and on point thing he said was when he called out Max's bullshit and how narcissistic and up her own ass she is. It's all about her and her dramatics and her feelings and her quirks and her so called cuteness and just ugh, shut the fuck up girl. I was so with Marcus in saying that no wonder Sophie got tired of her because hell I said the same in the episode when Sophie dumped her. 


On 3/23/2021 at 2:12 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Ginny driving off with Austin at the end hit an odd note for me.  She new her former stepfather was a creeper.  If she thought back, she may well have realized that her mother saw some of his behavior.  And she now knows her mother was sexually abused as a child.  I'm not excusing killing the man (although I'm not feeling so sad either), but I don't see this as a reason that Ginny would run away and take Austin with her.  Since Zion is her bio dad, Ginny can go to him. That doesn't work for Austin.

Based on her asking Austin again if he was sure about coming with her, I think Ginny may have gone to tell Austin goodbye and explain that she had to leave and he insisted on coming with her. As for the first things you noted, I think Ginny is well aware of all these things which is why she clearly didn't seem interested in ratting out her mother or helping the guy catch her. I think that's why she and Austin burned the plant as well, probably to get rid of further evidence. But even if she may understand why Georgia did why she did, she's probably still rightly freaked out realizing that her mom's a full blown calculated murderer. 

As for the show itself, I'm actually not sure why so many aren't sure how to feel about it. I don't know, maybe it's because I'm not seeing this show as some Gilmore Girls redux and never did and looking to feel the same way I did about that show. Yes, there's a young mother and teenage daughter with cutesy dialogue and pop culture references in a small town. But I feel like from the Pilot the show established itself as very different from Gilmore Girls. 

Regarding Georgia's being a murderer, I do think it was a mistake to also have her kill the other guy when she was younger. Because it took the show from okay, she murdered this one guy who was creeping on her daughter to "oh she just goes around murdering men to solve any problem she has". That said, I still like Georgia a lot and probably best of all the characters.

Maybe it's the actress or the writing making it work but I don't have some complicated feeling about the show and not sure why some feel it's important she not be some terrible murderer. Like plenty of shows have had leads who do some questionable shit and it's worked just fine. I think at the end of the day the show is clearly a dark comedy. So it has its fun light moments that are juxtaposed by a murdering lead with an angsty, fucked up teenage daughter. 

I will say the one thing I also don't love, even though it does have a really sweet backstory, is the whole Joe having feelings for Georgia saga. I just don't want this show to fall through another trap where everyone falls in love with the lead character. That has killed many a show for me. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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8 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

[Zion] didn't even try to hide his bitterness and disdain over having to work some "stuffy" job to care for the child he made with the underage girl. 

Zion was actually also underage when he met Georgia. She was 15 (I believe but I can't remember for sure lol) and he was 17.

8 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

Maybe it's the actress or the writing making it work but I don't have some complicated feeling about the show and not sure why some feel it's important she not be some terrible murderer. Like plenty of shows have had leads who do some questionable shit and it's worked just fine. I think at the end of the day the show is clearly a dark comedy. So it has its fun light moments that are juxtaposed by a murdering lead with an angsty, fucked up teenage daughter. 

I agree. I don't think they need to make her not a murderer for the show to work. As you said, that sort of darkness and juxtaposition is a part of the show. I also think they've established that Georgia only kills men who have deeply hurt her or who she can see signs that they will hurt her children.

8 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

I just don't want this show to fall through another trap where everyone falls in love with the lead character. 

Same. Georgia already has 3 love interests. It's too much!

11 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

And I felt bad for Hunter, but something didn't sit completely right with my spirit when he was all on about how he treated Ginny like a Queen. I don't know, something about it felt very, "you should have been grateful I was so perfect and amazing to you".

I'm kind of uncomfortable with Hunter, too. I don't know if it's because he tries SO hard with Ginny or that he's such an overachiever that it's alternately funny and a little creepy and a bit too stereotypical Model Minority. I'm all over the place with him. Sometimes I like him a lot, sometimes I feel sorry for him, sometimes he annoys me to no end. So props to the actor, I guess? 

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5 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I also think they've established that Georgia only kills men who have deeply hurt her or who she can see signs that they will hurt her children.

I've been more focused on unpacking the teen stories with this one (god knows why), so there's a lot of Georgia backstory/flashbacks I don't watch very well. Hence, a question.

The guy she maybe murders (we don't directly see her do it, just crushing pills between a spoon), the one she marries so she doesn't lose Ginny? Why did that guy have to die? He gives off a creepy vibe, but what we mostly see him doing is trying to make her watch boring tv shows/movies. Like, there's something about LOTR, and the thing he does right before she (maybe) decides to kill him is ... I think tell her that it's time to watch National Treasure? Or some other movie of that era. It's almost like he just wants a stepford wife/real doll for a girlfriend. Is there any indication that he is also coercing sex from her, or being creepy about baby Ginny? I fully admit I may have missed a scene or an implication.

I also recognize that blackmail/coerced marriage is no fucking bueno, I'm just not sure it rises to the level of the guy needing to die. 

20 minutes ago, kieyra said:

The guy she maybe murders (we don't directly see her do it, just crushing pills between a spoon), the one she marries so she doesn't lose Ginny? Why did that guy have to die? He gives off a creepy vibe, but what we mostly see him doing is trying to make her watch boring tv shows/movies.

He trapped her. Georgia married him believing that she would get Ginny back and the only trade off was that she'd have to watch the shows and movies he likes. Then the social worker left and he revealed that he expected a sexual relationship. Georgia didn't want to sleep with him but she did want to keep Ginny and he could/would expose the scam if she didn't play along. I'm still leaning toward a reveal that she didn't drug him after all and he's either still alive or (more likely IMO) had a fatal accident that the biker gang covered up but there's no doubt that Georgia was trapped and likely felt that drugging/killing him was her only escape. As I was typing that it occurred to me that maybe a soft retcon of the scene could reveal that Georgia was prepping the pills for herself, changed her mind when she remembered that Ginny would be left with him, and then he grabbed the glass and drank it himself while Georgia was giving Ginny a bath. That would be a way to have Georgia be at fault for his death in a different way than how she killed Kenny.

Anyway, the first husband raped Georgia via the marriage trap which is why it was implied that she killed him.

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46 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

Then the social worker left and he revealed that he expected a sexual relationship.

Ok, yeah, this is the piece that went past me, or I wasn't observant enough to pick up on. I think we went through a phase of shows where there was so much rape, and it was so in your face, all the time (hello Game of Thrones) ...  and then the TV industry started to pull back a bit (due to well-warranted criticism), stopped using rape so often as a plot device, stopped acting like we always needed to see the act itself, etc. And now we're at the other end of the orbit, where sometimes I can just miss it if they go too subtle or I look away at the wrong moment.

(Just some random thoughts.) 

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18 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I thought the first husband was dead—didn't he have a heart attack–type incident and Georgia stood by and watched him die instead of calling the EMTs? I think he was buried in New Orleans (or wherever they lived), because the PI tracked down the grave.

No, there were two husbands. The one whose body she stole was the husband who died at the start of the series, who had the heart attack while driving that we were later shown she clearly poisoned, causing the heart attack. The PI had gotten enough evidence to convince the judge, with the man's family's consent, to exhume his body for a second autopsy. 

The first husband that Georgia watched die was the guy she ran the illegal gambling ring with and she caused that too by drugging him while making a drink for him. 

6 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I thought the first husband was dead—didn't he have a heart attack–type incident and Georgia stood by and watched him die instead of calling the EMTs? I think he was buried in New Orleans (or wherever they lived), because the PI tracked down the grave.

Oh I think he's definitely dead. Georgia referenced doing that thing that was done in New Orleans and then Kenny's body was dug up and cremated so they wanted us to connect the dots. My spec comes from my belief that they may choose to do a soft retcon* of Georgia's past going forward. They may not but, if they do, then their options are to reveal that he's still alive (and the thing in New Orleans was something else) or that she didn't actually murder him like it was implied. I lean towards a reveal that his death was actually an accident but everything else that was implied remains true.

*Soft retcon in that we didn't actually see her give the pills/drugged drink to him, nor did we see him die, while we did see her put the petals in Kenny's smoothie so there's a bit of wiggle room if they'd rather viewers not see Georgia as a serial killer.

Even with all my spec on husband 1 I'm most curious about Austin's father. We know she's afraid of him, set him up in such a way that he went to prison, and went to great lengths to keep their location from him but she must have also gotten Zion to do that same because otherwise Austin's father could just have someone follow him around and find them easily. Austin clearly adores Zion so they've spent enough time together that he feels comfortable with him. I really want to know the timeline on that one so I hope they give us lots of details.

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20 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

As for the show itself, I'm actually not sure why so many aren't sure how to feel about it. I don't know, maybe it's because I'm not seeing this show as some Gilmore Girls redux and never did and looking to feel the same way I did about that show. Yes, there's a young mother and teenage daughter with cutesy dialogue and pop culture references in a small town. But I feel like from the Pilot the show established itself as very different from Gilmore Girls. 

Regarding Georgia's being a murderer, I do think it was a mistake to also have her kill the other guy when she was younger. Because it took the show from okay, she murdered this one guy who was creeping on her daughter to "oh she just goes around murdering men to solve any problem she has". That said, I still like Georgia a lot and probably best of all the characters.

Maybe it's the actress or the writing making it work but I don't have some complicated feeling about the show and not sure why some feel it's important she not be some terrible murderer. Like plenty of shows have had leads who do some questionable shit and it's worked just fine. I think at the end of the day the show is clearly a dark comedy. So it has its fun light moments that are juxtaposed by a murdering lead with an angsty, fucked up teenage daughter. 

I can only speak for myself of course, but I think my issue with not quite "getting" the show is that the tone and characterization is a bit inconsistent. I love the dark comedy bits, but then characters like Joe and Paul and Hunter so far are played and written as pretty straightforward, sweet, almost Hallmark Channel-type people. I'd love to see some of the peripheral characters get a dark side or even get some snarkier dialogue just to match the tone that Georgia (I agree the actress is great) sets. I think Ellen is the one minor character where they've gotten the tone spot on, for example. 

I could see myself loving a season two if they show a bit more consistency because I love some elements of it. It just felt like the first season tried to fit a whole lot of different stories and characters together and not all of them completely worked. That's why I can't decide how I feel about the show as a whole - because some parts were really entertaining and good, and other scenes almost felt like they belonged on a different show or something. But it did enough well that I'm interested to see where it goes. 

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On 3/15/2021 at 7:46 PM, scarynikki12 said:

she presumably killed Husband 1 because he used her desire to get Ginny back as a way to trap her into an actual marriage when she clearly thought it was in name only.

He wasn't just wanting a real marriage. He was keeping her prisoner in the house. He wouldn't let her out of his sight, was controlling her every moment. She wanted to go out and said she hadn't left the house in 3 days and he refused her. He was forcing her to sit on the couch and watch whatever he wanted to watch -- endlessly. She was not free to leave the room. She was fetching things for him. She was basically a sex slave/choremaid. 

To me, it looks like Georgia did everything she did to protect Ginny or herself, either from abuse or from having Ginny taken away from her. It's interesting that characters like Walter White or Don Draper or Thelma and Louise or the Oceans 11 crew are considered anti-heroes-- people root for them-- but Georgia is "a serial killer" and a scam artist who people find distasteful.

I am not saying "yay! murder!" or "You go girl, embezzle that city's money!" but I think the situation is more nuanced than that.

I am also interested that Ginny lied to the PI, to protect Georgia, even as she decided to get herself out of there. She's upset, but she hasn't totally turned on her. I also wonder if burning the wolfsbane will go wrong and burn down the house-- maybe the flue isn't open? And they definitely didn't put up a firescreen. We had a fireplace in the house where I grew up, and were always taught to NEVER leave a fire unattended.

I was on the fence about Hunter. But when he punched Marcus, I lost all respect for him. First of all, Marcus had a concussion. You could kill someone in that condition by punching him like that. Second of all, why is he taking it out on Marcus, when Ginny is the one who was supposedly his girlfriend who betrayed his trust? It was almost out of character, some kind of toxic masculinity they had gone out of their way to show he wasn't prone to. It makes me wonder how much of Hunter was a front, and what his secret personality really is. In fact, all season I thought he might be using Ginny as a beard, he seemed so disconnected and bland. I kept waiting to find out he was acting the whole time and not really into her like he pretended to be.

I actually believed Marcus only said it was a mistake to have sex with Ginny because he thought that's what Ginny wanted him to say. I hate the "bad boy who is secretly sensitive" bullshit, but I still did not believe for one second that he really regretted it, or that he wanted to keep it secret at that point, and was shocked that Ginny believed he meant it when he said that. 


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12 minutes ago, possibilities said:

Second of all, why is he taking it out on Marcus, when Ginny is the one who was supposedly his girlfriend who betrayed his trust? It was almost out of character, some kind of toxic masculinity they had gone out of their way to show he wasn't prone to.

Why is the other woman usually blamed when a husband has an affair? Because it's easier than admitting your SO finds you lacking somehow. Same thing here. I don't think it was toxic masculinity as much as simple anger and feelings of betrayal.

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19 minutes ago, possibilities said:

It's interesting that characters like Walter White or Don Draper or Thelma and Louise or the Oceans 11 crew are considered anti-heroes-- people root for them-- but Georgia is "a serial killer" and a scam artist who people find distasteful.

For what it’s worth, I never lose sight of the fact that Walter White and Donnie D were both deplorable, self-centered asshats. Or that Walter was a murderer. And sexually assaulted Skyler once or twice. 

I’m guilty of using the phrase “serial killer” offhandedly about Georgia, but if I’m being honest I think the show has gone out of its way to keep some of the “murders” vague, and they might not turn out to be murders. I do think they’ve been a little sloppy with her characterization for the sake of shock and I hope they will clean it up a little.

I guess I am undecided on whether Kenny, for example, deserved to be murdered. Or if the show expects me to feel like he deserved to be murdered. On a gut level, I feel like he deserved to be punched when he was groping Ginny. From a legal standpoint, I think a police report should have been filed, followed by divorce papers. Murder though? (But maybe I’m forgetting something else he did.)

Hmm, my lack of tolerance for Walter White’s murders—no matter how brilliant or fearless or whatever he was—might explain my lack of tolerance for Georgia’s (assumed) murders. I’m just not that flexible on the topic, unless it’s a comic book or vampire show. (No one stays dead on those shows anyway, har har.)

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So the white kids say you can’t sit with us and Ginny sullenly sits with the black kids as a last resort. WTF is that? Only 7 black kids in the school and she’s just now meeting the rest of them only after the white kids gave her their entire asses to kiss? I don’t know if there are any black female writers on staff, but this scene rubbed me the wrong way.

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On 3/27/2021 at 7:07 AM, kieyra said:

--I forgot that Abby goes full on villain at the end. Girl has some issues. Might type more in Spec thread. 

Are you referring to her spilling the beans about Ginny cheating to Hunter? I saw that as her getting back at Ginny for ruining her friendship with Max because she automatically assumed Abby was the one who told her about Ginny and Marcus. So, in Abby's teenage mind, she felt justified in spilling something about Ginny that she didn't want to be known and that would ruin her relationship with someone she cared about. It was shitty, but I could see her thought process behind it. *shrug* (This also continues to support my theory/fervent wishful thinking that she's secretly in love with Max, because she was so hurt that Ginny ruined their friendship that she instinctively lashed out to cause Ginny a comparable amount of pain.)

On 4/3/2021 at 11:50 PM, truthaboutluv said:

Poor little entitled rich boy. Knocks up a girl he probably shouldn't have been having sex with and Mommy and Daddy are there to give him a cushy job to properly take care of said child and mother but he's an artist dammit, a "free spirit". And in the present day, I hated how he walked away after all his bullshit promises, leaving Ginny with the assumption that Georgia somehow messed things up. 

When instead it was him choosing to leave based on some bullshit "doing it for her" crap. Sure he told Ginny don't blame her mom but he knows that's exactly what she would think and do and he never just fucking came straight out and said, "no, I decided that I wasn't being fair to your mom and the life she's built here and so I decided it's best for me to walk away and let her have that life". I mean he's a writer supposedly. He could have come up with something clearer than the vague crap he told Ginny.

Completely agree. Zion really came across as a douche in his last appearance (or was he only in one episode? I didn't pay much attention to him). It was the being purposefully vague about whose fault it really was that they weren't going to be living all together after all that really did it for me. He knew Ginny's OTT negative feelings about her mom and he knew that his non-explanation would probably make her blame it on Georgia all the same. Good riddance to him.

On 4/3/2021 at 11:50 PM, truthaboutluv said:

Maybe it's the actress or the writing making it work but I don't have some complicated feeling about the show and not sure why some feel it's important she not be some terrible murderer. Like plenty of shows have had leads who do some questionable shit and it's worked just fine.


On 4/12/2021 at 6:34 PM, possibilities said:

To me, it looks like Georgia did everything she did to protect Ginny or herself, either from abuse or from having Ginny taken away from her. It's interesting that characters like Walter White or Don Draper or Thelma and Louise or the Oceans 11 crew are considered anti-heroes-- people root for them-- but Georgia is "a serial killer" and a scam artist who people find distasteful.

I was just coming here to post something similar, @possibilities. People will watch 94578 seasons of Walter White being a terrible person and root for him because "what a complex character," but Georgia murders two rapists/abusers who posed a direct threat to her and/or her daughter and suddenly it's a step too far and she's a sociopath who cannot possibly be the lead of a show like this. 

I'm probably the only Max fan left, but she looked really pretty with the 1920s Miss Fisher-style wig. I was so relieved that the musical number went off without a hitch instead of the classic trope where the actor gets distracted with their personal drama and botches the performance, which I was so sure would happen. Whatever her maturity level, she actually showed great professionalism in her ability to switch focus so well between being angry at Ginny and going back onstage and singing/acting without ruining the show for the others.

I said this on another thread, but count me in with those who believe Austin's dad is a bad man whom Georgia probably framed because it was the only way she could think of to get him out of their lives. Her palpable fear at the thought that he might have their address was very telling. Maybe there's a yet undisclosed reason why she didn't just kill him as is her MO. Now, of course, the question, as someone posed earlier, is if she just keeps getting mixed up with trash men through no fault of her own or if she actively seeks them out. 

I'm so happy this show was renewed. For all its flaws, it kept me entertained all throughout and I genuinely enjoy most of the characters and their interactions in all their permutations (the MANG scenes, especially earlier on the show, were a particular highlight. The four actresses play off each other extremely well), which is really all I ask of a show these days.

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I was really liking Max until the last episode.  The last episode was dreadful for her as a character, but she's still my....... fifth favourite.

21 hours ago, Niuxita said:

Now, of course, the question, as someone posed earlier, is if she just keeps getting mixed up with trash men through no fault of her own or if she actively seeks them out. 

Zion and the mayor are not trash in my opinion.

3 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Zion and the mayor are not trash in my opinion.

Oh no, I didn't mean them. But the first murdered husband, Austin's dad (who is a presumed bad guy if we work under the assumption that Georgia only commits crimes against men who are a threat to her + her anxiety about him knowing their address), and Kenny certainly fall under that category, and that is a whole lot of bad men for just one woman to be involved with in a single lifetime, IMO.

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Since I'm already fangirling over Brianne in the other threads, Georgia's little look at where her wine glass used to be when Ellen steals hers - LOL!

What was the significance of Ginny finding Georgia's empty shoeboxes and being upset about it?

I can't believe Ginny just lit a fire in Georgia's house and then peace'd.  What a brat!  LOL

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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On 3/17/2021 at 12:46 PM, Shermie said:

I gotta make a shallow comment about Georgia's eyebrows. Egads! I know the big hairy brow is a thing, but she is so tiny and blond that it looks like she has a couple of wooly bear caterpillars crawling on her forehead. Not a good look. Methinks the lovers of the big hairy brow will look back upon it as their mullet. 

They really bothered me when Mae Whitman was doing this on "Good Girls" with platinum blonde hair.  But on Brianne Howey I don't seem to mind.  I absolutely love her face I think she's just gorgeous.

On 4/4/2021 at 9:36 AM, peachmangosteen said:

Same. Georgia already has 3 love interests. It's too much!

Usually I complain with that trope but just look at her!  And I believed it with Lorelai Gilmore too.  

On 4/21/2021 at 4:10 PM, charmed1 said:

So the white kids say you can’t sit with us and Ginny sullenly sits with the black kids as a last resort. WTF is that? Only 7 black kids in the school and she’s just now meeting the rest of them only after the white kids gave her their entire asses to kiss? I don’t know if there are any black female writers on staff, but this scene rubbed me the wrong way.

Not only that, but Ginny being SO VISIBLY UNCOMFORTABLE when the Black friends were talking about college and not doing what Mang would, which was let Ginny be Queen of the conversation and allow every conversation to be her (or alternatively, Max).  It really made it seem like Ginny can only deal with people who make her their whole world, like Max, and sometimes Marcus.

On 5/1/2021 at 1:49 AM, Niuxita said:

Oh no, I didn't mean them. But the first murdered husband, Austin's dad (who is a presumed bad guy if we work under the assumption that Georgia only commits crimes against men who are a threat to her + her anxiety about him knowing their address), and Kenny certainly fall under that category, and that is a whole lot of bad men for just one woman to be involved with in a single lifetime, IMO.

What are people's speculation on why Georgia had a kid with Austin's father, if he's so horrible?

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On 4/3/2021 at 11:50 PM, truthaboutluv said:

Marcus may be a tool of the highest order but the one truly wise and on point thing he said was when he called out Max's bullshit and how narcissistic and up her own ass she is. It's all about her and her dramatics and her feelings and her quirks and her so called cuteness and just ugh, shut the fuck up girl. I was so with Marcus in saying that no wonder Sophie got tired of her because hell I said the same in the episode when Sophie dumped her. 

This so much. Also, the MAN in MANG are basically high school Karen's. LOL. Especially Max and Abby, the are going to be insufferable white women tear types, they are already pretty much well on their way if not already there. I hope season two explores Ginny's desperate need to be liked by and receive approval from white people...the friends she chose, the teacher, it's all too much. 

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I was totally hooked on this show and ridiculously invested in Ginny's relationship with the dopey kid across the street. Idk why, except that it reminded me of teen shows I used to watch growing up. It's like something from the WB, but it doesn't have to be coy about swear words and women's bodily functions. And I guess Marcus is like if nineties Jordan Catalano was transported to noughties Stars Hollow in the twenties.

When Ginny and Marcus had their happy ending in the second-to-last episode, I knew everything had to fall apart in the season finale. But I was still disappointed by the limp way it ended for them. It was such a damp squib of an ending after a full season of build-up and drama. Marcus calls them a mistake and then later says it wasn't?? It made him seem simpleminded! I genuinely don't know if I'm supposed to think his concussion was a factor. 😆 I can only guess that the idea is that Ginny can't rely on him, like she can't rely on her father.

The actor playing Marcus has great chemistry with Sara Waisglass who plays his sister. They play off each other really naturally. But in general, Marcus is way underwritten. If the idea was to leave him somewhat blank, the better for female viewers to project their dreamy boy-next-door fantasies onto, I'd say job done. Whoever described him as a pretty cipher above nailed it. The best thing the writers could do for him next season is to give him some friends. And some lines! When he called his sister out for making everything about herself in this episode, it was the most he's had to say about anything on the show. I didn't know he could speak that many words in a row.

Just rewatched season 1 and I have some random comments.

Georgia implying that she put her husband’s ashes in the fireworks is bizarre. Not only that she would openly hint that to the guy investigating her, but that the concept would even be possible. You can’t just put stuff into fireworks, especially big professional ones that the town is putting on. Makes absolutely no sense.

Norah and everyone being so shocked about a gun in the house seems a little much. I mean, this is America; doesn’t everyone have a gun?

I guess the high school’s musical “Sing Sing” is a knockoff of “Chicago”. The show couldn’t get the rights, I guess, so they do a completely different play with a Velma lead, a Roxy in the background, and a prison musical number. Okay then.

Looking forward to season 2.

Actually, there are companies that do put cremains into fireworks. 


I think gun culture varies a lot by location. Here in MA, where the show takes place, we have much stricter gun laws than some other states, and no one I personally know has a gun in the house. I don't think it would be actually shocking if someone did, but it's not "everyone has one" by a long shot.

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