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Behind Her Eyes - General Discussion

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54 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

Rob’s being into men was defined in the flashback at the hospital when he told the nurse “ I’m into big throbbing cock”.

No, I meant in the book. In the book, Adele doesn't know he's gay and we the readers don't know either until the very last "It Was Rob All Along!" Chapter.

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On 3/1/2021 at 10:18 PM, snickers said:

4. The twist was just an okay twist it definitely was over-hyped and I felt there was a more shocking twist in Harry Potter book 3 than this!

That’s why I’m glad l watched this without hearing anything about it.  I hate being told that a movie or show has a twist. That’s a huge spoiler that removes the surprise of the twist. 

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2 hours ago, topanga said:

That’s why I’m glad l watched this without hearing anything about it.  I hate being told that a movie or show has a twist. That’s a huge spoiler that removes the surprise of the twist. 

Totally agree, just merely mentioning a twist is a kind of spoiler.  I would never describe a book that way.

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11 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Totally agree, just merely mentioning a twist is a kind of spoiler.  I would never describe a book that way.

Whenever I see a book that is hyped as "OMG you won't believe the twist!" I just look up spoilers out of curiosity and skip the book. I am glad I didn't know anything about this going into it. I just read the little blurb that it was about an assistant who has a (I thought it was a one night stand but apparently it was just a flirtation) moment with a guy and then finds out he's her married boss. The cast looked decent so I figured I'd give it a go. 

I'm glad I did because, not knowing where it was headed or that it was anything more than some kind of domestic suspense show, I enjoyed the ride. It was a wild one, since I wasn't expecting a supernatural element at all, so it was fun trying to work out what was going on. If I'd known to expect some "unexpected" twist I'm not sure I would have enjoyed it as much. 

It's a tricky one, going in blind you could end up with crap but if you know too much about the show it might disappoint. This hit the sweet spot for me. 

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My husband and I both found this series fascinating, and we liked the originality of the astral projection and body switch elements that distinguished it from your usual psychosexual thriller. But there was one "ordinary" thriller element that somewhat took me out of the story--when Marianne, after seeing the violence done in her home and the obvious threat that posed to her safety, did not immediately call the police and, worse, opened the door to Adele standing there with a knife. I understand that afterward David asked her to not report it, but in the moment it was an unrealistic reaction. If she had reported it immediately and refused to open the door to Adele (and also reported Adele's visit to the police), maybe Adele (or Rob/Adele) could have been stopped sooner. Of course, then we would not have the more interesting story of Louise.

At the end, were they driving to Adele's family estate? I know Rob wanted to live there when he was still in his original body, but I would think that the place would still have bad associations for David and that he would want to make a new life somewhere else. 

Although it's probably best to leave the story with its ominous ending, I would be interested in a season 2 if it led to Rob/Louise being found out and punished. R/L might be able to fool David for a while, but I can't imagine that Rob's jealousy and paranoia would not soon cause him to repeat the behaviors that made David stop loving Adele. 

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2 hours ago, momo said:

Why did David say he and "Adele" couldn't have sex anymore? Did he suspect?

When did he say this? They did have sex at least once after he met Louise, but it started missionary style and he stopped (I think when she said "I love you") and wouldn't continue until she turned around so she was not facing him. I don't think he suspected that she was Rob--I assumed it was that he didn't want to look at her because he was angry or disgusted with her and with himself for still wanting sex with her.

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6 hours ago, momo said:

Why did David say he and "Adele" couldn't have sex anymore? Did he suspect?

I think you mean when he said "this has to be the last time". He wasn't referring to sex, he meant "this has to be the last time we have a fresh start." Earlier that episode, Adele wishes him a good first day and he replies tiredly that this is not his first first day. Later in the season, he asks her "if it's happening again? Should he start looking for a new job?" It's implied that Marianne and Brighton aren't the first time David has had to leave a job, and move because of the need to run away from the chaos that Adele's violence has caused.

The sex itself seemed to be payment for her good behaviour at Dr. Sharma's party. It's really interesting, on second watch, noticing all the little clues of the actual power dynamics between the two of them. Adele demanding to drink from the same glass after turning down her own and thereby forcing that intimacy on him, the way she physically pushes herself on him, and keeps caressing him ignoring how he keeps flinching away from her touch, and then literally dragging him up to bed. Even the fact that he's wasted - he clearly knew that sex was going to be expected of him that night so he got himself drunk to go through it.

The scene was already uncomfortable the first time viewing, but on second viewing, knowing what we know of who Adele really is, that whole scene is positively disturbing.  

8 hours ago, Paloma said:

when Marianne, after seeing the violence done in her home and the obvious threat that posed to her safety, did not immediately call the police and, worse, opened the door to Adele standing there with a knife. I understand that afterward David asked her to not report it, but in the moment it was an unrealistic reaction. 

It's even more unrealistic in the book


when Adele murdered her cat in front of her!



Edited by ursula
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Thinking back to the scene in David's office on the first day that Louise met him there, he asked her to orient him to the area on a map and, after she pointed out some risky areas, told her that he did outreach work with addicts (at least I think that was the sequence of what was said). At the time I took that at face value, but we never saw him doing outreach work (maybe because there was no time to show that in the story). Now I wonder if he wanted to know where addicts hung out because he knew or suspected that Adele would seek out drugs there--though I don't know what he would do about it. I know that Rob/Adele did go to what looked like a public housing project, apparently to buy drugs, but there was no indication that David knew where she went or that he ever followed her (although he clearly didn't believe that her black eye was due to running into the cupboard door).

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1 hour ago, Paloma said:

Thinking back to the scene in David's office on the first day that Louise met him there, he asked her to orient him to the area on a map and, after she pointed out some risky areas, told her that he did outreach work with addicts (at least I think that was the sequence of what was said). At the time I took that at face value, but we never saw him doing outreach work (maybe because there was no time to show that in the story). Now I wonder if he wanted to know where addicts hung out because he knew or suspected that Adele would seek out drugs there--though I don't know what he would do about it. I know that Rob/Adele did go to what looked like a public housing project, apparently to buy drugs, but there was no indication that David knew where she went or that he ever followed her (although he clearly didn't believe that her black eye was due to running into the cupboard door).

Interesting theory. Did David ever tried to get help for Rob-Adele, i.e. wanting her to go to rehab? Although we know we know it probably wouldn’t have worked because \, as Rob told Adele, he never stopped wanting to stop doing drugs. 

The only part that didn’t ring true is that Rob-Adele would have trouble scoring heroin. I’ve known (and been related to) drug addicts, and I’ve never heard of them not being able to find their drugs of choice—especially if they had money. 

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This show disappointed me.  I started out watching one type of show and it changed to a completely different one in about episode 5. If I had known in advance I would not have even started it.

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Add me to the list of people who thought:

1) Poor Adam. Ugh, I really hope his dad asks for more (if not complete) custody.

2) Simona Brown was fantastic.

3) Six hours was too long.

Ultimately, the show didn't work for me, and I think it's because of the length. Things sagged in the middle and then I felt like the body-switch explanation had to be crammed in at the end. It didn't bother me that they left that for the very end, but it felt a bit rushed. If the pacing had been swifter to begin with, it could have been a real "OMG!" moment. As it was, I was more "WTF?" and then "Meh." (Except for poor Adam.)

I thought David's watch being in the well would mean more than his watch being in the well. They made such a big deal about that watch.

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What was the deal with Adele being given medication and also needing to answer his calls at the same time every day? There was also a focus on clocks/watches as if it was something symbolic. I started watching Eve Hewson years ago because of her dad but have been really impressed with her work. This was one of her strongest parts, especially now knowing that she was playing two different people.

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21 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

What was the deal with Adele being given medication and also needing to answer his calls at the same time every day?

I wonder the same. I know outside the story it was to make us suspicious of David and leave us wondering what was going on, but what was the "in story" reason? I can't recall them every really saying and it just left me with the impression that David is a dick who found it easier to just keep his wife drugged up than actually leave her. Was the call supposed to be his way of making sure she doesn't go off terrorizing any of his mistresses? It made no sense unless he's just a controlling asshole. 

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I didn't really understand David at all. If marriage to Adele was so intolerable, why did he not divorce her? I don't remember if she had any leverage over him, but sleeping around wasn't making things better.

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The supposed leverage was the body in the well and David’s watch next to it, but I didn’t buy that as a serious threat. Rob was a long time drug addict who died of an overdose and plenty of people at the mental hospital saw Adele wearing the watch.

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13 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

The supposed leverage was the body in the well and David’s watch next to it, but I didn’t buy that as a serious threat. Rob was a long time drug addict who died of an overdose and plenty of people at the mental hospital saw Adele wearing the watch.

Same, but I guess David was worried enough about it to stay married? Alrighty, then.

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7 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Same, but I guess David was worried enough about it to stay married? Alrighty, then.

Stay married, drug his wife, make sure she never leaves the house and sleep around. Great guy. I'm glad he's stuck to a psycho body snatcher. He deserves it.

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We just finished it last night and I did not expect that at all. The Adele who was in the facility didn't seem like the Adele in the "present" and now I get why. Looking back, I can see it.

I don't think David is necessarily an awful guy, not great but not the worst. He did love Adele but after the switch that wasn't her anymore, so how could he keep loving her? Why didn't he divorce her? The body. She held that over him. 

So now how long until Louise shows her/his true self? 

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On 3/23/2021 at 1:57 AM, Scout Finch said:

What was the deal with Adele being given medication and also needing to answer his calls at the same time every day?

This annoys me, too. It feels like that was just thrown in as a red herring to make us wonder if David is the bad guy. For a long time I thought both he AND Adele were shady.

I'm also annoyed that I figured both of the big final twists as soon as the astral projection was introduced - in scenes we're seeing from "Adele"'s point of view while she's projecting there's a pale blue shimmer, but in the scene where Adele and Rob first travel together her shimmer was purple while his was blue. 

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