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A Haunting - General Discussion

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I was clicking around and now I'm confused. I love this show and don't want to miss it, but on our cable line up Destination America is not "authorized." Yet when I go to the  On Demand thing there are 3 shows (not this one) and they play, no problem. Is that weird? (Time Warner cable, formerly Insight.)


If I can't watch it on tv maybe I can find it online. Love this show and the other ghosty shows we ghost dorks here watch. :) "A Haunting" is one of the better ones, imo, and by that I mean - it really freaks me out at times and they're light on the cheese. But I still get it mixed up with, "The Haunted" heh.

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Ha i know what you mean! The Haunted is the animal planet one... The Haunting of... is the one with the medium and the celebrities. A Haunting is the OG. Our other fan favorite is Paranormal Witness (another OG) but i have no idea when syfy plans to roll more of those out. sad face.


that sucks about AH not being authorized!! once the first episode airs, i'll see if we can find it online. 

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s07e01: demon's revenge


the season has started off pretty weak. we have a possessed boyfriend, a vengeful spirit and an old slave spirit. been there, done that. scare factor was about a 2 out of 10.


s07e02 the shadowman


i was excited to watch this one since i heard an interview with tim yancey on darkness radio. he's a paranormal investigator now and this was about his childhood experience with a shadowman. since i knew beforehand, i was prepared to stomach his abusive, overbearing father who treated both tim and his brother tom terribly. no matter how much those boys begged to be listened to, they were punished and it was unacceptable. the show did have resolution though which was nice since tim went back to his childhood home and "reclaimed" it. his older brother tom is still struggling though, so it was sad to watch. scare factor was about a 6 out of 10.


next episode is this sunday at 10pm, s07e03 demon unearthed.

Edited by msbeesknees

s07e01: demon's revenge


the season has started off pretty weak. we have a possessed boyfriend, a vengeful spirit and an old slave spirit. been there, done that. scare factor was about a 2 out of 10.


s07e02 the shadowman


i was excited to watch this one since i heard an interview with tim yancey on darkness radio. he's a paranormal investigator now and this was about his childhood experience with a shadowman. since i knew beforehand, i was prepared to stomach his abusive, overbearing father who treated both tim and his brother tom terribly. no matter how much those boys begged to be listened to, they were punished and it was unacceptable. the show did have resolution though which was nice since tim went back to his childhood home and "reclaimed" it. his older brother tom is still struggling though, so it was sad to watch. scare factor was about a 6 out of 10.


next episode is this sunday at 10pm, s07e03 demon unearthed.


I wondered if the demon/slash/entity was influencing the dad to be so cruel. If Yancy has written any books, I bet they'd be an interesting read. The woods creeped me out. We used to play in woods all the time and most were fun. There was this one though that scared us and we didn't even know why we were scared. Sort of like the Tim and Tom in the woods on this eppy.


I'm catching these on On Demand. Weird that the DVR didn't record them. Maybe I should recheck it. Glad to see all the fellow ghosty nerds here.

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hi ghosties! glad you're catching up Ari333! so last week was "Ashes of Evil" and it was by far the scariest of this season. totally sweet young family moves into a TN victorian for dirt cheap and very quickly things go south. i have no idea why this episode freaked me out so much but there were some really tense moments that were well directed. one scene shows the mom in the kitchen and the demon-ghost thingy standing in the doorway right behind her and she has no idea. GAH. i was like "turn around!!!!" hahaa. anyway, let me know what you think once you've seen it.


yancy has a facebook page and a podcast that he does with his wife i think? anyway, if you google him you can see all the stuff he's done. both he and his brother were so traumatized by that dark spirit, i am pretty convinced it all happened. when their shithead father made them stand outside in the woods in the darl to punish them, i was so angry!! that's child abuse on so many levels. glad that tim turned out ok, his brother seemed a little off though. so sad.

Agree, Bees. The one with the "Geh-Tout!" answering machine didn't thrill me, but I still enjoyed it. 


We binged watched like 4 or 5 in a row, so I may be confused; but when that one lady was washing the dishes in the, of course, well-lit kitchy ...alone... at night with the window right there at the sink and the blind/curtains either open or absent, we were all ("all" as the kids say) "Close the curtains! or get some as the case may have been. Folks, humans and otherwise, who are outside can SO see you and you can't see them! EEK!" Yeah.


That Victorian (?) house with the person buried in the basement was skeery and sad.  

season 7 just started airing more episodes... latest one is episode 7 :Child's Play" and I KID YOU NOT... the two kids in the family are named Justin and Britney. oh Arkansas... you people never disappoint me. ok, i'm about to watch the episode, my thoughts to follow.


eta: they spell it Brittni (hahahahaaaaa)


paranormal investigator: (after he questioned "what do you want" in a recording session) "the evp was in latin and it translated to CHILDREN'S SOULS" yes, he really said that. 

Edited by msbeesknees
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I watch this but the repeats during the day on Destination America or TLC.  Watching right now and it is a story that took place pre-computers/internet.  Hard to find ghost hunters back in the day.  She had to resort to writing a letter to an author of a book about the supernatural who hooked them up.  


One thing about this show that annoys me is the background music is often so loud you can't clearly hear the people talking.  

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Several episodes showing all afternoon on Destination America.  I have probably seen them all.  


I never understand why people stay in their house even when they claim to have been attacked.  


I have learned a few things; never buy a Victorian, do not remodel any old house you do buy, don't play with ouija boards and never taunt a spirit. 

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I never understand why people stay in their house even when they claim to have been attacked.  


I have learned a few things; never buy a Victorian, do not remodel any old house you do buy, don't play with ouija boards and never taunt a spirit. 



They stay in the house because they still have to pay the mortgage/rent even if they don't live there and they just don't have the money to do that and pay to live somewhere else at the same time.  And, of course, because the house isn't really haunted.


I have also learned from your examples above.  Plus always believe someone who tries to warn you the house is haunted.  And always ask your realtor to disclose any murders or weird deaths that have happened in the past.

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A Haunting is one of my favorite shows but we went cable free a few years ago & I cannot find these episodes streaming anywhere (of the legal sites).  In fact my inability to get my ghost shows in general is like the one thing I hate about not having cable anymore! Everything else I can deal with, but I am starting to go through withdraws. Get your shit together Destination America!

In regards to realtors having to tell potential buyers if someone had died in the house, it does vary from state to state but there is a time limit.  California is three years.  And if you are buying an old house, three years is nothing.  If you do want to buy an old house - no one on this thread does (ha!) - I would think you would not only talk to neighbors and the community but do your research.  The land before the house was built could also be a harbinger for lost souls.  

Bumping the thread. Where is everyone dammit? ;) snort :)

They have all been cursed by demonic objects they found in their crawl spaces while dragging out the Christmas stuff.

Season 8 episode 1 "heartland horror" is finally up. Did anyone watch it?

I did! I did!  The lonely lady ghost stuff made me sad.


I dunno, I am a huge skeptic, but for some reason I have been bingeing on this stuff. Outer manifestation of Collective Unconsciousness anxieties?

That would be a refreshing break from hearing "The knocks( scratches, flashes, kittens, whatever) come in threes to insult the Trinity" solemnly intoned like we never heard it before.

Oh by the way-- total skeptic, but the light in the basement burnt out and the last ep made me skip laundry that night. Thank you, Show.

Edited by bunnywithanaxe

I wondered if the demon/slash/entity was influencing the dad to be so cruel. If Yancy has written any books, I bet they'd be an interesting read. The woods creeped me out. We used to play in woods all the time and most were fun. There was this one though that scared us and we didn't even know why we were scared. Sort of like the Tim and Tom in the woods on this eppy.

I'm catching these on On Demand. Weird that the DVR didn't record them. Maybe I should recheck it. Glad to see all the fellow ghosty nerds here.

My dad was a Korean war vet, with severe PTSD, and his ideas about discipline and punishment were pretty fuckin' psycho. He would make up new rules for the joy of punishing us.The skeptic in me wonders if at least part of Tim and Tom's experiences can be explained by Dad compulsively tormenting his kids. Also, abused kids develop PTSD of their own, and one symptom of that is hyperalertness to noise or other stimuli in the surroundings.

The dad theory would explain some stuff-- the bugs in the bed, the wall shaking-- but not others-- the man in the woods, the red eyes in the closet. But the general unease in the house could simply be general feelings of unsafety in a house where you are being abused.

Edited by bunnywithanaxe

My favorite episode this season was when the ghost US soldier and the ghost Nazi got into a fight. They were smashing each other around the house and it wasn't until the exorcism that the ghost soldier pulled out his ghost gun and capped the ghost Nazi. Guys, if you go to war, don't bring back trophies. I'm too lazy to come back as a ghost to protect my family from future ghosts I might bring back.

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So is anyone watching this on TLC on Fridays?  I saw tonights first epi which I think was a repeat with new scenes.  The one where there is a dark spirit with tentacles and it was taking advantage of people being sick or weak.  That was a new demon from the one they usually use.  I am recording the second episode and the show afterward.  

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