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S15.E02: Unexpected

Message added by Bort

If you know something from the media and it hasn't happened yet, IT IS A SPOILER. Do not discuss it in this topic.

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My thoughts on Episode 2: (Took me a while to watch it as I was completely busy, this week has been a trainwreck lol. Also my mom DELETED my recording of the episode. WTF MOM???? Thank god for on demand)

1. I didn't think that Jada's kicks were slow but what the heck do I know?
2. Cassie, Shannan and Claire D. did not impress me in terms of kicks.
3. All the rookies looked good while doing the Thunderstruck dance. 
4. Wow the fact that Elli had rehab for her shoulder and can still dance like she's a veteran, makes me like her even more. 
5. I'm sorry but I still don't like Sydney.
6. Alora-Rose's speech to Kelli felt very...fake to me. Like she was trying to kiss ass to Kelli. 
7. YAAASSS Evan likes Kelly and Elli. We stan talent!!!
8. Marissa's dancing to Evan's choreography was WAAAAAAY over the top. Too much power!!!
9. I would have cut Cassie right then and there instead of giving her more time.

So far it was a good episode. Not that much to write about which can be good or bad I guess. My list of rookies that I would choose to be on the team is still the same.

Claire W.

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I have so many thoughts I’m not sure where to start. First I want to apologize last week for accidentally making a comment that was a spoiler. I wasn’t thinking and I was politely reminded. So I hope I didn’t ruin this for anyone. 

1. ok so I like the fact they learned the dances before TC. The only downside is K&J can’t tell who picks up choreo the fastest.

2. I feel way less “invested” in the TCC’s. Maybe I haven’t been watching this season long enough. It might be the weird quarantine format. It’s just every year I have my favorites and this year....nothing. 

3. I finally figured out Sheridan was the TCC from 2016! I thought she looked familiar!


4. if they are all in a bubble, why are they wearing masks at all? It seems like it’s just for the show and it’s silly. That’s the whole point of a bubble- so you don’t have to wear a mask. I, too thought it was a bit over the top for the girl who got sick to have covid. Kelly acted like an alien had just landed at training camp the way she said “I was worried Covid had infiltrated our bubble!”. Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

5. What do the girls do all day? Can they leave their room? How do they afford this if they can’t work? This would mean the only rookies who can make the team would have to be well off. 

6. I miss the vets. 

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Elli was my favorite last week and nothing happened this week to make me change my mind (she didn't do any worse and none of the other girls surpassed her). She is gorgeous and I love the way she dances.

Since the TCCs are broken up into smaller groups to learn/practice dances, it should be easier to keep everyone straight but I hate how they kept switching the groups being shown while they were learning Evan's dance. I was trying to figure out which blondes were who but they only put names on the screen in some shots and then they would switch to another group without showing names so I was constantly like wait, who's the blonde on the left in the back row?

I don't understand why Amelia was cut but Cassie was given more time. Does Kelli just enjoy being able to say that even the Rockettes aren't good enough for DCC?

Honestly, I've never understood cutting people early in training camp. If you thought they were good enough to get into training camp, then don't they deserve more than 3 practices before you cut them? I know it's all for the tv drama, but it's never made sense to me. It would make way more sense to let everyone learn all the dances and practice and then make cuts the last night of training camp.

As for cutting people who don't learn dances quickly, that's nonsensical to me too. It would be one thing if they were learning dances throughout the season (my college dance team worked that way - we learned one new dance for each football/basketball game and then never performed it again so you had to be able to learn and perfect a dance in 1-2 weeks), but they learn all of their dances in advance. As long as they can learn the dances before the first game, then who cares if they struggle with a new dance the day that it's taught?

7 minutes ago, Kate2006 said:

if they are all in a bubble, why are they wearing masks at all? It seems like it’s just for the show and it’s silly. That’s the whole point of a bubble- so you don’t have to wear a mask. I, too thought it was a bit over the top for the girl who got sick to have covid. Kelly acted like an alien had just landed at training camp the way she said “I was worried Covid had infiltrated our bubble!”. Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

Exactly. All of their masks and alleged COVID protocols are just for show and everything they are doing is showing their asses on this. In a real bubble, EVERYONE quarantines for 14 days (and by quarantine I don't mean that Kelli and Judy work from home for two weeks while their kids/spouses/grandkids go out in public and then bring potential COVID germs back to the house), get tested, and then come into the bubble and stay there.

The Great British Bake Off created a real bubble at a hotel and filmed their entire season there. The contestants, the judges, the hosts, and everyone involved in production (cameramen, production staff, etc) quarantined beforehand and then stayed at the hotel the entire time without leaving the property. That's why they were able to film without masks and no one got sick.

But what they're doing here makes no sense. Kelli and Judy don't wear masks during rehearsal. The girls wear masks in the prep room and sometimes in the dance room but not always. If they have an entire tower of the hotel where they are all isolated in their bubble, then the only time they should have to wear masks is if they interact with anyone outside DCC: MTT. In other words, all the stuff they're doing is for show so they can claim that they were being safe.

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From what I understand, the person who took over Cheryl's job when she retired was another former DCC.  Can't remember who it is, but I remember hearing that Kelli already knew her, not only from the DCC, but from meeting elsewhere.  I think I remember hearing that she either came personally recommended to Kelli or Kelli herself recommended her for the job.

Edited by EricaShadows
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2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

ince the TCCs are broken up into smaller groups to learn/practice dances, it should be easier to keep everyone straight but I hate how they kept switching the groups being shown while they were learning Evan's dance. I was trying to figure out which blondes were who but they only put names on the screen in some shots and then they would switch to another group without showing names so I was constantly like wait, who's the blonde on the left in the back row?

The edits are switching and cutting all the time. I lock on one group watching and then boom I realize its a flash of some other group edited in and then back out to yet another. It's too fast.

Some of the comments in this thread are funny to me... saying this is the best rookie class and strong dancers et cetera. I laughed to myself because I can't tell a darn thing in the 5 seconds I see of them. Who knows what the other million seconds look like - could be awful. The way this show is edited - I believe nothing. We see only what they want us to see.

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13 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

Some of the comments in this thread are funny to me... saying this is the best rookie class and strong dancers et cetera. I laughed to myself because I can't tell a darn thing in the 5 seconds I see of them. Who knows what the other million seconds look like - could be awful. The way this show is edited - I believe nothing. We see only what they want us to see.

Exactly.  Nothing is safe in reality world land.

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The quality of the show over the last 2 years has really gone down. The edits are terrible, the cuts don’t make sense, and now you have to pretty much be a super model to make the team. I liked it better when a normal person who is a good dancer could make the team. You didn’t have to be drop dead gorgeous because they are going to part your hair in the middle and give you loose sausage curls no matter what you look like in the beginning anyway. Now we have an annoying legacy member of the “cheer team” who gets everything she wants. Last year she didn’t like Jalyn so boom! Suddenly Jalyn doesn’t make show group. Can’t wait to see the monstrosities that develop this season. 🙄

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On 12/2/2020 at 10:39 AM, sATL said:

The modified-kick line surprised me.  I thought they would have waited until the vets came, to at least provide instruction, or at least moral support.  Or wear gloves. I know your weight can't be on the dancer's shoulders next to you, but to kick the full routine without them, is a major cardio and other related muscle systems) workout. 

I wonder why they did't have them jumping into the split on their own. I think they have done that before - under the watchful eye of a vet.

RE: the TCC who was having a medical issue - I know the list of possible COVID symptoms grew each day back then. But I don't recall "eyes rolling to the back of her head" - if that is what Judy said - being part of the symptom list. K&J is going to have to realize there are and will be other medical concerns besides COVID.

I’m in Texas and it’s a hot spot like crazy.  It may be dramatic but even if I hear a cough I’m like Rona lol 

On 12/2/2020 at 10:57 AM, sATL said:

Yes. I missed K&J rationale (if there is one) for taking in so many  rookies during a shorten training camp time, when at the time there was so many unknowns about the NFL season, not to mention the film schedule with CMT.  

I think maybe because they came in knowing so many dances that they want to "pad" the selection with a few extras so if they accidentally have those "take home girls" they can cut them.  

Late af, but

During the episode:

  •  Prettiest kick from what I saw was Alora Rose, Jada, Ashlinn, and two blonde girls in the back whose names I will figure out at some point 😅 Claire W has good technique and flexibility, but the kick they highlighted wasn't the best example since her knee was bent.
  • Sydney's sweaty hair was tragic; hoping if she gets to makeovers, they give her a nice bob. It would frame her jawline well imo.
  • Alora Rose kissing up to the judges was awkward as hell.
  • I do like that they have some of the parents speak about their children; it's lovely. Warm fuzzy feeling inducing.
  • Jada's group w/ Evan's choreo was extremely low energy. Evan highlighted Kelly as great, but all I saw was a stiff neck and tight shoulders; felt like she needed to loosen up and make it more smooth. In Marissa's group, Marissa was the only one I knew, but that whole group was underwhelming. Everyone else I thought looked the same?
  • anxious Claire D looks a bit like Brennan
  • the bit that highlighted Sydney in the last choreo, I was pretty impressed, which made up for her performance earlier
  • Amelia's a cutie. Her eyes are a lovely sienna colour. Best of luck to her

Thoughts after:

  • I'm convinced Judy spoke only thrice this entire episode.
  • editing less on point this time lol. The scene after Sydney got sick, the camera jumped awkwardly through each individual girl in a way to make it seem like they weren't all standing without masks, clustered together closer than 6 ft. They obviously were.
  • Elli is my official favourite; every comment regarding her therein will be biased af
  • From the bits they show us, some of these rookies look decent, but too many of them blend or don't stand out. And I don't know if it's just me or if it's the music, but it seems like a number of them have dreadful musicality.
  • I'm surprised they left Judy's comment of "oh no. pls don't be covid" regarding Sydney's breathing difficulty given that they're pushing the safety of the bubble so much this season.
  • I want to favourite Jada so bad, but her power when dancing always looks low and honestly, my eyes stray from her. She doesn't hit her moves. Alora Rose had little power today too.

Didn't get drunk this episode, but I took 2 shots. Let's see about the next.

Current favourites as of ep 2: ***Elli***, Armani is a complete cutie, Ashlinn popped out of nowhere but gurl yaaasss, Darian is  gorgeous

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Message added by Bort

If you know something from the media and it hasn't happened yet, IT IS A SPOILER. Do not discuss it in this topic.

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