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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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So on page 62 of this another of Sean's coworkers shows up and says that he is a huge manipulator, has impersonated doctors to pick up women and also confirms he did not get a promotion that Dr. C said he received. They also mention, he lies all the time.  I'm starting to believe these women

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So on page 62 of this another of Sean's coworkers shows up and says that he is a huge manipulator, has impersonated doctors to pick up women and also confirms he did not get a promotion that Dr. C said he received. They also mention, he lies all the time.  I'm starting to believe these women


It could aslo be Davina doing all the damage. From what we've seen so far, she is capable of this. 

Yes, it is very suspect that the minute Sean's promotion was mentioned, several of his so called co-workers popped up to say it's a lie. Do they all monitor the board 24/7? There's something fishy about the whole thing. I don't even care what that so called "friend" of Davina's said, because clearly it's either Davina herself or a close friend who has only heard one side of the bitter story. I'm more concerned about these supposed co-workers, because JerseyNurse has said some things that make little sense. Hence why I think she's lying or at the very least heavily exaggerating. I'm not down with that. No matter how unlikeable someone may be, they don't deserve having lies spread about them anonymously. I wouldn't be surprised if all these people who supposedly know Sean were the same person.

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I've considered that point too MPH. I was thinking I wonder if these 3 personalities All are the same person slamming Sean. Either way, some of the stuff DOES make sense.  Whether you agree with it or not, once you are in the public eye be prepared for the gossip to spread. None of this is changing my perspective on Davina. I still find her demeanor - snotty, and her overall sense of entitlement rubs me the wrong way. I like neither of them. It is funny how they've become the least liked couple on the show.

  • Love 3

As a sort of hobby, I sometimes do comparative writing analysis. (True confessions: I've done it here for other mods when we suspect a banned member has come back under a new screen name. That's in addition to looking at IP addresses, which can be altered.)


If someone wants to PM me a long paragraph from EACH of the people slamming Sean, I can look at it and give my opinion as to whether they're separate people or sockpuppets. It would only be an opinion, of course. But we all have patterns to our writing, and some are rather distinctive.

  • Love 5

Dr. C posted this about Davina on babycenter:


A few words about Davina (and Sean):
I understand that Davina is getting a tremendous amount of criticism, and that much of this is a direct result of her words, actions, and choices both during the experiment as they are represented in the episodes, and after/currently as a response to her social media presence.
Ultimately, Davina is responsible and accountable for all the choices she has made, and continues to make, and the subsequent consequences of those choices.
I think Davina is in many ways a mass of contradictions.  She can be very self-aware at times, and apparently very lacking in self-awareness at other times.   I think Davina demonstrated a high level of self- awareness in her discussion of patterns she has recognized in herself with regard to her romantic relationship history.  Specifically, her pattern of "getting in her own way," as well as being attracted to the not-so-nice/self-centered guys, and "over-analyzing" and "looking for red flags" when it comes to the nice guys and "when they (the red flags) really might not exist."
Davina had a rough childhood outside of being ostracized from her peers and treated poorly at times.  She describes feeling from a very young age that she was responsible for caring for herself emotionally. For different reasons, both her mother and father do not appear to have provided any significant measure of emotional support for Davina at any time during her childhood.
In my perception, Davina is an exceptionally sensitive person at her core, and has likely been that way throughout her life.  I would speculate that her exceptional sensitivity coupled with a rather extreme perceived lack of emotional support from early childhood, may have contributed to Davina developing a very specific set of emotional coping strategies.
I would further speculate that Davina learned very early on that connecting with troubling and intense emotions resulting from her emotional sensitivity created a feeling of things being unmanageable and overwhelming.  I think that Davina might have learned that if she allowed herself to connect with those emotions, no would be there to comfort her, support her, and help her through them.

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Okay, I compared the two writing styles that SaucyMommy sent me.


I am convinced that they are NOT the same person. 


Now, are they co-workers who hate Sean because butterflies follow him and he farts rainbows? Possibly. But the writing styles differ significantly and I could find no common idiosyncrasies or markers.

  • Love 6

More from Dr. C on Davina: 


Page 2:
'So, tough emotions may have become associated with weakness, and perceived as simply intolerable, and to be avoided at all costs, particularly those related to rejection and abandonment.
I suspect that emotional vulnerability and the pain and struggle associated with rejection, abandonment, and other tough feelings simply became viewed as not an option for her.  Instead, it seems that Davina might have learned that strength and confidence and being powerful was the only option available to her.  I think that Davina learned how to shift gears into being tough and strong when she felt fear, rejection, and the like, largely because she felt that she really didn't have any other choice.
Davina also talked in great depth about how her childhood impacted her, and freely spoke of working very hard on herself through many years of therapy to understand and overcome those issues and struggles. 
Sean also discussed with great depth and detail the struggles he had resulting from his bullying, and his journey of growth around understanding and moving past them.
So, we saw parallels and potential for deep connection between Davina and Sean not just because "they were both bullied," but also because they appeared to have gone through similar journeys around understanding how those experiences impacted them, and how they committed to and went about moving past the negative effects.  For example, physical fitness played an important role for both of them in these journeys and as a result became a very important value for both of them both on more superficial and much deeper levels.
They are also both very career driven, ambitious, and successful in their own ways.  They both value higher education (they each have Master's degrees), they both share very similar needs and desires around children and family, and MANY of their personality traits are both compatible and complementary.
Sean is also exceptionally sensitive and connected with his emotions. We felt this was absolutely critical in pairing him with Davina.  We also felt that Davina could (and would very likely) do a lot of "testing" in the relationship due to many of the childhood issues mentioned above.  We further felt that Sean had not only the sensitivity, but also the strength and emotional groundedness to balance meeting Davina's emotional needs with keeping her "testing" in check in away that would be kind and loving, yet firm so as not to trigger her abandonment issues and fears around rejection.
In my perception, one of the big things that began to cause Davina and Sean problems was his VERY extreme and unexpected reaction to the process itself. As was mentioned before, Sean seemed exceptionally prepared for the process both by his own report, as well as all of our perceptions of him and assessments.  We were all surprised (including Sean) when he reacted to the process very early on with some very extreme stress and anxiety. It was jarring to Sean, very unexpected, and I think really impacted a lot of things as the process commenced.
Sean relatively quickly adjusted to things and began to feel more centered and much less stressed and anxious about everything. However, I speculate that the timing of his anxiety and struggle was VERY unfortunate.  I think that Davina is extremely perceptive, and that she may have tuned into his anxiety and lack of centeredness in the beginning, and that it may have really triggered some strong reactions, fears, and doubts in her, and perhaps also triggered many of her old defenses, guardedness, and self-sabotaging reactions.'



Page 3:
'I would also add that Davina's "Diva-like" behavior perhaps speaks to a deeper emotional need that may sometimes override good sense and awareness of the impact on others and degree to which her needs might (or might not) be reasonable in a particular context.   For me, sometimes true selfishness and lack of care or concern for the needs and feelings of others is something very different than deep needs that have an impact on awareness during moments of emotional turmoil and vulnerability.

I would encourage everyone to look much deepr into the dynamic between Sean and Davina, and into each of them as individuals in pondering the relstionship thus far, as well as how it unfolds as things evolve.

Again, it's very easy to label and judge.  It's often not so easy to really UNDERSTAND on a deep level.'

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Thanks for bringing over Dr. C's dissertation, SaucyMommy.   I feel like I need a PhD to figure out what the hell he is saying.


Couldn't he just say "we screwed up when matching these two"!?!?

I work in academia - and I'll say the way he speaks so typical of PhD people. They really want you to know how smart they are. I have no idea what he's saying half the time - All I got out of it was Davina acts the way she does because she had a crappy childhood. At some point you need to grow up, right? Second, he constantly defends Sean. WHY? and then he throws shade at Davina? I mean I don't like Davina either but come on. This match sucks on all levels. When the primary reason they said they were matched was due to childhood trauma. For Real? My hubby and I had polar opposite experiences in childhood. We were bonded not by our similarities but rather our differences. Based on Dr. C's explanation I would find their personalities would be competing with one another not complimenting each other

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Is this from the baby center message board? Why is he posting *there*? Does he figure that those posters are drunk with oxytocin and therefore less likely to question him? So weird. Dr. C deserves his own psychoanalysis dissertation.

It is like a different planet over there, they do not question him and if you do he has a hissy and tells you that you are not looking deep enough. Last time I questioned him I got asked to leave the board as I was not willing to understand that Ryan & Jessica are going to fix each others issues.

I have to say I am a little disturbed at how much personal information he puts out about the participants and how he seems to take sides in the couples that split it was Monet last year, this year it is Sean. For somenody that keeps telling posters not to judge the partcipants he is pretty judgmental on the cause of the relationship breakdowns.

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Oh.my.God. Joseph Cilonia shut the eff up! How dare he presume to psychoanalyze these participants on a random babycenter message forum.

It's obvious he's trying to cover his own ass and rationalize or justify why the Davinia/ Sean match was a disaster. And putting so many of his brilliant observations in quotation marks makes him look moronic.

I doubt the people who signed up for MAFS understood that one of the show's principals would feel free to pontificate on their personalities and failings even before the season is half over. Online! To a bunch of babycenter strangers! All because they stroke and massage Cilonia's massive ego!

I hope the show's producers either enforce or amend their contracts with the experts.

Why are the other three experts able to keep their mouths shut?

Can Cilonia be this big of an egomaniac?

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What a clusterfuck! The off camera drama seems just as entertaining as the show itself. 


I do have to say that I'm surprised that Sean is the only contestant with his alleged dirty laundry being aired. This means it's either Davina and her firends that are slandering him, or he just may be in fact the asshole that everyone says he is.

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But supposedly Sean is friends with Doug and Doug's brother. I can't believe Sean wouldn't have discussed the pros and cons of doing the show. Why Sean's supposed shut down/meltdown so early in the experiment?

Sean's mother's horrified reaction to Sean's news of doing this show has been THE most legit emotion on the screen, of any of them.

I despise Joseph Cilona's absence of professionalism. Shameful, Joe!

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We will see what changes with season 3 according to Dr C they are going to be looking into the partcipants social media I am guessing in response to the flack they have copped due to Ryan D being an obvious douche on his accounts. I am anticipating an even bigger wreck as he adjusted his instuments this year due to Vaughn and we can all see how well that turned out.

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I'm wondering about the size of his practice. I don't see how he has the time to write these long posts for baby center if he's not getting paid.

I am wondering how he can spend 400 hours analyzing the data with such a busy career. Not to mention his ability to talk to the random bloggers that post his 'thoughts' and he had an awful lot of media articles about how awesome his instruments are.

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I'm wondering about the size of his practice. I don't see how he has the time to write these long posts for baby center if he's not getting paid.


Yeah, and he's supposedly busy matching up the people of Atlanta as we speak. He must really enjoy having his ego stroked since he bothers to write such essays to random strangers.


I'm also kind of bothered by all the personal info he shares about these people. I get that they're not his patients, but still. Talking about Davina's years of therapy or Sean's promotion, which may or may not be a lie, is a bit much. I can't wait for the reunion special, seems like it's gonna be veeery interesting.

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We will see what changes with season 3 according to Dr C they are going to be looking into the partcipants social media I am guessing in response to the flack they have copped due to Ryan D being an obvious douche on his accounts. I am anticipating an even bigger wreck as he adjusted his instuments this year due to Vaughn and we can all see how well that turned out.


Ok that just makes me roll my eyes that they didn't even have a low level assistant spend 2 minutes online and google the brides and grooms.   That's a basic background check these days!


Season 3 should be a doozy too!

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Right there has still been zero mention that Jessica is a wanna be model. and I'm astounded that they don't give them Twitter training. Don't go on twitter if you can't have a decent poker face. Otherwise you get eaten alive. and FYI you should tell them to be following one another when the season starts. I knew from the first episode two of the couples were dunzo based on Twitter

  • Love 1

The translation I got from Dr. C's blog posts:


1) Don't blame us now that Davina looks like a crazy person on social media. That's on her.


2) Once the experiment started, Sean freaked out over the cameras. Davina thought he was freaking out (negatively) about her. That's why they were such a trainwreck. Not because we didn't match them correctly. No, no. It was totally them not being able to handle the cameras and, therefore, being married to each other.


3) We haven't yet learned that you can't fix people by marrying them to someone else.

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Don't know if Sean is a liar or not but something sure seems off about him. He comes across as very self-involved and seems to be trying to play the part of a "nice guy" unfortunately it is not working for him. If he is as manipulative as has been reported... then I don't blame his co-workers for coming forth with the dirt. He put himself out there... he is on TV trying to sell himself as one thing yet seems to be something else entirely. I don't for a second believe that it is Davina or her minions doing this. All of it just rings true to me somehow. 

Edited by Bandolero

Does Dr. C's revealing all of this stuff re: individual contestants violate professional ethics regulations?

Last year he also shared a lot on Jamie on another board when questioned he answered about her. Sorry can't quote on my phone but if you go to the link it is in the second post.


While it may not violate ethics I do find it quite unprofessional that he sharing so much info on another person not even thinking how to affects them and their family.

Since Davina's mum did not want to participate I am sure that she is thrilled that her failings as a parent are out there for us to see.

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In general, I'm feeling that four out of six people this season are just not in the spirit of the experiment. Their expectations are unreasonable and ridiculous.

Sean doesn't seem to want to stick it out for six weeks, even. As similar as Vaughn was to Sean in his selfishness, at least V wanted sex with Monet.

Other than RyanR and Jaclyn, compromise is a dirty word to the other four.

I'm not feeling the love! Social media is making me feel the hate and smell the BO of desperation, too!

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Someone on another board pretty much confirmed that Sean and Davina are no longer together. At the last encounter, they appeared to be civil.


So we have 2/3 couples that stay together with J&R.D Looking shaky? this season already looks like a fialure. 


Whatever civility Davina was feeling at the last encounter has gone out the window as she's acting like a 14 year jr high girl now with her petty liking of negative tweets about Sean.    I'm still kinda in shock that a grown woman with a successful career would revert back to their inner teenage self.   


Will be shocked if Jessica is still with her Ryan so  yeah, this season's success rate could end up quite poor at 33%.   


If Jaclyn & Ryan are indeed still together as social media indicates, I'm beginning to think they made it in spite of the experts who did them no favors with this 80 mile, through traffic commute.  

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I haven't seen Davina's tweets, but hearing about it only confirms the negative things people have been saying about her all along.  It's not just Sean that has issues here, obviously.  If she wanted people to sympathize with her, that's not the way to do it.  She should be taking the high road.  Even if she didn't feel it she should know better than to sink that low.  I think both of them are a disaster apart and together.

Whatever civility Davina was feeling at the last encounter has gone out the window as she's acting like a 14 year jr high girl now with her petty liking of negative tweets about Sean.    I'm still kinda in shock that a grown woman with a successful career would revert back to their inner teenage self.   


Will be shocked if Jessica is still with her Ryan so  yeah, this season's success rate could end up quite poor at 33%.   


If Jaclyn & Ryan are indeed still together as social media indicates, I'm beginning to think they made it in spite of the experts who did them no favors with this 80 mile, through traffic commute.  


I'm also curious to know what happended between their last encounter (in March) and now. I hope the reunion will shed some light on why she went mean with the tweets.

I don't even remember watching last season's 6 month reunion show but now I'm anxiously awaiting season 2's show to see how A&E/FYI spin it.   The dribble that's going to come out of the experts' mouths has the potential to be epic. 


And they've got a lot of spinning to do to make sure their audience stick around for season 3 as from just following the posts on FYI and the Married at First Sight facebook pages the core audience wants to see happy, successful couples, not trainwrecks like Davina/Sean and Jessica/Ryan.   Guess they can promote the shit out of a happy Jaclyn/Ryan and trot out Jamie/Doug and Courtney/Jason but still, lots of spinning ahead as we head into season 3.

Exactly how difficult is it to be a successful pharmaceutical sales rep? Depending on what drugs she sells, the docs may not have a choice but to prescribe her meds. There may not be a generic. Maybe she is just in a territory where the demographics mean that the illness is high so docs there prescribe it a lot. Maybe the docs in her territory are not so ethical and they are swayed by the rewards her firm is pushing. SUCCESS! Lots of things depend on luck. IDK, I would think that a skilled salesperson would have been able to either convince Sean that moving to Manhattan would be wonderful or negotiate a deal that made everyone a little bit happy. She is a terrible communicator.

I am all caught up now and wow.  I only needed to read one post that was linked to another message board below:




Hi everyone. I am new as a poster to this forum. Since the season started I have been watching and being somewhat of a "fly on the wall" reading these forums.
First and foremost. The reason I have watched this season is because I personally know Sean. I have read all the comments and posts about him. Unfortunately, a lot of the negative that you hear is true. When word got out that he was going to be on this show a lot of people who work at the hospital with Sean were astonished. Reaper was pretty spot on with his perception of Sean. He is a pathological liar. He HAS told people that he was a doctor. And his self proclaimed job title of ER/Trauma nurse is further proof he tries to make himself look like this Superhero Martyr/ Nurse. He is an ER nurse, as are all of his coworkers. All ER nurses deal with trauma. There is no special title with that.

We were all wondering if this pregnancy was going to be brought up. The person he got pregnant was NOT his girlfriend. It was someone he hooked up with from time to time. He made it clear that he would be a dad but was not willing to be anything to the mother of the child. The only reason the pregnancy was carried out was because the MOTHER of the child chose to keep the baby.
He was a self proclaimed "playboy". He was still out hooking up with other people in the hospital when "Baby Mama" was pregnant with his child.

Sean likes to talk about Sean. Sean likes to hear himself talk about Sean. He has problems in relationships with women, his co-workers and family members.
He has been bragging about this show from Day 1 and was talking about hopefully this being the building block to things like "Survivor and Amazing Race". He even told people he wanted a hot piece of you know what. That was his only requisite in finding a potential mate.
He is a master manipulator and he may have some viewers fooled but people in his everyday REAL life aren't fooled a bit.

You see the looks his mom made throughout the wedding? I can assure you that is because she is uncomforable and has NO idea what Sean may or may not have said.

I really hope that when the cameras aren't filming, Davina can see the real Sean. She seems like such a delightful person who has a lot to offer in a relationship. Hopefully if they do not consumate the marriage, she can get an annullment based on fraud. There is just SO much more that people have no idea about.

People question how the experts didn't see any of this. When people have mastered the art of manipulation, such as Sean has, he can come across as believable as anyone.


Posts: 59
Join date: 2015-04-15



Many of us said Sean was "off" or "creepy" from the first episode.  I find it interesting that the professionals did not see this too.  But other posters, who know him, said he is a master manipulator so they were duped, clearly.  


And he thinks this show is a stepping stone to Survivor or Amazing Race.  oy

Edited by wings707

Someone from production showed up on that other thread on the Bachelorette/Bachelor page and said they were at the production interviews for Sean and Davina. He/She said that as of mid March they were not together. They also said production has no control of what they put on social media other than they can't disclose if they are married or divorced prior to the reveal at the end.

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