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Wow, MsPH, your postings are 100% on point.

I've never found Heather genuine nor do I like Nick - in fact, I don't have a doubt he's a douche.

But I still take them over Sonia. Sonia is contradicting herself all the time and pretending to be this nice, well-wishing person when in fact she can be as mean as anyone. I don't get why she's so annoyed about the Heather/Nick pairing and why she was slut-shaming Heather all the time. For all the shade that was thrown towards Heather, that one kept it pretty classy on Twitter.


Sonia is way too obsessed with the public opinion. She dislikes Heather because Heather wasn't interested in Sonia's side of the story. Most people don't like Nick. Why is/was it so important to turn Heather's opinion? As much as a douche he is, why can't Sonia accept that some people like him? She will never find love for two reasons: a) The men that are interested in her aren't interesting to her. b) The men she's interested in will tire of her pretty quickly.

I said it before and I say it again: if she wants to find happiness, she will have to step aside from SM and all her "frans". There's obviously some void she's filling with SM:

Edited by Agnetha
  • Love 6
8 hours ago, MsPH said:

I don't know why they announced the pregnancy in People, probably because they got paid and they have more entertainment aspirations. I doubt it was some ruse to piss off Sonia.

While I don't think the articles were to piss Sonia off, they were to try to push for getting a "reality" show of his own about them and the babies. Which it came across as the only reason they were doing those stupid articles. Like I said I think Nick and Heather are bigger fame whores than Jamie comes off. 

8 hours ago, MsPH said:

I thought Nick and Heather only really started communicating in February?

It sounded like it was sooner than that and more like not to long after she contacted Sonia when the season was near the end of airing. 

5 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

Now Sheila is on a Twitter rampage re: Nick, Sonia and Heather.  

Why does someone who is supposedly Christian attack an unmarried pregnant woman of twins?  I remember long ago in Sunday school I was taught Jesus had compassion for prostitutes so we were to never throw rocks at others.  I am not religious but I was taught the value of being spiritual towards others.  

I certainly am not implying anyone is a prostitute!

Sheila is vicious.  I can't read her tweets anymore.  

5 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

@Jellybeans Who is having twins? Why (the devil) would Shelia go after someone whom she doesn't know and therefore has no right to judge? 

The reason is because Heather has gone after getting in touch with all MAFS men its seems...as well as talks shit about the women on MAFS only and never the men from what I understand. Not surprising really considering who it is and the rest of all that but won't bother getting into it all here. 

37 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:


If you see how sausage is made does it still taste good?

The curtain is pulled back and the M@FS producers/editors have heavy hands.

 Sheila and Nate, a couple that quickly became a favorite among MAFS fans due to their effective dynamic and their strong, engaging personalities.

Yeah not sure that is the case really. I don't think many have been liking them as much as this is sounding there in that sentence....at least here. I know I could care less for him for many reasons but am not a huge fan of her's either. Even with the crappy edit jobs and producers butting in.

Married at First Sight is a show with a great concept and a ton of potential. This season could have been one of its best runs to date, had producers of the hit reality show avoided depicting the couples as stock characters with set personalities. While angry couples, sex-deprived pairs, and insecure wives make for some interesting segments, they do become tiring to watch after a while.

There is no doubt that Married at First Sight would be renewed for another season. Next time around, it would definitely be better if producers of the hit reality TV show would step back and really think about documenting the contestants, not manipulating the series’ storyline.

This I couldn't agree more with and I think many of us have been feeling this way for to long now. I will say it again too that if people looked it up they would find out how much of a hand these idiots behind the show have in what is going on and what is messed with. Its a lot more than many think or believe. Most is coming out from the other franchises of the show (UK, Aussie) but its pretty much right on with what we see here too. Sadly though when they see a ton of comments saying how much some love the "drama" (fake or not) and other stupid crap some of us could do without, that is what is driving them to keep doing things this way and why no "reality" tv show will ever be any different as well. Yet I can do without the fake stuff and over the top made up drama or edits to make things look different from what they are. I think its disturbing they do that stuff and think its ok. There is a reason some of us do not watch "reality" shows like Housewives, Kardashians, Bachelor/ette and so on. 

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On 7/21/2017 at 9:49 AM, Braveshoppr said:

The Chicago Tribune says  "Round Lake facilities director Sheila Downs and former rental car company manager Nate Duhon mended their relationship after hurling nasty insults at each other during a fight about phone manners."

'Former rental car company manager'.  Why do I sense another fight in the very near future between these two? 

For those that can see Linkedin, this is Nate's profile:


Unless he hasn't updated it yet it still lists him as an Enterprise branch manager.  But he also now lists himself as the founder of the "Do Better Running Club" as of May of this year.  Not sure that's really a job, because it sounds like a hobby or passtime.  Of course he also lists the T shirt business too.

On 7/21/2017 at 8:49 PM, gonecrackers said:

All scenes are heavily edited, & that one was no exception. But I definitely saw Nate looking a bit worn out there. Dealing with someone that emotional is tiring. I do feel those two stay together, & hope things settle down without the camera watching all the time.

From his twitter it looks like he's into the online t-shirt business now. I hope he's got a safety net at least, financially, or that could cause unneeded strain on them.

I think Nate looked hurt and defeated in this most recent episode, like all the wind is out of his sails.  I feel sorry for him as he does not seem to deserve this.  I would find it hard to believe at this point that we wouldn't have seen some evidence of him deserving what she's thrown at him so far even if the show was manipulating how they appear.  She was driving the poor guy to distraction making mountains out of molehills to the point that he lost it and made a nasty comment about her past, and then she made THAT into a federal case as if to justify everything she's thrown at him, when anyone would have said that or worse after all that abuse!  And on top of that, he was just defending himself against her nastiness!

Re: The t-shirt business, I would find it hard to believe that would pay the bills enough for him to quit the Enterprise job.  His 15 minutes will be up soon and what then?

  • Love 1
18 hours ago, Agnetha said:

On the OkCupid reddit, one girl mentioned that MAFS tried to recruit her for Boston.

https://www.reddit.com/r/MarriedAtFirstSight/comments/6n83q2/would_you_go_on_the_show/ not sure if its the same one but saw this thanks to someone else. If its true its funny. I am not surprised about the recruiting though. I think they are beyond desperate at this point for people so they can have another season. 


10 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

But he also now lists himself as the founder of the "Do Better Running Club" as of May of this year. 

This is so not a job. Why list a hobby/pastime sort of deal there I don't get it but its not a job at all. Its a club for runners is all it sounds like and nothing else. Tried to do a search for it too but didn't find anything online and what did come up with that term was on his Instagram but when clicked it takes you to a page that is gone. And the shirt business is so not going to get him by even if he has Danielle or whoever from the show model the stuff. SMH

7 hours ago, Agnetha said:

I don't think it's the same. The one I'm talking about had opened a thread for profile critique. It was a 24-year-old black law student. 

Ok different one but it does seem they are acting desperate by going to OKCupid. I think this show is done and honestly its there fault for all the producers butting in, bad editing, and need for fake stupid ass drama....oh yes and let's not forget trying to match couples that shouldn't be because its just for the hope of "drama". SMH

1 hour ago, Evil Queen said:

Ok different one but it does seem they are acting desperate by going to OKCupid. I think this show is done and honestly its there fault for all the producers butting in, bad editing, and need for fake stupid ass drama....oh yes and let's not forget trying to match couples that shouldn't be because its just for the hope of "drama". SMH

I don't think it shows desperation or that it's on their last legs, they have always recruited and a lot of the people who apply or famewhores/fan of the show so by recruiting you expand the pool of varied interests and someone on a dating website is probably looking for a relationship. If they are trolling Tindr I would think there might be an issue.

  • Love 1

OMG I did! His original tweet said something like "why are the S2 participants so negative and bitter?"  But he was @'ing Jessica Castro the week before with 'hey how are you doin'?" tweets.  

After getting called out by Davina, he said something like "are you mad bc you're not my favorite?" ... to which Jaclyn stepped in and pointed out 5 seconds prior he said he never watched S2. 

All three also called him out on his heavy campaigning for MAFS2C.

I loved this.

He is pathetic.

If you look at Jessica's tweets, you can see how many of his he dirty deleted. Wish I would have taken screenshots! 

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I don't think it shows desperation or that it's on their last legs, they have always recruited and a lot of the people who apply or famewhores/fan of the show so by recruiting you expand the pool of varied interests and someone on a dating website is probably looking for a relationship. If they are trolling Tindr I would think there might be an issue.

That was already done in Season 3. Where do you think Tres came from? I think it is desperation at this point. As well as from what I have found it looks like there is also a reason they are doing if off that site. Its part of the Match.com company. Which I was looking up something else but came across a little thing that showed a certain "expert" pushing Match a lot on her Instagram and how she found her partner with them. We already knew they were desperate for men but I have a feeling that as the show has gone on they have been needing more women too as well for options. This show could care less if the people are fame whores. Seems to be its what they take the most of anyway. And a fan that applies after all the crap is either 1) delusional about things, 2) just crazy, 3) a fame whore as well and 4) might not have a look they want. 

Also look at the past shows and how things went. Season would be airing and the next season would be getting be starting to film. This has been the case for all but Boston. They had never put those little blips up before like this either to advertise casting for the next season because they were already cast and filming. Really this show probably should have been done after Season 2 or 3. 

Then its also been bounced around on channels. It starts as an FYI only show. Which I know it still airs there too but then last season A&E tries to add it to their channel as well. I know I stuck to it on FYI at the time. Well now its Lifetime. Which the channels are all part of the same company but when a shows is bounced around like that it doesn't look good IMO. 

BTW, Tom was found by way of FB. So far only 2 have been open about being recruited to the show. 

  • Love 1

LMAO Derek is such an idiot. Desperate for more fame. Yet you would have to be some sick twisted girl to want to be with him or even try. Dude is disgusting on so many levels. There was a good reason Heather walked away that we weren't shown....I think most of us agree it probably was pretty bad for her to be able to get out of that marriage. 

While I have never liked a single person from Season 2, its pretty damn funny he is hitting at them. I glanced at Jessica's twitter and some chick is all trying to stick up for Derek it seems like. Does this person really think he got the short end of the stick and isn't desperate? Oh boy....LMAO That was a bit of entertainment for my morning. LOL 

IMO IF Derek was put on Second Chances I would be letting the show and network and company owners know how I feel about that one. I already wouldn't watch another season of that disgusting fake disaster but toss this jerk in....yeah don't think so. He is up there in major fame whoring with a few others.

  • Love 2

where is she peddling her business?  I haven't seen that. I thought she worked in a hospital (she's a dietitian).

Responding from the other thread since it's SM - reg. Danielle - she was posting on show related SM to direct people to her blog where she was advertising several self improvement packages that are quite expensive, given I know professionals who offer these services for less who have more qualifications. I guess she feels having been on TV merits the high rates; not sure it will work.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Evil Queen said:

Not trying to offend but its easy for anyone to say that really. Which at this point I honestly think with at least the last 2 seasons that all were recruited. Even not the last 3 seasons. IF Boston happens it will be all recruits. 

Danielle said it on the Chicago radio interview and the other two told me personally.  I guess I could have said that initially :) Ashley told me she applied. 

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, StormyClouds said:

Danielle said it on the Chicago radio interview and the other two told me personally.  I guess I could have said that initially :) Ashley told me she applied. 

If I can ask was this all by SM? I thought it was said before on Danielle but never said where. So thanks for that. Like I said it doesn't surprise me at all. 


Were Danielle & Cody the only ones recruited for this season? Where were they recruited from? I'm really curious how they get these folks.

So did Anthony agree to apply with his fiance, Ashley, for a free wedding & a success for the show?  Just kidding... sorta.

Edited by gonecrackers
too many so's
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

If I can ask was this all by SM? I thought it was said before on Danielle but never said where. So thanks for that. Like I said it doesn't surprise me at all. 

The radio show link: http://big955chicago.iheart.com/onair/mason-remy-and-alabama-55858/awkward-questions-with-married-at-first-15896911/

Others were asked on SM and actually answered via DM!  I remember now that Heather also said she applied. 

4 minutes ago, StormyClouds said:

The radio show link: http://big955chicago.iheart.com/onair/mason-remy-and-alabama-55858/awkward-questions-with-married-at-first-15896911/

Others were asked on SM and actually answered via DM!  I remember now that Heather also said she applied. 

Thanks for the link and answers. Will check the interview out in the morning when I have quiet. LOL Did they by chance say where they got recruited from (SM, FB, dating site)?

  • Love 1
On 7/22/2017 at 2:56 PM, Hockeymom said:

There is more to the story. I listened to the Bride and Doom podcast. I never listened to the podcasts before. It was fun and I'll keep tuning in. Just a note  - it's relaxed and the hosts speak freely.

More to what story, please?  Season 5 or Sheila twittering about Nick's twins? 

1 hour ago, cardigirl said:
On 7/22/2017 at 2:56 PM, Hockeymom said:


More to what story, please?  Season 5 or Sheila twittering about Nick's twins? 

More about the twins. I was listening while I was working, so the Podcast didn't have my full attention. As such, I didn't want to relate the story incorrectly. 

  • Love 1
42 minutes ago, StormyClouds said:


Did you guys see that Ashley said on twitter there was not one but two reunion shows?? Will this season EVER end?? ?

Edited 40 minutes ago by StormyClouds. Reason: Missed word


I wonder if they get paid extra to do the reunions? Or if they just do it to set the record straight - clear their name, so to speak.

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I see the reunion on Aug 3rd is an hour and 37 mins long according to my cable. Unless there is another hour there (which why?) I don't see why it would be 2 parts with that length already in there for the reunion. Which we know most will probably end up as recaps. I don't see anything for the Thursday after since my cable doesn't go to that date yet and even the Lifetime site doesn't show it. Yet if there is another part it doesn't surprise me considering how they have dragged this season on for so long by adding 2 weeks to the marriages.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:


 Water is wet and N8 is having second thoughts....

Caution: In the film blurb of the couples riding to the Decision show, Cody's voice over is vocal fry at a screeching Kim Kardashian level.

Cody: -It's harrrrd.  .It's sooooo haaaarrdd. .. 6 weeks and he couldn't google synonyms for 'haaarddd just once? 

Nate:..Would hate to see Nate give his life to the harridan, Sheila. It sounds like Sheila STILL doesn't have a clue what a bitch she is and/or what a terror she is. If I had to live with her I would just keel over.

8 minutes ago, Braveshoppr said:

Nate:..Would hate to see Nate give his life to the harridan, Sheila. It sounds like Sheila STILL doesn't have a clue what a bitch she is and/or what a terror she is. If I had to live with her I would just keel over.

Remember we are getting the edits that the producers want to make these people look a certain way. Yes she gave them enough to make her look a certain way but they also didn't give us the whys on her acting in such a way in those moments. So its not 100% that she is this way or that way. IMO I see Nate as a smooth talker. Which he might be in moments and might not in others. He could be a major asshole but we didn't see that because they wanted her to look like the one with issues. In the end we have no clue what was the cause of the moments. The edits were all over the place during them too. Its not just them but the other couples and how they have tried to make them all look as well to "fit" what production wants in the end. 

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Ant/Ash don't need to show up...they can text over a copy of the rental agreement of their new place in Lauren's building. "nuff said.

Danielle must be serious...her hair is all one color. Cody in a vest...looks like he is on his way to prom.

If N8 decides to stay married, his happy go lucky life is over.

He better have a trunk full of those bamboo heart shaped plants, teddy bears, Pandora charm jewelry ready to smooth over the next Sheila blowout...

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Decision day with Cody & Danielle staying together - on twitter Cody had some heat on him a few epi's back & said that MAFS was a huge mistake for him to have done - I can't believe he would have said that if their marriage had worked out, so the follow up show will be the important one.


Agreed. There's no way Cody and Danielle are still together.

  • Love 4

I am purely guessing that the show offerred all the couples somewhere betweem 10-25k per person to say yes on decision day.  This does not mean that they have to stay together forever...as we all know from previos seasons.

It is also apparant, barring a few exceptions, most participants on this show are not exactly flush with cash or have the most stable careers.

They have already signed away their dignity by getting married on a reality show..so why not stay on for a little longer and get paid.

Again, pure speculation on my part.

  • Love 4
24 minutes ago, qtpye said:


I am purely guessing that the show offerred all the couples somewhere betweem 10-25k per person to say yes on decision day.  This does not mean that they have to stay together forever...as we all know from previos seasons.

It is also apparant, barring a few exceptions, most participants on this show are not exactly flush with cash or have the most stable careers.

They have already signed away their dignity by getting married on a reality show..so why not stay on for a little longer and get paid.

Again, pure speculation on my part.


I don't know...

Cody and Danielle seemed genuinely relieved post decision. 

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, JAndy said:

According to Ashley's Instagram, they now have a yorkie. I bet that that's the thing they wanted to "tell us" on the reunion show - they "started their family" by getting a dog lol 

I think the dog belongs to Sheila though! The snails they bought did multiply so they're grandparents to a lot of little snails lol

  • Love 2
50 minutes ago, Alt1030 said:

I think the dog belongs to Sheila though! The snails they bought did multiply so they're grandparents to a lot of little snails lol

Haha you're right. It was early this morning when I saw it and my daughter cried for nearly an hour last night before she went to sleep. I'm out of it. 

Its probably that then (the "grandparents"). Because on her Instagram there was a picture of her doing this shot board - unless it was filled with water or something. I did pretend to drink at my brothers wedding when I knew I was pregnant but it was too early to tell. 

I guess we shall see in a week. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, JAndy said:

Haha you're right. It was early this morning when I saw it and my daughter cried for nearly an hour last night before she went to sleep. I'm out of it. 

Its probably that then (the "grandparents"). Because on her Instagram there was a picture of her doing this shot board - unless it was filled with water or something. I did pretend to drink at my brothers wedding when I knew I was pregnant but it was too early to tell. 

I guess we shall see in a week. 

I saw the same post and thought it could be water too but I'm not so sure. I don't know if it's just her style but she's been wearing a lot of long flowy dresses and loose tops! A lot of people comment and asks if she's pregnant and she has denied it and I do believe her. I feel like there could be so many possibilities with the "announcement" they make but from the looks of it they still look happily married in next weeks episode!! 

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