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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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9 hours ago, Agnetha said:

In all honestly, currently I find myself prefering MAFS2C to MAFS. David is a car crash, but in a weird way I find myself entertained, and the fact we don't know who he actually ends up with and all the subtle SM media hints about something blowing up have me intrigued. While I love the premise in the original MAFS, this season has me bored - A2 get on despite Rachel stirring the pot, Sheile/Nate get on ok as well and Danielle and Cody are biding their time until it's over. Boring. 

Totally agree.  MAFS is fairly boring.  I DVR it and watch it at some point but MAFS2C is car crash spectacular to me.  I'm entertained by how many different times and ways David can ignore the obvious signs of a genuine woman (and cut her) while grasping on to the thinnest straw from the most shallow, brain dead people there.  I have news for him - - THIS is why you're not married.  You shouldn't be allowed to choose your own clothes, much less get married. 

The MAFS couples simply can't hold a candle to that kind of fuckery. 

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1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:

Danielle plans a romantic day with Cody by taking him to places she used to go with her ex...is the crime scene tape still up and the chalk outline of her broken heart and body still visible?

Hope Danielle does not call Cody her ex's name.

Run, Cody, Run

Edited by Liberty
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3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Danielle plans a romantic day with Cody by taking him to places she used to go with her ex...is the crime scene tape still up and the chalk outline of her broken heart and body still visible?

Seriously what kind of crap is this? "Romantic" and ex....oh those go hand and hand so well don't they? Could it be anymore clear she doesn't want him and probably was hooked on an ex maybe? You can't tell me there isn't other places to go that have nothing to do with any ex.



When Ashley asks her what she means by protective, Alena stresses that she doesn't want her brother to ever be hurt.   

'In the past I have been a jerk,' Alena admits. 'My brother has not brought anybody around.'


Gee its no wonder he hasn't brought anyone around if sister dear is a jerk all the time. Sorry but you can't stop him from being hurt. He obviously has in the past. Of course how much of this is more producer driven to try to make it like there is going to be some big drama and his sister isn't has horrible as it sounds? 

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Ugh. Everyone is fueling the flames of her ego...she posted a pic of screenshots of 4 of the mafs cast "acclaims" ... she must be looooving the attention. I'm sure her "story" is true but I did wonder for a second if she would be the type to elaborate or make things up for attention since her season is over. 

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And if I read one more comment about how "brave" she is I'm gonna scream. Some people need to look up the definition of "brave". A self-absorbed, narcisstic reality TV star is not it. 

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If seeing what she says bugs people so much then maybe step away from the SM or at least her's. It seems silly to go and rag on her over it all when she isn't the only one to act that way ever....especially from this show. I just don't see a reason for being upset over what she says or anyone else says to her. Just my opinion though. 

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Meanwhile, Danielle DeGroot and her husband Cody Knapek are also expected to finally consummate their marriage on the next episode of the series.

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/married-at-first-sight-news-sheila-and-nates-marriage-in-deeper-trouble-with-the-return-of-his-mother-188678/#5hl3EyWREFQVaCz2.99

It says expected.....which IMO doesn't mean they do...I hope they don't. I am not seeing how they could if she is dragging him to places she hung with the ex. I know the preview was making it look like it was headed that way but honestly I would rather they never have sex considering there is nothing there at all between them and they both know it. 

Edited by Evil Queen
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2 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

If seeing what she says bugs people so much then maybe step away from the SM or at least her's. It seems silly to go and rag on her over it all when she isn't the only one to act that way ever....especially from this show. I just don't see a reason for being upset over what she says or anyone else says to her. Just my opinion though. 

You're right. I should unfollow and spare myself the misery. Haha. But unfortunately I follow most of the present and previous cast and they're all intertwined. 

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On Twitter, Danielle said that she thinks this season will air until mid-August. I hope she's wrong and that there will only be 5 episodes left (15 episodes total, same as last season). Does anyone know how long this season will be?

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8 hours ago, Gobears said:

On Twitter, Danielle said that she thinks this season will air until mid-August. I hope she's wrong and that there will only be 5 episodes left (15 episodes total, same as last season). Does anyone know how long this season will be?

Oh my gosh NO!

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12 hours ago, Gobears said:

On Twitter, Danielle said that she thinks this season will air until mid-August. I hope she's wrong and that there will only be 5 episodes left (15 episodes total, same as last season). Does anyone know how long this season will be?

Well let's see the June 29th episode is the month anniversary. So I could see it go that long actually. It felt like they were drawing the time frame out a lot I thought. I could see the end of it at the beginning of August or about that time though with the 6 month reunion but mid August would be a bit much. As it is the show start April 20th and we are well into June here. This weeks episodes is #11 with month anniversary one #12. Which with that we should be going until the end of July for 15 episodes. Only season 2 had 16 because the 2 part 6 month reunion. The first season had 13. Unless they got the green flag for more than 15 episodes I don't see it or unless there is some 2 part reunion or something. Otherwise I hope its not that far into summer. It already is feeling slow in the time line for me and to much bs going on that the producers/experts have set up/caused. 

I tried to find a list of episodes for this season but there is nothing expect listed beyond next week's. 

One more edit to add....thinking about it they are together 2 weeks longer so maybe they got the go for a few more episodes than normal. We will have to wait and see I guess. 

Edited by Evil Queen
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Oh my. Ashley just discussed why she left Anthony at the function without saying a word. She alluded to the fact that she runs this business that supports her family as well as her and Anthony. Ahhh...uncomfortable. 

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19 hours ago, Gobears said:

On Twitter, Danielle said that she thinks this season will air until mid-August. I hope she's wrong and that there will only be 5 episodes left (15 episodes total, same as last season). Does anyone know how long this season will be?

Ugh I hope not 

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1 hour ago, Gobears said:

Sheila tweeted that she didn't even have that conversation with Dr. Pepper and that it was edited together. The tweet has now been deleted and I didn't screenshot it.

What was the conversation with Dr Pepper? I missed that on the show. 

Did u guys see Sheila set up a new Twitter account??? What's up with that? Something to do with deleted tweets? She said production deleted them. Wow!!!

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1 hour ago, Gobears said:

Sheila tweeted that she didn't even have that conversation with Dr. Pepper and that it was edited together. The tweet has now been deleted and I didn't screenshot it.

34 minutes ago, StormyClouds said:

What was the conversation with Dr Pepper? I missed that on the show. 

Did u guys see Sheila set up a new Twitter account??? What's up with that? Something to do with deleted tweets? She said production deleted them. Wow!!!

OOOOOOOO I think some ladies are starting to stand up to this show and its bs editing and "expert" bs. I wish they would on the show but hell I will take it on SM too because IMO its about damn time that these people start standing up against the bad edit jobs and crap that makes no sense tossed together. Which I am going to take it Sheila set up a new one to control it herself and that MAFS totally controls the other ones connected to their names and the show in it. To the point they are given the passwords. SMH 

Like I said elsewhere, for those few of us not on SM, if you can post whatever here to see. I know sometimes its not possible...like the deleted tweet and missed screenshot of it but the other stuff. Even more so when its standing up against the show like that. LOL

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Good for Sheila - yes, about time someone spoke up!  And of course the show deleted it; predictable. We can't possibly know their 'secrets'.

We might even find out the 'experts' are not actually 'experts'. 

They seem to underestimate many people who are watching.

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This show and the idiots had to know that at some point there would be push back on how it edits things and treats these people. If they didn't they are more stupid than though. Its no wonder people aren't leaping to apply for this show and they have to find suckers to recruit. I know I have been waiting a while for some of these women and men to push back too. I hope they keep doing it. Screw the producers and so called fraud "experts". They are beyond irresponsible in how they handle things and it should be put out there by those on the show. 

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Sheila's MAFS twitter account (Sheila_MAFS) has been deleted completely now. She now goes by SheilaLDuhon, no mention of MAFS in her bio. I saw it mentioned earlier but now it's deleted. Guess the show doesn't want her to use their name. Sheila is hands down my favorite participant this season! Kudos to her for pushing back. I'm surprised the show let her mention how much producer manipulation there was in a People blog that she wrote.


 In regards to the confrontation between Nate and Donnay at the rooftop party:

"I was frustrated with production who instigated that situation, I felt bad for my friend who suddenly became a pawn, and I was disappointed in myself for allowing it to happen."

Edited by Gobears
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Sooooo proud of Sheila!! Wow!! I have to wonder if she will have legal reprocussions for her actions though!??  There were multiple times she had things deleted last night. She made a new twitter account and then the show?? deleted her MAFS one!??


Wow, this is better drama than the fake drama on the show! 

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2 minutes ago, StormyClouds said:

I have to wonder if she will have legal reprocussions for her actions though!?? 

I hope not...but watch there be a clause in the Boston participants' contracts saying that they can't talk about the show's editing/producer manipulation on SM.

3 minutes ago, StormyClouds said:

Wow, this is better drama than the fake drama on the show! 


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Haven't seen this epi yet but loving Sheila for bucking the gag order. Hopefully she will have no issues & others will follow suit, but doubtful. I agree unfortunately there will probably be tighter restrictions in place for future participants.

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Admittedly I don't pat much attention to this show when i am watching butlike the poster above i don't remember the conversation with Dr. Pepper inthis episode, what was it about?

And I am sorry but that lineabout production is crap, they didn't force Nate to act like an ass even if they arranged them to have the event.

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50 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Admittedly I don't pat much attention to this show when i am watching butlike the poster above i don't remember the conversation with Dr. Pepper inthis episode, what was it about?

I don't remember the conversation with Dr. Pepper either. I'm just repeating what Sheila said in her now deleted tweet.

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1 hour ago, StormyClouds said:

Sooooo proud of Sheila!! Wow!! I have to wonder if she will have legal reprocussions for her actions though!??  There were multiple times she had things deleted last night. She made a new twitter account and then the show?? deleted her MAFS one!??


Wow, this is better drama than the fake drama on the show! 

I am proud of her too. I know Ashley had said something before that was posted here too about not being happy with her edit. Now Sheila is going off. Good for her!!! 

1 hour ago, Gobears said:

I hope not...but watch there be a clause in the Boston participants' contracts saying that they can't talk about the show's editing/producer manipulation on SM.


IF they can even find a cast for it at this point. Yet if they do by chance sucker some people into this crap by recruiting, I can see them adding to the contract for sure. Which they probably end up doing so after each season because something new comes up. LOL

1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

Admittedly I don't pat much attention to this show when i am watching butlike the poster above i don't remember the conversation with Dr. Pepper inthis episode, what was it about?

And I am sorry but that lineabout production is crap, they didn't force Nate to act like an ass even if they arranged them to have the event.

Its not uncommon for this show to butt in that way at all. In fact is what this show does because they do not like if things are going to smoothly. You have a guy that has been drinking and his macho buddies around its not to hard for them to get in the ear of him and his friends to do this. I suggest you go do a search on some of the MAFS show from Australia and the UK. See what some of those ladies have to say. Its a typical MAFS tactic and I know I for one and sick of it. This really explains also why she was telling Nate they were not going to discuss it anymore right then and late, I think it was Nate, saying they agreed to discuss any big disagreements without the cameras around. I have said it about Anthony as well and why he isn't saying certain things on camera as well while people are saying he should be. As well as Ashley saying she doesn't want to cry on camera. They are aware of a lot of crap that this show could use in a way they don't want. Good for them for being careful. Sadly things will happen that slip up during filming and they may forget what was agreed upon in the heat of a moment but its about damn time these people start stepping up and taking more control of things. 

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1 minute ago, Evil Queen said:
1 hour ago, biakbiak said:


Its not uncommon for this show to butt in that way at all. In fact is what this show does because they do not like if things are going to smoothly. You have a guy that has been drinking and his macho buddies around its not to hard for them to get in the ear of him and his friends to do this. I suggest you go do a search on some of

My point is that how he reacted is still on Nate. Even if production specifically told him to act like a jackass he made the decision to do so and that is on him. 

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I do hope anyone even considering this show has at least watched it & are not naive enough to think they won't be edited however way works for the show, & that they will have contracts & gag orders etc. I'm surprised they didn't realize this going into it, or maybe didn't realize how bad it could get for them, & their families who've they've involved as well.

Edited by gonecrackers
wrong pronoun
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1 minute ago, gonecrackers said:

I do hope anyone even considering this show has at least watched it & are not naive enough to think they won't be edited however way works for the show, & that they will have contracts & gag orders etc. I'm surprised they didn't realize this going into it, or maybe didn't realize how bad it could get for them, & their families who've they've involved as well.

The thing is how many watched the show before they signed on for it? How many agree to do it are recruited and just say screw it, I'll do it? The ones that had watched it before, why the hell would they think it would be different for them? If they watched after signing up to do it, could that be why they try to shut certain talks down on camera or watch what they say? I would bet some probably think that won't happen to them but yet it can and will. 

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A CNN article came out the other day describing what the contracts are like for contestants on "Bachelor in Paradise". I'm guessing it's similar for MAFS participants.

"The contract makes that clear: Contestants sign away to producers "the right to change, add to, take from, edit, translate, reformat or reprocess... in any manner Producer may determine in its sole discretion." And, once the producers have done all that editing, the contestants understand that their "actions and the actions of others displayed in the Series may be disparaging, defamatory, embarrassing or of an otherwise unfavorable nature and may expose me to public ridicule, humiliation, or condemnation."

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1 hour ago, Gobears said:

A CNN article came out the other day describing what the contracts are like for contestants on "Bachelor in Paradise". I'm guessing it's similar for MAFS participants.

"The contract makes that clear: Contestants sign away to producers "the right to change, add to, take from, edit, translate, reformat or reprocess... in any manner Producer may determine in its sole discretion." And, once the producers have done all that editing, the contestants understand that their "actions and the actions of others displayed in the Series may be disparaging, defamatory, embarrassing or of an otherwise unfavorable nature and may expose me to public ridicule, humiliation, or condemnation."

I wouldn't doubt it is similar or the same not just for that show and this one but pretty much for ALL "reality" tv shows. Which once seeing those things said in a contract, they should be turning around and walking out the door. Sadly people are such fame whores that do these shows they don't care what happens and how its edited in the end when they sign it. They don't get that they aren't the "special" one that it will be different for so some get upset with what happens after its edited. 

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Exactly. On one hand, I don't feel sorry for them bc they should have watched previous seasons and watched social media for what happens to these contestants. On the other hand, it's probably true that they're mostly fame whore millennials that don't think about the "life after filming" aspect and the consequences of the contract they signed. 

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I actually think cody is worse? Has he actually ever been in a relationship?? He acts like that kid that lived in his mom's basement all his life.


You know I'm honestly not surprised about the shows editing. They should all know that before signing up that they gotta make money. And hells they gonna let them talk to Jacklyn or Jessica. What's worse is that MAFS tend to evil edit the woman more. I'm sure they still think they did nothing wrong with the Jessica match. What do they have against women?

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I agree that in this day and age young people should be aware of what they're getting into with these reality shows.  If they don't, that's on them for not doing their homework.  What Sheila leaked is no surprise to me at all because we here have known for a long time that a lot of what we're lead to believe is fake on this show.  I think it's even worse this season because at least when it's done with couples that don't work out it's easier to find drama-worthy stuff that doesn't need as much editing to make "interesting" but when you have couples that are basically doing well they have to really twist things to create that drama they seem to want at all costs.  Plus it's even more damaging to them because they are trying to make a real relationship work, and this garbage is only going to thwart that.

I've been meaning to post about this season being especially rife with choppy editing and conversations that make no sense when you really think about them.  It's one of the reasons I haven't been into this season as much, because I know they're majorly screwing with us and there's no way we can figure out what the truth is based on what they're showing us.  Conjecturing about it here on the board is practically impossible under these circumstances and I'm getting tired of feeling like I'm being mislead that much.

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On 6/23/2017 at 0:46 AM, StormyClouds said:

What was the conversation with Dr Pepper? I missed that on the show. 

Did u guys see Sheila set up a new Twitter account??? What's up with that? Something to do with deleted tweets? She said production deleted them. Wow!!!

Wow is right.. Reading this post was more exciting than any of the episodes so far.

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3 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

I agree that in this day and age young people should be aware of what they're getting into with these reality shows.  If they don't, that's on them for not doing their homework.  What Sheila leaked is no surprise to me at all because we here have known for a long time that a lot of what we're lead to believe is fake on this show.  I think it's even worse this season because at least when it's done with couples that don't work out it's easier to find drama-worthy stuff that doesn't need as much editing to make "interesting" but when you have couples that are basically doing well they have to really twist things to create that drama they seem to want at all costs.  Plus it's even more damaging to them because they are trying to make a real relationship work, and this garbage is only going to thwart that.

I've been meaning to post about this season being especially rife with choppy editing and conversations that make no sense when you really think about them.  It's one of the reasons I haven't been into this season as much, because I know they're majorly screwing with us and there's no way we can figure out what the truth is based on what they're showing us.  Conjecturing about it here on the board is practically impossible under these circumstances and I'm getting tired of feeling like I'm being mislead that much.

On the last episode, (I believe it was Danielle and Cody) a dog was at one of their feet. The next frame the dog wasn't there, but they were still discussing the same point. Sorry I don't remember more. -Didn't commit it to memory, it's just that I was curious about the pooch and all of a sudden it wasn't there. 

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1 hour ago, Braveshoppr said:

On the last episode, (I believe it was Danielle and Cody) a dog was at one of their feet. The next frame the dog wasn't there, but they were still discussing the same point. Sorry I don't remember more. -Didn't commit it to memory, it's just that I was curious about the pooch and all of a sudden it wasn't there. 

Well depending on how far in the conversation was the dog could have moved but I think it has more to do with all the retakes they have them go through and the bad edits of they splice it together in the end. This was the same thing going on with Heather and Derek on the honeymoon at the meal. I pointed it out too. While some are saying she was drunk and look at how much she had. The same could have been taken away with him as well because of how it was shown but really they probably didn't have as much as it looked like. Its just one scene you see her/his glass full, next half empty, then back to full for one or both, in a scene there was food on the table as well but the next none and it was back and forth with that too. Yet it was supposedly the same conversation the whole time. So IMO its a combo of retakes happening and mostly, super bad editing. 

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On 6/17/2017 at 9:58 PM, StormyClouds said:

I knew she would delete it, so I had screenshotted it. Oops :) 


Going back a couple of pages, but this comment from Danielle makes me question even more if she saw this show as a way to talk about her ex. She could call him out as a cheater yet also let him know she still thinks about him. She writes, "When your exes current wife..."  (And shouldn't that be ex's unless it's several of her exes married to one woman?) The word current seems odd. Is she trying to imply the marriage is a temporary thing and won't last? It almost reads like she's calling herself an ex-wife. Geez, I'm putting too much thought into this. 

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19 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

Well depending on how far in the conversation was the dog could have moved but I think it has more to do with all the retakes they have them go through and the bad edits of they splice it together in the end. This was the same thing going on with Heather and Derek on the honeymoon at the meal. I pointed it out too. While some are saying she was drunk and look at how much she had. The same could have been taken away with him as well because of how it was shown but really they probably didn't have as much as it looked like. Its just one scene you see her/his glass full, next half empty, then back to full for one or both, in a scene there was food on the table as well but the next none and it was back and forth with that too. Yet it was supposedly the same conversation the whole time. So IMO its a combo of retakes happening and mostly, super bad editing. 

I think the point is that it's more than just retakes and random sloppy editing giving a misleading impression.  They purposely dice and splice all kinds of unrelated crap together to add up to whatever they want us to believe, which is often quite far away from the truth.  Sheila's post to me was finally evidence of what I've been complaining about on this board for years.

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Whew, Ant/Ash are on the same page...their drama explained.


 Mother Duhon sees everything in the marriage as a slight to her...Bitter would be an improvement in attitude...currently she's at this stranger marriage is a slap to my face and how I brought Nate up mindset.


Same ol'

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1 minute ago, holly4755 said:

did the Anthony Ashley article spill a bunch of beans? They are looking for where they will live after the show stops paying for the apartment? 

They mentioned that is what they were doing in the latest episode on the drive up to Michigan, so it isn't new information.

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1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:



Whew, Ant/Ash are on the same page...their drama explained.


It seems this seasons more and more the couples are both putting out there what is not shown on tv or how messed up the editing is. I'm glad since most of us knew how bad it was from the get go. I know I was one of those that said Ashley probably didn't leave but they wanted everyone to think so. Well, according to that article, it wasn't even why he went looking for her...unlike what the show was wanting us to think. Says she was actually waiting in a line for 30 mins to get another round of drinks like she said she was going to do. I have to say it was nice to see a couple discussing their future living arrangements now during it as well compared to later or not at all. 

11 minutes ago, holly4755 said:

did the Anthony Ashley article spill a bunch of beans? They are looking for where they will live after the show stops paying for the apartment? 

9 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

They mentioned that is what they were doing in the latest episode on the drive up to Michigan, so it isn't new information.

While it isn't new info its also that the conversation was based on that and there was probably more to it that was edited out to not give away to much more but made it look more like the talk turned to about babies and nothing else. Which was not the case according to them. And it seems he is on board with after a year of being together starting to try to have kids according to that. Yet the show is making it look otherwise for him. 

Oh and an episode coming up has the couples all meeting together for the first time to give each other some support in this mess. LOL Think the "experts" have been looking at boards over the years and many saying this should happen sooner rather than after the show has filmed? 

Edited by Evil Queen
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