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The Almighty Johnsons - General Discussion

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Maybe it's just the fact that I'm SO tired of the relentlessly dark, depressing shows that SyFy (and other networks) keep churning out as summer fare, but I enjoyed the premiere of this New Zealand import. The setup was fairly clear and simple - deposed Norse gods living life as mortals who can get their full powers back upon completion of Odin's quest to reunite with his true love. The requisite stumbling blocks are there - the clueless mortal families/friends of the brothers, the egos/issues/rivalries within the family, the cadre of assassins wanting to take them down... many possible storylines to explore.


Also, I appreciated that the main actors, while appealing, aren't all overly-handsome and perfectly sculpted physical specimens. If they had gone with casting more Matt Bomer/Joe Manganiello/Channing Tatum types, I doubt I'd be as able to relate to the struggles of these particular characters. As it is, I'm looking forward to seeing where their journey take them.

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I remember seeing a thread for this show over on TWOP, but never got around to reading before TWOP closed  down (and because the show hadn't aired in the US yet). So I'm curious to hear what others think now that it is airing in US! The production values seem a little low-budget and it took me the better part of the first episode to really start to get into the story-- the idea of the brothers all being Norse gods coming into their powers is intriguing. Being unused to hearing NZ accents, it takes a bit to really bend my ear so I can understand what they're saying, but I'm also tickled by it, as we don't get a lot of that here.


While I understand that the quest is going to drive the plot, it seems a bit much given that a show is hardly going to kill off its entire cast (unless they were planning on retelling the same story with new actors next season, or doing something like American Horror Story) but at least there's a sense of urgency and hopefully not too much doddling around. I like that Axl/Odin is actually the youngest and the most out of his depth-- though I guess you have to start somewhere to become the All-Father!  The only thing I'm not loving so far is Gaia pining for Axl and how clueless he is about it, especially since is seems from the season preview that she is not Frigg,  but maybe it will be ok. As giovanni mentioned, there are a lot of storylines to explore.


My favorite "brother" so far is Olaf.

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I've watched all three seasons of this show and really enjoyed them.  They aired up here in Canada a few years ago. 


Also, I appreciated that the main actors, while appealing, aren't all overly-handsome and perfectly sculpted physical specimens. If they had gone with casting more Matt Bomer/Joe Manganiello/Channing Tatum types, I doubt I'd be as able to relate to the struggles of these particular characters.


I'll second that.  As the show continues it really makes some of their struggles more realistic (as realistic as tv shows can be).   They are nice looking guys in their own right, just not the "model" looking types that North American shows seem to favour.  That's actually something I really like in many "imported" shows.

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It was fun seeing Fili out of dwarf makeup and Whale Rider girl grown up. I'm a sucker for Norse mythology so I'm in. I couldn't understand what happened to their father. I know their mother is a tree - ha! I have to second my appreciation for the non stereotypical Hollywood bodies shown from the lead guys down to a random jogger.

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I've watched the first episode and enjoyed it. The various Kiwi actors really remind me of some American (and Canadian and Australian) actors. In no particular order:

Emmitt Skillton (Axl) looks like Jason Segal to me. 

Timothy Balme (Mike) reminds me of Drake Hogestyn (John Black on Days of Our Lives.) Maybe it's the hair. 

Dean O'Gorman (Anders) reminds me of Mark Feuerstein of Royal Pains "fame." (Although I think Dean is much better looking.)

Ben Barrington (Olaf)? Total younger, hotter Max Headroom, aka Matt Frewer.

I have no thoughts on Jared Turner. Anyone care to give a North American doppelgänger to him?

Edited by Lawgiver
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Hmm, I don't see it, Grammaeryn, but if you do, great! 


I just watched the second episode. I am enjoying much more than Dominion. (I gave up Dominion due to its sheer awfulness and gave TAJ the space in my TV viewing time.) I'm not going to say it's the best show around, but it's light and fluffy and sometimes that's enough for me.

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Idun *only sounds something like "Eve") was the Norse goddess of youth, married to Bragi and yes, as I recall, she was associated with apples. One of the neat things is the mythology. The farce with the run/bounce/run girl who shot Axl is a little tired. 

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Oh durr... darn Kiwi accent! Plus basically all ancient myths have similar symbols/themes. My knowledge of Norse mythology comes from the Vikings TV show and Marvel's Thor. Asgard has cropped up in Witches of East End too.

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I wonder if they'll do anything with the two kinds of good gods? (Aesir and Vanir, such as Frey and Freya and Njord) 

Or with the jotuns (or ettins, also frost giants.) 


But since this is a comedy we really need to see the elfs and dwarfs. 

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I kno nothing about Norse gods and mythology, but I'm enjoying the show so far. I liked the introduction of Sonja the librarian as a cosplay Frigg, and hope she wasn't just a one-off - it's good to have a somewhat objective (and not stoned) source of info about the history of Norse gods. I'm wondering if the tidbit she mentioned about Ty's god killing Olaf with a spear is a harbinger of future events, or just a part of their past history. I really like Olaf, and I'm hoping that the fact that he's not in the opening credits doesn't mean he's considered expendable.


I find myself wanting to root for Ty, but it's difficult to invest in a character when it looks like he's going to be the one who's constantly left out in the cold, so to speak. Anders seems to be the golden boy who has everything fall into his lap, the one who breezes through things with little effort other than a smile. I haven't really gotten a handle on Mike yet, but so far he seems to have been forced into the role as the responsible one, whose attempts to be more carefree have been met with tragic consequences. There's potential for a lot of family rivalries, which is why I'm concerned about Sonja's recollection of Ty spearing Olaf.

Edited by giovannif7
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I saw this show when it first aired and purchased all 3 seasons.  Even though they cut some stuff, I still enjoy it. My favorite episode hasn't aired yet...can't wait to chat about it.   I really like this and a lot of NZ programming.  

Edited by gryphon
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gryphon - not sure which one is your favourite episode, but I sadly only have the last one on my PVR.  I will admit it's the last 15 minutes or so that make me well up and I re-watch regularly. 


I have to say I'm really happy that we are no longer confined to watching North American/Canadian shows.  There are some really fun and excellent imports out there including this show.

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I'm always amazed at how differently abortion is handled on non-US shows. (Note, I do not want this to turn into a political discussion.) She made her decision and acted on it, very matter-of-factly.


Mana's apology interview was hilarious! I supposed Anders can be good at his job even if he is a jerk. And Axl is a true 21 year old. Everything is black and white with no shades of grey. HE's also not ready to do the right thing instead of the most expedient thing.

Edited by Lawgiver
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Shades of Red -  "Folkmoot" is my favorite episode...although there are good parts in every one of them.  I unabashedly love this series.  I, too, am thankful that the internet allows us to view shows from other countries....NZ being one of my favorites.

ETA: I also really enjoy the episode "Manflu." 

Edited by gryphon
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What I like about this show is that it is populated by what looks like ordinary people. The men are not male models and the women are older than what might be typically found on an American version of this show. I don't know if the casting people were being clever (something great might be hidden in an unremarkable package) or they just have a small acting pool in New Zealand.

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I don't know if the casting people were being clever (something great might be hidden in an unremarkable package) or they just have a small acting pool in New Zealand.

I wouldn't say it's either -- most countries that aren't the US just don't exclusively cast really ridiculously good looking people on TV, and their audiences enjoy seeing a slightly wider variety of faces (that may be a chicken and egg situation, of course). I'm not a Kiwi, but as an Australian I think I can presume to say that no one in New Zealand watched this show and said, "Wow, these actors look so normal." Certainly that was not the reaction I had. They just look like the cast of any TV show in that part of the world (quite literally; most of them are well established TV actors in NZ) -- better looking than the rest of us, but not "woah!" 


Part of it is also Hollywood lighting/editing/makeup/post-production/ability-to-pay-people-to-get-really-really-buff, too, I think. When actors like the Hemsworth brothers, Ryan Kwanten, Jay Ryan, Eric Bana were on Australian TV, they weren't really seen as impossibly good looking. More "attractive boy next door" types (except maybe Bana, who mostly did goofy stuff, and wasn't seen in that light at all). Sure they've all aged well, but a lot of it is Hollywood magic, too. 

Edited by retrograde
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Unhappy Syfy is dumping Almighty Johnsons at 11. Perhaps if they weren't so chicken with the bleeps and blurs they mess up the sound and picture the production looks cheaper? 


But it's true that hour long comedies have a tough row to hoe. Like No Ordinary Family or such, there's no farcical climax yet the pace isn't the action standards.

I like to think I'm enjoying the show for what it is. 

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Whew, finally caught up on the episodes! I let them sit and build up on my DVR for awhile after I watched the first episode because I wasn't immediately hooked, but when I finally started watching the second episode I was sucked in and I'm glad I didn't decide to delete them.


From the latest episode, what kind of self respecting hospital leaves cocaine in a random doctor's office?!?! Maybe it's just a cultural difference (though I suspect plot contrivance) but that seemed a little unrealistic, as controlled substances like cocaine are generally keep under lock and key and are subject to a lot of restrictions (at least here in the states). But I do like the goddess trying to make trouble for Axl and his brothers deviously helping him out-- and that we're getting more interaction between the gods and goddess. Would really love to meet some more deities like Idunn who don't aren't necessarily on a side, but are part of the club.


My only (minor) complant: I wish they had some sort of clue/hint as to where to find Frigga. Right now it really seems like a needle in a hay stack and I wish they had some sort of idea of where to start looking, rather than having Frigga conveniently show up (I say this not knowing how she will be introduced, assuming they find her in the first season). There are millions of women in NZ and they're just going to hope that Axl randomly stubbles upon the right one?

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My only (minor) complant: I wish they had some sort of clue/hint as to where to find Frigga. Right now it really seems like a needle in a hay stack and I wish they had some sort of idea of where to start looking, rather than having Frigga conveniently show up (I say this not knowing how she will be introduced, assuming they find her in the first season). There are millions of women in NZ and they're just going to hope that Axl randomly stubbles upon the right one?


I had the opposite reaction.  For once it was interesting and different that I couldn't guess if they would actually find her.   One of the major differences for me at least, between North American series (see primarily U.S. shows) vs imports (British/Australian for example) is having to guess sometimes as to what's going to happen.  They are also not afraid to kill of their main characters so no one is safe.  Very different from a U.S. series where no matter what kind of danger the main character is in you know they'll be alright in the end.

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No season four? So no conclusion? Gah! Should I bother to keep watching it? I've only watched the first four episodes!

I think you should keep watching. 


while there was a potential opening for another series, S3 did have an effective conclusion.

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I think the show's a lot like No Ordinary Family. A half hour format would have punched up the comedy. 


Disheartened it's been bumped to 11:00, which pretty much guarantees the other seasons won't be carried.

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I just caught up on the past two episodes SYFY has shown. I appreciated that Olaf and Ingrid hooked up. Olaf doesn't always need to go for the young ones - he appreciated Ingrid, the Goddess. (I have to admit that the Norse names of gods I'm not familiar with don't stick in the brain very long, so I can't remember who she is.)


I'll watch until SyFy cancels, then figure out a way to watch the rest, somehow.

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I'll watch until SyFy cancels, then figure out a way to watch the rest, somehow.


Let me know how!  I've actually come to like the show, except for the annoying rooomates, now that Axle is starting to assert hmnself.  I've got to admit, though, the main reason I'm watching is for their accents, which I totally love.

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Let me know how!  I've actually come to like the show, except for the annoying rooomates, now that Axle is starting to assert hmnself.  I've got to admit, though, the main reason I'm watching is for their accents, which I totally love.

Can I second this request? I'm really enjoying this show; the acting is so good and the premise is so interesting. Plus the humor and the accents! I'm still hoping SyFy keeps it going, though I admit the time change is not a good omen . . .

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An even worse omen - my DVR is showing they've scheduled the final two episodes of season one back to back next week, starting at 11 PM. I'll be surprised if that's not the end of the SyFy airings. It's not quite as bad as what they did to Primeval: New World and Sinbad, but the end result will be the same.

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An even worse omen - my DVR is showing they've scheduled the final two episodes of season one back to back next week, starting at 11 PM. I'll be surprised if that's not the end of the SyFy airings. It's not quite as bad as what they did to Primeval: New World and Sinbad, but the end result will be the same.

Argh, that's worse news, for sure. I only hope the other seasons will be available in some way - right now I can only find Season One available for download, or for sale on dvd.  So frustrating to get hooked on a show that disappears in the middle of the story!

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I adore this show. This is the first show in some time where I am willing to rewind to catch a particular expression on someone's face, rather than sit through with my finger on the fast forward button. The pair of not-very-accurate oracles are hilarious and yet, sweet. It's a novel combination.

Googling says SyFy bought rights for seasons 1 and 2, so I hope they will show season 2. May I say, SyFy, if you do not show season 2, after canceling Eureka and Warehouse 13--I am never trusting you lot again. I will have come to the conclusion that shows which have an actual coherent plot, credible acting, and are not filmed on dimly lit sets or against green screens with CGI monsters are of no interest to your network.

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Yeah, I've come to like this show, too.  After watching the most recent 2 episodes, I REALLY want to see what happens next.  Please SyFy, you must have some holes in your schedule you can use, right?  Thanks to DVR, I don't care when they air, as long as they do.  It's really amazing how the characters have developed over the series.

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Here's the thing. My husband is shorter than I by about 3 inches (I'm 5'7", he's 5'4".) I kind of dig short Dean O'Gorman, especially paired with the tall goddess. He's listed as 5'8" on IMDB, but honestly, he has to be about 5'5".


[PSA] Ladies (and men), don't discount men because they're short! I promise you they are just people and some are surprisingly adorable! [/PSA]

Edited by Lawgiver
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I'm really glad SyFy will be airing the second season (and hopefully the third)-- I've really grown to love this little show! I thought it gained a lot of momentum as it went on, so I am definitely interested in seeing what happens next! I particularly like that the gods and goddesses formed a reluctant alliance; hopefully there's still interaction between the two groups in the next season!

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i'll admit i started watching this show specifically for dean o'gorman, since i know him from the hobbit (funny, its not the first time an actor from the LOTR/hobbit movies has led me to a show, as dominic monahan is the initial reason i started watching LOST lol), but i've discovered that i've come to love a lot of the other characters as well, especially olaf and ingrid, and ty and mike and dawn... i'm hooked and eager for a new season! i was actually sad this past friday when i checked my tv schedule and discovered there weren't new episodes lol

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Love this show, though it did feel it got kind of wonky at the latter stages of Season 3. For reasons I won't reveal due to spoilers. The first two seasons are definitely the best.


I know it is bad and maybe it is because I am Australian, there are several moments in the show where the characters are in the middle of serious discussion I howl in laughter at some New Zealand accent cliché that come out of their mouths. Granted it is something Americans wouldn't get as it is really an Aus/NZ thing. Jared Turner (Ty/Höðr) was the only one that never did that, but having grown up in Sydney I guess he developed more of an Australian accent anyway then a Kiwi one.


The first season was readily available on DVD in Australia but annoyingly I couldn't find the second or third. Luckily I was in Auckland earlier this year and was able to buy both at the same time.

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Syfy's website shows Nov. 5 (11:00) for the new season.

Hmm, and the second episode is the next night at 11pm. I'm glad to see it back and hope they aren't going to try to dump the series on air as fast as they can.

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