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S02.E06: Sex and Candy

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It was nice to see the alien trio just hanging out and joking as they help Max get ready for his date with Liz (although allow me to express shock that Max owns a turquoise leather jacket). 

Max flirting and asking out Liz when he doesn't remember her is adorable. They were really cute this one, I think this is the most I've liked them as a couple. Glad they didn't drag the amnesia out, but it seemed so sudden that now it seemed a little pointless until that ending scene. Kudos to whoever called Max's vision of being chained to the floor as being one of his childhood memories. I guess maybe the recovery of his traumatic memories related to Liz opened a doorway to other traumatic memories he had hidden as a boy. 

Can't say that was what I expected when I saw David Anders in the credits. These may be the least David Anders characters I've ever seen him play. Although his entrance reminds me of my friend's argument about how people keep "sneaking" up on these characters in the middle of the desert. First the guy with the crossbow and horse trailer a few weeks ago now him. "Nice ring. Does it keep you from burning up in the daylight?" Groan. Too far, Julie Plec. I did laugh at knocking Michael out and saying "I hate love triangles." 

I'm deeply concerned for Alex's emotional wellbeing now. 

I think I ship Kyle and Isobel now. And his facial expressions when Isobel said she hates meteor showers because they remind her of her family burning up made me think I've really underestimated Michael Trevino's acting abilities over the years. I laughed so hard. I also underestimated his ability to look attractive while wearing gems on his face. Surprised to see his surgery crush getting surgery. 

Edited by bettername2come
  • Love 11

Thoughts: Glad Max is back. Although he recovered his memory pretty fast.  I actually felt Maria/Maz chemistry tonight which is great.

 I liked that her memory of Max bungling spanish (which she shared with Cameron) was repeated.

I'm sorry Kyle didn't hook up with Isobel- I think they would be good together because they're both more "snotty" than the rest of the crew.  🙂

Please please please let this be the end of Michael/Alex- Alex deserves better.

Maria continues to look amazing.  

David Anders is creepy AF and he rocked that south western accent.  I wonder if those two are the bad aliens who chained up Max.



  • Love 4

Isobel and Kyle are so pretty together. I would love them together. Better than the dumpster fire triangle of suck.

Poor Alex. He deserves so much better. Also Carina does know he is gay and not into women. Way to degrade himself for a guy that isn't worth it. 

I really didn't get Maria`s mind set at all. 

Michael seems so skeezy now. Carina made sure he got both at the same time. Her favoritism working overtime now. 

Edited by backhometome
  • Love 4

Gotta say I enjoyed that.. David Anders played Travis( and I guess his twin)  very well... He was so creepy about the milk.. Kinda felt that in the car when I saw that Alex and Maria had kissed albeit in middle school i did wonder about them just going the siren route and throupling up...  Still would've traded all this for actual traction on what's going on with her mom and past... And I'd like to see some cross interactions... I liked Kyle and Isobel... Tho I think I like everyone with Isobel... 

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

Thoughts: Glad Max is back. Although he recovered his memory pretty fast.  I actually felt Maria/Maz chemistry tonight which is great.  It was nice to see everyone be lighter this episodes.

 I liked that her memory of Max bungling spanish (which she shared with Cameron) was repeated.

I'm sorry Kyle didn't hook up with Isobel- I think they would be good together because they're both more "snotty" than the rest of the crew.  🙂

Please please please let this be the end of Michael/Alex- Alex deserves better.

Maria continues to look amazing.  

David Anders is creepy AF and he rocked that south western accent.  I wonder if those two are the bad aliens who chained up Max.

(I am wondering, since the showrunner seems to be heavy-handed, if we will see the alien children in cages).




3 minutes ago, backhometome said:

Also Carina does know he is gay and not into women

Do we know that?  From her talk with him earlier he seems to have been with women before in some fashion... And if it's a bit more fluid than set in stone.. Then the moments after ur almost killed and in the presence of ppl you care for... Stuff can happen can it not... It seems after it was all done he's decided to move on to the blue hair guy so... 

More importantly... Werewolf guy was back!!!! 

2 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Do we know that?  From her talk with him earlier he seems to have been with women before in some fashion... And if it's a bit more fluid than set in stone.. Then the moments after ur almost killed and in the presence of ppl you care for... Stuff can happen can it not... It seems after it was all done he's decided to move on to the blue hair guy so... 

More importantly... Werewolf guy was back!!!! 

It's not unusual for a gay man to be with women in their youth, while they're still navigating their sexuality.  But he's an adult and he's been established as gay, not bi, not fluid...gay.  Into men only.  So this entire thing should NOT have happened and definitely should not have happened after he expressed discomfort.  The whole conversation he had with Maria on the drive was thrown in there so that their set up for the threesome made sense.  It still didn't make sense.

  • Love 6


       I am sure a lot of people will have lots to say about the...incident...I just feel really uncomfortable talking about it, it makes me really uneasy, I think I have already said everything I wanted to say on another thread.What I will say is, sex is not the magical solution/cure to every problem/issue/trauma. Those three have tension, for good reasons, sex is the solution! Isobel´s new life chapter after tremendous trauma, sex! with a woman! edgy! Max is back, amnesia, amnesia is cured, sex! It´s in the episode title, so I shouldn´t be surprised. It´s just a very lazy way of moving forward, very very lazy.

      Max´s amnesia felt unnecessary, he could have simply come back with his memories of Liz intact, but with those new memories of his childhood. 


      All I´ll say about Maria is, she learned NOTHING new about her mom´s mysterious disappearance, she knew that crazy weird twin dude made the boots her mom was wearing when she was found before she and Alex got to the weird dude´s farm, and turns out the "nice" twin was trapped and didn´t know anything. All this to serve as the lead up to...the incident. Bucket list? What?


Edited by Bloga
  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Do we know that?  From her talk with him earlier he seems to have been with women before in some fashion... And if it's a bit more fluid than set in stone.. Then the moments after ur almost killed and in the presence of ppl you care for... Stuff can happen can it not... It seems after it was all done he's decided to move on to the blue hair guy so... 

More importantly... Werewolf guy was back!!!! 

          Yeah, we know he´s gay... I remember last season he had a convo with his dad when Alex very clearly said his dad beat him up and hated him because he was gay, he also talked to Kyle about it, said his dad tried to "beat the gay out of him". So he was gay, no question about it. If the showrunner now changed her mind and wants Alex to be bisexual...whatever, but he wasn´t bi up until now, and I still don´t think he is...the whole convo with Maria in the car was a way to justify it, but the entire time I was like huh?

          I don´t know about other people, but I´ve been in traumatic situations with people I cared about and having sex with them was the last thing on my mind. Sex is not the magic solution to people´s issues.

  • Love 5

I did literally LOL when Maria told Alex in the middle-of-nowhere (with a flat tire that was the spare) at the home of the crazy-axe-guy that they should split up, and Alex was like "Split up??!!!" and then he said that the gay guy always get offed first, and Maria *looked* at him, and with out using any race words they agreed that, actually, probably, it was the gay guy who bites it second.

ETA: And the guy doing the poetry with Alex entranced was good --but also kind of weird/not-so-special happening right after the threesome.

Edited by shapeshifter
  • LOL 3
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31 minutes ago, Bloga said:

Alex very clearly said his dad beat him up and hated him because he was gay, he also talked to Kyle about it, said his dad tried to "beat the gay out of him

Well I barely remember the first season... But I will say that Daddy Manes doesn't seem the type to see the nuances of a situation... So if he's seen his boy kiss a boy.. He sees red and he sees gay.. Whether the boy has ever harbored any feelings for any woman... That said.. I think the aftermath of the threesome.. Is that for the time being.. Alex if off to try a new romance and Mike/Maria is on

6 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Well I barely remember the first season... But I will say that Daddy Manes doesn't seem the type to see the nuances of a situation... So if he's seen his boy kiss a boy.. He sees red and he sees gay.. Whether the boy has ever harbored any feelings for any woman... That said.. I think the aftermath of the threesome.. Is that for the time being.. Alex if off to try a new romance and Mike/Maria is on

      I don´t think there were any nuances to be seen, honestly, Alex is gay, that´s how he´s always  identified, Michael has always identified as bisexual, it was established very clearly in season 1...this whole Alex is open to experimentation is in total contrast of who he´s always been...hence the confusion, because it came out of nowhere, and it´s done for good...because he´s now interested in, surprise, a new man. This whole threesome business was just a lazy way to solve the issues between the three of them...in normal circumstances that would only make things worse.

Edited by Bloga
  • Love 3

I thought Isobel looked so pretty at the club. And she and Kyle were super hot together. I would so love to see those two get together at some point. 

The meteor shower was a nice reminder that it's supposed to peak on the 22nd of this month but since I'm in the suburbs, I doubt I will see much of anything. 

I enjoyed Max and Liz together. I loved his revelation that he's been drinking mint milkshakes all these years, even though he doesn't like them, because of Liz. 

I don't know what to make of the Michael/Maria/Alex threesome. I mean, I was all for it in Season 1 but seeing it play out was weird. 

  • Love 8

In my lifetime, we’ve gone from the days when a male-on-male kiss on primetime tv was radical and revolutionary to a point when a broadcast tv show depicts a bisexual, interracial threesome and it’s not even noteworthy. 

The axe-murderer plot may have been intended to spoof rural-phobic horror movies but it just came off as witless and stereotypical.

  • Love 2

It's been a while since I watched a show that made me ask: "What is happening?" so many times.

First when Isobel flirted with the barista, then when she started to flirt with Kyle. Then when Maria and Alex suddenly ended up in a horror movie. Next, when their stalker turned out to be an evil twin, and after that they had a threesome with Micheal. The episode was full of unexpected crazy!

I think I like Max better when he doesn't remember all his Liz angst.

And I'm pretty sure I don't like the blue-haired guy, or the girl Kyle has a crush on. The guy because I don't think the actor is great, and the girl because she rubbed me the wrong way by going on about how the ACA is bad--she sounded like a republican and I'm not here for it.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, bettername2come said:

 Kudos to whoever called Max's vision of being chained to the floor as being one of his childhood memories.

Me, and I was proud I was right! LOL. 

I was about to say in the beginning that I'm not sure what Isobel was going to do if Max decided to harness lightning again, but she held him at bay long enough for his pacemaker to temporarily give out, heh. That was kind of anticlimactic after all the build-up to the darkness in his mind, but maybe going by his final scene the darkness in his mind isn't just about absorbing Rosa's death; it was simply kickstarted by it. If he spent his early childhood chained to the floor and terrorized by some of the more evil aliens, he probably DOES have a lot of darkness going on subconsciously. The other Pod Squad scenes were cute, with Michael and Isobel helping Max get ready for his date and the final Max/Isobel scene.

I did not appreciate the threeway any more in motion than I did in the caps in the spoiler thread. Alex repeatedly expressed wanting to leave before he ended up going along with it, and he and Michael have way too much history for him to be the "guest-player" in the whole thing (the one who comes in, has sex with two people in a relationship, and leaves and the other two people are still in a relationship). And I don't buy that Maria would ever have done this if Alex expressed discomfort. And, as others have said, Alex has repeatedly referred to himself as gay, not bisexual or pansexual or anything else. And he has never shown any interest in women. I'm pretty sure this is Carina's obsession with Michael, where she can't get past it enough to understand all the ways this is messed up.

On the bright side, Forrest and Alex being awkward nerds flirting over naming their pets Buffy characters was very cute.

David Anders was extremely effectively creepy, but I am not entirely sure of the point of that plot? Did they even learn anything? The only thing I can think is him saying the government involved his brother in a trial at the end, and that maybe having something to do with aliens.

So Kyle and Isobel DO have chemistry. Noted. Although Lily also had solid chemistry with the blonde bartender. It's nice to see Isobel just go out and have some fun for awhile, after everything Noah did to her.

I am not sure what the point of Max's ten minute Liz-centric amnesia was, except perhaps him forgetting her, getting the antidote, and then remembering her later is ultimately what led to the final scene of him getting a flash of his childhood from the sight of his tattoo in the mirror (arguably the only ten seconds of the episode that had any lasting impact on the show's storyline arc), but his milkshake speech was very sweet and very Max, and I'm glad for Liz's sake it didn't drag out after she tried so hard to save him. Granted, Max was more uplifting when he didn't remember what happened with Rosa, which did leave to their kind of hilarious flirting session over his bad Spanish. Also, it was cute when Liz suddenly remembered she still hadn't told him she loved him and just yelled it in the middle of the street.

So Little Max was chained to the floor somewhere underneath the same shimmery pink material as the console and appeared as frightened of presumably Fire Guy from 1x03 as Nora was (he put his hand on Max's shoulder exactly the same way he did hers, and Little Max looked terrified the same way Nora did). 

I can't say I missed Rosa this week tbh. 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, jewel21 said:

e meteor shower was a nice reminder that it's supposed to peak on the 22nd of this month but since I'm in the suburbs, I doubt I will see much of anything

Due to the Covid-19 shutdowns, people in Chicago are able to see stars for the first time in their lives, so maybe? 
But I thought they dropped the ball on making the meteor shower a plot point and then there was no meteor shower. I mean, isn’t there a CGI library full of meteor showers? 
They gave a meteor shower party and no meteors came? 

5 hours ago, jewel21 said:

enjoyed Max and Liz together. I loved his revelation that he's been drinking mint milkshakes all these years, even though he doesn't like them, because of Liz. 

Yeah. I thought Isabel was going to casually mention that Noah hates mint. 


34 minutes ago, Cristofle said:

On the bright side, Forrest and Alex being awkward nerds flirting over naming their pets Buffy characters was very cute.

Willow. (Alex’s pet’s name.) But yes, that was a nice bit of dialogue. 
There was a lot of good dialogue. 
And way too much hooking up. But that’s what youngish people do. One way or another. 



  • Useful 1

I think I would have enjoyed the hooking up if it hadn't been for the terrible threesome. Isobel had it going on with the cute bartender and Max and Liz love each other and seem once again to be starting a committed relationship. Well, I guess I don't care about Kyle and Steph's...whatever it is they're doing either. But I did like the Kyle/Isobel scenes.

So we found out that Liz DID straight up ghost Diego, heh. She even blocked him on Facebook. Harsh. Part of me thinks if we ever meet him, he won't be as perfect as she claims he is; I think maybe some part of her subconscious was feeling something was off.

Is it just me who thinks Max didn't do anything wrong when he killed the drifter? The guy tried to rape his sister, he pulled a knife, and he cut him with it. If he hadn't killed the drifter, the drifter clearly intended to kill all of them. I thought that then, and I still think it even as Max was saying it was the worst thing he ever did (while obviously not remembering what happened with Rosa).

I said in the quote thread, the plot may have been bananas, but the dialogue was a lot sharper than it's been in awhile. I'm still laughing at Alex's "Hauntingly beautiful" about David Anders singing.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Cristofle said:

I think I would have enjoyed the hooking up if it hadn't been for the terrible threesome. Isobel had it going on with the cute bartender and Max and Liz love each other and seem once again to be starting a committed relationship. Well, I guess I don't care about Kyle and Steph's...whatever it is they're doing either. But I did like the Kyle/Isobel scenes.

So we found out that Liz DID straight up ghost Diego, heh. She even blocked him on Facebook. Harsh. Part of me thinks if we ever meet him, he won't be as perfect as she claims he is; I think maybe some part of her subconscious was feeling something was off.

Is it just me who thinks Max didn't do anything wrong when he killed the drifter? The guy tried to rape his sister, he pulled a knife, and he cut him with it. If he hadn't killed the drifter, the drifter clearly intended to kill all of them. I thought that then, and I still think it even as Max was saying it was the worst thing he ever did (while obviously not remembering what happened with Rosa).

I said in the quote thread, the plot may have been bananas, but the dialogue was a lot sharper than it's been in awhile. I'm still laughing at Alex's "Hauntingly beautiful" about David Anders singing.

I said upthread Isobel has good scenes with everyone... She just works well with the whole cast... And it was kinda nice to see kyle let loose for a minute of course once again he's already hung up on someone else... 

I hope we get Diego and I disagree I hope this was all Liz.. I want the MC to have just done something shitty.. No mitigation or extenuating circumstances... Its exactly as she says she ghosted him because she loved the work and was too cowardly to tell him... Good people do stupid messed up things from time to time... 

Max is cool and was genuinely funny and charming with his horrible Spanish and weird blue leather jacket.. But his martyr manpain.. Its A LOT... Dude we get it.. Ur the sacrificiest Alien around.. If there is possibility of you scuffing the Jordans of a teenager... You'd gladly give ur life... Ugh... 

I was overall ambivalent to the threesome.. I musta heard it wrong cuz I thought Alex said he didn't want to leave.. I guess well have to see if there is some overall emotional wreckage from this or not.. I've known 3 ppl whove found themselves with a sexual partner that wasn't their stated preference or identity... Two of them never jumped back into that proverbial pool.. One has a few more times... The diff being wasn't with a best friend... That's a minefield... 

I hope next week we can get back to the mysteries 

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

I said upthread Isobel has good scenes with everyone... She just works well with the whole cast... And it was kinda nice to see kyle let loose for a minute of course once again he's already hung up on someone else... 

I hope we get Diego and I disagree I hope this was all Liz.. I want the MC to have just done something shitty.. No mitigation or extenuating circumstances... Its exactly as she says she ghosted him because she loved the work and was too cowardly to tell him... Good people do stupid messed up things from time to time... 

Max is cool and was genuinely funny and charming with his horrible Spanish and weird blue leather jacket.. But his martyr manpain.. Its A LOT... Dude we get it.. Ur the sacrificiest Alien around.. If there is possibility of you scuffing the Jordans of a teenager... You'd gladly give ur life... Ugh... 

I was overall ambivalent to the threesome.. I musta heard it wrong cuz I thought Alex said he didn't want to leave.. I guess well have to see if there is some overall emotional wreckage from this or not.. I've known 3 ppl whove found themselves with a sexual partner that wasn't their stated preference or identity... Two of them never jumped back into that proverbial pool.. One has a few more times... The diff being wasn't with a best friend... That's a minefield... 

I hope next week we can get back to the mysteries 


       That´s exactly my issue, that and the fact that Alex has always made it very clear he was gay, no doubts about it, even when it made his life hell...a threesome with a woman, and that woman being his best friend? No matter what you go through, you almost get killed or whatever, having a threesome with your ex and your bestie who´s also in love with your ex is not a healthy response to trauma, it doesn´t lead to anything constructive or positive.

   I´ve seen people defending this and comparing it to Isobel hooking up with the lesbian bartender...as if having a casual fling with a stranger is the same as having sex with your ex and your female straight friend who happens to be in love with the same guy you do...that last scene was absolutely terrible...the morning after, Alex leaves and Michael goes back to Maria...it felt like a competition, initiated by Maria, so that Michael would pick a winner...so insensitive...besides, Michael isn´t all that...Something funny I just remember is that fact that Nathan was going to play Michael, he was booked, he had already signed on to play him, but they had trouble finding an actor to play Max so they had him do a chem read with Jeanine...I keep wondering how that version of Michael would have been like.

  • Love 3
20 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

I hope we get Diego and I disagree I hope this was all Liz.. I want the MC to have just done something shitty.. No mitigation or extenuating circumstances... Its exactly as she says she ghosted him because she loved the work and was too cowardly to tell him... Good people do stupid messed up things from time to time... 

It's definitely possible. Liz has acknowledged she bolts when things get too intense, because of how her mother left her. And it's obvious that part of the reason she's fallen for Max is that he keeps coming back. Maybe she did not have it in her to have the tough conversation with Diego that she loved the work instead of him. Still, going to the extreme of changing your number and blocking the guy on Facebook sounds like something you'd do if you were scared of someone.

  • Love 2
Just now, backhometome said:

Thats basically what Heather said in an interview. Maria wanted to test Michael. Way to treat your gay bestfriend.

        Wow really? I haven´t read any interviews...she actually said that...how tone deaf do you have to be to say something like that? I think they are grossly confused about what being evolved truly means

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, backhometome said:

Thats basically what Heather said in an interview. Maria wanted to test Michael. Way to treat your gay bestfriend.

I mean, that's not a way to treat anyone and if you're initiating a threesome to test your boyfriend, that's not a good reason to do it and not a good sign for your relationship. But yes, it's primarily also not what one should do to their childhood best friend who identifies as gay. But I'll say it again, there is no way Carina did not know how this would make Maria look, so clearly, she doesn't care.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, Bloga said:

        Wow really? I haven´t read any interviews...she actually said that...how tone deaf do you have to be to say something like that? I think they are grossly confused about what being evolved truly means

Yes, its from her TVLine interview. Gross.

1 minute ago, Cristofle said:

I mean, that's not a way to treat anyone and if you're initiating a threesome to test your boyfriend, that's not a good reason to do it and not a good sign for your relationship. But yes, it's primarily also not what one should do to their childhood best friend who identifies as gay. But I'll say it again, there is no way Carina did not know how this would make Maria look, so clearly, she doesn't care.

Oh I know its not good to treat anyone involved like this. But I dont have much sympathy for Michael in this. 😉

  • LOL 1

Here's HH's interview for accuracy:



ETA: I didn't care for the threesome for several reasons, one being them being too old to resolve things with a threesome but I also don't think only Alex's feelings matter in this trainwreck as if he was some mute victim (IMO he certainly got a free pass in S1 for pissing on Michael after Maria slept with Michael that first time). This threesome twist was stupid cause they just as easily could have talked it out but the discussed possible reactions to it seem to be coming to fruition. 



Edited by Chick2Chic
added something
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Yeah...the threesome stuff, though not AS bad as I was anticipating, is still nowhere near as genius as Carina (and the actors, apparently) seem to think that it is. Here's the issue I'm having with it; I'm pretty sure Alex still identifies as gay. I know he had his whole "I'm broken and just want to be loved" spiel and him and Maria were talking about their kiss back in high school or whatever, but I didn't get the impression that Alex was part of the threesome because he also had love for Maria. He might have platonic love for Maria, but romantic love? No way, and I think romantic love is important for a relationship. 

I feel like the show was trying to present it as 'there can be more than one type of love in a polyamorous relationship' but it came across as 'Michael has his cake and eats it too! See? All of them can be happy together and both sides win!' Because, really, Michael is the only true winner since he got to have sex with both Maria and Alex. So there IS definitely a more problematic side to trying to explore a polyamorous relationship. Not that I know much about poly relationships in general, but I don't think Carina does either. It's not about how two people, who are best friends, love this one guy and that's how it'll work. 

Plus, I'm still convinced that the show will end with Michael/Alex, so I highly doubt this polyamorous relationship, or throuple situation, lasts very long before Maria/Alex start duking it out over Michael, or when Michael starts favouring Alex over Maria. If I had any hope that this COULD be a potentially interesting storyline to explore, I might be more open to giving it a chance. But I don't, so there we go.

Now, for the rest of the episode. 

Max/Liz...worked for me. Well, right up until Max got his memories back. I actually would have LOVED if he never got his memories back, just because Carefree Max this episode was a blast to watch, and not even just with Liz but with his siblings. It reminded me why I loved the actor on The Originals. Max/Liz did work when they were flirting and having fun. So, it showed me that their scenes are bogged down when Max is super obsessive and super serious. So if we continue to get this New Max, even with his memories back, then I'd be down for Max/Liz scenes. However, with that ending scene, it looks like it will all be short lived. 

Isobel/Kyle...well, goddamn, I didn't expect THEM to display chemistry but there it was. Plus, way better than Kyle with that Steph girl, who....was she on the table at the end? And am I supposed to care that she was there? 

David Anders did well with his Travis/Trevor characters. I will say, even though these characters weren't horribly far off from other characters he's played, it still felt different enough.  

I'm just waiting until Diego shows up for Liz, because no way do they pass on the opportunity to bring Liz's ex on to the show. I do hope he's a genuinely good guy who got hurt by Liz. I think that, if he turned out evil somehow, it would somewhat tarnish what message they were going for. Plus, Max has done plenty of shitty things, so I don't mind if Liz ghosting her fiance is trying to be on par with that. 

  • Love 5

Ok, so Maria was testing Michael, and Alex was having a "sliding doors" "what if" moment as per the showrunner...as in he has internalized his father´s homophobia and he needed to explore if he could be with a woman, so I guess it made a lot of sense to do that with your ex and your bestie, because it was a "safe environment"...what a load of crap, seriously, that´s not evolved, that´s not about exploring, it´s about Alex´s internalized homophobia manifesting in a really screwed up way...it´s almost as when a lesbian is told "you just haven´t met the right guy".

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Yes, that's a key thing - Alex was expressing growing up with internalized homophobia. Which is of course very common and perfectly understandable - but he didn't need to lean into it as an adult who has firmly identified as gay for many years. And if he WAS going to test himself, doing it with the man he's been in love with for a decade and his childhood best friend who has begun a relationship with said first love that has obviously hurt Alex in the past is absolutely not the way to go. Also, Alex just did not look happy or like he was enjoying himself. He looked pretty unhappy walking way the next morning. 

One way or the other, Diego is going to show up sooner or later. They've now mentioned him several times, between Isobel telling Liz that Diego was all over social media talking about the way she left him, Liz telling Maria he was "perfect but she couldn't connect to him", and now Liz telling the whole of her side of the story to Max. 

I hope Max's flashback doesn't send him back down the rabbit hole, because he was still in a good mood when he was kissing Liz good-bye and when Isobel was telling him about her gay bar experience. Max doesn't NEED to be unhappy all the time, lol. Isobel and Michael aren't - he can let himself lighten up too.

  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, amazinglybored said:

What I enjoy about this show is just how many ways it can be offensive. It’s so creative.

I know you're joking but I actually do enjoy this lol. It's hilarious to me how TPTB think they're so progressive and woke and awesome and yet they absolutely are not. 

Fucking hell, Kyle and Isobel had more chem in those like, what, 5 scenes then any other 2 people on this show have had in 19 eps. And this ep made me realize they're the only characters I truly like and care about lol. I'm sad that I feel like they're not interested in actually going there with them. I just hope they have tons of more scenes together at least.

The girl Kyle likes sucks lol. The actress is just not good in this role and the character is not engaging. MT is trying for sure but they have zero chem. It's too bad because I love Kyle and I'm sad I'm gonna have to watch him in boring ass scenes with her. I am vaguely intrigued by why she's having surgery though. The only way they can make her somewhat interesting is to tie her into the alien plot imo.

I liked Max so much more than I ever have when he didn't remember Liz. And I even enjoyed Max/Liz in this ep! I really think they should have had him never remember her or at least not that soon. Then we could have seen him slowly fall for her rather than he's just straight-up obsessed with her from jump. Oh well!

The thing with David Anders was very stupid and nonsensical and pointless but it was kinda fun if only for all of the great lines Alex got. That was the most I've ever liked Alex lol. I'll be honest, I fast forwarded through the Michael/Alex/Maria scenes becasue my sister was not here for it, so I didn't really see what exactly went down there. But apparently HH thinks Maria was testing Michael or whatever so I see they've given people a real reason to hate Maria now. Carina is such an asshole lol.

Green haired guy does nothing for me. The scenes with the dog were cute and all but ultimately I just don't give a shit about this guy or his relationship with Alex. Also, on my screen his hair is green but I've seen blue mentioned here so now I'm like do I need to adjust the color settings on my tv?

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:
24 minutes ago, amazinglybored said:


I know you're joking but I actually do enjoy this lol. It's hilarious to me how TPTB think they're so progressive and woke and awesome and yet they absolutely are not. 

Well, it’s definitely the most interesting part of the show and it brings me a certain kind of hate watching entertainment. I just hate that it exists to send out these messages and it’s legitimately a Bad Show.

If you told me they were actively trying to be offensive, it would make more sense. You’d expect people acting woke to at least accidentally get things right but not these ones. If they are handling something well you just haven’t given them enough time to take it to a bad place. 

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I didn't get the impression that they were conveying some message... If they were I didn't get it... I saw 3 ppl who are all entagled in each others lives have a moment.. Or give in to a moment.. And then it was over.. And they'll all have to deal with what may  come... If anything.. But outta that night.. Seems Alex is ready to try something else.. And Mike/Maria are ready to try each other.. Time will tell 

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8 minutes ago, backhometome said:

Kyle being stuck with pointless Steph sucks. Give me more Alex/Kyle doing scooby work. Anything but this. 

Yes! Kyle/Isobel and Kyle/Alex are much preferable to Kyle/surgery girl. If they were gonna have one of the previously-thought-of-as-straight characters maybe be bi it should've been Kyle, dammit! Alex has more chem with him than he does Michael or green haired guy.

Also, I saw caps and a transcript of the Michael/Alex/Maria scene and yikes. Just wow. So, Alex said he wanted to leave twice. Cool. Great job, Carina! Although, if her true intention was to make Maria look bad, which it totally was, then mission accomplished I guess.

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Just now, UNOSEZ said:

I didn't get the impression that they were conveying some message... If they were I didn't get it... I saw 3 ppl who are all entagled in each others lives have a moment.. Or give in to a moment.. And then it was over.. And they'll all have to deal with what may  come... If anything.. But outta that night.. Seems Alex is ready to try something else.. And Mike/Maria are ready to try each other.. Time will tell 

It's weird, because I'm not really sure where they ARE going with Michael/Maria/Alex in general. It seems like Alex may pursue something with this Forrest guy, but what was the threesome scene in general? Just to get out pent up feelings about each other? Is it going to be an occasional thing where they all hook up or was it a one time thing? And will we just get back on this ridiculous love triangle shit later on? 

I'm just really confused as to why the threesome stuff happened in the first place if they're not going down that path, or if they're just going to reignite the love triangle stuff down the road. Because, once again, we know Alex/Michael are endgame because Carina said it, so...it's just confusing. 

And especially if this is all to make Maria look bad because she was testing Michael or whatever...why? 

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

I think Carina thinks the audience is stupid. She thinks now she can be like, "See, Michael chose Maria" and the Michael/Maria shippers will be appeased but, in the process, she can make Maria look like shit because she doesn't care for Maria and is obsessed with Michael and Michael/Alex.

Well a lot of Malex fans are pretty much done with the ship. and want Alex far away from Michael. 

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I refuse to hate Maria just because Carina hasn't given her characterization a single thought, but her obsession with Michael is making me resent him, and not enjoy any of his romantic relationships. 

Although it'd have been funny if Michael had shown up at Max's to talk about his threesome next. One had a lesbian hookup, one had a threesome, and one had sex on a roof.

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22 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

I saw 3 ppl who are all entagled in each others lives have a moment.. Or give in to a moment.. And then it was over.. And they'll all have to deal with what may  come... If anything.. But outta that night.. Seems Alex is ready to try something else.. And Mike/Maria are ready to try each other.. Time will tell 

Same tho I thought it was silly to handle things that way instead of simply talking it out like adults. I just am nit feeling the misogynoir slant. BTW, did you get a chance to read the link to HH's interview posted above?



I refuse to hate Maria just because Carina hasn't given her characterization a single thought, but her obsession with Michael is making me resent him, and not enjoy any of his romantic relationships. 

Fair point.

Edited by Chick2Chic
added something
6 minutes ago, Chick2Chic said:

Same tho I thought it was silly to handle things that way instead of simply talking it out like adults. I just am nit feeling the misogynoir slant. BTW, did you get a chance to read the link to HH's interview posted above?


Fair point.

Yeah I hit up TVline a few mins after I was done with the epi.. And already the comments were not kind to Maria or Heather... But that's to be expected unfortunately... I get  wanting to know where Mike really stands.. And if Alex really says he's all good no matter where it lands.. Then ok... But the reaction was basically she's a devious one and had no care for her poor and apparently devoid of agency friend... Blegh... I'll prob no. More after I see how it plays out in an episode or more likely two as they tend to jump around with plot points.. 

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8 hours ago, KellySunshine said:

So I guess they're going with the "Thrupple" route. I don't mind it. I like Michael with both Alex and with Maria.  But does this mean Alex is suddenly bisexual? 

To quote Lisa Kudrow's character in the wonderful late-90s indie film The Opposite of Sex, "I went to a bar-mitzvah once, that doesn't make me Jewish." I'm taking this as Alex's confirmation to himself that this mess with Michael isn't what he wants right now, freeing him to walk away and pursue other options.

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