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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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Uh, couldn't Sharon have gaslit Phyllis & said to Chance that Phyllis let her in & she was lying about her breaking in?  How would he know otherwise?  Since GC is the ONLY place on the planet where cameras don't exist, right?

I totally did not get Phyllis' reply to Chance asking her if she wanted to press charges against Sharon.  She didn't want to "waste an arrest"?  Er, huh?  Shitty writing cuz that makes absolutely no sense! 

Mariah was the only one who had a sensibly shocked reaction to Sharon casually resorting to breaking into Phyllis' room.  What'd Nick say?  D'uh . . . or D'oh?  Sorry, wasn't paying much attention to him, but never do (and Dick-o-lus w/o hyphens doesn't come up here anymore w/o being auto-corrected).  Ugh.

Happy ending for Lils?  Did she give up on being pissy and maybe she'll now actually be something resembling nice?  Didn't look like it to me.  She looked like she was ready to kick Billy's flat ass the first sec she gets back to Chancellor.  Will she take the Abbott name off right away?  I suspect that's the least she's aiming for.

And Jill?  As I said before, don't count her out.  She could've said right away to Vic -- "Thanks, but no thanks, you condescending old goat!"  But she didn't.  I say she was playing him & let him think she was seriously considering his offer, while never actually doing that.  Jill is a sly one.

Ah, so Nikki showed once again she ain't just a snoot & a drunk, she's also as big an a-hole as her 500 year old zombie hubby, eh?  Thanks for the reminder, Show!

The stuff with Ashley & Devon & Abby was so nauseatingly icky sweet, Show was again testing the strength of my gag reflex.  Please don't do that, Show!  Must say, that other than the too-yellow hair, ED is looking quite good.  Wonder if Dead Martin will notice that & put the moves on her -- and maybe trigger the alters to come out again?  Hmmm . . .

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So Phyllis applied her eye makeup between leaving Society and getting in her car?

Apparently the GCAC hostess has also mistaken the ranch foyer for the GCAC entrance and now thinks she works there instead of at the hotel.

Wardrobe loves dressing Audra in those bright pinks/reds... it is a striking color on her. 

Victoria's dress is interesting, but I like it.


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Faith passed on her aunt's wedding to babysit Sharon. Sigh. But I would've been shocked if Sharon had gone given the huge mess she's dealing with right now.

Phyllis' "no eye makeup" look at Society was odd to me. But then later when she was in her car she did have her face done. Continuity error?

Yeah no, I'm not attending a wedding where the location is sent by geotag to me at the last minute. Only celebrities trying to hide from the tabloid media need to do that crap to their guests.

Seems to me Sharon the new tech genius would've known to use the Android "find my device" function. Or maybe she was putting on a panicked search act for Faith to help establish an alibi.

I hate Jill so much. Sorry, not sorry. As if she doesn't have enough money, she had to sell out Billy for the person she knows most wants to ruin him.

Aw, today they had the bashful one of the twin young actors who play Dominic. He looked adorable in his tiny tux though.

That, folks, is the main reason why you don't text and drive. Crash, boom, smash. Bye, Phyllis  <fingers crossed>

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On the wedding clothes:
Dresses yes:

  • Tessa
  • Lily
  • Ashley
  • Nikki
  • Jill, despite the sparkles. Gorgeous necklace.

Dresses no:

  • Mariah
  • Claire
  • Esther

Dresses sorta okay:

  • Victoria. A bit too provocative for a wedding guest IMO. Draws attention from the bride.
  • Ana and Harmony. I think both of them should've chosen a different color.
  • Traci. Red was an iffy choice unless she knew it was one of Abby's wedding colors
  • Audra. Her usual seductress look but maybe she should've toned it down since she was only a plus one.
  • Summer. I would've expected much more from the person running a major fashion house.

I thought Nate looked like a high school prom date in his velvet tux. Then I wondered why Devon was wearing his groom suit inside out, ha ha.

Didn't like Billy's velvet jacket either.

Jack's light-colored jacket was suave and debonair but I thought Alan's suit was giving "trying too hard to fit in with the rich folks."

Kyle. Was his suit brown? Meh.

Cole and Nick's outfits were acceptable but Victor always seems to me like he'd worn his clothes to bed last night.

AYFKMWTS?!?! Abby's gown was hardly "Grace Kelly meets Audrey Hepburn." (The way Abby described it to Sally last week.) I thought it her dress resembled a sparkly toga missing some fabric. And not in a good way.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Manic Phyllis🕷️ fabricated the facts once again.  She never saw Sharon rummaging in her room. Sharon was just standing there as Manic Phyllis 🕷️walked in.  


Jack you are actually the one that gave Victor the opportunity to “mess” with Kyle.  You gave Diane the Co-CEO position when Kyle was much more qualified and you backed Diane when she fired Kyle.  


Can someone please tell me why Manic Phyllis 🕷️didn’t have any eye makeup while eating with Daniel but she was fully made up while driving to Sharon’s house.  I’m wondering if the ghost of Camron has the ability to text.  A word to Manic Phyllis🕷️, distracted driving can be fatal.  


First impressions:


Abby’s dress looks like it was designed by Chelsea not Sally. 


Claire/Eve’s dress was the wrong color for her complexion.  


Audra was dressed a little bit inappropriate but it was a great color for her. 



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That was mostly a stomach-churning episode, wasn't it? 

If any proof was needed that Nikki is a total twit, her breathless kowtowing to that mutated science experiment she calls a husband, all because he rebuilt Barbie's Malibu Mausoleum for her proves it.  I've seen cozier funeral homes and what's with those striped drapes?  It looks like a stage background for a 4th of July celebration.

It wasn't enough to humiliate Nikki with her groveling to her husband, Cthulu.  Everyone who came in his proximity had to do the same.  He cleared Devon's family get-together as if he'd forgotten to take his Gax-X capsule this morning.

I'm hoping that Jill is just shining Victor on, doing some sort of setup to make Billy and Lily really put aside their differences to show her and each other that they can really work together to save the company.  I can't bear thinking that she's actually, really, selling Chancellor to Victor so that loon of a wife of his can add it to her charm bracelet.

Show has managed one thing I never thought possible. I'm on Billy's side.

Damn does it hurt to say that!

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From today's show:

1. I kept waiting for the mother-of-the-bride dress Ashley was wearing to slip off her right shoulder, but they seemed to have made any necessary alterations to make it fit better for the wedding scene.

2. The only other dress as inappropriate as Ashley's was Audra's. 

3. Abby's wedding gown was UUUGGGLLLYYY, and the top didn't quite fit.

4. MS looked like she'd got out of bed just in time to make it to the set.

5. Could that have been a third-party contacting Phyllis about meeting Sharon at her house - did Sharon actually leave her cell phone back at the house - who was shining their high beams into Sharon's rearview mirror - who did Sharon crash into, or did someone crash into her?

6. Is Jill actually going to sell Chancellor to Victor?

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A Simple Recap - No thanks

I am just having one of those days where the world deeply depresses me, so let’s summarize today’s episode thusly. Does something sucking and blowing at the same time constitute a paradox?

Victor and Nikki can give each other geo-tag suppositories that direct them straight to hell. Everyone oohing and ahhhing over Victor’s refurbished mausoleum like it’s St. Peter’s Basilica is just so much bullshit. Abby and Devon are getting married. Enjoy sickening scenes of Victor pretending to remember which one Abby is and welcoming Devon into his coven.

Jill inexplicably appears to sell out her son after he does everything she asks. Imagine handing over your great accomplishment to the gassy squid who is openly and gleefully seeking to destroy your child. Much like our dear friend boes, I find myself sympathizing with Billy. The shame is well nigh unbearable.

A new master criminal is in GC, stealing Sharon’s phone (maybe?) in order to engineer a car accident between Phyllis and Sharon (possibly?). None of it makes a lick of sense. If it’s Daisy pulling the strings, please let it be a recast. 

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14 hours ago, Denize said:

bouquet, which presumably Claire or Traci will catch.

Oh man, I forgot Traci is also eligible to catch the bouquet. My money's still on Claire though. This show hates us so it'll probably be Victoria or Summer.

14 hours ago, boes said:

Show has managed one thing I never thought possible. I'm on Billy's side.

Me too. In fact, I've been there for a while thanks to Lily. Billy is the owner's son but Lily thinks she's more entitled to be the CEO because mumble mumble Neil and Kay mumble mumble? FOH.

12 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

A new master criminal is in GC, stealing Sharon’s phone (maybe?) in order to engineer a car accident between Phyllis and Sharon (possibly?). None of it makes a lick of sense

Right? Who would hate both Sharon and Phyllis that much? I sure hope it isn't Daisy because that'd leave an opening for her mommy to come back too. AFAIC Daisy's psycho mommy can stay over in L.A. with the Forresters, Logans, and Spencers forever.

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So iVe read all the comments about the guests’ dresses being inappropriate and have to say I completely disagree. I didn’t like Victoria’s dress (at least not on her), but inappropriate? How? Audra looked stunning as always and I only wish I had the girls to hold up a dress like that Lol! It’s a black tie affair and women always bring the sexy if they’ve got the body for it (and sometimes when they don’t). 

my first thought when I saw Abby’s dress was exactly the same as others here: totally NOT EVEN CLOSE to Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn. Like not even in the same stratosphere. I didn’t mind the shiny fabric or the extra low back (MO has a kick ass body), but the bodice was all kinds of wrong. The costume designer should be sent back to school immediately!

claire, you’re a Newman now. You no longer have to shop In Kohl’s for a dress. Get yourself a personal shopper and find a decent gown. You can afford it. What you can’t afford is to make your billionaire family look bad, and that’s exactly what you did in that cheap polyester dress. 

I didn’t even see Sumner, Mariah, Tessa until they were seated so I can’t comment on their gowns. 

I really liked Ashley’s dress but agree that I was afraid the right side was going to fall off her arm and give us a peep show! 

Re Chancellor, please please PLEASE tell me Jill didn’t actually sell to Victor? Of all the underhanded things she could possibly do to humiliate her son even further, that was the worst. Not even a warning. Just ‘okay Victor, you win, where’s my money?’ Then telling her son he’s fired and ‘I didn’t have a choice’????? Of course you had a choice! You could’ve sold it to Devon for Chrissake! Or even Tucker! Or just held onto it and found a new CEO with experience to run it. You did NOT have to sell to Victor! 🤬

I’m sure it’s too much to hope that Phyllis is dead or at least in an irreversible coma? (Sigh) a girl can dream can’t she?

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1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

Audra looked stunning

1. Showing up at a wedding in an outfit designed to outshine the bride is a definite no no;

2. Abby's one-of-a-kind tailored wedding gown looked like it had been grabbed last minute off a rack in some used wedding gowns store, the same with Ashley's mother-of-the-bride dress - these were obviously mass-produced dresses that the Bell Dramatic Serial Company couldn't afford to have tailor-fitted to the actors.

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1 hour ago, Js Nana said:

Showing up at a wedding in an outfit designed to outshine the bride is a definite no no;

Meh. I doubt she was trying to upstage the bride. And certainly not by just wearing a revealing dress. I just wish Abby’s dress was even remotely like something either Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn would have worn. Instead it looks cheap and the neckline is ridiculous. A high neck, low back in plain silk or satin would have been much classier. 

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Go Diane! Fire that ungrateful little rodent you birthed lol! Poor widdle Kyle is out of work again courtesy of mommy dearest. 

Okay so I liked the simplicity of Summer’s dress. Was Audra’s dress velvet? Damn I hope Victor didn’t have the heat on too high or she’s gonna be undressing before long lol!

still didn’t see Tessa except from the back but I like the color of her dress.

back to the festivities. They hired a reverend to meet the guests and then not be on camera until he pronounced them man and wife? Hell, Mariah could’ve done that. Or Kyle! He officiated Mariah’s wedding. Why not Abby’s? 

I’d forgotten how beautiful Ana is! Not crazy about her eye makeup but that girl is stunning!

Guess it’s too much to hope Phyllis is dead, huh? 😝

so Jordan and Ian are responsible for all this mayhem? What do either of them have against Daniel, Heather, Phyllis or Sharon? Why wouldn’t they be going after the Newmans? Never mind, my head hurts just thinking about it. 😭

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For sure this isn’t going to make any sense but I am very pleased to have the Queen back!

 Jill may be only near death on the show but she is dead to me for now!

 Claire’s usefulness at this wedding is having the one dress uglier than Abby’s droopy mess.

Edited by lgprimes
Autocorrect was incorrect
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2 hours ago, MollyB said:

All the dresses reminded me of when my friends and I would sew clothes for our Barbies.  

I knew I'd seen them before!  One thing that made the errors stand out was that the mis-fitting parts didn't have small wrinkles or strains, but huge panels of what looked like stiff material that did not conform to the wearer's body, which is always a problem when using a large sewing machine to make tiny clothes.

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Captions had Ian's name as Mr X. Thanks show, but we know our history and he's not a mystery man. Of course Jordan has escaped (again) and there is no news about it. No warning to the Newmans at least?

I'm not the biggest Diane fan unless she is firing Kyle. I can watch that all day, but I think she was the best dressed. Her hair looked lovely and the color her dress was so pretty.

I thought it was funny when Audra dissing marriage and Abby getting so mad about it. Yes, yes. Devon is your true love. As was Stitch, as was Chance...good luck Devon!

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1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

so Jordan and Ian are responsible for all this mayhem? What do either of them have against Daniel, Heather, Phyllis or Sharon? Why wouldn’t they be going after the Newmans? Never mind, my head hurts just thinking about it. 😭

I was wondering about that too. Phyllis was in a coma for most of Ian Ward's rampage and met him (Ian AKA "Fred") in the woods and bonded with him. And I don't recall any interactions with Sharon.  I'd prefer to see Ian & Jordan terrorize Nikki & Victor!

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Mariah was in Ian’s cult, wasn’t she? As for Phyllis, to meet her is to want to ruin her life. I am interested in finding out the mechanics of this outlandish plot. Have they been drugging Sharon? Did Crazy & Cult kill Heather to get the ball rolling? How did Victor, master of the universe, not know Jordan was running around sprout-free?

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Loved the little side-eye Dominic gave Abby when he carried up the wedding rings. He was like, "Cool your jets, Mommy. I got this."

It's not a GC wedding unless there's some kind of major distraction, amirite?

I didn't realize Victoria and Ana were so chummy. Vikki treated her like an old sorority sister.

Gotta give Diane extra points for having the stones to show up. Hey, Kyle? STFU. You just keep spewing the same ish at Diane and it's beyond boring.

Lol, wonder if Harmony and Ashley coordinated their outfits to show the same bare shoulder?

Show, why did you have to mention Tucker AGAIN??!! Stop torturing me!!!!

Ditto comments upthread, I loved Diane's gown. The color was perfect for an evening fall wedding and it fit her beautifully, as her outfits always do.

Geez, Nick and Chance weren't worried about Phyllis' car engine blowing up? Maybe her SUV was electric, ha ha.

Victor is a solid particle of excreta. (😈) Why would he turn on Kyle like that? Kyle's been eagerly doing Victor's bidding.

Miss Audra to Lily and Abby: "Don't come for me unless I send for you." They should've known better than to take her on.

AFAIC Lily would've had every right to cuss Jill out for basically telling Lily she needs to stay in her place--at Winters with Devon and Nate.

Oh boy, Sharon's about to make Nick complicit in her car accident, that is if he doesn't immediately tell Chance.

Love it when a spoiled nepo baby has to pick up the million tiny pieces of his smug face up off the floor. No Glissade for you, fella!

Jordan and Ian Ward? KILL. ME. NOW. DO NOT WANT. NOOOOOOO!!!!😱

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Besides Faith not being at the wedding aren’t Johnny and Katie also missing.  

The more I see Abby’s dress the more I absolutely think the dress was signed by Chelsea not Sally. 

So the monkeys with the keyboard are making it Sharon’s fault but there is no damage to Sharon’s car.  Chance said that someone veered into Manic Phyllis🕷️lane but how is that possible when they were both headed in the same direction if they were going to Sharon’s house out of GC.  If I remember correctly, Sharon saw headlights in her rear view mirror. 

Give me a fucking break. Auntie Jordan and Ian are alive, well and out of prison.  🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩. How did they get out of prison, how do they know each other and how are they back in the public square without Victor knowing about it?  


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The re-appearance of Tuck woulda been interesting.  But this?  Get ready to lose some brain cells, listening to lameness of the explanation of why these 2 are back.

Oh yeah, and in the pitch dark, how would Sharon even know it was Phyllis' car, when she wasn't following her?  OMG, NONE OF THIS MAKES ANY SENSE!!!  Guess if continuing to watch, that's gonna be the theme going forward?

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Why would he turn on Kyle like that?

Because he's out to grind any one with the misfortune to be named Abbott into dust beneath the heal of his boot.

2 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Diane's dress fit perfectly & looked great on her. 

SW must supply her own wardrobe, while the others have to raid the racks in the wardrobe room for whatever comes the closest to fitting them, and the men never seem to turn up in ill-fitting outfits - why is that?

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I had to turn the volume up to hear Billy talking to Jill but then turn it down again when that HORRIBLE singing started OMG 

I felt second hand embarrassment for Abby when she came 'bouncing' down those stairs...

Diane looked AMAZING in that dress!!

I loved Nick's little high pitched scream while trying to save Phyllis 

I felt no love at that wedding.  None.  


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I've been slowly catching up for months and as of today I'm finally current. And what a day to catch up, Jordan and Ian pairing up makes so little sense that was actually shocking. Where did they meet, baby snatchers anonymous? My money was on Sheila since at least she's related to Lucy. Never mad to see Ray Wise on my screen no matter how illogical the plotline. 

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In statements on the bombshell returns, Josh Griffith (EP and head writer) shared with Deadline, “The pairing of Ian Ward and Aunt Jordan will be a double dose of danger. The residents of Genoa City should be on high alert thanks to this intriguing alliance. As a company, we are thrilled to welcome back the talented, Ray Wise and Colleen Zenk to the canvas.”


Ray Wise said of his Y&R comeback, “It’s wonderful to be back on The Young and the Restless. It feels like home. I had a great time when I last appeared on the show and am having an even better time now with the talented, Colleen Zenk. I could not have asked for a better partner in crime and it’s so good to see both Eric Braeden and Melody Thomas Scott again. I look forward to the mischievous Ian Ward causing more havoc in Genoa City. Stay tuned, it’s going to be a whole lot of fun.”


 Zenk summed it up, “I’m so happy to return to Y&R surrounding the show’s 13,000th episode and be paired with the amazing, Ray Wise. Jordan is lucky enough to have Ian Ward by her side and she settles some unfinished business while also finding the time to take on some new adversaries as well.”

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My my my, what an episode.

I knew that today beginning with a big bang and Nick immediately jumping up and running out of the room either meant Phyllis's crash, or letting us know that Nick had one too many bean burritos for breakfast.  Then, Our Hero rips off his coat like he's either Superman or has another nits infestation.

Speaking of a nits infestation,

7 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Victor is a solid particle of excreta

there's Victor, once again, proving how accurate this description is, by telling everyone what a wonderful day he wants Abby and Devon to have while at the same time, setting up Abby's uncle and Abby's cousin for public humiliation and disappointment.

Not there's any sadness in seeing Kyle once again swallow his lips as he takes it on the chin

7 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Love it when a spoiled nepo baby has to pick up the million tiny pieces of his smug face up off the floor. No Glissade for you, fella!

so deservedly from his mother.  There were a lot of comments from the guests about how horrible Diane is but for me, her rotten kid and Victor aka Jabba the Hut are Olympic gold medal winners in the asswipe category.

Another Tucker mention makes me hope, for no good reason, that he might reappear.  It'd be pretty sweet if he swept in and stole Chancellor away from Victor, though I don't see how it would help Lily and William Le Merde Abbott, who I really want to win.  Unfortunately, I'm thinking that with Jill invoking her poor health, she really is selling to Victor and not planning a doublecross.  I hope I'm wrong.  I also hope JG isn't killing Jill off as part of this storyline.

So Jordan is back???  Damn.  We get to hear more breathless soliloquies and Colleen Zenk standing around with her mouth open.  Somebody fill it with brussel sprouts.

4 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Billy’s pants often look too short…

He's usually "flood pants Billy".  At least he didn't wear his boat shoes and captain's hat.

Oh yeah.  Nikki can shut her pie hole and though I rarely say it, Jack can as well.  Also Traci and Ashley, STFU.

Edited by boes
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8 hours ago, Sweetpea4Utoo said:

I felt no love at that wedding.  None. 

I, for one, was overwhelmed by the love at the wedding. There were so many kinds of love expressed that I’m sure all who attended will remember this day fondly.

Now, as one who was unable to have children, I must trust that the best way to show your son unconditional love is to sell his business out from under him while simultaneously hiding your health problems from him. It’s not really love though, unless you sell that business to the bullying lich who has tormented your son for years. Excuse me, I need a moment. *sniffles*

Sorry. We also witnessed the powerful love a son has for his mother, an affection nurtured by months of sabotage and disrespect until he fucked around one too many times and found out. To be fair, the son was abandoned as a youth. To be fairer, he possesses the kind of personality that begs people to shove him out the door of a slow rolling vehicle. Watching the lad hiss venom at his mum in front of his date’s parents brought a tear to my eye.

Truly, can anything top the paternal adoration shown to the bride on her special day? First, the father of the bride remembered she existed. Then he took a jackhammer to the half of her family that has always recognized her. Right there, at her wedding. After admonishing others not to bring up unpleasant topics. That’s love, folks.

The other brother of the bride and the designer of the dress not being there was special too, in a different way. But who can turn down scenes of Esther guzzling champagne?

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15 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Chance said that someone veered into Manic Phyllis🕷️lane but how is that possible when they were both headed in the same directio

Hey, it chansome.


15 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:


he can't look pretty and think at the same time.  And why wasn't he at the wedding?

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11 hours ago, boes said:

I also hope JG isn't killing Jill off as part of this storyline.

Me too. Jill is the OG character right now and if they kill her off then I guess Nikki moves up to the top position. Okay.

Knowing this show though, they'll figure out a way to say Victor was a character before Nikki was. Then they'll have a carefully edited anniversary show to try to gaslight the older members of the audience who know better since they've been watching Y&R for decades. TPTB might as well change the name of the show to All About Victor.

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Where to start with the Friday Rant?

  • ViKtor is the worst.  Hands down.  First he highjacks his baby girl's wedding which they had already planned but somehow lost the venue (Viktor?), solely for the opportunity to get all and any to genuflect at his feet because he rebuilt the Old Raunch for his Mybaby idiot wife.
  • Then, while carrying on about Family and how important it is and how this is an important day for Abby and Devon (yathink?) he manipulates a couple of corporate explosions whose fallout land directly in the middle of the happiest day in A&D's life. (And it's her birthday!!grrrr.)  Many happy returns of the day!
  • Then we have the distraction of Phyllis (all week) culminating in a car crash with a fire that isn't even in the car, but to the side apparently, that the fire department should have arrived at before Chance got there.  Are the numbers 9 and 1 missing from every phone in GC?
  • Diane shows up at a wedding that she has no dog in and we know Viktor did that, too, because he can't wait to tell her she has Glissade and see her fire her son.  Again.
  • Esther, for no reason other than she may have tippled a little too much, turns nasty.
  • The wardrobe department has already been thoroughly chastised so I don't need to go on about the ridiculous outfits these people who have money to burn find in the bargain basement bins. 
  • And then!  We have Jordan back!!!  Maximum security my ass.  She burned down the last prison.  How is she not in the Black Hole of Calcutta?  My only explanation for her escape is that while being escorted from one place to another in the maximum security prison, she suggested a gratis sexual encounter to her guard and whilst he was throwing up (projectile vomiting, for sure), she escaped.
  • Throwing Ian Ward into the mix is a stretch for me, too.  I know there is history with Sharon and Mariah, but lo, these many years we haven't seen him doing anything about it.  Wasn't he in prison, too?  Guess he and Jordan were pen (pun intended) pals.  Also conveniently explains why Brussel Sprout Breath is back and not going after Viktor & Co.
  • Finally, what is it going to take to get a straight jacket on Sharon?  Her googly eyes and lips that never really fully close when she talks need professional attention, not to mention her brain.  This is beyond Nick, Chance, Faith and Mariah's pay grade.

Added note:  All week I have been wondering when Phyllis's lips were going to slide off her face.  They look like they were melting or she had borrowed Halloween wax lips from Sally and they were disintegrating.  Anyhow, when the car was (supposed to be) on fire, I was waiting for her to be totally lip-less.

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3 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

That's awful to do to your own kid, whether he's a walking douchenozzle or not.

Meh. No one told him to steal from his family’s company. No one told him to be a petty little pissant and whine about how he was OWED everything in  life. I have no pity for him and actually think he deserves everything that’s happened to him.

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