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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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2 hours ago, MollyB said:

My problem with Kyle isn't that he doesn't have a reason to be mad at his parents.  It's that he chooses to go the revenge route with Viktor-someone whom he knows hates his parents and has had a long time feud with.  And the way Kyle has acted throughout this whole thing, like a whiney little baby, makes me think he is not mature enough to be in the C Suite.

Yep. What is most off to me though is why Jack suddenly decided Kyle wasn't ready to be a co-CEO. Kyle has already served as Jabot's co-CEO and he was fine. Why is he now unqualified? Seems to me Kyle's abilities only became an issue when Diane stepped into the picture. 

Whatever, I don't think Jack should have to put up with Kyle trashing him in his own home. Kyle drinks Jack's booze, eats Jack's food, and lives in the Abbott manse for free. If he can't pay due respect then Kyle needs to GTFO.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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13 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Now, this may be a stretch, but what if Audra hits Jackie up for a job?  Hmmm.  Hey, did Jackie say the Jabot SPF moisturizer was their biggest launch in a decade -- or their ONLY launch in the last decade?  Either way, maybe they could use Audra to drag them outta what sounds like a stodgy rut.

Heck yeah, Jack should give Audra Kyle's old job, the COO. Weren't Diane and Jack recently discussing how they needed to fill Kyle's position soon or else Jabot would look bad in the business world? Seeing Audra excel at his old job might frost Kyle's flakes but good. Problem is, Audra can't be trusted.

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On 10/8/2024 at 6:20 PM, One Tough Cookie said:

I respectfully  request the EB retire from the show. 

Based on his performance over the last 5 episodes, I'm guessing that it won't be much longer than a year before it's time for the show to take the car keys away from Victor the Great, master of the entire universe, including Uranus and its twenty-eight known moons.

On 10/11/2024 at 12:03 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Not everyone is like EB & wants to be there till they drop dead.

. . . Eric the Indispensable, without whom the entire show would fall apart.

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22 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Jack is getting what he deserves for what exactly?

It goes back to the episode where Nikki was in a room at GCAC getting plastered and Jack showed up and tried to scare her straight by having his own drug of choice delivered to the room and then having to be rescued from an overdose by EMTs, which drew the wrath of TGVN.

On 10/11/2024 at 10:42 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Odds are good Jill will come back to GC for Abby and Devon's wedding, right? Maybe everything will get settled then.

The wedding - her third and his second - will, as with all other big get-togethers on the show, will be the venue for major fireworks when characters collide, and self-interests are exposed.

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3 hours ago, Js Nana said:

It goes back to the episode where Nikki was in a room at GCAC getting plastered and Jack showed up and tried to scare her straight by having his own drug of choice delivered to the room and then having to be rescued from an overdose by EMTs, which drew the wrath of TGVN.

Oh yeah--that was riveting amirite?

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On 10/12/2024 at 1:01 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

What is most off to me though is why Jack suddenly decided Kyle wasn't ready to be a co-CEO. Kyle has already served as Jabot's co-CEO and he was fine. Why is he now unqualified?

Didn’t he knock Kyle down to coo before Diane joined the company? I was on the barge for several months but when I came back, Kyle was already COO because Jack didn’t think he was qualified or wasn’t doing a good job. Something like that. And if Kyle really wanted to be co-CEO again, he should have said so, instead of putting Diane up for the job and praising her to the hilt. I know he didn’t think Jack would actually do it, but Kyle has no one to blame but himself. And regardless of the reasons he gave for going behind Diane’s back, he DID just that. Every chance he got. And he was proud of it. So he can suck it up and grow up!

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22 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Didn’t he knock Kyle down to coo before Diane joined the company?

Or was it when Billy returned to the fold and wanted the co-ceo with Jack?


On 10/12/2024 at 10:19 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Kyle's position soon or else Jabot would look bad in the business world?

I thought that was foreshadowing Lily joining Jabot, but I guess that would be a step down for her.  Weren't Audra and Jack chem tested before Diane got back?  I don't think it would be a very good match, but it sure would piss off Diane.  And then Kyle can return to Jabot to team up with Mom for the Ultimate Smackdown Tag Team match at the next Wrestlemania.  Love me some smackdown.

Edited by MollyB
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How could Glissade beat Jabot to the market with the misurizer with sunscreen? Kyle just stole the formulation a week or so ago. It would take months to manufacture, package and market. Unless Jabot hasn’t done any of these things either, there is no way Glissade could catch up.  I still wish, just once, that a fake formulation was planted for Kyle to find as a test, and that he and Victor would end up with egg on their face.

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2 hours ago, MollyB said:

Or was it when Billy returned to the fold and wanted the co-ceo with Jack?

And what about when Adam was there and Kyle tried to sabotage him, or something like that?  I can no longer remember who was in what position when at any of these companies.

Nor do I much care, I guess.

I guess the only thing left for Audra to take over would be Crimson Lights.


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Still catching up on everything but quick thoughts/reactions on the death of Heather and what not - 

Death of Heather - Already betting that Lucy killed her by 'accident'.  Sharon blacked out/was out cold when Heather was killed. My bet is Lucy came home before going to the movies with Daniel, walked in on Heather waking up/holding her head while Sharon was passed out on the floor. Heather tries to explain that Sharon attacked her but Lucy gets hysterical thinking Heather hurt/killed Sharon and that because of this Faith will never want to be friends with her. Struggle ensues as Heather tries to calm her down and Lucy pushes her away too hard and Heather goes down/hits her head and dies. Then as Lucy stares dumbfounded at Heather, Sharon begins to stir and Lucy being a teen, scared, and horrified she killed her mom, flees and leaves Sharon to believ she did it and to clean up the mess. Lucy is blaming Sharon for Heather's death because Lucy blames everyone but herself and the claws are really going to come out when she realizes Sharon is framing her dad. Meanwhile, Lucy gets comfort and attention and Faith is going to really try to be her friend in her time of need- Lucy getting exactly what she wanted- Faith back as her loyal friend. I think the act starts as an accident, but Lucy ultimately gives into her bad seed proclivities to keep Faith close and somehow get Sharon arrested so she and Faith can be together, forever. 

How Jack didn't deck Kyle and pack up his stuff in garbage bags to drop on the stoop like he did Gloria is beyond me. Jack is too good a father to that dweeb. Theo needs to return to be a thorn in his side just for kicks and giggles. And appeal to Claire's shadier side.

Lily conveniently left out her colluding with Victor to take A-C from Billy, LOL. Jill's gonna get her for that one when the truth comes out. Glad Lily finally saw the light on Victor and Nikki's schemes. 

Nate and Audra are my shining couple. I want a big wedding, a cute baby, and for them to be a stable power couple. 

Speaking of Audra, this wouldn't be the smartest thing Jack did, but hiring Audra to fill Kyle's role at Jabot would be hilarious. Diane and Summer would both be sucking lemons but Sally would have her new bestie in the building. 

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That scene between Nate and Audra was the best I’ve seen in this soap in ages.

 I’m rooting for Lily, although honestly I still wish honestly she and Billy would work things out to take down VictorNewman together. Lily and Billy have chemistry. Billy and Sally, notsomuch.

 Biggest takeaway from today? It’s better without the dumb Sharon/Heather storyline. 

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Audra's curly hair today. Gorgeous.

FFS, why were Jack and Diane conducting critical Jabot business in public, in Crimson Lights no less? A place where Kyle could show up at any moment. So stupid.

Sigh, now whenever I wear a shirt with buttons I'm going to count them. Darn Connor's OCD.

Apparently Nikki and Victor still don't know Lily was fired from Abbott-Chancellor. Strange.

Come on, how can Lily go after Victor? I mean, I'd love to see her succeed but I feel like pigs will fly in formation over the GC skyline before that happens.

FINALLY!!!! Bring it, Jill! The fate of A-C is in your hands. I'm amazed Billy didn't square things with Jill before Lily could get to her.

Lol, Jill was like, "Exsqueeze me, whut?" when Lily told her Billy had hired Phyllis at A-C. Welcome to the Bizarro world, Jill.

I don't think Audra fully appreciates the value of the pep talks Nate gives her. He is 100% on Team Audra.

Aw, I see you Sally, patting Billy's leg nonchalantly. Unfortunately I also had to see Billy manspreading, AGAIN. 🤮🤮🤮🤮

I like how Adam and Jack have maintained a genuine friendship.

Why is Victor going so hard on Diane? Seems to me she takes his insults as a challenge to prove him wrong.

Billy said he got a new place. Bet Sally will eventually be helping him christen it, if my drift is caught. There will be plenty of interiors being decorated.

Oh, okay, Victor thinks he's helping to destroy Jack by turning Diane against him and wrecking their marriage. < yawn>

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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

Lily conveniently left out her colluding with Victor to take A-C from Billy, LOL.

She sure did. It was something the way Lily made it sound like Billy's burning A-C to the ground. What has he done that's so awful? He hired Phyllis but she hasn't yet proven to be an actual problem. And Victor trying to snatch A-C isn't Billy's fault, that's just Victor swimming in his longtime anti-Abbott obsession. Seems to me Jill needs to have some words with Vic for undermining her. Harsh ones.

4 hours ago, Stpauliegirl said:

How could Glissade beat Jabot to the market with the misurizer with sunscreen?

Because Kyle and Jack seem to be ignoring the fact the product is already in the marketplace. Neutrogena has an entire line of moisturizers with SPF and moisture-enriched sunscreens called Hydro Boost. They've had it for years. I imagine some of the other big cosmetics companies have similar products. This whole storyline is clueless IMO.

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On 10/11/2024 at 4:29 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Nikki's hair. WTAF.

There's just so much we can do with our natural hair as we approach our 70s.

On 10/11/2024 at 4:29 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

It's more likely Daniel killed Heather than her having a secret boyfriend who did it.

. . . leaving out the fact that it was Sharon who killed her, or so we've been led to believe.

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On 10/12/2024 at 10:36 AM, Waldo13 said:

It was personal pride for Diane knowing that Kyle was better suited for the job.

Actually, it was Kyle undermining her by contacting clients behind her back that got him fired.

On 10/11/2024 at 4:29 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

is Audra trying to curry favor with Jack or put a knife in Kyle's back?


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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Audra's curly hair today. Gorgeous.

I agree it is beautiful.  


1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Sigh, now whenever I wear a shirt with buttons I'm going to count them. Darn Connor's OCD.


Did she also sew the hole the button goes into?  Inquiring minds want to know.

On second thought I don't give a shit


1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Aw, I see you Sally, patting Billy's leg nonchalantly. Unfortunately I also had to see Billy manspreading, AGAIN

So gross.

Was that a hamburger roll on top of nikki's head/

Sally.  The fall season its over and if you were a real designer you would now be working on spring/summer line

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

why were Jack and Diane conducting critical Jabot business in public

. . . but how could any of their arch enemies overhear what they're doing if they actually conducted business in the office, like real business people do?

3 minutes ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Did she also sew the hole the button goes into?

Obviously, whoever wrote that line has never used a sewing machine in their lives.

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Well, if I heard right, the supposed "catch" with the new Jabot moisturizer, is being an SPF that doesn't need to be reapplied (presumably within daily use).  And that doesn't exist now on market . . . cuz it's pretty much of an impossibility -- because of sweating in hot weather or just because of the nature of SPF, which degrades in protection after several hours.  So yeah, this is yet another poorly written storyline.

Lucy-fer as the real "killer" of Heather & her hair -- as suggested above?  I like it!  Hope Josh reads here . . .

Man, anyone else feeling absolutely zero, none, nada sexual heat btw Billy & Sally?  Their scenes feel kinda cringey.  Bally/Silly?  Feh!

Is Diane smart -- or is she yet another GC dumb-dumb?  Why in the freakin' world is she confiding to Michael, who she sees is slobbering all over Vic & follows his every order?  Does it not occur to her that EVERYTHING she tells Michael is gonna go right to Vic?  Yeah, yet another GC dumb-dumb.

Great to see Jill, but Lils left out that she was first conspiring against Billy on her own before he fired her -- and then acting as Vic's spy against Billy.  A lot you left out on that call, Lils.  And notice Jill didn't say she was putting Lils in charge of A-C & firing Billy, did she?  So ya may not have gotten what you were after, Lils.  Hint of a return of Jill to GC?

Hey, MTS, did you piss off the hair stylists . . . cuz what other explanation could there be?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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8 hours ago, boes said:

If anything, Victor is getting even worse these days.  He actually said to Nikki that he "allowed her to do what she wanted"

OMG I came THISCLOSE to tweeting EB about that line to ask his thoughts, but then I remembered how indignant he got when I asked if he actually knew Nikki’s name and decided to just let it go. Just once, I want Nikki to look him in the eyes and say ‘I’m sorry you WHAT?’ But of course Victor always knows best and Nikki knows better than to ever question her husband 🤬

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12 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

the supposed "catch" with the new Jabot moisturizer, is being an SPF that doesn't need to be reapplied (presumably within daily use).  And that doesn't exist now on market . . . cuz it's pretty much of an impossibility -- because of sweating in hot weather or just because of the nature of SPF, which degrades in protection after several hours. 

Okay, now the amazing new Jabot product Kyle stole for Glissade sounds to me like a mistake waiting to happen. Who wants an SPF facial product that's basically cemented to your skin? Even if it's just for a day, hail nah. And I say that as someone who lives where for at least six months out of the year the sun rises and basically goes, "Come at me, SPF."


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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Who wants an SPF facial product that's basically cemented to your skin?

Joimiaroxeu, you just nailed WHY this product is so important to Glissade aka Victor!

Finally he'll be able to hunt victims in full daylight, no more will he have to wait till sundown to emerge from his Brussels Sprouts crypt to quench his thirst for human blood.

Glissade - recommended by 5 out of 6 undead.  Try it tonight!

Edited by boes
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I couldn’t watch for 2 weeks since I was on vacation. Could someone please fill me in on how Heather died. Was Sharon responsible or has that not been established.  The last episode I was able to watch was that Sharon was up to something to hurt Daniel. 


I didn’t know that Billy👃 was another Gene Kelly in being a great tap dancer in talking to Jill. 


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17 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Lucy-fer as the real "killer" of Heather & her hair -- as suggested above?  I like it!  Hope Josh reads here .

He mustn't be, or he wouldn't be shoveling this shit down our throats


41 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

I couldn’t watch for 2 weeks since I was on vacation. Could someone please fill me in on how Heather died. Was Sharon responsible or has that not been established.  The last episode I was able to watch was that Sharon was up to something to hurt Daniel

Well, I'll tell ya/  We still don't know and I think for most of us when I say we don't care at this point.

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Summer's top. Hard fashion don't.

Chance, Heather having a secret boyfriend who killed her is the stone you need to leave unturned. On Neptune.

I did not have Phyllis as the voice of reason on my Y&R Tuesday bingo card. She's wrong though about not making Chance get a search warrant before he could go through Heather's belongings. The whole "nothing to hide" thing is bovine excrement IMO.

Nothing like a private yet public picnic on Chancellor Park's tiny patch of sand and grass, huh Nick? And with your bonkers ex-wife!

Lucy being so utterly grief-stricken was causing me many mixed feelings, especially the part where Faith was commending her for not drinking. Ehh.

Seeing Billy about to receive a virtual spanking from his mommy was the treat I didn't realize how much I needed. Get him, Jill!

Hope Chance brought Luminol with him for the search of Daniel's apartment, ha ha. The foyer will light up like a blue LED Christmas tree, tee hee.

Dang, Billy didn't waste any time calling out Lily and Chance to Jill. I was not mad at him. Those two tattletales have their own issues which aren't really Billy's fault.

Who would've been calling or texting Heather's phone? Creepy.

Maybe Jill should've made it clear up front she expected Billy to run all hiring and firing decisions past her first. I'm still on Billy's side.

Wow. Jill threatened to bring down the ultimate hammer on Billy. I'm betting his response will be, "Challenge accepted, mommy." 🤡

"Is that blood?" Understatement of the month, Daniel.  

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Dang, Billy didn't waste any time calling out Lily and Chance to Jill. I was not mad at him. Those two tattletales have their own issues which aren't really Billy's fault.


3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Maybe Jill should've made it clear up front she expected Billy to run all hiring and firing decisions past her first. I'm still on Billy's side.

I’m happy to see somebody else sticking to for Billy a bit here. I’m not his biggest fan, but apart from how rudely he speaks to his employees on the phone, I haven’t seen him do anything egregiously wrong at AC so far. Chance was out of line expecting to be CEO so fast, and didn’t Lily actually admit to him that she planned to get rid of him? (I still don’t really understand why Lily turned on him so fast.)

No matter what the corporate storyline if I can root against Victornewman, I will.

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Best part of Show today, for me, was when Jill leaned in on her screen call with Billy, after he'd defended hiring Phyllis as a good business decision and said, "ARE YOU INSANE?"  I rewound that several times just for the sheer pleasure of hearing Jess Walton put a master class in elocution on display with those three little words and the look on her face.

So, so good.

I want Billy to win ONLY because his opponent is Victor.  Otherwise, they could drag him manspreading backwards on waterskis behind Jaboat and I wouldn't care.  He's another of those characters, like Phyllis and Chelsea who constantly drum into everyone that they've "changed" and yet we see not an iota of proof onscreen.  He walked into Chancellor with his usual emotional boner every time he hears his own name, elbowed everyone around him out of the way with his "game-changing" idea of putting his own name on the company 5 minutes after he got there - and b.s. on doing this to honor his mother.  If it was anyone other than Victor, I'd love to see him bounced out of Chancellor on his pointy head.

But it is Victor, so ....... okay........

Heather's phone really holds a charge, doesn't it?  

Yep, that's all I got.

Edited by boes
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Wait, if you looked close, can ya see a smile on Lucy-fer's mug, when she's tearless crying & gettin' all cuddly-wuddly with Faith?  Now, if she's still snuggling on Faith in another week or so . . .  er, maybe Mariah needs to clue Faith in that something else just might be going on?

Hmmm, hey Sharon, way to keep a poker-face with Lucy-fer!  I hear Botox helps with that . . .

New trend in GC -- mommies who fire their shithead sons?  Who could be next?

Wow, Phyllis, you're sure to set a record for shortest time on a job in GC.  Audra may have had 10 thousand jobs in GC she's been fired from, but at least she keeps them for a little while -- that is, until she has sex with someone she works with or back-stabs them (or both).  Watch out for that one, Jackie!

Uh, Jill, ya kinda didn't get the story straight.  Lily is hardly a saint. 

Billy as a leader?  Not impressed.  I don't like the disrespectful, condescending way he speaks to his employees.  I'm betting we're not the only ones who can't stand him.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Did Audra seriously believe she could get Jack to help her? Sweetie, Jack knows exactly who and what Victor is. He’s been dealing with that old coot since before you were born. He doesn’t need your help. Her incredulity when he walked away was hysterical. Maybe she believes she’s Scarlett O’Hara and Glissade is Tara? While I would dearly love for someone, ANYONE to take down Victor Newman, it sure as hell won’t be her.

Phyllis, desperation isn’t a good look, even when you’re flashing your boobs in Billy’s face. I still don’t get why she NEEDS this r any other job. She sold her hotel for at least 8 figures. Even after paying Nick back and any other debt she had, she should still be living pretty high.  I mean, how expensive could her hair extensions and strapless/backless dresses possibly cost? And it’s not like she eats anything so food isn’t an excessive cost.

Chance really should’ve gotten a warrant to search Daniel’s apartment. I know Daniel gave him a verbal okay but can’t a decent attorney get the towels dismissed as evidence since there was no warrant? 

Michael is dead to me unless he’s playing Victor to help Jack and Diane, which I doubt since he’s been groveling for months to get back into Victor’s good graces. Victor has no loyalty to anyone but himself. He won’t hesitate to throw Michael under the bus as soon as Michael steps out of line. 

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14 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Billy as a leader?  Not impressed.  I don't like the disrespectful, condescending way he speaks to his employees.  I'm betting we're not the only ones who can't stand him.

Well, Billy Abbott is a fictional character, which means that his never-seen employees are also fictional, so I'm assuming that you're talking about the actor who plays him.  If that's not the case, dear ScoobyDoobs, then I would suggest that you do what I do *when the behavior of the characters on my soaps starts to drive me crazy; take a break.


* As an example; today, I really, really, wanted to be able to reach through the TV screen and slap "Victor Newman" silly.

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1 minute ago, Sake614 said:

She sold her hotel for at least 8 figures.

Speaking of the Grand Phoenix, when was the last time anyone booked a room there, because I can't believe that the accommodations at the GCAC are as spaciously luxurious as those at the Grand Phoenix - would anyone who had a choice prefer the Genoa City Athletic Club over the Grand Phoenix?

Just now, Js Nana said:

would anyone who had a choice prefer the Genoa City Athletic Club over the Grand Phoenix?

. . . am I the only one who wonders if the GCAC has a passenger elevator, because everyone who stays there uses that skimpy little staircase to get to their room.

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Phillis🕷️ should just be fired for the outfit she wore to the office. It might be appropriate for a dinner party but not an office environment.  


Please Phyllis🕷️, STFU!!  You are so pathetic. 

Phillis🕷️ is a master of turning on the tears in order to gain sympathy.  As I said, she is pathetic. True to form, Phillis🕷️ only gives 💩💩 about herself. 


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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

hillis🕷️ should just be fired for the outfit she wore to the office. It might be appropriate for a dinner party but not an office environment.  


yeah, I did corporate back in the before I got into teaching and I was cringing at the thought of wearing that.  Maybe I'm just too old, but seriously?  If the AC comes on, poor Billy will have to have her flappers in his face.

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Audra having to realize maybe she and Glissade weren't a perfect match after all. Aw, probrecita.

When and how did Victor find out about Lily no longer working at Abbott-Chancellor? He and Nikki knew Lily was no longer the CEO but they've been acting like she'd only been demoted.

Didn't Sharon have to use dead Heather's face to unlock her cell phone? Heather had biometric security, not a simple 4-digit passcode. Feh, another consistency error, JG.

What NDA? Audra already told Sally and Nate who the secret Glissade investor was. She didn't seem specifically worried about an NDA. Either Victor was lying to Adam today or this plot point is a retcon.

Then Audra mistakenly thought she'd enlightened Jack that Victor is Glissade's silent owner. Again, what frigging NDA?

Phyllis so desperate she tells Billy she'll work at A-C for free. Oh come on.

But Audra, you never "owned" Glissade. She and Lily both have this thing where they think running a company equals owning it. Goofy.

Not sure why Adam expected Michael to betray Victor's trust wrt Kyle and Glissade. No consigliere would do that unless they didn't value their livelihood.

Phyllis had the bright of idea working Jill on Billy's behalf so he doesn't have to fire her. OMG, this I gotta see.

Sharon is a criminal mastermind! (😉)  She actually thought to draft a text from Heather's phone making it look like Heather and Daniel were on bad terms when she died. Thereby painting an even bigger target of suspicion on Daniel's back. Dang.

Chance now thinks Daniel's apartment is a crime scene. So why didn't he arrest Daniel? Guess Chance has to run it by Summer first.

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4 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Chance really should’ve gotten a warrant to search Daniel’s apartment. I know Daniel gave him a verbal okay but can’t a decent attorney get the towels dismissed as evidence since there was no warrant?

As a graduate from the Law and Order School I am amazed that he didn't escort Daniel out call it a crime scene and call for backup.  But, I'll take a good looking cop like him any day.

Now, when Daniel gets  arrested his lawyer can cite unwarranted search rule.

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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6 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Chance really should’ve gotten a warrant to search Daniel’s apartment. I know Daniel gave him a verbal okay but can’t a decent attorney get the towels dismissed as evidence since there was no warrant? 

A warrant is not required if Daniel gave Chance permission to search his apartment. 

is basically the same with the TSA when you go through security at the airport.  You are giving them permission to screen your checked or carry in bags. 

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