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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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2 hours ago, lgprimes said:

Why the heck is JG so OBSESSED with mental health storylines? It’s been going on for years now - Chelsea’s depression, Connor’s OCD, Ashley’s DID, now immediately into Sharon and her bipolar med problems? It’s non-stop. As a real-life healthcare provider, I would like to request a break from this on my soap opera for a couple of weeks (at Ieast) once Sharon’s sure-to-be-annoying story runs it course?

And all this but GC Memorial seems to be out of commission, so they have to go to Fake France and Morbid Maryland for treatment.

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Hey, it's Sharon. In another weird dress.

So today the CC said Hayley's name is Dawn. Does Tucker's assistant have DID too, lol?

Tucker's skinny jeans tho. Yeah, baby.

Sure hope Traci and Jack check in with the mental clinic where Ashley is instead of merely relying on Alan's info on her. He could be making it all up, especially if he's actually Martin.

FFS, if Tucker said the sky was blue Audra would accuse him of prioritizing the sky over her. She is nucking futz.

And it continued: Chelsea and Adam's constantly self-involved dialogue masquerading as parental concern. Meh.

Gee, CEO Sharon, maybe you should've been working in your corporate office instead of the middle of the coffeehouse. No wonder you were cranky and distracted.

But, but, but, Tucker, Jack isn't the only billionaire with an agenda who knows you. Slighty wrong zip code.

Wonder what Tucker took to make himself pass out like that? Oy, it'd be stupid risky to overdose on something just to mess with the Glissade board meeting.

Ruh roh, Sharon's new bipolar meds are wonky. All the GC stores better bump up their security in case her kleptomania returns. And all the GC men better cross their legs in case Sharon's nymphomania comes back too, tee hee.

Holey hail, Audra. What part of GTFO do you not understand? You're not entitled to observe a private medical treatment. I almost hope Tucker wasn't faking so you can suffer all the guilt!

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5 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

ot done with this episode yet but this cannot wait. WTF is wrong with Sharon Case?! 

She was never a Meryl Streep but my lord .... it ain't just the filler and botox. 

Last time I saw her{and that was a couple of weeks ago} she could barely open her mouth and had a birds nest on her head.

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Finally Connor had a break through 👍.  Let’s hope that the monkeys with a keyboard will reverse course. 

Audra did you ever consider getting into bed with Victor is a lot worse than getting out of bed with Tucker.  Shall we say, out of the frying pan and into the fires of hell.  

No Nick 🦍 you are more of a master-baiter than a master.  

What the fuck?  Audra could just barge in to Tucker’s hotel suite. I guess Wonder Woman is impervious to a locked door. 

More what the fuck?  Tucker is showing signs of having a heart attack and his assistant calls the house doctor?  Why not call 112 which is the equivalent to 911 in Paris?  Maybe Tucker is faking it, as Audra thinks, and the doctor is a plant. 


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Phew!!  Connor is now able to eat soup.  I can't tell you what a load off my mind that is.  I'm guessing a rutabaga smoothie is next.

(Doesn't it seem obvious that what we're really getting is a clear picture of Josh Griffith's food issues?  No brussel sprouts or soup for him!)

Poor Sharon.  Not only is she adjusting to her new bipolar meds, it looks like she fell face forward into a barrel of botox, and her lips took the brunt of the fall.  I hear soup would help her feel better.

I see the antique phone in Audra's room is on her nightable while the exact same one is on a side table in Tucker's room.  Too bad his assistant wasn't using that to call the house doctor.  Maybe all Tucker needs from the house doctor is some house dressing with a house salad and whatever the house special is - on the house.  

Was Audra auditioning for a role in Wicked today?

How much you wanna bet Jack is staying at the same hotel Tucker and Audra are in?  You'd think Paris would have more than one hotel, but what do I know?

No spoiler here, just a thought, but I hope hope hope we move on to solid food tomorrow.  The sky is the limit!!

Edited by boes
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5 hours ago, lgprimes said:

She’s playing somebody who’s meds need adjusting..

It might have been a little worse today but girlfriend's been like this a while. I wonder if some of it is she is out of practice because they hardly use her. At the same time, can ya use her when she is that bad? 

It has been her delivery or maybe it is just me. lol

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Oh Tuck, really?  First the sad-sack shit, then begging & whining & practically crying like a little girl -- and then a ridiculously obvious fake heart attack?  Can ya be any more of a loser, Tuck?  Sheesh, that was so lame, it reminded me of a fifth-grader faking a tummy-ache to get out of an exam he didn't study for.  Guess it kinda/sorta worked cuz it did delay the meeting, if briefly.

And then Tuck wrongly guesses that Jack is the investor.  Jeez, Tuck -- you're a loser . . . and clueless too?  Why in the world would Jack be bothered with Glissade?  All Tuck can think about are all the peeps that can't stand him (which is countless) & want revenge against him, so he was so sidetracked by that.  Eh, anyway, his tush looked good in his jeans.

Oh Audra -- who were you channeling today?  Joan Crawford or Faye Dunaway doing Joan Crawford?  Brrrr, cold, cold, cold.

I'm guessing Sharon Case must've just had something done recently cuz her face looked so swollen.  I like her, but clearly the writers just can't figure out what to do with her.

Btw, Connor Floyd wasn't in the credits today.  Guess that means we (and Summer) won't be seeing him for another 3 months.  Expect Summer to be cranky & crabby (even more than usual).  But I hear ya, hun, I hear ya!

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On 6/15/2024 at 9:09 AM, lilmarysunshine said:

Diane has every right to be pissed off about it.

I don't disagree, I just thought it was important to bring up Jack and Nikki's past history to explain why they're so tight as friends, but that doesn't mean that I don't also think that all that past history can make for a not so healthy co-dependency between them - - also, I'm pretty sure that AA frowns upon ex-spouses/partners being one another's sponsor.

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1 hour ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

who were you channeling today?

The way Audra was trying to block the doctor getting to Tucker, she reminded me a bit of Bette Davis as "Regina" in 1941's The Little Foxes, in the scene where she is having an argument with her husband, "Horace," who has a bad heart, and she just sits there, stone faced and tight lipped, when he has an attack and spills his liquid medicine, causing him to have to struggles in vain to get up the stairs to his bedroom, where there is another bottle of medicine.

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The way I figured out that Tucker is faking a heart attack is his face; the face of someone who was really having a heart attack would have a ghastly (adj. Extremely unwell; deathly white or pallid) appearance, but Tucker's face looked pink-cheeked Y&R don't know that, so neglected to adjust the actor's make-up, or the storyline involves Tucker faking a heart attack.

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15 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

More what the fuck?  Tucker is showing signs of having a heart attack and his assistant calls the house doctor?  Why not call 112 which is the equivalent to 911 in Paris?  Maybe Tucker is faking it, as Audra thinks, and the doctor is a plant. 


Also, not that I expected any reality in this scene, but why was the doctor standing there listening to Audra spew when his patient is writhing on the bed?  Does emergency treatment not mean the same thing in Paris?  And I've always wondered what "House Doctor" meant.  Do all hotels have one?  Do they live on the premises, just waiting for someone to fall ill?  On the Love Boat I can understand, since he couldn't leave, but in a hotel?  Probably just minutes away from an emergency room?  Or don't they have emergency rooms in Paris? They have ambulances because we heard one when Martin splatted.


14 hours ago, boes said:

I see the antique phone in Audra's room is on her nightable while the exact same one is on a side table in Tucker's room. 

Oh, joy.  I get to play my favorite game of Spot the Room Changes.  I usually focus on lamps, door placques and potted plants.  I also hate that every room, apartment and bar has the 'French' furniture and long drapes so we don't forget where we are.  I'm pretty sure there's an hotel with Scandinavian accourtements in Paree somewhere.  

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18 hours ago, pvandal said:

Audra seems like a scrappy fighter but Dawn is a sturdy gal. Why did she just not shove Audra out the door and slam it shut during Tucker’s “attack”? I would have enjoyed that. 

Yes, I was hoping she would pull a LynnBassett and protect her boss.

16 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

What the fuck?  Audra could just barge in to Tucker’s hotel suite. I guess Wonder Woman is impervious to a locked door. 

Y&R is using hotel doors from the 1960s. For decades fancy hotels have been using doors that lock automatically when they close.

Then the House Doc didn't rush to Tucker to assess his vitals, he stood nearby waiting for Audra to leave the room.

Edited by Denize
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Nikki looks really good in jeans.  


I can see Audra saying to Tuckers assistant.  Tucker only died to prove me wrong.  


Traci Traci Traci what if?  If the Queen had balls she would be King.  In a way, Traci has been a negative Nellie through out Ashley’s ordeal.  


So Tucker was faking. Who would have thought?  


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Nikki in ill-fitting jeans she seemed to be struggling to walk in. No. Just no.

I still don't understand why Adam has to get Nick's permission to use the Newman jet. Aren't they co-COOs?

Traci actually giving Tucker some credit for helping Ashley. Wow. But Jack still won't budge on his anti-Tucker stance. Bleh.

Shut up, Audra. Even if you were right about Tucker faking his heart attack, you have taken your hatefulness way over the top.

I think Victor is vile, expecting his scheme against Jack to take precedence over Adam's ailing son. I was glad Adam stood up to him.

I'm with Traci and Jack: who could possibly have harmed Ashley so badly as a child it made her mind splinter into multiple personalities? This new development in her history is baffling.

Traci said there were no visitors allowed where Ashley is getting psychiatric care. But Alan is on the board of directors. Hmm.

Wait until Audra finds out Tucker went to Ashley's apartment. She'll likely go even more berserk.

Is Jabot a publicly-traded company? Victor using Newman Media to bad-mouth Jabot in the business press could drive Jabot's stock price into the ground. That would make them easier to take over.

OMG, Tucker, you're like a horse with blinders on. Jack isn't the only billionaire who could buy Glissade. Figure it out! Aargh!

Lol, Vikki and Nikki thinking they could boss Victor around. Silly rabbits.

TUCKER NOOOO!!!! Don't bow down to Audra! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

As Adam was about to leave his apartment he looked like he might've guessed who the enemy is Victor wants his help at NM to go after. If so, hopefully he'll give his long-time friend Jack a heads-up.

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30 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Nikki in ill-fitting jeans she seemed to be struggling to walk in. No. Just no.

I still don't understand why Adam has to get Nick's permission to use the Newman jet. Aren't they co-COOs?

Traci actually giving Tucker some credit for helping Ashley. Wow. But Jack still won't budge on his anti-Tucker stance. Bleh.

Shut up, Audra. Even if you were right about Tucker faking his heart attack, you have taken your hatefulness way over the top.

I think Victor is vile, expecting his scheme against Jack to take precedence over Adam's ailing son. I was glad Adam stood up to him.

I'm with Traci and Jack: who could possibly have harmed Ashley so badly as a child it made her mind splinter into multiple personalities? This new development in her history is baffling.

Traci said there were no visitors allowed where Ashley is getting psychiatric care. But Alan is on the board of directors. Hmm.

Wait until Audra finds out Tucker went to Ashley's apartment. She'll likely go even more berserk.

Is Jabot a publicly-traded company? Victor using Newman Media to bad-mouth Jabot in the business press could drive Jabot's stock price into the ground. That would make them easier to take over.

OMG, Tucker, you're like a horse with blinders on. Jack isn't the only billionaire who could buy Glissade. Figure it out! Aargh!

Lol, Vikki and Nikki thinking they could boss Victor around. Silly rabbits.

TUCKER NOOOO!!!! Don't bow down to Audra! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

As Adam was about to leave his apartment he looked like he might've guessed who the enemy is Victor wants his help at NM to go after. If so, hopefully he'll give his long-time friend Jack a heads-up.

Victor is horrible to put Adam in this type of position , but especially in a time like this. And you’d think Victor would know Adam is smarter than to just agree without knowing more. I hope Adam keeps that stance. I wonder if he figured out who the target is. 

I can’t wait for Audra to get her comeuppance from Tucker because Victor will inevitably screw her over. So much for her being smarter than Tucker.

The whole new development with Ashley developing DID from some unknown childhood trauma is now making me suspicious if this is Alan or Martin who survived. If it’s the later, I’m worried for Ashley and Traci. 

True about Tucker and Nikki and Vikki, lol.

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Aren’t Tucker and Jack supposed to be smart businessmen? I was hoping they would both realize “oh, if it’s not Jack it must be Victornewman, and why would he want a cosmetics company?” Then the two of them could gang up on the Grampire. 

It would have been great. But no, instead I hear Tucker is leaving.

No bueno!

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Ah, there's that "good mother" Nikki purports to be, emotionally manipulating her daughter into going back to work because Nikki's ego can't stand even the possibility of being upstaged by Adam.  Connor be damned by both of his grandparents, too apparently.  Of course, he's only second tier since his DNA doesn't have even a snippet of stripper.  

If we do have to sit through yet another war between Victor and Jack, maybe this time, Jack can replace Victor with a doppelganger.  I'm sure nobody would notice if Statler or Waldorf took over playing the Newman patriarch.


Either of them might be an improvement, especially in the acting department.



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11 hours ago, MollyB said:

I've always wondered what "House Doctor" meant.  Do all hotels have one?  Do they live on the premises, just waiting for someone to fall ill?

Ooo, Ooo! I can answer this Molls! They usually are on shift in hotels and they do absolutely nothing, beyond telling you - if you are indeed quite ill - thst you need to go to hospital. 

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5 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

Victor is Connor's paternal grandfather, but his paternal grandmother was Hope Wilson, not Nikki Newman.

Yeah, I think we all know that, and a closer reading of my post would show that I pointed that out.

But Nikki considers him her grandson as she does all the second generation children, adopted or however they slide into the family.

Edited by boes
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On 6/17/2024 at 6:30 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wonder what Tucker took to make himself pass out like that?

That's if you believe that Tucker actually passed out, but I think he was only pretending to have passed out.

2 minutes ago, boes said:

Nikki considers him her grandson

I doubt that Nikki would consider any spawn of Adam as her grandchild.

On 6/17/2024 at 6:30 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

I almost hope Tucker wasn't faking so you can suffer all the guilt!

Yesterday's show answered that question.

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On 6/17/2024 at 6:30 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

And all the GC men better cross their legs in case Sharon's nymphomania comes back too,

News Flash, Genoa City, WI: Two men who were strolling through GC's Chancellor Park yesterday evening reported to police that a naked woman jumped out of the bushes and said "OK, fellas, which one of you is gonna be first." The men described the woman as being middle aged (judging by the condition of her body) with bleached blond hair that needed washing and a crazed look in her eyes; both men stated that it seemed to them that the woman bore a striking resemblance to the owner of the Crimson Lights coffee house.

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So buh-bye to Tuck?  Whatevs, I'm so tired of saying what a loser he's become.  They've turned this character into such a wimp & an idiot.  He really made a fool of himself with Jack.  Made no sense for Jack to be the investor, and yet Tuck so smugly & wrongly went on accusing him.  Writers have turned the character into such a loser, they might as well get rid of him. 

So what's next for Tuck?  He's gonna started whimpering & crying & begging to Audra?  Ew.  Exit stage left, Tuck.  Now.  At least give us one last look at the tush on the way out.

Yeah, Nikki & Vicks need a good hard whack in their faces, as a reminder of just who Vic is -- and they're gonna get it & they deserve it badly.  They're both in their own bubble worlds & in denial about just how vile Victor Newman is -- and that he very much controls the company. 

Now, Nick OTOH knows exactly who Vic is & seems OK with dealing with routine day-to-day business stuff -- as long as it isn't underhanded.  I get the feeling Nick would walk away from the company with zero hesitation if asked to do anything that would compromise his beliefs.

And Adam?  Who's he kidding?  No way he's gonna disobey Victor.  I don't believe that for a second.  But if he warns Jack about Vic's revenge plot -- that might be interesting.

Kinda wondering who they got planned next for Audra.  Nate?  Nah, he's too busy blowing kisses at himself.  Could Audra be the next Mrs. Victor Newman?  What if Vic gave us a hint, when he said to Diane he admired her when he thought she was a snake? 

Maybe Nikki will leave Vic when she finds out his revenge plot against Jack  . . . and hello, Audra?  Hey, maybe Vic is up for a snake-y woman & Audra will change her mind about marriage when it comes to a billionaire?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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8 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

At least give us one last look at the tush on the way out.

I know that's right. Hate to see Tucker go but I love to watch him leave.

8 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Could Audra be the next Mrs. Victor Newman? 

Pshht, the guy can barely be bothered to get out of his chair. I think the only reason Audra should marry Victor is if she gets the divorce settlement up front.

Seriously, IMO that's why the show is totally focused on Victor being the master of the corporate universe now. He can't believably serve as a romantic lead any more. Nikki is chained to him for life.

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I found myself f/fing the entire show the last two days with the exception of the Paris scenes. Not because they are in gay Paree, because they're not, but because that story line, surprisingly, is the only one that I am even remotely interested in at this point. Every other story line sucks hot donkey balls (no disrespect to donkey and their balls, I love donkeys, their balls not so much but you know what I mean!) and I have zero fucks to give about anything pertaining to: the Newmans and Newman-adjacent clan, the Winters and Winters-adjacent clan, wait, is there anyone else left? I don't think so. Oh yeah, and anything dealing with Diane/Jack/Kid Pomp & Co. Now I think that leaves only the Paris story remaining, and with Tucker leaving, well, that leaves a hole in that story line doesn't it? I mean, I don't blame the actor because he probably is tired of the shit sandwich he's being forced to eat and then shit out on camera every day. I actually respect him for leaving, because a soap actor does not leave a soap unless something serious is going down, and what's going down here is a whole lotta caca poopoo shitty ass writing, that's what. Fuck JG, for real.

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Claire did indeed have a Little House look going on today.  She’s so disgusting now that she’s a goody two shoes. Instead of swooning over her, Victoria should have been making arrangements for Claire to live elsewhere so she can finally parent her two kids that are still children. Those kids should not get stuck in that crappy little house with a lunatic pretending to be Mary Poppins. Nice of Billy to just leave them there with those assholes. 

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Abby, I realize you have a shit family who didn't tell you anything about your mom but phones and cars go both ways. Did you ever stop in just to say hi? Or give her a call to shoot the breeze? Part of being an adult is checking in on those you supposedly care about. You are just as much to blame as to not knowing what has been going on for months.

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32 minutes ago, pvandal said:

Abby, I realize you have a shit family who didn't tell you anything about your mom but phones and cars go both ways. Did you ever stop in just to say hi? Or give her a call to shoot the breeze? Part of being an adult is checking in on those you supposedly care about. You are just as much to blame as to not knowing what has been going on for months.

All those bored meetings,  I mean BOARD meetings, take up a lot of time, apparently.  As does placating her cranky toddler, and I don't mean Dominic.

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No Natey Nate Nate, you do NOT want to know what went down in the City of Lights! And while we're on this story line - and only because it's Paris story line adjacent - WTAF is Audra doing back in GC when she is now allegedly the CEO of Glissade, a French company based in, yanno, FRANCE?!? Don't take overs and new CEOs usually make an in person showing to, yanno, RUNTHEDAMNCOMPANY?!? Just asking for a friend.

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Abby, Uncle Billy's the last person you should be griping to about being left uninformed about your mommy's mental condition. You're way down on the list of Billy's current concerns.

Claire trying to pass for a teenager. What a loon.

Hey, it's Heather. And Daniel. Meh, I feel pretty confident no one asked for them back.

Is there a significance to the color of an earbud case? I heard a radio DJ laughing about having received a Barbie pink one for Father's Day. Not sure why Johnny would love a red case.

I'm feeling some type of way at how the Abbotts are just now realizing they should've listened to Tucker about Ashley. But it sounded like Billy doesn't know about the Martin factor in Ashley's DID illness. He was still insisting to Abby that Tucker was mostly to blame.

I don't know what kind of fabric Abby's skirt today was made of but it sure took an unfortunate shape when she stood up to hug Billy goodbye. Yikes.

No, Nate, you and Devon do indeed need to worry about Lily wrt to control of C-W. There's a greater than zero chance she'll trip and fall back on scheming Billy's d!ck.

Okay, it was the same Johnny today but IMO Katie was way different from the last time we saw her. Recast?

Abby and Devon are heading to Paris. Sure. Gotta get more use of Ashley's apartment set.

Hey Nate: Paris is the City of Light, not Lights. If you're trying to impress smug Audra you better step up your game.

(And Miss Charles? Beyoncé called. You couldn't keep up.)

I can't imagine Lucy would've been thrilled to learn the game her daddy created for especially for her was being shelved. Good thing Lily and Daniel reached a beneficial alternative solution.

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