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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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13 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I love all of this but I think Lily should come back with the firefighter and run into idiot Daniel all the time.

Ooh, ooh, I know . . . and every time he'll be with Heather, and he'll look at Lily, and then he'll look at Heather, and tears will fall from his eyes as Heather holds his arm in a death grip.

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^^^It's interesting that he's insisting what Victor calls other characters is his choice and not the writers', based on whether he personally cares for the actors in question.

Someone in EB's close circle needs to sit him down and explain to him how his remarks are coming across. He may not want to admit publicly that he's been having memory issues, but IMO he's digging himself into a bigger hole by addressing it such a dismissive way. He has the right to remain silent.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Chelsea:  blah, blah, blah. Billy" blah blah blah a/ka I don't give a shite.

Will the producers PLEASE give Diane something dastardly to do?  Shé's such a bore now. And she's lost a lot of weight.  Hope she's OK.

Ashley, the bus for Shady Pines leaves in 45 minutes.  Go pack now. And leave that beautiful coat for me.

Can't figure out Tucker's agenda; but they better give him one soon, he's getting boring.




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3 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Braeden is still all worked up over my asking about Victor constantly calling Nikki ‘baby’ or ‘sweetheart.’ Now he says it’s his choice because of his great affection for Melody. PERIOD! 🤣

Sake614, with this being his response, I consider your post a job well done!   EB, like Victor, can be a little too imperious for his own good sometimes.

Let him put that Baby in his pipe and smoke it.

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5 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Now he says it’s his choice because of his great affection for Melody.

First, Sake614, thank you for being brave enough to broach the subject with Mr. Braeden and let's hope that he soon finds something else to focus on - second, he also uses that language with "Victoria," so does that mean he also has great affection for Amelia Heinle?

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2 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Ashley, the bus for Shady Pines leaves in 45 minutes

. . . but, what if Ashley isn't off her rocker and everyone who works at the cafe has been bought off by Tucker, like maybe he even signed contracts with them that guaranteed that he would, over and above what he had already paid them, double whatever cash offer anyone else made to them and that they would receive extremely generous bonuses when his campaign to undermine Ashley's credibility succeeded, and that he had them all sign NDAs that carried severe penalties that would stand up in any court anywhere in the world.

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Sigh, the same GC day continues.

If Jack was going organize an impromptu Abbott family intervention on Ashley, seemed to me Abby, Billy, and Kyle should've been there too. It was probably past Harrison's bedtime though. 😏

Ehh, Audra, you gave Tucker too much time to come up with a lie plausible excuse for why he was still tracking Ashley.

How in less than a few hours did it go from Connor doing okay enough for Adam to have to cool his jets, to OMG Connor's falling apart? Chelsea has sat in Society sipping her wine or the coffeehouse enjoying her cocoa while she's kept Billy hooked into her self-imposed drama. And used Connor's troubles to do it.

Traci suggested she has as much money as Tucker, and could automatically double whatever bribe amounts he had paid the Paris cafe staff. Meh, really? I think Tucker is still a billionaire.

Billy trying to imitate Tucker's mannerisms was cute. Yeah, no, not on your, best day, William. But hey, you did give your smug girlfriend a chuckle. 🙄

Victor persisted in believing Nikki's drinking was something he should be able to control. It's like he didn't even listen to her when she tried to explain to him it doesn't work like that.

ABBOTT-WINTERS? Or ACW? Billy, go home, you're drunk. You'll guarantee an ownership battle if you pursue such a needless change. Jill is only an Abbott by former marriage, and you don't actually own any part of C-W.

Diane weighing in the Ashley situation the way she did was puzzling to me. It's as if she thought Jack and Traci were the ones who were overreacting.

Jack, setting yourself up to be Nikki's sober failsafe is not the way you want to go. It looked like Diane was getting annoyed by so much of her husband's attention going to an ex-wife, with no end in sight.

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Out of curiosity I did some quick perusal of the Y&R transcripts of about a year ago, to see how Victor was addressing other characters in regular conversation. (I.e., not in anger or impatience, as EB has described per his tweet to our fellow poster, Sake614)

Here's what I found:

Nikki and Victoria: were called "sweetheart" or "darling" or similar, but not repeatedly like Victor does now.
Nick: Victor was calling him "son" and not his name.
Adam: either "son" or his name.
(At this point I figured it was an immediate family relationship thing with Victor but as yet I haven't determined how he addressed Abby. Or his older grandkids like Summer, Noah, and Faith.)

Jack, Billy, Ashley, Nate, and Devon: all were addressed by their name. Of course with Jack and Billy there was usually a sarcastic tone attached, like "why I am even talking to you?"

So based on brief, preliminary investigation, I'd say there appeared to have been a set method in the way the writers had Victor speak to people in conversation. I'm still not buying that EB's personal feelings toward a given actor have much if anything to do with it.

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Diane, my Diane, I love you dearly pretty much no matter what, but it looks to me like her nose is just that much out of joint because Jack is currently in savior mode for Nikki and Ashley and not her.  She would be wise to remember that Jack's compassion (which some might call gullibility, though I don't) is why Jack could forgive her and rekindle their relationship.  He's going to give that same energy to Nikki and to Ashley and if Diane is wise, she'll step back and let him do it with no blow back or passive aggressive behavior.

But what would be the fun in that?

If ButtBiscuit was Pinocchio his nose would be even bigger than it already is, with all that b.s. he was tossing Chelsea's way about why he wanted Abbott in the company name.  To "honor his mother", getouttahere with that.  As always, ButtBiscuit thinks he's entitled to everything in sight.  The only difference being that THIS time he's going after Mommie's stuff and not Daddie's.  Any chance Jill could send him off to that same school Connor is in?

It'll be interesting to see how Jill takes this latest boneheaded ButtBiscuit move.  Her character would never dispense with Philip Chancellor's heritage, something she fought tooth and nail to obtain.  He and that name meant too much to her.  Also, she's got a grandson who carries that name, how would he feel?  That'll matter to her as well.  I hope Josh Griffith is smart enough not to disregard decades of character history by having Jill endorse such nonsense.

And as usual, he's got a potential fight about a company name in the works while we STILL don't have a freakin' clue what Chancellor/Winters actually DOES.

I don't know, or really much care, about Connor and his school but I have to give the school props for making it clear from the outset that the LAST thing they want is Chelsea or Adam setting foot anywhere near them.  Smart folks to realize what an utter mess they'd make if they were there.  

So if Victor had all the booze removed from the Raunch, does that mean he has to go out to the horse barn for his nightly tequila bath?  

Anyway, Nikki's battle with sobriety will never be won until she replaces Big Blue Plate.

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Ashley is right on two fronts. First of all it’s not beneath Tucker to buy an entire restaurant. Didn’t he offer to buy a restaurant for him and Audra?  Second, why are Jack and Traci seem like they are taking Tucker’s side. I also have to question the possibility of Tucker buying the restaurant, firing the staff, and replacing them with a script to what he said happened. They weren’t there to see what happened, therefore they are not really lying. Oh, by the way, didn’t Tucker fire the board of his company and replaced them with yes people. 

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8 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Braeden is still all worked up over my asking about Victor constantly calling Nikki ‘baby’ or ‘sweetheart.’ Now he says it’s his choice because of his great affection for Melody. PERIOD! 🤣

Good Lord, my husband has a good friend who is a woman but if he called her My Baby I'd kick him in the 6@!!$  !!!

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Diane, my Diane, I love you dearly pretty much no matter what, but it looks to me like her nose is just that much out of joint because Jack is currently in savior mode for Nikki and Ashley and not her. if Diane is wise, she'll step back and let him do it with no blow back or passive aggressive behavior.

I agree but at the same wasn't it Nikki, Ashley and Phyllis running around plotting against her for however long? I mean, all of that nonsense didn't really go anywhere (true of so many things on this show) but still they were being pretty crappy to her. I can't blame her for feeling a bit put out by Jack in savior mode!

I guess it might be the FF button, but I don't really understand this entire Ashley/Tucker restaurant thing and why is it STILL going on? What is the point?!?


Braeden is still all worked up over my asking about Victor constantly calling Nikki ‘baby’ or ‘sweetheart.’

I feel like we all need to get to X and ask him the same question!

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So Conor's teachers got Gaspy all in a tizzy because Conor has good hand hygiene?  I would be giving him gold stars!  He understands that the cooties are nasty and the cooties are everywhere.

Jill had the chance (see what I did there?) to change the name of the company when she owned 100% of it.  Well ok, Billy, maybe you have a point...but the new name should be Chancellor Abbott Winters.  Phyllis can be the spokesmodel.  CAW CAW CAW!


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10 hours ago, pvandal said:

RIP Big Blue Plate. You are sorely missed

She showed up on the Archer series in Malory Archer's office.


17 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Diane weighing in the Ashley situation the way she did was puzzling to me. It's as if she thought Jack and Traci were the ones who were overreacting.

Traci always looks as if she's overreacting because of her sincere, teary wide-eyed delivery of her assurances that family love will solve all.   She's actually the only one with enough sense to investigate further than just one waiter and to even set up a sting to find out if Tucker really did buy them off.  (Which I find way too labor intensive and expensive even for Tucker.)  Jack reminds me of a chicken after the head comes off.  I think Diane is just wondering why they are not putting their time/concern to better use and getting Assley into therapy.  Her demands that they have to be on her side (no matter what) because "you all know how Tucker is" really need to be ignored and more attention paid to what she's doing to herself.

During the whole debate with Audra and Tucker about whether he was still wanting to see Assley and how he would walk to the other side of the street if he saw her coming I kept asking myself:  Why don't they just pack up and leave GC?  Isn't Glissade in Paris?  Neither has a job in GC-they just lounge around the watering holes and then go have sex.  Of course, Assley would hop on the company jet and go track them down if they did.

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Traci always looks as if she's overreacting because of her sincere, teary wide-eyed delivery of her assurances that family love will solve all.   She's actually the only one with enough sense to investigate further than just one waiter and to even set up a sting to find out if Tucker really did buy them off.  (Which I find way too labor intensive and expensive even for Tucker.)  Jack reminds me of a chicken after the head comes off.  I think Diane is just wondering why they are not putting their time/concern to better use and getting Assley into therapy.  Her demands that they have to be on her side (no matter what) because "you all know how Tucker is" really need to be ignored and more attention paid to what she's doing to herself.

Okay, now it makes more sense to me. I think Traci has too much of a tendency to be a mother hen to her siblings though. (And I'm forever going to be mad at Traci for giving Colleen's heart to Victor. 😒)

Speaking of Audra, has anyone seen a Kia SUV commercial starring Zuleka Silver? The actress in the ad looks so much like her, but she's wearing her hair curly instead of wavy or blown out like Audra does. I've searched for the ad on the googles and YouTube and I haven't been able to find it. But I'm 99.39103957657% convinced it's ZS. Good on her if it is.

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Why doesn’t Ashley stay away from Tuck if he bothers her so much?? Oooh Audra is getting rather possessive. 

Dammit Nick, why are you giving Blue Fang credit when none is due? 

Oh how cute! Summer and Chance are cheesing it up and going on about kids that aren’t theirs. Harrison belongs to Kyle and it makes no sense that Tara is never ever mentioned.  Summer was his stepmother and is now nothing to him. Dominic started out as kind of Chances through marriage but he is Devon’s. Chance even more or less gave him up to them. Summer needs to shut up and stop waxing poetic about Kyle. Tell Chance how you blackmailed Kyle over a liver for Lola so you could marry Kyle. 

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How utterly clueless of Mop and Pop downing their scotch after Drinkki goes to bed. These damn people. No wonder Drinkki's going downhill right now, her family has zero understanding that you dont keep an open bar out 24/7 with a struggling alcoholic in the house.

And re: all this kerfuffle surrounding Ashley's remembrance of the Paris cafe events is so dumb. There are millions of broken up couples around the world who have a he said/she said remembrance of how things went down during seminal moments in their relationship breaking apart. So what if Tucker remembers he just slammed a chair, yelled, and maybe broke a glass slamming in on the table AND Ashley remembers him yelling, throwing said glass, and throwing a chair. Either way is not good, so just take your memory and move the eff on already. NOBODY CARES! This is the most convoluted story telling I've had to sit through in a long time. Josh sucks.

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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:


Speaking of Audra, has anyone seen a Kia SUV commercial starring Zuleka Silver? The actress in the ad looks so much like her, but she's wearing her hair curly instead of wavy or blown out like Audra does. I've searched for the ad on the googles and YouTube and I haven't been able to find it. But I'm 99.39103957657% convinced it's ZS. Good on her if it is.

I am currently reading The Lawyer/ Michael Gresham Legal Thrillers and when a lawyer hired by the main character lawyer is described physically and personality wise upon her first mention, I immediately pictured Audra and that’s how I am visualizing that character now when reading. I hadn’t been able to get a good visual of the main character lawyer and now visualize him as Tucker. 
end off topic/

Banana Breath🦍🦍🦍🦍 is starting to walk more like he’s got 💩 in his pants than a gorilla. 


BlueFang🕷️ deserves to be happy 😂😂😂😂.  Her happiness is based on other people’s misery.  Is it possible that BlueFang🕷️ is really a robot?  I can’t say AI because she’s far from being intelligent. I ask this because her movements are totally robotic. 

Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️ has turned into a prepubescent teenage girl in her pursuit of Chance. Now laughing and giggling where she use to be sultry in her pursuit of Kyle. Even with getting Nostrils into bed, she was all seductive.  

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4 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

I ask this because her movements are totally robotic. 

Not to mention downright creepy.  She has absolutely NO IDEA of personal space.  And she definitely needs a haircut.  No woman in her late 50s looks good with all that straw hanging in her face.

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Chance was seriously putting the moves on Summer. Giving her those "ooh the things I'm gonna do to you" looks. Take all the time you need, playa. 🥰

Ashley. The only thing maybe worse than a stalker is a boozy stalker. Put down the martini glass and have some self-respect.

Why was Nick so squirmy about Summer & Chance's date? Hey, Nick, it's 2024 and things move fast. Try to keep up.

I want to say Ashley went all James Bond villain on Tucker, telling him what terrible things she was going to do to him instead of just doing them. But for some reason Tucker seemed to have taken the threat. Ehhh.

TMW you have to humor your date's parents while you're on the date. IMO Chase handled it well. But he does know a lot of Phyllis and Nick's dirt so he's unlikely ever to be intimidated by them.

Summer was telling Chance about putting Harrison to bed at the Abbott manse. Huh? She doesn't live there. But I liked hearing about Chance's quality time with Dominic since many viewers assumed he'd abandoned Dom after the divorce from Abby.

Wait, what? Who considers Nick "the righteous Newman"? Is righteous a synonym for dumb? Or Neanderthal? I think Phyllis was blowing smoke up Nick's a$$ for some reason.

And then Tucker described Ashley as trying to behave like "a noble, righteous Abbott."  Gee, maybe righteous Ashley and righteous Nick should get together. I'm sure Abby wouldn't mind at all, to have her brother seeing her mommy, lol.

Aw, Ashley tried to slut-shame Audra. So does your bouffanted nephew Kyle get a pass, Ash? He and Summer weren't separated 24 hours before he hopped on Audra. Oh yeah, I forgot, Kyle's one of those righteous Abbotts. 🙄🙄🙄

Wait until Nick finds out Phyllis' depiction of her renewed relationship with Danny was mostly a fantasy.

Oy, Tucker was lucky Audra wasn't inclined to act like a jealous psycho because he left their afterglow to go meet with Ashley. Meanwhile, I sure hope Ashley didn't drive herself home given the disturbed state she was in.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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8 hours ago, surfgirl said:

And re: all this kerfuffle surrounding Ashley's remembrance of the Paris cafe events is so dumb. There are millions of broken up couples around the world who have a he said/she said remembrance of how things went down during seminal moments in their relationship breaking apart. 

How true.  I have an ex who remembers our breakup as happening over wine and shrimp cocktail in a cafe overlooking the harbor in Dubrovnik while I know for sure it happened over Bud Light and beer nuts in a dive bar right outside of Peoria.

By the way, is there anyone anywhere who wants to see the Ashley/Tucker throwdown again, EVER?

Nick is the righteous Newman?  Talk about being graded on a sliding scale.  This is the guy who paraded around in a JT mask, almost drove Victoria into a breakdown and his mother to attempted murder.  All of that is bad enough, but even worse is his Sage memorial toenail collection, his drop cloth of love, that string of dingleberries he made for the Christmas tree, his Pull My Finger jokes for every occasion, his indecent glee at discovering he could buy adult diapers in bulk at Costco and getting honorary mention in the Lower Wisconsin Fuglehorn Fart competition.

So, if Nick is the Righteous Newman, what are titles for the other Newmans?

Victor, the Undead Newman....

Summer, the Brain Dead Newman....

Victoria, the Animatronic Newman....

Nikki, the Swizzle Stick Newman....

Noah, the Chia Pet Newman....

There HAS to be a Newman who would be the Ronco Spray-on Hair in a Can Newman, there just has to be.

Righteous Newman is a low bar to pass.  Speaking of low bars, Nikki wasn't on today......


Edited by boes
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23 hours ago, pvandal said:

RIP Big Blue Plate. You are sorely missed.


12 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:



8 hours ago, pvandal said:

It was a prominent feature in the living room of the Newman ranch. It was just so there. If I remember correctly, its demise came when Sharon burned down the ranch. I found a photo.

Diane broke it.


Edited by ezzylin
Fixed the link.
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Serious question here (is that allowed?): does anyone know how AA is regarded these days? I know it has been around for a long long time but how effective is it or is it recommended in conjunction with professional counselling? Nikki certainly can afford and should be getting top notch counselling. Has Jack ever had training on how to deal with an alcoholic? The advice he dispenses doesnt.seem to help although it is better than kissing her and saying my baby my baby  ad nauseam.  

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It's a sad day when Phyllis & Nick sitting around validating untrue shit about each other is easier to stomach than the insomnia curing couples of Genoa City. Granted I fast-forwarded them too but somehow slightly less than I did other people that have been on last week & this week. 

Summer/Chance: Still a no for me but I've seen worse. Namely on the B&B so.....like i dont know....perspective and all that jazz. They're still a lame couple by the metric of this show tho. 

Daniel/Heather: Forced and shitty. Also it's intresting to me is that when Melissa Claire Egan was on maternity leave, TPTB gave her character some grace and plausible reasons to be gone. And Christel Khalil gets some contrived nonsense, about a school fire & a "traumatized" daughter, and her character gets cheated on & presumably dumped for a thirsty ex-wife. Nice show. Real nice. 

ButtBiscuit/Chelsea: usjsjsnsjsiaiaoiwjtfghhgsjsjsjsjs- aw damn! I fell asleep on the keyboard! I guess that's how fucking boring they are. Moving on. 

Nate/Adura(potentially? Future?): This version of Nate has no spark with anyone. It's just as hilarious as it is bizarre, but too bad OG Nate isn't still on. He passed Chem testing with Ashley and Victoria(which is not easy with her). So him getting with either of them while Adura decides to waste time with Tucker, would surely get under her skin. 

Tucker/Adura: I don't have anything bad or good to say about them, but I will say that for me, they win by default. The competition ain't exactly stiff right now. They're the equivalent of eating mediocre food when you're hungry. Like haven't eaten all day, wide open running errands since 7 a.m. kind of hungry.

This Ashley/Tucker crap has actually pissed me off. It's taking too long to come to a head, like fucking end it already. There's really no one to root for but to play devils advocate, Ashley has been gaslit before. She doesn't have to be crazy(well she can be) just because it happens to be Tucker fucking with her this time. Although, she does herself no favors seeking his company even if it is just to drag him and Adura.  

I honestly got a chuckle at Ashley shitting on them, since she had smoke for Tucker's sleeze too. Plus, it's not like Adura has gone out of her way to be respectful to Ashley or any woman in GC not named Nikki or Victoria. I wonder why that is.......*Looks at the Newman dickriders in the writer's room* So if she can dish it, she can take it. 

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15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Ashley. The only thing maybe worse than a stalker is a boozy stalker. Put down the martini glass and have some self-respect.

Perhaps TPTB are setting us up for Ashley & Nikki being roommates in a multipurpose rehab/looneybin facility (that is what Victor would call it, not me), likely in a room that looks exactly like Clare's to avoid needing a new set. 

The fact that Nikki has not had professional intervention after being kidnapped and put on an IV full of vodka is astonishing. 

And why is a mentally unstable criminal (Clare) now allowed to have unsupervised storytime with a child from the pneumonia wing of the hospital? It would make much more sense for Clare to bring the book to the child, rather than taking the child back to her room.  The staff at this place seem to be as inept as Victor's security team ... a foreshadowing of Jordan standing by Clare's bed again?

Edited by Denize
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17 hours ago, surfgirl said:

How utterly clueless of Mop and Pop downing their scotch after Drinkki goes to bed. These damn people. No wonder Drinkki's going downhill right now, her family has zero understanding that you dont keep an open bar out 24/7 with a struggling alcoholic in the house.

And re: all this kerfuffle surrounding Ashley's remembrance of the Paris cafe events is so dumb. There are millions of broken up couples around the world who have a he said/she said remembrance of how things went down during seminal moments in their relationship breaking apart. So what if Tucker remembers he just slammed a chair, yelled, and maybe broke a glass slamming in on the table AND Ashley remembers him yelling, throwing said glass, and throwing a chair. Either way is not good, so just take your memory and move the eff on already. NOBODY CARES! This is the most convoluted story telling I've had to sit through in a long time. Josh sucks.

Thanks so much for posting this. All of the "couples" or "throuples" currently being highlighted on the show have less chemistry than a perfume that was never created by Jabot, IMO. As to the corporate "entities" JG is trying to hold our viewer interest with, let's just call him out for what they really are: shell companies.


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2 hours ago, MsMalin said:

Serious question here (is that allowed?): does anyone know how AA is regarded these days? I know it has been around for a long long time but how effective is it or is it recommended in conjunction with professional counselling? Nikki certainly can afford and should be getting top notch counselling. Has Jack ever had training on how to deal with an alcoholic? The advice he dispenses doesnt.seem to help although it is better than kissing her and saying my baby my baby  ad nauseam.  

I'm no expert but from what I hear and observe, AA and it's pathway to recovery are still very popular and effective.  For the addicts I've known, AA was/is a lifeline of support.  One of my cousins went to rehab first but after he was released he went to AA meetings regularly.  I remember him telling me that the AA program was used in his inhouse rehab as well.

I also know that there was a controversy some years back about some drug addicts in recovery being able to use alcohol in moderation, the way we see Jack drinking on the show even though we know and he admits to being an opiod addict.  Some people said it was fine, others that it was the first step back to the old addiction or to replacing pills with alcohol.  I don't know if the recovery community ever came down on one side or the other or if it's still case by case.  It certainly seems to be that way on the show.

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1 hour ago, boes said:

also know that there was a controversy some years back about some drug addicts in recovery being able to use alcohol in moderation, the way we see Jack drinking on the show even though we know and he admits to being an opiod addict.  Some people said it was fine, others that it was the first step back to the old addiction or to replacing pills with alcohol.  I don't know if the recovery community ever came down on one side or the other or if it's still case by case.  It certainly seems to be that way on the show.

I am a recovering oxy abuser.  I have a drink when we go out to dinner . One drink during the appetizers. One. It doesn't trigger me at all, but that's my experience.  i know a couple of people I knew in NA for whom a glass of wine would send them off, so I guess it just differs for others.

Hoping today will be more exciting than it has been recently, but I think it is too much to ask,

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2 hours ago, boes said:

Serious question here (is that allowed?): does anyone know how AA is regarded these days? I know it has been around for a long long time but how effective is it or is it recommended in conjunction with professional counselling?

I believe AA is still the gold standard for recovering alcoholics. Counseling would not provide the same thing IMO.

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That little girl is adorable. Sign her up to recurring please. As a mother of twins in real life, it’s very easy to see Claire’s natural motherly ways come to the surface.  It’s simple why the little girl came to Claire’s room instead of the other way around.  It wasn’t in the budget to build another set for a five minute scene.  


How magnanimous of Victor to allow Claire to call him Victor but not magnanimous enough for Claire to call him Grandpa like his other grandchildren.  


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Yeah, Claire's new little friend Nadia was a cutie.

Oh FFS, Victor's all-powerful plan to keep Nikki from drinking: lock up all the  liquor and make Nikki stay home. Um, Victor, I'm sure Nikki could get anything she wanted delivered to the ranch while you're away. Just sayin'.

Hey, it's Chloe. Here comes the meddling and busybodying. Yay. 😒

Did Lauren get part of her dress caught in the car door? Half of it looked to me like it was loosely stapled together. I liked the bright red color though.

Heh, Nikki *69'd Jordan. I would've expected devious Jordan to throw away her burner phones after she used them. Whatever, Nikki taunting a murderous nutbag was probably an enormously bad idea.

Sally was right, why would she want to be further in debt to Nick? Or why would he want to throw good cash after bad, even if it's like Monopoly money to him?

AYFKMWTS? Victor = Zeus? Victoria = Athena? Yeah, no. I think the Newmans are GC's Borgias at best, and a basic Upper Midwestern crime family at worst. You must be whacked out on the goofballs, JG, to write such nonsense. 🤬

So using Nikki as bait to help trap Jordan is verboten but using Claire isn't? Geez, Victor isn't exactly being a caring grandpa to Victoria's daughter. He probably won't be calling Claire "sweetheart" any time soon, ha ha.

Listen to Lauren, Nikki. Don't answer Jordan's call! Heck, forward it to Victor since he's so sure he's got the upper hand on that psycho.

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Re AA, some have objected to its religious or spiritual undertones, and others view it as substituting one obsession for another.

I won't attest to either of those views but I do note that right now Y&R is:

  • avoiding mentioning God or a Higher Power; and,
  • presenting an AA sponsor as enabling the addict's drinking, or as ineffective due their own lack of sobriety.

And pretty much Victor's whole reaction is wrong as he mistakenly believes he can control Nikki's drinking like he controls everything else in his world.

IMO, Y&R isn't doing AA any favors. But then this is the show that also has bipolar Sharon as a coffeehouse therapist, and grifter Chelsea as the author of a life management computer game.


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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Did Lauren get part of her dress caught in the car door? Half of it looked to me like it was loosely stapled together. I liked the bright red color though.

I thought the color on the dress did not flatter her at.all.  And seriously girl, look in the full-length mirror before you go out.  The dress could have used a few more inches.  However, I liked the fit of the dress, but the mini aspect detracted points {bulletin from Fashion Police}.

I wouldn't mind at all if Sally's venture goes down in flames and her with it.  She is, at this point, an AI character, without the intelligence. Moan, mumble, moan.  And Chelsea, just go away, OK?
To stop baby's drinking, Victor will have to acquire all the distilleries in the world and stop producing vodka worldwide.

Come on Tucker and Diane, unleash your hidden agendas--the two of you put me to sleep.

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