Joimiaroxeu February 8, 2024 Share February 8, 2024 Quote He was quite the hottie--40 years ago. Problem is, he still seems to think it's 40 years ago. 3 2 9 Link to comment
TVForever February 8, 2024 Share February 8, 2024 19 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said: Problem is, he still seems to think it's 40 years ago. This whole storyline has all three of them acting like it's 40 years ago. It's embarrassing. 9 6 2 Link to comment
Sake614 February 8, 2024 Share February 8, 2024 Is Abby trying out for the next Barbie movie? Or maybe it’s a Gidget remake? Why is she dressed like a 12-year -old with ribbons in her hair and a cutesy little sweater? And she thinks being on the CW board will give her daily insight into what’s going on? Abby honey, that’s not how boards of directors work. If you want a seat at the table, maybe become Devon’s COO. Or some other C suite job. Because no one in GC ever starts at the bottom or even the middle. You get a C and you get a C and you get a C! 1 1 12 1 Link to comment
pvandal February 8, 2024 Share February 8, 2024 It seems so long ago Abby that was the Naked Heiress. Story lines are so lame now. 6 1 1 3 1 Link to comment
Unathletic Club February 8, 2024 Share February 8, 2024 I hope Daniel gets an email from Lily saying that she has fallen in love with a hunky firefighter and will be staying with Mattie permanently. Then Paul arrives in GC and begs Christine to give him another chance and she says yes. Eat that Romalottis. 1 2 2 9 3 Link to comment
Js Nana February 8, 2024 Share February 8, 2024 1. I had a kind of epiphany while watching today's episode; it was when Danny's face lit up in a smile when he saw Christine stepping off the elevator after he had just left the apartment to get away from a deranged Phyllis, and it struck me that Phyllis' ham-handed machinations to win back Danny in a way mirrored Heather's smoother machinations to win back Daniel, and would Daniel have the same reaction to seeing Lily that Danny had to seeing Christine - is the Daniel/Lily/Heather storyline going to involve Daniel dumping the quietly orgasmic, I'll bet, Heather for the vibrant Lily? 2. I wonder how many inhabitants of Genoa City, including her housekeeper, would like to see Phyllis get hit by a bus. 3. I'm not even a member of AA, but my reaction to JG's bogus exploitation of the program in the "Nikki's drinking again" storyline is that there-ought-a-be-a-law-against-it - dramatic license is one thing, but this whole storyline is a complete misrepresentation of how AA works. 2 minutes ago, Js Nana said: this whole storyline is a complete misrepresentation of how AA works . . . and this is the last I'll have to say on the shows use of AA as a dramatic device. 4 6 Link to comment
Js Nana February 8, 2024 Share February 8, 2024 13 minutes ago, Unathletic Club said: Lily . . . has fallen in love with a hunky firefighter " Sorry, sweetie, but his hose is newer than yours." 1 1 2 7 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu February 8, 2024 Share February 8, 2024 (edited) "Sweetheart." "Baby." "Sweet baby." "My darling." "My baby." Victor, her name is Nikki. (Nicole, if you're nasty. 😉) Gah, you clueless old coot. I have to cosign Devon's attitude toward Daniel wrt Lily despite the hypocrisy. AFAIC Daniel ain't sh!t. Somehow he's made it Lily's fault he can't break up with her immediately so he doesn't have to cheat on her. And there's Daniel's also ain't sh!t daddy. Yuck. Rock off, Danny. Phyllis vs. Diane in the GCAC lobby. One being totally catty and other acting completely delusional. Film at 11. Hey Daniel, if you're so worried about doing the right thing, maybe you could start by not putting your peen in Heather. Does it have a mind of its own and you can't control it? 🙄🙄🙄 Victor threatened to shut the dive bar down if they ever served Nikki another drink. Um, Victor, there are other bars, in GC, WI, the Upper Midwest, the USA, North America, and the world. Good luck with that plan. Game recognize game. Daniel saw right through Danny's b.s. excuses for trying to juggle Christine and Phyllis. And then Danny tapped right into Daniel's situation with Lily, Heather, and a side order of Lucy. Romalotti = messiness. Far be it from me to encourage violence against women but I think Danny is prolly gonna hafta kick Red in the 'nads to get her off him. Nikki using her whispery baby voice to beg Victor to allow Jack to be her AA sponsor. Aarrgghh! Edited February 8, 2024 by Joimiaroxeu 5 4 3 Link to comment
Stpauliegirl February 8, 2024 Share February 8, 2024 Random thoughts…. after all the horrible things Phyllis has done in the past to Danny and Christine, you’d think he would know not to give her any encouragement. She drugged him, faked sleeping with him, convinced him he was Daniel’s bio dad, destroyed his marriage to Christine, etc…he should get a restraining order, IMO. Did he ever sleep with Phyllis while they were actually married? I recall him only staying with her in name for Daniel’s sake. Why is Lily so fragile right now? If there was a fire at Maddie’s school and she was traumatized, why didn’t Lily bring her home for support. I don’t live there, but I do know CA doesn’t have wildfires in the winter. If the school wasn’t damaged, spring semester should have started by now…Daniel should fly to CA and end their relationship. Not something I need to see on Show. Nikki needs to go to rehab. Not only will help her dry out, but aunt Jordan wouldn’t be able to find her. Go to a nice Swiss clinic. I’m guessing Jordan doesn’t have access to her passport… 6 5 4 Link to comment
Chatty Cake February 8, 2024 Share February 8, 2024 I don’t know why Daniel can’t tell Lily what’s up over the phone. She saw Heather making googly eyes at him before she left. Devon can shove his brotherly concern up his ass. What a self righteous little prick. Why is Danny Romalotti even considering Phyllis? She was horrible to him. I wish a writer would come on board that hates Phyllis and would kill her off. Victor your baby needs to go away to a real rehab. After that’s completed, then she can worry about a sponsor. 4 1 7 1 Link to comment
pvandal February 8, 2024 Share February 8, 2024 7 minutes ago, Stpauliegirl said: Why is Lily so fragile right now? If there was a fire at Maddie’s school and she was traumatized, why didn’t Lily bring her home for support. I don’t live there, but I do know CA doesn’t have wildfires in the winter. If the school wasn’t damaged, spring semester should have started by now…Daniel should fly to CA and end their relationship. Not something I need to see on Show. What would have made more sense for Lily's long absence was after she went to comfort Maddie, Daniel then flew out to break up with Lily off camera and she was so broken up by it that is the reason she's still gone. That she needs to be away from GC and get away from memories or some other nonsense. However, if they do show a break up scene, I would like Lily to break up with him first "Hey Daniel...nice to see you...we need to talk." 5 7 Link to comment
Waldo13 February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 Devon you should keep the word cheating out of your mouth because that describes you also. Devon, STFU and stop being a hypocritical ass hole. BlueFang🕷️is delusional as well as confrontational. Why would anyone try to have a normal conversation with her is beyond me. Yes BlueFang🕷️ is delusional because she thinks Christine is inserting herself between her and Danny when it’s completely the other way around. Jack, I find it quite hypocritical that you are talking about helping Nikki by being her sponsor with a drink in your hand. I guess Jack is allowed to drink because his addiction was pills. 4 8 Link to comment
MsMalin February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 It is driving me nuts to see Jack with a drink in his hand talking about being Nikkis AA sponsor. I know that drinking is an old soap opera staple but can't they at least think before they write these scenes? 6 1 6 2 2 Link to comment
boes February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 (edited) I guess today was Knucklehead Thursday in Genoa City and the surrounding dairy land? It's never a good sign when Show starts with Devon putting on his Morality Police Badge and berating someone for doing pretty much the same shit he's pulled, multiple times. Bad enough that he seems to have constant constipation resting face these days, but him chiding Daniel for infidelity is too rich in irony for my blood. Then he lists all the things Lily has been through, one of them her being in prison. The prison sentence Devon helped her get sentenced to?? Alrighty, then. Neil used to have these lapses into nails-on-chalkboard piety about other people's behavior but it wasn't constant. Show seems to have forgotten how to give Devon anything else to do. This isn't to excuse Daniel's bullshit reasoning on his affair with Heather because he's a class A putz. I hope Lily kicks him to the curb wearing nine inch nails. Boo to Show for also ruining Lucy who IMO was the best younger character on Show in quite some time. As for Heather, I hope she chokes on that frappacappamochachino she's preparing to guzzle. Paulie Tightpockets, come git ur dotter. If we each took a shot every time Phyllis, or some other dopey dupe declares she's "changed", we'd be as drunk as the writers apparently were while crafting today's episode. All she's changed that we've seen is her underwear supplier from Victoria's Secret to the House of Pennywise. From the glistening reflection off her face and teeth, it seems that Stephen King is also doing her makeup. The way Show has her constantly coming on to Danny and invading people's personal space, everyone should be equipped with a can of Febreze to ward her off. You'd think Count Chocula would have a better grip on how alcoholism works, considering how many people he's driven to drink. All of his "my baby" and "sweetheart" can't hide the fact that the guy is the Jabba the Hut of emotional abuse and bullying. Somebody put a pin in him, he's way past done. Smilin' Jack has devolved into Dithering Jack. The lip biting, the finger poking, the scrunched eyes make him seem more silly than solemn. Diane was the only person on today who even approached adult behavior and she faked her death for godsake. On the plus side, I have absolutely NO trouble believing Josh Griffith writes each episode all by himself. No trouble at all. ETA - I almost forgot Danny. As far as I'm concerned, Phyllis should end up with him. I like Christine too much to want her saddled with the dope. Let Phyllis try to figure out how to get the shoe polish he uses on his hair off her pillowcases instead of Christine. Edited February 9, 2024 by boes 4 5 4 5 Link to comment
NinjaPenguins February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 Dear Buttbiscuit is proud to present a new, recurring feature. Welcome to Am I the Asshole? Dear Buttbiscuit; You listen to me now. That damned Jagabbott is my wife’s AA sponsor against my wishes, k? My baby sweet baby cannot possibly lean on anyone but me. Jagabbott knows about addiction, my baby says. Big deal, k? I was once addicted to a taboo substance, culminating in the Bloodbath of Prague in 1452. I cajoled, wheedled, hemmed, hawed, demanded and even emitted a foul, enthralling scent from a vampiric gland in my hindquarters to override her will. She would not be swayed! I made certain Jagabbott understood that he would be held accountable for the slightest damage to my baby. I am considering replacing Jagabbott with another doppelgänger, this time a Belgian smuggler of croissants currently awaiting trial in Kathmandu. Such a plan worked very well the first time, yougotthat? Am I the asshole? Buttbiscuit says: Yes. You are the Platonic ideal of an asshole. Did you know? 90% of doctors see an image resembling your face during colonoscopies. Dear Buttbiscuit; I am a wealthy man with more money than I can spend in a lifetime. Available to the very rich are goods and services I could not have imagined when I was poor. Recently, I was able to procure a kangaroo expertly trained to dick punch a victim of my choosing. I plan to unleash him on the self-satisfied shitmuffin cheating on my sister. I know I should spend my money on something more worthwhile, like philanthropy or getting the stick removed from my buttocks, but this guy just ain’t getting what a dirty dog he is. I think a be-pouched animal’s fists of fury will provide clarity. Am I the asshole? Buttbiscuit says: No. Do you have contact information for that supplier of animal enforcers? I’ve been looking for a platypus to beat the ass off my smirking nephew. Thanks in advance! Dear Buttbiscuit; OMG! My parents are so in love! We’re a family again! Yay! They totally smashed, you know, and they didn’t even care that I overheard them whispering about it. They have to be super secret about it cuz Dad started up with some chick who had to go to Cali before he dumped her. I’m thinking maybe I’ll buy a burner phone and send a break up text to the lady so we can get this show on the road. Am I, like, the asshole? I love that I can swear here! Buttbiscuit says: Here’s a life lesson, kid. You’re at a critical point in your development and it could go either way. You could grow up to be a decent, reasonable human being or you can evolve into a Summeresque asshole, basically the Magikarp of Genoa City. Here’s a free math lesson too. Two people who will cheat with each other = two people who will cheat on each other. Ask literally anyone here. Dear Buttbiscuit; I’ve once again made a big mistake by getting tangled up with my ex-wife, this time as her AA sponsor. Her husband, an infantilizing deviled egg fart, has always hated me and my family and done terrible, criminal things to many of us. Naturally, he hates the idea but magnanimously doled out his permission along with various mumbled threats. I’ve neglected my job and my siblings to shovel coal into the engine of this trainwreck. Today, Satan’s shingles and I helped the lady out of a dive bar; well, he helped her out while I carried her purse. The symbolism is not lost on me. Am I the asshole? Buttbiscuit says: No, but you are the world’s prize sucker. I actually think you could use a little more asshole in your game. Dear Buttbiscuit; I’ve changed… into my edible undies. That’s not a come on, loser, because I, I have found a new love who also dabbles in shoe polish coiffure. Why, even a lowlife harpy bitch could see my glow. My glow. My new guy’s mouth says “let’s take a break” but his wandering hands say “is this a tit or a bicycle horn?” I mean, who suggests a break and then keeps opening the door for you? If a man opens a door, a door for you, that’s foreplay. Foreplay. Sure, sure he’s courting the woman who ruined the undercarriage of my rental car, but that’s just a phase. A phase. I bought a drone off eBay recently to spy on Diane, so I hope I don’t have to repurpose it to deploy insecticide. BUG SPRAY! Caw caw! Am I the asshole? Buttbiscuit says: Holy shit yes. BRB. I feel a powerful urge to bleach my balls. Dear Buttbiscuit; Hey, buddy. Am I the asshole? Or is it you? I think it’s you. This is Tucker McCall. Buttbiscuit says: Whatever. 3 5 2 9 Link to comment
boes February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 47 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said: Today, Satan’s shingles and I helped the lady out of a dive bar; Dear Buttbiscuit; I’ve changed… into my edible undies. That’s not a come on, loser, because I, I have found a new love who also dabbles in shoe polish coiffure. Why, even a lowlife harpy bitch could see my glow. My glow. My new guy’s mouth says “let’s take a break” but his wandering hands say “is this a tit or a bicycle horn?” I mean, who suggests a break and then keeps opening the door for you? If a man opens a door, a door for you, that’s foreplay. Foreplay. Sure, sure he’s courting the woman who ruined the undercarriage of my rental car, but that’s just a phase. A phase. I bought a drone off eBay recently to spy on Diane, so I hope I don’t have to repurpose it to deploy insecticide. BUG SPRAY! Caw caw! Am I the asshole? Buttbiscuit says: Holy shit yes. BRB. I feel a powerful urge to bleach my balls. NinjaPenguins, you've done me ####DEAD#### again! Please have the bolded lines from your post inscribed on my tombstone. Mochachinnos for Everyone! 4 8 Link to comment
Js Nana February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said: Somehow he's made it Lily's fault he can't break up with her immediately so he doesn't have to cheat on her. Quite insightful - if only the writers possessed such insight. 5 Link to comment
Js Nana February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said: I think Danny is prolly gonna hafta kick Red in the 'nads to get her off him. Heaven forbid that he just act like an adult: 1. Walk away from her whenever and wherever she shows up - do not engage in conversation with her. 2. Leave Genoa City, there's a whole country you can work on your album in - if she does track you down, walk away from her whenever and wherever she shows up - do not engage in conversation with her. 3 1 2 Link to comment
Js Nana February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 5 hours ago, Stpauliegirl said: Nikki needs to go to rehab. Going to rehab would get her away from Victor, although he'd probably buy the rehab center so he could direct her treatment. 4 5 Link to comment
Js Nana February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 Ever notice that whenever a character is experiencing some kind of stress, they reach for a drink - the whole town needs to go to rehab. 9 1 2 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 (edited) Quote Dear Buttbiscuit; I’ve changed… into my edible undies. That’s not a come on, loser, because I, I have found a new love who also dabbles in shoe polish coiffure. Why, even a lowlife harpy bitch could see my glow. My glow. My new guy’s mouth says “let’s take a break” but his wandering hands say “is this a tit or a bicycle horn?” I mean, who suggests a break and then keeps opening the door for you? If a man opens a door, a door for you, that’s foreplay. Foreplay. Sure, sure he’s courting the woman who ruined the undercarriage of my rental car, but that’s just a phase. A phase. I bought a drone off eBay recently to spy on Diane, so I hope I don’t have to repurpose it to deploy insecticide. BUG SPRAY! Caw caw! Am I the asshole? Lawd help me, I love this so much I want to take it to Crimson Lights and buy it a frappacappamochachino. Extra whip. Edited February 9, 2024 by Joimiaroxeu 10 Link to comment
MollyB February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 19 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said: Somehow he's made it Lily's fault he can't break up with her immediately so he doesn't have to cheat on her. Danny may not be his bio father but Daniel certainly learned something from his "daddy": Don't accept blame when you can conveniently turn the tables. Danny walks out of CL blaming his discomfort (read: inability to see Christine's side and actually act on that) on Phylth and Christine and the drama they are causing. He also blames Christine for the problem because he needs to have Phylth in his life as a friend. (I don't have any friends that slither up on me when I'm with someone else or who plant a lip-lock on me. Or who come to my house and insist that I love them and want them and have real feelings for them. That's not a friend-that's a psycho stalker.) Here's a tip, Danny. Stop flashing the Polident smile every time Phylth grabs your johnson. And while I'm handing out advice to the love-lorn: FFS Christine, when you walk into a place to get coffee and you see the loveofyourlife not telling the bitch who ruined your weekend at the cabin to fuck off, turn around and walk out. There has to be a Dunkin' Donuts somewhere in GC. And, yes, I did get steamed when Jack walks in all upset about Drinnki's Sobriety, immediately goes to the bar and pours a coupla fingers of single malt and then waves it around the room as he explains to Diane his frustration at not being seen as the Best AA Sponsor ever. Substance abuse comes in many forms, Jack. (Question: why was it not ok for Seth to be drinking and it's ok for Jack? Even if his addiction was only pills, he could still have alcohol on his breath or even be three sheets to the wind when a call for help comes in.) 6 9 3 Link to comment
bayviewbubba February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 I'm on hair patrol this week- Mamie looks good (finally) with the braids. I'd rather see a more age appropriate 'do, but this is pretty nice. I've been going back and forth on this: does Tucker have a toupe' of some sort? It looks decent in the front but the sides and back often stick out oddly. Danny is hopeless. Ever since Diane showed up she's been giving impressive hair game. It looks real and healthy! Christine does well also. If she and Phylthy could only keep the strings out of their faces, all would be good. 6 2 3 Link to comment
Sake614 February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 So after yesterdays ‘my baby, my sweetheart’ garbage, I tweeted Braeden and asked if Victor even remembers his wife’s name. He responded asking why I complain about it. ‘Those are affectionate terms for people I love! Not going to call her NIKKI, unless I’m angry or impatient with her!’ Guess I struck a nerve lol! 6 13 Link to comment
Js Nana February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 1 hour ago, MollyB said: insist that I love them and want them and have real feelings for them. Once, right after I had graduated high school, which was many, many, decades ago, I tried to convince a young man who had caught my eye that he really was in love with me, he just didn't know it - it didn't work, I never tried that on anyone ever again, and the only thing I can remember about him is that he was a brown-eyed brunette. 55 minutes ago, Sake614 said: Those are affectionate terms for people I love! Because he can't remember their names. 2 1 1 1 2 Link to comment
Js Nana February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 I swear that I saw a little smirk cross Diane's face while she watched Ashley go-off on Jack in today's show. 1 hour ago, bayviewbubba said: Mamie looks good (finally) with the braids. I'd rather see a more age appropriate 'do, but this is pretty nice. I saw a picture of VR where her hair was loose and I thought it looked so much more attractive and age appropriate than the braids. 2 Link to comment
MollyB February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 16 minutes ago, Js Nana said: and the only thing I can remember about him is that he was a brown-eyed brunette. Hmmmm, many decades ago? Could it have been Danny Romalotti? 9 Link to comment
Js Nana February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 1 hour ago, MollyB said: Could it have been Danny Romalotti? Michael Damian was little more than a toddler when I graduated from high school. 2 2 Link to comment
Js Nana February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 Dear Daniel, I have seen toxic parents suck the life out of their adult children, so I urge you to "divorce" your mother - she'll take you down with her if you don't. 3 6 1 Link to comment
pvandal February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 Oh my god…Phyllis coming in the coffee shop and looking over Cricket and Danny like a wraith about to suck out their souls. 13 Link to comment
Waldo13 February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 There is a very big difference between your and Daniel’s situation BlueFang🕷️. Heather and Daniel is compliant to be together where you are forcing yourself on Danny. Daniel call you out on it and you’re still defiant because you are delusional. Daniel is absolutely right. There is no difference between the old and new BlueFang🕷️. BlueFang🕷️still has her persecution complex. Nostrils and Tucker having a pissing contest. I don’t know who has the bigger balls but Nostrils has Tucker hands down when it comes to the size of their nasals cavities. Why does it seem like Danny is defending BlueFang🕷️. If I was Christine, I would tell Danny to fuck off and good luck with having a relationship with BlueFang🕷️. Unlike Beetlejuice, you only have to say BlueFang🕷️ once and there she is. Diane if I was you I would be more worried about Jack turning to alcohol instead of pain pills. Jack always seems to have a drink when he’s under stress. 2 4 2 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 19 hours ago, Js Nana said: Heaven forbid that he just act like an adult: 1. Walk away from her whenever and wherever she shows up - do not engage in conversation with her. 2. Leave Genoa City, there's a whole country you can work on your album in - if she does track you down, walk away from her whenever and wherever she shows up - do not engage in conversation with her. or3: have her do something illegal ,get caught and go directly to jail. 3 2 1 2 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu February 9, 2024 Share February 9, 2024 "The pull is completely mutual" Eh, Phyllis, I don't think that word means what you think it means. "Mutual," that is. Maybe you should ask Danny how he defines it. 🙄 So whose plane was Ashley in? Did she fly commercial back to GC? I can't imagine the Jabot jet dropped Traci off and then flew back to Paris for the 2nd time in two days. The Abbotts' carbon footprint should be crying for mercy. MAMIE?!!!???!! I thought we were rid of her. 🤬🤬🤬🤬 Dang, Daniel took Phyllis to the school over her behavior towards Danny. He was reading her the whole library. Too bad Phyllis has the reading comphrension of a toddler. Mamie slammed Audra as being a young Jill Abbott. I dunno, Audra doesn't seem to be using her womb as a financial or professional advancement plan. By now she could've borne Newman and Abbott heirs, not to mention a feisty little McCall baby. Now Danny wants to keep Christine at arm's length because he's tired of the dramaz with Phyllis. Get over yourself, Danny. You created the situation, which has evolved into "winner take Danny" death match between the two women. Billy was just at the GCAC bar knocking back a beer and then he went over to Society for what exactly, more booze? "A walking Apocalypse." Oh, FFS, JG. This is how you have Phyllis' nemesis prop her, by describing Phyllis as a problem of Biblical proportions? Idiotic metaphor is idiotic. What world is this? I was actually cheering Billy on, at least while he climbed up Aunt Mamie's hiney and turned on a flamethrower. Tell her, Billy! An Abbott and a Chancellor will not be rolling over for the likes of her paranoid self at C/W. Audra said, "!Dios mío!" to Tucker when she realized he was still tracking Ashley's movements. Have we ever heard Audra demonstrate the actress' Latina heritage before? I am here for it. 🥳 6 5 1 4 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu February 10, 2024 Share February 10, 2024 Quote So after yesterdays ‘my baby, my sweetheart’ garbage, I tweeted Braeden and asked if Victor even remembers his wife’s name. He responded asking why I complain about it. ‘Those are affectionate terms for people I love! Not going to call her NIKKI, unless I’m angry or impatient with her!’ Hmm, so when Nikki hears Victor say her name she knows the context is negative. I think perhaps someone should explain to EB that's emotionally abusive. Quote Mamie looks good (finally) with the braids. I'd rather see a more age appropriate 'do, but this is pretty nice. I still don't understand why her hairstyle would be considered age-inappropriate but I agree it looked better today. 6 Link to comment
MsMalin February 10, 2024 Share February 10, 2024 is this a tit or a bicycle horn?” This goes down as the best one liner in the history of mankind 1 10 Link to comment
Peppermint February 10, 2024 Share February 10, 2024 Daniel and Phyllis's scene today was the best part of the show. Daniel had all the truths...and Phyllis just shrieked right over him. Christine has for decades been a strong, competent woman. Now she is groveling for wimpy Danny ?? And he's rejecting her ?? Count your blessings Bug. Who has the alcohol franchise in this burg ?? Never have so few drunk so much so often. And Ashley coming in the front door directly from a flight from Paris and grabbing the decanter...and not a small pour, either. The fambly meeting is gonna be verrry interesting. 7 8 Link to comment
boes February 10, 2024 Share February 10, 2024 All this alcohol intake, talk and drama makes me yearn for a little Wisconsin reality. Ditch the single malt scotch and the premium vodka, Show and get real. I wanna see Tucker knocking back a bottle of Blatz, hear Victor singing the theme song to Hamm's Beer, and Nikki brewing up a batch of what we called "Potato Wine". You could drink it, fill up the tank of your car with it, and it made an excellent paint thinner. Bah to all these hoity toity humbugs. Show brought back the wrong Romalotti. If it had been Gina who returned, Phyllis would be dead and buried with nary a trace by now and Gina would be serving everyone crudite plates of summer sausage and Braunschweiger with a big smile on her face. Mamie, how can we miss you if you won't leave? Not that I would miss you but how bout you give a try?? ButtBiscuit was right in everything he said to her and Nate, but that's mostly that old "even a broken clock is right twice a day" and that's being overly generous to that pterodactyl nosed John Abbott afterthought. 2 1 2 11 1 Link to comment
NinjaPenguins February 10, 2024 Share February 10, 2024 Dear Buttbiscuit; Love is a battlefield, and I’m the walking wounded. I can’t understand how any of this happened. All I did was return to my old stomping grounds, take up with my old flame and let a red mantis play with my dick. Now the two ladies are fighting to get into my mom jeans and I feel victimized. I bet if I could get them to make out in one of my music videos, that would solve everything. I don’t deserve this, right? I can’t tell the mantis off because she’s the mother of my child. If she wants to powder my balls and call them munchkins, she has a lifetime free pass to do it and I have to let her. Why can’t the other gal see that’s how co-parenting works? I couldn’t get this email finished by the Am I the Asshole? deadline, but I’m not right? I’m the good guy. Signed; Two Girls, One Pup Dear Pup; Um. I can see you are not aware of all internet traditions. That’s understandable, considering you haven’t been cool since people used those AOL discs for coasters and stabilizing table legs. Bro, Am I the Asshole is sort of pass/fail; you write in to Dear Buttbiscuit and you’re getting the concierge advice experience. I’ll throw in a freebie this one time - you are the asshole. You’re also an idiot. When it comes to the homicidal maniac you call the red mantis, fucking around means your old flame finds out, usually via the fender of a nondescript sedan off the Enterprise lot. Here’s a word you may find useful: NO. No, velociraptor, I do not want you in this apartment. I don’t want you for romance, I don’t want you in my pants, no you can’t make my wiener dance. I mean, if you have the courage to sing elevator music in front of tens of people, you can both dare to back off the Just for Men and say no thank you to the scarlet snake charmer. How dare you blame your old flame when your entire game is shame. I’ll tell you this, if I find out my lady is sugaring her babydaddy’s balls without inviting me to observe, I’m going to sulk. Dear Buttbiscuit; What has been seen cannot be unseen. Do not stare into the abyss lest the abyss gaze back into you. Now that we have the melodramatics out of the way, I need help processing the images seared into my retinas after I accidentally looked into the gaping maw of oblivion. I could not turn away. There were mummified hobgoblins glistening inside gelatinous cages, like insects trapped in amber. A lost civilization of pale, single-nostriled people were forced to toil in gold mines by a sentient Flonase cap drunk on power and wealth. There were more prosaic items strewn about too: a kleenex in a bottle, perhaps tossed by a desperate, wayward traveler into the River Sniffs, and a small statue of William Abbott built out of discarded nose hair clippers. Do you ever blow your fucking nose? Jesus Christ, man. Signed; Long Haul Tucker Dear Tucker; Who told you to sit next to me at the bar? I didn’t invite you. You think you’re such hot ghost pepper shit with your snide comments and suave turtlenecks, playing little mind games and pushing buttons as you drift from restaurant to restaurant. You have no power over me. I’ll bet you a thousand dollars that I won’t be- shit. Fuck you, Tucker McCall. Dear Buttbiscuit; I already know the only real solution to my dilemma, but I need to hear it from someone else. I just need that validation, you know? My mother is a beehive buzzing with poisonous personality disorders, dipped in a vat of liquid meth and rolled in cocaine. There’s a never ending steel cage death match between feral otters inside her head and I just cannot anymore. Yet… I still feel that futile yearning to try. She’s my mother, after all. She’s also an obsessive, malignant narcissist and pathological liar who has never given more than she has taken. She is in hot pursuit of my father, who was rekindling an old flame with a nice, stable woman who my mother once tried to murder. That is not hyperbole. She hates my dad’s ex and is repeatedly rubbing up on him like a horny bulldog just to piss this woman off. I call her out on it and she turns on a fire hose of manipulation to drench me in bullshit. I know she’ll never change. I know I should cut her out of my life completely. For a minute during our last fight, it struck me that I was behaving just like her. How can I stay strong? Got any backbone I can borrow? Signed; My Dick Roams-a-lotti Dear Dick; Are you going to use the backbone to cowboy up and dump your girlfriend, or are you just going to carry on your repulsive affair? You are acting like your mother, but you know where I stand on that matter no matter how many times you ask. Your father isn’t covering himself in glory either, but I’ve been chased by the same long knockered demon so I’ll cut him a modicum of slack. Kids of Genoa City, Cinnamon Longknockers is NOT an urban legend. If you ever find a lemon in a tube sock on your front step, place a circle of salt around it and call a priest to exorcise the succubust. As for you, buddy, of course you need to eject your mother from your life, preferably without a parachute. I might also shun your asshole sister for good measure, as she will relentlessly badger you into making nice with your mom. Plus, she sucks. Have a great day! 2 4 2 7 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie February 10, 2024 Share February 10, 2024 (edited) I sincerely hope the producers have instructed Bluetooth to flirt a certain way on screen, because if this is how she does it in real life, I can almost guarantee she will die alone. It's downright creepy. Edited February 10, 2024 by One Tough Cookie 1 3 7 2 Link to comment
Js Nana February 10, 2024 Share February 10, 2024 20 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said: or3: have her do something illegal ,get caught and go directly to jail. Stellar suggestion 2 1 2 1 Link to comment
Js Nana February 10, 2024 Share February 10, 2024 On 2/8/2024 at 5:40 PM, Stpauliegirl said: If there was a fire at Maddie’s school and she was traumatized, why didn’t Lily bring her home for support. Because Christel Khalil is on maternity leave and Lily having to leave town to be with Maddie cause her boarding school was in the middle of a wildfire is the best the writers could come up with - and remember, a month in real-life time may only be a couple of weeks in soap time. 1 4 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu February 10, 2024 Share February 10, 2024 Quote Dear Tucker; Who told you to sit next to me at the bar? I didn’t invite you. You think you’re such hot ghost pepper shit with your snide comments and suave turtlenecks, playing little mind games and pushing buttons as you drift from restaurant to restaurant. You have no power over me. I’ll bet you a thousand dollars that I won’t be- shit. Fuck you, Tucker McCall. Tucker is so good at needling people. I just wish they'd let him have a go at the Newmans too. Re Billy's gambling addiction, given that the Super Bowl is on CBS this year Y&R should've done a quick story arc where Billy was getting momentarily obsessed with online betting. The head of the NFL did a press conference this week where he asked the fans who were betting on the game to do so responsibly. Sure, Jan. There's practically a direct pipeline from the major online betting companies to the NFL, at least via advertising. Both backs are getting plenty scratched, especially with all those crazy prop bets. 6 1 5 2 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu February 11, 2024 Share February 11, 2024 And finally, from during the break last week: 2/2, Friday Connor having troubles again, Chelsea and Adam wringing their hands again, and Billy offering meaningless advice again. Rinse, lather, repeat. Tucker is slender but swole. The knit turtleneck was doing his chest and arms all the favors. 🥰 Aw geez, Jack was still backing up Nikki's lie by omission to Victor, that he's Nikki's AA sponsor now. No, Jack! Still, Victor was being rather overbearing with Nikki. He seemed more concerned about her consorting with Jack than her failing attempts not to drink. Oh look, Audra broke up with Tucker for the eleventy zillionth time. Audra, I wish you knew how to quit him. Whatever, Victor. You and your crackhead security team haven't done such an amazing job of protecting your family from Jordan so far. You aren't the master of Jordan's universe apparently. Or of Nikki's alcoholism. Doesn't Ashley have an apartment in Paris? Perhaps that's where she went to collect herself. Audra, girrrrllll noooo. If Tucker is going to be p-whipped it'll be by Ashley, not you. But hey, Tucker, how you doin'? 🥴 FFS, Nikki, you don't have to answer Unknown calls or even listen to them ring incessantly. Just block them!!!!! 5 1 4 Link to comment
SweePea59 February 11, 2024 Share February 11, 2024 On 2/6/2024 at 5:50 PM, Waldo13 said: How many executives answer their office phone personally? If NM therefore NE was a major international company, there would someone to take all land line calls. Whatever happened to Grampire's secretary, Connie? On 2/6/2024 at 7:15 PM, Js Nana said: Is it my imagination or are there actually fewer pop-up ads interfering with this website. It's your imagination. I have more and the ads are larger. Whoever runs this site is living large off these ads. And is probably a CEO. 2 1 2 1 Link to comment
MsMalin February 11, 2024 Share February 11, 2024 Ninja penguin I have just one question: how do you come up with this stuff?😂😂😂😂😂 7 1 3 Link to comment
Chatty Cake February 11, 2024 Share February 11, 2024 On 2/8/2024 at 4:10 PM, Unathletic Club said: I hope Daniel gets an email from Lily saying that she has fallen in love with a hunky firefighter and will be staying with Mattie permanently. Then Paul arrives in GC and begs Christine to give him another chance and she says yes. Eat that Romalottis. I love all of this but I think Lily should come back with the firefighter and run into idiot Daniel all the time. It would be great if Paul returned. The town needs a chief of police and Christine deserves a break after dealing with blue fang. I still want fqng to get run down with a car. Back in the coma you go! 3 4 1 Link to comment
Js Nana February 11, 2024 Share February 11, 2024 5 hours ago, Chatty Cake said: fqng Who? 19 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said: you don't have to answer Unknown calls or even listen to them ring incessantly. WHAT(!), and destroy the dramatic tension it took the writers months to come up with? 1 5 Link to comment
Js Nana February 11, 2024 Share February 11, 2024 On 2/9/2024 at 6:50 PM, Joimiaroxeu said: He was reading her the whole library. But they didn't have pictures, so her attention wandered. 5 Link to comment
Js Nana February 11, 2024 Share February 11, 2024 On 2/10/2024 at 12:33 PM, NinjaPenguins said: you can’t make my wiener dance To which Red Mantis replies: "I could if you'd let me." 1 3 Link to comment
NinjaPenguins February 11, 2024 Share February 11, 2024 8 hours ago, MsMalin said: Ninja penguin I have just one question: how do you come up with this stuff?😂😂😂😂😂 What? You don’t feel inspired by the prestige television beamed into our living rooms for an hour every afternoon? 2 1 2 8 2 Link to comment
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