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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Fair point with the hypocrite label. Honestly I think in most cases almost all the players are hypocrites or exhibit hypocritical behavior. Sometimes it drives me insane and sometimes I let it go. Depends on if I generally like the person or not. Which makes me a hypocrite as well!

I thought the dog would be there by now. I was assuming they didn't do the veto ceremony today because they'd have the dog. Speaking of the ceremony, how hilarious that they showed it on the feeds. Production has straight-up stopped giving a fuck!

Yeah I agree with you about whether it gets to me. I can almost forgive first time players but its the All Stars that seem to be the biggest hypocrites of all. 

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But you're making my point. Dawn is a woman. Derrick is a man. It's OK for a man to bond with fellow contestants, be nice to everyone and then stab them all in the back because: well, he was just so nice about it and his daughter really does need to eat. What a good father he is. But a woman doing the same thing -- what a vicious liar and a backstabber to play on all their emotions, and would she just shut up about her five children already? It's not a charity. But please, let's hear those hollas again for the hardworking dad!


My point was Derrick is playing as personal a game as Dawn played, and nobody will say boo, because a man manipulating people's emotions is good gameplay, while a woman who does it is just a cold hearted bitch. Which was evident from the reactions of the two groups of contestants. "You're taking food out of my daughter's mouth" is as personal gameplay as "Please find my teeth." The main difference between the two is their sexes.





There's a difference between bonding with contestants over shared interests and categorizing any decisions that might hurt him in the game as a personal affront. When a contestant made a move against Dan (or just didn't like him), he didn't get wildly offended on a personal level. That's where Derrick is different, to me.

Kim Spradlin played a similar game she built relationships with people and manipulated them yet she wasn't hated.

Dawn was far to emotional and people hated her for that.

Dawn played the whole Brenda voting out completely wrong and created an incredibly bitter jury member that I have no doubt actively campaigned against her. 

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.........and could not tell you what Derrick's plan is to save my life.

I love the idea of the fake fight, with Vic telling the other guys that Nicole and others in the JH have reasons to hate Derrick - they've told her so - thus convincing the other three guys that Derrick would be un-win-able and a perfect goat for F2. It's a brilliant bit of manipulation on Derrick's part.  I agree that she thinks she's gone farther than she ever thought she would and is relatively content to be voted out at this time.  As she said, "Bros before........the girl." And she knows it.


Odd to think that these folks don't yet know about Robin Williams and Joan Rivers passing.  I can only imagine Frankie's wails of despair. 

Edited by Skycatcher
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I love the idea of the fake fight, with Vic telling the other guys that Nicole and others in the JH have reasons to hate Derrick - they've told her so - thus convincing the other three guys that Derrick would be un-win-able and a perfect goat for F2. It's a brilliant bit of manipulation on Derrick's part.  I agree that she thinks she's gone farther than she ever thought she would and is relatively content to be voted out at this time.  As she said, "Bros before........the girl." And she knows it.


Odd to think that these folks don't yet know about Robin Williams and Joan Rivers passing.  I can only imagine Frankie's wails of despair. 



This is an outrageously bad idea, Victoria will not be believed.  I don't think she will do it.  He did say, it is up to you, your choice.   This has become his tag line.  

So, is Derrick actually trying to get Victoria out before Frankie? Because if they have a chance to take Frankie out and don't, Frankie deserves the win. As much as I can't stand the guy, he's a legit comp threat and the one chance they get to remove him may be their only chance. They'd be idiots to pass on it unless Derrick truly thinks he can beat Frankie in F2.  I can't quite read how the HG's really feel about Frankie, and whether or not they'd vote for him in an F2.

Edited by Pixel

So, is Derrick actually trying to get Victoria out before Frankie? Because if they have a chance to take Frankie out and don't, Frankie deserves the win. As much as I can't stand the guy, he's a legit comp threat and the one chance they get to remove him may be their only chance. They'd be idiots to pass on it unless Derrick truly thinks he can beat Frankie in F2.  I can't quite read how the HG's really feel about Frankie, and whether or not they'd vote for him in an F2.



I am confused but I don't think this is his plan.  I think the plan is for Victoria to tell everyone this lie before she goes this week, so they will think Derrick is safe to take to the end.  I think he is getting it out there that he will vote her out so if Frankie or anyone is on the block next to her they will feel safe?   It is a given that she will be one of the nominations, of course.  

Edited by wings707
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That's pure strategy on Derrick's part. Cody has made it abundantly clear how unsettled he is at the notion his and Christine's relationship has been portrayed in a negative light. If Derrick can plant in Cody's mind the notion Derrick is getting tarred with the same brush, that's another reason for Cody to want Derrick sitting beside him at F2.



I get it now.  The DR did not say anything about being suspicious of his relationship with Victoria.  He made that up!  I believed him.  SMH

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LOL!!!  We're watching Derrick and we can't figure out what he's doing.  I can't wait to see how he sells himself to a jury who 1) hasn't watched him, and 2) has watched Frankie - if Frankie makes it to F2.  And if they let him get to F2, he deserves to win, not because of his game, but because they were that stupid.  I'd hate to see it, but they'd have earned it.  I don't think Cody is any threat in F2 given that his game was to wrap himself around Christina and talk "Bro".  Caleb makes me wonder.  He's definitely an Alpha Bro; the guys defer to him in subtle ways. As far as his game goes, Amber is but a distant memory.  I haven't heard her mentioned in weeks!  And some have the idea that he's been running things. He might just have a chance to beat Derrick on "Bro" charisma alone. That?  Would be hysterical!

Edited by Skycatcher

In my opinion (and truly, my opinion means zilch because this game confuses me , always has, but also fascinates me) but, Victoria doesn't have a clue what's going on there and wondered from the minute she walked in the house what she is doing there. In all the years of watching this, I have never seen a more clueless houseguest. That blank stare! It creeps me out! ALL that HAIR! THAT. is WEIRD! I don,t think she is going to convince anyone of anything.

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There's a difference between bonding with contestants over shared interests and categorizing any decisions that might hurt him in the game as a personal affront. When a contestant made a move against Dan (or just didn't like him), he didn't get wildly offended on a personal level. That's where Derrick is different, to me.


This is how I feel as well. But at the same time, it's hard with Derrick because nothing he says or does is real. It's all about the game, all about manipulating everyone. including the viewers. But that alone is enough to make me dislike him. Tell me the fucking truth for once, Derrick! We can see you! We know everything you've done for pete's sake! I just hate that he never has a single genuine, truthful moment. It makes it impossible for me to like/root for him. Plus, as we've mentioned, there is no joy in his game, which is just sad and boring.


Personally I think Caleb and Cody are just as clueless as Victoria. Well, Cody may have a semblance of a clue, but he's too much of a coward/passive personality to do anything, so it doesn't count IMO.


I despise Frankie as a person, but I really hope the F2 is Derrick/Frankie. At least then there's finally some unpredictability to this season. And finally Derrick might have to actually work for something. And finally Derrick won't have gotten exactly what he wanted.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Whatever Derrick is planning, what makes him think that any jury members would listen to anything that Victoria has to say? Donny seemed pretty onto Derrick before he left so who knows what he's been telling the other jurors. His speech, even if it was epic would be based on the fact that he mind fucked everyone in the house to get to the end. Who knows how that would be received. I can see Derrick maybe winning with that speech over Caleb or Cody who didn't have as strong games or do much of anything. If by some insanity Derrick is in F2 with Frankie, that's where I can see a divided jury. Frankie though ruthless in his game made no promises nor pandered to anyone for jury votes. He just straight up killed it in comps and would have survived to the end despite being public enemy #1 for most of the series.


This rewind is going to be interesting. I think Frankie will lose the HOH and be put on the block, however he will still have the veto to play and his winning percentage is strong. This is where they would have to get him out if they ever could when they should have back doored him weeks ago. If Frankie stays this week, he could still possible sway Caleb back to his side for the F4 HOH or veto. I would actually like to see those 4 boys go to battle. It would make the last few weeks of the show watchable to me as opposed to watching Cody/Caleb/Victoria tongue bathe Derrick.

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Yea, I hope Victoria goes. Then we'll finally get Derrick vs. Frankie, which was what I wanted in like week 2.


I would love to see Derrick vs. Frankie in F2. Comp beast vs. strategic mastermind (not really, but in this season he is). I don't know how it would go. There hasn't been unpredictability in F2 in awhile, I don't think.


But the only way Frankie would make it to F2 is by winning all of the comps and I don't think he'd actually take Derrick with him. He'd take Caleb for sure.

This is an outrageously bad idea, Victoria will not be believed.  I don't think she will do it.  He did say, it is up to you, your choice.   This has become his tag line.  


I agree with you wings707, I've been a Victoria supporter since day 2 (and still am!!) but that doesn't mean I think she is a good actress. No way she can keep a straight face while being "angry" with Derrick. And if she did end up staying, no way she could distance herself from him to keep up the ruse. Even if she was a good actress, I don't think people would believe it and they would know Derrick put her up to it. At least Frankie would and he would convince the others. Its the oldest trick in the book. I know others have tried it before but I can't remember who. But I really think people try it. 

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Why are the houseguests getting a dog today?  I want them to suffer, put or do something else in the house, not be all happy-go-lucky and pet and play with a dog all day.  I don't wan to watch Frankie get all emotional and loving and say that he is now a dog whisperer or something. We saw him cuddle Jordan's dog on Sunday, that was enough!  What a stupid move, production.


And if she did end up staying, no way she could distance herself from him to keep up the ruse.

Derrick and Vic have already planned that in the case where she stays, they'll "settle their differences" and be friends again.  I don't know if he expects her to sway any jury members.  This latest plan is only to convince C/C/F that the jury members each have a reason to dislike/not-vote-for Derrick, so C/C/F might consider him for F2.


ETA: bacause I'm a little OCD about grammar. Sigh.


ETA2: What ever happened to "Holla"?  I thought it was supposed to go to the end of the season.

Edited by Skycatcher

This is how I feel as well. But at the same time, it's hard with Derrick because nothing he says or does is real. It's all about the game, all about manipulating everyone. including the viewers.

Actually - in a weird, twisted kind of way, this is one of the reasons I enjoy Derrick's game. He has succeeded in doing something which AFAIK no BBAD contestant has ever previously done - he has made the audience a surrogate HG.

When Derrick speaks to us, we have no idea if we can take his words at face value. We must evaluate his context, judge what reaction he wishes to invoke, etc., etc., and from THAT try to determine the truthfulness (or lack thereof) of his statements. How is this any different from what the HGs have to do with every conversation, every day of the Game? :)

ETA: re-inserting chunk of text which got dropped

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 5

...Tell me the fucking truth for once, Derrick! We can see you! We know everything you've done for pete's sake! I just hate that he never has a single genuine, truthful moment. It makes it impossible for me to like/root for him. Plus, as we've mentioned, there is no joy in his game, which is just sad and boring...

I THINK we may have seen a genuine and truthful moment last night at the pool table when Derrick was responding to Frankie's comment (as told to Derrick by Caleb) about Derrick using the "family" card to win the game. (Those weren't Frankie's exact words.) Derrick seemed very angry. Frankie comments struck a nerve. For me, THAT was the real Derrick.

  • Love 8

Watched BBAD that I tape every night...


The amount of lips smacking, loud eating/chewing drives me insane lol..am I the only one? Victoria and Cody last night? Oh my goodness! Stop! lol

You and Caleb have something in common.

If you want, we can try to set up a date so y'all can explore other points of mutual commiseration.... :D

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It seems like Derrick's plan invests a whole lot of faith in Victoria's ability to follow through with it.  I would be surprised if she remembered all the steps, let alone was able to sell the performance.  If she had her brain turned on enough to achieve this, she might have done something for herself in this game.  And I do think she has a brain, but she seems to opt out of using it, more often than not.

  • Love 2

Actually - in a weird, twisted kind of way, this is one of the reasons I enjoy Derrick's game. He has succeeded in doing something which AFAIK no BBAD contestant has ever previously done - he has made the audience a surrogate HG.

When Derrick speaks to us, we have no idea if we can take his words at face value. We must evaluate his context, judge what reaction he wishes to invoke, etc., etc., and from THAT try to determine the truthfulness (or lack thereof) of his statements. How is this any different from what the HGs have to do with every conversation, every day of the Game? :)

ETA: re-inserting chunk of text which got dropped



Are you on medication? :-)  This aspect of his strategy drives me nuts!  He would still get my vote to win because he is actually playing the damn game.   


ETA:  One of the pleasures is to know what the HGs are thinking and watch them play out their plan.  

Edited by wings707

Out of all of those girls I never thought she'd be the last one standing. Of course, she didn't actually do any of the work but she's still there. When she get out and talks to her family they will be all like, "um, girl you was played!". LOL!!!

I never thought she'd be the last one either. But I don't think her family's going to tell her that...I have a feeling they're going to reinforce to her like they probably have her whole life, what a special snowflake she is, and that she was the last girl in the house, and how wonderful and amazing that is: "You're Number 5!" You're Number 5!" And she will live off the glow of that knowledge until she finds another sidewalk to trip on and sue the city. Or gets attacked by a feral, unleashed cat.

Edited by parrotlover
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I THINK we may have seen a genuine and truthful moment last night at the pool table when Derrick was responding to Frankie's comment (as told to Derrick by Caleb) about Derrick using the "family" card to win the game. (Those weren't Frankie's exact words.) Derrick seemed very angry. Frankie comments struck a nerve. For me, THAT was the real Derrick.



Derrick made a huge mistake even mentioning his family in conjunction with game play.  This irritates young unmarried people.  It comes across as being superior, smarter and better in some intangible way.  The tide may be starting to turn against him.  Last night there was some talk about Derrick, behind his back, that I had not seen before.   He just may end up being the first of them to go.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 5

Derrick made a huge mistake even mentioning his family in conjunction with game play. This irritates young unmarried people. It comes across as being superior, smarter and better in some intangible way. The tide may be starting to turn against him. Last night there was some talk about Derrick, behind his back, that I had not seen before. He just may end up being the first of them to go.

I think at this point everyone is going to start talking about everyone. I don't think Cody or Victoria are going to turn on him quite yet. I think Cody is quite Loyal to Derrick and will stay that way. I think he was just faking annoyance cuz Frankie was there.

This plan of Derricks, I don't think it's going to work unless Frankie is not there. Frankie is already starting to be disillusioned by Derrick and he's the least controllable one out of everyone and Derrick knows it. Frankie is fully capable of not only beating Derrick in comps and mental challenges but he also knows his back is to the wall and he has nothing to lose. He knows that unless he wins every comp he's out so why would he be loyal to any of these guys? This is why I hope Frankie can pull this off because that would make for an interesting end to this game. We've sat through it this long, might as well get something out of it.

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This plan of Derricks, I don't think it's going to work unless Frankie is not there. Frankie is already starting to be disillusioned by Derrick and he's the least controllable one out of everyone and Derrick knows it. Frankie is fully capable of not only beating Derrick in comps and mental challenges but he also knows his back is to the wall and he has nothing to lose. He knows that unless he wins every comp he's out so why would he be loyal to any of these guys? This is why I hope Frankie can pull this off because that would make for an interesting end to this game. We've sat through it this long, might as well get something out of it.

Agreed. That is why I asked if anyone noticed Frankie's face when Derrick was going on last night....I cannot stand Frankie but he is pretty smart...

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As I was watching BBAD and listening to Derrick talk about his "strategy" against Victoria with the other guys...when he said the audience would think he was an a$$hole...did anyone notice Frankie's face? I couldn't tell if he knew Derrick was bs'ing or not....



Oh yes, I saw that.  Frankie's wheels were turning.  That alone gave me reason to think the tides may be turning against Derrick.  Time will tell. 

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