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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I think this entire season deserves an asterisk! They've been playing as a team pretty much. Cody had 2 wins handed to him on a platter.

I have never seen a comp worth where  500,000 dolars was the prize played like this. These people act like they were life long friends . I would be palying so dirty getting blod on my hands if i was in the house. It hilarious seeing them all ucddly acting like life long friends and half a million dollars is not the line


these people are boring as hell from watching the show I don't understand how big brother has more fans then real house wives of Atlanta, bad girls club, real/road rules challenges , love and hiphop etc


especially seeing the houseguests don't fight it almsot standard on the other shows  i mentioned for something offensive or not politically corect to be said yet none of them ever got the same outrage big borther 15 got its weird to me. Zaach would never be a top contender for entertainment on the more rough and gully reality hsows but I guess big brother has never had people like Nene , Tnaisha (bad girls club), Stasi (bad girls club) , Joseline (love and hiphop) etc

RedheadZombie, they have to keep the other HGs up all nite (until 6am) looking for the rodent. That's about it.

why does America keep voting for these lame missions.


I wish America was given the option to make them try and get Caleb or Cody out of the game. I remember caleb was suppose to be going home the week after Amber but that was ruined by Donny & Nicole beocoming HOH, then the target was changed to Frankie

Edited by teezy
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In a perfect world, Frankie would use Veto on Victoria, put up Caleb or Derrick, let whoever it is and Cody throw each other under the bus and campaign like crazy... and then have Julie tell them it was all for nothing on the live show. Too bad this isn't a perfect world. We can't even have anything nice this season, let alone anything perfect.

In a perfect world, Frankie would have left his ass home so he could hang from Ariana's bumper as she speeds off to stardom, leaving her brother to eat her dust. 

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I call BS on this TAFY challenge. Who in the world wouldn't have voted for the one where they made everyone fast. That would've been such an amazing fail. This one is so vague. I hope everyone just shrugs off the fact that there is a "mouse" in the house and goes to bed early for once. Instead of having to stay up until 6am, they should've had the challenge to wake these idiots up at 6am.

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I call BS on this TAFY challenge. Who in the world wouldn't have voted for the one where they made everyone fast. That would've been such an amazing fail. This one is so vague. I hope everyone just shrugs off the fact that there is a "mouse" in the house and goes to bed early for once. Instead of having to stay up until 6am, they should've had the challenge to wake these idiots up at 6am.

I voted my fingers off for the fasting mission. I was dying to see Frankie try to sneak cooking fish, since that's all he eats. He'd probably have ended up eating the fish from the tank as sushi. 

Speaking of diets, I would think that if you had dietary restrictions so that you couldn't eat slop, then you'd be rejected for the show since HNs are a big part of the show. I don't think that's fair at all to be exempt from slop, no matter what the reason.

Edited by burgerbitz
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Frankie's HOH and Veto win should convince the rest of the guys that Frankie needs to go.

Yup. At least there's that.



From Joker's: I fully believe that i will be going home next week if i don't win that veto so... but i am just not going to think about it and be extremely proud of the accomplishments I have made.


He'll be thinking of nothing BUT that. Oh and how fucking wonderful his ass is.



voted my fingers off for the fasting mission.

I think most of us did, burgerbitz. Again, disappointed. *shakes fist in air* Fuck You Frankie!

Edited by housecat
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Frankke will probably just win HOH again how many times has he won now it has to be like somewhere to between 5 and 7 times lol. Frankie seems to be competing with Donny but instead ogf winning the msot POV's he has won the msot HOH's


if they don't go after frankie next week they are stupid

i haven't voted for a team america mission since it was obvious team america was virtually Team Donny . I din't like Derrick or Frankie and it seemd they was constantly trying to get donny out of the house and failing.


I wish Donny had made more friends dude was actually decent at comps , and a beast at battle of the block and pov challenges


He would have had a guarantted win if he made final 2. It was silly of him not to try and form any allaince while he was there and jsut go through the motions

i haven't voted for a team america mission since it was obvious team america was virtually Team Donny . I din't like Derrick or Frankie and it seemd they was constantly trying to get donny out of the house and failing.


I wish Donny had made more friends dude was actually decent at comps , and a beast at battle of the block and pov challenges


He would have had a guarantted win if he made final 2. It was silly of him not to try and form any allaince while he was there and jsut go through the motions

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Let's face facts-Frankie is a comp beast and he's GREAT under pressure. He could certainly win the HoH all over again Wednesday.




This is my fear, also.  I can't completely unclench and fully enjoy that his efforts this week are for naught, because if the rewind is a TRUE rewind, then the competition Frankie won would likely be the same as the one he already snagged.  And even if it's not, he has too much of a great chance of winning again.    I thought if Victoria had a chance at winning anything, it would be the morph challenge.  Not that this particular win would have mattered, but it just shows that there really isn't a competition out there she can win, legitimately, on her own.


When Caleb was stuck in the beehive room, he made me laugh twice.  Once, when he announced how proud he is of himself, because his hair has grown.  Growing hair is another one of Beastmode Cowboy's stellar accomplishments!!!  The other was when he said his birthday is in November, he's going to throw himself a huge party in NY, and everyone is invited.  Everyone.  Mr. Irritable and I were delighted, and will be definitely making plans to go to New York in November and look for the guy wearing a Beast Mode Cowboy shirt (he wishes he already had a shirt that says this so he can wear it through the airport on his way home and "represent").

Edited by Irritable
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I hope Caleb is seriously thinking he made a major mistake when he didn't BD Frankie last time. If it loses him any peace of mind at all, GOOD.


Also hope Frankie spends the next few days annoying the crap out of the other HGs with his "I'm such a comp monster" rhetoric. The look on his (and the others) faces when the button twist is revealed will be so very gratifying.

Edited by LordBowen
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lol @ these dudes thinking they would get $25,000 to walk out the door lol

watching them discuss getting 15 grand to go on the block proves majority of these asswipes are recruits , ugh why can't big brother get actual fans to play and not people like christine who watch one season but real fans who not about Dr.Will,Mike boogie and Danielle 

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I don't think I've ever disliked a BB contestant more then I have Frankie. I just can't even deal with him anymore. I am sure when they find out this twist Caleb/Cody/Victoria are going to do everything they can to win that HOH. They won't have to even talk about it they all would be thinking Frankie has got to go. I would want Cody to win the most because you know for sure he will put Frankie up esp since Frankie just put him up. And we have to hope that Frankie doesn't win POV.

Caleb must be kicking himself now for not backdooring him.

Honestly I don't know how the jury could really compartmentalize the person from the game, Especially when it comes to Frankie. He is a horrible person and regardless of his insane amount of comp wins and I'll give credit where it is due he is a beast. I don't think I would want to give him the $500K. And I don't believe for a SECOND that he is using ALL that money for Africa.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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If Derrick's plan is to take Victoria to the end, it will be interesting to see his talk to Caleb to vote Cody out instead.  And then the rewind happens.


I wonder if they are actually gonna to have the eviction and the person starts to leave and they say nope nevermind Rewind. Or they tell them before it happens.

They will be told before Eviction.

SiohbanJW, I could've swore Julie said on the live show that they would do the first 1 or 2 votes in the DR and then just stop and go back to the living room and say something like "Welp. We're stopping voting. You idjits pressed the stoopid button which means....SURPRISE....nothing this week counts. Please assemble in the backyard for a repeat of the last HoH. Oh, and Frankie?? Bwahahahahaha!"


...or something...

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SiohbanJW, I could've swore Julie said on the live show that they would do the first 1 or 2 votes in the DR and then just stop and go back to the living room and say something like "Welp. We're stopping voting. You idjits pressed the stoopid button which means....SURPRISE....nothing this week counts. Please assemble in the backyard for a repeat of the last HoH. Oh, and Frankie?? Bwahahahahaha!"


...or something...



Julie's exact words were, "the live vote will stop live."  That implies we will see at least one vote but my guess is no.   Love to see that happen, of course.  One vote is all we need to see what is up with them if we don't know from the feeds. 

I've seen a lot of references to inappropriate sexual discussions between Victoria and Derrick.  Can someone elaborate please??   Thank you!


I have not read anything unsavory.  They all got to talking one night about her virgin status, Victoria included.  It was light hearted and they were just curious about where she drew the line.  Fingering was brought up and that was the same as having sex to her.   I didn't read anything about oral sex but I doubt it was Derrick talking to her privately.  It was probably during the same conversation. 

Edited by wings707


Julie's exact words were, "the live vote will stop live."  Strange wording but it does imply that perhaps we will see a vote or 2.   Love to see that happen, of course.  One vote is all we need to see what is up with them if we don't know from the feeds.


Wouldn't it be wonderful if they let the live vote be completed, announced  and someone threw in a hinky vote so it wasn't unanimous?

Our dreams are better than what the twist has to offer. Sigh. 


I've seen a lot of references to inappropriate sexual discussions between Victoria and Derrick.  Can someone elaborate please??

In addition to what wings707 said, there was the following from Jokers:

Victoria " I have learned alot about sexual things in this house". Derrick "Like what?" Victoria "Like, how oral sex is not considered sex"

More sex talk. The guys are schooling Victoria on .. things.

Victoria " I have learned alot about sexual things in this house". Derrick "Like what?" Victoria "Like, how oral sex is not considered sex"

Where the hell does this logic even come from? I'm pretty sure if I gave another guy a blow job my husband would consider it sex and cheating on him. Thanks for that legacy, Bill Clinton. Edited by Pixel
  • Love 7

Where the hell does this logic even come from? I'm pretty sure if I gave another guy a blow job my husband would consider it sex and cheating on him. Thanks for that legacy, Bill Clinton.


They were all having fun with Victoria when discussing sex.  This was not a serious comment.  The boys are curios about her virginity and what it means in terms of how far would you go before you stop at penetration.   Silly stuff and not to be taken seriously.    

Edited by wings707
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In addition to what wings707 said, there was the following from Jokers:

Victoria " I have learned alot about sexual things in this house". Derrick "Like what?" Victoria "Like, how oral sex is not considered sex"

More sex talk. The guys are schooling Victoria on .. things.

ugh what............ she must be a catholic school girl or some shit last time i checked you could possibly receive an std from oral sex


ugh this bitch is so dumb but there are alot of women like her who think ofthemselves as virgins even though they have had dick after inside there mouth or ass it's dumb as hell to me but whatever floats  hr brainless boat lol


I always thought how Derrick sat up in that bed with Victoria alone a good portion of time was weird as hell and im starting to sense Derrick may have actually liked Victoria.

Where the hell does this logic even come from? I'm pretty sure if I gave another guy a blow job my husband would consider it sex and cheating on him. Thanks for that legacy, Bill Clinton.

Victoria a virgin


lmaoooooooooo i don't know if i believe that lol

Victoria did NOT say she has given or received oral sex!  Or that she was going to partake.  The conversation was theoretical.  Does sex mean only penetration to a virgin. Really, it was very light.   This was a "you had to be there" situation.  Sentences taken out of context are not representing the nature of the conversation.  

Edited by wings707
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I can't believe I stayed up to watch the rat mission, but I'm actually glad I did as it did not disappoint. Probably the most entertaining thing to happen all season. I gotta give it to Frankie, he sold it. Throw in Victoria trying to lure the rat with a honey/gummy bear concoction, Cody standing on the table and refusing to come down, Caleb swearing he saw it and it was a monster, cheese poisoned with toilet bowl cleaner and so on. If I was voting I'd give it to them. Well done. LOL.

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Yes, the rodent hunt has been very entertaining.  And have to give Frankie props (I know, I know), he is a good actor (Derrick  not so much). Cody on a chair was hysterical.


While waiting for this event to take place, Caleb at one point asked Derrick how tall he was.  Derrick replied, 6'1".  So there you go.

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I can't believe I stayed up to watch the rat mission, but I'm actually glad I did as it did not disappoint. Probably the most entertaining thing to happen all season. I gotta give it to Frankie, he sold it. Throw in Victoria trying to lure the rat with a honey/gummy bear concoction, Cody standing on the table and refusing to come down, Caleb swearing he saw it and it was a monster, cheese poisoned with toilet bowl cleaner and so on. If I was voting I'd give it to them. Well done. LOL.

lmaoooooo cody really stood on the table and refused to come down he is more of a punk than i thought.


Cody is sooo feminine he gossips alot , keeps up with pop culture most straight men I know would not be very interested in there really is something in the water with the dude's on this show.  very first season of big brother where i will say it seems like every male in the house is gay , some of these guys make Andy and Marcellus look masculine lol .


Donny is the only straight male this season , no cuddling with frankie , no frankie groping , no twerking , no gay work out contests , no gossiping lol  thats not a suprise based off the stereotype of Donny's look i wouldn't expect him to be cool with just about any of that dude has nothing in common with the effeminate guys on this show.

Edited by teezy

I can only hope the RESET button accomplishes one thing:  Gets Frankie's wheel's turning so quickly he blows the comp.  Since winning his Veto, Frankie is on a self-congratulatory tear - and, as we all know...it's going to get worse.  While he's floated that it could be a 'reset', I think he's got several different things in mind as well, and his mind tends to go for what's best for Frankie.


My wondering if it will register with him that he is now public enemy #1 in terms of being shown the door by the other HG's?  I'm not sure if it will mess him up running through everything to throw him off his game?  I think it might - he will be VERY angry that his 'super awesome win week' will be void - and he's made several statement to that fact already.  So a combination of Anger and the realization he's such a huge target might throw him off his game enough.


Or maybe it's just entirely wishful thinking - because I have never wanted to see someone knocked off their self-created pedestal so hard!!!!

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Well, I'm glad BB got some funny footage out of this latest TA mission, but was it really worth $5,000?  I mean, these people stay up until 6 a.m. all the time, so that part sure wasn't a challenge.  It would have been much harder to talk people into not eating, while sneaking food themselves than this lame game.  Grodner sure is reaching for content these days.


I have my fingers and toes crossed that the reset upsets Frankie so much that it throws him off and he doesn't do well in the HOH, and that the others have finally realized that he HAS to go and step up their game big time.  If he does win, Derrick may be watching the game slip through his fingers, and kicking himself in the ass for not making a move sooner.  At this point, I can live with anyone winning EXCEPT Frankie.  When he gets out of the house, I don't care if its a reality check, karma or a bus hitting him, I want to see his gigantic, bloated ego deflated and the scumbag get what's coming to him. 


Caleb thought the guitars meant HE was going to perform


I found this so funny because I watched one of his music videos where he was sitting on a bed, holding a guitar and singing.  The guitar was nothing but a prop because he never so much as strummed it.  I got the impression he didn't know how to play it. 

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