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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Somehow Survivor manages to avoid some of this behavior. Maybe it is because of how the game is structured, not nominating two people to evict but one person or tribe winning immunity. There are petty, mean people on Survivor and personal conflicts, we see that plenty, but less of the group think that the others are evil, bad people group think. The personal dynamics are just different. Maybe the freedom to roam away from camp and take a mental break helps more then I would think.

Walking away probably does help, but Survivor players also spend a lot more time doing the basics to survive. They're focusing on getting water, making a fire, gathering wood, looking for food sources, etc. it may get boring, but it gives them a purpose to get out of bed and accomplish something. Not wanting to piss off a person who does the majority of the work may be a factor. Also, their challenges usually require a great deal of exertion. Combined with malnourishment and possible dehydration, they just have less energy to fight.

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Tidbits I've read:

Kathy Griffin overheard the HGs talking about her and was pissed. Christine said she hated her (surprise) and Derrick mocked her claim to be a super fan. When they got back outside Kathy said to Derrick, "Not a super fan, huh?"


You left out the best part - about how when Christine (along with the rest of the HGs) realized KG had overheard them, Christine couldn't look her in the eye. When I read that, heartfelt laughter ensued. :)

Donny made fun of Cody's hair and Cody is pissed about it.


I know Cody said Donny made fun of his hair - but Cody lies a lot. Did Donny actually say anything? If he did, I missed it.

Christine said she hates Julie, the wife of the President and CEO of CBS.


Christine badmouthing Julie is so hilarious. She's so stupid. I hope Julie continues to fuck with her on live TV.





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Donny's so freaking smart! Too bad Cody is too dumb to get it.


Jokers 08/22/14 10:40 AM

Donny says he would vote for Cody in the F2, but that he's not going to get there.


Donny says that he's doomed, and if he goes home, he'll wait for Cody to join him in the jury house in a couple of weeks. He expects to be on the block, but he knows if he doesn't win veto, he'll be going home this week, and then Nicole next. Or vice versa.


Donny says that there's no way that they others are going to keep Cody over Victoria. Cody says he's been thinking about this a lot.


Donny says that his family had to watch while they are throwing competitions to send him home. He says he won't hold it against Cody if he nominates him since he knows that he's being used, that the others have already won. But he says there are only 3 or 4 weeks left, and it's time to make a move.


Cody saying "ya, uh huh" a lot.


Donny asks for Cody to think about it. That he's alone with Nicole, that he's not doing anything bad, but people are throwing comps. He can't do anything about it except how he votes to make it right in the Jury House. It would be easy to listen to "them" to send him home. Now's the time to play Big Brother. He's been on the block 5 times, this would make 6, while Derrick has never felt the block. He appreciates him listening but needed to talk to him before nominations today. Even if Cody nominates others, they will go after him & Nicole instead.


Cody says "mmm hmmm. ya, I"ve been thinking about it a lot".


Donny thanks him, asks him to think about it, and tells him to get some more sleep & leaves.

Edited by TexasChic
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You know, you're right. I just assumed I missed it.

I have to say - when I first read this, I had a total Brady Bunch Movie flashback:

Jason: Marcia, I may be able to use you as a model, but first you'll have to do a little work on yourself.

Marcia Brady: You mean like walking with a book on my head?

Jason: No, I mean like cutting that mousy hair, capping those teeth, and losing about 30 pounds, my little sausage. How do you feel about breast implants?

Marcia Brady: [slaps him] CUT MY HAIR!?!?


("POSTERS! You are NOT allowed to quote dialogue from movies!")

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Honestly this isn't a great move for Donny, getting Derrick on the block is just a completely lost cause with Cody as HoH. I think Donny should have pitched to Cody this scenario: put up Victoria up with Donny, Cody throws the veto to Donny or Nicole, Cody puts up Frankie with the rationale that Frankie is biggest competition threat, and then Nicole/Donny keep Cody safe if either won HoH. Then Donny could have talked to Nicole about proposing the same thing. Donny needed to hammer how Frankie's a threat, Victoria will skate by and be protected by others because she's perceived as useless, Donny will always be a target, and that Cody won't be safe next week because he can't play in HoH. I think Cody might have gotten away with a Victoria and Donny/Nicole nomination and been able to sit a little pretty next week regardless of who won HoH. Also, based on Derrick shitting his pants last night just because Nicole came back, it could have freaked Derrick out and caused him to show his true colors.


Cody just won't make a move against Derrick. Ever. It's to the point where if Cody made it to F3 with Derrick and won HoH, I'm pretty sure Cody would take Derrick, hands down: that's how tight their alliance is. 

  • Love 2

From Joker's:

Fri 10:17 AM BBT Feeds Back. LR TV screen says "Nominations Today".

From the Detonator point of view, their smartest strategic move would be to put both Donny and Nicole on the block; even if one of them wins POV, the other is guaranteed a trip (back to?) the JH.

Now - that being said - reckon there's any chance the Detonators do their usual job of paranoid overthinking, and leave either Donny or Nicole off the initial block noms as a backdoor option? I ask only because the idle fancy of either Donny or Nicole getting picked to play for POV, winning it, and using it to take his/her partner in crime off the block fills me with cheer.

  • Love 1

Honestly this isn't a great move for Donny, getting Derrick on the block is just a completely lost cause with Cody as HoH. I think Donny should have pitched to Cody this scenario: put up Victoria up with Donny, Cody throws the veto to Donny or Nicole, Cody puts up Frankie with the rationale that Frankie is biggest competition threat, and then Nicole/Donny keep Cody safe if either won HoH. Then Donny could have talked to Nicole about proposing the same thing. Donny needed to hammer how Frankie's a threat, Victoria will skate by and be protected by others because she's perceived as useless, Donny will always be a target, and that Cody won't be safe next week because he can't play in HoH. I think Cody might have gotten away with a Victoria and Donny/Nicole nomination and been able to sit a little pretty next week regardless of who won HoH. Also, based on Derrick shitting his pants last night just because Nicole came back, it could have freaked Derrick out and caused him to show his true colors.


Cody just won't make a move against Derrick. Ever. It's to the point where if Cody made it to F3 with Derrick and won HoH, I'm pretty sure Cody would take Derrick, hands down: that's how tight their alliance is. 

I agree. But I think without seeing behind the scenes like we do, Donny has no way of knowing this. I thought it was smart the way he kind of casually threw out the lines that Cody was being used and the others have already won.

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I keep trying to figure out if there ever was a moment for Donny to actually work his way in with anyone to get in a better position.  And I keep coming up with his best shots were the folks on the outside (or the fringes, Hayden).  BS and Devin just killed his game. Derrick never took him seriously and never talked game with him even after TA, indeed, Derrick was insulted that Donny thought he should be consulted in the game and didn't submit to what Derrick said.  There was no recovery, and even with a hail mary with returning juror, it is over.  Along the way, though, I admire how he has figured everything out. 


Sure, he's on a suicide mission everytime he talks to anyone left. Folks say he is damaging his game-----his game is over, he knows that unless he can flip someone who is never going to flip.  What's to damage what is already gone?  And, someday, these folks are going to realize he was speaking the truth to them, unless their goal all along was to let Derrick win?


Snark away this week Donny, snark away....I'm with you. 

Edited by pennben
  • Love 11

Ugh! I appreciate Donny trying to be more direct, but i think he really has to present a "full" alternative plan for Cody to bite. You can't just say "its time to play Big Brother! Make a big move!" without giving someone like Cody a specific alternate plan. Not just an option "Derrick has never been on the block" but an alternative plan that he could visualize executing "if you put derrick up, he's going to be pissed, but here's how you rationalize it...here's how you get votes to get him out...you'd have my vote, could you swing a vote from Frankie and Christine? I could work on Caleb....etc." He needs to help Cody visualize something he could actually execute.


He also needs to be talking more openly about the final two. "Who do you want to be sitting next to? Derrick could sit next to pretty much anyone left in this house and probably win...etc".


I think that's where Derrick has excelled. He has had final two scenarios that he could win in his head since very early in the game. It doesn't seem like anyone else is even thinking about final 2 and the jury vote.

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I agree. But I think without seeing behind the scenes like we do, Donny has no way of knowing this. I thought it was smart the way he kind of casually threw out the lines that Cody was being used and the others have already won.


I think the only thing Donny doesn't know at this point is how freaked out Derrick was last night regarding Nicole's return (and I think that was mostly for show so the cult members wouldn't talk game to her). Donny has pretty much figured out the entire house and during his two conversations with Cody this week he has argued the same points I made above.


The main problem Donny has it that he does need to present a fully thought out plan to these people and present a better concluding argument than "if you flip, it'll be a level playing field." That's not a good argument to someone who has the advantage. "If you don't make the move, we'll all be able to hash out any hard feelings in the jury house since I'll see you soon enough" or "if you don't take a risk, you won't win against [this person] because I'm voting for them if they make it to the end because they're controlling the game" are better arguments to make.

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Wouldn't that be a kick in the ass TexasChic, to see Frankie decide to align with Donny.  Now that is a feed I'd feel happy I paid for, rather than this dreck.


I think it would be a smart move for both of them. And yes, it would be sooo fun to watch!!!

Edited by TexasChic
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It really is pointless to try to get Cody to see reason when it comes to Derrick, but I think we should keep in my mind that Donny really hates Derrick. Like he is so done with him! He is willing to work with/vote for Frankie, he hates Derrick that much. Donny's Derrick hate makes me so happy, so I don't even care if it's not the best game move to try and get him targeted. I mean Donny is 100% fucked no matter what, so I'm glad he's entertaining me on his way out.

ETA: Apparently Donny lost the HOH by 1 second. WE COULD'VE HAD IT ALL! I'm gonna go have a good cry.


I just read Zach's interview and he thinks Frankie is running the house. This boy is hopeless! At least he has company since they all are.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4

Honestly this isn't a great move for Donny, getting Derrick on the block is just a completely lost cause with Cody as HoH.

I keep trying to figure out if there ever was a moment for Donny to actually work his way in with anyone to get in a better position.  And I keep coming up with his best shots were the folks on the outside (or the fringes, Hayden). 

Ugh! I appreciate Donny trying to be more direct, but i think he really has to present a "full" alternative plan for Cody to bite. You can't just say "its time to play Big Brother! Make a big move!" without giving someone like Cody a specific alternate plan.

Ok - this is quite probably *me* overthinking this - but I'm wondering if Donny isn't playing a far deeper game than anybody suspects. Consider the following:

1. Despite their flaws individually, the Detonators have presented one of the most solid alliances to date - particularly in their ability to close ranks, lock shields, and fend off exterior attempts at disruption.

2. Donny HAS to know at this point in the game, his chance of surviving more than two weeks is in the single digits.

3. Donny also knows every time he floats a well-defined potential scenario to a Detonator, it gets carried back to either the alliance as a whole or Derrick individually, who dissect it and shoot it down.

So - since clear, concise scenarios have been consistent failures - how about going fuzzy for a change? Float the start of a scenario, but leave it up to them (Derrick, specifically) to try to figure out what scenario might need shooting down? And maybe - just maybe - while Cody sits and listens to Derrick puzzle through potential scenarios, Cody will realize Derrick is coming at them from the perspective of what's good for Derrick's individual game.

Far fetched? Oh hell yeah. The weakest link of this (and there are several) is, it depends upon Cody using his head for something other than nodding at everything Derrick says. It's a Hail Mary to be sure. Since attempts to penetrate the Detonator alliance through the exterior have proven futile, however, perhaps an attempt to germinate some degree of internal discord might prove more fruitful.

Think of it as akin to insertion of a "virus" into the alliance. Is it likely to be successful? Probably not - such an approach would only work if individual members were given much to individual thought, and I've seen little of that in this bunch. On the other hand - what's Donny got to lose? :)

  • Love 6

It really is pointless to try to get Cody to see reason when it comes to Derrick, but I think we should keep in my mind that Donny really hates Derrick. Like he is so done with him! He is willing to work with/vote for Frankie, he hates Derrick that much. Donny's Derrick hate makes me so happy, so I don't even care if it's not the best game move to try and get him targeted. I mean Donny is 100% fucked no matter what, so I'm glad he's entertaining me on his way out.

This is where I am at as well. The fact that Donny is still giving it everything he's got, right or wrong, is just greatness to me. And if nothing else, maybe he can get a little trouble a brewing before he leaves.

Just realized I said the same thing you did Nashville.

  • Love 3

Thank you, pennben. Let's all just cry it out!


And maybe - just maybe - while Cody sits and listens to Derrick puzzle through potential scenarios, Cody will realize Derrick is coming at them from the perspective of what's good for Derrick's individual game.


Derrick is very transparent in every talk he has that everything that's happening is for him and him alone and no one sees it and Cody certainly isn't gonna be the first person to get it. Donny doesn't know everything though. But he does know Derrick runs the game and Cody is the dumbest person in a house full of dumb dumbs. I honestly think Donny just can't stand Derrick and is just throwing anything at the wall in hopes that someday Derrick will get evicted.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Wouldn't it be funny if Derrick, Frankie and Caleb make the final three, with Derrick confident both will take him to final two, but instead Frankie takes Caleb? And THEN everyone is so disgusted with Frankie that they vote for Caleb to win? That would be the most ridiculous, but hilarious outcome ever!

  • Love 9

I wish that Donny and Nicole together would go to Cody and suggest they are two votes for him to make a big move.  Whoever Cody decides to put up and whoever Cody tells them to vote for, they will.  If they 'work the scenarios' like Derrick would, maybe Cody would come to realize the time to make a move is now.

I think it's useless. Cody is the one person who will never, ever turn against Derrick. If literally anyone else had HOH, it might work, but not with Cody. However, you're so right, they really should try. They have nothing to lose! I bet they're pretty demoralized though, so it's probably hard to really think of all the things they could do. I think they're most likely as hopeless as the audience is.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2


I honestly think Donny just can't stand Derrick and is just throwing anything at the wall in hopes that someday Derrick will get evicted.


I hear you peachmangosteen, but I also think that Derrick just can't stand Donny.  So here we are. From weeks ago, I see no way they would work together.  I do, hope however, one of these grownups wins over the rest.  I can't imagine how exausting it would be to be in that house.

Oh yea, Derrick has hated Donny for weeks. Like probably since TA started honestly. I think it really pisses Derrick off that Donny got on TA actually. And he has never been anything but condescending towards Donny, so I can see why Donny has such disdain for him.


I think without TA this game would've gone so differently. Derrick, Donny, and Frankie would have all targeted each other if it weren't for TA.

Honestly, I would much rather see Derrick win than Frankie. This season is basically a lost cause at this point. Much as we all hate Derrick you can't deny that he has controlled things and played the best game. And he gets bonus points from me for being an animal lover. Frankie is pretty much a trash human being all the way around.

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@Nashville,  I like your thinking. 


Donny would be better talking to Frankie.  Frankie is smart and would think about his logic and not necessarly report back.  Frankie does not clearly see that Victoria and Cody are Derricks "people," he really does think they have a tight alliance and no need to worry until Donny and Nichole are gone.  He is also under the impression that he and Derrick are the two who are the closest.

  • Love 5
Think of it as akin to insertion of a "virus" into the alliance. Is it likely to be successful? Probably not - such an approach would only work if individual members were given much to individual thought, and I've seen little of that in this bunch. On the other hand - what's Donny got to lose? :)


Thats a great way to think about it. He's tried to approach Cody and Christine a few times now with this line of thought (the whole pecking order stuff) but I'm wondering if Frankie and Caleb would've been the better avenues to go about it. I think Frankie might take interest in the "Derrick is going to win this...when are you planning to get him out?" line of thinking. Plus Caleb has proven to be incredibly easy to manipulate. I think Frankie and Caleb probably think they are high in the pecking order for Derrick since they are "strong" players, but they're actually much lower than Cody and Victoria.

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I think without TA this game would've gone so differently.


Yup, there's the rub.  Had they left it alone, perhaps we could have gotten the "unexpected" we were supposed to "expect".  Although, taken literally (which would confuse Cody as he does not understand that word), getting a boring season when we are to "expect the unexpected" could be unexpected?  I suppose?

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All they would have to do is appease his ego. "Oh, Frankie, we wanted to work with you because you're sooo famous!"


On the other hand, it would get Frankie a lot more camera time. A bonus for him, torture for me.


I think the twist this year is that Derrick already won the game, now they're just playing out the rest for shits and giggles.

  • Love 3
Speaking of TA, wonder why we didn't get a new mission choice? I hope that shit is over. Although it would be funny to watch them have to work together. Donny would probably just be like fuck it you bitches can do it or not IDGAF.

They probably gave away too much money already -- and can't afford any more missions.

Derrick's group of lemmings are are so ridiculous. Do they not realize that they are CARRYING Derrick to f2 and only one person can win? They should get Derrick out, keep Donny and Nicole, and scramble up the game so THEY have a chance to win by cultivating Donny's and Nicole's votes for the finale night.


This group os HGs is not only boring but brain dead. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
  • Love 7

MORE fish? Really?

From Joker's:

Fri 12:42 PM BBT The Squish Kabobs are: compressed fish meat, clams, and bean curd.

Fri 12:41 PM BBT Cody asks for volunteers. Nicole volunteers. and Cody ends up choosing Nicole & Donny for HNs. They got Squish Kabobs.

ETA: Joker's

Edited by Nashville
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