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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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i agree, can't stand Frankie and Donny has no chance without an alliance.  If anyone :"deserves" the win, it's Derrick and he would be stupid to take anyone but Victoria to the end.  The only other houseguest I could accept winning would be Caleb.  He has been on everyone's radar all season and somehow is still in this game.

Derrek sure.  Where he's been evil, it's been all about the game.  But Caleb is kind of mentally ill.  From a game perspective maybe I could see rewarding persistence, but that same persistence also painted him as a psycho stalker.

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I hate her more than ever now. How could she be so stupid to blab it all to Cody???

She is unreal. They all are. Let's just have CBS write a check for Derrick right now.

Christine and Frankie will be next.

They are all gonna look back on this season and be like Donny was right all along.

The only person that believes him in the house is Zach but there isn't anything he can do unless he comes back in.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Ok, so before right now, I was angry at Zach for even thinking about wanting to bring Christine, Tim and possible divorce papers into the mix. I'm sure a lot of people are concerned about Christine's marriage, now that she continues to cuddle with Cody and I would have thought after her zing, she would think twice before cuddling with him. But seeing her wake him up, stroke his arm and then go back to cuddling with him and spilling everything Donny told her just makes me want to shake her and have her open up her eyes to her role in the house and how people see her. Like, I don't want Zach to bring up her marriage but someone needs to smack some sense into her (figuratively, of course). She's really delusional and I really am concerned about her marriage right now. If Zingbot can't get her to stop touching Cody so much and start thinking more about her husband, then I don't know what will. 


It even upsets me to even thinking about myself wanting Zach to bring up divorce papers because that's just on another level, but I just know she's going to hear plenty of it outside the house, Tim's already hearing about it and Zach seems to at least be in tune with what viewers might be thinking.  Like, she's supposed to be a Big Brother superfan. You would think she would stop trusting people and start thinking about herself and the long term game. Yet, she's really not, or else she'd realize she has no chance of winning because she will get eliminated if Frankie wins veto next week.

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I knew it.  I knew the b* wouldn't be able to do it; keep quiet and work with Donny.


Donny's only hope is if a JHM comes back, its either Hayden, Nicole, or both.  Zach would work with him, but as stated already, Zach is a loose cannon and would flip on him the second somebody presented something that sounded good to him.


I'm done with Christine.  I was never 'with' her in the first place, but she is so absolutely done to me.

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I hope to god some one makes Christine listen to Derrick telling Cody to "reel that ass back in." And let me just vent on Cody for awhile. It is not some sort of outrage that someone tries to flip the game.

I really really hope that Christine gets put on the block and Cody drops her like a hot coal. Tim is probably gnashing his teeth at this.

Oh well, Donny. Nothing ventured; nothing gained.

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I hope Donny gets asked to play in another season and does. He's become one of my personal favorite players ever, he just really got the shit end of the stick when it came to the personalities he had to play with this time.

In addition to the HGs he’s had to deal with this season, Production basically set him up to ensure he’d be marginalized. He is older than the others, so that would make him an outsider to some extent anyway, but Production also told him he had to keep the beard. My understanding is that Donny grew it out basically for the audition and planned on shaving it off before he ever entered the house but the show wouldn’t let him (I think at one point he mentioned while in the house that he wants to shave it and hopefully he could do it mid-season). Many viewers didn’t even care for Donny at first sight, so it's no surprise that the HGs had the same initial reaction.  By the time some of the HGs got past the beard he had already kind of missed out on getting into an early alliance (at least one that could actually accomplish anything).


I absolutely hate that Christine (and nearly everyone else in this house) is so incredibly stupid and so desperate to be part of the "in crowd" that she's sacrificing her own chance at winning anything. Christine going to Cody and waking him up to snitch on Donny is just too much. I hope she feels like a complete asshole when this season is over - her gameplay sucked, she behaved like a complete moron, she spread lies about the HG most liked by America, and she may have put her marriage in some danger and in the process is making her husband look like an idiot to the viewers. Let's not forget that Starbuck's likely won't be too pleased if they find out that she's been giving away coffee in exchange for tattoos.

Edited by Rapunzel
  • Love 8


2:48 PM Cody: "I don't blame him (Donny) for trying because he's literally by himself." Christine: "I know. But it's funny!" NT

You know what will be even funnier, bitch?  When you are up next to Donny, he wins the VETO, and your ass goes out the door.


Not only that, but neither of these two dim bulbs realize that any kind of alliance with big numbers, at this point, is akin to playing other people's games for them, instead of your own personal game.


I'd say I can't wait to see them when it clicks, after its all over, that they played the game so Derrick gets $500K at the end.   But I think that would be giving them a bit too much credit - that they would actually realize just what they did.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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They need to have America vote on the dumbest move of the season. This would be up there with Frankie voting Zach out.



I am sooooooo down with this.  I am sick.  Funny.  I decided NOT to get the feeds this year because I didn't wnat to become so involved.  It takes too much time from my life.  Well, NOT getting them takes more!  I could be doing things and listening rather than sitting here refreshing JOKERS every 10 seconds and coming here when I had a lapse like talking a shower or getting the fucking mail!  Oh, oh the misery. 

  • Love 6

Not only that, but neither of these two dim bulbs realize that any kind of alliance with big numbers, at this point, is akin to playing other people's games for them, instead of your own personal game.


I'd say I can't wait to see them when it clicks, after its all over, that they played the game so Derrick gets $500K at the end.   But I think that would be giving them a bit too much credit - that they would actually realize just what they did.



Yet another reason to cast people who know the game. 


Sad that we will never see the horror they experience when this hits them.  AND, even worse, those who love them will soothe with words, including, "Donny was an asshole."  The troops rally around their loved ones who made bad decisions, as they should.   I am a very loving person, really I am.  Fuck you Christine.  

  • Love 6

I am sooooooo down with this.  I am sick.  Funny.  I decided NOT to get the feeds this year because I didn't wnat to become so involved.  It takes too much time from my life.  Well, NOT getting them takes more!  I could be doing things and listening rather than sitting here refreshing JOKERS every 10 seconds and coming here when I had a lapse like talking a shower or getting the fucking mail!  Oh, oh the misery. 


I'm the opposite, for the first few weeks, I was so involved in watching feeds and checking updates, my personal life and sleep schedule got way too messed up.  I can't say I regret dropping both the feeds and checking/refreshing updates.  Just reading about the updates on here has my blood boiling most the time - can't imagine what I'd want to throw through the computer screen if I were actually watching the feeds myself.

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I would love to be a fly on the wall of Tim's mind (Christine's husband) right now.  Well, no I wouldn't.  Scary bad, very bad place;

I don't think so. He sees her with eyes of love, and is a little baffled why viewers don't love her. Tim seems like a really good guy even if a little too wedded to his hipster dreams.

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So Derrick is openly saying he is the mastermind. Cody and Christine still do not get it!!


If I were looking to give C & C a tiny bit of credit; I'd wonder if its they don't see that Derrick is controlling everything - or - do they, but think that its better (still) to just hide in his shadow, agree with him on pretty much everything, and not make him mad, so as not to target them.


I know its asking a bit much to think they could be showing some sort of strategy in that sense, but it is possible, if highly unlikely.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 1

So Derrick is openly saying he is the mastermind. Cody and Christine still do not get it!!

Excuse me. You mean LITERALLY saying he is the master mind. Probably they are mesmerized because it is sooooo scary.

If I were looking to give C & C a tiny bit of credit; I'd wonder if its they don't see that Derrick is controlling everything - or - do they, but think that its better (still) to just hide in his shadow and not make him mad, so as not to target them.

I know its asking a bit much to think they could be showing some sort of strategy in that sense, but it is possible, if highly unlikely.

You know, I do think they are hiding in his shadow and trying not to rile anything so that they are safe, the problem is that they are not formulating a plan to emerge from his shadow and take control. Edited by Stinamaia
  • Love 3

Alison Groeder, what are you doing here?  You are the master manipulator, you have the DR to move this show into something grand. What the fuck are you thinking?


The good news is that Donny will emerge as the star of this season.  Dan Geesling is the only one who has really benefited from exposure on this show. And I bet Dr Will has gotten business, as well.   I think Donny may be in for some nice perks.  Nothing grand, no milllions but I bet he gets a promotion from a ground keeper into a better position with his boss having seen his quiet wisdom and character.  And more important, he will get love, support, kudos and plenty of love from the fans of this show.  He will be a piece of history. 

  • Love 6

If I were looking to give C & C a tiny bit of credit; I'd wonder if its they don't see that Derrick is controlling everything - or - do they, but think that its better (still) to just hide in his shadow, agree with him on pretty much everything, and not make him mad, so as not to target them.

I know its asking a bit much to think they could be showing some sort of strategy in that sense, but it is possible, if highly unlikely.

I'm pretty sure they are oblivious to everything. Lol

Not only that, but neither of these two dim bulbs realize that any kind of alliance with big numbers, at this point, is akin to playing other people's games for them, instead of your own personal game.


I'd say I can't wait to see them when it clicks, after its all over, that they played the game so Derrick gets $500K at the end.   But I think that would be giving them a bit too much credit - that they would actually realize just what they did.

I think they will just chalk it up to Derrick being such an incredible player that he had them all fooled. But like many have stated, I don't think he's playing an incredible game, I think they are all deeply stupid.

  • Love 7

I'm pretty sure they are oblivious to everything. Lol


I think they will just chalk it up to Derrick being such an incredible player that he had them all fooled. But like many have stated, I don't think he's playing an incredible game, I think they are all deeply stupid. - TexasChic


I know.  I tried to give them a small benefit of the doubt, but upon further reflection, I realized its a mistake and laughed, because the idea of them exhibiting the usage of actual brain power is soooo funny, literally a joke.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 3

I don't think so. He sees her with eyes of love, and is a little baffled why viewers don't love her. Tim seems like a really good guy even if a little too wedded to his hipster dreams.


Maybe but it is possible he is a tad perplexed to the lengths she goes with Cody.  I think up until today, he could rationalize her "plot."   Jumping into bed wtih Cody when he saw Donny's wisdom may give him pause.  Her affection with Cody clouded her ability to see the game.  Surely he sees this, we all did.


He wants her to win.  I don't think he expected her to get so lost in the game and Cody is a key player in that. 

  • Love 1


Dan Geesling is the only one who has really benefited from exposure on this show. And I bet Dr Will has gotten business, as well.   I think Donny may be in for some nice perks.  Nothing grand, no milllions but I bet he gets a promotion from a ground keeper into a better position with his boss having seen his quiet wisdom and character.  And more important, he will get love, support, kudos and plenty of love from the fans of this show.  He will be a piece of history.

Not to be rude, but how has Dan benefited from the show? His book? I'd put Dr. Will, Brenchel and Jeff above Dan as those who have benefited from the show.

Edited by choclatechip45

Jokers 08/20/14 01:46 PM

Christine says she wants Donny to see that episode (w/ the BotB they played together) because there are things she can't say.Donny says his gut tells him what happened, his family watched what happened. But he doesn't hold it against her.

Christine swears on her life that Caleb took her bone away from her.

I expect the nod and wink she threw in on the accompanying DR clip might weaken that argument somewhat - but he's not going to see that until after Finale, so who cares? Truthfully, I doubt Donny did.



08/20/14 02:33 PM

Christine heads into fire room, wakes up Cody. He pulls her into bed with him. She starts to tell him about her talk w/ Donny. NT

Called it. Who's buying the next round of shots?

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Wed 2:39 PM BBT Cody: "He's literally pulling a Nicole. He literally doesn't expect us to trade notes and he literally says some opposite sh*t!"


Cody would literally fit in perfectly with the, like, amazing Kartrashians.  It's so amazing that he, like, sounds literally just like them.  Literally, I tell you! 

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They're all in HOH discussing Donny now. I wonder where Donny is? He'll figure it out real quick when he notices everyone is gone.

Jokers 08/20/14 03:40 PM

Donny comes in, and everyone scrambles hilariously into different corners like cockroaches when the light's turned on.

Donny: "What in the world is going on?!"

No one talks to him but pretend to have different conversations. Christine ended up in the bathroom with Frankie, but comes out.


I think they will just chalk it up to Derrick being such an incredible player that he had them all fooled. But like many have stated, I don't think he's playing an incredible game, I think they are all deeply stupid.


It's easy to win a game when your opponents are all idiots from several villages.  Derrick is pretty smooth and does deserve the win, but I'd like to see how he'd do playing against REAL players.

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If Cody wants an easy comp win - hopefully it'd be HOH, since it'd be on live national TV - have Julie tell him, "Cody, here's an easy one for you; your portion of the competition is to use the word literally 15 times in one sentence, while throwing kid in there a couple of times.  And... go!"



And of course, Christine's word would be soooo.

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It wouldn't be fair to him and a horrible thing to say (as you can tell, I can be a real snarky asshole) - but a bit surprised someone hasn't tweeted Tim;  "are you looking forward to the pants-wearing part of your relationship to come back home in a little more than a month?  metaphorically speaking, of course, since she's a nudist".

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