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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Last season they all knew about MVP and this season they don't know about TA. I am still surprised though that no one ever wondered about there being an America's Player. They seem to get a bit crazy about that every season. Although they did get crazy about Zach being the Saboteur for a bit.

I am surprised too since Joey told Hayden in the beginning and everyone thought she was lying.


I think the people close to Derrick (his alliance members) will be pissed about the cop thing. Remember when Natalie lied about her age? You could tell some of her alliance members who did not know Ronnie especially seemed pretty pissed. Jeff had the best line "Doesn't matter if she is 24 or 18 she acts like she is 12".

Edited by choclatechip45
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Going back to the debate on whether Frankie will get boos and Victoria's Mom hates him.


I wonder if Victoria's family will go to the finale and given their tendency to call people out on TMZ, will CBS put guards on them.  Maybe we can count on Victoria's Mom to raise a ruckus.

Ha ha really? Who have they called out????

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Wouldn't it be fabulous of Victoria won HOH tonight?? The boys would freak out, well except for Derrick. It would be fantastic!!

It would have to be a complete crap shoot competition.

Not gonna happen though. Haha.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Re: Ariana Grande's being the musical guest on the SNL premiere-my first thought was of those poor young/cute/male NBC pages that will have to fight off Frankie. "She my SISTER! Wanna come back to my place and party?"

Edited by TimWil
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Ha ha really? Who have they called out????


They demanded an apology from Frankie and Ariana Grande for the gang rape discussion.


The bad thing about the rewind is that had Victoria just gotten voted out, Julie asking the question of why Vic would sacrifice her own game would have unavoidable.  Now its going to get buried under the twist even if Vic goes anyway.

Its a full moon.  Here's hoping Vic gets HoH and makes the biggest move of the season through sheer dumb luck.

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I think Caleb will be the angriest when he finds out Derrick is a cop. After Frankie revealed that he had a famous sister he said "I wanted to take you outside and punch you in the face." And that was just from not saying he had a famous sister!

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Seriously, I have comments!!!!


I really hope that the eviction takes place on Monday so that the feeds are down only for a day or so.  If they do it on the weekend I will have to find other things to do with my time, god forbid.

Edited by AndreaK1041
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The twist is stupid because they know Vic can't do any of these comps, so it doesn't matter who wins as they will still send Vic out.  They should have picked a variation of the veto she won.  Rewind doesn't mean you have to replay.


Rewind usually means you are returning that tape and watching something else.

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Well if Frankie wins, it will just prove how stupid Grodner's twist is again.



Yes and what a bad comp.  It is geared to a specific athleticism, though they are were all doing well.  


Last year they feeds went on immediately.  I remember posting like crazy as I watched GM win the skating may pole comp.  

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Yes and what a bad comp.  It is geared to a specific athleticism, though they are were all doing well.  


Last year they feeds went on immediately.  I remember posting like crazy as I watched GM win the skating may pole comp.  


They should at least be doing highlights that replay last week for laughs.

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Best part of tonight's episode? Christine walking into the jury house and no one hugging her or even looking at her! Donny and Zach high fiving that it was her made the episode for me!



And Donny asking her if she had an attorney!  

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Yea, I'm betting the feeds just won't come back. Well, maybe tonight they'll be on, but then they'll probably go off from tomorrow until Tuesday or maybe even Wednesday after the show.


I don't even care and I'm pretty sure the week will just play out the exact same way, but there is finally potential for the game to be interesting now and we're gonna be deprived of it. Ugh! Why do I continue to watch this shit show?!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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They've never had the feeds off that long before, it was usually only a few days. I'm not sure why they would go off at this point, they haven't done that in forever. Has there been any kind of announcement on the feed website about a possible blackout?

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Frankie wins again. Dear GOD in heaven can you just imagine his ego NOW! It's a rap for me. I will continue to come here to get vomit inducing info, but I just can't with Frankie anymore. I CAN'T! Love you all!


Wait.  Did that happen?  I thought the feeds were off.

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Frankie wins again. Dear GOD in heaven can you just imagine his ego NOW! It's a rap for me. I will continue to come here to get vomit inducing info, but I just can't with Frankie anymore. I CAN'T! Love you all!



Maybe he faltered and spilled his shovel.  

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So happy it wasn't Frankie!  But will Caleb put him up?  Or will he get some weird thing going on in his head where he feels like he has to re-create Frankie's noms from last week?  And what if Frankie wins veto?  This week is still going to suck.  

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Frankie looks pissed.  His dejection gives me life.  The boys are all looking at the wall of faces, studying for the veto.


Victoria, of course, is looking at herself in a mirror.   I just hope, for her sake, that none of the morphed images make horrible fashion choices this time.  That would be so upsetting. 

Edited by Thalia
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