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S12.E13: Hot Tea with a Side of Cookies

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22 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Yes it is, Blaze Starr was an exotic dancer back in the 50's and 60's at the 2 O'clock Club on The Block in Baltimore, she was the toast of the town, everyone went to see her dance, (before my time).  I guess if you are going to name your baby with a stripper name might as well use a respected, infamous stripper's name!

I knew about her when I was growing up, too. I think, but I'm not sure, that she came for a gig at a place in downtown Akron. The stripper's names used to be up on a billboard for all to see.

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3 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:

Kandies Mama has a point.... Riley is now one of THREE children. If both Kandi & her Mama Joyce passed and everything went to Todd (outside of a trust Kandi would set up for all three kids) , do we really trust Todd to set the kids up? He seems way more interested in being a "bizness" man (rolling my eyes with his multiple pie in the sky ideas), attend strip clubs (including just a few days after the birth of his new daughter) and trying to not appear to be the coat tail hanging little man he is proving himself to be.  I tried to like him. But the jury is no longer out. He is a big thumbs down. 

I agree with this, but I also don't know if I'd trust Mama Joyce either.

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4 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:

Do we think she does this because its on Bravos dime? Do we think she eats to this extreme when the funds are coming out of her wallet? I somehow doubt it is to this level. 

I am finding Eva to be a complete SNOOZE this season. Being woefully and forever pregnant does not a story line make. 

Poor Porsha.... its obvious Dennis is a dog and will continue to cheat. Rumor has it they are again split up. I can understand her wanting to make it work for the babies sake, but for her own sanity and self esteem she needs to let sleeping dogs LIE OUTSIDE AND NOT BE LET BACK IN!

Cynthia's ongoing thirst to be in a relationship and be married has slapped her in the face once again. I thought lying cheating scheming Papa Smurf was bad enough.  Along comes Mike Hill who is clearly a camera whore, and likely has bedded the majority of his female "frens." Cynthia has some intensive therapy to do in order to make peace with herself and not need a man to be complete. Sign Porsha up for a session too.

Kandies Mama has a point.... Riley is now one of THREE children. If both Kandi & her Mama Joyce passed and everything went to Todd (outside of a trust Kandi would set up for all three kids) , do we really trust Todd to set the kids up? He seems way more interested in being a "bizness" man (rolling my eyes with his multiple pie in the sky ideas), attend strip clubs (including just a few days after the birth of his new daughter) and trying to not appear to be the coat tail hanging little man he is proving himself to be.  I tried to like him. But the jury is no longer out. He is a big thumbs down. 

The cookie lady and her purports of being "gorgeous" can have several seats. Is she attractive? I guess somewhat. But seeing her in her TJ Maxx outfit and face with no makeup and huge azz nose thinking she is even close to the status of beautiful smart registered nurse Tanya is infuriating. As usual messy Kenya stirred the pot by inviting her.  Hey Kenya, the karma gods have your number. Mark is actually exactly what you deserve.

Todd does not even seem to care about his own daughter.

52 minutes ago, Brooke0707 said:

I agree with this, but I also don't know if I'd trust Mama Joyce either.

She will definitely take from Riley the same way  she takes from Kandi.

This is why it’s not a good idea to have all your relatives financially dependent on you, particularly if they are greedy.

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I think Kandi trusts no one but herself in terms of her finances. 

I can't imagine that she hasn't set up air tight trusts for her three children with some bequest to Todd within the parameters of the prenup that she insisted on.

I doubt that Mama Joyce is left much except a trust where she has the income for as long as she lives because it doesn't make estate planning sense to live an old person a large sum of money when the actual intent is to make sure the old person has enough to live on until she dies.

I also wouldn't be surprised if Kayla isn't treated in the same manner as as the three other children. Stepchildren aren't generally bequeathed the same amounts as the testator's children - it's not as if she has any legal relationship with Kandi. I don't think, for example, that step parents have any legal obligation of support even for minor children. In other words, child support for a minor is determined by the salary and assets of the parent and not measured by the step parent however wealthy they might be. Kandi might leave some money to Kayla but doubtful whether she would divide her estate into fourths and distribute equally among all the children.

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On 2/10/2020 at 4:27 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

Yes it is, Blaze Starr was an exotic dancer back in the 50's and 60's at the 2 O'clock Club on The Block in Baltimore, she was the toast of the town, everyone went to see her dance, (before my time).  I guess if you are going to name your baby with a stripper name might as well use a respected, infamous stripper's name!

Lol original quote was misattributed.  I know how the baby got her Magic City ass name.  I ain't worried bout it though, she's likely to get all the way through college without having to figure out how to make ice.  I doubt she ever needs to work anywhere, let alone a club lol! 

20 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:

Kandies Mama has a point.... Riley is now one of THREE children. If both Kandi & her Mama Joyce passed and everything went to Todd (outside of a trust Kandi would set up for all three kids) , do we really trust Todd to set the kids up? He seems way more interested in being a "bizness" man (rolling my eyes with his multiple pie in the sky ideas), attend strip clubs (including just a few days after the birth of his new daughter) and trying to not appear to be the coat tail hanging little man he is proving himself to be.  I tried to like him. But the jury is no longer out. He is a big thumbs down. 

The cookie lady and her purports of being "gorgeous" can have several seats. Is she attractive? I guess somewhat. But seeing her in her TJ Maxx outfit and face with no makeup and huge azz nose thinking she is even close to the status of beautiful smart registered nurse Tanya is infuriating. As usual messy Kenya stirred the pot by inviting her.  Hey Kenya, the karma gods have your number. Mark is actually exactly what you deserve.

It can get a little dicey but - your spouse doesn't default to inheritance of any of your assets unless it's specifically designated by your will.  You can legally smooth leave em a solid dollar if you want.  A valid will supersedes everything (ya'll know I wanted to say trumps so badly, but...)  If you leave no will but were legally married at the time, the state disburses your assets amongst your spouse and living children.  Auntie Ree Ree, God rest the dead, was bout as country as 13 brown eggs which is why her kinfolk still fighting today (it can be scrawled on a napkin but you still need a notary lol).   Anyway, Georgia's not a community property state but even if it was, all the property she owns, she acquired before marriage.   I would bet money Kandi's executor is her trust & estates attorney.  I would also bet money that the cash value of her assets is to be divided in a manner and percentage she's already designated.  I'll be damb if ya'll keep calling Todd a golddiger while I'm awake lol!  The way we saw her gangster his ass into a prenup?  I promise you there is no way in hell he'll ever get the chance to be.   

That chick wishes.   Tanya is classy and much more beautiful just because she's a whole quirky ass nerd and refuses to be baited.   We gotta work on her unbothered look a little, it doesn't really involve a shame-stare attempt, especially as these bitches ain't got shame in em. 

On 2/10/2020 at 4:31 PM, FlyingEgret said:

I loved the opening when PJ blew out the candle on her cake with a sneeze... so cute!

The squad won't eat baby birthday cakes.   We call em snit confections.    


21 hours ago, Boofish said:

I don't love a soul walking this earth enough to turn down frosted sugar cookies and I have grandkids. This hoe ain't loyal.

Sugar Heffa


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Caught up last night and I'm already over cookie lady. I don't think she's unattractive, but her messiness downgrades her on the beauty scale. And what's even more ridiculous than her doing Matrix moves to get a peach is the fact that she didn't even promote her business! 

Y'all remember that episode of A Different World when Ron's band was falling apart and all of the members quit? He had t-shirts made, and Ron thought that Kim was sticking with him, but she quit too and still had the nerve to ask for her t-shirt? That's exactly how Cynthia and Eva looked eating and then going back for those damn cookies. Disloyal heffas. 

Kenya truly deserves the icy treatment she gets from Marc. He's still a trash husband, but she's a trash human. 

Moving on to Mike. Why was his daughter even there in what was obviously an adult event? It was at her house, but still. And then to hear, "I must not have been in love that much" about her mother. See, what Kayla has to realize, and what Mike should've said, was that his cheating had NOTHING to do with his ex wives. It was his brokenness. Same with Cynthia asking, "how am I different?" Wrong question. It should've been, "how is Mike different this time? Did he do the work to get to the bottom of why he was unfaithful?" 

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1 hour ago, Sheenieb said:

And then to hear, "I must not have been in love that much" about her mother.

Mike probably said that to the girl's mother about the previous women he was with.  It's what you say to the insecure woman you're with to gas them up.  If Mike & Cynthia break up, he'll say he wasn't in love that much with Cynthia.

Mike's daughter is too young and inexperienced to realize that's part of the game and has nothing to do how he actually felt about her mother.

1 hour ago, Sheenieb said:

See, what Kayla has to realize, and what Mike should've said, was that his cheating had NOTHING to do with his ex wives. It was his brokenness.

Mike shouldn't have been saying anything about any previous woman he was with.  That was Cynthia, again, saying OMG ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE WOMEN WHATS GOING ON HERE? and MIke having to reassure her that hey baby, you're the one.

As far as cheating? Cheating is about the cheater, not the cheatee.  It has nothing to do with looks because beautiful women like Beyonce, Halle Berry etc have been cheated on.  (That's for YOU, Kenya). It's about the cheater's selfishness and entitlement.

2 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

Same with Cynthia asking, "how am I different?" Wrong question. It should've been, "how is Mike different this time? Did he do the work to get to the bottom of why he was unfaithful?" 

The actual act of cheating isn't the problem, it's the thought processes & behaviors that accompany the cheating that's the problem. Someone who is sneaky with their partner, dishonest with their partner and betraying their partner is doing it in the other areas of their life as well.

So instead of Cynthia worrying about all the womens around Mike and how she is different from Mike's ex-wife, she needs to observe if Mike is dishonest in general.  Is he sneaky? Does he lie? How does he act when they have a disagreement? Does he blame other people for his actions? Does he take responsibility when he messes up?  Observe the totality of Mike's behaviors with herself and with other people to get the full picture of whether or not Mike has changed.

Porsha needs to do the same thing too.  I don't see if for Dennis because Dennis blames PORSHA for why he cheated.  Porsha was pregnant, she was this, she was that.  And he's still doing it.  I'm sorry I cheated but you were this and that.  No, Ballpark, no ...Porsha being pregnant is not why you cheated and what's going to happen if Porsha gets pregnant again?

Tanya needs to have that conversation with Paul as well, but 99% of the time when a woman who is not your friend brings you information about your man cheating, she wants you to make the informed decision to break up with him or cause discord in the relationship so there is a break up.  It's not done for concern.  Kenya wasn't concerned that Tanya was getting played by Paul.  Kenya wanted to knock Tanya's sunny smile off her face.  Cookie didn't want Tanya to know what Paul was up to.  Cookie wanted Tanya to know she could come in and take her man if she wanted to.

They should've named this episode Hot Tea with a side of Cheating because 3 of the 4 storylines revolved around cheating.


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4 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Mike probably said that to the girl's mother about the previous women he was with.  It's what you say to the insecure woman you're with to gas them up.  If Mike & Cynthia break up, he'll say he wasn't in love that much with Cynthia.

Mike's daughter is too young and inexperienced to realize that's part of the game and has nothing to do how he actually felt about her mother.

Mike shouldn't have been saying anything about any previous woman he was with.  That was Cynthia, again, saying OMG ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE WOMEN WHATS GOING ON HERE? and MIke having to reassure her that hey baby, you're the one.

As far as cheating? Cheating is about the cheater, not the cheatee.  It has nothing to do with looks because beautiful women like Beyonce, Halle Berry etc have been cheated on.  (That's for YOU, Kenya). It's about the cheater's selfishness and entitlement.

The actual act of cheating isn't the problem, it's the thought processes & behaviors that accompany the cheating that's the problem. Someone who is sneaky with their partner, dishonest with their partner and betraying their partner is doing it in the other areas of their life as well.

So instead of Cynthia worrying about all the womens around Mike and how she is different from Mike's ex-wife, she needs to observe if Mike is dishonest in general.  Is he sneaky? Does he lie? How does he act when they have a disagreement? Does he blame other people for his actions? Does he take responsibility when he messes up?  Observe the totality of Mike's behaviors with herself and with other people to get the full picture of whether or not Mike has changed.

Porsha needs to do the same thing too.  I don't see if for Dennis because Dennis blames PORSHA for why he cheated.  Porsha was pregnant, she was this, she was that.  And he's still doing it.  I'm sorry I cheated but you were this and that.  No, Ballpark, no ...Porsha being pregnant is not why you cheated and what's going to happen if Porsha gets pregnant again?

Tanya needs to have that conversation with Paul as well, but 99% of the time when a woman who is not your friend brings you information about your man cheating, she wants you to make the informed decision to break up with him or cause discord in the relationship so there is a break up.  It's not done for concern.  Kenya wasn't concerned that Tanya was getting played by Paul.  Kenya wanted to knock Tanya's sunny smile off her face.  Cookie didn't want Tanya to know what Paul was up to.  Cookie wanted Tanya to know she could come in and take her man if she wanted to.

They should've named this episode Hot Tea with a side of Cheating because 3 of the 4 storylines revolved around cheating.


I’m beginning to think Mike is with Cynthia for the reality tv exposure.

4 hours ago, Hiyo said:

"My cookies bring all the boys to the yard..."

Lol, maybe not. The more cookie bitch talked the more I felt like she was interested and he turned her down.

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The situation with Mike making his daughter cry is still weighing heavily on my heart. Rule #1 of co-parenting is you do not disparage your ex in front of your children. Even if his youngest child wasn't present, he still said that crap *On Camera!* for all the world (& his other daughters & ex-wives!) to see, hear & replay endlessly! For someone who is releasing a tell-all book--- as if he has learned so much from his past--- & has so many female friends--- as if he understands women so much--- he has exposed himself a fraud. Mike is a television personality. He is not new to this game. So, he has NO excuse.

During the first 4 minutes of this clip, Funky Dineva explains how it felt for him when his father told him he never loved his mother:

Basically, even as an adult looking back on it, it still feels really crappy to be a living, breathing reminder of an unhappy relationship. & He wishes his father would have kept that information to himself.

He goes on to discuss the rest of the show. I agreed with somethings he said, disagreed with others & in between I cracked up! 

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I’m not usually one to declare someone/something “classy” or “unclassy,” but I didn’t see any class from Tanya in her altercation with Kenya. She tried to get down in the mud with Kenya, she just wasn’t as adept at slinging it and couldn’t hold her own.

Porsha, RUN, girl! Dennis is not worth all this strife, regardless of the fact that he is the father of her child.

I was confused about why Mike’s daughter was crying, until I came to this thread and realized I had tuned out of most of that scene. The Cynthia/Mike scenes are dull as hell.

I never realize an episode is Nene-free until the next ep teaser features Nene 😩

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On ‎2‎/‎12‎/‎2020 at 9:39 AM, ZaldamoWilder said:

 I'll be damb if ya'll keep calling Todd a golddiger while I'm awake lol!  The way we saw her gangster his ass into a prenup?  I promise you there is no way in hell he'll ever get the chance to be.   

Girl! You are Hilarious. And well informed. I had a separation with my husband last year, I was so salty I made him sign a POST nup, and you bet your bippy it was notarized! My lawyer agreed its a legal and binding document. We working successful women need to protect  ourselves, and I agree with you, Kandi is way too smart to let big headed little man get too far into her purse, while alive or dead.  I just wonder how so many chics are fine with their men in strip clubs, (when they aren't accompanying them). But I digress!

Also, re-watched the end yesterday. Felt SOOOO bad for Mikes young daughter. Why on earth were those women so woefully inappropriate in front of her. HELLO! So sad. And Mike led the pack until she ran out of the room. I counted NINE women friends in that kitchen and two men friends. Who here thinks he's slept with at least 1/2 of those women? Starting with the thirsty kitten volunteering some foolishness about  getting on your knees.  I sincerely hope Cynthia carefully considers this tiger may not be able to change his stripes. And there is no way in hell I would be cool with my HUSBAND having NINE women over as "frens." It doesn't speak to insecurity as much as likely  inappropriate motives by a minimum of a few of those ladies.

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Are Cynthia and Porsha showing us just how sad the man pool is?  Porsha is turning herself inside out over Dennis (not worth it) and will never have the relationship she wants with him, she will never fully trust him and maybe Cynthia will be happy but she will most likely spend a lot of time in LA in Mike's tiny townhouse, she will miss Atlanta and Lake Bailey, I hope she does not fund any of Mike's businesses.  Will she leave RHOA?  I don't see her joining the OC or BH or do I???  

When Kenya and Marc went to look at the space for his event it looked so familiar, like seasons ago we saw Peter showing it to Cynthia as something he wanted to do something with, am I crazy for thinking that?



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That Kenya is a MF doozy, baby! She was mad that her wig game was exposed. Tanya said we all wear hair and Kenya said I don't.... but then turns around and says  If I decide to do a protective style for ONE DAY then people think oh she wears it all the time. Which is it, girl? Then you can tell she had been gassing the Cookie Lady up about being soooooo beautiful and gorgeous and badder than Tanya according to Kenya. I think Tanya handled it very well and looked amazing doing so because her attitude is more beautiful than cookie lady's. I do think she's a bit in denial about her man's wandering eyes though. 

I felt so bad for Mike's daughter 😥

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