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S02.E14: In Good Conscience

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I'm confused....did I just watch Callie and Jamie have an adult conversation and work out the issue they were having and solve the problem? And see Callie not sabotage herself by throwing away something good in her life? That was all very unexpected.

Also, does anyone in real life every talk about money by writing numbers on pieces of a paper, looking at them dramatically, and never saying them out loud? I feel like if you are going to talk about how much you make, you say the numbers, unless you are in a crowded room and don't want others to overhear. But Jamie and Callie were at home?

I don't know why I didn't see them using Mariana's new roommate to make a love quadrangle coming, but I really didn't. Argh.

I like Alice, so I don't like that she's sad, but I really didn't like Joey. So, I am not sure how to feel about their breakup.

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I like Alice and don't like her sad.   I found Joey to be very much Joey asking more of Alice than she asks of herself.   But if Joey is gone that leaves the door open for Alice pining for her awful ex and between Joey and the ex I think I'd take Joey.    

The post it note about money thing was awkward (I think they meant it to be cute) but it is probably better than the writers trying to figure out money in the real world.   Shows are notoriously bad at money.

I very much want to like Callie and Jamie being adults and I do, really.  Except for the bit where I'm not at all positive she's going to take the step back from the case that she should if she isn't moving out.  So...


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7 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Also, does anyone in real life every talk about money by writing numbers on pieces of a paper, looking at them dramatically, and never saying them out loud?

They do, in TV land. Writers don't want to guess/disclose what a professional should be making, or they just don't do the research, or they believe their show will survive form many years and the amount would be outdated in reruns. It is silly, just do a little research of how much someone make sin real life and go from there. It also allows them to have people who make very little money to have so much (material things), they don't want to keep track of that continuity.

This show has tried to keep it real with Callie and her money issues but the life she lives is not really compatible with how much she is *not* making, if she is not allowing Jamie to assume all the expenses, which was my understanding.

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So is Mariana's roommate crazy???  I sort of feel like she is.

I think they did the salary info that way so that irrespective of what the viewers make they can relate to this situation. 

I am glad to see Callie being mature about this issue with Jamie.  I don't like her female boss.  It's completely unprofessional to keep dissing her colleague because they used to date in the office to his peers. 

Alice is my favorite but I suspect she will ultimately end up with her friend LOL they have a great dynamic.

I never was invested in Mariana and Raj.  He sort of annoys me but his gift was thoughtful.





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12 hours ago, alexvillage said:

They do, in TV land. Writers don't want to guess/disclose what a professional should be making, or they just don't do the research, or they believe their show will survive form many years and the amount would be outdated in reruns. It is silly, just do a little research of how much someone make sin real life and go from there. It also allows them to have people who make very little money to have so much (material things), they don't want to keep track of that continuity.

Oh, I know people in TV land do. But it just comes off so awkward because I can't imagine real people doing that.

12 hours ago, dmc said:

I am glad to see Callie being mature about this issue with Jamie.  I don't like her female boss.  It's completely unprofessional to keep dissing her colleague because they used to date in the office to his peers. 

The boss isn't dissing him to his peers, he's sort of a supervisor to Callie. Dissing someone to their subordinates is even worse than dissing to peers.

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2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Oh, I know people in TV land do. But it just comes off so awkward because I can't imagine real people doing that.

The boss isn't dissing him to his peers, he's sort of a supervisor to Callie. Dissing someone to their subordinates is even worse than dissing to peers.

I wasn’t just referring to Callie. I get the feeling she’s been spreading her break up story around the office.  It’s unprofessional.  It’s also unprofessional to give Callie more work because she’s upset Callie is working with her ex on a case.  I would have told her I have zero interest in her personal life and am there to work. 

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I feel like I need a chart to keep the Alice storyline/characters straight (no pun intended).  LOL.  Honestly, I don't think I've liked any of Alice's GFs.  And Jpey kind of annoys.  I want her to get someone awesome.

I agree Callie's boss comes off as unprofessional and a little petty.  I know it is for story and plot, but she just gives off a bitter break-up vibe that is just not a good look on her.  "I broke up with him."  What is she, 12?

Also, this episode is the most I've enjoyed Callie in awhile.  Everything she did or said came off and really mature such as disclosure about Jamie to her boss and her conversation with Jamie.  Even her baby steps back toward a closing the fissures in her relationship with Mariana.

And I know tv & movies do that thing with writing down money on paper rather than saying it out loud like normal people would.  I figure it is because giving an amount of money out loud, no matter how reasonable an amount named it will sound unrealistic to someone somewhere.  Or someone can make an argument that that particular amount isn't realistic etc.  Or if a show is revisited years later, over time it'll suffer from the  Dr. Evil '1 Million dollars' effect where the amount will just sound outright ridiculous.  And it would be the money, not the bigger plot  that will become the focal point of the scene.  I think in this case it worked because Jamie and Callie were negotiating like lawyers in a boardroom, not just a GF and her BF talking about their living situation. So the affection felt like it made sense in the context of that particular scene.

Mariana looked really smokin' hot in that green dress. I dunno what happened with Raj.  I really liked him and Mariana at first.  Now I just want them to break up.  That ship really fizzled for me.  I do think his gift was pretty awesome though.  That is an A+ boyfriend gift.

I am not sure what to think about Mariana's new roommate.  At least we found out this week that Gael was the one who mentioned her to Alice about needing a place, so she didn't stalk him or anything.  So point for her.  Right now, she can be read either way.  She can either be someone who is just super friendly and desperately wants to be friends with everyone so she tries too hard.  Or she can be read as someone who is kinda off who insinuates herself in people's lives only to explode it.  Hard to know right now.  I do like the soaptasticness of Raj becoming attracted to her, though, and him having to deal with her super being Mariana's roommate and her super friendliness. 


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I thought the episode was nearly unwatchable. I fast-forwarded through Alice's storyline and I really don't like the way they seem to the going with the Isabella. It is too soap opera-ish, stalker girl creating chaos in everyone else's relationships while all the man get puzzled and aroused about her. Soooo 30 years ago cliche. They might have changed writers or something. 

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I guess I didn't realize Marianna and Raj were really having sex in the janitor's closet.  I thought it was just shit talk from the assholes around the office.  It seems really irresponsible to me.  Does Raj have a roommate that he shares a room with too?  I don't think I know anyone that did that past college, especially not a programmer, and having been a programmer and manged programmers, I've known a lot of 'em over the years and I know market salary.

4 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I guess I didn't realize Marianna and Raj were really having sex in the janitor's closet.  I thought it was just shit talk from the assholes around the office.  It seems really irresponsible to me.  Does Raj have a roommate that he shares a room with too?  I don't think I know anyone that did that past college, especially not a programmer, and having been a programmer and manged programmers, I've known a lot of 'em over the years and I know market salary.

I certainly hope no one in my office has sex in any closets. I agree it seems irresponsible.

I didn't think they really did either, but it looked like this was because they'd missed their date last night and Mariana was making it up to him.  They haven't mentioned Raj having a roommate.

I liked the money discussion between the two.  It's actually a logical way to deal with two partners who make drastically different amounts of money and aren't sharing bank accounts.  She's not being a kept woman and he doesn't have to live in a place that's far cheaper than he can afford.  They're both taking the burden fairly but not equally.

The sticky notes thing entertained me because I kept imagining Callie writing $550 on the first time and like $125 the second because she's got so little income.


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Sweet tapdancing baby Jesus, was the show testing out a new level of censorship clearance or something? Mariana and Raj's plot was basically soft core porn. Those sex scenes felt super graphic for Freeform! How convenient that they both accidentally fantasized about someone else during orgasm. Mariana's makes sense and while I know Raj has doubts about Evan and Isabella is a smokeshow (the actress reminds me of a younger Megan Fox), it feels like a bit of a stretch he'd already be picturing her during sex 24 hours after they met, especially when he seemed sincere in telling Mariana he loved her.

It's obvious Isabella is going to turn out to be Evil and Mariana and Callie will repair their relationship through mutual outrage that she attempted to bang their respective exs, which feels lazy and slut-shame-y.

Alice's plots are always so cringe. I thought they actually resolved the Lindsay/Joey feud in a clever way and dare I say Joey has been a semi-decent partner lately and borderline not insufferable, so it was annoying to blow it all up again with the forced drama of Lindsay/Alice's non-kiss. Joey's actor has improved slightly. Their reaction scenes were good. The editors overused the hologram effect.

Between all the rapid cutting flashbacks, flash forwards, slo mo replays, and fantasy sequences, it's impossible to follow what's actually happening on this show.

Shallow- I loved Mariana’s green dress she wore for the app launch! Very fashionable but appropriate for the tech world & a daytime party. 

I thought the post it thing was cute. I could see myself doing that. Am I that lame🤣???I don’t know any lawyer or soon to be lawyer who would live somewhere without their name on the lease. 

What’s her name? Isabella? Yes she was flirting with Raj and THISCLOSE to crossing the line of appropriateness with someone in a relationship. But given her removed all her clothes because Gael smiled at her she might just be one of those people who’s flirty with everyone. I like Mariana and Raj together but you know the show loves angst. 

I didn’t mind Joey but they are just not right for Alice IMO. 

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I am on the fence about what happened with Alice and Joey.

I saw Joey's point about Alice not trusting them, withholding information, trying to control things instead of communicating. I wouldn't like that at all, and I do think Alice needs to stop being manipulative and start being direct. She has a problem with that, not just with Joey but in general.

But at the same time, Joey was constantly jumping to the worst possible conclusions and being volatile and halfway out the door. I wouldn't like that either.

Example: Joey is upset that Alice didn't report back on Lindsay saying Joey broke up Lindsay's relationship. My attitude is: maybe Alice didn't bring it up because Alice trusted Joey's version of the story and didn't want to bring Lindsay's drama home with her. Maybe Alice was trying to keep her career on track and not let herself get drawn into a bunch of messy bullshit from Lindsay.

Many years ago, I had someone say something terrible to me  about my ex (when we were still together) and I didn't run home and tell her about it because I didn't think there was any point-- I knew it wasn't true and I didn't want her to have to hear that bullshit.

Joey could have at least asked Alice why she didn't tell them what Lindsay had said, instead of getting instantly irate about it. People are much more likely to tell you things if you are easier to talk to and don't fly off the handle at the first sign of anything surprising.

Ditto with the kiss. Joey is super super upset that Alice didn't report on Lindsay kissing her. Instead of looking at it as: maybe Alice is being sexually harassed by her mentor, Joey reacts as though they've been betrayed.

Again, have a conversation. Ask some questions. Find out why Alice doesn't tell you things. Ask if Alice needs support to deal with Lindsay, or if the situation is under control.

I happen to think Alice does need to be a little more direct, but she's not the only person in the relationship who has trust issues, and Joey isn't a victim here, despite acting like they thought they were.

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That was a shockingly mature way of handling the issues between Callie and Jamie, its truly the shock of the season to see Callie NOT torpedo her own life for whatever cause she is randomly super passionate about this month and her massive freaking savior complex! I really liked their sit down talk and the post its seemed very lawyer-y that would be kind of cute but also practical. Callie's boss seems really unprofessional, trash talking Callie's direct superior (who she is the supervise of I think, which is even worse) under some pretense of mentoring, and making assumptions about Callie's situation and her relationship. It seems like she isnt really trying to help Callie, she is just super bitter about a breakup and is taking it out in the work place. Callie was not being asked to step back from the case because she happens to be a women, it was pretty clearly because Jamie had way more to lose professionally than her. Glad that they found a way to work it out so that Callie feels more secure, professionally and financially, without either of them having to give up what they want in this case. 

I want Alice to be happy so I am sad that she is sad, but I have never been a big fan of Joey, so I am not too sad to see them go. She might have had a point to be upset that Alice didnt come to her right away about the not kiss, but its really just the culmination of a pattern of behavior from them. They always seem to be mad at Alice or jumping to the worst conclusions and Alice so often seemed to be walking on eggshells around them so they wouldn't get mad, it just didnt seem like a very good relationship in general. Also, not too surprising that Sumi gives less than zero fucks about the fiance she dumped over text right before their wedding! Certainly consistent with her behavior. 

Even after finding out that for now Isabella didnt exactly move in to stalk Gael (he recommended the place to her), I still get bad vibes off of her. She is clearly trying to put the moves on Raj all the while palling around with Mariana and being weirdly overly familiar with Callie, its just going to be a whole mess. I am really not interested in some kind of love quadrangle, especially when it involves some soap opera villain. 

Also, good lord Mariana and Raj, maybe its not the best time to be regularly fucking at work? When you have all of these issues with gender and sexual harassment and stuff? Maybe just keep it in your pants until you get home? Her green dress at the App launch was cute though, and Rajs present was perfect. 

  • Love 5
On 2/9/2020 at 10:59 PM, possibilities said:

I am on the fence about what happened with Alice and Joey.

I saw Joey's point about Alice not trusting them, withholding information, trying to control things instead of communicating. I wouldn't like that at all, and I do think Alice needs to stop being manipulative and start being direct. She has a problem with that, not just with Joey but in general.

But at the same time, Joey was constantly jumping to the worst possible conclusions and being volatile and halfway out the door. I wouldn't like that either.

Example: Joey is upset that Alice didn't report back on Lindsay saying Joey broke up Lindsay's relationship. My attitude is: maybe Alice didn't bring it up because Alice trusted Joey's version of the story and didn't want to bring Lindsay's drama home with her. Maybe Alice was trying to keep her career on track and not let herself get drawn into a bunch of messy bullshit from Lindsay.

Many years ago, I had someone say something terrible to me  about my ex (when we were still together) and I didn't run home and tell her about it because I didn't think there was any point-- I knew it wasn't true and I didn't want her to have to hear that bullshit.

Joey could have at least asked Alice why she didn't tell them what Lindsay had said, instead of getting instantly irate about it. People are much more likely to tell you things if you are easier to talk to and don't fly off the handle at the first sign of anything surprising.

Ditto with the kiss. Joey is super super upset that Alice didn't report on Lindsay kissing her. Instead of looking at it as: maybe Alice is being sexually harassed by her mentor, Joey reacts as though they've been betrayed.

Again, have a conversation. Ask some questions. Find out why Alice doesn't tell you things. Ask if Alice needs support to deal with Lindsay, or if the situation is under control.

I happen to think Alice does need to be a little more direct, but she's not the only person in the relationship who has trust issues, and Joey isn't a victim here, despite acting like they thought they were.

I totally agree with this whole post! I am just now catching up on the season, and I was so annoyed that Joey was SSSOOO upset that Alice didn't tell them about Lindsay's different perception of the end of their previous relationship. If I had been in Alice's shoes, my response to the tearful why didn't you tell me would have been, "Frankly, because--and I don't say this to be mean, but--stirring up a messy situation from your relationship past is not something I plan to do in my workplace, and if I had it to do over again, I'd make the same decision. I'm sorry you're upset, but that relationship is over, and my work situation is ongoing, and the information I had was nothing that had any bearing on our present lives. PS--If I were crying to you about something I perceived you held back about my breakup with one of my exes, I feel like you would choose to place the emphasis on why I was still so focused on my past relationship and not on you. So maybe we should look at that, huh?"

On 2/10/2020 at 9:32 AM, tennisgurl said:

Even after finding out that for now Isabella didnt exactly move in to stalk Gael (he recommended the place to her), I still get bad vibes off of her. She is clearly trying to put the moves on Raj all the while palling around with Mariana and being weirdly overly familiar with Callie, its just going to be a whole mess. I am really not interested in some kind of love quadrangle, especially when it involves some soap opera villain.

Yeah, I get a major Rose Byrne from Bridesmaids vibe from her. Like, she always has the be the MOST special in everyone's eyes. The closest friend, the hottest girl in the friend group, etc. And she'll make little passive aggressive digs at the people she's unseating in those positions, because that's part of the pathology. It's not enough to beat them, she also has to rub it in their faces.

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