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Speculation Without Spoilers

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I think the red poncho guy was just a way to easily track an unnamed character through the wolves. Give him something distinctive so he's easy to spot.


Wonder what Cudlitz thought we'd be so "angry" about?

Edited by morgankobi
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Right? The only thing I was angry at was FPP and Nicholas surviving.


And I agree with those who hope there is more to the Wolves next season. They were really underwhelming this episode, and I just kept thinking - "Unfair!"

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Waaay back before season 5a started, I accidentally clicked on the Spoiler thread (I think because I saw "speculation" and went too fast), and saw one that said Glenn was going to die. All season long that has been in the back of my head, and boy am I glad it wasn't true. Although I have gathered from comments here and there that that is apparently a "spoiler" that comes up a lot for the show. heh


There has to be more wolves. That's a lot of work for just two guys. Noah's home town had a huge wall destroyed and tons of body parts--"ain't nobody got time for that!"


I wonder how much more they shot of the Rick/Morgan reunion scene. If Season 6 picks up there, they would want to shoot it then while make-up and hair cuts and actor availability were all still good. 

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I predict stubble until they're back on the road again, and FPP dies in the process. (I assume they can't stay in ASZ forever.)


No, FPP, you're not off the hook with me! That must be what Cudlitz thought we'd be angry about (like ghoulina said).

Edited by morgankobi
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I think the red poncho guy was just a way to easily track an unnamed character through the wolves. Give him something distinctive so he's easy to spot.


Wonder what Cudlitz thought we'd be so "angry" about?


Maybe he reads the Team Delusional tag on tumblr.

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I predict stubble until they're back on the road again, and FPP dies in the process. (I assume they can't stay in ASZ forever.)


No, FPP, you're not off the hook with me! That must be what Cudlitz thought we'd be angry about (like ghoulina said).


That was my (humorous) spec in Conquer's pre-air thread.

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I predict stubble until they're back on the road again, and FPP dies in the process. (I assume they can't stay in ASZ forever.

ASZ is either going to burn to the ground or get overrun by zombies (herded there by the Wolves).

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Well, ASZ sends out two-person teams to recruit, no reason why the Wolves can't follow the same plan. I'd guess that it would be easier to rampage through a camp or little townlette if you knew about it ahead of time through surveillance rather than the whole pack o' wolves stumbling across it by accident. I think that they're creepy as hell.


I'm guessing that the banished woman will turn out to be Enid's mother, but I don't think she and the other two who were banished started the Wolves (although I'm sure that they thought being banished was totally Unfair). It's the ZA - there's plenty of crazy to go around.

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Biggest speculation of them all: Does Rick's beard make a re-appearance next year???

A friend of mine was drinking with him in a bar a couple of weeks back and he texted me a pic with AL.  

He was almost back to full on cray-cray beard.

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I've seen people in the finale thread mention there will likely be a time jump. I'm not so sure. If there is, is it going to be very long? The Wolves are on their way. Are they really going to take MONTHS to arrive at ASZ?

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I think it makes sense for a time jump, mostly to get past them melding the groups. We don't need to see that now that we've seen it will happen. What I do think we need before that is the rest of the meeting between Morgan and Rick, and enough of the aftermath of Reg's death to see if the ASZhats know about everyone being infected. (If so, Deanna could prove herself by doing the deed, if not, they will get to watch CDB do yet another thing that is necessary that they cannot do themselves.) Both of these things would likely have already been shot with the finale for practical reasons

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I've seen people in the finale thread mention there will likely be a time jump. I'm not so sure. If there is, is it going to be very long? The Wolves are on their way. Are they really going to take MONTHS to arrive at ASZ?


It could.  Keep in mind:

  1. The Woofs know the place exists - but they have no idea how far away, or in what direction.
  2. Daryl and Aaron were at the extreme limit of what is apparently Aaron's normal "recruitment range" - about 50 miles according to Aaron.


So - say the Woofs do circumference sweep searches starting at Del Arno and radiating out.

Odds are they'll run across the ASZ - eventually. 

Their target, however, is something like a 15-to-20 acre patch of land, some 50 miles away.

So it could conceivably take a while to pin down.

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I'm one who's thinks a time jump is likely. It would parallel the Season 3 to Season 4 transition. Groups integrating together (CDB and Woodbury-remnants at the prison; CDB and ASZ) and getting us past the mechanics of integrating. We'd miss immediate reactions to events from the finale (Morgan and Rick meeting again; Reg's death, Nicholas nearly killing Glenn, etc.) and some aspects of integration (e.g., Daryl's first shower; Carol offering knife skills classes to Mrs. Neudemeyer and Olivia), but I think that's how Gimple will go.

Edited by lulee
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It could. Keep in mind:

  • The Woofs know the place exists - but they have no idea how far away, or in what direction.
  • Daryl and Aaron were at the extreme limit of what is apparently Aaron's normal "recruitment range" - about 50 miles according to Aaron.
So - say the Woofs do circumference sweep searches starting at Del Arno and radiating out.

Odds are they'll run across the ASZ - eventually.

Their target, however, is something like a 15-to-20 acre patch of land, some 50 miles away.

So it could conceivably take a while to pin down.

To put this in perspective - picture this:

You're the Head Woof, and you're hunting for a settlement. You don't know where it is - it could be a mile away, or it could be fifty. You have a limited number of two-person teams available to search - probably on foot (unless you're stupid enough to allow many of these numbskulls access to your ever-dwindling gasoline stores).

Now, with all that in mind:

  • Fire up Google Maps.
  • Find Marietta, GA - for our purposes, the center of town is Woof Central.
  • How long do you think it will take your search teams - on foot, and gradually circling out from Marietta in ALL directions - to find 112 Morgan Street, Senoia, GA?


ETA: linkys

Edited by Nashville
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Now, with all that in mind:

  • Fire up Google Maps.
  • Find Marietta, GA - for our purposes, the center of town is Woof Central.
  • How long do you think it will take your search teams - on foot, and gradually circling out from Marietta in ALL directions - to find 112 Morgan Street, Senoia, GA?


ETA: linkys


Maybe the internet is magically still up (like the gas is still good), and they can just focus on the location map. :P


Edited by mandolin
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I like when there's no time jump and Carl is just inexplicably inches taller than he was five minutes ago, in his timeline. 


I hope there's not a huge time jump, though, because I'd really like to see people's reactions when Carol drops her den mother persona and turns into the silver ninja. 

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I hope we do get some time-jumps. Besides the incredible shrinking baby and Carl being damn near twice his original height, almost everyone in the cast has aged noticeably. Of course, it's possible to fan-wank that the latter is the consequence of the stresses of life in the ZA. They need to catch up a little to how time is passing in the real world. There has been too much of stretching weeks over months, months over years in the current timeline.

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Okay, I don't know if anyone has seen this yet, but I noticed a post on FB last night, stating that the katana was covered in blood BEFORE Pete killed Reg. I FF to that moment, and it was hard to get a still shot, but it is definitely red before he slices Reg's throat. Soooo....what does that mean? 


1. Production error? 

2. It's simply walker blood, Rick didn't get them all? 

3. Pete killed someone else on his way to the party - Tara? One of his kids? One of Rick's kids? Spencer? (Doubtful, as someone let Daryl and co. in.)


Has anyone else seen this? Thoughts?

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You would only want to film Reg's capa being almost detated once because of how hard it would be to re-set. If Reg is seen in the shot with the bloody katana, then I don't think it's an error, but if Reg isn't in that shot it could be a re-shoot. That's kind of a big error for multiple people to miss, though.


Perhaps he offed the older son as he's never around anyway.

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Below in the spoiler tag is a picture--not a spoiler--of the walkers in the back of the semi-truck at the cannery inset with a picture of some of the strewn around limbs from earlier. Notice the striped shirt torso and limbs. That's pretty insane continuity-not sure that katana blood was an error, but if they filmed the scene all at once, it was probably there ahead of time so that the sword would be bloody after. They would just be hoping no one would spot it. Totally works on stage, but not as much in filmed media.


Not a spoiler, but a large and gruesome picture :)


Edited by morgankobi
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Okay, I don't know if anyone has seen this yet, but I noticed a post on FB last night, stating that the katana was covered in blood BEFORE Pete killed Reg. I FF to that moment, and it was hard to get a still shot, but it is definitely red before he slices Reg's throat. Soooo....what does that mean? 


1. Production error? 

2. It's simply walker blood, Rick didn't get them all? 

3. Pete killed someone else on his way to the party - Tara? One of his kids? One of Rick's kids? Spencer? (Doubtful, as someone let Daryl and co. in.)


Has anyone else seen this? Thoughts?



I'd go with #1. The production for this show is very good but they slip up occasionally.


Anything else would just be too random.

I don't think it would be "random".

Abusive people thrown out of their home often do the "If I can't have my kids you won't either" of the "Get revenge on the ex who left me ha-ha I just killed the kids to get back at you". I see plenty of those stories in the news.Or the suicide by cop but first kill loved ones with twisted belief that we'll be together forever now.


The show mad a point of showing that Jessie was there, alive, so they didn't want us to speculate that she had been killed.

It's even possible that the reason so few people were seen at the meeting was so viewers would not hand wave it and say "well, I'm sure the kids are back in the crowd somewhere we just didn't see them"

Could also be Judith and Carl, because they were shown before it got to the point that Pete shows up, and that would be a diabolical way to punish RIck---I blame you for taking away (because a guy like Pete would never accept his own responsibility for that)  my family so now I took away yours!"

The scene at the bonfire ended too quickly to hear anyone say how the fuck did he get the katana?  which should have been a huge alarm bell for Michonne if no one else.

So the blood is not just a random mistake IMO by the props dept.; blood on any other object might be, a gun or a knife,...but the katana was a distinctive weapon that they knew viewers were aware that it should be in the house or with Michonne no other option.

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I'd more likely suspect (a) the director shot the scene several times before he was satisfied, (b ) the sword didn't get properly cleaned between EVERY take, and (c ) once it was in editing, the director changed his mind and went back to an earlier take and didn't notice the blood.

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It's sooo fast, though. You have to know to look for it, or freeze-frame. I just don't think it was for us to see.

Why would they pass up a chance to leave us on a cliff-hanger?

They wouldn't. There is no way that Pete sliced into Carl or Judith or even Ron for that matter. I meant "random" in terms of the story we were shown, including the ending of it.

The show has not been above filling in information retrospectively in the past, but adding something huge like Pete cutting up an important character is just not the M.O., especially for Gimple, I think.

Edited by lulee
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I'd more likely suspect (a) the director shot the scene several times before he was satisfied, (b ) the sword didn't get properly cleaned between EVERY take, and (c ) once it was in editing, the director changed his mind and went back to an earlier take and didn't notice the blood.



Also? They were around a bonfire and the red could simply be reflection, in fact it wouldn't even need to be reflection from the fire, it could be from clothing or *someone's* intensely clown-colored hair.

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I don't think it could just be a reflection. It looked very much like blood...or paint. However, it WAS very fast. I don't know who the eagle eye was that originally spotted it, because I certainly didn't. I had to play the scene very slowly and keep pausing to get a good look at it. So I can concede that it might very well not be something they intended for us to even see. 

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A lot of people have mentioned that they don't know what they're going to do these next seven months.  Well, here's the solution:


We can all attend the kikismom's school on how to survive a zombie apocalypse.  She will show us how to stalk deer, how to clean and re-furbish crossbows, how to build a zip-line (for those idiots who don't know how), how to get the last bit of gas out of a gas pump, how to wear a sweater set so it doesn't look frumpy, how to hang a katana on the wall so HGTV would approve, how to give an unwilling Daryl a much-needed shower, and -- lastly -- how to make a delicious vat of tuna casserole.


I'll see you over at her place. I''ll be the guy standing around in the backyard, trying to find a stick to sharpen.

Edited by JackONeill
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Copied from the Talking Dead thread:

Hmmm, I could take that to mean outside humans, other humans - like maybe the biggest problems next season come from within. Group dynamics and power struggles. 



Orrrr....maybe the walkers and/virus mutate in some way, making humans much vulnerable to them than they have been. I really liked the flu storyline at the beginning of season 4, because it was something much different from what we'd seen before.


Don't think so - Gimple appears to be specifically alluding to an other-than-human threat.


THIS is the path down which my diseased little brain chose to wend. Whether it be through mutation, or accumulation in a host to some "critical mass" or tipping-point level, we've already seen one significant shift in the Zombie Virus since the start of the ZA. If the ZV is that active, perhaps it's overdue for another...?

  • ZV1: Virus exists external to host. Only spread through direct exposure (bites/scratches); kills, then activated upon death.
  • ZV2: Virus already resident in hosts. Same activation path as ZV1; in addition, host-resident virus activates upon death, even if from natural causes.
So - assuming another mutation, or sufficient ZV virus accumulations in hosts to reach yet another tipping point, what are the possibilities for ZV3?

One really juicy possibility which comes to MY mind is the virus no longer having to wait for death to activate - it could spontaneously go active in a living host, and start changing people to walkers while they're still alive. Perhaps in conjunction with another condition - a cold, flu, or other illness/infection which weakens the host's immune system. Which opens up even MORE possibilities; would the person have to be deathly ill, or could they turn from a hangnail?



My thoughts are you are fucked in the head because if dying and coming back to life wasn't scary enough, for both the person dying and the people around them, imagine how terrifying zombies randomly popping up with no warning would be.


i think I love you.


In that case, get ready for adoration - because THIS associated possibility just popped into my mind and brought me scurrying back over to this thread:

If the ZV could take over the host prior to death, and avoid any associated period of brain death, would the new zombie still be able to think?


Perhaps....and the show would be done then because there would just be a bunch of thinkin' zombies running around.  Humans would never survive that.  Remember when they were trying to escape from Atlanta and that Zombie hopped the fence, and the other zombie was using a brick to smash the window?  I think they figured out early on that they couldn't let them do things like that.


I wouldn't expect them to still be high-functioning; a bunch of zombies throwing around hypotheses on non-Euclidean geometry would be duller than watching dogshit dry. Remember, though: in the early days of the ZA, the freshly turned still retained a limited degree of memory and/or higher cognitive function - Morgan's wife seemed to stay in continual orbit around her house, for example, and she retained some trace memory of how doorknobs work. It wouldn't have to be much; maybe an increased degree of instinctual cunning, or developing the ability to hunt in coordinated packs. SOMETHING just enough to elevate them from their current status of deadly-but-predictable annoyance.


Morgan's wife is still the creepiest zombie I've seen on the show.  I thought it bought into the whole instinct part of the brain.  Women are programmed to hear their children cry, and when Dwayne started crying she came to the door, whether she actively knew why or not.  It just gave me the heebie jeebies.


I ship you guys now.


A new mutation is a great idea. There seems to be no indication that there will be a power struggle in ASZ, as I think that was over the moment Deanna said, "Do it!"


What if those Unfair Wolves have figured out even more ways to use and control zombies? That could be a game-changer, but just until they are defeated. I like Nashville's ideas because that would be a constant issue that they couldn't defeat, it would require re-learning how to live in their world.


ETA: this is good stuff; is there an easy way to copy it all into the spec. thread?

Yet another possible mutation: the ZV jumps species. Zombidogs, anyone? :)

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Copied from the Talking Dead thread:


Yet another possible mutation: the ZV jumps species. Zombidogs, anyone? :)

Zomberians? Doberman Biters?


ETA: This is an especially fun idea after having seen the Stephen King April Fool's prank about writing the premiere. Thousands of Kujos roaming around: You can't eat them if they eat you first.

Edited by lulee
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Why would they pass up a chance to leave us on a cliff-hanger?

Just to play devil's advocate:

The only "cliffhangers" we've seen on this show:


  • the episode "A" where we only saw them offered dubious food (we had no proof at that point that it was or was not human flesh) chased with gunfire (that did not hit them), and locked in a train car. It was scary, but Rick said his line They don't know who they're screwfucking with. Most of us speculated on how they would escape the boxcar. It was a suspenseful "trapped" cliffhanger. But nothing more.


  • The end of season 2 could be considered a cliffhanger; they lost the farm, they lost Andrea, they had only the clothes on their backs. What next? with a very fun visual of the prison. Nothing more.


 Pete is dead. He can't be punished if he did something.

If the children are dead, they can't be saved.

They wouldn't end the episode Spend with Noah halfway in and out the door and one decomposed hand starting to rip his face. That's not a cliff-hanger; that's just drawing out something truly upsetting.

I hope they would never have a "cliffhanger" of a fat slob lying on top of Carl unzipping his pants. That's also veering into torture porn. Not suspense. It wouldn't make people eager to see what happens next.


They would not be passing up a suspenseful tease toward next season by letting us see blood spattered on the jewelry box, or little Sam's boat lying on the floor in a pool of blood, next to a hacked open closet door

If the katana has blood on it, there is a difference between a cliffhanger, and an omen.

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Animals get it and it's all over :)  I do wish they would explain more about it somehow.  I mean everyone is infected, but a bite or scratch? (I've always hated that it makes no. sense.) escalates it I guess?  Nashville's ZV1 and ZV2 make a lot of sense for that, but not the scratch part.  Hell with how these zombies are always grabbing on people I don't see how they aren't all dead.

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Copied from the Talking Dead thread:

referring to all related posts.

Great question!

All life is hardwired to survive. Viruses survive by mutation but that isn't deliberate. Whatever strains of virus can survive longer can multiply more and can get the most hosts and therefore reduce or eliminate the other strains.

What accidental mutation would happen? What doesn't the virus have that would help it keep a host for longer?


I'll nominate a developing ability to use oxygen to keep all the cells more alive...look more human and get closer to people? Have more parts of the brain able to carry on even if a knife or bullet damages another area of the brain? Keep muscle and skin cells viable and not only increase agility or speed but not give off smell?

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I like the ideas of the virus activating for no reason, or from a minor injury or accident. I like the idea of animals getting the virus.


What if it isn't even about the virus? What if it is about animals, but carnivores and omnivores running out of food?

Edited by kikismom
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You know (or you would think) that with the new "companion" series starting (and since it's going back to day 1), some of these things may be discussed. I was wondering about that, because over here with "our" show, they've sort of kept us in the dark. Well, what happens if on the other show they start leaking out some answers or, at least, some theories?

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You know (or you would think) that with the new "companion" series starting (and since it's going back to day 1), some of these things may be discussed. I was wondering about that, because over here with "our" show, they've sort of kept us in the dark. Well, what happens if on the other show they start leaking out some answers or, at least, some theories?

I already posted on the new series thread about the add they ran during the Finale. The radio announcer is discussing a new, strange virus in 6 states and how you should stay home if you are sick. So my question there was if only the dead are reanimating, why are they telling someone to stay home? Not a lot of  Walkers show up at their desks in the morning.


Of course since that show is supposed to show the "origins" of the ZA, it doesn't track with the virus mutating now to attack the still living. Unless it's just another example of the shows lack of continuity, like how the zombies in Season 1 did seem to retain some sort of "homing" instinct, a la Morgan's wife and knew enough to turn a doorknob. Now they can't do anything like that.

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I like the ideas of the virus activating for no reason, or from a minor injury or accident. I like the idea of animals getting the virus.


What if it isn't even about the virus? What if it is about animals, but carnivores and omnivores running out of food?


Maybe the cut on Abraham's hand that seemed important, but went nowhere, will come into play. And FPP dies in the process.


You know (or you would think) that with the new "companion" series starting (and since it's going back to day 1), some of these things may be discussed. I was wondering about that, because over here with "our" show, they've sort of kept us in the dark. Well, what happens if on the other show they start leaking out some answers or, at least, some theories?

Which is exactly why I think they won't. It would compromise this show.

Edited by morgankobi
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My theory is the opening episode will start with the Unfair Wolves pulling up to Alexandria with trailers full of walkers intending to unleash death and destruction on the community. They take wandering Father PP hostage and strap him to the hood of a truck, and present themselves at the wall threatening to breach the compound by driving a truck adorned with him straight into the gates. There is loud creak followed by a low rumbling sound. The trucks are destroyed by traps, devised by Morgan, the Wolves somehow escape the initial mayhem that renders most of their pet walkers to paste and spend several minutes of the episode dodging their own pursuing walkers, elaborate Rube Goldberg type traps, hidden pits and spike traps until finally being brought down by large metal cow replicas tossed over the walls at them. Father PP dies. Someone notes the absence of a high-pitched whining sound that had been annoying everyone for months.

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My theory is the opening episode will start with the Unfair Wolves pulling up to Alexandria with trailers full of walkers intending to unleash death and destruction on the community. They take wandering Father PP hostage and strap him to the hood of a truck, and present themselves at the wall threatening to breach the compound by driving a truck adorned with him straight into the gates. There is loud creak followed by a low rumbling sound. The trucks are destroyed by traps, devised by Morgan, the Wolves somehow escape the initial mayhem that renders most of their pet walkers to paste and spend several minutes of the episode dodging their own pursuing walkers, elaborate Rube Goldberg type traps, hidden pits and spike traps until finally being brought down by large metal cow replicas tossed over the walls at them. Father PP dies. Someone notes the absence of a high-pitched whining sound that had been annoying everyone for months.


So, kind of a combination of I Spit On Your Grave, Sllverado, and Monty Python and The Holy Grail?

Well, the Woofs said they did miss movies.

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My theory is the opening episode will start with the Unfair Wolves pulling up to Alexandria with trailers full of walkers intending to unleash death and destruction on the community. They take wandering Father PP hostage and strap him to the hood of a truck, and present themselves at the wall threatening to breach the compound by driving a truck adorned with him straight into the gates. There is loud creak followed by a low rumbling sound. The trucks are destroyed by traps, devised by Morgan, the Wolves somehow escape the initial mayhem that renders most of their pet walkers to paste and spend several minutes of the episode dodging their own pursuing walkers, elaborate Rube Goldberg type traps, hidden pits and spike traps until finally being brought down by large metal cow replicas tossed over the walls at them. Father PP dies. Someone notes the absence of a high-pitched whining sound that had been annoying everyone for months.

I thought it was a no-no to post comic spoilers!


I think there's a little Wile E. Coyote thrown in there, as well.

Edited by morgankobi
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[ sorry to be the party pooper that breaks up the movie one-liners montage  :-/ ]


I don't really think it will go this way.... but I've been wondering the past day or so;  if Deanna will still want Rick (& group now?) gone, when we come back to Show in S6.  Still reeling over just losing Reg (& Aiden in the last few days); she goes off on Rick for killing Pete; "I only meant for you to exile Pete, not execute him.  Murderer!!"

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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