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Speculation Without Spoilers

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I hope it's okay to start this thread. I wanted a place to speculate about the upcoming season without show OR comic spoilers, like the one we had over at TWOP. 


So I know a lot of people have spec'd that Beth is already AT Terminus and has been eaten, etc, etc. But I really liked Aisha Tyler's scenario on TTD. She thought it would be interesting if Beth WAS there and had become a head Termite, like Gareth's other half. And when Team Rick finds her she's all, "Hey, I just did what I had to in order to survive. Now get on this grill". That would be really jarring. If Beth just became totally cold and indifferent and literally did whatever she had to. 


In reality, I think that Beth is probably far from Terminus and will have a different plot line initially, but it's still fun to imagine different ways it could shake out.

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The spoiler thread and its new replies have been haunting me, so thanks for this one!


I also think it would be good for Beth to already be at Terminus. The car that took her had a cross on it, right? So that could kind of play into the candle room at Terminus. I wouldn't want Beth to try to eat Rick and the crew (haha), but to see her having adapted to their environment so quickly would be an interesting turn for he character. Maybe they'd want to eat Rick, et al and she'd have reservations about it.

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Maybe they'd want to eat Rick, et al and she'd have reservations about it.


Do you have to sign up for dinner seating in Terminus?  Are there so many Termites they have to eat in shifts?

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 I can't see a group this large heading for D.C. Even if a few die.

Rick, Michonne, Carl, Daryl, Glenn, Maggie, Sasha, Bob, Abraham, Eugene, Tara, and Rosita. That's 12, Carol and Tyreese and Judith, and let's say Beth...that  makes 16.

Did I leave anyone out?

Guesstimate that for some reason, Beth's future with the group isn't in the cards. And presume a couple players get finished off in battle of the Boxcar Rebellion. It isn't like the early days with a caravan on the highway. Aside from the "kidnap car" with Beth inside, we haven't seen many vehicles still operating, and gas must be a Mad Max situation by now.

You can't fit them all in one vehicle, multiple vehicles would attract attention of the wrong kind and is pragmatically ridiculous as far as gasoline...walking in a big group makes it a bit hard to hide, find shelter, etc.

I'm only bringing this up because they have to stay in the same area together, or split up to travel.

I personally prefer a bigger cast, I thought it was more interesting; but I also would like them to go somewhere else just out of my curiosity about what's happening in the rest of the country.

I want Beth to show up joyfully announcing that she has found an old pontoon boat with electric motor they could run off marine batteries...and see the group travel quietly at night on rivers or the coast, hiding on the boat under camo by the riverbank in the daytime. ZombieApocalypseNow.

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Yeah, I too, think the group's too big to travel (unless they're heading to Hawaii.  And all shows go to Hawaii.  Eventually.)  But I do think a few won't make it past the revolution at the burger factory (or wherever they are now).  Still, too many people to turn this into a road-trip movie.


I see the group splitting in two.  One group, with Lil Asskicker, will stay and hunker down someplace (kinda) safe.  (Morgan's???)


The other group (assuming they all have valid passports) will travel to Washington.  I see this group as being Rick, Michonne, Carl and Abraham's people.  (Daryl maybe, but it might make better sense to have him stay behind.  That group will need a good dependable leader.  Besides, he needs to find Beth.  Unrequited love is such a powerful, and sweet, thing.)

Edited by JackONeill
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Yes to Zombie Apocalypse Now!  The Horror!  The Horror!


Ugh, I don't want them to split up.  I love my core group and their interactions.  Wait, maybe Carl and his Hat could go to Washington.  Yeh, that's the ticket.


Anyway, seriously, I rewatched the last couple episodes last night and I'm excited again about the show.  I'm curious as to how they get out of this mess and hoping to see some genuine badassery.  And I'm skeptical about Eugene (I think that's his name) being some super smart guy with all the answers.  I see him as a random nerd who's been locked up in the basement for too long playing World of Warcraft.

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I see the group splitting in two.  One group, with Lil Asskicker, will stay and hunker down someplace (kinda) safe.  (Morgan's???)


I agree with this. Ever since it was revealed that Judith DID survive the attack on the prison, I knew her existence was likely safe, but still problematic. They just can't keep hauling a baby around on the road. It's far too dangerous....for all involved. So I've long speculated that one group will trek off to DC, while another smaller group remains somewhere "safe" with the baby. I hadn't thought about that town Morgan took over, but that might be darn perfect. Especially if our man was still living there and someone could take his crazy down a notch. Because he is one bad mo-fo.

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The town Morgan took over was Rick's (and Carl's) hometown. Which is kinda funny if they've been crawling through hell for all this time just to end up at home. I would love Lennie James back, the character was great but also James is a terrific actor.

I am wondering if the separated-characters-arcs at the back 8 of last season was prepping us--- for a divided location season, two stories switching back and forth.

ghoulina did predict the two group scenario; I'm just scared of being stuck with Tara, Rosita, Abraham and losing Maggie, Glenn, or Carol. I prefer a one group set-up, more interpersonal complications is more interesting to me. But this little backwater region in Georgia is pretty played out.

Too bad they didn't start out in Florida...that would have provided many different environments within a believable travel range :

There's small redneck towns they could have started in, crazy oceanfront communities ( imagine what Miami looks like), military bases of every kind, the Ocala National Forest, the Everglades, and it would be fabulous to think of the theme parks in the ZA!

Now the show is promising lots more walkers; but they said that before last season and I didn't feel like they came through with anything surprising.

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I see the group splitting in two.  One group, with Lil Asskicker, will stay and hunker down someplace (kinda) safe.  (Morgan's???)


The other group (assuming they all have valid passports) will travel to Washington.  I see this group as being Rick, Michonne, Carl and Abraham's people.  (Daryl maybe, but it might make better sense to have him stay behind.  That group will need a good dependable leader.  Besides, he needs to find Beth.  Unrequited love is such a powerful, and sweet, thing.)


While I agree that they have to split up to pursue Abraham's agenda I see two major hurdles to making it believable.  First, after the CDC will anyone in Rick's group believe them or have enough hope to go to DC?  Second, the last season was all about the trauma of the group being separated.  No one handled that particularly well.


DC is far enough away that it might be a long or one way trip.  I can't see Rick leaving Judith or Carl.  I can't see Michonne separating from Carl/Rick.  Daryl would likely go only under duress as he handled the splintering of the group worse than anyone else.  I can't see Sasha/Bob or Sasha/Tyreese splitting up.  Same with Glenn and Maggie.


I think they would have to postpose this trip for a while.  If they go anytime soon I can't think of a way it would be anyone besides Abraham's group plus Glenn/Maggie and Tara because they feel like they owe them something.  But that creates a situation where I'm not invested in the DC storyline at all because no Rick, Michonne, Daryl, or Carol.

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I'm wondering how long the Terminus situation is going to take to reach a resolution.  Season long or the first half of the season devoted to Terminus and the second half dedicated to......what?  I honestly hadn't even entertained the idea of some of them going to DC until it was mentioned here and now I'm worried.  Somewhere in the back of my mind I've suspected that Eugene invented this story to offer him some protection in the ZA.  He's certainly ill prepared to survive without lots of help.  I love my core group and want them back together.  I'm still mourning the loss of T dog and Hershel.


Oh, totally unrelated to the topic of speculation but my son was changing planes in Chicago (I think) and who should be there but Scott Wilson, ponytail and all.  He was very nice and posed with my son for a really cool picture.

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Sasha has been all-for staying in one place, so this thought (splitting up) plays to her.  I think it's only natural that Tyrese would want to stay with her.  I think Carol will also see the wisdom of it, and will want to take care of Judith (as she has been).  Carol will recognize that traveling with Judith isn't the wisest idea.  I think Maggie will want to settle down with Glenn, and I think Glenn will want settle down with Maggie.


Rick and Carl won't want to leave Judith, but I think (especially Rick) will see the necessity of it.  Michonne will gladly go with Rick.  I think in Season 1 or 2, Rick wouldn't have wanted Carl to tag along.  I think that's changed now.  I only assume that Rick will believe Abraham.  I mean, they need to have something happen here.  The producers have invested in the characters of Abraham and his crew.


As to Daryl -- I could make an argument that he be on either "team."  I think, though, it's more logical he stay behind.  (I think the "stay-behind" team will need him.)  I also think it's more likely he'll want to stay behind if they find Beth early on.


Yes, there was angst last season when everyone was split up, but I think that largely had to do with the trauma brought by HOW they were split up.  Here, it'll be of their own choice.  (There's still be some tears.)


I think having alternating episodes of the two "teams" will make for more interesting viewing.  The writers can write in small cliff-hangers every other episode.

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As someone who binge watched the show during this last weekend I can't bare to watch this show with them split up again.  Seeing banal episodes featured around forgettable characters like Sasha and Bob while awesome characters like Hershel are gone just sucked the big one.  Tara's kind of ok, but I really don't care if she becomes a Walker Scooby snack.  


It's not so much that they are new - I liked Maggie and Michone right away, and even though I was nervous about Hershel being perhaps not what he seemed I still wanted to hear his story.  The new characters Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene - I could care less if they die.  They had quite a bit of screen time during the last part of season 4 and I still hate when they have screen time because it takes away from characters I care about or am interested in hearing their story.


I think Eugene is a great big liar as I can't see someone who asks people what kind of gamer they are being someone that would have time to know national security secrets.  Also I can't imagine them trying to transport Judith to Washington, and I can't imagine Rick just leaving her again.  The show is way better when they are all together.


One thing I can't wait for - Rick finding out that Carol has been protecting Judith this whole time.  I hope they don't drag it out.

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I prefer a one group set-up, more interpersonal complications is more interesting to me. But this little backwater region in Georgia is pretty played out.


I prefer it that way as well, to a degree.  There's only so much you can watch of the same dozen or more people stuck in one place. So if the group is essentially together, but some have to go out on missions and we can break up the monotony - cool. Or all of them together moving forward (heading to DC) I could deal with. But yea, if we had alternating weeks of Group DC and Group GA, that might get annoying. 


You know, when I said they might split, I wasn't thinking an even split.  I was almost thinking someone like Beth or Carol would stay behind with Judith and we wouldn't really see much of them anymore, if at all. Kind of like Morgan - he went his separate way and isn't part of the storyline anymore, except when he popped up that one time. I just think they're going to have to do something with Judith for awhile, because they can't just keep lugging a baby around. 


I'm wondering how long the Terminus situation is going to take to reach a resolution.  Season long or the first half of the season devoted to Terminus and the second half dedicated to......what?


I don't think it will be season long at all. I don't even think first half. I can see them resolving it in about the first four episodes. But who knows? And then, yes, I think they will try to head for DC, but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll end up there. So many different things could happen along the way. I'm quite excited for them to see other parts of the country!

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Yeah...Judith needs to become part of a...well, maybe not a Morgan stay-behind, how about like a Morales-family-anchored....mentally healthy, but not looking for trouble.( I still think that pecan farm was too good to waste.)

But I look at the list--Beth wants to just find a place to stay (" and live out the rest of our lives".)

So does Tyreese.

Sasha once did, not sure now, but she could stick just to be with her brother.

Carol is devoted to Judith and would take care of her.

I think Bob would stay to be with Sasha.

Would Rick and Carl be separated from Judith again? Even if it was for her own good?

Would Daryl go with Rick Carl Michonne etc.---and leave Beth and Carol? He bonded emotionally with both women, but Rick and he are "bro's". And if Daryl is gone we riot.

If the baby Judith group leaves the story, we might lose some of the most interesting characters. ONE person cannot stay behind with the baby; it has to be at least two.

I'll place my wager:

  1. Carol stays with Judith, and Tyreese. Before leaving, the surviving group members fortify the pecan farm for them, Rick and Carol forgive each other. We don't see Carol Tyreese or Judith in remainder of Season 5.
  2. Bob and Tara and Rosita and Glenn get killed in the Great Escape.
  3. Rick, Michonne, Carl, Abraham, Maggie, and Eugene head for something big. Daryl plans to stay behind and search for Beth, but in early episode she is found, in a bad way for some reason, and dies in Daryl's arms. He moves on with road-trippers.
  4. Beth had been taken some new dude who thought he was rescuing her from walker attack at the mortuary, he is invited to go on the road with group, offering a surprise--horses that he has somehow successfully kept hidden. They travel like a posse (at least for a while).

that's either my bet, or my fan-fic idea. Watch me be wayyyy off.

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In the history of TV, whenever you have a large cast you're bound to have episodes that only feature a handful of people.  Think Lost.  Not every character was in every single episode, and there are practical reasons for that.  (Actors need time off, they have other obligations, etc.  If every episode had every actor/actress in it, they'd each only get one line of dialogue, if that.) 


So what we're talking about -- splitting the group into the stay behinds and the Washington bound -- isn't that unique.  Someone said the "stay behind" crowd would be boring.  I don't see that (assuming you like the characters, if you don't then that's another issue).  I mean the stay-behinds will still have to forage and make runs and face walkers and probably idiot humans.


Again, the producers seem to have committed to the Abraham "to-Washington-we-go" story.  So, it appears we're stuck with him and his crew.  Then, that leaves who will go with them.  My guess (which to me makes sense) Rick, Carl and Michonne (at least those three).

Edited by JackONeill
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If anyone stays in Terminus, there'll always be people coming in because they've seen the signs -- "Those Who Arrive, Survive." They would have to come up with some method of dealing with those new people. (Teriyaki sauce, classic Southern BBQ...kidding!) The Termites put those signs down all the railroad tracks for many miles, it seems, and I can't imagine a "left-behind" group going out to spray paint over all of them.


I'd rather see the group stick together, but that seems unreasonable if this were real life. It's just too many people to travel, and a baby is a danger to everyone on the road. It will be interesting to see what happens!!

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The season 5 trailer is out! 


Who has watched? Thoughts? I don't see Beth or Carol anywhere. Beth I'm not surprised, I think they want to keep her fate a secret. But I'm worried about Carol. I wouldn't be surprised if she died getting Tyrese and the baby to Rick and co. 


Looks like they get out of the boxcar and Gareth wants them to work together? Heh. 


All in all I think it looks amazing and I am so waiting for Oct!

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Keep watching ghoulina! There's a false ending to the trailer and then some shots of Beth. I can't even guess what the hell she's doing, although she seems to be a part of some medical team. I only saw a few small glances of Carol, such as when she's walking through the woods with everyone and then kneeling next to a river with Tyreese. I'm SO glad to see Rick with Judith! Eugene better not be blowing smoke up everyone's ass (I'm afraid of this) or this super-important "trip" to D.C. would be for nothing and a potential waste of way too many episodes covering the decision whether or not to make the journey.

Edited by dannymoon
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There have been photos online that show Daryl and Carol on a big city street. So I think it's safe to say she and Tyreese meet Rick's group. I hope the Terminus storyline is wraps up quickly and they find another secure location.

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I've only watched it once, but I did see Beth. It surprised me to see Rick and Co working "with" the Termites, in any capacity. I know the trailer isn't going to spell everything out, and I also would've been surprised if they'd blown up Terminus and immediately headed out alone somewhere else. It looks amazing to me, though. I love Rick's line about that being his family. And to see him with Judith! So many good moments coming up.


As an aside, I saw the the street closure notification (a letter from the studio on a locations website, and in an area with which I'm familiar) for "dropping a truck off an overpass," so to see that was super cool.

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I did see Carol.and Beth.

I tried to count the people in the church.I do not see Carol in the church though. I see Gareth, but the total number seemed like more than the group plus Gareth minus Carol. If that makes sense.

Did anyone see Bob in the church? Or Bob walking outside Terminus? Saw Rosita but not sure if I saw Tara.


Tried to think why cops/paramilitary cadre would be keeping Beth in a hospital.

Possibilities might be either developing a vaccine or that awful baby-making theory that has been suggested before. But the cop says "You're not here for the greater good, you're part of a system." And wouldn't vaccine/human breeding be for the greater good? What could they be doing that would not benefit humans in general? Something that would benefit just them? Blood donation source? Be there for the soldier/cadre cops, like Japanese comfort women?

What is Gareth doing with the book near the metal drain trough? What would he need a book for? Last rites? Cutting Throats For Dummies?

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I only see men at the abbatoir.

I see Carol several times, by the river, grass with bloody face, blink-and-you-miss-it shot with Daryl (with heavy firearms). Carol and Tyreese in Terminus.

Saw Rosita and Tara and Father Gabriel.

Who is the collapsing person that 2 people are supporting by the arms?

I think the music is outstanding, but I wish I could have heard some of the dialogue better.

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You guys are right, sorry! I missed Beth the first time around, then I showed to my hubby when he got home and was like, "whoa, where did that come from?" So many things to speculate about! And, kikismom, your specs are great as always. 


Now I'm thinking they might be at Terminus for awhile, if they're trying to "work with" the Termites, despite not really trusting them. They either can't be cannibals or are able to keep it really well hidden. Rick and them would never go for that.

Edited by ghoulina
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It looks like Terminus is overrun, probably courtesy of Rick and Co.  There's a shot of Rick in front of one of the Terminus signs and I assume he's crossing it out because he's taken it down.  


Since Beth's in a hospital I assuming it's some kind of research facility and she's there as a test subject, for samples, etc.  


 Was Gareth in the church?  I thought they cut it together to look like he was with them in the church but all the shots of him were alone.

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ghoulina: yeah, maybe not cannibals, when Rick sees that hole in the floor of (I think) the poster room, it appears that walkers are kept underneath, those ones in the water? And they look a bit mutant? Were they doing "experiments"? Does explain why we never saw any walkers at the fence before.

Mrs.RafaelBarba: Thank you---if they are dragging Rick, do you suppose that's how he ends up as seen earlier in the trailer, crashing face down on the pavement and hazily seeing somebody with a saw working on a body? Wow!

Gareth is in the church. the shots of him talking show just his face, but later you see Sasha talking to Abraham and Rosita and Gareth is outside the door with a rifle and behind him is the sign with scripture listings like Ezekial etc.

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It looks like Terminus is overrun, probably courtesy of Rick and Co.  There's a shot of Rick in front of one of the Terminus signs and I assume he's crossing it out because he's taken it down.  


Since Beth's in a hospital I assuming it's some kind of research facility and she's there as a test subject, for samples, etc.  


 Was Gareth in the church?  I thought they cut it together to look like he was with them in the church but all the shots of him were alone.

That's what I thought too...Whenever Gareth is talking it looks like it's somewhere else, and any inside shots are not in that room.  I'm thinking his talking about "joining" is joining their little human buffet instead of them being the buffet.


I'm meh on Beth but her story line looks super interesting.  The girl Beth is helping hold down on the table and they are tying her arm off looks like the same person chomping on the cop on the ground.  She's shooting up walkers in another quick flash so it seems she's going to try and fight her way out.  My very first thought was this group would be one that wanted to repopulate the Earth, but they could be doing experiments too, possibly trying to find a vaccine or something. Unfortunately if this were to happen and people wanted the Earth back there would have to be something like this going on.


Beth also has a bad cut/stitches going across her left cheek before the cop smashes her in the face.  They seem to be there through most of her scenes in the preview...I can't believe I am excited for a Beth story line!

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There's a point where Rick and co. are kneeling at the trough and Rick's eyes look over slightly to the left, past Gareth. The next shot is door, with the dim silhouette of 4 legs (2 pair!duh) under the edge of the door. This could be the jump-cutting of course, but could it be Tyreese and Carol who we see have sneaked into Terminus?

It appears to me that (not in the trailer order but piecing together chronological order) :

  1. Carol and Tyreese see walkers in the woods, and Carol says "More!"
  2. They aren't eluding, but drawing walkers a la Merle.
  3. They let walkers into Terminus to draw off security staff while they sneak in
  4. Tyreese is seen peeking around a corner of a Terminus building as the walkers stream in
  5. There's also a shot of a weapon (sword?) being swung for a death blow at Glenn's neck, but obviously he doesn't get decapitated so something must happen at that moment to interrupt, and there had to be some explanation for how they could all be bound and gagged but then get free and triumph over the Termites..
  6. At the last second do Carol and Tyreese burst in and rescue them, and Rick saw the shadows under the door...and maybe held Gareth's attention and had crazy adrenaline burst of hope (the staredown when Rick has that crazy(great) look in his eyes at Gareth)?
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I kind of thought the shadows of the feet under the door belonged to walkers. Maybe it was the way it was shot, but it almost had that off-balanced, shambly feel to it. It being Carol and Tyrese to the rescue would be much better, though!


As for Gareth being in the church with him, it's true the cut-away to his face doesn't really show anyone else. There is a snip of what appears to be a jacket behind him, but that could be anyone, anywhere. However, when Rick tells Carl "I don't trust this guy", they're in the church pew. That leads me to believe Gareth is with them. Of course, he could be talking about anyone - maybe they ran into someone else. 


I have to say, I can't wait to see what makes Abraham fall to his knees in tears. He is one of the more compelling new characters to me, and I love Michael Cudlitz. 

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I kind of thought the shadows of the feet under the door belonged to walkers. Maybe it was the way it was shot, but it almost had that off-balanced, shambly feel to it. It being Carol and Tyrese to the rescue would be much better, though!


As for Gareth being in the church with him, it's true the cut-away to his face doesn't really show anyone else. There is a snip of what appears to be a jacket behind him, but that could be anyone, anywhere. However, when Rick tells Carl "I don't trust this guy", they're in the church pew. That leads me to believe Gareth is with them. Of course, he could be talking about anyone - maybe they ran into someone else. 


I have to say, I can't wait to see what makes Abraham fall to his knees in tears. He is one of the more compelling new characters to me, and I love Michael Cudlitz. 

Rick could be saying he doesn't trust Abraham or Eugene's BS story...I'm not positive but I think it could be Rick that Abraham is beating in that one scene.  They make it look like Abraham wants to take off but all of Rick's people aren't there yet and he doesn't want to go.

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Gareth is definitely in the church in the scene with the sermon order on the black letterboard behind him.
There is a one second shot where Abraham breaks down in a sob before they go outside...when he is in the water! Sasha is in the water too, fighting walkers---it's the same area under the floor where Rick stands in a room with clothing on racks. Abraham and others are down there fighting walkers--accidentally?Did they fall in? Deliberately? They were talking about where are the others?!

Abraham cries and sort of pounds a pipe he's hanging on to; I feel like that's when Bob gets it because the walker that grabs his collar is dripping wet. Did Abraham screw up protecting Bob? 

If Maggie and Tara and Rosita are not with the men at the half-pipe-from-hell, did the rescued men go looking for the girls next, and Termites had put them down in the biterquarium for the mutants?

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It does look like Bob gets taken down by a walker.


I am wondering why Rick would let Gareth come with them to DC. Maybe Gareth has a change of heart and helps rescue Rick's group from his fellow Terminites.


I cannot wait to see what is happening with Beth.

Edited by SimoneS
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Wow. I know that's not technically a spoiler, but it sure is spoilery. I stopped watching half way through. It felt like it was giving away the whole season.

I wouldn't worry about that...Check out the trailer from season 4: 


It looks like a completely different show than what really happened during season 4.  I'm sure this one is the same way!

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I think the bloody hand, holding a yellow can, walking past an empty deli once-refrigerated case, is Glenn. Faded dark pants, very very faded checked shirt, and belt.

When Gareth is saying you don't have a choice you have to go with us to DC, someone is behind him with a dark blue? hip length jacket and a very noticeable ring on the middle finger of the right hand, hands folded over in front. I wonder who that is.


I wonder if whoever pulled down the metal shelving in the water trapped Bob underneath...like Bob at the BigSpot. Be karmic if true.


Someone please help I know Sasha says something to Abraham and Rosita like "realize if we garblegarblegarble"

Too much music and stuff to hear her clearly.

I think Rick may be telling Carl he doesn't trust Father Gabriel. I noticed they had wine bottles and were drinking and Sasha is eating off a plate with a fork.

Edited by kikismom
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Someone please help I know Sasha says something to Abraham and Rosita like "realize if we garblegarblegarble"

Very hard to understand. Something like, "You ___ and the 3 of us are gone."???

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lulee:  does she say Michonne and the three of us are gone? Or is it the end part maybe of a larger sentence, like when Rick talks to Michonne the three of us are gone? Or you tell Michonne and the three of us are gone, something like that?

It seems that there is a split---Abraham and Eugene and Rosita want to go to DC, Gareth is on their side (who knows why) and maybe Sasha too? And Rick is trying to hold the group.

Remember when the men are kneeling the girls are missing; Sasha Maggie and Michonne and Tara. Maybe they got split up for a while?

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OK, here's my stab at transcribing the first minute or so. Corrections/ additions welcome:

Rick: "They're screwing with the wrong people"
Quick shot of Daryl
Abraham, Bob and Tara backing away from a flash-bang (Abraham: "Move!") [probably in the train car]
People entering in gas masks. [Voiceover (Gareth?): "I hope you understand that we didn't want to hurt you..."
Rick, outside, pointing a gun; screaming; gun fire;
Rick falls to the ground. Rick sees blurry image of someone leaning over a table, accompanied by a buzzsaw sound.
Rick, on knees and gagged, Gareth says, "Nothing was personal." [bob kneeling next to him.]
Quick cuts of [Rick holding a gun to someone; Rick, Michonne, & ___ scrambling outside at the Terminus compound; Someone shooting from the roof; Daryl running with his crossbow, Rick just behind. Rick opening a door, looks like the traincar. Rick outside, in front of a brick building staring ahead. Rick, Michonne, and ____ standing looking forward at the Terminus compound.]
Gareth standing outside.

Bob, Rick, and others (including unfamiliar faces) bound; Bob ungagged says, "YOu don't have to do this. We can put the world back like it was."
Shot of doorway with little coming in from under it and shadows of legs. (growling noises)
Daryl and Glen bound with guys in butcher's aprons behind them.
Bob, "We have a man who has the cure. We just have to get to him to Washington." Gareth standing listening, holding a book or notebook ["To Serve Man", maybe?]
Bob, "You just have to take a chance."
Gareth smiles at Rick who is not gagged.
["On OCTOBER 12"]
Shot of the "Terminus" building.
Gareth saying to Rick, "You don't have a choice."
Shot of Rick, with Judith on lap.
Gareth, "all you"
Group in woods with guns; Rick, Abraham, (I think someone else behind), Carl, Tyrese, Eugene, Carol, Michonne, Bob, Sasha, Rosita,
Gareth, "Join us..."
Rick writing on (defacing?) a sign (a Terminus sign, probably).
People fighting walkers in fight of a chainlink fence in front of the "Terminus" building.
Large group walking onto traintracks.
Gareth, "and you go to Washington and cure this thing."
Group (Eugene, Glenn, Abraham, Tara; Eugene sitting in the foreground)
Rick walking, gun slung over him, followed by Glenn and Maggie.
Voice (Glenn?), "We get to start over, all of us."
Michonne walking,
Voice (Daryl?) "We're not splitting up again."
Michonne walking, joined by Carl and Eugene.
Daryl walking.
Voice (Sasha), "We don't know what's coming next."
Group in a church, Abraham standing; Rosita, Eugene nearby; Sasha, (someone barely in view), Carl, Tara, Maggie, Glenn in background, Michonne, Rick holding Judith, (someone on Rick's other side, Bob, maybe)
Abraham: "When we get to Washington, we will make the dead die and the living will have this world again."
Closeups of Glenn, Michonne.
Shot of Gareth nodding, appears to be from the same scene as earlier clip of him talking about Washington.
[Magazine quotes]

Edited by lulee
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lulee: phenomenal job---thanks!

Anyone else suspicious of Glenn hangin by Eugene, Abraham, Tara, Rosita? It might just be random. But.

Mrs.RafaelBarba: Thanks!

The song is "Brennistein" (Brimstone) by Sigur Ros (Icelandic band). Amazing choice.


The car with a cross in back that took Beth away can be seen in that parking lot where the tents are.

When Beth is sitting on the edge of the elevator shaft, she has something tied around her waist (bedsheets? Like escaping from prison trick?)

When Daryl and Carol reunite he must say something about her being taken in cross-car and Carol reveals having seen it? So they hunt for her together?

"To Serve Man"---!!!

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