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I'm not a comics reader, but someone indicated - I think in the Conquer thread - that that scene was pretty much straight from the comics (aside from the genders of the ASZ leader and spouse being switched - the leader's wife Regina was the one attacked) including that the leader gave the execution order.

Edited by lulee
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I may not like Deanna, but I think she is smart enough to see Rick has been mostly right. I expect the now-in-earnest assimilation to go smoothly, or be mostly complete by the time we get back to ASZ, and FPP dies in the process.

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All those extra people for what appears to be 3 positions that needed filling



 Why do they keep insisting on bringing in new folk?

There is a spec theory---which has no basis in canon that I know of but in case there is,

maybe ASZ is a satellite "feeder" set-up, where people are brought in and checked out before sending on to

a bigger camp.

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I kind of want there to still be more nefarious aspects of ASZ, but I feel with how they have resolved the Deanna/Rick situation, and with Unfair Wolves soon to be huffing and puffing, there isn't.


That's a cool idea (kikismom's spec theory), though. I don't know how interesting the show can be if they were to just stay in ASZ, so that theory at least offers a possibility other than having it burn to the ground, as FPP dies in the process. I can't seem them leaving for any other reason, except maybe a sea of zombies they cannot defeat.

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There is a spec theory---which has no basis in canon that I know of but in case there is,

maybe ASZ is a satellite "feeder" set-up, where people

are brought in and checked out before sending on to

a bigger camp.

Comic talk, and a casting mention: 

Could be, if the other communities are The Hilltop and/or The Kingdom, which could play into your last post in the spoiler thread. (which I only look at for a couple months this time of year until filming restarts!) I do think the show ASZ is a bit more suburban than the comic counterpart.

 as FPP dies in the process.

I laugh whenever you add this onto any post. :)

Edited by mandolin
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Hey Kiddos! You're all wandering all over the place in this thread and it's making me dizzy.


Some of this stuff actually does belong in the Small Talk thread. I'm going to move some of the stuff, because it makes more sense elsewhere.


I take it, though, you guys seem to be surviving the hiatus relatively sane..... Right? Right??


I am wondering though - do we need a Surviving the Hiatus Thread, for you guys to FFP and joke around during the long break. It might keep the wandering conversations out of the other threads.

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I am wondering though - do we need a Surviving the Hiatus Thread, for you guys to FFP and joke around during the long break.

IMO, Small Talk should suffice.

Speculation: will there be a time jump before the premiere? It'd allow Judith & Carl to age up, Morgan to bond with CDB, and the Alexandrians to learn self defense.

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I think the time jump will depend on the Wolves. How close are they, and how determined are they to get to ASZ? Are they going to take their time and launch a full-scale attack? How far behind Aaron and Daryl were they? I think a bit of a time job might be necessary for the kids, but I don't think it can be TOO long. Also, I would like to see the initial reuniting between Morgan and Rick, but I realize they might not give us that. 

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I think the time jump will depend on the Wolves. How close are they, and how determined are they to get to ASZ? Are they going to take their time and launch a full-scale attack? How far behind Aaron and Daryl were they? I think a bit of a time job might be necessary for the kids, but I don't think it can be TOO long. Also, I would like to see the initial reuniting between Morgan and Rick, but I realize they might not give us that.

I agree a time jump would help for Carl, and who knows, they might finally get Judith walking, or at least past her first birthday. ;-). But I REALLY want to see a lot of the reunion between Morgan and Rick. I feel like they've teased us for so long (in a good way) about those two, who barely know each other in terms of time spent together, but somehow seem so connected. Maybe they could move the story along but then give us a lot of Rick and Morgan in flashbacks. Or something. But I hope we get to see it.

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I read that Amy and Jim in Season 1 are the only characters who died the same as in the GN, and that since then no TWD characters have died the same way or time as in the GN.


Good news for Glenn? Jessie? Abraham?

(Reg/Regina one of the characters switched around at least by gender).

Edited by HalcyonDays
Added spoiler tags for comic/GN hints
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Speculation: will there be a time jump before the premiere? It'd allow Judith & Carl to age up, Morgan to bond with CDB, and the Alexandrians to learn self defense.


Personally, I doubt it.  Remember Morgan's arrival at the specific moment of Pete's departure.  There's a whole world of fallout to explore.

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I also think it would be great to do some kind of time jump, to give Carl a chance to catch up with Chandler Rigg's age. I just looked it up, he's nearly 16, but Coral is only supposed to be about 14. But the problem would be that they would need a semi-permanent Judith, which would mean that the show would have to be kept at a certain pace.

Edited by truelovekiss
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Is Carl really supposed to be around 14? I thought timline wise he had to be closer to 12-13.

I based if off what Wikipedia said. According to the walking dead wikia, Carl was 12 in the pilot, and the season 5 finale was day 546, so roughly 18 months which means he could be 13-14. Also, according to the same source Judith was born on day 309 so she was close to 8 months old at the season 5 finale.

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Thanks! I never knew there was an official age for Carl at the start of the series. I had always thought he was closer to 10 or 11. But I am horrible at judging ages. 

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I think the time jump will depend on the Wolves. How close are they, and how determined are they to get to ASZ? Are they going to take their time and launch a full-scale attack? How far behind Aaron and Daryl were they? I think a bit of a time job might be necessary for the kids, but I don't think it can be TOO long. Also, I would like to see the initial reuniting between Morgan and Rick, but I realize they might not give us that. 

Agreed - if there is an initial time jump, I don't think it would be very long. A week or two at most. I'm actually a little nervous that the show will meander on the Rick/Morgan thing for 2-3 episodes which will be torture - I want to see how it plays out but not forever. Considering how industrious the Wolves have been so far, I'd imagine they'd be pretty eager to find ASZ (assuming they weren't the ASZ cast outs). My hope is that the Wolves show up within the first 3 episodes and then maybe a significant time jump will happen between Season 6A and B. They have to age Carl up soon because Chandler will be sporting facial hair before we know it. 

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I'm not sure where to put this, because it's really so irrelevant. But has anyone ever wondered how CDB divided up into their two houses? And what the roommate situation is like?

House A (which I'm sure is the one Aaron said has more curb appeal) has Rick, Carl and Judith, plus Michonne. I'd also be willing to bet that Carol and Daryl (when he's around) are in that one too, because it's the cool kids house. So that's 5 people plus a baby. Then there are Rosita and Abe, Tara, Eugene, Sasha (unless she permanently relocated to the watchtower), Glenn, Maggie, FPP (I wouldn't be surprised if he got kicked out of the house to go live in Deanna's basement) and when they first arrived they had Noah. So that would make 9 more.

And when we get back, will Rick and Jessie be a thing? Will he move Coral and Judy into her house so they can be the Grimes bunch?

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And when we get back, will Rick and Jessie be a thing? Will he move Coral and Judy into her house so they can be the Grimes bunch?

Funny you mentioned this b/c I've been thinking about the Judith problem. I'd hate to see her get killed (especially b/c of what it would do to Rick), but having to cart a baby around really limits how much badassery the group can get into. Here's my spec: I think someone from CDB gets kidnapped, and they all have to go on a mission to save the person. Rick now has Jessie, his platonic friend, whom he trusts and who owes him her gratitude for dispatching abusive Doctor Pete, and so he can leave Judith safely behind the ASZ walls in Jessie's care (once they're sure ASZ understands how to keep the gates locked). Rick and all of CDB go off on the rescue mission, which could give us a full season of mayhem and craziness out on the road without a baby slowing the group down. Yet, knowing the timelines on this show, only a few weeks would actually pass, so Rick doesn't have to worry about having "abandoned" Judith or her forgetting him. (I'm basing this on nothing at all. I've never read the comics.) it's just a way of getting Judith out of the way for a while, so Rick is not so tied down.

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Funny you mentioned this b/c I've been thinking about the Judith problem. I'd hate to see her get killed (especially b/c of what it would do to Rick), but having to cart a baby around really limits how much badassery the group can get into. Here's my spec: I think someone from CDB gets kidnapped, and they all have to go on a mission to save the person. Rick now has Jessie, his platonic friend, whom he trusts and who owes him her gratitude for dispatching abusive Doctor Pete, and so he can leave Judith safely behind the ASZ walls in Jessie's care (once they're sure ASZ understands how to keep the gates locked). Rick and all of CDB go off on the rescue mission, which could give us a full season of mayhem and craziness out on the road without a baby slowing the group down. Yet, knowing the timelines on this show, only a few weeks would actually pass, so Rick doesn't have to worry about having "abandoned" Judith or her forgetting him. (I'm basing this on nothing at all. I've never read the comics.) it's just a way of getting Judith out of the way for a while, so Rick is not so tied down.

Really Rick hasn't ever really been tied down by Judith.  Other people have always taken care of her with Rick holding her ever once in awhile.

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^^^ Right???


My new appointment for babysitter is Eugene. He doesn't really like going on runs, but he's smart. So I don't think he'd be a bad person to leave behind with the baby. And at least he wouldn't sing to her (we can hope). And if he died (which her nannies tend to do) it wouldn't be the end of the world. 


Actually, on that note, put DeAnna in charge of her.

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My vote is Jessie will be appointed Judith's new nanny. Without Pete in the picture, Ressie is totally going to be a thing. We're going to be treated to lots of shots of angelic Jessie holding and caring for Rick's daughter, making her total new mom material.

I also love the idea of Eugene as the unlikely nanny. I can just imagine him saying the words to "hush little baby" in his flat monotone.

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So my mind started to wander a bit on me - yes I know, that scares me too - and I can't stop wondering if there is more to the true back-story of the 'ASZ' then we've already been been told about.  Things like...


  • So this housing development/'zone' area just happened to be near the escape route for some of DC's escapees.  AND the army's evacuation escort knew both of its existence and where it was.  That's both fortuitous and convenient.


  • If this is an area that's near DC and one political person/family is there, why aren't there more?  Seems a little unlikely, imo.


  • Reg just happened to be an architect and just happened to know how & where to get the metal for the 'walls'.  Again, both fortuitous and convenient.... now if only he was such a good architect to know the difference between building a wall and building one backwards, where the easiest side to either climb or de-stabilze the wall is on the outside.


  • I think the "Wolves" - at least 3 of them - were originally from the ASZ.  After all, Aaron did say that 3 people were exiled; 2 men and 1 woman.  We've only seen two so far, the guys, but I think its a little too convenient that the Wolves are both within (somewhat) "striking distance" of both Alexandria (VA) and Noah's old home of Richmond (VA).  According to Google, 104 miles separates the two areas.  For a third time, that's both 'fortuitous' and convenient.



Might not be anything more at all to any of that, but (I, at least) have to admit that if TPTB/writers wanted to, there's more to explore to the "history" of ASZ and exactly what happened between during the 'outbreak' and CDB's arrival.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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All good points for pondering. I get that way too and come up with my own theories, but then it usually turns out that these little issues are just bad/inconsistent writing and not clues that something more interesting is afoot. :(

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All good points for pondering. I get that way too and come up with my own theories, but then it usually turns out that these little issues are just bad/inconsistent writing and not clues that something more interesting is afoot. :(


I totally expect to 'strike out' on pretty much all those theories; either by being totally wrong or they'll just get brushed under the rug and never explained.  But with no new eps and TD to tide me over, the brain likes to go on walkabouts... probably should consider putting it on a leash.

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With the distance of a few months, I am starting to think that all the weirdness of ASZ will not be fleshed-out/explored. It will be shown that their fault was that they were not facing reality and had a few bad eggs, and that's it (not that I agree with that based on the way many things were written, mind you). I think that when we come back, they will have been fortifying and listening more to Rick. We'll have a bit of a Magneto vs. Prof X in Rick and Morgan, in terms of philosophies. We'll get an episode or two of settling in and small hints of Unfair Wolves, then they'll attack and FPP dies in the process.

Edited by morgankobi
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... and FPP dies in the process.


I don't know about that. FPP may be an unpopular character currently, but as a man of faith he presents many options for plotlines to explore regarding faith in an apocalyptic situation; faith lost due to the apocalypse, persevering faith, refound/restored faith ... The options are endless. But given the PC nature of the world today they may be afraid of offending the religious community, so killing off an unpopular character may be the cowards way out. And really, the writers on this show are so weak/inconsistent that they probably couldn't pull off a compelling faith plotline anyway.

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With 3 months to go to the premiere of season 6, we now have a Season 6 trailer from ComicCon to chew on. Last year's trailer was good for lots of speculation but also had some misdirections.


Some of the voiceovers feel like they're from previous episodes -- anyone confirm and identify the original episode or context?


One thing that's very clear is that there is little, if any, delay between the ending scene of season 5 and where season 6 picks up (especially given the shot of Deanna sitting near a pool of blood.


Will rewatch, digest and return with more mullings-over.

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The trailer made me nervous. It looks like my 2 favorites, Rick and Carol, may end up being persona non grata around Alexandria!

Yeah, I think Rick's safe, but I fear Carol's on borrowed time, and that trailer reinforced that feeling.

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Resurrecting this thread to comment on the preview for next week: we see Aaron trying to persuade Maggie not to do something as she grabs gear. So it looks likely that she's determined to go off in search of Glenn, hopefully not alone, and for now, we're still left pondering if she'll find Glenn as a walker or survivor.


I read every comment in the "Thank You" thread and saw theories about Glenn's fate there. I have no idea if the show intended the scene to look ambiguous regarding Glenn. It looked like an un-survivable situation, even if those weren't Glenn's guts being ripped out, but I've been duped by allegedly unambiguous scenes on shows before.  I hope and think we'll get closure on Glenn's alleyway fate next week.


And it looks like we'll get some time with Jessie showing her backbone and with Morgan's lecture audience.

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I mentioned this in the ep thread, but I'll ask here as well - didn't Glenn and Nicholas run out of ammo? They were shooting, and then they whipped out the knives, right? If so, how did Nicholas shoot himself? I'm starting to wonder if all of that was some kind of crazy hallucination Nicholas had? I hate crap like that, but at least Glenn would still be alive.

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Good question, ghoulina! I thought they did run out of ammo.


Hardwick confirmed on TTD that Rick is at the gates of Alexandria, yelling for them to open up. It looks to be early in the episode (unsurprising given that it's a preview) considering that Maggie is just learning about Glenn's absence. So we won't be kept in suspense long with Rick back at the RV.

Edited by lulee
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Hardwick confirmed on TTD that Rick is at the gates of Alexandria, yelling for them to open up. It looks to be early in the episode (unsurprising given that it's a preview) considering that Maggie is just learning about Glenn's absence. So we won't be kept in suspense long with Rick back at the RV.


I have this feeling that (at least) 6A will be very "timey wimey".  In the sense that we seem to be seeing differing time jumps/cuts not only in episodes but linking one episode to the next, as well.



6.1 - Half the time spent 'in color' (current events) and other half B&W (past events)

6.2 - We caught up with what was going on in Alexandria while the current events played out in 6.1

6.3 - Back out with the "Walker Parade Brigade", we saw different groups, who reacted to things at differing points in their individual journeys - be it from Alexandria (from 6.2) or other wayward groups

6.4 - mostly unusable, being the "Morgan ep", except for the very end, where Rick shows up "out of nowhere", when last seen in 6.3, suggests a fairly sizable time jump [a few hours, at least?]


Seems to me that the first half of S6 will be spent seeing events selected from differing POVs, along a straight timeline, thus appearing somewhat 'out of order'.   Who knows how long we'll have to wait to find out about Glenn's fate.


I don't mind this approach by the showrunners/writers, as its an interesting choice, but a bit hard to follow - and keep from looking like bad or sloppy writing - if not careful. 

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The jump cuts will probably slow down a bit next week because Rick will have reunited with Michonne's group at Alexandria but we will still have some cutting with Daryl/Sasha/Abraham. What's really kind of cool about the way they've laid all of it out is that the entire month's episodes have all happened (except for flashbacks) within the time it takes to make a casserole.

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The jump cuts will probably slow down a bit next week because Rick will have reunited with Michonne's group at Alexandria but we will still have some cutting with Daryl/Sasha/Abraham. What's really kind of cool about the way they've laid all of it out is that the entire month's episodes have all happened (except for flashbacks) within the time it takes to make a casserole.

I'm probably in the minority here, but I like the timeline disjuncts - they definitely step up the degree of intellectual engagement. :)

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I don't know about intellectual engagement, but I sure would appreciate the gang getting together, giving Daryl a flea bath, and having at least one safe night of partying or whatever. They could use that format to get to know each other via flashback. I don't have two shits to give about Morgan since he won't become a full time character. Hell, I'd rather an FPP retrospective.

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So, are the Wolves pretty much done? Or do you think there are reinforcements somewhere?

It wasn't a huge group that arrived in Alexandria and:

Carol killed a bunch. Rosita killed a couple. Rick killed 4 or 5 at the RV. Morgan kept one for story time.

They obviously wreaked some havoc, but maybe it was a brief reign of terror.

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So, are the Wolves pretty much done? Or do you think there are reinforcements somewhere?

It wasn't a huge group that arrived in Alexandria and:

Carol killed a bunch. Rosita killed a couple. Rick killed 4 or 5 at the RV. Morgan kept one for story time.

They obviously wreaked some havoc, but maybe it was a brief reign of terror.


My guess is that the horde of walkers from the disrupted march becomes the new 'main threat' for the short term, but once that's dealt with, the Wolves will come back to finish what they started.  And that could all still be at Alexandria or if the CDB+A group has been forced to move on.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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If the wolves are done, that really is unfair. It seems to have been given a decent amount of build-up to end like this. I think there will be more out there (they seem pretty well organized, especially with their whole truck yard set-up, to be so small) and the next run-in will involve Enid in some way. I in no way think she's a wolf, but she may be pivotal in Act Three with the wolves, or perhaps with the rest of Glenn's story, and FPP dies in the process.

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If the wolves are done, that really is unfair. It seems to have been given a decent amount of build-up to end like this. I think there will be more out there (they seem pretty well organized, especially with their whole truck yard set-up, to be so small)

This is the primary question in my mind.

Did the Wolf raiding party represent a majority chunk of the Wolf Pack?

Or was it simply one squad of shock troops, with an immensely larger force following close behind?

and FPP dies in the process.

You're singing my song....

Edited by Nashville
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You're singing my song....


I've been getting the shakes lately, it's been so long since I've been able to type that!


I feel like the wolf attack on ASZ was the middle of their story, and perhaps the story itself (but not all of the characters) will benefit from Morgan's pet in terms of information. I doubt they'll come back for him, as they don't seem the type. But I can see Rick wanting to hunt them ALL down after what they did to ASZ and attempted to do at the camper. No more half-measures from this guy. Also, based on the season preview we got a while ago I think

it's some wolves who have Darryl

and when that is resolved, FPP dies in the process.

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OK, I'm going to speculate that Maggie will miscarry at some point. I cannot see a tv show (no knowledge of the comics) killing off Judith until she's at least an older teenager. Even if it would make sense to the story, I just think that's a bridge too far for a known (baby/young child) character on a show. Conversely, I cannot see having multiple babies on the show- The hilarity of CDB Daycare notwithstanding. So either Maggie miscarries or dies while pregnant and FPP dies in the process.

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OK, I'm going to speculate that Maggie will miscarry at some point. I cannot see a tv show (no knowledge of the comics) killing off Judith until she's at least an older teenager. Even if it would make sense to the story, I just think that's a bridge too far for a known (baby/young child) character on a show. Conversely, I cannot see having multiple babies on the show- The hilarity of CDB Daycare notwithstanding. So either Maggie miscarries or dies while pregnant and FPP dies in the process.

I'm with you on that last part.


As for Maggie and Baby Greene-Rhee, I just can't see both of them surviving for long. Granted this season so far hasn't even been a couple days of timeline time. So at this rate, it'd be season 37 before Maggie would be ready for a baby shower, but there's no way Alexandria will be the permanent setting of this show. The setting will have to move on at some point [disclaimer: I have no knowledge of comics storylines.], and how could pregnant Maggie manage on the road and how could a baby make it. They already had Judith as the acorn baby, and it seems like the general arc of the ZA is moving more in the direction of more desperate times.

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