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Central City Citizen: The New Media Thread


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This review of the crossover so far sum up my feelings, especially this exchange:


James: I regret to say—deeply regret—that so far the biggest crisis on Crisis is that I’m not enjoying it anywhere near as much as I thought I would. And yes, I have been traveling and being busy in general so had to catch up with all three episodes in one sitting...but really, I don’t think it would change my opinion too much. I just don’t think Crisis has been particularly fun.

Alex: Even the Spectre reveal?

James: You mean the completely out-of-nowhere scene cut from an episode of Arrow and pasted into The Flash last night where a random man walked out of a forest behind Oliver Queen and his friends (also the forest was purgatory, comic booooooks), flashed his eyes green, and then everyone hooked and we cut back to the episode of The Flash? No. No, I didn’t.

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3 hours ago, Trisha said:

This review of the crossover so far sum up my feelings, especially this exchange:

OMG - thank you for this... this part caught my eye:

Let’s talk about The Flash. Because this episode also saw the apparent culmination of a storyline launched back in season one.

Jill: So, from an outside perspective, knowing Arrow is ending, I knew they were not also going to disappear Barry.

Alex: And I feel like, if I was a big Flash fan I might be miffed! True.

Jill: So I was wondering how they were going to avoid the fate so clearly mapped out for this character….and well, they just used a different Barry Allen!

Alex: With a flashback to his ‘90s show?!

James: It makes sense, given the context that, like Jill said, we know The Flash still has a bunch of episodes to go this season, and that it’s also not ending, while Arrow is wrapping up entirely. But at the same time, it’s rushed through so quickly that any emotional impact that scene could’ve had on either us as an audience or Barry is completely whiffed.

THEY GAVE A EULOGY TO THE ‘90S FLASH SERIES AND IT DOES. NOT. LAND. I’m furious. It could’ve been handled so much better. It just felt cheap instead.

Alex: Are we sure this is the moment he was supposed to disappear though? Or are there more cosmic treadmills to come?

James: It would be hilarious if after all this is over, Barry and Iris now just live in fear of a treadmill showing up out of nowhere. Like, an Amazon package comes and there’s just a cosmic treadmill inside it, dun dun dunnnnnn.

Alex: And how can he run back to her, if he runs in place forever?

James: But that’s the thing: it’s hard to definitely say if this is it, in regards to the whole “Flash vanishes in a Crisis” thing, given that we have to wait another few weeks to see the culmination of this event. It’s wild to me that, while we had time to cut to the old ‘90s Flash series, we didn’t get a timey-wimey cut to the newspaper article that literally started this whole crossover idea off all those years ago, and see it change so it was the Flash of Earth-90. That would’ve been cute.

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Welcome to the new Flash Media thread!

After some discussion we decided that The Flash forum doesn't need a spoiler friendly media thread. So here are the new rules:

Media includes regular news and social media. If any media posted in this thread includes a reference to a spoiler it MUST be tagged accordingly. Any discussion of spoilery parts of media posts must be in the Spoilers and Spoiler Discussion thread.

Flash comics should be treated as potential spoilers for the show and tagged accordingly.

Casting announcements are generally not spoilers unless those involved with the show are being secretive about who the incoming actor(s) will be playing.

Reviews and reactions to the episodes after they air should be posted here. Any that can be found before an episode airs should be in the Spoiler thread.


'Greg Berlanti and 200 Staffers Help Homeless With Survival Kits'


On Dec. 7, more than 200 staffers from Berlanti Productions — the prolific TV production company behind such shows as Arrow, The Flash, Riverdale, You, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and Batwoman — turned out on a Saturday to volunteer and help pack survival kits for The Giving Spirit, a nonprofit which aids people experiencing homelessness.

Showrunners Eric Wallace (The Flash), Phil Klemmer (Legends of Tomorrow) and Caroline Dries (Batwoman), Berlanti Productions president Sarah Schechter and castmembers from Berlanti's CW show All American were among those who helped pack kits for people on the street. First on the assembly line was Greg Berlanti, who said to the assembled, "We’re grateful for you to take your Saturday morning to come in and be introduced to and to help The Giving Spirit. Unfortunately, the homeless crisis in our city has only gotten worse in the last year and there are human beings suffering every day. I know it can feel incredibly overwhelming in terms of well, ‘What can we do?’ Just by being here today can seem like a small thing, but there's no small act when it comes to helping someone's life."

Candice Patton interview and photo shoot at Haute Living:


Your casting as Iris West was groundbreaking as you are an African American actress playing a white character in the comics. Do you think this has paved the way for other actors in Hollywood?

I don’t know. I definitely have seen a seismic shift especially in the super hero genre in terms of women of color being cast as leading females since my casting in 2014. It’s an amazing shift and if my casting had any impact on that I’m grateful to have been given the opportunity.

You’re currently shooting the six season of “The Flash.” What is next for Iris West?

Reporter Iris West is finally being developed this season. She is getting a team behind her at The Citizen, the newspaper she created, and diving deep into some conspires[sic] in Central City.


Edited by Trini
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Interview with Danielle Nicolet: https://wehaveahulk.co.uk/interview-danielle-nicolet-on-crisis-on-infinite-earths-and-the-flash-season-six/


Who on Team Flash do you look forward to sharing scenes with most?

Oh gosh, truly, that’s an incredibly hard question to answer because I love everyone so much for different reasons. If I absolutely had to pick, I’d have to pick a pair as I couldn’t narrow it down to one person. Actually, I’m not gonna pick, I’m just gonna say that I have all the fun in the world working with Tom and Carlos because all of the comedy, I also have all the fun in the world working with Candice because I think she’s such a terrific dramatic actress and I really know when I work with her, it’s gonna be compelling. And I love working with Grant because he is silly and ridiculous and my little brother who I have horrible inappropriate jokes with all the time. Jesse is my TV husband, and the relationship we have on TV is the relationship we have in real life, so I always feel so safe and comfortable and happy when I’m around him. And Danielle is my running partner and hanging buddy, so when I’m working with her it’s honestly like going to work and kicking it with your girlfriend. And Hartley is just so silly, and I just have so much fun with him. I wish I could say there’s somebody that I work with that wasn’t fun or didn’t make me feel like I was a better person in some way being around them but I’m very fortunate in that respect, definitely.



So in the most recent episode, The Last Temptation of Barry Allen part two, you have this amazing adventure scene where you had to kind of escape Bloodwork’s zombies. What was it like to film that scene?

It was a hard and incredibly fun at the same time. I don’t know if you noticed, but that entire scene, from the moment Camilla and Cecile leaves to Cecile’s office, all the way to the very end of escaping the zombies, we did that in one continuous take. That scene alone took one entire day, we practiced it for four and a half-hours, and then we shot it for another five hours – I was very, very sore and bruised the next day. Not only did we have to play the emotion of it and the sort of scary movie elements, we had to factor in everyone’s shadows. We had our amazing cameraman, Chris, shooting that on steadycam the whole time, along with someone behind him arranging and pulling the cords ’cause the camera’s plugged in, and we had our entire stunt crew that were playing zombies that were trained to attack us, each one of them with their shadows on the wall were completely choreographed, and had to be rehearsed endlessly in order for it to happen on time. And by the end of five hours I think we’ve got maybe five takes that went off without a hitch. And I’m surprised we got that many to be honest with you, because it is not easy. I think that scene clocked in it at like only three and a half minutes!

It was a super experience and on top of it, the director of the episode, Michael Nankin, my understanding is he only decided to shoot that as a one continuous take that morning. He is a force to be reckoned with! It was one of the cooler experiences of my career as an actor as I had never done anything like that before, definitely.



So what can we see for Cecile in the second half of this season of The Flash, as she’s evolved so much throughout the show?

She has yeah, and I’m really pleased about it. For the back half of the season, we’ll be seeing her finally finding her groove in her new job, and she’s finding a real sense of satisfaction in what she’s chosen to do in being a meta-defense attorney. And also I think what will be seeing from her, and not just at the end of this season but also going forward on the show, is Cecil working as a meta-defense attorney is a real opportunity for her to kind of be the introductory pathway for the bad guys, if you will, that we always have on the show. So there has to be a route for them to be introduced and I really like that she’s becoming that route – good guys and bad guys. And I like that via Cecile’s new job that we’re learning that sometimes the bad guy isn’t always all bad and sometimes a good guy is not what they seem, and I think we’re going to see more and more of that as we progress through the season. I wish I could tell you with what big challenge we’re going to be coming up against after Crises but I can’t, but it’s really, really good. I think the fans are going to be very pleased to see what we as a team, the challenge that we face as we round our way to the end of the season. You know we’re overdue at this point in the season for our big bad challenge that’s going to come after crisis.


Interview with Victoria Park (Kamilla) mostly about the show and her character: http://starrymag.com/victoria-park-the-flash/


Q) What was the atmosphere like stepping into an already well-established show like “The Flash?”

A) Yeah, it was really intimidating before coming onto set knowing that it’d been going for five seasons and it’s so well-established. It’s kind of like you’re walking in and it’s like the first day of school. [laughs] So, I was a little nervous. But, luckily, everyone was just so welcoming and amazing. The whole crew was really nice and everyone learned my name and kind of told me who they were and they were super welcoming. Then, Carlos [Valdes] (who I did my first scene with)…Carlos and Hartley [Sawyer]…Carlos really looked out for me and was like, “Is everyone being nice to you and is everyone being welcoming? We want to make sure you feel comfortable.” So, I had an amazing first day on set. It was really great and everyone’s been welcoming since then.


Q) Most of your scenes are with either Cisco or Iris. How has that been working with Carlos Valdes and Candice Patton?

A) It’s been so great. I think we’ve definitely gotten to know each other more as we’ve been working together more, which has been really fun. Working with Carlos…I mean, both of them are so talented and I really feel like I learn a lot from them and they’re really giving as scene partners. And then working with Candice more this season, (because I didn’t get to work with her that much last season) has been great just to be able to get to know her better as a person, but also to get to discover more about Kamilla and Iris – their relationship on the show. So, I only have good things to say about both of them. They’ve been really great to work with.


Q) We know that there will be a second big bad this season, is there anything you can tell us about how Kamilla and The Citizen will be involved in that plot?

A) I was instructed to not say anything about our second big bad, but I guess I can tell you that Team Citizen is around working on stuff. So, I guess we are involved in some way, but I can’t really say how much or who the next big bad is. But it’s something different. I feel like it’s something different than The Flash has ever done before. So, that’s really exciting too.


Interview with Victoria Park (Kamilla): http://pop-culturalist.com/exclusive-interview-pop-culturalist-chats-with-the-flashs-victoria-park/


P-C: Speaking of The Flash, you joined the cast in Season 5. Were there any nerves heading into that project, given how successful the show’s been and how dedicated the fan base is?

Victoria: Definitely. [laughs] I was pretty excited for sure, knowing that The Flash is a huge show with a huge fanbase. But I was definitely nervous. Coming into a project that’s been going for so long, you feel like the new kid in school. You don’t know how people will treat you or if you’ll be able to make friends. You know, those new kid feelings. Luckily, my first day on set was amazing. Everyone was so welcoming. They wanted to make sure I was comfortable, knew where everything was, who everyone was. I had the best first day on set. My nerves were quickly pushed aside. That’s only continued as I’ve continued on the show. I’ve been with the show for a year now. Every time I go back to work, I feel at home again. The fans have been great as well. You know, with social media, sometimes people can be mean. They’ve been so positive.

P-C: Which of your character’s relationships has been your favorite to explore and why? Has it changed from seasons?

Victoria: That’s a good question. I’ve really enjoyed my relationship with Iris. My character freelanced for Iris. I didn’t know what that was going to turn into. But the fact that Iris gets Kamilla a full-time job, and they’re now working together. We get to see their relationship both professionally and personally. It’s been really fun to explore. It’s really fun to work with Candice and see our friendship outside of filming grow. I’m excited to see that continue.

P-C: Is there anything you can tease about your character’s arc this season?

Victoria: Not much, obviously. I will say that there is a lot more Team Citizen that happens in the second half of the season. The first half of the season is really focused on Crisis. The second half is very different. It’s really exciting. My favorite episode that I shot is coming up, and I’m excited for everyone to see it.


'Crisis on Infinite Earths' Burning Qs Answered!


The CW’s five-part “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover event, which concluded Jan. 14, left us with lots of questions — here, from Arrowverse overlord Marc Guggenheim, are several answers....

Flash-related questions:



“I guess what it really comes down to is not being beholden to a headline from six years ago that was not written by any of the showrunners involved in the crossover,” says Arrowverse EP Marc Guggenheim. “A lot of things drive our stories, and a lot of things determine what choices we make….. To me, tracking toward a headline written six years ago is literally the definition of ‘the cart driving the horse.’

“We’ve had Reverse-Flash so prominent in the Arrowverse over the years, including in last year’s crossover and the crossover before that…. I love the character and I love Tom [Cavanagh] as a person, and I certainly love Matt Letscher’s version, but you have to make choices.”



“Maybe one day we will tell that story,” Guggenheim hedges, “but again, all of those actors need to be paid, and they need to be paid a crossover rate that is above and beyond their episodic rate. That forces us to make hard financial choices that unfortunately occasionally drive the creative choices.”


I already knew he didn't care about The Flash or its characters, but it's nice to have some direct quotes. I just wish he wasn't involved in projects that include said show and characters.

  • Love 3
On 1/16/2020 at 8:16 AM, Trini said:

'Crisis on Infinite Earths' Burning Qs Answered!

Flash-related questions:


I already knew he didn't care about The Flash or its characters, but it's nice to have some direct quotes. I just wish he wasn't involved in projects that include said show and characters.

I don't think he cares that much at all about Flash characters but he (and Klemmer) did well by Matt Letscher and started to do ok by Wally over on LOT. He's not the only one making decisions about the crossovers even if he was showrunning it. If Berlanti who was with Kreisberg in coming up with that newspaper article, not to mention their bosses at the CW and WB who's job it is to officially care about The Flash didn't insist the newspaper version of Crisis was used in the planning for COIE then they must have agreed. Especially since LMG has been all over the Arrowverse in a 5 show deal since Elseworlds.

It's hard to know what they actually did care about in COIE beyond Lex and cameos but its not like Oliver had a great going out story. Sara and Barry were the heart of part 5 which is a pairing that's never been used before and I enjoyed. 

If they weren't going to use Reverse Flash properly and (at this point yeah right) finish him off for good then I'm glad they didn't shoe horn a fight in place of Beebo or anything. 

'How The Flash, Supergirl & the Arrowverse Were Forever Changed by Crisis on Infinite Earths'


Wallace says he looks at season six as a "transition" because of the new things they tried, but "the real changes begin with episode 6x10, with graphic novel number two, and they just start right out of the gate."


"The fact that everything they knew isn't necessarily correct anymore is going to affect Team Flash very personally—very, very personally—immediately in graphic novel number two."


"That's why literally, from episode 610 onward, that's front and center, that's the plot of 610. Whoa, what world are we in? I don't recognize it anymore. And Barry Allen is like, well I'm the Flash. I used to have kind of a handle on things. Maybe I don't have a handle on things anymore. And how's that gonna affect him? Because he thought he had this hero thing pretty much down, so Crisis came in and shook everything up."

Wallace says it's "almost a brand new world" for Barry.

"No spoilers, but I will say the fallout from Crisis is something that not only the audience isn't going to see coming, but Barry Allen is never going to see coming. And that's the story of the second half of The Flash. That is Barry Allen's journey in the second half of the fallout of Crisis and it's big, and it's epic, and everything will change. And I mean, everything changes by the end of graphic novel number two. It's a different show, in the best way."


Mehh -- Judging by what things Wallace was enthusiastic about before the season started and then how things actually played out, I'm guessing this is actually not going to be a good arc for Barry.

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I don't think I can talk in-depth about the crossover in here so I am just going to say that I am glad that Reverse Flash didn't show up as I believe his confrontation with Barry shouldn't have been randomly inserted in an episode of another show.

I wasn't wowed by the Barry and Sara dynamic as much as others were. There was no balance in their scenes and while I accepted it because it was a Legends episode they didn't make me eager to see more of them together.

No main character was done justice in the crossover and Barry's arc was especially bad. With that being said, I believe he was treated the best in the Flash episode and so was Iris. Even when the Flash writers don't care they still care more than the other writing teams and I may be in the minority but I don't think Wally did good on Legends. I was excited that he was going to embark on a new adventure but after watching a couple episodes I wanted him to come back to Flash. Though I believe the writing for him got better towards the end.

Wallace said a whole lot of nothing in his interview. Caution and low expectations. As usual.


  • Love 3
7 hours ago, Trini said:

'How The Flash, Supergirl & the Arrowverse Were Forever Changed by Crisis on Infinite Earths'


Mehh -- Judging by what things Wallace was enthusiastic about before the season started and then how things actually played out, I'm guessing this is actually not going to be a good arc for Barry.

Agree. 6A makes me not even want to read his interviews. He is really good when it comes to interviews. He is a good salesman, but he doesn't deliver the actually good. This really disappoints me because I want to support him but I refuse to support bad writing.  

  • Love 3
On 1/16/2020 at 12:16 AM, Trini said:

'Crisis on Infinite Earths' Burning Qs Answered!

Flash-related questions:


I already knew he didn't care about The Flash or its characters, but it's nice to have some direct quotes. I just wish he wasn't involved in projects that include said show and characters.

What's interesting is who Gugg always wants to pay to appear in these. The new Lois from a show that's not yet on air, but not the female lead of the Flash for six seasons. Always Caitlin Snow, but not Barry Allen's actual wife. Hmm... 

3 hours ago, Starry said:

Even when the Flash writers don't care they still care more than the other writing teams and I may be in the minority but I don't think Wally did good on Legends.

They absolutely trashed Wally on Legends, making him doubt his self-worth and making him ashamed of his mother. I couldn't watch anymore to see if it got better. 

Interview with Eric Wallace at TVLine: 'Season 6 Winter Premiere Preview: Barry, Iris Post-Crisis'


TVLINE | If Season 6A was about building up to Crisis, what is 6B?

Season 6B is fallout from Crisis, because everything starts with this new world that Crisis has launched. We’re on a whole new Earth now, so what does this mean? It’s a brand-new game, and there are new challenges and Team Flash has no idea what they are. They’re going to catch them by surprise.

TVLINE | How soon into the new episodes will we start to see what’s different and changed within The Flash‘s world?

Immediately, in the first one back. They discuss it right up top — “Wait, how do we deal with this new world?” And there’s a big surprise, which I’m not going to spoil. It will change one member of Team Flash’s life basically forever. We’re not messing around.


Yeah, he said "We’re not messing around" about Barry's supposed march to death - which was never going to happen - last year too. There's only so much of his words I can take seriously. He kind of sucks at teases.

Edited by Trini

More quotes from Wallace at TV Guide;


"One of the things that we wanted to do this season was really show Team Citizen in their own right as being equally as important as Team Flash," Wallace revealed. "We wanted to give [them] a real investigation, which you're going to see coming up this season. As they kind of investigate Maelstrom, what they will discover is, I think, a whole larger world of thrills and almost a — I'll use the word a conspiracy. I think that's the best way to phrase it. In the writing of the upcoming season, we were watching for our influences a lot of '70s paranoid thrillers. I think that's going to really kind of inform the exploration into what Maelstrom really is and who are the individuals behind it because those people are rather dangerous."


And Entertainment Weekly:


“One would think the true fallout of ‘Crisis’ is the death of Oliver Queen and not having your mentor — you know, Obi-Wan is gone, Luke must rise up, become a hero — and that happens, don’t get me wrong, but that’s not the real fallout of ‘Crisis,’” says Wallace. “The real fallout of ‘Crisis’ has yet to be seen. That is the heart of our story, and that is the heart of what is going to lead Barry on a very emotional journey that he is not prepared for. That’s one of the things having Keiynan back as Kid Flash does for us: [It] directly addresses — because Keiynan will be in one of our episodes in ‘Graphic Novel #2’ — [and] is to help Barry deal with the real fallout of ‘Crisis.’”


He says things that sound really promising, but I just can't believe him.

Eric Wallace interview at TV Insider:


We said, "Well Grant is so busy on Crisis, what kind of a story do we need to tell?" And one of the things we wanted to do in 610 was that we wanted to tell Team Citizen-centric story right out of the gate to tell our audience, "Hey, remember in 607, that great shot where we pushed in on Kamilla (Victoria Park), Iris and Allegra (Kayla Compton)?" We visually stated who Team Citizen was right there and we needed to follow that up and let folks know that this is the real deal. Team Citizen now is as important as Team Flash, which by the way, is one of the themes that run through a lot of the early episodes in this Graphic Novel No. 2.


And now you're doing this Graphic Novel approach to your season, you had the Bloodwork storyline in No. 1. Do you have a name for this new season's graphic novel idea? 

I do and I cannot tell you it, as it is too spoilery. [Laughs] I can now reveal that the title of Graphic Novel No. 1 in the front half was "Blood and Truth." That was the name of it. I always have to know thematically where we're driving to and as we saw in the first eight episodes, the "Blood" refers directly to Bloodwork, and the "Truth" is that Barry and Ramsey (Sendhil Ramamurthy) are going through the same thing, they're both facing death.

Eventually there will come a point in this season where I think I'll be able to reveal what the title is of Graphic Novel No. 2 and then it will be very obvious what that means. And as we're now starting to think about future seasons, each Graphic Novel will have its own title. It just won't be released immediately because of spoilers.

So the plan is to stick with this format for ongoing seasons?

Correct. This is the new format.


More Wallace quotes at E!Online:



"Now that they're not in crisis mode, things can settle down a little bit, and they can have a life once again," Wallace told us. "And I think going through near death experiences, which is what Barry and Iris and all the gang did, gives you a new zest for life, a new appreciation for life, so it allows some of the fun to kind of come back because you know, the first half...there's some heavy, heavy moments going on there. And I like crying, and we love to make people cry, and not that there won't be crying in the second half, but not as much." 

Wallace says there are "different stakes afoot" now that the crisis is over. 

"It's dealing with a new world and saying, what is this new world I'm in, let me explore it, and what surprises await me?" he says. "Some of the surprises are good. Some are very fun, and then some of them are so shocking it's unbelievable. We get a big shock at the end of our very first episode back, and I'm very curious to see what the audience is going to think." 


Ask Ausiello; putting it here since it doesn't actually spoil anything and gives some info on Danielle P.:


Question: How is Danielle Panabaker’s pregnancy going to affect her work on The Flash? —Luis

Ausiello: Series boss Eric Wallace confirms that, as Panabaker (who’s due in May) indicated in a fall interview, The Flash will ignore the actress’ pregnancy while keeping both Frost and Caitlin in the Season 6B mix. “You might notice her, let’s face it, standing behind a cabinet now and then,” Wallace says with a laugh. “But I always say that it’s like Scully in The X-Files Season 2. I was a viewer at the time and I didn’t even know [Gillian Anderson was pregnant]! I just went with the story, and I’m hoping it’s the same for our Flash audience.”


On 1/16/2020 at 3:16 AM, Trini said:

'Crisis on Infinite Earths' Burning Qs Answered!

Flash-related questions:


I already knew he didn't care about The Flash or its characters, but it's nice to have some direct quotes. I just wish he wasn't involved in projects that include said show and characters.

What's nuts is he was fine with paying DP and her character was so unnecessary at that point.  He's a jerk and his storytelling skills suck.  Crisis was a huge letdown this year and Flash fans got majorly screwed.  If he didn't want the "cart leading the horse" then they shouldn't have made crisis Barry Allen's LITERAL ORIGIN story.  That is how Flash was created - that was the whole damn point of S1!  All of that just gone because MG wanted to give Crisis to Oliver's exit.  That was the WRONG decision.  That's why the story was so weak and no one was satisfied.  They could've written a better exit for Oliver that didn't involve stealing (yet more) canon from another character.

I'm still mad.

  • Love 3
On 2/6/2020 at 5:32 PM, Trini said:

Ask Ausiello; putting it here since it doesn't actually spoil anything and gives some info on Danielle P.:


I thought people knew this already when it was first announced. Anyway, so far they suck at hiding her pregnancy. As people have pointed, her belly was very noticeable in 6x10

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