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Hank allegedly cheated on Kendra with a transsexual model 2 months before their latest baby was born.


Kendra Wilkinson Threw Wedding Ring in Toilet When She Discovered Hank Baskett's Affair With Transgender Model


Former Playboy model Wilkinson, 29, first laughed off reports of Baskett's April tryst with London, 25. But when NFL pro Baskett, 31, didn't rush to clear his name in the press, his wife grew suspicious and "started snooping," a source explains to Us. Once Wilkinson discovered an unexplained—and damning—charge on his credit card, she "flipped out," the source says. In a rage, she punched walls in their Calabasas, Calif. home, threw their 2009 wedding photos into the pool, and even pulled off her wedding ring, flushing it down the toilet, the source says.



There have also been moving trucks spotted at the house.

CDAN revealed a blind yesterday that Kendra is going the "True Tori" route and putting their marriage troubles on camera...

It's been confirmed. LOL how pathetic. Just like with Tori and Dean and their grossness and fame whoring the family dirt...I feel sorry for Kendra's kids who will someday see all if this and teased at school in a few years.

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It's been confirmed. LOL how pathetic. Just like with Tori and Dean and their grossness and fame whoring the family dirt...I feel sorry for Kendra's kids who will someday see all if this and teased at school in a few years.


Wow.  How 100% SAD!  Train wreck.  I was joking above.  Wow.  This is all down and dirty lowest of lowest. 


Although, I get to see the huge pig Kendra is with her house a mess.  Makes me not stress at the light bulb not working in my entry way.


Also, confirms my judgment to not let lil miss Lablover15 not to twerk or date and live with any dude with false teeth who loves baby oil and has pooped smelling old carpeting with 7 other ho's.

Edited by Lablover27
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It's sad and a shame that people can't let things be. I don't see a thing wrong that the woman did, but try and grow from what she was in the past. Everyone lives a different life, so instead of judging off the fact that she decided to air something on TV, wait to actually see what she does air. I personally have a certain level of respect for anyone willing to be honest about what's really happening, instead of covering things up with a blanket of lies. As far as her kids are concerned, it's out in the the public what their father did regardless if they chose to air it or not. But, them choosing to do so very well lets them take control of what we view instead of believing what nonsense the press comes up with. I hope the best for her and her kids.  

  • Love 2

Let's just say I was really, really bored last night...


Question: Did Kendra even bother talking with Hank to find out the truth before allegedly flushing her wedding rings down the toilet, flinging the wedding album into the pool, or any of the other ridiculous and attention-getting things she did? Next question: If a drone was taking photos of her in her yard, THAT'S ILLEGAL and law enforcement would want to know. Why wouldn't she call the cops before she called her agent, who's evidently over it?


I'm wondering if anyone besides me remembers this: Didn't Kendra struggle with postpartum depression after she had the first baby? Why in God's name would ANYONE leave a woman that's previously had PPD alone in a house with an infant for an undisclosed amount of time?


Why do I worry about what's happening in that house? It's not like it's real.

Edited by Missy Vixen
  • Love 2

Let's just say I was really, really bored last night...


Question: Did Kendra even bother talking with Hank to find out the truth before allegedly flushing her wedding rings down the toilet, flinging the wedding album into the pool, or any of the other ridiculous and attention-getting things she did? Next question: If a drone was taking photos of her in her yard, THAT'S ILLEGAL and law enforcement would want to know. Why wouldn't she call the cops before she called her agent, who's evidently over it?


I'm wondering if anyone besides me remembers this: Didn't Kendra struggle with postpartum depression after she had the first baby? Why in God's name would ANYONE leave a woman that's previously had PPD alone in a house with an infant for an undisclosed amount of time?


Why do I worry about what's happening in that house? It's not like it's real.


Good points on all of this! It all seemed pretty damn fake in the episode. Especially the parts at the end when she was talking to Hank on the phone. There's always a chance that all of this really happened and she just re-enacted scenes later for the show (she's admitted to doing this in her book), but it's all a little fishy.

I just loved the half-Mesnick (TM The Bachelor) as she draped herself over the mantel in the family room to sob uncontrollably. With no tears. Maybe I just do not understand, but what kind of idiot flushes half a million dollars (or whatever they paid for her rings) down the toilet? Imagine the plumbing bills.


Seriously: Who's taking care of the baby while her mother is chewing the furniture in front of a camera? I kept expecting text flashing "Oscar reel" during her scenes last night.

Yea the fake crying and hysterics were over the top but I do believe that Hank was cheating with a trans person. Why in hell would any self respecting man allow himself to be humiliated like that if it wasn't true? I know Hank has nothing going on financially and he really seems to be a lost soul since his football career took a dive but really do they need the money that badly? 

  • Love 2

Have any of you listened to the audio tape of Hank allegedly talking to the transsexual model on the phone? They discuss keeping their visits secret.  Unless it's a Hank impersonator who has his voice down pat, it confirms this is not a fake story.  I'm none to happy.  Hank may have made a mistake, but this is going to haunt him for awhile. I like the guy.    

  • Love 1

Heard that on E!News....sure sounded like him.  Also saw the episode when he came back with Lil' H.  Big H is sitting on the couch, covering his face...not trying to comfort Kendra at all.  He looks so guilty.  He says something to the effect of I want to make things better. I want to make this go away.  In a Brave Little Boy voice.  Really?  How about DENYING it and telling her they are going to SUE that woman for slander?  Nope.  From his actions, it appears he is guilty.  No one would put their Good Reputation on the line like that for a reality show. They both need therapy STAT...and to get far far away from her attorney-- whose first words were "You need to think about a divorce."  Really?  All I could think was that he was drumming up business for himself, not worrying about how Kendra needs some emotional HELP right now to help her process this and how she and Big H can repair their relationship for the future.  Sheesh.  Some of the scenes were probably re-created, but the gist is there...and it is very sad.

Edited by Eme

Hmmm...just done watching Iyanla's show. She said the cyclical karma of the previous generation happens on the next generation. I wonder if this is true. I'm still confused if she kicked Hank out or if he just left. It's bizarre that he would just walk out like that....no explanations, just chuck the deuces? There is something they aren't telling us.

Why won't she even hear him out? And Hank bawling on the phone every time...don't think I've ever seen him cry on this entire show, except maybe at their wedding. Jessica acting as the mouthpiece...what is this high school? Methinks communication is one of their core relationship issues. Kendra wants to be mad, doesn't know his version, and is not even listening to anything he has to say.

Momma drama--- the mom is probably on some level super glad to feel 'needed' again. Her mom seems off to me. Why would she wait until Kendra called her? This is 2 weeks since the cheating scandal, and her mom never reached out to offer her support? And Kendra goes from one crutch enabler to another. Way to grow up there Sally.

Ummm, notice how the house is getting messier and messier the longer Hank the manservant is gone? Also. Kendra is probably ecstatic that the nanny is back. Now she can go back about her 'business'.

  • Love 2

When did Kendra get a personal assistant? And why is she venting in the limo to the assistant Whitney and the driver? Whitney was super nosy IMHO. She just kept asking and asking questions. Roll up the partition please. All this will end up in the tabloids. Stop Kendra! Don't be a moron! Shut up! Is she on Xanax or something?

How did the paps know where she was going? Did someone call to 'tip' them off? They were posted up right at that office building. Hmmm, something fishy.

The meeting with her people....that was interesting. Why was Brian the whistleblower not in the meeting? I thought he was her agent? She's not going to divorce Hank though...no way. ---nice try lawyer.

And the rings down the toilet again...that was impulsive. Hank can't afford to buy her another set that nice,...so now what? Nice reunion with her kid.

Hank does look broken. Broken Hank is kinda sexy. Unshaven, tears in his eyes...awwwww. 'Hank we need to talk'..... No sh!t Sherlock. Cheating does not have the same definition for everyone. Poor dude. I kinda believe him. Cheaters have the same lines. Seems very familiar.

Yes Spiderella2, I am a Kendra fan. I have all the seasons of Girls Next Door on DVD and both of Kendra's books, and I've watched every episode of her spinoff shows. I guess the only problem that I have with what you wrote is that women play the supporting role in relationships all the time. It's common for a male breadwinner to have a partner who stays at home and takes care of the children and household. Even though most of Kendra's "work" entails partying and public appearances, she is a TV personality, and it's an honest way to make a living. And it's not like Hank is doing it all alone - they have a nanny, a personal assistant, and I'm assuming a house keeper. I guess I just don't understand why men get so much sympathy when they fulfill a role that women have done for centuries.


Do I think that Kendra is short-sighted, immature, and self-absorbed? Absolutely. I believe her mother when she says the fame has gone to Kendra's head. I don't think she appreciates Hank or views him as being valuable in the relationship. But I also don't think it's her fault that Hank's career has been floundering ever since he left the NFL.

  • Love 6

Reunion with Little Hank was extremely telling.  She was all over him, with a bunch of  "I've missed you SOOOO much" etc.... Yet, Little Hank really didn't seem to be into her at all.  Wasn't bothered by being away from her for several days?  Seems so odd.  And did she not talk to him on the phone while he was away?  No way I wouldn't have been in constant contact with my little one at that age - especially with all the drama going on. 

  • Love 1

Reunion with Little Hank was extremely telling.  She was all over him, with a bunch of  "I've missed you SOOOO much" etc.... Yet, Little Hank really didn't seem to be into her at all.  Wasn't bothered by being away from her for several days?  Seems so odd.  And did she not talk to him on the phone while he was away?  No way I wouldn't have been in constant contact with my little one at that age - especially with all the drama going on. 


I didn't even think about that because I was in such anticipation of the Kendra/Hank interaction. But you're right! Little Hank couldn't have been less interested in his mother. Could it be possible this was a re-enactment of their reunion? I'm a little suspicious of the New Mexico story anyway..maybe they were staying in a hotel nearby or in the basement or something. Hank's tears certainly seemed real though. This is the first time I've actually seen him deny the rumors since he never made any statements to the press.

Her mom seems off to me. Why would she wait until Kendra called her?


The mom was SO cold. I know that if I called my mom after a long period of not speaking, with my voice quivering, and she knew something devastating had happened to me, all would be forgotten and she would simply be happy to hear from me. Also, what's with her not being supportive of Kendra's marriage? Did she honestly expect Kendra to stay at the mansion well into her 30s? She seems more jealous of Kendra than anything.

  • Love 2

Spiderella2- I think you make some good points.


One of the root issues that I've always seen in this relationship (Kendra/Hank) is that Kendra has never really changed IMO. She has always been a self-absorbed party girl. Hank's error was to think that he could put a ring on it and this would magically change her into a good wife and mother.


No surprise to me that it didn't.

  • Love 4

I watched all the episodes. Kendra was very happy when she was pregnant with Hank, jr and Hank still had his football career. She was NOT banking on him losing his career, and having to be the primary bread winner.She wanted to be married to an NFL player, have the kids, money, and not have to work. Once that ended, you could  clearly see their relationship going down the tubes. It was uncomfortable to watch how she treated him last season. She was a bitch. She had no respect for him at all.  Does it give him an excuse for doing what he did? Not in my opinion. He should have told her, hey, stop treating me like shit, start helping me take care or OUR kid, I'm not your door mat and if this continues we are going to wind up in divorce court so let's try to fix this now before it's too late. Maybe he did tell her that off camera, but somehow I doubt it.  

  • Love 2

I just stumbled upon the last couple of episodes, and I'm going to watch it for a while.  I watched a bit of The Girls Next Door, and Kendra was not a favorite.  But I watched her initial spinoff, and I liked her with Hank.  I watched when Little Hank was born, then haven't really seen much the last two years.  Kendra has grown on me.  I wouldn't want to live my life on TV like this, but she seems to like it.


I will never defend a cheater, and it certainly looks like Hank cheated.  I saw an interview with Kendra, which is months after the current episodes, and she's definitely backing away from divorce talk.  I know he's been a little lost since his career tanked, and I do feel for him in that aspect.  Before her second pregnancy, Kendra was on an episode of Wife Swap.  Kendra was really living the good life at that time.  I believe they had a nanny, but Hank had primary care of Little Hank.  Kendra was a bit spoiled, spending a lot of time out with her girlfriends.  She still hadn't really established a way of disciplining Little Hank or helping him to learn to do things.  It looks like she's a lot more involved with the kids.


I really question Kendra's mom's motives.  I've never trusted her since she behaved so horribly when Kendra became pregnant - after she was engaged, but before the wedding.  I thought her mom's reaction was just bizarre.  I remember thinking - but you didn't have a problem with your teenager moving into the Playboy mansion?  Does she know what goes on there?  I've read descriptions - Hefner takes a Viagra and lays there, and the girls jump on and jump off (either no condom, or no change of condom) like an assembly line.  This is fine with her mom, but a pregnant engaged woman is a whore to be shunned.  Kendra said her mom never liked Hank.  Hank seemed like a good guy, had good parents, and treated Kendra well.  What was there not to like?  In a TH, Kendra stated she thinks her mom wants Kendra to be a single mom, and move next door to her, just like she did when Kendra's dad left her.  I'm not really familiar with why Kendra and her mom went a year without speaking, but the moment her mom visited, she was already sabotaging the relationship (in my opinion).

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