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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. Either the sweats aren’t flattering or she is heavier than usual… or perhaps it’s both.
  2. I like her too. Her outfit at the party was so cute! You have to be really fit to pull that off. She wore it well. I like that she did something different instead of a maxi dress. Taylor is either clueless about Shep or just looking for a storyline. For her sake, I hope it’s the latter. Is it me or does Shep seem to have aged at an accelerated pace? Speaking of age, I’m showing mine here: I use punctuation in my texts. And I never use abbreviations like “UR” or “U.” Yes, I’m old and classically trained. English was my favorite subject in school. : ) I enjoyed that exchange between Austen and Craig though. Katherine’s party outfit was not flattering. She was falling out of it. I wish she would try a more refined look like some of the other women, but I guess that isn’t her style. I saw a picture recently of someone (Jayne Mansfield) she appears to be channeling. Note the epic side-eye Sophia Loren is giving Jayne! Ha!
  3. More tea on Kyle from someone who was a friend of one season.
  4. Me too. I wish they would have talked to Stephanie Seymour too. She was a big model for them for a long time. I remember working at an engineering company long ago. I was the receptionist and sorted the mail. Some of the female employees got the VS catalog, and it seemed like it often ended up in a male employee’s office. They joked about it. This was when they were really sexy and posing in bras and panties. The Pink footage was very disturbing. I didn’t realize it targeted such young girls. The ads really sexualized them. It was sickening. I know the photos in the catalogs and on the website were touched up, but those women on the runway actually looked like that! Sigh. I’m many years past my prime but even in my best days in my early 20s, I never looked anything close to a VS model.
  5. Her parents were condescending and rude. Sergio does seem immature, especially around Caroline. And she treats him horribly. The snotty way she was talking to him while getting her makeup done was so unnecessary! I really don’t know what he sees in her. All I was thinking during the party was how HOT they must have all been in the 100+ degree heat. No thanks! I prefer an indoor venue with A/C. Yes, I know it’s a dry heat but that’s still too hot for me to be outside for long. Does she go by Chanel or Ayan? They’re calling her both so I’m confused. Manufactured drama. First, it was an engagement party, not a wedding. Second, all the women were wearing white. Third, Ayan wasn’t wearing a veil! These women are gorgeous! I love how they’re fully decked out in their THs. Sarah should’ve kept her mouth shut. She wasn’t asked for her advice.
  6. Yes and IIRC, Lisa called her Mom in the earlier seasons. She only became Lois the character later, because Lisa saw an opportunity to use her mother on the show. This is my jaded opinion from the biased position of not being able to stand Lisa.
  7. Yes. Julianna Phillips starred in the show Sisters. She was also Bruce Springsteen’s first wife. She was fairly popular in TV for awhile and then just disappeared. If it’s true that Harry abused her then I can understand why Lisa got so upset. She doesn’t want that story aired.
  8. I thought they were saying it was another sex trafficking ring separate from Epstein. And Diana is kind of like Ghislaine Maxwell light, which is why she had that Room 23 book or whatever it was called. I don’t like Diana and won’t watch the show if she returns. What I didn’t understand about the Lisa Rinna theory is why she would get so upset about Julianne Moore and Harry this many years later. I mean, if it’s true Lisa started up with Harry when he was with Julianne, what is the big deal? Why is that such a scandal that Lisa becomes enraged and lunges for Kim? I don’t get it. I didn’t watch Sharell’s whole update so maybe I missed something.
  9. In this update Sharrell reveals secret that got Lisa so update with Kim Richard’s during infamous “Let’s talk about your husband” scene. Also posting in media thread.
  10. I hated the strip show. I don't want to see women or men strip. It's sexist either way. Enough! Yep. I think it's mostly the height difference. Gabby towers over Rachel. When she was on the Bachelor, I didn't notice Rachel as being short but she looks short compared to Gabby. She's not overweight at all. She's just compact. JMO but these aren't the most attractive Bachelorettes I've seen. They are both pretty but I've seen previous contestants I thought were more striking. I wish Gabby would've left her lips alone. Rachel looks more naturally attractive to me. So far I don't think it's working with two of them. The only way they're going to get any mileage out of this twist is to have both of them fall for the same guy, thus ruining their "best friend" status and causing a bunch of drama. I can see the producers going for that. I'd like to hear Gabby when she's yelling at someone. Maybe then we'd hear her real voice. The breathy phone sex bit is driving me nuts. She sounds like my husband's car's navigation voice, which is absurdly throaty and provocative. When she tells him to turn it sounds like she's propositioning him! I wonder what Jordan did that turned Rachel off. She was kissing him earlier. I haven't seen that happen before. Usually when they make out with the person, they keep them. It's more often the ones they don't kiss that they get rid of.
  11. I wonder what Taylor’s husband thought about it. Also wonder what Denise thought about Tamra’s revelation. I was surprised to hear it. Dorinda was so drunk in the car with Brandi that Brandi sounded half sober in comparison. I laughed at Jill being upset no one wanted to have sex with her. Brandi, leave Vicki alone. She’s not into you. And pull down your dress. Yikes!
  12. Her brain must be pickled. Not only is there footage of her taking naps, but she talked about it in an interview. I don’t remember the publication but she said she changes into her pjs for the nap. I remembered because I thought it was a little weird. I really hope they don’t bring her back for the legacy NY show. If they do, I won’t watch. I don’t like her but one person who can hold her own with Dorinda is Bethenny. She’s not afraid of her and is smarter and more quick-witted. Something about Jill’s version of the funeral was off. However, Dorinda should’ve left it alone and not tried to humiliate Jill. This is the thing with Dorinda. She’s a mean drunk who looks for fights. She’s not much different than the proverbial drunk guy in a bar mouthing off to someone because he wants to vent his aggression. She doesn’t get physical, but she eviscerates the other HWs with her nasty mouth. She has no decency and unlike a lot of drunks, no remorse the next day. Much of what she does probably occurs when she’s blackout drunk, so she probably doesn’t remember all of it. That’s no excuse though. She can talk to people and later watch the episode. I think she’s a classic narcissist even when sober. Alcohol just fuels her manipulative, cruel behavior. Agree that she’s turned her relationship with Richard into Camelot. Instead it sounds like it was a six-year marriage between two people who drank a lot, and one of them probably died as a result of alcohol-abuse. When you see strong personalities like Vicki and Jill backing off and agreeing with Dorinda to make peace, you know it’s bad. Imagine all the footage we didn’t see!
  13. Meanwhile, Madison’s outfit at the lunch with Venita also had midriff but was pretty and feminine, because she was actually wearing clothes. The workout clothes as outerwear has never been my thing though, so I’m biased (and old). Shep is an insufferable commitment-phobe playboy: Thomas 2:0. Still amazes me Thomas made it into his 50s before he got a woman pregnant (that we know about). Taylor isn’t thinking straight. As Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who he is, believe him.” Shep is showing her and telling her! She should be out of there or at least use birth control! I get almost as upset at the woman as the men when I see this. How many signs/red flags does she need to see? I didn’t miss Naomi this episode. Liked the Driving Miss Daisy bit. Agree that Katherine looks so much prettier in the THs with red hair!
  14. I hated the shoes and was distracted by how skinny Lisa is. Her outfit was skin tight and there wasn’t a bulge anywhere. I don’t know how she stays so thin in her late 50s. I’ve always been slender but after 50, I noticed everything slowly shifting. I gained weight in my middle. I am envious of Lisa’s flat stomach! Sigh. I have the same lifestyle and eating habit but can’t seem to get rid of the bulge. Being drunk was no excuse for Erika’s behavior. Garcelle is a class act in wanting to wait until Erika is sober before she talks to her. Imagine if a 50 year-old man had acted that way towards a 14 year-old girl. And Erika’s come-on to the older brother was also disgusting. The guy is married! She has no class. I cannot STAND Kyle. I used to be neutral on her but the last few seasons, it’s moved to dislike. She is horrible. Stop doing the drunken splits, Kyle. You’re embarrassing yourself. Maybe you should spend more time working on your marriage, because your hubby is clearly checked out. Why is he stoned all the time? Clock is ticking on infidelity rumors and/or their separation. And keep your grubby paws off Sutton! I like Sutton and wish she would stop groveling. Diana is never going to like her. Who cares? She is awful and as a cast member, one and done. Where is Kathy? I thought she was supposed to be a friend again this season. Someone remind me what happened to her. If there is any justice in Bravoland, Kyle, Erika, and Lisa will be gone after this season.
  15. I was going to ask if S1 was any good. I didn’t see it. I see enough of Kyle on BH though.
  16. ITA. Rarely do I agree with Brandi, but this time I did. Taylor was drunk and wanted a TV moment. Why did they bleep out what Brandi said about Taylor’s husband? Didn’t she say he killed himself? Horrible but I didn’t think it was bleepable. My Eva like is also fading. Don’t understand why she’s siding with bully Dorinda. I know Jill was taking the high road, but I wish she hadn’t apologized to Dorinda. Never apologize to the abuser. It will only reinforce the abuse! This is difficult to watch. Dorinda is so mean it’s not fun. She is drunk, obnoxious and arrogant. Even when she’s sober in the THs, she’s still insufferable. Taylor has one of the worst weaves I’ve seen on a housewife. One bright spot: I like that they are breaking the fourth wall and talking up the show. They don’t usually do that. Ok, maybe it’s not a bright spot, but it’s at least somewhat interesting to me.
  17. Excellent point. I agree. I think having Dorinda host put her in a power seat and made her think she's the one running the show. I wonder if she would've behaved as badly if they were at an off-site location. Given her history with alcohol, slurring and bullying behavior wouldn't be a surprise, but maybe it wouldn't have progressed to the level it is here. You know it's bad when Vicki says there is no sense arguing with Dorinda because you can't win. Vicki! The calm voice of reason. I am still trying to figure out what is up with Brandi's face. Why are there strange lumps in some areas? Did she get cheap filler like Priscilla Presley? Is it motor oil (kidding)? It's frightening looking, but in the THs she looks ok. And she's skinny but her stomach was protruding when she was wearing that workout outfit. I'm glad Phaedra and Eva have stayed out of the fray. Watching them is relief from the chaos.
  18. Agree! I never thought I'd sympathize with Tamra. I even felt bad for Vicki! And Dorinda's slurring.... gosh. Her drunkenness rivals Brandi's. I have a feeling her "pause" is going to last awhile.
  19. The woman clearly needs help. She is a mess. And what was wrong with her face during the dinner scene? It looked lumpy to me. Did anyone else notice this? Brandi and Dorinda were both very drunk and slurring. I get nervous when Brandi stands up. I’m afraid she’s going to fall and hurt herself. The woman has no filter. She says whatever pops into her head, and it’s worse when she’s drinking because any inhibitions are diminished. Then she tries to undo the damage with an empty apology. Classic, toxic narcissism. Vicki seems sad. Not sure it was a good decision for her to sign onto this right after being dumped by Steve. Phaedra was rocking that blonde wig!
  20. Late to the party. Just watched. Brandi looks horrible. The cheek implants weren't a good decision. The closer the camera gets, the worse she looks. Except in the TH with the movie star lighting she looks good. Taylor and Tamra's hair extensions are awful. Couldn't they afford better ones? Taylor has had way too much filler in her face. Stop with the filler! It's not flattering! Vicki looks pretty good! I wish Kenya from RHOA and LeeAnne from RHOD were also here. They could hold their own against Brandi and Dorinda. Tamra and Dorinda were drunk and slurring at the dinner. Brandi said her drinking is under control. Really? I was neutral about Phaedra when she was on RHOA, but I'm enjoying her dry, sly commentary on here. JMO just she didn't seem sober at the dinner to me. Not sure where this is going but I will probably watch the rest.
  21. You always know Kyle is drunk when she starts up with the splits. I can understand why Denise didn’t show. I really like Garcelle. She holds her own with all these harpies. I like Sutton too. The rest I can do without. From like the most to least: Garcelle Sutton (Big gap) Dorit Crystal Kyle Lisa Erika Diana
  22. I’ve never heard Sharrell go after someone they way she goes after Diana in this video. Either I missed it for the Kyle and Mauricio headline is never addressed.
  23. The HR woman is good but I don’t like Kayla or this story. It bothers me that they’re making light of her behavior, because she is female and the boss’ daughter. I like Jimmy and want to see more of him, but Kayla annoys me. I love Jean Smart in this!
  24. I like Taylor Kitsch in this. Wish he had the lead role.
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