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Everything posted by LemonSoda

  1. It sounds like I’ll miss that Miranda too. Due to life getting busy and my own fears I haven’t made it past episode 3
  2. I loved this scene. Such a beautiful moment. SATC had a habit of producing magical moments like this and glances (example: the eye contact between Miranda & Carrie when Brady is born) that always hit me hard. It baffles me how they could create so many magical moments and center it around mush. I loved Kiss and Tell! It also made me want to see a lot of the sitting somewhere in a vault footage like Samantha and Richard on the rooftop. The pain will never go away but THAT skyline shouldn’t be hidden anymore. I miss it. The companion books for the movies were interesting. Yeah, there’s a lot of old times sake emotion for many with this series but there’s just no substance to it. I’m curious who is giving it good scores.
  3. I liked Original Steve who was intelligent, discussed books before the writers turned him in to a cartoon watching man child.
  4. I believe in miracles! Go Jets!
  5. This is the first thing I thought of when she started talking about her love of cooking on Inn Love. What happened to the woman so offended by a kitchen she moved to a hotel? She seemed to do okay when limited. When she met Dean she had that house in the Valley. I think it’s a compulsion, chasing a feeling not lack of understanding budgets. I say that because in her books many times she clearly realizes she’s doing something wrong but does it anyway.
  6. I’ve asked the same question multiple times over the years. Many assume the paps are being paid by them. I don’t understand it. Haven’t we had enough of it all?
  7. Yes! We can agree on this! Both are narcissistic creepy trash
  8. Exactly! Who knows what’s real and what isn’t? But I’m with you on Kanye’s creepy possessiveness.
  9. That’s what I was trying to avoid saying because it’s just so creepy. But this is seriously creepy behavior.
  10. Looking back, I think this is when I started losing interest in the original run. The storyline/relationship felt so rushed.
  11. Yeah I thought it was creepy to see a news headline that he’s hosting a concert in the same place she’ll be with Pete. Didn’t he do this lingering around, popping up in the places she’d be last time she was married? It’s creepy stalker behavior.
  12. I used to have a magazine about the show. It was one of those special edition things full of photos, a few stories. Betty White said nearly the same thing, that she felt it added longevity to her career and many other opportunities. Editing to add that she also said the fact she knew she was very lucky, that many of her peers faded in to small Grandma roles here and there while she continued to flourish as she got older. She acknowledged that which I found sweet.
  13. This was my first thought then I realized they’d all have to wait at least a few days to get her attention away from her husband. I know she has missed him so much. Me too. Me too. I was hoping for 100 and a few more years.
  14. This was such a gross (to me) stereotypical way of attempting to address Samantha’s intimacy issues and discomfort with love.
  15. But that would require self work and admitting that everyone else isn’t the problem. She needs to be the victim constantly
  16. It’s been a while but back then I thought maybe , quite possibly she was sucking up to Heather because Heather was good friends with Jim’s ex so she was like, Look how amazing I am! I’ll dislike anyone you want me to! If I remember correctly I think Jim’s Ex was supposed to be the one on the show? I think Jim is the type who can check in and check out without any emotion. As much of an icky guy as he is, I can’t imagine life with Meghan.
  17. Several years late I finally saw the holiday episode and it gave me the feels.
  18. It’s a rewind because it’s everything post mansion up until before she met her husband. It fills in a lot of blanks of her Vegas years that I really wish we had received more of because it was fun. I really enjoyed it even though it was less about dirt than a woman living her life. All the dating mistakes she made. Some funny/sad moments like realizing what she’s wearing for a day meeting is what most women would wear for a night out. It took a while for her to stop dressing like she was at the mansion. Oh Wow! I could talk about Bobbie all day!
  19. Yes, as far back as the Jill Ann controversy it was pretty well known that the Main Girlfriend was um the master of ceremonies. Yes. Parts of it feel a bit rushed and some of it you wish she had delved deeper in to it but I really enjoyed it. Pick up a discount copy at thirst books or a place like that.
  20. As gross as it is to discuss the um “night parties”, I believe Kendra is telling the truth about Holly’s participation level because when many others repeat the same story for over a decade, yeah. Hef did it all on purpose for ego and his own power. I thought Holly was cute with that guy Benji but he didn’t seem to care much for all the reality show and publicity stuff. I loved The Vegas Diaries book because she goes in to so many of her dating mistakes, the mistakes we all make and really how awkward it was to not only re enter the dating world after time at the Mansion but re-entering the real world too. I think it was in Izabella’s book? where she mentioned the laundry and such. But even if you’re unhappy, can’t wait to get out, there has to be a weird awkwardness acclimating to regular life where you have to get your own food, clean, do normal life things.
  21. I love Candace’s books. I’ve always loved her writing. When they announced the show was coming back part me had hoped they’d take a cue from Candace’s most recent book “Is there still sex in the city?” Where she documents relationships from an older perspective, the relationships going on around her. Remember when Carrie did that? But I’m with you on the way new media could’ve been handled. I said here or maybe in another thread that I could see Carrie moving more to fashion writing writing, an online advice column, audiobooks or even as we saw in S3, having her writing optioned for a series or movie. A funny plot line could be all the 90’s nostalgia going on now. I’m not sure Candace would ever bite the hand but I’ve always been very vocal about the changes MPK and SJP made to “Carrie” over the years.
  22. Thank You! I’m also still kind of sour about how they’ve money grabbed from us for this show over the years. The original flimsy plastic disc damaging cases. Then the very gorgeous but very faulty pink folder box set where most of the discs were defective so you have a large gorgeous useless set. Then the white set where they finally added a “play all” button to now all of this digital stuff. And I know the tech forum says it’s impossible but my old DVD’s look more clean than the original SD digital series before they did all this HD mess.
  23. This. There’s so much of it out there. It’s to be PC or part of a movement more than actually supporting women. With situations like the Times Up implosion, it’s so disheartening. We need more true help and support out there. Me too. My stomach turns when I see Bill Cosby’s face but it kills me how much I loved his shows. What also bothers me is how such good quality work by such a solid cast is now tainted. The whole Cosby show cast was incredible. I’m curious how this will taint SATC’s value. I’ve ranted about it before in other threads so sorry if someone is seeing me complain again. But as a fan I feel ripped off by the multiple video releases of it over the years and they should upgrade everyone who bought the digital series to HD instead of expecting us to pay $70 again. I agree. It hurts. The movies were painful but this? Ugh.
  24. That’s because somewhere along the lines we ended up with MPK and SJP’s version of Carrie than Candace Bushnell’s. Of course she wrote The Carrie Diaries much later but still. CB’s Carrie was flawed but likeable. I actually liked The Carrie Diaries. This is very powerful and we need more of it. I’ve never liked the way any humans have been treated as accessories, curiosities or experiments.
  25. I’ve always been a SJP fan but her sometimes entitled cringe things really bug me. Everything from going past the barricade on the steps of “Carrie’s” place to do a photo shoot for her shoes seemed very entitled to now this? Ugh
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