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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. Huh, I didn't know this. What I do know is that Pork & Mindy's had to be one of the dumbest restaurant names I've ever heard. A pun isn't funny unless it makes sense. Half the people alive today are too young to remember Mork & Mindy. And who's Mindy in this context? Would've been funny if Jeff's wife were named Mindy, but she isn't. Jeff tries too hard to be funny sometimes--somebody should've talked him out of this dopey name. (I realize this may not be a reason the place went under, but it's irked me since he very first announced it. I read here occasionally, and I'm still happy I stopped watching this show. I'll go away now.)
  2. Possibly because she felt the need to walk on eggshells to avoid just the kinds of accusations she's facing now. Simone managed to take everything as a slight. So Kate was sort of in a lose-lose situation in dealing with someone who managed to be simultaneously both a dunderhead and a snake. Simone could have spoken in one of the six (ten? I forget how many) languages she allegedly knows and at least kept the guests from understanding what she was saying while she was talking in their earshot. It's hard to believe now, having seen what we've seen of her, that I was so excited to finally see a person of color join the crew. She may have ultimately ruined that same prospect for a lot of worthier people, which is a real shame. If BD continues, I hope they cast the next pioneer crew member with more care. Sometimes you suspect that these choices are made intentionally, as a form of sabotage. Wouldn't be the first time.
  3. I've never had this much self-restraint in my life. If I saw any sort of Chicago Metallic pan on sale for $4, I'd snap it up even if I already had one. I'd tell myself I was buying it to give as a gift, but I'd know in my heart that I was going to keep it.
  4. Except they built up to it all the way to the end of the season. And there probably won't be another season, from the looks of things. So they may have to come to each of our houses individually and explain it to us.
  5. Was coming here to say exactly this. My mother used to tell me all the time, "Show me your friends, and I'll tell you who you are." I think Stephanie has gotten over on people for years by seeming so gentle and sweet. You can keep being sweet if you have a henchwoman who acts out all your nasty impulses for you while your own hands stay clean.
  6. At least we now know that Elvira Mistress of the Dark is capable of spawning. JJ sure is inconsistent about the kinds of behavior she countenances in the courtroom. I agree that for me the obnoxious clapping would've triggered an instant reversal of the judgment. But then again I still have my hearing, so there's that. Maybe JJ missed it entirely.
  7. Well, you only have my word for that, to be fair. 🤡
  8. The show is called Below Deck because it's about the crew, not the guests. The crew members are the stars and the guests are supporting players that the crew bounce their reactions off. (When they're not fighting with one another, that is.) The guests provide comic fodder for the crew, getting on their nerves by being absurdly demanding, as if they think they're royalty (even though all or part of their costs are being comped by the show), or making them laugh by being generally ridiculous. The crew members have always said insulting things about the guests, the vast majority of whom have been white. It's like Upstairs, Downstairs with water slides.
  9. Who needs booze when you have talent!?! Here's to all the crazy women singing and dancing in parking lots. (I'm not sure my husband would raise a glass to that particular toast.)
  10. I have to say (well, I don't actually have to, but I will) that watching the grocery-cart case I felt like the most morally superior person on earth. (I feel that way most of the time anyway, but for once there was a justification for it.) About ten or fifteen years ago, my husband and I were coming out of a supermarket in some other town, so not a store where we were known. It was nighttime, and I was feeling . . . exuberant (which does not mean drunk), and I was doing a sort of cabaret act there in the parking lot, and at the climax I aimed the empty cart at the cart return with a flourish. It missed and went careening off in the direction of an old crusty car. I ran as fast as I could to catch it, but I wasn't as fast as the cart, and it hit one of the headlights and cracked the plastic cover. My husband always carries a little notebook in his shirt pocket, so I took it and started writing a note. And no, it wasn't one of those notes that say "People watching me think I'm writing down my name and insurance info, but they're wrong." It was a real note with my truthful name and all the rest of it. The owner of the car came out and headed over while I was just finishing the note, and I handed it to her and apologized for being a dope (but a dope who could really sing well in a parking lot), and I took her details in return. When I didn't hear from her in a couple of days, I called her, and she told me to forget about it, that her brother had gotten her a new headlight cover for practically nothing and everything was just fine. I'm not sure what my point is in telling this ridiculous story, except maybe that you shouldn't finish your cabaret act by jet-propelling a shopping cart at an old car. And also this is how semi-normal people act when unfortunate things happen and don't always have to end up on TV in front of an audience of 10 million just to avoid paying 75 bucks for a headlight cover. And also to let everyone know how morally superior I am. 😇
  11. I would still like to know what my post about Simone buddying up to the douche-hands has to do with discrimination or lack thereof against the black guests. Please stop quoting me and lumping my post in with others that don't relate in any way to what I said. My post was about lack of self-esteem on the part of a woman who should hold herself as high in practice as she does in theory. If Simone wants to align herself with men who have no respect for her simply because she hates Kate for calling her out as incompetent and they also hate Kate, good luck to her in the rest of her life. I predict it will not go well for her. The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend.
  12. I'm at a loss as to what any of this has to do with what I said in my post. I didn't mention the guests at all. I was referring to Simone finding friendship with the idiot, woman-hating deckhands (one of whom also treated her like shit). If you can make a case for racism in that, go ahead. Just leave me out of it, please.
  13. So you mean Simone was there as a pal of the Neverly Brothers? I guess anyone who hates Kate is a friend of hers. Something about that girl really gives me the creeps. She seems beyond desperate for male approval. This seems to prove it.
  14. There are tons of bait shops near where I live, but I don't think any of our local worm purveyors would clean up that spectacularly. I completely agree with you about P's witness, though--at some point he clearly reached his "enough is enough" point. That hair had a lot of unrealized potential. 👱‍♂️
  15. Because I am deeply shallow, I'd like to know what town it is where the guys who run the bait shop and whatever other redneck business that was look like male models for GQ. It's enough to make you take up fishing.
  16. I don't understand why Marquise didn't try some temporary fix for his darts problem. Or why his model didn't seem to suggest anything, since it was her boobs that were part of the issue. Most of us who've been blessed with more than usual up front have been in a situation where our boobs didn't quite settle into the right part of a top. In her case, get her a better bra, or shorten the straps of the bra she was wearing with a hundred safety pins if necessary. Haul 'em up. But he didn't have to just cave in and decide it was an insoluble problem. I wasn't on the love train for Ashley the artist. All of those prints looked to me like clip-art collages, so I don't know what the big deal is. I'll see myself out. But not just yet. Geoffrey (sp?) is a really lovely person. Someone should tell him, and then maybe he'll calm down a little. I'm wondering exactly what makes Sergio a political designer. Does he actually do stuff to help the oppressed people he's exploiting to advance his career? I recently worked with an author who's extremely political but is someone who puts his/her money where her/his mouth is. So far I've just heard Sergio grandstand about what a hero he is. And bully other people into embroidering the names of dead children into ruffles in a garment where they couldn't even be read. And didn't he say he only used sustainable materials, or did I imagine that? Hasn't seemed to be much of an issue lately, especially tonight. There's a plane leaving for Moldova in half an hour, Victoria. In case you're interested.
  17. I think that might be in part because Matt calls on him to speak more often. And also because his own department is one of the featured ones, so he usually at least knows the responders personally and/or even went on the calls himself. I have to admit I usually FF through the fires. I prefer to see the calls where there are human interactions. I really love seeing men be as nurturing as most of these EMTs are. And I could watch two whole hours of no one but Laticha Vaughan in St. Louis. With regular guest spots from Stevie B, her rock-star patient.
  18. My DVR was recording last night's episode, and I switched it on briefly, only to see Meryl Streep doing her award-winning performance, so I switched it off again and deleted. Been there, done that once already. I didn't realize there was an update. Anything significant? Did a dingo steal her baby, too? As I was deleting the show, I remember thinking that if a woman officer had been along on that call, she would've known in the first ten seconds all that emoting was a load of crap.
  19. Well, they did say to tune in for the "season" finale, not the series finale, so there's still a shred of hope. Allison Tolman has been acting with her hair a lot. That's the domain of much lesser talents than she is. Don't just brush back your hair when you don't know what else to do. Jeez, Allison, that drives me nuts. Last week during the boat scene, I realized that there were more people of color in this show than there ever were when I was growing up on Long Island. The North Fork has suddenly gotten very diverse! And I love the cute deputy. I'm so glad the predictions he was going to betray Jo have turned out not to be true. Yet anyway.
  20. Seriously? For what? Copyright infringement?
  21. It's okay. Sometimes I forget that people here don't really know me. I swear I've gotten drunk with my girlfriends and never once flipped a table or brandished the jagged end of a broken wine bottle at any of them. But then again Bravo's booze budget is a lot higher than mine ever was, so who knows what I might've done under those circumstances? 🍾
  22. I should probably be embarrassed to admit that I was actually entertained a couple of times during this latest episode. The hairdresser and the southern belle made me laugh, and I'm enjoying the relationship between Mike and Jolynn. It could be that several seasons of watching have killed off some of my brain cells, but I'm not as annoyed by this crew as I've been in the past. I'm even inclined to tolerate Alton. All subject to change at a moment's notice, though. 👩‍🍳
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