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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. She looks like a porcelain doll. We had a Pearl, too. She was a misty gray color, and for the first few months of her life she was Earl (as in Earl Grey). Then we realized he was a she, so Pearl it was. Cats tend to be very flexible about these kinds of things.
  2. Neither did my grandmother. It was a handful of this and a glass (always some random glass) of that. So you have to translate it as best you can. But it was worth the effort. Nope, that damn mailman needs a good talking-to.
  3. Don't just watch--write it down! That's what I did with some of my grandmother's dishes, and I'm so glad. No one else in the family seemed interested in preserving the recipes, and I knew I would really miss those things when she was gone. I only wish I had recorded even more dishes, but I was selfish and made sure I had my personal favorites first. It's lovely you're having such a great time with them. I think my invitation got lost in the mail. 😉
  4. Based on their past behavior, a whole lotta nothing.
  5. Thaís sure makes intimate friends really fast. Probably because they sense how much fun she is to be around.
  6. How about . . . the Beatles? I mean, no one's using it at the moment. And we also have two living and two . . . not. We may run into legal problems, though. I'll think on it some more.
  7. He must be the best guy ever!!! 😎 So it's the two of us plus Marilyn Monroe and Andy Griffith. We should've started a band. Happy belated b'day to Mr. Latour!
  8. Definitely this. You can see very clearly where he got his penchant for churning out word salad by the metric ton and saying absolutely nothing. I hope Shaeeda was pretending to be enlightened just to be polite to the old lady, but she seems determined to go ahead with marrying into this family of overconfident fools, so who knows.
  9. That bit about the olive oil is interesting! Thanks, @isalicat. I have my mother's pearl choker, and it's in a cloth bag but no salad dressing. I'm going to try that.. Pearl is my birthstone, and for the first half of my life I felt as if I'd been cheated, because they're plain and not sparkly. Then I developed a real appreciation for their beauty. But I also like the alternate stone, alexandrite, which changes color, and that's kind of special.
  10. This is your daughter saying what's not in fashion. She happens to be wrong. Pearls are making a huge comeback this year--here's a random link. I think you should ask your granddaughter if she'd like to have them, now or later, rather than go by what her mother says. ETA: Happy anniversary, EtoT! Many more! We also got married at City Hall. You meet the most interesting people while you're waiting to say your vows.
  11. Mine always did, but this year suddenly he's made some miraculous about-face. We're having hotter temps up here than usual, and I think he's starting to see he might have to get used to some kind of artificial cooling. I've always been the opposite. When I was a kid, I would get out of bed in the middle of the night when it was hot and go sleep in the bathtub so I could feel the cool from the porcelain. I guess opposites do attract. I can't complain too much, though. Last year I had our handyman friend build me some earring storage/display thingies, and after I put in most of the earrings, I realized if they were narrower, I had the perfect place to hang them. So he took them apart and changed the width, and then I never replaced the earrings. It turns out my husband is much better at arranging them than I am, so I'm letting him take over the whole job. We're now cleaning out the ones in my closet, and in the process he found a cache of ten jewel boxes, each with a blue topaz in it. I must've wanted to have a bracelet made or something and then forgotten about them completely. It's Xmas in July!
  12. Are you saying his effervescent personality wouldn't win someone else over in a heartbeat? I'm shocked!
  13. Get a grabber tool. I have one upstairs, one downstairs in the laundry room, and a folding one I can throw in my tote bag to bring along for things on high shelves in the store. We have a laundry chute in one of the bathrooms that's supposed to deposit dirty clothes into a basket on top of the dryer, but if I toss a lot of things down the chute at once, a couple of items inevitably fall behind the dryer. That's when the basement grabber comes in very handy, but I can easily see using it to extract remote socks from the dryer. I love these things.
  14. She's pretty light on the maturity scale herself, regardless of her age. A match made in heaven.
  15. I don't see Miona as being even marginally better than any of the other idiots in this season. All she ever talks about is her beach wedding, as if that single day is the most important thing in her life, and somehow her bargaining chip with that moron she's planning to marry. None of them appear to see past the one-day party to the actual marriage, which theoretically is the forever part of the whole deal. I don't know what her supposed "brand" involves, beyond sitting and staring into the mirror. Does she manufacture the cosmetics? Anybody can slap on some eye shadow and way too much lipliner. And anyone who's seen her "blackfishing" all over Instagram sees a side of her that's pretty appalling. I think she fits right into this franchise, and that's not a compliment.
  16. It's beyond sad and pathetic that a woman pushing fifty is still so obsessed with the pretty-pretty-princess wedding. To a man young enough to be her son and who acts like a ten-year-old. Unless the entire thing is scripted, in which case it's a whole different kind of sad and pathetic.
  17. I don't remember him from the TofC, but I want to be sure I understand. He owns a boat but didn't bother to buy health insurance?
  18. It's a standard shortened form in the publishing industry and has been for a long time.
  19. Yeah, that's the generic. I was talking about brand names. Gesundheit.
  20. In our case it was Sudafed, but there are probably other brand names.
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