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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. That's the season in which the woman who won was later charged with the murder of a three-year-old adopted child.
  2. Gorgeous! The tulips are my new favorite!
  3. Some tenants are long-term. And if the family knows of other people who lived in the building back then, I'm guessing the NBC research team wouldn't have that hard a time in finding a few. 😁
  4. It was so painfully obvious. I wondered why they didn't try to obfuscate it a little bit by interviewing some other tenants in her building to get their reactions, but I guess that would've taken some actual effort.
  5. Maybe there was something I missed, but I really couldn't see the point to it. I was looking forward to saving all these unadoptable apples and onions from the rubbish pile of other people's high standards and feeling all superior, but it didn't seem to turn out that way. Oh, well.
  6. I forgot to come back and report on Misfits Market. Well, we got our box--we ordered specific items, didn't get their random choices--and it was just regular produce. Nothing looked especially misshapen or deformed in some other way. The prices weren't remarkably lower--or even much lower at all. Shipping wasn't cheap. We canceled our membership and probably won't be buying again on a onetime basis either.
  7. I would tell him I'd do it if he would lie down on the third rail. We're each entitled to our own subway kinks, after all.
  8. I recorded this episode specifically for these. Can't wait to watch!
  9. It's -19F here now, which is -28C (I think). Cold as a witch's you-know-what, at any rate. I meant to add that this isn't Canada, so you have to endure all this cold and it doesn't even come with free health care!
  10. You should bring that show back. (Does this count? Not a tweet, but still . . .) I'll be gutted when it's gone.
  11. Thanks for this. And I'm sorry to hear he has a health problem.
  12. Better yet, they should make a remote that lets you turn it off without having to put hands on the damn thing at all.
  13. Okay, I could just be having some kind of psychological episode, but . . . A few minutes into tonight's game, I looked at Troy and thought, "Gee, I remember him as being quite a bit taller than he now looks." And I couldn't quite get over that weird cognitive dissonance. But I figured I must be misremembering. And then, at the end, when the camera pans around so you can see a bit behind the podiums (podia?), I saw that he was sitting in a chair. And I don't think anyone else was. I know I'm not imagining this part. Has anyone heard that he had some sort of medical issue? Or is it me?
  14. I didn't mean to try this on any finished products. Just to practice different piping techniques without going to the trouble of making buttercream from scratch and using up expensive ingredients. As you can see, I'm both lazy and cheap. 😉
  15. That's interesting to know, @SilverStormm. Is it possible to alter the consistency of premade frosting, say by adding confectioner's sugar to stiffen it up or maybe milk to thin it out?
  16. Is it possible they didn't find the DNA of anyone else because the ability to test for touch DNA didn't yet exist? Real question--I don't know the answer.
  17. Is that how you found her? Sounds pretty romantic to me! (Fridge blindness isn't sex-linked, by the way, though women seem to claim it is. I've got it, and I'm a girl.)
  18. Well, our long national nightmare ended today. My husband's nightmare anyway. I haven't had a valid driver's license for about seven months. It started when I woke up with a miserable upset stomach the day we were going to get our licenses renewed (birthdays very close together). I told him, "You go, I'll deal with it next week." So next week came and went, then the week after that, and again and again . . . And every time we planned to go (it had to be we, because obviously now I couldn't just drive myself, and it had to be at the DMV, because I had to do the eye exam, so no online renewal), something would come up. Brakes needed to be fixed, water heater flooded the basement, work deadline, etc., etc., etc. And then it was months I couldn't drive. There was even a week when he couldn't drive, because taking me off the insurance policy meant they needed to rewrite it and it took a week to become valid again. So a friend had to drive us to vote. Very embarrassing. I have to admit that for a while I kind of enjoyed being chauffeured everywhere. I even started calling him "Jeeves." But lately I've been getting pretty antsy. And he started getting more than a little resentful and coming up with excuses for not being able to drive me places he didn't feel like going. So today I did it. I'm now officially licensed to drive a car again. My insurance doesn't kick in till midnight, which makes me feel a bit like Cinderella in reverse. But tomorrow I hit the road. Watch out, Maine!
  19. Yep, the stuff is delivered. I have yet to learn what shipping costs, but I did go and sign up, so I'll try at least one order and report back when I get it. It would be nice to put a dent in the huge amount of food waste. We'll see!
  20. Not meal delivery, but I was wondering if anyone had tried Misfits Market, where you get lower prices on produce that's rejected by the supermarkets because it's oddly shaped or imperfect in some other way. I went to the site for info, but they started asking for too much detailed info from me before even telling me if they deliver to my area. But then I got an email offering $7.50 off on my first order, so maybe it's worth a shot. Any thoughts?
  21. What the hell business is it of hers? Please just take care of yourself.
  22. Maybe it's because she hears them saying "Paw" all the time? 🤷‍♀️
  23. I watched maybe the first ten minutes of show one and decided I'm out for this season. I'm losing enough brain cells just naturally via the aging process. I don't have to help things along by watching these morons.
  24. Don't. in fact, I'd just stop entertaining the subject every time it comes up in the future. "No" is a complete sentence. Why she wants the money is largely irrelevant. She's already proved herself to be a bad loan risk. And she's a middle-aged woman, too old to be demanding money repeatedly from Mom (and Dad, too?). Time for the horror of full-time work. We have a conversation about life-insurance policies on other people every time they come up on true-crime TV shows, @Elizabeth Anne. I'm amazed the mother had to sign, to be honest. I've been proposing a law making it impossible to take out insurance on anyone without that person's knowledge and consent. It's way too easy to kill someone for money. '''
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