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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. A good online dictionary will tell you. Hit the little speaker icon and you can hear someone pronounce the word properly.
  2. I know. I edited. I'm losing IQ points as I type.
  3. Duh. Thanks, @SuprSuprElevated! I thought it was a hairy mouse. Deleted because I'm nuts. Time to go to sleep before I get dumber.
  4. I know that about Jersey. There always seem to be bears lurking about. Maybe it's the saltwater taffy. (I just spent ten minutes looking for a bear emoji. Either there isn't one or I'm bear-blind.)
  5. Yikes! A porch-pirate bear! Can I ask you what general part of the country this is? We live in the Maine woods and have never seen a bear. Moose, yes, but not a single bear. (Well, I don't know if they're single or not. Never spotted a ring.) Your friends should send the clip to one of those YouTube doorbell-camera sites.
  6. First, I'm so sorry for your loss. Just wondering, can you separate the pieces without thawing them? (Or is that what you meant to type when you wrote "repackage them with defrosting them"?) I think that's what I'd try to do. Here's a page of suggestions, since I'm guessing it all depends on how they're frozen together. Refreezing meat is usually thought of as a bad idea, as it can change the texture. I hope this helps, and again my condolences.
  7. Well, that's a comfort. And probably proof that I've never taken out a policy on someone I was planning to kill. Maybe they could name a rider to that law after me, then, that says insurance companies must have a database that alerts them when someone takes out a ridiculous number of policies on another person with other insurers. And notifies that person before the policy goes into effect just to ensure their consent wasn't falsified. If those are also things, then I'll just say they're not working flawlessly.
  8. I've been telling my husband for years (or maybe "warning" him is more like it) that there should be a federal law (named after me, of course) that anytime someone takes out an insurance policy on someone else's life, that someone should be notified and have to sign off on it. It seems pretty damn elementary to me, that if somebody has a financial incentive to kill you, you have a right to know about it in advance.
  9. When I go to Wallet, there's a subhead called Cards & accounts, and under that are shown the various credit cards I've used there over the years--one of them is highlighted as the default card. Everything I purchase at Amazon shows up on that monthly statement. There's also a blank slot that gives you the option to add a payment method. So if there's a credit card you want your purchases to automatically be charged to, that might be your opportunity to simplify things for yourself. Good luck!
  10. I'm definitely staying away from these!!
  11. Thank you, @sixlets! That's very sweet of you. I bet your husband is so happy he married you instead of that little graphite monster. ✏️ (I love your dog-in-a-wig!)
  12. I don't think so. Different fat percentages again. I apologize for turning this into an episode of Butter, She Wrote. It's probaby not that big a mystery.
  13. I haven't had the stomach to watch the leg lady's segment yet. Today's my birthday, and I decided there's a limit to how grossed out I want to be. But, weirdly enough, I also jammed myself in the palm with a pencil ages ago. It took years for the pinhead-size black dot to go away, but eventually it did. God knows what caused all that goo to form in Erica's hand. She might not want to have herself televised jumping on a hotel bed at the age of 51, though.
  14. Just to update: I'm pretty sure the vegan version is not the same as Crisco. I looked at the video again, and there's a mention of what percentage of fat is in the stuff she's using--much higher than what's in Crisco, I learned by Googling. So I guess when I get around to trying this, I'll be ordering the extra dry butter. And then see if I can reproduce her shatteringly crispy pastry.
  15. Yep, I found lots of hits to that site and places that sell their products. I may end up ordering, but I thought that if the vegan version is basically just glorified Crisco, I would try using that first. I have so much work right now that I don't even have the time, so it's basically academic anyway. Here's the video that got me interested:
  16. I don't, not anymore. Now I live in the middle of nowhere. But I still have that NYC hair on my chest. 💪
  17. It does, but they moved it up to Hunts Point in the Bronx, where the vegetable market has always been. I was a member of the Broadway Local, which at the time was the biggest food co-op in the city. We used to go to the original FFM and to Hunts Point to buy for all the chapters. It was an amazing experience to see where so much of the food for the whole city was distributed. I also learned to drive a huge truck through Manhattan. It gave me hair on my chest.
  18. There's nothing like taking classes in NYC for that kind of contact, is there? I took tennis, because I'm left-handed and I thought, "This is college. Maybe I'll actually get some attention." So she spent 90 percent of the class time telling everyone else exactly how to hold the racket and return shots and approach the net--all that good stuff--and in the last minute she told the other sad lefty and me, "You two just do the opposite." I should've taken tap.
  19. So did I! I think it was one night a week when I was in my late twenties. My best friend from college and I went to the Helen Butleroff School of the Dance on Third Avenue. Helen Butleroff was a retired Rockette and if I remember correctly also had been a June Taylor Dancer, so she had an A-1 pedigree. She also had a dancer daughter whose name was Bambi Butleroff (I swear I'm not making this up). Bambi might've been a Rockette, too. The day that Helen told me I had great legs for tap-dancing was the day I could've died completely fulfilled. My friend (who now teaches at that college) and I took that class so seriously. It was the most fun.
  20. Not getting a notification when someone quotes you or mentions you in their post may be because you don't have your preferences set to do that. You can change them by clicking on the little bell icon at the top of the page, then hit Notification Settings and scroll down to Notification Types Available. Or not, if you don't care.
  21. I don't think so. They're availabe for sale online, so I know they exist. I thought maybe I could save myself some time and money by finding out if Crisco falls under the heading of pastry shortening, but no luck.
  22. Seems to be a pretty blatant copy of that British comic Jack Whitehall's Travels with My Father. Which I couldn't get past a single episode of. I don't think I'll even bother with this one.
  23. The more they jack up the price of Prime, the worse the shipping gets. I guess I should be happy the package is still in the general geographic area. I've had a few get to within a half hour of my house and then turn around and go to Kentucky. That happened for the second time a week ago. Another mystery of the universe. Another thing to kvetch about.
  24. And represented by the Williams Morris agency.
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